Normal growth of a child at 3 years old. Child development at three months: what he should be able to

At 3 months old? This is the first question among many that parents ask at their pediatrician. Oddly enough, but the answer to it determines not only other parameters of physiological development, but also psychoemotional. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

Capricious weight parameters

How much a child should weigh at 3 months is both simple and difficult to determine at the same time. The thing is that there are uniform parameters approved by WHO, which must be adjusted for each baby. So, according to doctors' estimates, a newborn by the third month's date should gain from 2.250 grams to 2400 grams of the original weight. Accordingly, the weight of a child at three months is theoretically for boys from 5.75 to 5.9 kilograms, and for girls - 5.55-5.7 kg. However, there are several factors that can significantly change the parameters of how much a child should weigh at 3 months, namely:

  • the degree of maturity during childbirth;
  • birth weight;
  • the appearance of twins;
  • type of feeding.

These parameters can significantly expand the range of the indicator under consideration. So, in order to calculate the correct body weight, taking into account the first three parameters, it is necessary to add the indicated weight gain data to the initial weight. The latter, the type of food you eat, can significantly affect your weight range.

Food types and weight

So, for natural feeding, all the above parameters are preserved. For artificial and mixed, different rules apply. It is worth noting that it is in the third month that the mother may experience a lactation crisis, which significantly affects the amount of milk received by the child. This means that weight gain can be significantly reduced. Either more frequent applications or a transition to a mixed diet will be required. By the way, with the correct behavior of the mother, weight loss is compensated for within a month, simultaneously with the establishment of the lactation process. But the parents of a baby on artificial feeding should be very careful about the increase in the body weight of their heir. The thing is that the proportions, as well as the number of feedings with milk mixtures, should be determined exclusively by the doctor. Indeed, quite often the problem of artificial babies is rapid weight gain and its excessiveness. How much a child should weigh at 3 months, who is on artificial nutrition, is determined by the pediatrician, and necessarily based on individual characteristics.

What does weight affect?

Proper weight gain is directly related to important parameters such as stool and sleep. The latter depends on how well the toddler eats, how he gains weight. Therefore, the answer to the question of how much a child should sleep at 3 months, with a good weight gain, is as follows: in total - up to 17 hours, of which up to 8 hours fall on 3-4 days of sleep. By the way, the baby's stool also affects the quality of rest. Answering the parents' question about how much a child should poop at 3 months, doctors specify the type of feeding: for breastfed babies, the amount may coincide with the number of feedings, for those who receive the mixture, at least once every 24 hours. The three parameters considered - weight, stool and sleep - greatly affect the well-being of the baby, his physiological and emotional development. And that is why they are required to be clearly tracked by their parents.

Vladimir Our son is three years old. From birth, he was a plump child, and at two years old, weight gain began to slow down. Tell me is it okay? How much should a child weigh at three years old?

In the first year of life, young children gain weight and height very quickly. After a year, these processes slow down somewhat, which is quite normal and natural. According to the table compiled by the World Health Organization, the average body weight of a child depends entirely on his age and gender. Based on these data, most pediatric pediatricians determine whether children are underweight or overweight.

The table of weight standards for babies three years old, compiled by WHO experts, is divided into the following categories: underweight, below average, normal, above average, high. Lack of kilograms is considered a boy's weight from 11 kg and a girl's weight from 10 kg. The weight of boys and girls from 12 kg is considered below average. The standard indicators of body weight for three-year-old children are figures from 14 kg for boys and from 13 kg for girls. The permissible deviation for babies is 16 kg for boys and 15 for girls. But they talk about being overweight when a male or female child at three years old weighs more than 18 kg.

The main factor influencing the body weight of children is nutrition. A balanced diet is important for the normal growth and development of a child. The crumbs' menu should consist of natural foods rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Often it is the lack of certain elements that leads to weight loss and obesity in children. If the baby's body mass indicators are significantly deviated from the norms indicated in the WHO table, then the child needs medical advice. As a rule, such problems are solved by correcting nutrition, as well as increasing the child's physical activity. No diet can be prescribed to a child! Such restrictions can provoke the development of serious problems from the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.
Whatever the weight of the baby, it is possible to take measures to correct body weight only after consulting a specialist. The doctor will be able to determine the presence of a problem and solve it in the safest way for children's health.

