The Basics: How to mix oil paints. Laws, techniques and tricks. How to Create Bright Glossy Text in Photoshop

Oil painting knows three methods for mixing paints:

  • The physical mixing of two or more colors until a new color is obtained, which subsequently falls on the canvas;
  • A translucent or fully transparent paint is applied to a dried layer of one paint on canvas to obtain a new color shade;
  • Close proximity of brush strokes of different colors for the illusion of creating a new color scheme.

Method of physically mixing two or more colors

To create a third color, you can glaze 2 opaque colors with each other using the method. If there is a lighter paint, when mixing it with a dark shade, the following technology must be observed: mixing is permissible only with small strokes of dark over light paint, on the contrary, nothing will work. If you mix transparent paint with opaque paint, the result is a new opaque paint. The mix of two transparent paints results in the formation of a new kind of transparent paint.

It is worth noting the inevitable decrease in color purity and intensity of tones of paints with the method of their physical mixing. This circumstance can explain the weaker orange tint of the paint - the product of mixing red and yellow colors with each other compared to natural orange pigment. Moreover, the following pattern is noted - an increase in the number of paints involved in the physical mixing leads to a more pronounced blur effect.

1) Mixing two cadmiums - red and pale yellow leads to the formation of an orange body color;

2) A mixture of yellow pale cadmium and pink quinacridone causes a similar body orange paint;

3) Transparent orange paint can be obtained by mixing quinacridone (pink) and pigment yellow No. 128.

Paint overlay method

Glazing method

This overlay technique occurs when one transparent oil paint is applied to another. The glazing process of applying transparent red to transparent yellow results in an orange that is very different from the orange that results from the physical mixing of the two colors.

Transparent cadmium yellow served as the basis for glazing with light-resistant pink paint.

In the photo - a picture painted.

Through smear method

A special type of glazing, performed according to the general rules for the surface coating of transparent or translucent paint, but with one difference - uninhibited movements of the brush during the application of the top layer. At the same time, the influence of the lower layer on the overall visual image at the end of the application of the surface layer is very large.

Translucent glazing is performed when light-resistant pink paint is applied to cadmium yellow.

Adjoining Color Method

When applying brush strokes very close to each other, two or more colors are combined, which, through optical illusion, are able to create a third color of paint. If you place the human eye at a certain angle and at a given distance from the canvas, the illusion of orange arises due to the self-combination of colors of other paints.

Paints of the lower and upper tonal ranges

When it comes to expressing the saturation and degree of brightness of a color, the term "upper and lower tonal range" must be used. If shades and shadows are used in painting, it is safe to say about the predominant predominance of the lower tonal range. Such a picture has a muted color scheme and the colors cannot be called bright. However, along with this, they can differ in the subtlety of execution and grace. The upper tonal range can be characterized by a bright color gamut with a high degree of color saturation.

Paints that belong to the upper tonal range do not mix with each other, they are applied in pure tones of secondary or primary colors. These colors are light, fresh and very bright. Strengthening the basic qualities of paints of the upper tonal range can be achieved by applying some effects. It can be a contrast of additional colors. Color contrast technology became widespread after the discovery of the theory of light by Chevrel in the 19th century. Since then, color contrasts have been part of the process of creating an image (for more details, see the "Color" section). The use of these effects is most justified in oil painting, allowing paints to acquire gloss and a bright variety.

The use of saturated colors in painting

The upper color range of the last two centuries has expanded so much due to new saturated and rich shades that the painting of the 20th and 21st centuries can simply dazzle, stimulate brain activity. The picture presented below in the sources of the imagery has very rich colors of the costumes and bright shades of lighting. All this is justified by the style of Latin American dance. The use of a modern digital monitor for viewing made it possible to increase the intensity and saturation of the color gamut many times over. So technological progress can improve something that is already beautiful in itself.

Using rich and vibrant colors

The use of oil paints can bring to the painting such qualities of paints as color saturation and depth of shades. Oil-based paints can add brightness and a glossy look to the canvas. In this particular example, the extra contrast between the red and green ink just adds to the effect.

