Plan for October in the nursery group. Thematic week "Golden Autumn"

Burtseva Svetlana
Calendar-thematic planning in the first junior group for October

Music. Monday 1.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Continue to teach how to greet adults and peers at the entrance to group. Morning gymnastics. In the building corner, invite children to build "fence", beat the building. Lotto "Pets"- develop speech, observation, attention. Provide basic knowledge about pets. Learn to distinguish between adults and their cubs. Practice sound pronunciation "loud quiet". Develop positive emotions from the perception of the animal world. KGN-Remind children to give thanks after meals. S/R/I - "Polyclinic"-Enrich children's play experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline. Develop the ability to independently select attributes, choose a role.

Artistic creativity. "Rain drip-drop-drop" (Kazakova T. G. p15)

Target: Teach children how to hold a felt-tip pen in their hand; learn to draw with a felt-tip pen - do not press hard, draw straight vertical lines; do not go beyond the limit line; to cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

vocabulary work: blue pencil, rain, hold in the right hand.

I/R - with difficult children.

Walk. Examining a birch

The leaves have turned yellow and are falling off. The breeze is blowing, the birch is swaying, making noise, dropping leaves

Continue to acquaint children with the concept of leaf fall

leaf fall, leaf fall

yellow leaves fly

Leaves rustle underfoot

Soon the garden will be naked

P\u003e "Catch the ball" "Step over the stick"- to teach children not to shuffle their feet while walking, to raise them, to develop the ability to step over objects encountered on the way and at the same time not to lose balance. Labor order "Gather the sand in the sandbox". Reading familiar poems - provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when the educator reads familiar works. C / R / I - at the request of children, to form the ability to show interest in the game actions of peers. Help to play side by side without interfering with each other.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Self-service work - continue to teach children how to properly wear tights and slippers. Continue to learn how to roll up sleeves before washing hands, and dry them after washing. P\u003e "Cat and Mice" Support games that improve movement. puppet games corner: wake up the doll, wash, dress, feed. N / A - To cultivate a negative attitude towards rudeness, greed.

Tuesday 2.10.12

Morning. Conversation "We're already big" promote friendly relations with adults, take part in a conversation with them. DI "Find a yellow leaf"- to form color perception, encourage children in joint activities, repeat after the teacher individual the words: leaves, falling leaves, yellow, beautiful. P/I "A train"- learn to move in one chain at a different pace, pronouncing "choo-choo-choo", "tu-tu".

Communication. Didactic game "Orders". Didactic exercise "Up-Down". (Gerbova G. G str32) Target: to improve the ability of children to understand the teacher's speech; encourage children's attempts to independently carry out actions with objects and name them, help children understand the meaning of words up and down, teach them to pronounce them clearly. Develop emotions. Cultivate a culture of behavior. Vocabulary Work: big, small, red, big cube, blue cup. I / R - with Islam X, Danil N, To develop the ability of children, according to the verbal instructions of the teacher, to find objects by name, color, size, name their location, imitate the actions of people and the movements of animals.

Walk. Rain watching. Introduce children to the external signs of rain. Show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature. Rain can be warm or cold. After the rain everything is wet. It's raining - puddles appear. Raindrops are pounding on the roofs.

Like balls of life

The raindrops are dancing,

They dance, dance:

Drop with drop are found

They converge in one puddle!

P/I "Catch me"- exercise of children in walking and running in the indicated direction. "Get in the circle"-Learn to follow the rule of rotation, while one participant is acting, the rest must restrain their actions. Practice throwing the bag with one hand at the target; develop an eye. S/R/I "Let's put the Katya doll to sleep"- exercise children in performing game actions, fix the names of bedding. Cultivate good emotional feelings. Reading a fairy tale "How a goat built a hut" accompany the reading with a display of toys, pictures, tabletop theater characters and other visual aids.

Physical education.

"Carousels"- to form the ability of children to run in a circle quickly, then slowly. Building games. Build a room with furniture for the doll. Independent activity in the art corner - to arouse children's interest in actions with pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes, paints, plasticine.

Wednesday 3.10.12

Morning. Conversation "Good in our garden". Encourage you to go quietly group, to promote the establishment of friendly relations between children. P/I "The mother hen and the chicks"- Learn to perform functions "chickens". KGP Continue to teach children to wash their hands when soiled and before eating, to dry their face and hands with a towel. Sensory games - teach children to compare and select objects by size, understand and correctly use the words big-small in speech.

Reading fiction. Reading the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The cat was sleeping on the roof" (Gerbova V.V. p. 36).

Target: To teach children to listen to a story without visual accompaniment, to exercise in a clear pronunciation of vowels and, a, and sound combinations IA. To educate in children the desire and ability to listen to reading, to repeat individual words.

vocabulary work: the cat is not sleeping, close, sitting.

I/R: with Ira I, Sonya K - Help children answer questions.

Walk. Fall observation. Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Expand the concept of leaf fall. Remind the children that autumn has come. The whole earth was covered with leaves - everything around is yellow. Therefore, autumn is called yellow, golden. Pay attention to how one leaf flies to the ground, the other spins and slowly falls to the ground. The leaves are light, so they fly slowly.

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden.

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, fly ...

M. Evensen.

P/I - "Bring an item"- Teach children to follow the direction indicated by the teacher; change direction according to the task; do not bump into each other; navigate in space; perform simple tasks of the teacher during the game. "Through the Brook" Teach how to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance. Labor - helping the educator in caring for toys .

Physical education.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Consider illustrations for a fairy tale with children "Ryaba Hen". P\u003e "Planes landing"- accustom to joint games in small groups. Games in the touch corner. Offer to design turrets, houses, cars together. Independent activity in the art corner - to teach children to distinguish the colors of pencils, felt-tip pens, to name them correctly, to draw different lines, to cross them like objects.

Thursday 4.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. Di "Roll the ball down the hill" (fix colors). Di "Soft liners"- teach children to choose "windows" corresponding to the shape of the figurine. Teach children to be polite. DI "How do we wash our hands"- continue to take soap, lather your hands, rub your palms together, rinse. P/I "Birds in the nest"- introduce the rules of the game, learn to respond to the sound signal.

Walk. Vehicle surveillance. Consider what he has there is: door, wheels. The car drives forward, buzzes - to activate the speech of children. P/I "Colored Cars" teach children to act as a driver. Develop a response to a color signal. Exercise in easy running with a turn to the left - to the right. "Step over the stick"- to teach children not to shuffle their feet while walking, to raise them, to develop the ability to step over objects encountered on the way and at the same time not to lose balance. Labor is to continue to help clean up toys. S/R/I "Family"- to promote the emergence of a game on topics from the surrounding life. Learn to maintain a role-playing dialogue.

productive activity. “Here is such plasticine” (Yanushko E.A. p15) Target: to introduce children to plasticine and its properties, to teach children to knead plasticine with the fingers and palms of both hands, to form interest with plasticine, to develop fine motor skills. Cultivate friendships with each other.

vocabulary work: plasticine, soft, plastic, can be kneaded, rolled. AND/ R: with difficult children.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. While dressing, teach children to put on their own socks, tights, shorts - to cultivate independence, in case of difficulty, teach children to verbally express a request for help. P/I "Hand clap"- exercise in coordination of movements with words. reading nursery rhymes "Our Masha is small"- educate the desire to memorize and pronounce the text. Free games with toys. DI "Tower of Cubes"- to form the skill of vertically laying a cube on a cube, to understand the words "make a tower".

Friday 5.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. Conversation "Our group» - continue to introduce children to group and the things that are in it. Di "Beads"- to teach children to thread the string through the holes of the beads, to encourage those children who correctly name the color. P/I "My cheerful sonorous ball"- teach children to jump on two legs; listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Cognition. "Tanya and Manechka - sisters" (Karpukhina NA. Str16). Target: among the set of pictures, select identical ones (clothes, dishes, toys). Develop visual perception, the function of generalization in thinking. Cultivate good feelings for members families: brothers, sisters.

vocabulary work: toys, dishes, clothes. AND/ R: with inactive children.

Walk. Learn to recognize birds by their appearance. To acquaint with the external features of the sparrow; learn to find similar and distinctive features between a crow, a dove, a sparrow. The sparrow is a lively little bird. Sparrow tweets: chirp-chirp. The sparrows are jumping. All birds fly, flapping their wings during flight.

small birds

Swimming in the stream

And at the bottom of the blade of grass

They dance, they twist.

