Outline of a lesson on the world around (senior group) on the topic: "Development of a game learning situation (ITS) for the formation of the foundations of ecological culture" Travel along the ecological path ". in the older group. Methodical development (middle group)

Kondratyeva Natalya Vyacheslavovna, educator, MBDOU kindergarten number 72 "Watercolor"

“The world around the child is, first of all, the world of nature with an infinite wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of children's minds "

V. Sukhomlinsky

Obviously, there is a contradiction between the knowledge that children have about nature and the loss of ways to exist in nature, the ability to interact with it. Detachment from nature inevitably leaves an imprint on the child's lifestyle, his actions. There is a real need to educate an environmentally educated, humane person who not only possesses environmental knowledge, but also respects the value of another person, a person capable of displaying humane feelings: kindness, responsiveness, love and compassion. All this requires making adjustments to the understanding of the process, sources, factors of the ecological development of a child's personality in conditions of interaction with natural nature.

The task of the teacher in working with children of primary preschool age: to lay the first guidelines in the natural world - plants and animals as living beings and their dependence on living conditions.

In the process of communicating with nature in a playful way, children develop emotional responsiveness, the ability and desire to actively protect and protect nature, to see living objects in all the variety of their properties and qualities, features and manifestations are formed; participate in creating the necessary conditions for the normal life of living beings that are in the sphere of children's reach; understand the importance of nature conservation, consciously follow the norms of behavior in nature.

When conducting games, you must adhere to the following provisions:

  • older preschoolers feel an increased need for play activity (especially at the beginning of training) that satisfies their interest and activity in the development of the surrounding world
  • didactic play awakens pleasant feelings and emotions in children, which reduce tension in the educational process. As a result, the efforts of the pupils are directed to cognitive activity.
  • in didactic play, preschoolers show creative activity, to which a variety of components of the psyche are attracted: sensation, perception, memory, etc., which means that there is an activation of all cognitive processes.

It is necessary to use didactic games to expand and deepen ecological ideas, taking into account those ideas that can be formed in older preschool children:

  • about the diversity and variety of natural objects, about plants and animals as living organisms
  • about relationships and interdependencies in nature (between inanimate and living nature, between objects of living nature)
  • about man as part of nature
  • about the culture of behavior in nature.

So that the game does not turn into a system of exercises, I think over the ratio of the structural elements of the game: game and educational tasks, observance of the rules, the presence of game actions.

Based on the research of I.A. Komarova, I include a variety of game training situations (IOS) for solving specific didactic problems of nature studies, observations. This form of educational game, which has a specific didactic goal, i.e. a game training situation is characterized by the following:

  • has a short and simple plot, built on the basis of life events or a fairy-tale literary work that is well known to preschoolers
  • the game uses the necessary toys, paraphernalia; space and subject environment are specially organized for it; a kind of game element that I use is a toy (mainly a doll depicting fairy-tale characters, heroes of children's cartoons and TV shows), around which the lesson, observation, game unfolds. During the lesson, the game characters connect parts of the lesson with various elements of the role-playing game and with the didactic content of the lesson, as a result of which game learning situations are formed
  • the content of the game contains a didactic goal and an educational task, to which all its components are subordinated - the plot, the role-playing interaction of the characters, etc.
  • the game is carried out by the educator: I announce the name and plot, distribute the roles, take one role on myself and perform it throughout the game, support the imaginary situation in accordance with the plot
  • the teacher guides the entire game: I follow the development of the plot, the performance of roles by children, role relationships, saturating the game with role-based dialogues and game actions, through which the didactic goal is realized.

Using game learning situations (IOS) three types.

The main characteristic of ITS of the first type is the use of analog toys that depict various objects of nature: specific animals or plants. There are many toy analogs of animals, they exist in very different designs (soft, rubber, plastic, clockwork, etc.)... There are not so many toy analogs of plants - these are plastic Christmas trees of different sizes, trees and shrubs from a flat theater, mushrooms, sometimes foam fruits and vegetables, figurines of the heroes of the fairy tale by J. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino" .

I use IOS with analog toys in all age groups, and I compare them not only with living objects, but also with their images in pictures, visual aids. I include toys-analogs in any IOS, in any form of ecological education of children: observations, classes, work in nature, an excursion, I combine it with reading informative literature, watching filmstrips, videos.