One of the ways to finish printed products is varnishing. This one of the most popular types of finishes is solid and selective. Flash varnishing is used in the manufacture of covers, folders and other products where this printing operation is an alternative to lamination (at a lower cost). Selective varnishing is used to create pronounced decorative effects and highlight image elements due to the different degrees of gloss of the varnished and unvarnished surfaces.
The higher the popularity of the technology, the more improvisations in printing houses when using consumables. Irina Solovieva, technologist-consultant at Heidelberg-CIS, tells how to work with UV varnishes for offset printing.

CompuArt: What are UV varnishes, and what is offered on the Russian market of consumables in this area today?

Irina Solovieva: The Heidelberg-CIS Consumables Center (CCM) presents the most common and popular UV curing varnishes for various application methods: offset and screen printing, as well as for varnishing in flexo and gravure printing. For those who do not have special varnishing devices, offset varnishes are produced for application through an inking machine and offset varnishes without moisture, but their range is limited - only glossy and matte. Basically, all the proposed varnishes belong to the radical method of curing. Cationic varnishes are available on request and are rarely requested due to the high cost and required finishing - IR irradiation.

Among offset UV-varnishes are popular for applying in-line over conventional inks and WD-lacquer-primer and without primer over UV inks. Varnishes for offline application on varnishing machines and varnishing devices of offset and flexo printing machines are presented in a wide range: glossy and matt, for one-sided and double-sided application, varnishes for subsequent foil stamping, elastic for box production, varnishes for food packaging, for varnishing non-absorbent materials, etc. Double-effect varnishes for offset printing produce excellent matt-gloss or textured-gloss effects. Since drupa 2008, we have added new and improved pairs of varnishes to our range: matt printing varnish and glossy UV varnish.

Chamber-squeegee coating devices allow the use of metallic, pigmented and interference varnishes.

Our product range includes UV curing varnishes from different manufacturers - Heidelberg Saphira, Weilburger Graphics GmbH, Flint Group (K + E), as well as auxiliary products for them. The cost of varnish depends on the method of application, the properties of the varnish and the manufacturer. According to the method of application, the most expensive are stencil varnishes, in addition, their consumption is higher. Varnishes with special properties are always more expensive than universal ones. We can offer customers both an economical option of decent quality, and a high-quality, but more expensive product - there is always a choice.

CA: When should you choose UV coating technology? This question, I think, will be interesting for customers who choose between lamination and UV varnishing.

I.S.: Firstly, it depends on the capabilities of the printed product manufacturer and the requirements of the customer. It is easier to say when it is recommended to laminate products with a film. Problems with UV varnishing arise when forming the box and covering the publication with a cover - cracks appear on the folds. If this is not caused by a violation of technical standards (too high power of UV lamps during varnish drying, low humidity of paper or cardboard, non-observance of climatic conditions in the workshop, high mass density of 1 m2 of the material used, etc.), then only the use of lamination of prints remains film, although there may be problems. In each specific case, the design concept must correspond to the technical capabilities of the high-quality execution of the order: everything must be taken into account and agreed upon when accepting the order for production.

CA: The customer receives the print run from the printing house. How can he judge the quality of the UV coating?

I.S.: At first, visually: the varnish film should be uniform, without bubbles and craters, transparent, without yellowing. If the varnish is special, then the coating must comply with the requirements of the customer and approved samples, if the order has already been completed before.

The gloss level can be checked with a special device - a glossmeter. The fixing strength of the lacquer film is determined by scratching with a fingernail or a thesis test. The durability of the lacquer film can be checked with an acetone test.

CA: What are the advantages and disadvantages of UV varnishing over other types of varnishing?

I.S.: Varnish film in UV varnishing, compared to printing or VD varnishing, is the most durable both mechanically and chemically, glossy varnish has the highest gloss. In addition, UV varnish allows you to get unique design effects. The lacquer cures instantly, the use of anti-marking powder is not required, the lacquered prints can be transferred to subsequent processing almost immediately. But this varnishing method requires the use of special devices, special auxiliary materials, and besides, UV varnish is the most expensive.

Note that screen varnishing still has the widest possibilities, since it is possible to apply a thick layer of varnish and use both finely dispersed pigments and pigments for a glitter effect. Relief varnishes with various special effects are applied by stenciling, including varnishes for type for the blind, but it is necessary to use appropriate stencil grids. Our technologists give recommendations on what cell sizes should be for each type of varnish. Special effect varnishes are heat-sensitive varnishes that change color depending on temperature.