P/I "Catch the ball" To develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction while walking and running and change it depending on the situation, to teach them to run in different directions, not to delay each other, to catch the ball, to develop attention and endurance. "Cat and Mice"- development of coordination of movements, dexterity. Labor order "Gather the sand in the sandbox". KGN - continue to teach how to greet and say goodbye; learn to say thank you after eating.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. finger game . Di "Let's dress the doll for a walk" "The cat is sneaking"- learn to act on the signal of the educator. N/A - contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers

Monday 8.10

Morning. Repetition of familiar nursery rhymes and songs to create a joyful mood. finger games "This finger is grandfather"- develop fine motor skills of the hands. I. R - with Danil N., Camilla R. - to teach how to compose a whole image from parts. KHN - continue to teach how to lather hands, rinse off soap, wring out hands after washing. DI "Loud quiet" develop the ability to change the strength of the voice.

Artistic creativity. "Let's help the bugs hide in the grass"

Target: Teach children how to hold a wax pencil in their hand, draw straight vertical lines; consolidate knowledge of colors; develop an interest in drawing with colored pencils.

Word work: pencils, weed, green.

Individual work: with difficult children.

Walk. "Yellow Leaves Fly"- show children the variety of colors of golden autumn; discover a new concept "falling leaves".

leaf fall, leaf fall,

The yellow leaves are flying.

Ask each child to select one of the most beautiful, liked leaves. With each child, clarify the color of the leaf. “Look around and tell me what color is autumn?” (Answer children: yellow.) "Golden autumn!"- specifies the teacher. The song is being played "Leaves, leaves fly in the wind"

Did. games: "What do I see" Target: develop phonemic representations

"What colour" Target: be able to name and distinguish primary colors

P/I "Sparrows and the Car" Target: Learn to run on a signal, find your place.

"Run for the ball" Target: act on a signal, create a good mood

Individual work:Movement development

Remote material: for playing sand, balls, dolls, cars.

S/R/I "We are chauffeurs"- perform simple game actions based on your experience and knowledge. KGN - to consolidate the ability to consistently put on clothes with a little help from an adult.

Evening. K. E-learn to eat on your own, refuse an offer "spoon feeding", to learn to notice a beautifully served table. reading nursery rhymes "Doll Katya"- develop auditory perception, the ability to correlate text and action, coordination of movements. P/I "A train" learn to follow each other and act according to the text. DI "Who called us"- development of auditory attention. Games with toys, learn to call each other by name, calmly talk to each other.

Tuesday 9.10.12

Morning. DI "Instruction"- develop orientation in space, the need to communicate with adults, goodwill towards them, fix the location of objects in group room, their purpose, to teach to show interest in toys, to carry out instructions at the request of an adult, to fix the names of children. K. G. N. - To form the habit of using individual objects (napkin, towel, comb). P/I "Run to the flag!", purpose: develop running skills and reaction to the signal.

Communication. Russian folktale "Turnip". Didactic exercises: "Who eats what?", "Tell "a". Didactic games: "Orders", "Horses".

Target: Remind the content of the fairy tale "Turnip". Arouse the desire to tell a fairy tale together with the teacher. Clarify ideas about which animal eats what ( "The mouse gnaws a crust of cheese, the dog - a bone" etc.). Activate verbs in speech "lap", "nibble", "there is". Teach: - clearly pronounce the sound [a], small phrases.

vocabulary work: sweet turnip, sweet.

Individual work: with Maxim, with Camilla, with Ira - enrich the vocabulary of children

Walk. "Birch" clarify the characteristic features of the tree, fix the names of the parts. Learn to compare things.

Birds flew away to warmer climes.

Consider a tree. Pay attention to the color of the trunk, parts of the tree. On leaves that become beautiful.

motor activity:

"From bump to bump." Target

"Rabbits" Target: to develop in children the ability to crawl under the arc dexterity; orientation

Did. the game: "Sun" perform movements in accordance with the poem.

Portable cubes for outdoor games, toys for playing with sand, dolls, cars.

Individual work: for the development of speech

Memorizing a poem: "Finger gymnastics"

We stroke the cat with our hands.

He arched his back.

He stretched, yawned,

Purred and fell asleep

Target: speech, memory.

Physical education.

Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue to teach children how to properly wear tights, slippers. Continue to learn how to roll up sleeves before washing hands, and dry them after washing. P\u003e "Cat and Mice"

Games in the puppet corner: wake up the doll, wash, dress, feed.

Wednesday 10/10/12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. Di "Beads"- to teach children to thread the string through the holes of the beads, to encourage those children who correctly name the color. Reading "Chick" Chukovsky - To form the ability to listen to a work of art without visual accompaniment; C. G. N. - Teach children the order of dressing and undressing, neatly folding clothes. P/I "Sun and Rain" teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other.

Reading fiction.

L. N. Tolstoy "The cat was sleeping on the roof" (Gerbova V.V. p. 36)

Learn to look at the picture. Improve the ability to listen to a story without visual accompaniment.

vocabulary work: the cat does not sleep, she has one gas open, the bird sits close.

Individual work: with Sonya, with Danil, with Arthur - Improve the grammatical structure of speech;

Walk: "The sun" Goals: - develop the idea that when the sun is shining - it's warm outside; maintain a happy mood.

“The sun looks out the window, Looks into our room. We clap our hands, We are very happy for the sun.

Going out to the site, draw the attention of children to warm weather. (Today the sun is shining, it's warm.) The sun is huge red-hot. Heats the whole earth, sending her rays. Take a small mirror outside and say that the sun sent its ray to the children to play with it. Point the beam at the wall.

Sunbeams play on the wall

Beckon them with your finger - let them run to you

Work A: collecting stones on the site to continue to cultivate the desire to participate in labor.

P/I "Mice in the pantry".Target: learn to run easily without bumping into each other, move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction. "Get in the circle". Goals: improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target;

Did. the game: "Pick up a ball" Target: curiosity, activity.

Individual work: on the formation of mat. performances with Nastya, with Vika to teach children to compare and select objects by length, to understand and correctly use the words long-short in speech

Review previously memorized verses. Target: speech, memory.

Physical education.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P\u003e "Carousels"- to form the ability of children to run in a circle quickly, then slowly. Building games. Build a room with furniture for the doll. Continue to develop the ability to say hello and say goodbye; state your requests calmly, using words "Thank you" and "You are welcome". DI "Bumps"- to teach children to distinguish the number of objects, to introduce the concept "a lot - a little"

Thursday 11.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group "Bring and Show" group "Do My Hair". K. G. N. - To form the ability to put oneself in order with the help of an adult. P/I. "On a flat path", purpose: to consolidate the ability to take the starting position in the long jump.

Walk observation "Behind the Wind"

Goals: continue watching the wind; learn to determine the direction of the wind. Show the simplest connections between natural phenomena and human life. Learn to determine windy weather by external manifestations (people dress warmly - cold wind, people dress lightly - warm wind).

Windy, windy, windy!

The whole earth is ventilated!

Wind leaves from twigs

Dispersed around the world.

Light breeze blowing: caresses our cheeks. A gusty, cold wind is blowing - it's frosty on the cheeks. Depending on the wind, people dress in warm clothes or light clothes. Windy weather - trees sway, branches and leaves bend in the direction of the wind. The wind is blowing, the turntables are spinning in the wind. You can determine the direction of the wind. Look at the tops of the trees. In which direction do they lean? Where does the wind blow from? Raise the flags above your head and see in which direction the banner of the flags flutters. Children determine the direction of the wind by fluttering canvases. Invite the children to run with a flag in the right direction. wind and against it.

P/I "Sparrows and a cat". Goals: learn to jump off gently, bending your knees; run without hitting each other, dodge the catcher;

round dance game: "Who's good" Target: repeat words and movements.

Plot. role playing the game:"Transport" Target: learn to act according to the plot of the game

Remote material: flags, masks for outdoor games, molds,

Individual work: sensory D / game "Hide the mouse". Target

Work to put things in order together with the teacher on the site. Target: help adults.

productive activity. Construction

"Building a Tower". Teaching children to distinguish and name building details: cube, brick, plate. Learn how to create buildings by stacking parts one on top of the other.

vocabulary work: I take a blue cube, put it on this cube, trim it.

Individual work: with difficult children.

"On the Bridge" "Salon", bring jars of shampoo, new combs. Reading books from the book corner. Didactic cube games. K. G. N. - Learn to hold a spoon while eating.

