Description and properties of obsidian stone. Obsidian - volcanic glass

The origin of the obsidian stone

Obsidian stone is formed when lava, escaping from a volcano, rapidly cools to the glass transition temperature and freezes without sufficient time to crystallize. This one can be found in many places that have experienced rhyolitic eruptions.

Among the places where large streams of obsidian have been found, California is worth mentioning. The well-known Yellowstone National Park has a mountainside that contains quite a lot of obsidian. It is located between Hot Springs and the Norris Geyser Pool.

Obsidian deposits are also found in other western American states such as Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Idaho, Utah. Obsidian has also been found in Italy, Armenia, Greece, Turkey, Mexico, Scotland, Ethiopia, Saxony, Iceland, Siberia.

History of obsidian

Obsidian- it is of volcanic origin. It is also called volcanic glass. Obsidian look like mineral but it is not a real mineral because it is opaque. Therefore, it is often classified as a mineraloid. It is similar in composition to rhyolite.

The very name "obsidian", the stone received in honor of the ancient Roman Obsidium, who first brought it to Rome. In Transcaucasia, it is believed that the homeland of obsidian is the underworld and they called it a fragment of Satan's claws. In Hungary, obsidians are called Tokay lux.

In America, various varieties of this stone are called Apache tears. He has many other names: "resin", "royal", "bottle", "wasser-", "muslin", "montansky", "", "mountain", "mountain", "snow obsidian", "persian ".Even in the Stone Age, knives, arrowheads, sickles, and later various, amulets and mirrors were made from it.

In today's world, obsidian is used in cardiac surgery because perfectly cut obsidian scalpels are approximately 5 times sharper than the best sharpened surgical scalpels and have a blade edge that reaches near molecular fineness. This is less traumatic for the tissue and leads to a shorter healing time and, accordingly, a smaller size.

Obsidian is used for decorative purposes, as well as because, thanks to the cut, it can take on different forms. Cut by one method, it becomes a matte stone; faceted by another - brilliantly.

How To Wear Obsidian Jewelry

Obsidian is considered by scientists and naturalists. Astrologers claim that the rosary made of this stone contributes to the development of clairvoyance, protects against the negative influences of the surrounding world.

Astrological properties of obsidian

Astrologers say that obsidian contains power, and Saturn. In many countries, this volcanic is used to make magical ones, with the help of which the future is peeped in. Obsidian is considered excellent. He keeps him from doing evil, helps him see his shortcomings and correct them in time.

Obsidian is a stone that forms when volcanic lava solidifies. Due to this origin, it has a very unusual appearance. The mineral has brown, black and gray shades. It has been appreciated by people since ancient times. Already in the Paleolithic era, they began to pay attention to it. In those days, weapons were made from obsidian.

Later, various figurines, decorations, etc. began to be made from it. The fact is that this stone is easily polished, so when processing it, the master does not have any problems. In addition, obsidian is believed to have magical properties, which is why it is often used as a talisman. However, not everyone can use it. In this article, we will tell you who obsidian is suitable for and who is not.

Many years ago, people discovered that obsidian has magical properties. He was popular with many peoples of the world. For example, the Indians called obsidian the tears of the Apaches, for Transcaucasia it was called a piece of Satan's nails. In any case, people believed in his magical powers. Obsidian was used for various ceremonies and rituals. In the modern world, the stone has not lost its relevance.

Obsidian has the following meaning - it reveals the gift of clairvoyance. Therefore, a ball is often made of it, like a crystal ball, which helps to see the future and find answers to questions of interest.

However, the main meaning of the stone is protection from any negativity. It protects the owner from evil forces and evil witchcraft (evil eye, damage, curses and love spells.). Obsidian protects against gossip and bad word. This stone can even be worn by children. Its positive and gentle energy will not harm the child, but it will provide powerful protection.

In addition, obsidian helps to get on the right path and does not allow you to get off it. He drives away bad thoughts from a person, thereby not allowing him to commit bad deeds. In addition, the stone helps a person to change his life for the better.

Therefore, the mineral can be suitable for those people who need to focus on a specific task, for example, scientists and lawyers.

At the same time, it is not recommended to use the stone as an amulet for people of creative professions and people with creative thinking. The fact is that in this case, the mineral develops rational thinking and suppresses non-standard thinking. Therefore, the action of this stone will be detrimental to creative or creative people.

Healing properties of Obsidian

Obsidian is a stone that also has healing properties. With its help, you can get rid of infectious pathologies and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it normalizes blood pressure, so it is recommended to wear the stone to those people who suffer from its drops. Obsidian is useful for rheumatism and gout. In addition, the stone helps to cope with the pathologies of the genitourinary system and relieves some of the problems of the epidermis. Obsidian accelerates the healing process of soft tissue from cuts and abrasions. It helps you recover faster from fractures.

