A few secrets of how to diversify intimate relationships with your husband. How to make a guy agreeable, effective recommendations for action

There is a misconception that only girls like to receive gifts and surprises. I would like to dispel all doubts, since men also love very much to be done nicely. After reading the article, you will understand how to make a guy feel good and at the same time strengthen your relationship.

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

If you want to make your boyfriend feel good, you can start with the simplest and most time-tested method - cooking a new, interesting dish. It is worth noting that it is necessary to cook based on the taste preferences of your partner, otherwise your work may not be appreciated at its true worth.

You should not prepare a dish, initially knowing that your young man does not like some ingredients or does not eat at all.

Small gifts

If you love your young man very much, then it will not be difficult for him to please him. Give the guy what he really needs. It doesn't have to be a big and expensive gift. If the guy is into cars, give him an interesting pendant or a new air freshener. Give small gifts just like that, without waiting for any holiday or event.

You can also make a romantic candlelit dinner and combine several ideas: cooking an interesting meal and a surprise.

Also, if your boyfriend often gives you gifts, try to constantly demonstrate to him that you really like them. A keychain, mirror or other small items can always be carried in your purse. With this behavior, you will make the guy nice.


Attention is the most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman, so if you want to please a guy, become more attentive to him and his problems. To do this, you should not be constantly around, but when you meet, be sure to ask about his affairs and what worries him.

Men also like to listen to compliments, affectionate words and declarations of love. You can send a beautiful SMS message or give a small postcard.

meetings with friends

Friends in the life of men are an integral part of their life, so you should not avoid and refuse to meet with them. On the contrary, invite friends to your home and spend time together.

Do not refuse to meet with friends in the cinema, bowling, casino and cafe. This will show your boyfriend that you enjoy hanging out with his friends, which will give him pleasure. In any case, if you want to continue the relationship with your loved one, you will have to spend time with his friends. Then why not do it right from the start?

Communication with family

In order to make your beloved boyfriend feel good, try not to avoid communicating with his family and friends. It is also necessary to take an interest in the affairs of his loved ones more often: call them or write. Also, invite them to visit you more often, not just for holidays and family events. Pay attention to family members, give gifts and compliment them.

Common interests

Try to spend as much time as possible with your loved one and share his interests. Even if football or fishing is not the most exciting activity for you, you should be patient and give your loved one pleasure from the time spent together. And maybe you will like it, and in the future you can also enjoy it.


Intimate life for a man is as important as food and air, so you shouldn't give it up. If you want to make a guy enjoyable sex, you need to start with his favorite positions and actions. But before that, you need to turn on a man by caressing him or making an erotic massage. You can also think of new positions that your man might like, or new and interesting places for intimacy: do not limit yourself to the bedroom, you can experiment in the kitchen, on the balcony, outdoors, in the car. You can consider the option of renting a hotel room and invite the guy there by sending an SMS message or by agreeing in advance to meet in this place.

Putting on intimate and unusual lace lingerie, you can also make a man pleasant in bed, as he will enjoy taking it off of you.

You can also do something nice for a guy with your hands. To do this, it is necessary to constantly caress the man's penis with gentle movements. It is worth remembering that in this case, sudden movements are not needed at all. It is worth noting that sex is a result, and you can achieve it by preparing the ground, creating a certain environment: a romantic dinner, candles, incense sticks. This way you can make the guy feel good.

If your boyfriend loves to watch adult films, join him and watch films together, which will give him pleasure, and you will enjoy the subsequent sex.

If you figured out how to make a guy nice, then you need to remember that this should not be an isolated case in several months or once every six months, but constant displays of attention to your partner.

Built on love and trust. This means that both partners must be confident in each other. Each of them should be able to support at the right time, as well as make a loved one pleasant. Moreover, it does not have to be a material thing. Sometimes the right words spoken at the right time can bring more happiness than the most expensive gift.

They say that this is, of course, so. But no less love to hear warm words addressed to the representatives of the strong half of humanity. And the easiest way, for a guy, is to tell him about your feelings. Of course, this does not mean that you urgently need to throw yourself on his neck with declarations of love, but even if you have been together for a long time, periodically remind him that you love him, you should certainly. How to do it in an original way?