Friday 12.10.12

Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. Finger gymnastics "Magpie Crow". The game "Where are our hands?". ecological game "Find and name the vegetables in the picture" Reading books at the request of children from the book corner. Games in touch corner: lacing, inserts. N/A - Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers: pay attention to a child who has shown concern for a friend.

Cognition. "Cock-rooster" (Karpukhina str18)

Target: introduce children to temporary concepts: morning. Develop imaginative thinking. To develop cultural and hygienic skills.

vocabulary work: good morning, wash, comb your hair.

Individual work: with Maxim, with Islam, Prokhor - Based on the expansion of the orientation of children in the immediate environment, develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary.

Walk. "Beyond the carriageway"

Goals: to acquaint with the carriageway; give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

Go to the carriageway and observe the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the road. "Like a river, the avenue is wide, A stream of cars floats here." Ask what cars are moving on the road? Have the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that many cars and trucks are moving along the highway, and no one interferes with each other. This is because drivers follow the rules of the road.

Work: raking dry leaves to a specific location. Target: learn how to use a rake correctly, fill buckets to a certain measure.

P/I "Sparrows and the Car". Target: to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road.

"Running - catch-up". Target: learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Remote material: handlebars, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.

Did. games: "Toys"Target: name objects, development of speech.

"Know without seeing" Target: develop mindfulness

round dance game: "Who's Good" Target: create a good mood.

Individual work: on musical development.

Physical education.

Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. finger game "Finger, finger, where have you been". Di "Let's dress the doll for a walk"- remember the name of the pieces of clothing. P\u003e "The cat is sneaking"- learn to act on the signal of the educator. touch development: Find objects that are the same shape. H / L - Develop the ability to name family members.

Monday 15.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Conversation with parents about the state of health of the child on weekends. Morning gymnastics. Consider the picture "Mom washes her daughter", answers to the questions of the teacher on the content of the picture. P\u003e "Sun and rain". While dressing for a walk, remember the sequence of dressing. finger games "This finger is grandfather"- develop motor skills. Individual work with Vika, with Maxim - to learn how to compose a whole image from parts. KHN - continue to teach how to lather hands, wash off soap, wring out hands after washing.

Painting. "Yellow leaves are flying"(drawing with a brush; drawing details (Kazakova T. G. p. 16)

Target. To teach children to draw leaves by sticking a brush to a sheet of paper; continue to teach how to hold a brush correctly, use paint, a cloth, rinse the brush in a jar of water. Cultivate love for nature.

vocabulary work: brush, yellow paint, red paint, wash brush.

Individual work: with difficult children.

Walk. Target: Show a natural phenomenon - the wind. Learn to determine windy weather by external manifestations (people dress warmly - cold wind, people dress lightly - warm wind). Main content: Light blowing breeze: caresses our cheeks. A gusty, cold wind is blowing - it's frosty on the cheeks. Depending on the wind, people dress in warm clothes or light clothes.

Windy, windy, windy!

The whole earth is ventilated!

Wind leaves from twigs

Dispersed around the world.

P/I "Sun and Rain"-to teach children to walk and run loose, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher. "The mother hen and the chicks"- Learn to perform functions "chickens". Work on the site to invite children to collect sticks and pebbles in a bucket - to cultivate industriousness. S/R/I "chauffeur"- perform simple game actions based on your experience and knowledge. CNG - to consolidate the ability to consistently put on clothes with a little help from an adult.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P\u003e "Run to me"- learn to run without bumping into each other. Reading a poem by Barto "Horse"- help to understand the meaning of the poem, beat it with the help of a toy. Children's games in the sensory corner - Development of visual-effective, figurative thinking, attention, memory, imagination. Playing with toys - learn to address each other by name and talk calmly with other children.

Tuesday 10/16/12

Morning. Admission of children to group group Morning exercises. math game "Organize items according to groups» , consolidate the skill group items by color. P\u003e "Birds and a cat"- learn to start acting on a signal. Games in the building corner - build a gate for cars. KPs learn how to wash their hands following the sequence of actions with a little help from adults.

Communication. "Jumping Bunny" (Karpukhina page 84)

Target: encourage children to recognize a familiar toy, understand actions (the hare is looking for a carrot, found it and eats it). Cultivate friendships while playing. Build an active dictionary.

vocabulary work: jump-jump, bunny, on.

Individual work: with Sonya, with Danil, with Dima activate the active dictionary

Walk. Observations: "Swing"

Target: show the children about the safety of playing on a swing

The children sat on the swing

And the swing went up.

Slowly descended.

Come on, ride with us!

Take the kids to the swings. Do the kids like to ride on the swings? Talk about riding safety.

Labor - to collect beautiful leaves for crafts.

Remote material: toys, a box for the collected leaves.

P/I "From bump to bump." Target: to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs with advancement in front. "Rabbits" Target: to develop in children the ability to crawl under the arc; dexterity; orientation. D/game “What did Mi-joke bring?” Target: form ideas about geometric shapes

Individual. Work: on the development of movements.

Physical education.

Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Di Where did the dog hide?- develop orientation in space, teach the use of prepositions in speech. P\u003e "Shaggy Dog", learn to start moving on a signal. Board games for kids games: "Picture halves", "liners", "Make it out of parts".S/R/I "Family" encourage children to try to match attributes for the role. Develop the ability to perform several interrelated actions.

Wednesday. 17.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. Finger game "Goat" - to develop coordination of hand movements, fine motor skills. P\u003e "Where it rings"- develop auditory attention. Play with children with air balls: create a joyful mood, fix the name of the color, develop dexterity, attention. DI "How do we wash our hands"- continue to take soap, lather your hands, rub your palms together, rinse.

Reading fiction. reading Slavina's story "Ball"

Target: to introduce children to a new story, to help remember the story, to cultivate a good attitude towards all living things.

vocabulary work: ball.

Individual work: with inactive children.

Walk. "Guys of the senior groups»

Target: Teaches children to be kind to children and adults in kindergarten. Develop a sense of self-confidence, a sense of collectivism.

poem "Cockerel" the formation of a speech voice, the development of a clear pronunciation and articulation of sounds.

Did. the game: "What's extra?" Target: fix the name of the main colors and shapes of objects. Individual Work: on the development of speech. Labor help collect toys after the game. remote material: toys. P/I "Through the Brook" teach how to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance. "My fun ball" teach children to jump on two legs.

Physical education.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue to teach children to put on tights on their own after sleep. P\u003e "Throwing Balls"- develop dexterity, develop the skill of throwing the ball. Children's games in the puppet corner: cook dinner, repeat the name of the dishes. When leaving home, make sure that the children say goodbye.

Thursday 10/18/12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. Children's games with soap bubbles - create a joyful mood, develop a deep exhalation of children. Games in the puppet corner. Di "Put the doll to sleep". P\u003e "Catch me"- Teach children to follow the direction indicated by the teacher; change direction according to the task; do not bump into each other; navigate in space; perform simple tasks of the teacher during the game. Di "Learn by sound"- development of auditory attention.

Walk. Examining the machine that brings products to the d / s, remember the parts of the machine. P\u003e "White Bunny sits" teach children to listen to the poem, understand the content and perform actions in accordance with the content. "Along the narrow path"- teach children to step from circle to circle. Draw a road for cars on the ground with a stick, build a garage for cars out of sand. Labor assignments: take the toys to group.

productive activity. "Rain, rain, drip - drip - drip" (pinching, pressing).

Target. Continue to teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and stick it to a flat surface; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop fine motor skills. Cultivate a love for modeling from plasticine.

vocabulary work: pinch off, press, rain.

Individual work: with difficult children.

Evening. KGN. - continue to teach children to wash their hands properly, roll up their sleeves before washing their hands. DI "Wonderful basket"- to consolidate knowledge about vegetables (cucumber tomato) to fix color perception, to learn how to name familiar vegetables correctly. P/I "Locomotive" learn to move holding on to each other without breaking the chains. Free games - observe the relationship between children, learn to call each other by name.

Friday 19.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. math game "Bring and Show"- to develop the ability to navigate group. Consider the items that are in the corner of the Hairdresser (scissors, bottles, hair dryer, comb, introduce the purpose of each item. Organization of the game "Do My Hair". KGN - Continue to teach children to eat carefully (do not crumble, hold the spoon correctly). P/I "Through the Brook"- Teach how to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance.

Cognition. "Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly" (Solomennikova O. A. str. 8)

Target: to give children elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature. To form the ability to determine the weather by external signs and consistently, according to the season, dress for a walk. Learn to highlight the trunk, branches and leaves of trees. Cultivate love for nature.

vocabulary work: what color, autumn leaves.