Analog toys are didactic toys, in the group there are sets of fish, domestic and wild animals - they serve as handouts in the classroom in any age group.

The second type of ILE is associated with the use of puppets depicting characters of literary works based on their literary biography - the main events, characteristic situations, vivid behavioral features that are well known to children in order to arouse interest and draw the attention of children to the didactic purpose of the lesson. IOS fairy tale heroes "Go out" beyond the plot of the work, act in new, but similar situations and necessarily continue their characteristic line of behavior.

It is important that each literary hero in a separate game teaching situation can act in one of two functions: to play the role of a knowledgeable hero, well-informed in any material, or, conversely, a naive simpleton who does not know anything. In the first case, I set the task of indirectly teaching children - new information is communicated through the lips of the character, he teaches children the rules of behavior (for example, the way Dr. Aibolit, Chippolino does it)... In the second case, I set the task of consolidating the material, clarifying and updating children's ideas about nature.

The third type of ITS is educational game situations such as travel. Travel is the collective name for various kinds of games in visiting exhibitions, agricultural farms, and a zoo; excursions, hikes, expeditions, trips and travels. (Appendix # 5) These games are united by the fact that children, visiting interesting places, gain new knowledge about nature in a playful way, which is facilitated by the obligatory role of a leader in the game. (guide, head of the expedition, head of the farm), which I perform myself. It is through the teacher that preschoolers get to know new places, animals, plants, receive a variety of information about the surrounding nature and human activities in it.

Summarizing all of the above, we can formulate the following main conclusions: games of ecological content help the child to see the uniqueness and integrity of not only a certain living organism, but also the ecosystem.

Bibliographic list.

  1. Nikolaeva S.N., Komarova I.A. Narrative games in the ecological education of preschoolers. M., 2003
  2. Nikolaeva S.N. Ecological education of younger preschoolers. M., 2002
  3. Nikolaeva S.N. Ecologist in kindergarten. M., 2003

Picture 1"

By means environmental education kids 2-3 years old are also didactic games with toys depicting animals, with pictures, including playing exercises and game learning situations (ITS). They help the teacher to solve a whole range of educational problems: to clarify and strengthen the received ideas about objects of nature. To activate cognitive and speech activity, stimulate a variety of experiences: benevolence, compassion, a desire to help, surprise, joy, etc. The educator, using toys, characters of finger or puppet theater, creates play situations that help children to become aware of what is happening, cause appropriate experiences and actions.

I work in an orphanage, and our children are so lacking in positive emotions, various impressions, and it is known that positive emotions are the basis of a child's mental health and emotional well-being. A characteristic feature of young children is their love of listening to nursery rhymes, poems, and fairy tales. Children of the home of the child, for the most part, lag behind their peers in mental development. In order to instill in children a love for the natural world, to arouse interest in the artistic word, I have composed small quatrains that are accessible to the perception of our children, which I use in the proposed game learning situations. Games give children a lot of joy, allow them to dream up and take initiative.

Game learning situations (ITS) for children 2 - 3 years old.

The character

Tie Development of the plot
Got lost Scared I need to help him The game

"Run, bunny, for a carrot"


“Ay - yes, bunny, rascal
Bunny, little gray coward.
You run home quickly!
The bunnies are waiting at the door. "

Went to visit Gotta treat Play The game"Catch the dog"


“Our puppy will jump
Paws kicks up.
Shake your ear
It wags its tail ”.

Looking for her chicks Calm down Help search The game"Birds flap their wings"


“Birdie, birdie, calm down
Fear no one now!
We found the chicks
And they took them to your nest. "

Goat and kids

Were on opposite sides of the brook Worry and worry We need to build a bridge and help get across The game"Crawl along the path"


“Oh, and fast kids
White-sided guys.
We made our way along the bridge
They gathered near my mother. "

Hen and chicks

The kitten wants to offend the chickens The chicken persuades you not to Everyone became friends The game“Chickens and hen”.


