Parting words after taking the oath. Congratulations with the oath in verse - with the oath - important events - congratulations - wishes in verse, cards, animashki

On December 9, 2015, on the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland, 24 people took the oath of office in the First Ural Cossack Cadet Corps. From 10-00 solemn music sounded. At 11-00 a solemn signal sounded. Deputy Director for VP and CV, Lieutenant Colonel Sitnikov V.M. reported to the director of the polytechnic, military foreman S.M. Zvyagintsev about the readiness to start the solemn event. The command sounds: "Attention to the Banner!" The banner group brings the banner in front step. Director of the Polytechnic, military foreman S.M. Zvyagintsev welcomes the cadets, congratulates on taking the oath.

Three-fold “Hurray!” Sounded.

The solemn event in honor of the taking of the oath of 2015 began with the performance of the Anthem of the Russian Federation by all cadets and guests.
The guests of honor were present: Assistant to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region L.V. Babushkina Firsov Yakov Alexandrovich; Deputy Head of the Civil Defense Bogdanovich Grekhova Irina Vasilievna; Deputy Ataman of the Orenburg Cossack Host, Cossack Colonel Mikhail Arkadyevich Rodiev; the secretary of the working group on the affairs of the Cossacks in the Sverdlovsk region Pliguzov Alexander Nikolaevich; who, speaking, congratulated the cadets on taking the oath. Many congratulations and wishes were heard, gifts were presented.

Assistant to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region Yakov Aleksandrovich Firsov read out a congratulatory letter from L.V. Babushkina:

“The Cossacks have always been the defenders of the borders of Russia and the guardians of the Orthodox faith. Dear Guys! Cossack service will require from you not only love for the Motherland, but also strong modern knowledge that you will receive in the cadet corps. I wish you to achieve success in your studies, find true loyal friends and succeed in your chosen profession. "

Grekhova I.V., in her speech emphasized the importance of the cadet movement in the Bogdanovichi district:

"The cadet is an example of high culture, modesty and self-control."

Deputy ataman of the Orenburg Cossack army, Cossack colonel Mikhail Arkadyevich Rodiev at the request of the ataman of the Orenburg army, Cossack general V.I. Romanov read out a congratulatory letter. Mikhail Arkadyevich said:

“Shoulder straps on your shoulders, gentlemen of the cadets, oblige you to a lot, be honest and fair, cultivate the best human qualities in yourself. Remember, you are the cadets of the first Ural Cossack Cadet Corps. Your peers and students of other schools in the city and region will look up to you. "

Many good parting words sounded to the cadets who were taking the oath. The rector of the Church of St. John the Theologian, priest Igor Smolin, read a prayer to our God Jesus Christ. Congratulated the cadets. Chairman of the Council of the City Council V.P. Bogdanovich Grebenshchikov warmly congratulated and wished the children courage, fortitude and health.

Information from Bogdanovichi Polytechnic

The army is an important stage in a man's life. She has a serious impact on the formation of his character, as well as the development of willpower. Sworn greetings will help the newly minted soldier feel the support of family and friends, as well as start a new chapter in life.

Fulfill duty

New words

"Uniform, barracks, combatant, outfits - many new words and things will appear in your life. Let all of them bring up a better person in you. Accept our congratulations on the oath. Observe the charter and wear your uniform with pride!"


"They say that a soldier's life has its own romance and even poetry. You may not feel it right away, but you will be able to appreciate all its charms. We wish you fewer outfits and more dismissals. Stay strong, enduring and smart to withstand all the stress!" ".

Become a man

"So you had a chance to test how ready you are to become a man. Today it's time for the newly minted soldier to hear his congratulations on taking the oath. Someone measures this by the number of conquered female hearts, but in our case everything is much more serious. Real endurance, strength, endurance. , the ability to make difficult decisions is the experience that you have to learn. Do it with honor and dignity! Remember, you are always welcome at home! "

Valuable experience

"Today you took the oath and became a soldier. We wish this time to turn into valuable experience and knowledge. Be a man, proudly wear a uniform and memorize as many soldiers' songs as possible!"


"Today's event has two sides. One is a soldier who has just taken a solemn oath, flags are fluttering, and on the other, with bated breath, are relatives: mothers, sisters and beloved. Today they have to let the dear person go to a new life where he can show their strength, masculinity, reliability. Their eyes are full of tears, and their hearts are overflowing with pride. On their behalf I want to say congratulations on the oath and wish that the separation was not difficult and must end with a touching meeting! "

Everything on the shoulder

"You are purposeful and courageous, and therefore we are firmly convinced that service in the army is within your reach. We wish to find true friends, and let the girl wait for the return of her soldier by all means!"

Honor the oath

“Service in the army begins with an oath. Everyone who has taken it knows how sacred every word written in it is. We wish you not for a minute to doubt the ability to fulfill the promise, always believe in your own strength to remain strong, to strengthen your will! still quite a bit civil, but we congratulate you on the oath, because tomorrow everything will change! ".