Individual work with Patima, with Prokhor, with Camilla to activate the active dictionary.


Observation "Sun-bucket" Goals: continue to develop an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the sun is, how the life of all living organisms depends on the sun, maintain interest.

Maples are flying faster and faster,

All you hear is how the forest grows numb,

And increasingly hiding in the darkness

The sun cooled to the earth.

Labor - collecting pebbles on the site to continue to nurture the desire to participate in labor. P/I "Mice in the pantry"- learn to run easily, without bumping into each other, move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction. "Get in the basket" improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target; develop eye, dexterity. remote material: sandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, Fingers. the game: "Gnomes" Little gnomes

Cleverly build houses To plant guests

In order to invite guests to them, it is necessary to make a chair

We need to make a table.

Physical education.

Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P\u003e "Through the Brook" reading books from the book corner at the request of the children. Games in the corner "Salon"- introduce the sequence of creating a hairstyle (wash your hair with shampoo, dry with a hairdryer, comb, cut, dry again, fix the hair with varnish) development: Arrange items on group by form.

Monday 22.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Conversation with parents about the state of health of the child on weekends. Morning exercises Observation of the work of a teacher in a corner of nature. repeat nursery rhyme "I'm going, I'm going", to achieve the repetition of words by children. Ira in the building corner "house for "animals", remind them of the need to play together and put the toys back after the game. P\u003e "Bubble" learn to perform a variety of movements, forming a circle; exercise in the pronunciation of the sound [w]. DI "Assemble a pyramid of rings". Target: to consolidate ideas about relationships in form, to learn to arrange in descending order. KGN - learn to hold a spoon in your right hand, chew food thoroughly.

Artistic creativity. "On a flat path".

Target: To teach children to draw with their fingers, rhythmically imprinting on a strip of paper; continue to acquaint children with color (red, blue, green, fix the names of colors; cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

vocabulary work: brush, paint, red, blue, green.

Individual work: with difficult children.

Walk. "Observation: "Birch" The goal is to clarify the characteristic features of the tree, to fix the names of the parts. Learn to compare things.

Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow,

The leaves on the birch burn with gold.

Do not hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale,

Birds flew away to warmer climes.

Consider a tree. Pay attention to the color of the trunk, parts of the tree. On leaves that become beautiful. P/I "From bump to bump." Target: to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs with advancement in front. "Rabbits" Target: to develop in children the ability to crawl under the arc dexterity; orientation. Did. the game: "Sun" perform movements in accordance with the poem. remote material: children's rake, cubes for outdoor play, toys for playing with sand, dolls dressed for the weather, cars. memorization poems: "Finger gymnastics"

Stroking a cat with a hand

He arched his back.

He stretched, yawned,

Purred and fell asleep

Independent activity: Manipulation of children with different mosaic (small and large) manipulations of children on a walk with small and large pebbles. We make large and small Easter cakes for dolls.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P\u003e "Birds": Develop the ability to run fast. Continue to teach children to wash their hands before eating, wipe dry. Reading Slavina's story "Tanya and brother": learn to listen to the story, understand the content, cultivate a caring attitude towards others. KGN - continue to teach how to put on socks on their own. Di "Collect the Pyramid"- to encourage children to effective actions, to improve the coordination of hand movements under visual control.

Tuesday 23.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Remind you to say hello when entering group Morning exercises. math game "Find a place for the fungus"- consolidate the skill group objects of the same color. Games in the doll's corner - after dinner, you need to wash the dishes, wipe them and put them away.

P / and Hen and chickens "Teach to perform functions "chickens". Development of small motility: Stringing beads on a cord.

Communication. Games and exercises for sound pronunciation (y sound). reading a song "Conversations". (Gerbova V.V. p. 37)

Target: fix the correct pronunciation of the sound (isolated and in sound combinations).cause in children an emotional response to answer the teacher's questions. Cultivate love for animals, the desire to play with them.

vocabulary work: ay-ay, loudly, drawlingly, quietly.

Individual work: with Dima S, with Ksyusha K, - to activate vocabulary.

Walk. Tree observation. The goal is to clarify concepts "tree". reinforce concepts "smooth", "barbed", "heavy", "light", "a long", "short", "thick", "thin".

Guys solve the riddle:

Many hands, but one leg?

That's right, it's a tree. Look how many branches he has. They are large, thick, and small, thin, and long and short. Where is the leg of the tree? Yes, it's a stem. Here he is, big and tall. Show how tall the trunk of our tree is? (Children stand on their toes). Let's take a look at the leaves. What color are they? What form? Are they small or big? Is this a birch tree? No, because his trunk is not white, but black. This tree is called KARAGACH. Karagach also sheds leaves in autumn, fallen leaves cover the roots of the tree from frost. P/I "Sun and Rain" - Target: To teach children to walk and run loose, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher. "My cheerful sonorous ball" - Target: Teach children to bounce on two legs; listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken. DI "Guess Who Called"- develop auditory perception, improve the skill of onomatopoeia. Labor on site: collect sticks, pebbles, instill friendliness, a desire to work. Games on the site to cultivate a friendly attitude to each other.

Physical education. (Karpukhina str 216)


vocabulary work

Individual work: with inactive.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue to teach children to wear tights, shoes. When eating, eat carefully, hold a spoon correctly, use a napkin. Di "Make a Whole in 4 Parts".

P\u003e "Sparrows and the Car". Showing a fairy tale "Kolobok" with tabletop theatre.

Wednesday 24.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. Continue to teach children to wash their hands before eating, and wipe dry with a towel, eat slowly, carefully. Di "Instruction": Perform two actions. Children's games in the corner dressing up: We are going to visit. P\u003e "Where it rings"- development of auditory attention, games with soap bubbles - development of speech breathing. S/R/I "Visiting a Doll" Contribute to the enrichment of the play experience of children by combining individual actions into a single storyline. Enrich vocabulary while playing.

Reading fiction. Reading a poem by E. Blaginina "Lunch" (G. I. Vinnikov aster 54)

Target: to teach children to understand the speech addressed to them, to respond to the appeal using available speech means, to develop and activate the vocabulary, including familiar actions in it. Cultivate interest in the activity.

vocabulary work: dog, chicken, grains, bowl, saucer.

Individual work: with difficult children.

Walk. Observation "Pussy scat!"

Goals: - continue to expand the idea of ​​a pet - a cat; nurture a desire to care for animals.

Who is the riddle about: He wanders at night, goes hunting.

Drinks milk, sings songs.

Quietly enter the room

Murmurs, sings.

What does a cat have and how does it walk? Children's stories about a cat and kittens. Supplement: a cat is a pet, lives with a person, climbs on his knees, purrs. A man loves her, takes care of her, talks to her, treats her with milk.

P/I "Mice and Cat". Target: To teach children to run easily, on their toes, without bumping into each other; navigate in space, change movements at the signal of the educator

"Catch up". Goals: learn to act quickly on a signal, navigate in space; develop dexterity.

Verbal the game: "Say it right"- pronounce words clearly. KGN - to teach to get street clothes out of the closet, to encourage them to put on tights, a sweater, a hat; teach to verbally express a request for help, teach to behave calmly in the locker room.

Physical education. "Our feet walk along the path" (Karpukhina str 216)

Target: exercise walking on a limited surface, introduce throwing a ball, exercise crawling, develop attention and ability to respond to a word. Cultivate dexterity.

vocabulary work: crawl, hoop, sit down, straighten up.

Individual work: with inactive.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Games with water: sinking not sinking (experimentation). Di "Pick up a cup, saucer and spoon by color". gaming the exercise: rolling the ball in pairs. When gathering for a walk, learn to take clothes out of the locker sequentially, put on your pants and shoes on your own. Labor - helping the educator in caring for toys (give a toy, help put it back in place after washing); KGN - to learn to ask for a potty.

Thursday 25.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. Games in the didactic corner. Consider pictures of pets, an onomatopoeia exercise. While dressing, continue to teach to develop independence, remind you of the need to put slippers in the closet. P/I "Sun and Rain" To teach children to walk and run loose, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher. DI "Hide the mouse". Target: consolidating children's knowledge of the four colors of the spectrum and their name.

Walk. Tree watching. Target: Give an idea about trees. Fix the structural features of trees (trunk, branches, leaves). To acquaint with the characteristic features of autumn trees. Show that in autumn the leaves of trees change their color and fall. In autumn, the leaves change their color. Some trees may have different leaves. colors: yellow, green, red. At the end of autumn, almost all trees stand without leaves.