Such actions of this mineral have not been confirmed by traditional medicine, but some surgeons use instruments for the operation, which are made of this particular stone.

The healing characteristics of obsidian allow it to be used as a prophylactic agent against many pathologies. Wearing obsidian for a long time is enough to protect you from disease.

Any drug has its own contraindications, and obsidian is no exception. The fact is that such a stone impairs the functioning of the kidneys, therefore, people who have pathologies of this organ cannot wear obsidian.

Mineral types by color

There are several types of obsidian, here they are:

  • Snowy is obsidian, which is black in color with white blotches.
  • Iridescent is a multicolored obsidian that has blues, greens, and reds.
  • Persian is a brown mineral with black patches.
  • Gold or silver is a mineral that has a golden or silver hue.
  • Obsidian - onyx is a stone with stripes visible on its surface.
  • Obsidian cat's eye is a mineral that has a longitudinal line of light shade. Thanks to this, outwardly he resembles.

In addition, obsidian can be solid with gray, green, black or brown shades.

Who is Obsidian by zodiac sign suitable for?

According to astrologers, obsidian for wearing is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac. For some of them, it is even contraindicated.

Obsidian compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

For Capricorn, this stone is perfect. He helps them build strengths in their character and get rid of negative ones. In addition, with its help, Capricorns can change their lives for the better. Obsidian will help them in all positive endeavors.

For Aries and Taurus, obsidian will help improve their financial situation and promote career growth, but wearing it constantly is not recommended, since the mineral will enhance the negative character traits of these zodiac signs.

This stone bestows self-confidence to Pisces and Gemini. Obsidian will also help these zodiac signs achieve their goals and overcome all the difficulties that stand in their way, but it is not recommended to wear it all the time.

Sagittarius and Aquarius can use this mineral regularly. Obsidian in the representatives of these zodiac signs develops intuition, helps get rid of negative character traits and improves mental performance.

Obsidian will help lions to "pacify" their anger and "extinguish" the blazing fire. Representatives of this zodiac sign with the help of this mineral will become calmer, more judicious and will be able to achieve all their goals.

This mineral gives Scorpio calmness and helps to get rid of sudden mood swings. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign with the help of this stone can arrange their personal life in the best possible way. Obsidian will help them find love, build a family and protect them from adultery, quarrels and scandals.

Such a stone grants Libra protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft. However, this defense will not be powerful. Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign are advised to wear obsidian only as a decoration, not a talisman.

For Cancers and Virgos, this stone is not suitable for energy, so it is best for them to refrain from wearing this mineral.

Obsidian is not only a beautiful stone, but also a strong amulet. You can wear it as jewelry. It can be a ring, bracelet or pendant. Obsidian beads are the most popular among women. In any case, whatever it is, the main thing is to believe in the magical properties of this stone.

You might think that snowy obsidian is a white stone. However, this is not at all the case. The name of the variety was given by snowflakes scattered over the black surface of the rock. But in nature, there is an iridescent and golden volcanic glass - this is how obsidian is often called, because it is obtained from magma erupted by raging volcanoes. This origin commands respect, and it is still believed that objects and jewelry made from the mineral have magical properties.

Composition and characteristics

Obsidian stone is obtained by rapidly cooling magma ejected from a volcano's crater. It contains minerals - feldspar and quartz. In appearance, the rock looks like glass, hence the second name - volcanic.

The percentage of water in the resulting obsidian stone does not exceed 1%. Otherwise, it will already be perlite. Hardness ranges from 5 to 6 units on the Mohs scale. The main colors are black, brown-red, gray, brown. The density indicator is 2.55 g per cubic meter. cm.

The cooling of the ejected magma occurs when it enters cold water or when the air is low temperature. Rapid cooling leads to the formation of obsidian, which differs from crystals in an amorphous atomic lattice. This means there is no clear melting point. When heated, the material gradually becomes soft and stringy.

Chemical theory and ancient practices

The basis of the chemical composition is silicon oxide with the chemical formula SiO 2. Its content in the rock, which forms obsidian, is from 65 to 75%. In addition, it contains water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride. Shades of color are produced by oxides of magnesium and iron.

The appearance of the stone shows in which direction the lava flowed, since the solidified flows are clearly visible to the naked eye. In nature, an obsidian deposit is an accumulation of shapeless rock, where minerals are randomly marked with sharp edges.