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Both newly minted and already experienced parents know that each year of a baby's life is unique. And the physical development of a 3-year-old child is completely characterized by turning points. This article will help you get detailed information on what specific physical parameters are considered normal for 3 year olds.

Children grow up with individual dynamics. It is important to pay attention not to how much the child grows up in 3 years, what can or cannot do, but to the very fact of progress and the acquisition of new skills. This is precisely the indicator of development.

The size of the head of a three-year-old baby

Measurement of the head circumference is necessary to determine the presence or absence of signs of its increase, as well as to assess the growth rate. The size of a child's head directly depends on hereditary factors. You've probably noticed how different the sizes of heads in adults are. And, of course, this does not affect their intellectual abilities, in the absence of a deviation from the norm.

A very large or very small head can be a negative symptom. Exceeding the permissible size may indicate macro- and hydrocephalus, and lagging behind - microcephaly.

A boy's head circumference at 3 years old is from 48.7 to 52.3 centimeters. For a girl, these figures range from 47.6 to 51.1 centimeters. The circumference increases most rapidly during the first two years. During this time, the baby's head increases by an average of 33 percent, which indicates the correct maturation of the brain.

How many teeth does a child have at 3 years old?

As a rule, by the age of three, children have already formed a complete set of milk teeth of 20 pieces: 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 molars (molars, chewing teeth). The first to grow are the front teeth - the incisors. And the last to climb are the molars - in a 3-year-old child it is considered normal to have two chewing teeth in each side of the upper and lower jaw.
For various reasons, the formation of milk teeth on the upper and lower jaws may lag behind. This delay is normal and can be attributed to various factors, including genetic factors (especially the genetics of the mother). If possible, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

What should be the size of a child's feet at 3 years old?

A child's foot grows by an average of four centimeters during the first two years of life. Over the next two years, the children's foot grows 2.5-3 centimeters larger. Later, until reaching the age of fourteen, the leg grows by about 1 centimeter every year. The boy's foot size at 3 years is about 16 centimeters. In turn, the size of a girl's feet at 3 years old can and should be similar. At this age, growth parameters differ only slightly by gender. The shoe size for a 3-year-old girl or a boy of the same age with such a foot length is 9-9.5 (USA), 26 (EUR).

The size of the shoes of a three-year-old baby is constantly changing. Don't buy expensive branded shoes and boots. It is more profitable to spend this money on high-quality orthopedic shoes of domestic production.

Child's clothing size at three years old

Until the age of 5, children grow up almost the same, and the size of boys' clothes is almost the same as the size of clothes for girls at 3 years old. The average size of a dress for a girl of 3 years old or a suit for a boy of the same age is 28. At 3 years old, the size of a boy's or girl's clothes is calculated taking into account standard growth parameters - from 98 to 104 centimeters.

Child's weight at 3 years

The weight of a girl or boy at 3 years is more than 4 times the weight of a healthy newborn. The opinion about what exactly the weight of a child is at 3 years old - the norm may vary. So, when asked how much a boy should weigh at 3 years old, domestic pediatricians answer with a range from 13 to 17.4 kilograms. In turn, when it comes to how much a three-year-old girl should weigh, the range decreases slightly - 12.5-17 kilograms. WHO standards are more flexible. From their point of view, normal for a boy is a weight in the range of 11.3-18.3 kilograms, and for girls - 10.8-18.1.

During first year of life each mother weighs the baby monthly to know if he is developing correctly. After 3 years, many parents relax and stop observing the readings of the weight and height of their child, mistakenly believing that small deviations in the development of the baby are a temporary phenomenon that normalizes with age.

Meanwhile, obesity in children is considered one of the most serious health problems in the world. The rate of increase in the number of overweight children is of concern to doctors, as they have a high risk of obesity and the development of various diseases in adulthood. To prevent excess weight in a child, each parent should regularly weigh the baby and take measures to eliminate the causes that contribute to weight gain. And the reasons for the appearance of excess weight in preschool children, as a rule, are only two - it is an unhealthy diet and a decrease in habitual activity.