Windy! Windy! Windy!

The whole earth is ventilated!

Wind leaves from branches,

Dispersed around the world:

lime, birch,

Yellow leaf and pink

Red, colorful,

Old sheet of newspaper.

P/I "Through the Brook"-Teach how to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance. "White Bunny sits"- Teach children to listen to the poem, understand the content and perform actions in accordance with the content. labor assignment: collect all branches. Playing with sand, drawing with a stick on the ground. S/R/I "Family"-Encourage children to try to pick up attributes for the role. Develop the ability to perform several interrelated actions.

productive activity. "Tower of four red bricks" (Karpukhina N. A. p. 179)

Target: to consolidate in children the skill of building a tower of bricks without looking at the sample, encourage them to recognize and name the color red. Cultivate a love of work.

vocabulary work: brick, red, tower.

Individual work: with difficult children.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. The exercise "On the Bridge": develop balance, walking skills on a limited surface. Games in the corner "Salon", bring in shampoo jars, new combs, reading books from the book corner. Didactic cube games. H / L - listen to the instructions of adults; to promote the establishment of friendly relations between children. KGN-Learn how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Friday 26.10.12

Morning. Admission of children to group. Morning gymnastics. finger game "Okay": to develop fine brush movements, a sense of rhythm. Examining the picture with autumn landscape: to teach children to understand the plot, the ability to listen to the teacher's explanation.

P\u003e "Sun and rain" To teach children to walk and run loose, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

We design various houses for animals with children, and then we beat them in free activities.

Cognition. "Who lives next to us" (Karpukhina N. A. p. 22)

Target: to form a child's skill to correlate their actions with a simple (consisting of one task) with a verbal instruction, not supported by a gesture or other auxiliary means, to give an idea of ​​​​how the chicken moves, pecks grains, cultivate care for others, love for animals.

vocabulary work: chicken, beak, eyes, paws, chickens.

Individual work: with Danil N, with Ira I, with Maxim K - To ensure that the speech of children becomes a full-fledged means of communication between children.

Walk. Sky observation. Introduce children to the external features of the autumn sky. To arouse in children an interest in the external features of the sky. The sun is not visible in the sky, it was covered by clouds. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds. Dark clouds in the sky - it will rain.

Everything went dark!

Rain big as peas!

Clouds running across the sky

And thunders: - Groh, groh, groh!

P/I "Bring an item"-Teach children to follow the direction indicated by the teacher; change direction according to the task; do not bump into each other; navigate in space; perform simple tasks of the teacher during the game. "My cheerful sonorous ball"- Teach children to jump on two legs; listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken. DI "Big and small"- To teach children to compare and select objects by size, to understand and correctly use the words big-small in speech.

Physical education.

Evening. Gradual lifting of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. ecological game "Who is gone"

P\u003e "Sun and rain". When going for a walk, continue to teach how to put on trousers, boots, and put slippers in the closet. C / R / I at the request of children in the corner - To form the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another; perform several game actions with the help of an adult, united by a plot. promote the desire of children to independently select toys and attributes for the game, use substitute items. Independent activity in the art corner - Teach children to distinguish the colors of pencils, felt-tip pens, name them correctly, draw different lines, cross them like objects.

Transport Day

1 half day

Morning exercises: (see complex)

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack.


Joint actions: "Field a flower."

Examining pictures: "Modes of transport." Purpose: To create conditions for enriching children's knowledge about transport. Formation of communication skills and abilities of children.

Didactic game: "Let's visit" Purpose: to create conditions for the development of gaming skills in children. Teach children basic communication skills.

Dressing - undressing: The game situation "The little white hare is sitting." Target: create conditions for the development of skills to fasten, unfasten the fasteners on sandals, undress / dress in the correct sequence, carefully hang clothes on a high chair.

Walk 1. Sun watching. Purpose - To create conditions for the development of observation in children,

P / I: “Across the brook”, “Visiting the animals”. The goal is to create conditions for the formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P/U: "Walk the rope", "Jumping on two legs". Purpose - Development of physical activity of children.

Plot r / and: "Builders." Goal - Development of communication skills of children. Formation of friendly relationships in children

2 half a day

Air hardening.

Reading and dramatization of the poem by I. Saxonskaya "Where is my finger." Purpose: To create conditions for the development of children's auditory perception and sustainable interest in the process of reading, memorizing the read work.

Musical and rhythmic improvisation to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "April".

Walk 2 Continue watching the sun. The goal is to create conditions for the formation of observation in children.

P / N: "Do not step on", "Sparrows and the car." Purpose - Formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: "Catch the ball", "Go over the bridge." The goal is to continue to develop the motor activity of children.

1 half day

Morning exercises: (see complex)

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack . Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities of children in behavior at the table, to hold a spoon correctly in their right hand, to take food with their lips, biting it off in small pieces. Education of cultural and hygienic skills of children.

Washing. Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap and water, and use their own towel.

Assignment: "Put the books on the shelves." Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of children's skills and abilities in the performance of the simplest labor assignments. Education in children industriousness.

Looking at pictures: "Cars". Purpose: To create conditions for enriching children's knowledge about different types of cars. Formation of communication skills and abilities of children.

Didactic game: "Let's dress the doll for a walk" Purpose - To create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities to dress with the help of an adult, to enrich children's knowledge about seasonal clothing.

Walk 1.

P / I: “Chickens and a cat”, “My cheerful sonorous ball”. The goal is to create conditions for the formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: “Ball rolling”, “Walking with stepping over”. Purpose - Development of physical activity of children.

Plot r / and: "We're going to visit the doll Katya." Goal - Development of communication skills of children. Formation of friendly relations in children.

2 half a day

Air hardening. Purpose: To create conditions for the preservation and promotion of children's health.

Reading and staging of G. Sapgir's poem "Cat". Purpose: To create conditions for the development in children of a sustainable interest in the process of reading, memorization of the read work, the formation of emotional responsiveness.

Improvisation "Dance with balalaikas" (Russian folk melody "The moon shines"). Purpose - To create conditions for the formation in children of emotional responsiveness to a piece of music.

Walk 2

Walk around the territory of the kindergarten "What has changed on the street?" Purpose: to create conditions for the development of observation and attention.

P / I: “Birds in nests”, “Horses”. Purpose - Formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: “Ball in a circle”, “Walking between obstacles”. The goal is to continue to develop the motor activity of children.

1 half day

Morning exercises: (see complex)

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities of children in behavior at the table, to hold a spoon correctly in their right hand, to take food with their lips, biting it off in small pieces. Education of cultural and hygienic skills of children.

Washing. Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap and water, and use their own towel.

Assignment: "Each toy in its own house." Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of children's skills and abilities in the performance of the simplest labor assignments. Education in children industriousness.

Examination of illustrations depicting agricultural transport.

Purpose: To create conditions for enriching children's knowledge about agricultural transport. Formation of communication skills and abilities of children.

Dressing-undressing. D / and "We teach the doll to dress (undress)."

Target: create conditions for the formation in children of the ability to dress / undress independently.

Walk 1.

Target walk around the territory of the kindergarten "Let's rejoice in the snow." Purpose - To create conditions for the development of observation in children, enrichment of knowledge about snow, the formation of emotional responsiveness.

P / I: “Sun and rain”, “Train”. The goal is to create conditions for the formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: "Walk along the path", "Throwing the ball" (forward with two hands from below). Purpose - Development of physical activity of children.

Plot r / and: "Boat." Goal - Development of communication skills of children. Formation of friendly relations in children.

2 half a day

Air hardening. Purpose: To create conditions for the preservation and promotion of children's health.

Reading the Russian folk tale "Kids and the Wolf" (arr. K. Ushinsky)

Musical and motor game "Drum" to the music of D. Kabalevsky "Drum". Purpose - To create conditions for the formation in children of emotional responsiveness to a piece of music.

Walk 2

Targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten "Let's rejoice in the snow"

P / I: “Sparrows and a car”, “Horses”. Purpose - Formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: "Jumping on two legs" (across the line), "Hit the target." The goal is to continue to develop the motor activity of children.

1 half day

Morning exercises: (see complex)

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities of children in behavior at the table, to hold a spoon correctly in their right hand, to take food with their lips, biting it off in small pieces. Education of cultural and hygienic skills of children.

Washing. Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap and water, and use their own towel.

Assignment: "Put the cubes in the box" Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of children's skills and abilities in the performance of the simplest labor assignments. Education in children industriousness.

Didactic game: "Find a bear", "Find houses for bears" Purpose - To create conditions for the formation of observation and attention.