Especially in time such words will be in a difficult moment for him. Sometimes even the strongest person experiences a breakdown - work is not going well, or relations with relatives have reached a dead end, or just got up on the wrong foot in the morning. But if you correctly pronounce pleasant words to your beloved guy at this moment, the world will become a little more beautiful for him. And if you accompany compliments in his address and assurances that he is the best for you, with a light massage, an offer to take a bath, or at least a tea with cookies brewed for him personally, then even the most inveterate cynic and pessimist will have a better mood.

Some effort is needed to maintain the fire of love. Sometimes it is enough to figure out how to please your beloved guy. Small surprises usually warm up the relationship, keep both partners cool. And, of course, would it be pleasant for you to receive surprises or just to hear pleasant things addressed to you? Most likely, yes. And therefore, sometimes you should start by yourself - with small gifts for no reason, compliments, comic holidays for two. After all, these are the most elementary ways to please your beloved guy. For example, if you live together, you can create a special board with markers on which to write not only requests or to-do lists, but also all sorts of cute nonsense for each other. And so what to write a pleasant beloved guy, every girl in love knows herself. You can start the day, for example, by composing a few invigorating lines, so that, looking at such a wish, the young man will enjoy life and what a wonderful girl he has got.

Well, sometimes the easiest way to please your beloved guy is just to wake him up in the morning with a kiss and a hot breakfast: do you remember the eternal truth that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? For many modern guys, a girl who knows how to cook and tries in the morning for her beloved is just a godsend. Such hostesses are always appreciated and loved. So do not hesitate to show your feelings, practice compliments for your loved one, train your imagination in choosing small pleasant surprises and providing comfort and home warmth for your significant other. And do not be afraid to show initiative and imagination - there are countless ways to please your beloved guy, but you can also come up with something new.

In the struggle for her former passion, a woman must first of all listen not to emotions, but to reason. Emotions in relationships, of course, play a significant role, or rather, one of the dominant ones, but sometimes irreparable things can be done under their influence.

How to make a man feel good

First of all, a woman must realize that men see the world around them in a completely different way - their preferences and life values ​​can differ significantly from women. For example, representatives of the stronger sex value in their beloved ladies the ability to respect their personal territory. For them, this is a very important aspect, without which they cannot imagine a happy and strong relationship. Not every woman can accept this, but accepting her chosen one for who he is will make life together much easier and more pleasant.

The next way to make a man pleasant is to listen to him, and not just to pretend, but to listen to every word he says. It is important for him to express everything that happened at his work, with friends, etc. So your loved one feels needed, and he needs it no less than you.

A deliciously cooked dinner will be a pleasant surprise for the stronger sex. Everyone has known for a long time that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and a well-fed one. Please your companion and cook his favorite dishes.

Sex is an integral aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman. Much attention should be paid to this side of the issue. It is important to remember that sex should be mutually enjoyable. If for a woman it is tenderness and affection, then for a man it is the emancipation of his chosen one. A loved one, just like you, wants to please you, so any constraints need to be resolutely rebuffed.

A man always expects approval from his soul mate, as it adds confidence in himself and in his abilities. The same huge influence is exerted on the representatives of the stronger sex and female criticism, therefore, expressing her opinion, a woman must carefully select every word.

The last way to make a man feel good is to consider equality in a relationship. Equality can be achieved by eliminating the concept of “must do” from relationships. This phrase should be replaced by the words "wants and can." Respect for rights and needs is the key to family happiness!

Every woman strives to make her beloved man pleasant in bed. This is a natural desire, affection is not limited to the time of foreplay or sex. Pleasure can be given in different ways: using the tongue, kisses, hands. In trying to experiment and bring something new into your intimate life, it is important not to overdo it and not to hurt your loved one. This will help following simple rules and common sense.

How to work well with the language?

Any guy loves kissing. They are both a prelude to sex and a pleasant addition to it. During caresses, a woman with her tongue and lips will give her partner an unforgettable experience. Kisses can be divided into the following types:

  • teasing;
  • passionate;
  • alternating.

This is an incomplete list. There are other types of tongue caress. With teasing kisses, the woman lightly touches the lips of her beloved, teasing him, provoking, touching his mouth with her tongue. This weasel is unhurried, with breaks. In order to enhance the feeling of pleasure, the partner alternates passionate kisses with teasing ones. It is a contrast that brings new sensations and increases desire. As the kisses get passionate and long, the excitement builds up. The tongue can be caressed in different ways. Men like it when a partner starts to suck in his tongue or caress the palate. Your partner will love suction lip kisses. During sex, such caress will prolong the sexual intercourse and give it new shades.