Children aged 3 years begin to attend kindergarten. If before this age the child was hyperactive at home and was used to screaming to get his way, then in the children's team he will suffer from loneliness. During games, such a child always wants to be the first, to win and be the best. Of course, other children do not accept this behavior and do not want to play with it, which is stressful for the child and leads to a decrease in his usual activity. Such children spend most of their time in kindergarten standing on the sidelines, resenting other children and refusing to be friends with them.

Children having problems with adaptation in the children's team and those who do not participate in games get sick more often than their peers and gain extra ones faster. Another common cause of excess weight in preschool children is unhealthy diet. Nowadays, many parents try to provide their child with everything he wants. To please the baby, from a very early age, they begin to offer him cakes and sweets, which contribute to the weight gain.

General recommendations of doctors for parents whose children are overweight: in order to achieve the correct energy metabolism, change the child's lifestyle and nutrition, namely, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, limit the consumption of fatty foods, flour products and sweets, devote at least 60 minutes daily to exercise ...

Weight gain in children 3-7 years old happens imperceptibly, therefore, in some families, parents, due to their great love for their child, prefer not to notice that he has gained a little weight. There are some norms that determine the height and weight of a child at each age, and they are calculated using the following formulas:

1. Formulas for calculating the weight of a child 3-5 years old:
X = 19 - 2 x (5 - B), where X is the child's weight, B is the child's age in years.

For example, if a child is 4 years old, then he should normally weigh 17 kg = 19 - 2x (5-4).

If you remember how much your child weighed at the age of one year, then calculate it weight in 3-5 years can be according to the following formula:
X = A + 2B, where X is the weight of the child, A is the weight of the child at the age of 1 year, B is the age.

For example, if a child weighed 9 kg on his first birthday, and now he is 4 years old, then his weight should normally be 17 kg = 9+ (2x4).

It is considered normal for children over 3 years old. the following weight indicators: a child from 3 to 4 years old adds about 1.6 kg, from 4 to 5 years old - about 2 kg, from 5 to 6 years old - 2.5 kg, i.e. Children aged 3-5 should gain an average of 2 kg per year.

In Europe, centile intervals of height and weight of children are actively used. Above they are presented in the table. Intervals from 25 to 80% are considered normal options

2. Formulas for calculating the weight of a child 5-7 years old.
Normally, the child is 5-7 years old should double your weight which he had at the age of 1 year. If you have forgotten the weight of a one-year-old child, then the average weight of a one-year-old child, equal to 10 kg, is taken for the calculation. For example, if at 6 years old your baby weighs 20-21 kg, then this indicates that he does not have excess weight.

Of course, all children are different and develop in different ways... If a child is taller among his peers, then he may weigh more than them. Therefore, deviations from the weight indicator calculated according to these formulas within 7-8% are considered normal. If they are 8-15%, then this indicates that you are feeding the baby incorrectly or he does not move much.

For some reason many parental weight of the child worries less about his height. Mom and dad of a fat baby believe that they have a well-nourished absolutely healthy child and only at school age, when time is already lost and excess weight contributes to the development of various psychological complexes, they begin to think about the need to combat excess weight. This is extremely wrong, the sooner you teach your child to eat right and move more, the easier it will be to adapt in school and learn better.

Really, weight of a child aged 3-7 years is no longer a clear indicator of the correct development of his body and state of health, as in the 1st year of his life. But this does not mean that you can ignore the fullness of the child and continue to feed him whatever he wants. Weigh the child weekly, it is better to carry out the procedure on the same day of the week in the morning on an empty stomach and after going to the toilet. Write down the weighing results in a notebook, where you also note his height, which can be easily measured using a special paper stadiometer with centimeter divisions, sticking it on a flat wall. Normally, a child by the age of 7 years should grow 8-10 cm from the height that he had on his first birthday.

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A toddler and preschool child is a boy or girl between the ages of one and seven. At this age, the child is developing intensively, and parents must definitely monitor his growth and weight. Traditionally, it is believed that boys at this age are slightly larger than girls. However, there are also exceptions to the rule. It all depends on the state of health of the child, on heredity, as well as on the usual diet.

Primary school age begins at the age of seven, and adolescence from 11 to 12 years old. In primary school age, girls and boys do not differ much from each other in height and weight... In adolescence, girls begin to gradually overtake boys in height and weight, but by the time they leave school, boys are "catching up." Recently, due to acceleration, the height and weight standards for children of preschool and primary school age have changed. If a girl or boy is a little less than the standard for height and weight, you should not panic. Each has an individual rate of growth and development.