CA: And now some advice for a printing house technologist: how to choose the right UV varnish for your production and a specific order, how to apply varnish more technologically: through an inking unit or an additional section?

I.S.: In order for the technologist not to make a mistake in choosing a varnish, we have developed a special request form where customer data is entered: varnish application equipment, type of varnishing device, material, inks used on the print, subsequent finishing processes, and the desired varnishing effect or special requirements are indicated. This request is sent to the supplier for the selection of a suitable varnish, if at the moment the required product is not in our assortment. This avoids mistakes. If the printed material is problematic, then we send samples to the supplier to select the necessary varnish. Highly absorbent materials can cause lacquer to fade and lack gloss. In addition, in the layers of material, UV rays may not reach the lower layers of the varnish and in the material it will remain loose. Non-absorbent materials, such as thin metallized paper or film, can be deformed during UV varnishing due to the shrinkage of the varnish film, so the appropriate varnish must be selected and varnishing modes selected separately for each case. It is always recommended to carry out preliminary tests before purchasing a significant amount of varnish and varnishing a print run.

If there is no special varnishing device, the application of varnish can be carried out through an inking device designed for printing with UV inks - this may be the last section of the UV printing press or the section after which there is a UV dryer. It is important to remember that the application of varnish through the ink apparatus is minimal and it is difficult to achieve high gloss or haze. There is no varnish for non-absorbent surfaces or with any special properties for application through the inking unit, as already mentioned.

If the client has no experience with UV varnish, or he has not used our varnishes before, or is going to use some innovative varnish, Heidelberg-CIS technologists test the varnish and help to choose the varnishing mode. For all types of varnishes and UV varnishing, the Consumables Center has a lot of information material, which is always provided to customers.

In addition, the Heidelberg Print Media Academy regularly hosts a seminar on UV technology, during which the various varnishing processes with UV varnishes are discussed in detail.

CA: Now let's compare two technologies - continuous and selective varnishing. Their combination gives bright decorative effects.

I.S.: As already mentioned about double effect varnishes, this is the cheapest method of selective varnishing, which does not require special varnishing forms, but at the same time an expressive effect arises due to the different surface structures, fine details of the pattern can be reproduced.

To work in line, you need the following:

  • sheet offset machine for working with hybrid materials;
  • at least five printing units - the first through the fourth for working with hybrid or UV inks and the fifth for working with oil printing varnish;
  • intermediate UV drying after the last printing unit, interchangeable intermediate UV drying after the first or second printing unit is recommended;
  • final UV drying (three lamps);
  • varnishing section with UV drying.
  • To work in two runs, you need:
  • oil printing varnish printing machine and related UV varnishing equipment;
  • final UV drying;
  • both traditional and hybrid offset inks can be used for printing.

For selective UV varnishing on varnishing machines and varnishing sections, the CRM assortment includes special rubber-fabric sheets with a removable layer and Folex polyester sheets (universal, for varnishing with high-pressure and UV varnishes and especially resistant for long-run UV varnishing). Cutting on rubber-fabric and polyester canvases can be done on a plotter or manually (polyester fabrics for manual cutting have a blue photosensitive layer, copying can be done in a regular copy frame from a photoform, the shape is developed with warm water, gaps remain blue, and they are easy to cut out).

For this technology, special varnishes (glossy and matt) and varnishes for selective varnishing through the inking unit are also used. Such a UV varnish can be applied through the ink section to offset UV presses with dampening device turned on, as when varnishing with conventional oil varnish from conventional printing plates (for UV varnishing, they must be heat-set, as for printing with UV inks, or be resistant to UV inks, such as Saphira Thermoplate PN).

Going to the nail salon, you probably wondered what design to choose this time and whether it is needed at all? Girls, tremble on the way to the trendy trend! Now a glossy finish is bad manners. Matte, that's what is relevant and fashionable this season!

Matte design is like a breath of fresh air. It's not familiar, but that's the beauty of it. I want to constantly consider and admire this version of a manicure. It can be done with a matte varnish or coating.