Erogenous zones in the stronger sex are not concentrated in the groin area. Sensitive zones are the abdomen (below the navel), nipples, neck, lips. Some people may have special erogenous zones, so it is worth paying attention to each part of the body.

Different caress techniques can bring different pleasure. So the "Inato" technique means that the partner is gentle and does not allow rudeness, does not touch the partner's teeth, covering every centimeter of the body with kisses. But the "Samayan" technique involves sucking on the tongue.

How to make an erotic massage for a man

What is the right way to give pleasure?

You can make a man feel good not only with kisses. Sensitive places - genitals. But I also stimulate erogenous zones in different ways.

The earlobes are nibbled and sucked. Back massage is the perfect prelude to sex. There are many nerve endings along the spine. A man can lie in bed on his stomach, and a woman at this time massage him. This is a relaxing treatment. Touching the tongue of his spine, running it along his back, the partner excites her beloved. The caress can be continued below, going down to the buttocks, biting them. Feet caresses can also be exciting. The inner part of the foot and the space between the toes are especially sensitive. Gradually you can climb higher to the hips. So that a man does not get hurt, a woman should not get too carried away. Bite should be superficial. This also applies to kissing the nipples. The movements of the tongue should be gentle, barely touching the delicate skin. If a man feels good from the caresses of his beloved, the nipples become hard.

It is important to know that there are no uniform instructions on how to please a man, since all people are individual. Therefore, it is worth trying different techniques.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing makes a person look older or younger than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

A high-quality intimate life, if not a guarantee of family happiness, then one of its main components. And here the principle "I allow - my mission is accomplished" is categorically inappropriate. Men "are valuable game, but there are many hunters," therefore, to be able to please a partner is the knowledge necessary.

We are not talking about the Kama Sutra and some delights. There are basic rules - sometimes it seems that they are known to everyone, but then it turns out that for many this is a real discovery. So, let's begin.


Deep, intermittent sighs or just rapid breathing. Where to breathe is no longer so important, believe me, they will hear you. Some people like to listen to their partner breathing near their ear, others cannot stand it. The option of such sighs to a loved one in the neck, shoulder, or just to the side is appropriate. Breathing is a barometer for a man. If you add to this sweet moaning of different tonality and volume level, you will achieve anything from a man. Consider the man responds to your reaction. If he does something that you do not like, and you act delighted, he will believe and continue, even if he himself is not very comfortable. You can't overact - it's better to be quieter and less than to gasp theatrically.


Do not remember the saying about a log under a good man. The main movement that just needs to be mastered (unless, of course, this happens involuntarily) is the movement of the hips towards and in the opposite direction. In poses from below and from above - this is just a necessary moment. The rule works in two ways: if you move in this way, your partner is confident that the passion will return. You, on the other hand, will be able to catch those moments that are most pleasant to you.

Don't forget about other parts of the body

Hands are needed to stroke: shoulders, back, neck, back of the head. First, it's just nice; secondly, unexpected sensitive points can be found in this way; finally, thirdly, these caresses bring partners together in the process, turning sex not into physical exercises, but into a manifestation of love. Legs are needed not only to lean on them. If they are lying idle, experiment by bending them at the knees, lifting them or making some other movements: sometimes a small change decisively changes the whole course of the process.

Finally, there is no need to think that kisses go to bed, and sports begin in bed. You need to kiss all the time - it can be as rare kisses passionately, and light pinching of the lips of the skin.

Three rules - but this is the basis and the key to success. The rest is a matter of technology, individual characteristics. There are options for how to diversify sex after many years of marriage, advice for different situations. There is a task and a search for a solution. You need to remember one thing: under no circumstances can you blame a man. Inappropriate laughter, a cruel joke, even the elementary “I didn't like it” can destroy a relationship. And if this does not happen now, believe me, it will be remembered later, but the mine has already been laid. Therefore, no matter what a man does, no matter how he succeeds, think about saying something.

Men need to be praised - and then you will become the best woman in the world for him. And that's exactly what you need, isn't it?