Deal with emotions

"If a newly minted soldier must leave all emotions out of order, then his family and relatives, on the contrary, give vent to feelings. Let the army make you a real man, educate and shape you as a person. We wish our separation was not difficult, and the parcels always remind you of those who are waiting at home! ".

Last hello

Congratulations on the oath of office in the army is one of the last greetings from civilian life. Now you are a soldier, which means that you will be faced with orders, regulations, rules. Lyrics and sympathy will fade into the background, because raising men does not need such things. Let your determined and strong character continue to develop, and the list of skills only grows! ".

Perhaps the films paint us the ideals of army life, but in fact everything is much more prosaic, but taking the oath was and will be one of the most reverent, solemn and exciting events. Congratulations from family and friends - an opportunity to support the soldier, to give the last parting words. Our wishes will help to express emotions that overwhelm the hearts of family members and beloved ones.

You became a soldier, you became a man
You gave an oath to the Fatherland.
We are proud of you today.
We want you to know about this.

We wish you success in your service
And dreams come true.
Be strong, brave and courageous
The defender of his country.

You take an oath today
You are a real soldier
I wish you a glorious service,
Not to see obstacles on the way.

Let the army life spin
Let the character temper
May only friendship be true
Let the path be open to happiness.

Congratulations to the newly minted soldier on the oath! I wish you easy service, devotion to the homeland, valor, courage and faith in your work. Good health, good comrades and reliable friends. Gain experience, build your endurance and let the service go unnoticed!

So this day has come
You have now become a military man
You are in the service, you are in the army:
Conscience is in the heart, away all fear!

You took the oath and you know that there is
And military duty, and soldier's honor!
So don't let your health fail you,
And all the troubles pass by!

We all believe in you, we love you,
Accept congratulations and serve, loving us!

Your valor, courage and courage -
Protection and stronghold of our Motherland.
Your oath sounds on the parade ground
Service starts counting down!

Congratulations on taking the oath,
We are proud of you as a whole family.
We wish you an easy service,
Come back home soon!

Congratulations on the oath!
Let the service be easy.
I also wish you
So that friendship pleases!

Let the news from home
They fly to you more often
After all, their every word
Life makes it sweeter!

You took the oath, son,
And stick to the army your way.
Know that you are not alone in life
And we will not sleep today.

We wish you well
Health, loyal friends.
It's time to grow up
And come back soon!

Today is the day of the oath, everyone is on edge
Responsibility and honor lead.
I wish you were a confident soldier
Let the enemies in front of you tremble.

Health to you, courage and strength,
Be courageous in business, do not be discouraged.
May your heart miss you,
But loved ones are waiting at home, you know.

You took the oath today.
Congratulations dear.
You always serve with courage
Take care of the rest of the country.

We wish you not to sleep at the post,
Live the everyday life of the army.
And about the years of this service
To keep the memory in my heart.

The army oath is waiting for you today
And an oath of allegiance to the country that needs,
Let strength and courage be near
The entire period of your military service.

May heroism, patience and courage
They will grow stronger in you with each new morning,
And you will acquire male maturity,
And the foreman will be a father and a friend!

Look guys:
The form is new to match.
We will not forget the soldier
We will look forward to it.

Let the whole planet know
That there is a new soldier:
After all, serving Russia is
An immense honor.

Remember - our business is right.
Not afraid of the enemy
You will bear your duty bravely,
Protect the homeland.

Congratulations on taking the oath


We all know that an agreement is more valuable than money, let alone a military oath, an oath of honor! Congratulations on this decisive, important step, soldier! From now on, be a worthy, faithful defender of your native Fatherland, and it, in the person of its citizens and us, in particular, will be grateful to you!

Today I congratulate you on joining the ranks of the defenders, having taken the oath to serve the motherland, protecting it with my chest and strong hand! I wish you every day of service to meet with vigor, to carry out all orders in the future, to deserve more awards!

An oath, not just a promise, but a word of honor, and I congratulate you on becoming a real soldier! Now our whole Motherland is behind you, keep our peace and quiet, and don't let your enemies even a mile away! And may you, soldier, always and in everything smile luck in love!

Today you made a promise to the whole country, this is an important act, undoubtedly worthy of a real man! I wish you to serve in honor, may days and nights in the ranks of our armed forces remain in your memory only good memories! And most importantly, always remember that your family and friends believe in you, love and wait!

A soldier definitely needs courage, skills, a strong spirit and a strong body, a wise commander as mentors, as well as a military oath, after which you are not just a conscript, but a real defender of our great country! We congratulate you on your oath, wish you happiness and, of course, are very proud of you!

The oath is a solemn vow that crowns the beginning of military service, and now the day and the hour has come when I can congratulate you on it! You are a real man, you will certainly be happy, and I can only wish you good health, good luck and good mood!

Congratulations, soldier! Know, we believe in you, and now not only we - but the whole country! You took the oath and now - not a step back! Serve in such a way that strict commanders have something to say to you a kind word for, so that we can live in peace! And when it's time for you to go home, I promise we will have a feast for the whole world!