Matte manicure 2019: all fashion trends

Matte manicure 2019 is multifaceted. It can be combined with gloss to create interesting and unique designs. The range of color shades of matte manicure is quite diverse. Therefore, absolutely any girl can choose the right option.

  • Combined manicure looks interesting and unusual.

It means the combination of several techniques at the same time, each of which complements each other. In this version, the matte finish can be combined with gloss, velvet, gradient.

  • Manicure with rhinestones and small beads (imitation of rings and jewelry on nails).

By adding rhinestones to a matte finish, you can get a stylish and luxurious effect. With the help of small rhinestones, you can frame the nail hole or lay out a vertical strip in the middle of the nail plate. If a large pebble is chosen, then it can decorate the corner of the tip of the nail. If you are not a fan of fashionable manicure with rhinestones, then you can pick up other jewelry, for example, small beads, which will complement and decorate any design.

Matte manicure inlaid with stases and stones

This is a simple, but at the same time effective option that combines a matte and glossy finish. Previously, the imitation of droplets was performed using stones or rhinestones, it turned out interesting, but not at all realistic. This design looks great in any color scheme.

To create a design, you will need gel polishes in one shade. A matte manicure with a glossy pattern made using dark shades looks especially luxurious. Most often, black, dark blue, burgundy, brown, green, red are chosen. It is easy to make a matte manicure using the french technique. Monograms, patterns, geometric shapes also look interesting. Increasingly, craftsmen are choosing a design that imitates the skin of a zebra, vertical or horizontal stripes, wavy lines. An interesting drawing can be made using ordinary adhesive tape. It must be glued to the nail plate at an angle and gloss over the free part.

  • Manicure with powder looks elegant and non-trivial.

Try to make a gradient with a matte finish and add acrylic powder to it, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised by the result.

How to make a matte manicure: 2 popular techniques

Matte manicure is more and more interesting to fashionistas, so many of them are trying to find information on the Internet on how to do it at home.

It is worth noting that matte manicure can be done on both long and short nails.

There are two main techniques that will help you reach your goal.

  • Manicure with matte gel polish, which does not give the usual glossiness after coating. The downside is that the color palette of such varnishes cannot boast of a great variety. With their help, you can create original designs and combine with gloss. This coating is applied to pre-prepared nails. For this, a standard procedure is performed: giving the nails the necessary shape, softening and removing the cuticle. The oily layer is removed from the surface of the nails. After that, a base is applied, which is dried in a UV lamp. The technique of matte gel polish is identical to applying the usual one. If there is no matte varnish, then you can cut off the top layer of the top with a buff. Of course, this method is quite complicated and you need to entrust it to a professional, since the probability of ruining a manicure is very high.

  • Use of a matte finish. In order for the glossy gel polish to turn into a matte one, you need to use a matte top coat. After drying it in a lamp, the sticky layer is removed. That's all, fashionable matte manicure is ready!

4 ways to do a matte manicure

Matte manicure with a pattern

A monochromatic matte manicure looks beautiful, but drawings will help make it truly spectacular. Of course, the artists will cope with this task very quickly, but what if you are not at all friendly with art? It was for you that special stickers and various stencils were invented. They will help you create an amazingly beautiful design that will evoke admiring responses from your girlfriends and work colleagues.

Origami design

Among the main areas, geometric patterns stand out, which even a beginner can do, various patterns, monograms, imitation of animal skins are relevant, it can also be ordinary polka dots, made in contrasting colors, round, elongated drops, openwork mesh.

Video tutorial on creating a beautiful summer matte manicure with a voluminous butterfly

Matte manicure: photo - collection

Matte manicure is a conqueror of women's hearts. He is interesting and unusual. Associated with warmth, coziness and comfort. You can perform it in any color scheme: in beige, black, pink and other actual shades that can be seen in the photo. Matte manicure in light colors looks especially beautiful. If you cover a pastel shade with a matte top, you can get a very beautiful delicate manicure.

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From this article you will learn

  • Where is glossy printing used?
  • How to order a glossy print

When creating printed products using full-color printing technology, the right choice of material is very important. The quality of the final product largely depends on what kind of paper was used. In particular, glossy printing can be used to create magazines or catalogs. It is especially appropriate when you need to create an impression of glamor and luxury.