“Chicken - Pestrushka,
Where are your chickens?
See, together with the cat
They are playing hide and seek. ”

The character Situation Positive resolution of the situation
Tie Development of the plot
I went for apples, but I couldn't find it. Grieved. We need help. The game"Let's go for mushrooms"


“Here is a hedgehog crawling along the path
And the hedgehog is lucky on needles:
Apple, pear, banana, orange.
“Hedgehog, right, you went to the store?”.

Hisses, wants to pinch. Fears. We need to calm down. The game"Wild geese"


“Let's call you, goose, Dorofey
We will give you drink, we will regret it.
And you won't pinch anymore
And you won't throw yourself at the kids! ”

We flew to the meadow. Looking for honey. Show flowers The game"Bees"

The poem is a riddle:

"Shaggy paws
The abdomen is striped.
Flies over the clearing
And buzzes, buzzes, buzzes.

Climbed into the hollow to the bees. I got scared. To regret, to chide. The game"I will catch, I will catch"


"Mischievous Bear, clubfoot
Why did he put his paw in the hollow?
Good bees live there
Ask, they will give you honey ”.

Wet the wings. Can't fly. Help, put in the sun. The game"Butterflies"


1. “A butterfly wet its wings in the rain
The sad butterfly folded its wings.
The wind will disperse wet clouds
There will be a ray of sunshine again. ”
2. “The sun is cheerful
Come out from behind the cloud.
Look at our pens
Look at our legs.
Let a ray of light along the path. "

The character Situation Positive resolution of the situation
Tie Development of the plot
Beats with a hoof, gets angry Wants to roll children All made up The game"Gop, gop, my horse"


“Horse, don't snort menacingly
Do not knock with a hoof.
Well, take a ride, horse, us
Many, many, many times. ”

Hiding in a hollow Fears Treat The game"Squirrel and cones" Poem:

“We will collect for the squirrel
And in the basket we will bring:
Berries, mushrooms, nuts.
We'll tell her the nursery rhyme. ”

Carries a twig Lost Calm down The game"Our anthill"


“The ant was looking for his house
Field anthill.
We're on a green twig
They took him home. "

Runs away Looking for a mink Suggest to play The game"Cats - Mice"


“Gray mouse, beads - eyes
Do you want us to read you a fairy tale?
Do you want us to bring you bread
Shall we show toys and sing a song? ”.

Creeps slowly Was late Help The game Snail"


“Snail, snail, where are your legs?
You crawl very slowly along the path.
Do you want us to give you boots? "

Consultation for teachers

In the life of preschool children, play is the leading activity. Play is an emotional activity: the child at play is in a good mood, active and benevolent. The effectiveness of acquainting children with nature to a large extent depends on their emotional attitude towards the educator, who teaches, gives assignments, organizes observations and practical interaction with plants and animals. Therefore, the first moment that unites two aspects of pedagogy (play and acquaintance with nature) is to “immerse” children in their favorite activity and create a favorable emotional background for the perception of “natural” content.

The second significant point is associated with the development of children's attitude to nature, which, within the framework of environmental education, is the final result.

Game educational situations with analog toys

Analogs are toys that depict objects of nature: specific animals or plants. There are many toy analogs of animals, they exist in very different designs (soft, rubber, plastic, clockwork, etc.)

Figure “2”.

There are not so many toy analogs of plants - these are plastic Christmas trees of different sizes, trees and shrubs from a flat theater, mushrooms, sometimes foam fruits and vegetables, figurines of fairy tales heroes.

Analogous toys are remarkable in that, with their help, children from 2-3 years old can form clear ideas about the specific characteristics of living beings on the basis of a number of essential features, identify the differences between a toy-object and a living animal, if their simultaneous perception and comparison is organized. With the help of such toys, it is easy to demonstrate: what can be done with an object and what can be done with a living being, i.e. show fundamentally different forms of activity with living and nonliving objects.

Analog toys may be included in any IOS , and any form of ecological education of children: observation, occupation, labor in nature. They can be taken on an excursion to the nearest natural environment, combined with reading cognitive literature, watching slides, videos. In all cases, they will help in the formation of clear realistic ideas about nature in children. In some cases, it is advisable to demonstrate the analogue toy before meeting the animal. This applies to some mammals (cat, dog, rabbit, etc.), which cause bright and strong emotions in children, the desire to communicate with them - an ordinary toy fades against their background. Only an interestingly constructed clockwork toy that reproduces elements of behavior can compete with them (for example, a dog that moves forward, wags its tail, barks, rises on its hind legs).