Ancient people made cutting objects, arrowheads, knives from obsidian. Such weapons are common among the Indians of Central America. The Incas and Aztecs did not know how to process metal, so they replaced it with durable obsidian. During excavations, similar tools and implements were found in Turkey, Japan, Ethiopia.

Used in medicine and construction

Nowadays, the mineral is used for souvenir crafts and sculptural works of art. For medical purposes, it is good for making thin scalpels with smooth edges several nanometers thick. Also obsidian is a raw material for dark glass and a material for thermal insulation.

Obsidian powder is added to the cement to make it strong. The polished stone acquires a mirror-like shine. Jewelry in the form of beads and key rings are inexpensive, but they look 100%.

Obsidian is mined where volcanoes are located. The main concentration of the stone is Mexico, Peru, Germany, Armenia, Iceland. On the territory of Russia, these are Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

Shrouded in legends and myths

Obsidian is called “the nail of Satan” in Armenia. The angry devil, spewing lava on people, broke off his claws, which froze on the surface of the Earth in sharp pieces.

Legends of European peoples say that the stone was brought to their lands by a Roman soldier named Obsidius. This is where the modern name comes from. The second version comes from the Greek word "spectacle", because in ancient times mirrors were made from the mineral.

The Apache Indians consider obsidian to be the tears of upset women who mourned the warriors. The men seemed to have thrown themselves into the mouth of the volcano in order not to fall into slavery to the invaders. Since then, for the people of this culture, the mineral has symbolized grief, death and parting. In Egypt, they were gifted to the dead, considering it the stone of the dead.

Five types of obsidian

Types of stone include:

  • Snow obsidian is a black mineral, as if strewn with white "snowflakes".
  • Golden - the effect of gold is given to the stone by gas bubbles trapped in the structure during the formation process.
  • Rainbow - stripes of blue, red and green justify the name of the species.
  • Silver - similar to the metal of the same name.
  • Peanut - reddish brown base contains black blotches

Minerals with effects are added to the listed ones. Obsidian onyx refers to volcanic glass with stripes running across it. An obsidian cat's eye is a stone with one longitudinal stripe.

Sometimes the expression "obsidian eyes" is used to describe a person's gaze. Any of the above varieties is meant here. But more often it is golden.

The relatively inexpensive price of obsidian protects it from counterfeiting. But there are several ways not to buy tinted glass. A mineral of a uniform color is rare. The color is always saturated, and the surface is shiny. If obsidian is immersed in water, the shine is preserved. To heat a cold stone, you have to hold it in your hands for a very long time.

Attracts magicians and sorcerers

It is quite possible to purchase items made of obsidian. These can be souvenirs or jewelry. Gold and platinum are used to frame the latter. When making talismans and amulets, silver is more suitable.

Even in fiction, the properties of obsidian stone are emphasized. For example, a character from the books of Andrzej Sapkowski, the sorceress Yennefer, wears an obsidian star around his neck, which he considers his own magical artifact.

Having absorbed the energy of Saturn, Uranus and the Sun, the stone has become a powerful talisman. It is believed that it helps in achieving dreams, protects against evil, reflecting negativity like a mirror. But if everything is good in life, then it is better not to wear jewelry with obsidian.

The influence depends on the type of stone

The magical properties of obsidian depend on the type of mineral. It is believed that a rosary made of black stone enhances the gift of clairvoyance. This property is especially manifested in those who were born under the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Black stones take away all the dirt from the cloudy aura. They are powerful defenders against energy vampires. The constant presence of the mineral makes you quickly forget the negative past.

A black stone with snowflakes acts as an intermediary in communication with guardian spirits. The mineral is indispensable during meditation, facilitates "withdrawal into oneself".

Snow obsidian helps to quit smoking, has a positive effect on visual acuity, inhibits appetite, which is important for overweight people. It is believed that it gives confidence to the weak, and in suspicious people it restores faith in others.

Rainbow obsidian will put all thoughts in order, relieve feelings of unhappy love. His presence will make the owner closer to nature, help to understand himself.

The red-brown stone affects the psyche in such a way that it has become indispensable in rituals dedicated to cleansing. It is also suitable for clearing accumulated negative energy from the aura.

Absorbed the energy of the earth

Obsidian is considered the stone of the Earth, therefore, the influence on a person is reflected in "rooting", that is, in a strong standing on his feet. The mineral relieves the owner of anxiety, obsessions, restores strength by filling the body with positive energy.

Due to its origin, obsidian is saturated with warm energy, therefore it is able to help in the treatment of colds. The stone normalizes blood pressure. But you can't wear it all the time for those with kidney problems.

For the fact that obsidian knows how to reveal the truth, he is called the stone of truth. The influence lies in the strengthening of intuition. A volcanic glass bracelet worn on your wrist will relieve obsessive attention. And it is also the only mineral that contributes to the return of debts, therefore it is popular with financial workers.