How glossy printing is done

The material in this type of printing is glossy coated paper with a high density. Glossy color printing is highly ink-sensitive, resulting in the highest quality images. Also used coated paper has a nice shiny surface. Since it creates a certain impression and attracts attention, glossy printing is very often used in advertising printing.

It is reasonable to use glossy paper in the production of the following types of products:

  • advertising leaflets;
  • advertising brochures;
  • illustrated magazines;
  • product catalogs;
  • bright posters or posters;
  • commemorative products in the form of postcards or calendars;
  • albums containing reproductions that need to be transmitted with maximum accuracy;
  • colored inserts with advertising content;
  • any other types of promotional products, if high quality printing is required;
  • information inserts distributed with certain products (for example, music discs);
  • other printing products, if customers are focused on high quality.

It is also worth noting that glossy printing is economical because it consumes less ink. Another advantage of glossy paper as a material is its resistance to dirt, moisture and dust. In general, such a product looks pleasing to the eye, since the image is very saturated. There is no doubt that the use of glossy printing to create advertising printing increases its potential effectiveness. Glossy printing on matte paper is not possible. It is better to choose matte paper if you intend to print more text and graphics than color images.

The choice of glossy printing method may be dictated by the size of the print run. If you need to produce a small number of products, the use of a digital machine is suitable. In many ways, the principle of its operation is similar to a color printer. It is distinguished by its larger size and rather high speed. If we are talking about a large print run, it is best to use an offset printing machine. Of course, its operation is much more difficult, but also much more profitable from an economic point of view. Both methods imply that the printing of images is based on four colors (the CMYK principle). If it is necessary to introduce a mixed ink (for example, gold color), you should choose an offset method for creating printed products.

What are the most common questions about glossy printing?

How to make booklets using glossy paper printing

Here are some tips on how to properly produce booklets using glossy printing:

  1. Find a manufacturing company. It is important that the glossy print quality is high enough. You need to understand that promotional items can work against the image of your company if they are not executed well enough;
  2. Decide on the booklet size, circulation and paper weight. To create inexpensive "hand out" booklets, light weight paper - 115-130 g / m² is suitable. If these are products of a higher class, give preference to glossy paper 150-250 g / m²;
  3. Prepare images for printing. Although many imaging programs use the RGB color model, glossy printing requires CMYK. When converting, you must select the correct color profile so that the colors are transferred to the paper most accurately;
  4. Save the drawings you use at 300 dpi at full size. The resolution is set so that glossy prints produce clear images;
  5. Create a brochure layout PDF, which will be used by employees of the printing house;
  6. Get confirmation from the printer that your booklet layout is correct. It is important that the layout that went to print does not contain errors, since it will no longer be possible to correct them;
  7. If the colors of the products in the booklet are critical for you (for example, clothes, tiles, etc.), then it is desirable that you be present during printing - arrange this in advance. However, you need to understand that it is not the correction during the production of booklets that plays a decisive role in color reproduction, but the correct color reproduction of the layout.

It is advisable to discuss various issues related to glossy printing with professionals. Printing house employees can suggest what material is better to choose for the production of a particular product, how to reduce the cost of finished products, etc. Professional designers can make a layout that meets the technical requirements of a printing company - this will reduce the likelihood of errors. In addition, if glossy printing from start to finish is carried out by the employees of the printing house, they are also responsible for the result.

When is Glossy Brochure Printing Appropriate?

A brochure is a rather small printed product, the volume of which usually does not exceed 48 pages. Threads, paper clips or even springs can be used as fasteners (if a small circulation is made). With a volume of more than 64 strips, more economical methods of fastening - glue or paper clips - are preferable. With a volume of 100 or more pages, thermal binding can be used.

The purpose of a brochure as an advertising publication is to inform customers or partners about any goods or services. As a rule, this product does not have a specific release period. In order for the brochure to perform its functions, it is better to choose high-quality glossy paper for printing. Sometimes it can even look like a glossy magazine, although the production, of course, will be cheaper.