Dressing-undressing. D / y: "Let's teach Mishka to dress / undress"

Target: create conditions for the development of the ability to consistently dress / undress, carefully hang things on the back of a chair.

Walk 1.

P/N: "Zainka", "Birds" The goal is to create conditions for the formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: "Running with ribbons", "Stepping over an obstacle." Purpose - Development of physical activity of children.

Plot r / and: ““ Cooking dinner ”. Goal - Development of communication skills of children. Formation of friendly relations in children.

2 half a day

Air hardening. Purpose: To create conditions for the preservation and promotion of children's health.

Reading the Polish folk song "Shoemaker" (arr. B. Zakhoder). Purpose: To create conditions for the development in children of a sustainable interest in the process of reading, memorizing the read work.

Imitation of the movements of a hare and a cat, accompanied by musical compositions (“The Gray Bunny Washes Its Face”, music by M. Krasev; “The Gray Cat”, music by V. Vitlin).Purpose - Formation in children of emotional responsiveness to a piece of music.

Walk 2 Target walk around the territory of the kindergarten "What's the weather like outside?". Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of observation in children, the ability to distinguish between weather (warm, cold, etc.)

P / I: "Hares and the wolf", "Airplanes". Purpose - Formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: “Reach the giant”, “Throw further”. The goal is to continue to develop the motor activity of children.

1 half day

Morning exercises: (see complex)

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities of children in behavior at the table, to hold a spoon correctly in their right hand, to take food with their lips, biting it off in small pieces. Education of cultural and hygienic skills of children.

Washing. Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap and water, and use their own towel.

Order: "Assemble the pyramid" (put it on a shelf)» Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of children's skills and abilities in the performance of the simplest labor assignments. Education in children industriousness.

Didactic game: "Tell and show" Purpose - To create conditions for the formation of speech activity, the development of attention and observation.

Dressing-undressing. D / y. “Show Bunny how we dress / undress”

Purpose: to create conditions for the development of the ability to consistently dress / undress, carefully hang things on the back of a chair.

Walk 1.

P / I: “Cat and mice”, “Where does it ring?”. The goal is to create conditions for the formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: "Jumping up", "Running with ribbons." Purpose - Development of physical activity of children.

Plot r / and:. "Family", Purpose - Development of children's communication skills. Formation of friendly relations in children.

2 half a day

Air hardening. Purpose: To create conditions for the preservation and promotion of children's health.

Reading a poem by N. Pikuleva "The cat inflated the balloon ..." Purpose: To create conditions for the development in children of a sustainable interest in the process of reading, memorizing the read work.

Dramatization “The hands of the children clap” (music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by Yu. Ostrovsky).

Purpose - To create conditions for the formation in children of emotional responsiveness to a piece of music.

Walk 2

Wind observation. The goal is to create a condition for the formation in children of knowledge about a natural phenomenon - wind, observation.

P / I: "Carousel", "Horses". Purpose - Formation of playing skills and abilities in children, compliance with the rules of the game.

P / U: “Walking from hoop to hoop” (accompanied by the musical composition “Ant” (music by 3. Companion)). "Hit the target." The goal is to continue to develop the motor activity of children.

Elena Zlobina
Calendar plan for March. nursery group

Target toy: "Horse"

reception and examination of children in group Tasks: Develop children's speech.

Questions: 1. Tell me, how did you spend your weekend? 2. What did mother do at home? (dad, grandmother, etc.) 3. Where did you go, where did you go? etc.

Labor Tasks

Attraction Method

mobile game

"Catch the ball" Tasks: Teach children to play with the ball.

Didactic game

"Big puzzles" Tasks: Learn to assemble puzzles.

Board games of children's choice

Tasks: to form the ability to independently organize games, follow the rules and norms of behavior, develop initiative, organizational skills.

9 00 – 9 10 See abstract.

Topic: "How the car rolled animals"

Target: To teach children to develop the ability to follow the actions of the teacher, actively pronounce simple and more complex phrases.


Educational activities during regime moments.

Cat observation. Tasks: Acquaintance with a living object, consider the appearance.

Questions: How a cat screams (Meow meow meow). What does a cat like to drink? (milk).

reading nursery rhymes "Pussy, pussy..." Tasks: Learn the text.

Work. Tidy up the area Tasks attract: offer Dima, Zhenya, sweep the area.

mobile game

"Cat and Mice" Tasks: Teach children to act on the signal of an adult.

Individual work with Zhenya, Vika. Tasks: Learn to name the property of snow.

Independent activity of children

Tasks: form skill to plan

Educational activities during regime moments.

No. 2 Development of movements

Role-playing game.

"Let's Cook Dinner for the Animals" Tasks: Teach children to use substitute items.

Building material games. Tasks: Learn to build simple buildings.

Independent activity of children


Educational activities during regime moments.

Situational conversation with children about the rules of behavior on the street and in public places. Tasks: to develop dialogical speech, to cultivate a desire to communicate with the teacher, to create a positive emotional mood, to deepen the knowledge of children.

It is forbidden: 1. Talk to strangers 2. Take sweets from them?

3. Leave with them, etc.

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills.

Attraction Method: offer Olya, Katya to put the toys in their place.

Didactic game

"Wonderful Pouch" Problems: to form the ability to guess objects by touch, to develop the organs of touch.

mobile game

"Sparrows and a cat" Tasks: Continue to teach to act on the signal of the teacher.

Independent activity of children

Board game

"Funny strings". Tasks: to form the ability to lace according to the pattern, develop fine motor skills, perseverance.

Correctional work with children

Individual work with Dima, Zhenya. Tasks: to form the ability to sort or sort cereals, to develop fine motor skills, perseverance.

Attraction Method: suggest a game exercise "Cinderella"

Organized educational activities

No. 1 Musical

9.00-9.10 Held on plan of the muses. worker.


Educational activities during regime moments.

Dog observation. Tasks:: Acquaintance with a living object, consider the appearance.

Questions: How a dog barks (Woof woof woof). What does a dog like to eat (bone).

reading nursery rhymes "Dog Bug" Tasks: Learn the text.

mobile game "Shaggy Dog" Tasks: Learn to move through the text.

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, accuracy. Method attract: instruct Sophia, Anya to sweep the paths.

Individual work

with Alina, Danil. Tasks: Teach children to jump on two legs.

Independent activity of children

Role-playing game

"Steam locomotive" Tasks: to intensify gaming activity, develop independence, cultivate friendly relations.

Correctional work with children

word game "Okay". Tasks: to form the ability to clearly pronounce words.

Attraction Method: Offer children a nursery rhyme

Organized educational activities

No. 2 Game-lesson with didactic material.

15.50-16.00 Topic: "Pyramid"

Tasks: Learn to disassemble and assemble a pyramid of three rings.

Distinguish the color of the rings, develop fine motor skills and attention.

Educational activities during regime moments.

Reading fiction by A. Barto

"I love my horse" Tasks: Develop auditory and visual perception, the desire to repeat individual words and phrases.

Attraction Method: Cultivate interest in a new work, love for animals.

mobile game

"Catch the ball" Tasks

Board games

at the request of children Tasks: friendly relations with each other, perseverance.

Attraction Method: independence in the choice of games.

Independent activity of children

Role-playing game

"Theatre" Tasks: expand children's interest in active participation in theater games

Attraction Method: suggest a fairy tale "Turnip"

Independent play activity Tasks

Attraction Method: Invite children to choose their own attributes for the game.

Educational activities during regime moments.

Talk about pets. Tasks: We develop speech, enrich vocabulary.

Attraction Method: Display pictures of pets.

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, to cultivate a careful attitude to objects.

Attraction Method: offer Slava, Polina to put napkin holders on the tables.

Didactic game "Who lives in the house?" Tasks: Consolidate knowledge about pets.

mobile game

"Kittens" Tasks: Teach children to move through the text.

Independent activity of children

Board game

"Puzzles". Tasks: develop perseverance, logical thinking.

Independent activity Tasks: develop fine motor skills.

Attraction Method: offer pyramids and cups to children who wish.

Correctional work with children

Individual work with Daniel, Vika, Anya, Sophia. Tasks: to develop memory, to form the ability to clearly perform articulatory gymnastics.

Attraction Method: offer to remember the exercises from articulatory gymnastics.

Organized educational activities

No. 1. Expansion of orientation in the environment and the development of speech.

9.00-9.10. See abstract.

Topic: Reading a Russian folk tale "Ryaba Hen".

Target: To acquaint children with a fairy tale.