Analog toys are didactic toys, they should be collected and stored in a teaching room. It is advisable to have sets of fish, birds - they will serve as handouts in the classroom in any age group. You can pick up toys of the same name, made of different materials (for example, soft, rubber, plastic hares), different sizes and different decorative designs. Large soft toys that convey nature well (lions, tigers, monkeys, crocodiles) are excellent objects for play activities.

Similar IOS can be used to familiarize children with birds, a turtle and any other animals, as well as when comparing a toy and a living tree.

IOS with analog toys can be used in all age groups, and they can be compared not only with living objects, but also with their images in paintings, visual aids.

Game educational situations with literary characters

The second type of IOS is associated with the use of puppets depicting characters in works that are well known to children. The heroes of their favorite fairy tales, stories, filmstrips, cartoons are perceived by children emotionally, excite the imagination, and become objects of imitation. In the ecological education of preschoolers, various characters are successfully used on the basis of their literary biography - the main events, characteristic situations, vivid features of behavior. In IOS, fairytale heroes “go” beyond the plot of the work, act in new, but similar situations and necessarily continue their characteristic line of behavior.

Each ITS taken separately solves a small didactic problem with the help of a literary character - his questions, statements, advice, suggestions and various game actions. When developing an ITS, the educator should remember that all the words and actions of the doll must correspond to its literary biography: in a new situation, it must manifest itself in the same way as in the work.

For IOS with any literary character to really perform a didactic function, it must be well played. In each such IOS, the educator plays two roles - a doll and his own.

Figure 3.

He simultaneously speaks and acts for the character and for the educator. As a teacher, he talks to children and a doll; as a character, he speaks to the children and the caregiver. At the same time, the success of playing the role of a doll depends on changing intonations and a variety of play actions that it performs. The doll should be "alive" - ​​turn to the children, then to the teacher, stretch out his arms, tilt his head, come into contact with children (stroking them on the head, on the cheek, patting them on the shoulder, shaking hands, etc.). That is why it is advisable to use bi-ba-bo dolls, and make ordinary dolls controllable. Aibolit, for example, when examining plants, performs many such actions: bypasses them from all sides, looks around, touches the ground with his hand, shakes his head when he notices problems, points to frail stems, yellowing leaves. The doctor accompanies all his actions with words, exclamations, assessment - it is from these that the meaning of his examination, the general conclusion that he makes, becomes clear. This is called the game's actions and the words of the character. The teacher must prepare for the role of a doll: the better he plays it, the more emotionally the content of the lesson will be perceived by the children, the more successfully the didactic task will be solved.


  1. I.P. Dailidene. Let's play, kid. Moscow "Education" 1992.
  2. Further, all outdoor games in game training situations are presented in this manual.
  3. Younger preschooler in kindergarten. How to work on the "Childhood" program. Study guide. Saint - Petersburg CHILDHOOD - PRESS 2008
  4. Nikolaeva S.N. Methodology for environmental education of preschoolers: Textbook. manual for stud. environments, and higher. ped. study, institutions. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999.
  5. Kuznetsova A. 195 educational games for toddlers from 1 to 3 years old. RIPOL CLASSIC HOUSE XXI century Moscow 2008

Yulia Gudkova
Development of a game training situation (ITS) for the formation of the foundations of ecological culture "Dunno's Journey into the Forest"

"Dunno's Journey into the Forest."

Didactic tasks:

1) Form a generalized idea of ​​the forest and its inhabitants; wild animals, birds; Clarify children's ideas about the life of forest animals - bear, wolf, fox, hare; Form an idea of ​​the forest as a community of trees, animals and birds; to consolidate the rules of conduct in the forest. Convince children of the usefulness of all types of animals and plants; ("Cognitive Development")

2) Promote the creative use of nature in games. ("Social and communicative development")

3) Develop the speech of children, replenish the dictionary with the words grove, pine forest, oak grove. Improve the ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. ("Speech Development")

4) Develop physical activity, through physical. just a minute. ("Physical development")

Educational tasks:

1) To cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature consciously, carefully treat the trees of the nearest natural environment as living objects. (“Social - communicative development).