He gave his word - hold on, and even more so - the word of a soldier! We congratulate you on the oath and promise, every day of the service, to wish you good luck, strength and courage! We also wish you to be the first among the best in the exercises, do not doze at the post and never get sick, become famous as a real hero!

Along with taking the oath, you joined the army, but you are not just one of many, you are our best soldier, and we believe that the time of your glory is just around the corner! So accept our congratulations and wishes for the fulfillment of all desires, glorious health and great luck!

Congratulations on your oath! Know, we are with you with all our hearts! We wish you an easy, memorable service and fun hours of leisure! Be faithful to the oath, serve faithfully, and we will be waiting for you, writing letters and wanting to hear your stories of exploits!


On October 29, 2011, the first in the history of the school and ZATO, solemn initiation into cadets and the taking of the oath of cadets of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia by students of grade 5 A took place at the MOU Secondary School No. 2 of ZATO Pervomaisky. Taking the solemn oath is an exciting, unforgettable and festive event in the life of a teenager. Therefore, in addition to representatives of the administration, MUO ZATO Pervomaisky, teachers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, students of the 5th grade, there were many parents in the assembly hall of the school who could not help but come and support their beloved sons and daughters at such a crucial moment. Although it is still a question: which of them was more worried? - parents or children.
And finally, the solemn ceremony of initiation into cadets began. A platoon of 5A cadet class enters the hall, they sang the song "Cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations". After the report of the teacher-organizer Vasilyev A.A., the director of the school N.A. Chashchina announces the solemn dedication of the students of the 5th grade to the cadets of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia open. The "Anthem of the Russian Federation" sounds.

24 students of grade 5 A, one after another, take the first solemn oath in their life: “I ... voluntarily assuming the noble and honorary title of the Ministry of Emergency Situations cadet, I undertake to faithfully and selflessly serve my Fatherland ... To be loyal to my Fatherland, my People, my Family! I swear! " In the voices of children, notes of excitement involuntarily sound. Tears appear in the eyes of parents. After reading the text of the oath and presenting bright orange berets, the teacher - organizer Vasiliev A.A. congratulated his pupils. A resounding "Hurray! Hurray!" HURRAH! HURRAH!"
Congratulations were made by:
The headmaster of the school, N.A. Chashchina, greeted the children: “You are not only students of the school - you are pioneers, pioneers of the cadet movement in our school. You are the ones that the whole school will look up to. Bear this honorary title with pride! "
Head of the city district of ZATO Pervomaisky S.F. Shalabanova congratulated the boys and girls: "It's nice that the plan came true!" - she said and wished all the children success in their studies and confidently go towards the intended goal.
YP Fedotov, the head of the ZATO administration, Pervomaisky, congratulated the students and teachers of the school, as well as the parents and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: “The shoulder straps on your shoulders oblige you to a lot. Be honest and fair companions. Cultivate the best human qualities in yourself. "
OD Shirokov, Deputy Head of HRC No. 4 of FPS No. 16 of the EMERCOM of Russia, made a congratulatory speech: "We can safely say that a worthy change is growing up to help rescuers and firefighters. Good luck, be faithful to duty, love the Motherland."
It was especially pleasant to hear the words of congratulations from the lips of the parents. They were sincerely happy for their children. Melnikov M.Yu. and Kostitsyna Oh.M. wished: “To be strong, healthy, persistent in studying the subjects of the school curriculum and additional education. Be kind and sympathetic, competent, comprehensively prepared, ready to come to the aid of a comrade, because you can become a rescuer by cultivating all these qualities. "
Congratulations ended and the cadets spoke back:

Our road is to serve the Motherland.
It is difficult, but also necessary.
If we value friendship
All obstacles will be surmountable.
Forward, cadet, look confidently
In the struggle for the truth, be irreconcilable.
The ceremonial part is over, but October 29 is also the birthday of the 5A cadet class. And what is a birthday without a festive cake, fun contests, gifts ?! Parents with all their love festively decorated the office and set the table, held interesting contests.
The guys' impressions of the holiday:
Petryakova Katya: “The moment of initiation into cadets was exciting, but joyful ... I liked the event in the class! ... We watched a film about our initiation into cadets. Just wonderful!..."
Rostovtsev Zhenya: “When I was sworn in, I was very worried. I liked the event, the decoration of the class! "...
Andrey Yakimov: “I liked the initiation into cadets. I was very worried when I pronounced the words of the oath. Our class was decorated with excellent quality. I liked the contests and gifts ... "
A new stage in life has begun for students in the 5A cadet class. They must learn to be responsible not only for their own actions, but also for the actions of those who are nearby.
Forward, cadet!
Step boldly
And do everything in the world.
The fathers started the business
And glorify and carry on.
Parents, class teacher, teacher-organizer, students of the 5A cadet class thank everyone who helped in organizing and conducting the holiday.
The class teacher of the 5A cadet class I.A. Vasyuta