In order for brochures to attract the attention of the audience, you can use not only glossy printing, but also, for example, special stands or folders. Now brochures are being created that have a small pocket where a business card, CD or some other advertising or informational product can be placed. Glossy printing on A4 or A5 is most often used, but other paper sizes can also be used. The material for the cover is usually thick paper or cardboard, similar to that from which business cards are made. In the manufacture of brochures, a variety of decoration methods and design techniques are common. They are varnished, laminated, embossed, etc.

Why Glossy Catalog Printing Is Better

The purpose of the catalog is to draw the attention of customers to various products and services. Therefore, it is necessary that it be as attractive as possible - like a real glossy magazine. Another important factor is that the catalog has been in use for a long time and passed from hand to hand. And in order for the product to retain its original appearance for as long as possible, high-quality glossy printing is required. Each page of the catalog contains various information about the product, its photo, etc. But the level of sales is affected not only by the information content of the text and the quality of the images, but also by the design of the publication itself. Glossy printing in a printing house is very appropriate here: in combination with the original design, it guarantees a positive impression of customers from the printing industry.

Where interior glossy printing is used

Recently, wide-format glossy printing has been actively used to decorate apartments, offices and various other premises. Posters, posters, posters and even photo wallpapers can serve as a product here. With the help of high-quality large-format printing on glossy paper, you can make the interior really interesting and original. If we are talking about a retail space, this will affect the attraction of customers.

In interior glossy printing, material with a density of about 150-200 g/m² is usually used. It provides high-quality color reproduction and high detail. Thanks to this, images and inscriptions will be easily distinguishable even from a long distance.

When creating a layout for interior glossy printing, consider a few rules:

  • it is necessary to use those formats that are supported in printing houses: .ai, .eps, .cdr, .tif, .jpg, .psd, .pdf;
  • Adobe Indesign is considered the most optimal for layout of catalogs;
  • the minimum resolution for pictures in the layout is 300 dpi;
  • remember that the background should protrude a couple of millimeters beyond the edges of the cut format, otherwise you will get a product with white margins;
  • when working in a vector editor, you must convert all fonts to curves and group objects before saving. And, of course, you need to check that all images have a CMYK color model.

How glossy magazines are printed

For such a periodical as a glossy magazine, the quality of printing plays one of the decisive roles. The appearance of the product depends on the properties of the paper from which the product is made (surface, whiteness, density level, opacity, wear resistance, etc.). For magazines, as a rule, glossy paper with a high degree of whiteness and opacity is selected. The latest developments in the paper industry are characterized by a balance of density and bulk characteristics. There are such brands that, with high opacity, are distinguished by a small mass of paper, which is necessary to create a certain number of products. You need to understand that high-quality glossy printing is the most important condition for creating a magazine, since it will be used for a long time and should look presentable.

Glossy printing typically involves using A4 paper (210x297mm) with a weight of 115g/m² for the inside sheets and 250-300g/m² for the cover. To ensure the gloss of the cover and its resistance to wear, varnishing or lamination is used.

Glossy cover production

How are the glossy magazine covers that we often see on newsstands made? When the printing of the edition is completed, the cover is not immediately connected to the rest of the pages: it is first laminated with a glossy film. The basis in this case can be high-density coated paper. Film thickness varies from 25 µm to 75 µm.

Glossy magazines are now very popular in the print media market. The creation of such periodicals on various topics is carried out by specialized editorial offices, in which, unlike the corporate press, design and layout is carried out by order of the publisher in the printing house by specialists from the prepress department.

Design of a glossy magazine

Creating a product design of such a high level requires a huge amount of professional skills. The layout of a glossy magazine is a very long and laborious process. At the same time, its importance cannot be overestimated, since the appearance of the publication, the quality of images and their location are evaluated on a par with its information content.

Printing glossy magazines in a printing house

There are several ways in which glossy printing is carried out. The print shop may use offset or digital presses. But the most popular method for creating magazines is still offset printing.

There are two main types of offset printing: sheet-fed or rotary printing. If we are talking about a large circulation, the second option is used. The highest quality of glossy magazines is provided by four-section machines. They differ in that the entire circulation is printed in one run. Accordingly, the sheets do not need to be turned over, resulting in sharper images due to better color matching. Glossy printing on such machines also involves the automation of the binding process. Ultimately, a glossy magazine is produced almost entirely without human assistance. We can say that the production of the circulation of the publication from beginning to end takes place on automated lines.