Methods and techniques:

- practical- the game "parts of a tree", the game "from which tree the leaf", the game "one, two, three", drawing the forest and its inhabitants.

- visual- illustrations depicting various trees, birds, wild animals.

- verbal - conversation, guessing riddles, counting rhyme.

Materials and equipment: Pictures of wild animals, birds, trees, bus tickets, tape recorder, recording of bird voices, crayons, paints, brushes, sippy bottles, album sheet.

Dunno runs into the group with the words “I was running and I met various trees and animals on my way, I still didn’t understand where I was? Maybe kids - can you help me find out where I've been? " The teacher asks the children - will we help Dunno? (children's answers). The teacher is surprised that Dunno does not know what a forest is, and who lives in the forest.

The teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

Guys tell me, were you with your parents in the woods? (Yes)

What did you like most about the forest? (children's answers: rest, pick mushrooms, pick berries, etc.)

The teacher invites the children to go into the forest, take Dunno with them and introduce him to the forest and forest animals.

The teacher asks the children what they can use to go to the forest? (children's answers by car, bicycle, horse, bus.) Well done, you named many types of transport, but we will go by bus. And to go by bus, who do we need? (children's answers - driver, conductor)

The teacher assigns roles using a counting rhyme. (Among the boys we choose the driver, among the girls the conductor is the rest of the passengers).

Children sit on high chairs (bus, buy tickets from the conductor, hit the road, reach the Lesnaya station.

Upon arrival in the forest, the teacher informs the children and Dunno that the forest is a community of many inhabitants - representatives of flora and fauna.

The teacher makes three riddles to children, about trees (about oak, aspen, linden)

Dunno gets acquainted with trees. In order for Dunno to remember the trees better, the teacher suggests playing the game “One, two, three ...”. Shows a picture of a tree and counts: one, two, three. Children transform into a tree shown in the picture:

Pine - arms are spread apart;

Spruce - hands half-down, hands to the sides, fingers together;

Aspen - the rivers are raised up, fingers are clenched;

Oak - arms are raised wide up, fingers are spread;

Birch - hands up, hands down.

The teacher asks the children whether the tree is alive or not? (children's answers are alive).

Why do you think so? (children's answer options because, as all living things eat, sleep, reproduce and breathe).

How do trees breathe? (children's answer options using leaves). Dunno, do you know what parts a tree consists of? (Dunno's answer is no).

The teacher offers children the game "Parts of a Tree" cut pictures

Children collect three, trees, they call this tree and parts of the tree (roots, trunk, branches, leaves). Dunno looks and remembers.

The teacher pays attention to the leaves that lie on the floor.

Guys, look how many leaves are on the ground, there was a strong wind, tore the leaves from the trees, all the leaves are messed up, look at which trees are sad, let's help the trees, pick up a leaf for each tree.

The teacher conducts the game "From which tree is the leaf."

(children "bring trees to life")

Well done, look how our trees came to life with leaves!

The teacher conducts physical. a minute "We took a walk in the woods"

We took a walk in the forest and got a little tired.

Let's get up, take a deep breath, and spread our hands together.

Miracles in our world: children have become dwarfs,

And then they all stood up together, they all became giants.

Together we will clap! Slowly sink!

We took a good walk and were not tired at all!

Is it pleasant for you to be in such a forest? (Yes)

The teacher asks the children, the guys tell Dunno, who else lives in the forest (the children's answers are wild animals).

Children call forest animals, and show them in the picture, the pictures are on a tree stump (high chair).

The children are invited to tell about the life of animals that live in the forest.

Children tell about the wolf, bear, fox and hare how they spend the summer and winter. The educator brings everyone to the conclusion what unites these animals and what they are called. (Answers of children).

The teacher asks the children why they are called wild.

The answers of the children (they independently get their own food, build their own dwelling, take care of their cubs).

The teacher invites the children to remember and introduce Dunno with the basic rules of behavior in the forest. (Do not go to the forest alone, you must not make noise in the forest, throw garbage, break branches, etc.)

The teacher says that in each forest there are many different birds. Birds are hung on the trees, the children take turns taking Dunno to the bird and call this bird, the teacher helps the children.