Educational activities during regime moments.

Weather observation. Tasks: To educate children in aesthetic feelings, to form the skills of caring for the world around them.

What is shining in the sky? (Sun)

How does it shine? (Bright)

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, accuracy, to cultivate respect for the work of adults.

Attraction Method: Invite the children to sweep the path near the house.

mobile game

"Sun and Rain" Tasks: to cultivate endurance, swiftness, dexterity, to activate mobility and game activity, muscle tone, fast running, action on a signal, to form the ability to navigate in space.

word game "Forty-forty" Tasks: learn to repeat words after the teacher.

Individual work with Dima, Zhenya, Nastya.

Tasks: Learn to raise your legs high.

Attraction Method: Let's walk like a horse.

Independent activity of children

Role-playing game

"Let's Cook Dinner" Tasks:: to teach how to use substitute objects in the game, to form the ability to interact during the game.

Educational activities during regime moments

No. 2 Development of movements.

15.50-16.00 Tasks: Exercise children in throwing into the distance with both hands from behind the head and rolling the ball into the collars, teach them to keep the direction when throwing and rolling balls.

Didactic game

"Cubes" Tasks: develop logical thinking.

Independent activity of children

Wheelchairs, wheelchairs. Tasks: Develop children's independent activities.

Independent play activity Tasks: develop playing and constructive skills, cultivate friendly relationships.

Attraction Method: offer to play with a large and small builder.

Educational activities during regime moments.

Situational conversation

with kids. Tasks: to develop dialogic speech, to cultivate a desire to communicate with the teacher, to create a positive emotional mood.

Attraction Method: Talk to the children about their favorite pet.

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, to cultivate a desire to help the educator.

Attraction Method: offer Ruslana, Alina to put things in order group.

Didactic game

"Know the subject." Tasks: enrichment, clarification and activation of the dictionary, development of speech activity, thinking.

sedentary game

"Bunny" Tasks: Continue moving through the text.

Independent activity of children

Board game

"Labyrinth". Tasks: to form the ability to independently play the maze, develop logical thinking.

Role-playing game

"Salon" Tasks: Continue teaching cooperative play.

Attraction Method: invite willing children to comb the Katya doll.

Correctional work with children

Individual work with Ruslana, Anya, Ilya. Tasks: Continue learning how to assemble a three-seater nesting doll.

Attraction Method: Offer a nesting doll.

Organized educational activities

No. 1 Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech

9.00-9.10 Topic: Considering an illustration for a fairy tale "Three Bears"

Tasks: Give children the opportunity to make sure that looking at pictures is interesting and useful.


Educational activities during regime moments.

Observation of the work of an adult. Tasks: We observe the work of the janitor.

What does a janitor do (sweeps)

What is he up to? (broom)

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, accuracy. Raise the desire to help adults.

Attraction Method: Invite the children to help the teacher sweep the paths.

mobile game

"Dog and Crow" Tasks: activate mobility and game activity, muscle tone, fast running, action on a signal, cultivate organization.

Didactic game

"Clap Like Me" (Zhenya, Anya, Alina, Slava) Tasks: the formation of attention to non-speech sounds, the development of a sense of rhythm.

Game progress: the teacher claps, and the children repeat after him.

Independent activity of children

Independent activity of children. Task: We continue to teach how to interact together, play together.

Educational activities during regime moments.

No. 1 Game-lesson with didactic material

15.50-16.00 Topic: "Insert"

Tasks: Develop logical thinking, attention.

finger game

"Fingers went out for a walk" Tasks: Development of fine motor skills, speech.

Reading fiction Tasks: replenishment of the literary baggage of children with fairy tales, education of a reader who loves fairy tales.

Attraction Method: Remember the names of the heroes of the fairy tale "Three Bears".

Independent activity of children

Independent play activity Tasks: develop gaming and organizational skills, cultivate friendly relationships.

Attraction Method: help find an activity of interest.

Tasks. Brief description of activities

Educational activities during regime moments.

Situational conversation

with children about spring. Tasks: activate speech activity, cultivate a desire to communicate with the teacher, monitor the pronunciation of sounds.

Questions: 1. What time of year? (Spring)

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, to educate

desire to help the teacher.

Attraction Method: offer Alesya, Sonya to clean up the doll corner.

finger game

"Forty-forty" Tasks: We develop fine motor skills, develop speech.

Role-playing game

"Driver" Tasks: learn to imitate adults, play together.

Independent activity of children

Board games

Lego, "Puzzles" Tasks: to develop the perception of shapes, sizes, color combinations, the development of thinking.

Attraction Method: invite Ilya, Dima, Vika to play.

Organized educational activities

No. 1 Music.

09.00 -09.10 Held on plan musical director.


Educational activities during regime moments.

Cloud watching Tasks: develop observation, coherent speech, vocabulary activation.

Mystery: White cotton wool floats somewhere.

The lower the wool, the closer the rain.

What is floating in the sky?

Are there clouds in the sky today? - What can they be compared to?

As the cloud grows, the wind will carry it away from where it originated.

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, accuracy.

Attraction Method: invite children to help the teacher

collect rubbish.

mobile game

"Sparrows and the Car" Tasks: activate mobility and play activity,

muscle tone, fast running, cue action.

Playing with objects

"Wheels" Tasks: activate mobility and play activity.

Independent activity of children

Individual work with Ruslana, Anya, Vika, Sophia. Tasks: remember song "Pies", to form the ability of children to clearly pronounce words, develop motor skills, auditory perception, speech hearing.

Organized educational activities

No. 2 Game-lesson with building material.

15.50-16.00 Topic: "Stool"

Task: Learn to name the building material, distinguish between flowers, apply a brick to a cube.

Attraction Method: Beat the building.

Educational activities during regime moments.

Household work

Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, accuracy, diligence, the ability to work in a team.

Attraction Method: put things in order in game needles.

mobile game

"Bubble" Tasks: Learn to hold hands and make a circle.

Independent activity of children

Independent play activity Tasks: develop playing and constructive skills, cultivate friendly relationships, form the ability to play together, yielding to each other, consulting with each other.

Attraction Method: offer to play with a small and large builder.

Table theater screening Topic: "Ryaba Hen"

Task: Create a joyful mood.

Working with parents: 1. Talk to Slava M.'s parents about his behavior.

2. Declare gratitude kind. committee for help in purchasing stationery for children.

3. Talk to the parents of Ilya Sh. and Ruslana Sh. about nutrition.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 14.

Lexical theme of the week - pet

Target: encourage children to recognize and name toy: "Cat"

Educational activities during regime moments.

reception and examination of children in group, conversations with parents, assignments. Tasks: Develop children's thinking.

Questions: 1. What kind of pets do you have? 2. What are their names? etc.

Labor Tasks: to instill elementary labor skills, accuracy, a desire to help adults.

Attraction Method: offer Zhenya, Sophia to clean up the play corners.

mobile game "Cat and Mice" Tasks: To teach children to act on the teacher's signal.

Didactic game "What changed?" Tasks: Activation of mental activity of voluntary attention, memorization of coherent speech.

Independent activity of children

Puzzles "Pets" Tasks: to form the skill of connecting parts, trains observation, develops fine motor skills of hands and visual-figurative thinking.

Organized educational activities

No. 1 Expansion of orientation in the environment and development of speech

9 00 – 9 10 Theme: Didactic exercise "Don't leave us, pussycat!"

Target: Explain to the children how you can play with the toy and talk to it in different ways.


Educational activities during regime moments.

Supervision of older children. Tasks: Supervise older children. Questions: 1. What do children play? 2. What are they wearing?

reading nursery rhymes "Pussy, pussy..." Tasks: Learn the text.

Work. "Collect garbage in the area" Tasks: To cultivate industriousness, to instill elementary labor skills, accuracy.

Attraction Method: offer Dima, Zhenya, to collect garbage.

mobile game "We are funny guys." Tasks: To teach children to perform actions according to the instructions of an adult.

Individual work with Igor, Sofia. Tasks: Learn to distinguish between size (large, small).Method attract: Look at the puddle. What is she (large or small)

Independent activity of children

Independent activity of children. Tasks: form skill to plan and organize their independent activities, interact with peers.

Educational activities during regime moments.

No. 2 Development of movements.

15 50 – 16 10 Tasks: Exercise in throwing at a horizontal target, learn to walk, changing directions, exercise in crawling.

Role-playing game. "Hospital" Tasks: Teaching children to treat a cat. Method attract: Offer Zhenya to cure the cat.