If it is required to produce a small number of copies of a glossy magazine, the use of sheet-fed machines is preferable. We can say that the glossy printing of magazines reflects one of the main elements of the specifics of the creation of printed products: the more copies you need to make, the more automated the production will be. Manual labor is actively used only for printing small runs. As a result, the larger the circulation of a glossy magazine, the lower will be the cost of each finished copy.

What are the business benefits of glossy printing on cardboard?

Glossy printing of printed products can be carried out, including on coated cardboard. This material comes in several varieties. First of all, the paperboard can be coated on one or both sides. It should be noted that printing cardboard is designed specifically for creating high-quality promotional products in the form of glossy folders, postcards, covers, etc., and not for packaging and other similar purposes.

Glossy printing on cardboard is also used in other areas. With its help, for example, postcards and colorful expensive packaging for various goods are made. It can be cosmetics, perfumes, cigarettes, medicines and much more.

Cardboard for printing products is less rigid, but superior to other materials in terms of composition, whiteness and printing properties. If we talk about coated cardboard, then to create it, a special composition is applied to the surface of the material.

You can also find such names of printing cardboard as duplex and triplex.

  • Duplex- the most common type of this material. For the manufacture of such cardboard, no more than three layers of coating are used. The reverse side is usually covered with one layer, and the front side with three or two. The raw materials for the manufacture of the upper and lower layers are waste paper, cellulose or high quality wood pulp. The liner uses a less expensive material. As for the scope of application, such cardboard is most suitable for packaging.
  • Triplex- the highest quality cardboard. The quality characteristics of the insert remain unchanged. Chalking is carried out in two layers, both on the front and on the reverse side.

It is also worth mentioning the differences between coated and uncoated board. The coated surface is more durable and retains the image longer - markings, logos and any other signs. It is this material that is preferred for glossy printing of various products. And from an aesthetic point of view, it is the most suitable, as it makes it possible to apply printing, varnish, etc.

No less important is the fact that coated cardboard is a fairly versatile material. It has a high-quality composition, a high level of whiteness and glossy sheen, and can be varnished. If it is colored cardboard, then it will keep the color that it has, bright and saturated for a long time. The extent to which these positive qualities will be expressed depends on the quality of the raw materials from which the cardboard is made and the number of coating layers.

Initially, cardboard was actively used as an environmentally friendly, inexpensive and multifunctional material for the manufacture of various packaging, as well as the storage and transportation of all kinds of food, household, medicinal and other products. Now glossy printing on cardboard is also used for advertising purposes - for applying logos and other signs.

In addition, coated cardboard is an excellent material for making beautiful packaging, for example, for gift products. In order for it to have the best properties, full coating is used. Then it will be possible to apply varnishing, embossing and glossy printing of bright images to the cardboard. We can talk about the production of colorful packaging tubes, bags and boxes, as well as products for children (covers, printed materials, toys, various sets, etc.) In a general sense, such cardboard is necessary in order to obtain products that meet the most high requirements.

An important property of this material is that it can be laminated. Using a special glossy or matte film can significantly improve image quality. Thanks to the glossy film, it becomes clearer, brighter and more contrasting, while the matte film will help to avoid glare, create a feeling of velvety and depth. In addition, laminated surfaces are more durable, as they are protected to a certain extent from mechanical damage.

In glossy printing on cardboard, a technique such as embossing with the help of embossed cliches is also used. Moreover, two or even more types of embossing can be used at once. Using this technique, you can create an inscription that seems to protrude above the surface of the product, or vice versa. Such an effect can be observed, for example, on covers for documents such as diplomas of educational institutions. It is the printing board that is best suited for the use of targeted deformation.

Glossy printing on cardboard is one of the best ways to produce high quality promotional printing. Covers for catalogs, booklets and brochures are made from this material. The main advantages of glossy printing on cardboard are wear resistance and durability, combined with a wonderful appearance. It provides high efficiency of the made advertizing production.

How to save money when ordering printing on glossy paper

In matters relating to glossy printing, expert advice can be very important. In addition, it is always profitable for printing houses to offer the best conditions in order to acquire regular customers.