The teacher continues his story and explains that trees are still the main ones in the forest, it depends on them what animals live in the forest, what shrubs, mushrooms, berries grow in it. The trees are distinguished: birch grove, pine forest, oak grove, mixed or coniferous forest. In the forest, all its inhabitants are well adapted to life. Animals find food for themselves, a place for breeding, and can flee from enemies.

The teacher invites the children and Dunno to return to the group, distributes the roles of a driver, a conductor using a counting rhyme.

Everyone gets on the bus and returns to the group. On the way, the teacher asks the children about what they remember, what they liked in the forest.

Upon arrival at the kindergarten, the children are invited to draw a forest and its inhabitants, and give Dunno, so that he remembers the forest and its inhabitants. Dunno takes the drawings, thanks the children for their help, and leaves.

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Slide captions:

Eternal glory to water Educator Lagoida N.S.

Poem about water Have you heard about water? They say she is everywhere! In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean And in the water tap, Like an icicle freezes, Crawls into the forest with fog, Boils on our stove, The kettle's steam hisses. Without her, we can’t wash, Do not eat, do not get drunk! I dare to report to you. We cannot live without her.

Dirt Dwarf I, Dirt Dwarf, the only and powerful ruler of everything around, take all your water for myself and will own it myself. But I am still terribly generous, and therefore I give you the opportunity to get her back. But for this you need to pass the test. Although, I know that you will not succeed. The plan is attached.

Gnome Quests Got Dirty 1. Name everything that is water?

riddles They were waiting for me, my name was, I showed myself - they ran away

He sits on everyone, is not afraid of anyone

Many, many stars, Thin as glass, The stars are cold, And the earth is warm!

Not snow and not ice, But with silver He will remove the trees

It is warm for fish to live in winter. Roof - thick glass

Blanket white Not made by hand. It was not weaved or cut, It fell from heaven to earth.

Remembering children's fairy tales

Dirty Dirt Okay, guys, I'm giving you back your water!


Summary of the game educational situation in ecology

in the older group

Theme "Eternal Glory to Water"

Target: to expand children's knowledge about water and its meaning in life; to educate children in cultural and hygienic skills; activate mental activity, imagination; teach to find a way out of the current situation.

Equipment: silhouettes of black and brown footprints, projector, laptop, speakers.

The character: gnome Dirty.

Course of the lesson

The water is gone.

In the morning after breakfast, the children go to wash their hands and suddenly discover that there is no water in the washbasin.

There is no water, what to do?

Guys, let me read you a poem about water, maybe it will appear.

Have you heard of water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet, (slide number 2)

Like an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with fog,

It's boiling on the stove

The kettle's ferry hiss.

We can't wash our face without her

Do not gorge yourself, do not get drunk!

I dare to report to you

We cannot live without it.

We listened to such a wonderful poem about water.

Look guys, maybe some water has appeared.


Guys, I wonder where did the water go? You know, I just remembered! This morning, when I came to the group, it was still very early, there was no one in the room, and silence reigned. Suddenly I heard a thin, iridescent laugh, I was very surprised and looked around, there was no one around. I walked around the group and suddenly on the sink, at the very edge of the tap, I saw a small transparent drop of water. She just sparkled with purity and laughed softly. And then from under the bench, from the farthest corner, a dirty little man emerged. He ran to the droplet, grabbed it, hid it in a large bucket. This little man stole this little water from us. He threw himself into a dark corner, saying: "This is the last drop now mine."

Let's look for a dirty little man.

(Black and brown footprints are laid out in advance in the group. Children follow them, find ...)

Slide number 3

“I, the Gnome of Dirt, the only and powerful ruler of everything around, take all your water for myself and will own it myself. But I am still terribly generous and therefore give you the opportunity to get her back. But for this you need to pass the test. Although, I know that you will not succeed. The plan is attached. "

Blimey! Guys, it will probably be difficult to figure it out. Or maybe you and I do not need water and we will not fulfill its conditions? And what is water for? If it does not exist, what will happen then?

(children talk about the meaning of water and come to the conclusion about its need)

Let's complete the tasks according to the plan.

Gnome Gryznulki quests.