Products in the shape of a pyramid are recognized as especially effective amulets. She absorbs cosmic energy, which she then gives to the owner. He can just stand in the house and quietly do his job.

Snow obsidian- a stone of purity that helps to achieve balance between body, mind and spirit. Snow obsidian is able to remove negativity from a person or space. Allows you not to lose vigilance in stressful situations, increases self-esteem and self-confidence. A very powerful stone that is always associated with guardian spirits that watch over us and give protection. Stone of people born under the sign of Capricorn.

Healing properties of snow obsidian

Snow obsidian helps with diseases of veins and bone tissue. It improves blood circulation, relieves muscle pain and spasms. Treats joint pain (arthritis) and atherosclerosis.

Promotes the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, appendicitis, influenza, herpes virus. Stimulates the renewal of cells in the body. It can be used for visual impairment, depression, migraines.

A person using a piece of snow obsidian as a talisman will more easily part with bad habits. Also, obsidian helps to cope with problems associated with digestion and helps reduce food cravings.

The magical properties of snow obsidian

Obsidian embodies the energy of a volcano. It is used by all religions for various religious attributes. This mineral develops intuition, discernment and helps to anticipate future events. Obsidian protects from the "evil eye", witchcraft and curses, protects its owner on long trips, restores peace of mind after unhappy love, protects against infidelity. In everyday life, obsidian protects against any harm, suppressing aggressive energy, relieving stress. Obsidian is the stone of prudence. This is a magic stone. Any magician has obsidian in his arsenal, because it helps to accumulate astral power and protects from evil spirits.

Spiritual Practices

Obsidian helps protect against psychic attacks and clears the surrounding space of negative energy. Obsidian balls are a powerful tool for meditation and access to past lives.

Obsidian revives the soul, removes energy blocks and relieves tension, interacts well with the second chakra.

Myths, legends, history

Obsidian is volcanic glass formed by the rapid cooling of lava. Obsidian was very popular at the beginning of human history. It was widely used to make knives, spears, arrowheads, mirrors, and decorative items. In the ancient culture of Mexico, this stone was called Itzli "(Itzli, literally Itzli -" Knife ". God of the stone knife for sacrifices in Aztec mythology. Servant or hypostasis of the god Tezcatlipoca (Tezcatlipoca, translated as" shining mirror ").

Obsidian was widely used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. It was used not only as a tool, but also for decorative purposes.

Other Native American cultures used this stone in rituals to sharpen their inner vision. There is a legend about "Tears of the Apaches" associated with the warriors of the Apache tribe. According to this legend, after the defeat in the war and the death of many brave warriors, Apache women mourned their men. Their tears hardened and turned into this stone.

In antiquity, Pliny wrote that obsidian got its name from a man named Obsidius, who discovered it in Ethiopia.

Additional Information

Snow obsidian is silicon dioxide with a large amount of impurities (SiO2). Found throughout the world in areas of recent volcanic activity. Ages older than several million years are rare, as the vitreous stone quickly decays or changes as a result of weathering, heat, or other processes.

Having hit the surface of the earth from the dungeon, the stone appeared before people as a tear of sparkling. A very mysterious and special mineral. He was often feared and even more often admired. What does it actually represent, we will consider below. In nature, there is not only black color, but still the black color of this stone is the main one.

Black stone is most often mined in India, Mexico and Sweden, in some places in the United States, in the Transcaucasus and in northern Russia. In other words, it is mined in those places where there is volcanic activity that began more than 4 billion years ago.

At the moment when lava from a volcano under various circumstances, for example, falling into cold water, it cools down sharply. At such moments, it does not have time to crystallize and turns into an amphora form. In this way, the structure of obsidian is obtained.

The oldest obsidian is about nine thousand years old.

There are legends that in the days of the polyolithic stone was used for making spearheads, blades and axes.

Another legend says that the ancient Romans brought black obsidian of a rare beauty from distant Ethiopia. Very quickly, he gained popularity in Rome, where they began to make jewelry, amulets and various sculptures from him. At the direction of the emperor Augustus, elephants were made of it, the color of which was black, directly for temples.

Another legend says about the origin of the name, from the word "obis", meaning a spectacle. In turn, we can say that for a long time it served as a mirror because of its brilliance.

Magical and healing properties

The magical properties have been glorified since antiquity. Various cultures in different parts of the planet have used obsidian stone for various rituals and ceremonies. There was an opinion about the content of the energies of the Sun, Uranus and Saturn in the stone, for this reason mirrors and balls were made from obsidian to look into the future.