Features of height and weight at 3 years

The average height of boys is from 89 to 104 centimeters, the height of a girl is from 87 to 102 centimeters. Three-year-old boys should weigh 11 - 18 kilograms, three-year-old girls should weigh 11 - 17 kilograms. At the age of three, the baby is developing intensively, so parents should carefully monitor his height and weight. At least once every six months, the baby should be shown to the pediatrician for control measurement and weighing.

The main features of the development of a healthy child at the age of three:

If a three-year-old is healthy and active, but gains weight poorly, it is quite possible that the reason is poor appetite, because many children at this age have a selective appetite.

Height and weight at 5 years

How much should girls and boys weigh at 5 years old? The height of boys at this age is from 98 to 112 centimeters, the height of a girl is from 99 to 116 centimeters. Five-year-old boys should weigh 14 - 23 kilograms, five-year-old girls have the same indicators.

At the age of five, the baby continues to develop actively, bones are formed, and internal organs increase in size. He actively masters new movements, learns to skate, cycle, play outdoor games. The main features of the development of a healthy child's body at the age of five:

  • The kid has completely adapted to kindergarten and attends it willingly;
  • The diet is expanding significantly. Many vegetables and fruits that the baby has not eaten before due to individual tolerance begin to be better absorbed, and parents include them in their daily diet;
  • Many children start attending sports clubs and music schools;
  • Most children at the age of five give up daytime sleep at home (daytime sleep remains only in kindergarten), and the period of active wakefulness due to this prolongs.

Due to the developmental features of a five-year-old child listed above, at this age, parents should pay special attention diet and control its physical activity, avoiding too intense loads. If the baby at this age does not grow well and weighs little, it is possible that heredity plays a role (thin and stunted parents, grandparents).

It is also possible that the child is very actively spending his energy, and therefore does not get better, despite the fact that he eats well. If the baby is healthy and active, you should not panic. If he looks healthy, but eats poorly, in no case should you force feed him. It is better to diversify his usual diet with new, tasty and beautifully decorated dishes, then the baby will definitely start to grow well and quickly gain weight.

Frequently ill children at this age gain weight and grow slightly worse than their rarely ill peers. In order to accelerate the physical development of a frequently ill child, it is necessary first of all to strengthen the baby's immunity. This can be done by hardening, taking vitamin and mineral complexes, summer trips to countries with a maritime climate, treatment in sanatoriums and boarding houses. Any spa treatment should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Weight and height of a child at 7 years old

How much should first graders weigh - girls and boys at 7 years old? The average height of boys at this age is from 111 to 130 centimeters, the average height of a girl is about the same. Seven-year-old boys should weigh 18-30 kilograms, seven-year-old girls should weigh 17-31 kilograms. Seven years is a very important period in a child's life. At this age, he moves from his usual play activity to educational activity. First grade is a big load that can become a serious stress for an unprepared baby.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the dynamics of changes in height and weight in a child who studies in elementary grades. In primary grades, children are regularly measured and weighed by the school doctor, notifying parents of any abnormalities. However, parents themselves must watch the child grow. The most convenient way to do this is with a height meter, and floor scales can be used for home weighing.

At seven years old, a child should grow well and gain weight, because:

A few words about nutrition

When the kid goes to school, its power supply system is changing. If a toddler attending kindergarten eats four times in kindergarten, the student eats breakfast at home, dines at school, and returns home.

If the parents do not have the ability to control what he eats at home after school (for example, parents work until 5 pm), it is best to send the first grader to an after-school group with meals.

If the parents or grandmother are free and meet him at home after school, they are obliged to provide him with a full hot meal, no fast food and unhealthy snacks. When a baby is left to himself after school, irregular and improper nutrition inevitably leads to a slowdown in physical development or to a sharp increase in weight.

The weight and height of a child from three to seven years old depends on many factors. In order for a child to develop well, parents should not "adjust" him to the established standards, but simply provide him with normal conditions for intensive development and growth. And then a preschooler or junior student will certainly please with a good weight gain and will noticeably grow up. Also, the child needs to organize proper nutrition, since problems with height and weight are very often caused precisely by the wrong diet and irregular food intake.