  1. Name everything that is water (ice, snow, rain, lake) slide number 4
  2. Guess the riddles about water.

They were waiting for me, they called me,

Showed up - ran away (slide number 5)


He sits on everyone, is not afraid of anyone. (slide number 6)


Many, many stars

As thin as glass. (slide number 7)

The stars are cold

And the earth is warm!


Not snow and not ice, but silver will remove trees (frost) (slide number 8)

It is warm for fish to live in winter. (slide number 9)

The roof is thick glass.


Blanket white

Not done by hand. (slide number 10)

Was not weaved or cut,

It fell from heaven to earth.


  1. Should I wash my hands? What for?
  2. Remember children's fairy tales, where heroes defeat dirt with the help of water. ("Fedorino grief", "Moidodyr" by K. Chukovsky) (slide number 11)

The result of the lesson.

Hooray! We won, give us our water, Gryaznulka. Dirt: Okay, guys, I'm returning your water.

Guys, do you think Gryaznulka likes to be always bad?

(children say). How can we help him? (children say)

Let's rename Dirty Dust to Clean. (slide number 12)

Topic: "Acquaintance with animals of hot and cold countries."

Age group: senior group.

Target: Expand children's ideas about wild animals: reindeer, polar bear, monkey, camel.

Tasks: 1) To acquaint children with natural and climatic

zones: tundra, desert, arctic.

2) Teach children to determine the place of its habitat by the appearance of the animal.

3) Enrich the vocabulary of children noun. -moss, tundra, desert.

adj. - white, warm, long, strong legs, curved.

4) Broaden the horizons of children.

5) Foster curiosity, respect for nature.

Space-time resource: hall, 30 min.

Scientific and theoretical support: "Welcome to ecology" childhood press 2006.

Methodological support: Chairs, pictures of animals (camel, monkey, polar bear, reindeer.), Fishing rods, audio recording of the song (Chunga-Changa), cap for a stewardess, steering wheel for the pilot.

Planned result:


1. know the natural and climatic zones: tundra, desert, arctic.

2.know the place

habitats of wild animals of hot and cold countries.

2. know and use new words in their speech.


1. know how to recognize natural and climatic zones in paintings.

2. are able to determine the place of its habitat by the appearance of the animal.

2. are able to use new words in their speech.


1. show interest.


perceive new material, show


2. are happy with the result.


Guys! Do you love to travel?

And what can you travel on?

Would you like to go on a journey with me to animals of hot and cold countries? (Answers of children)


We will build the plane ourselves, we will fly over the forests, we will fly over the forests, and then we will return to our mother.

Well, to fly I

I propose to build an airplane. (They construct an airplane from chairs)

We have built an airplane.

Can a plane fly without a pilot? (Answers of children)

Then I suggest choosing a pilot.

Okay, the pilot is selected.

Do you need a stewardess?

Then can I be a flight attendant?

Since I am a stewardess

I ask you to take your cameras with you, go to the aircraft cabin and fasten your seat belts, start the engine, take off.

Our plane

flies up to Africa. The nature of Africa is diverse, continuous tropical forests, vast expanses of deserts, where there is no shrub or greenery. Our plane is landing and we will meet animals - camels and monkeys.

But before you get off the plane, you need to take off your warm clothes, as it is very hot in Africa. And here are the children and the camel.

Educator: let's take a look at the camel. We see

a big beast with long legs and

uneven back.

What kind of mountains does he have on his back? (Answers of children)

Yes, children are a hump, in which a camel has the entire supply of fat and food.

Educator: Well done children! Now let's let go of the camel and get acquainted with other inhabitants of this country - monkeys.

Monkeys are always cheerful and cheerful animals. They love to have fun, dance and invite us to dance with them.

Educator: We danced merrily, but it's time for us to refuel and fly back. Let's get back to the seats on our plane. Let's start the engines, take off.


So our journey has come to an end, where have we been with you today?

(Answers of children)

we visited the cold North and hot Africa, as well as the tundra and the desert.


While you and I are flying back

let's play, I will name the beast for you, and you will name the country in which he lives. (Play the game)

Teacher: Well done!

And now, dear passengers, our journey ends, and the plane lands in kindergarten. I would like to suggest that when you return to kindergarten, do not forget to develop your films and print your photos .. And I thank you and say goodbye.