Games with cars and carriages. Tasks: Teaching children to play together.

Independent activity of children

Independent play activity Tasks: Cultivate friendships.


first junior group

for September 2015



1 junior group

for 2015-2016 academic year

Day of the week

junior group


  1. Cognitive development:
  • speech development, reading fiction
  • Painting


  1. Cognitive development:
  • FEMP, the formation of a holistic picture of the world
  1. Physical development:
  • physical culture


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • modeling
  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • musical


  1. Social and communicative development:
  • familiarization with the outside world, socialization, work, safety
  1. Physical development:
  • physical culture


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • musical
  1. Physical development:
  • physical culture

1 Week

Morning gymnastics complex No. 1 (for a week)

"Friendly family"

1. I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back; clap in front of the face 3 times under the words of the teacher:

Dad, mom, brother and I are together - a friendly family!

Take your hands behind your back. Repeat 3 times.

2. We bend over together, we do Physical Education!

I. p .: legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, palms on knees, look forward. Return to i. n. Repeat 3 times.

3. Dad is big, And I am small. I may be small, but I am remote.

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands down. Return to i. n. Repeat 3-4 times.

4. We jump together, This is very necessary! Who will jump higher - Mom or Misha?

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Perform 2-5 jumps; short walking (5-6 sec). Repeat 2 times.

5. We inhale air with our nose, we exhale air with our mouth. We are not afraid of a cold, we do not need to see doctors!

I. p .: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

Gymnastics of awakening after a daytime sleep (for a week)

"We woke up"

1. "Funny hands" - and. p.: lying on the back. Raise your arms to the sides and lower down. (4 times)

2. "Sharp legs" - and. p: the same. Alternately raise one or the other leg. (4 times)

3. "Bugs" - and. p: the same. Rolls to the right, then to the left side. (2-4 times)

4. "Kitties" - and. p.: Standing on all fours. Move back and forth, lean down, bending your elbows, returning to I.P. (4 times)

5. Walking in place is normal, leaving the bedroom on socks.

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Tuesday " 01 » September


Happy morning meeting. Today is the holiday "Knowledge Day" Children are greeted by a toy cow.

Target: To evoke positive emotions in children.

Morning gymnastics.

Individual work with (knowledge of primary colors)

The game "Sun or rain?"

Target: Teach children to perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

Short description:

The teacher says to the children: “Now we will go for a walk. We go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start to knock on the tambourine, and you, having heard the knock, must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it.

Guidelines . The teacher plays the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

Educational area:

cognitive development

  1. FEMP, the formation of a holistic picture of the world

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development, speech development

Topic: familiarity with the details of the building material (cube, brick, plate)

Didactic game “Show a brick, a cube. What will you build from?

Purpose: to teach to distinguish the main forms of details, with the help of a teacher to build various buildings.

Work program page no. 68

Educational area:

Physical development:

  1. Physical culture №1

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development, speech

Program content: building a flock, exercise walking after the instructor, imitating the movements of the characters in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man";

The main types of movements: rolling on the stomach, walking between objects, jumping on the entire foot, rolling the ball (kolobok) with one hand, the exercise "Crawl to the cube"

Mobile game: "Catch-up"

Work program page No. 8


Weather monitoring

Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year by characteristic features.

Progress of observation

Invite the children to see if there is a sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what the clouds did (covered the sun), note what kind of sky (gloomy), what weather (gloomy).

Winds are blowing, violent winds, Clouds are moving, dark clouds.

Draw the attention of children to the tops of the trees (swaying), the wind is blowing, the trees are swaying. Trees have colorful foliage. If the leaves on the trees turned yellow, If the birds flew to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, if it rains, this time is called autumn.

Mobile game "Sparrows and car".

Purpose: to teach children to run fast on a signal, but not bump into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

Individual work with

Movement development.

Remote material

Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.


Labor activity

Pouring sand for play.

Objectives: to teach to keep cleanliness and order on the site, to encourage

provide assistance to adults; to consolidate the knowledge that dry sand crumbles, and if it is watered, it becomes wet and you can sculpt pies for dolls from it.

Mobile game. "Leaf fall"

Target: showcase the colors of autumn

Target: open the concept of "Leaf fall".

Sand games.

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.


An evening of soft toys. Games with soft toys. Role-playing game "Tea Party for Toys"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about tea utensils, activate their speech, cultivate a culture of behavior during tea drinking, teach them to take care of toys.

Interview with parents:"Day in Kindergarten"

WEDNESDAY « 02 » September


Conversation with children "What interesting things I did in the evening"

Target: Involve children in a conversation, continue to teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.

Morning gymnastics.

The game of low mobility "Find the rattle"

Inventory: one rattle (rattle on the handle, height 10-15 cm).

The rattle is hidden by the teacher in the group before the game. Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the children. Holding hands, the children and the teacher walk in a circle. The teacher says the text:

We will go for a walk with you

We will find the rattle.

One, two, three, four, five -

We will all look for her.

We walk quietly

We are looking carefully

We will definitely find a rattle!

Go, children, look for a rattle!

Children disperse in a group, looking for a rattle. When one of the children finds a toy, he must bring it to the teacher. The game is repeated.

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development

  1. modeling

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development

Topic: Introduction to plasticine

Target: showing the educator modeling techniques, examining the finished work of older preschoolers.

Work program page No. 85

  1. musical

Integration of educational areas: speech, physical development

Target: to form the ability and skills of listening;

Generate interest in musical instruments;

Arouse the desire to perform melodies on musical instruments.

1. Listening to L. Beethoven "Fun - Sad"

2. Consideration of children's musical instruments.

3. Independent games with sounding toys.

Work program page No. 85


Examining the flowerbed

Goals: continue to teach to distinguish and name two flowering plants by color, size, pay attention to their color; develop a love for nature.

Progress of observation

On a walk, bring the children to a flower bed where marigolds and marigolds grow. Introduce children to plants, talk about them.

Marigolds are short and tall, in different golden-orange hues. The flowers are small and large, the leaves are dissected, variegated, with a pungent odor. Grow quickly, bloom until frost. marigolds - a low graceful plant with small yellow flowers. It blooms for a very long time, until late autumn. Grows well in sunny areas.

Labor activity

Digging up marigolds and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in a corner of nature.

Purpose: to cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants.

Mobile game "Bird in the nest».

Goals: to learn to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; to teach to act quickly on the signal of the educator, to help each other.

Remote material

Scoops, small toys, sports hoops, molds, shovels, flower boxes.

Individual work with learning to jump on two legs, moving towards the goal.


Sky observation.

Purpose: To show the features of the autumn sky.

Observation: The sky is blue in early autumn. Clouds covered the sun in the sky. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds.

Mobile game "Sparrows and a cat".

Objectives: to learn to jump off gently, bending the legs at the knees; run without hitting each other, dodge the driver; run away quickly, find your place;

be careful when taking a seat, do not push a friend.

Sand games. Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.


Examination of reproductions on the autumn theme based on the results of the observation "The Sun and Clouds"

Purpose: To cultivate the desire to see the beauty of nature in the drawings. To form the ability to express their emotions and impressions.

Materials: reproductions about nature.

Mobile game "Matryoshkas and carousels"

Purpose: To exercise the ability to play the game by performing actions in accordance with the text accompaniment.

Inventory: ribbons of different colors on rings (d = 4-5 cm) - in accordance with the number of children (ribbon length 20-25 cm, width - 3-4 cm); matryoshka toy.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to line up in a circle, shows them a nesting doll and says: “Look, children, a nesting doll has come to visit us. How beautiful and elegant she is! Matryoshka went to the fair, rode the carousels there. Fun on the carousels! She brought it to our kindergarten so that you could also ride on the carousels. Take a ribbon each and listen carefully.”

Quietly, barely

The carousels are spinning

They go in a circle one after another, shaking the ribbons, the ribbons below.

And then, and then

All run, all run.

They run in a circle one after another, waving ribbons, ribbons at the top in an outstretched hand.

Hush, children, hush, hush

Do not rush for the matryoshka,

Stop the carousel.

They go in a circle one after another, the ribbons are lowered down. Stop.

Working with parents: individual consultations on the topic "Formation of the cultural and hygienic skills of the baby"

Marina Sichkaruk
Calendar plan in the first junior group for March

Block Theme:"Spring is coming - spring way" Theme of the week "Cloth. Shoes. Hats"

Target: Introduce children to the variety of clothing; develop dressing and undressing skills; enrich the active vocabulary of children through role-playing games; viewing illustrations, reading fiction. Final event: Puppet show "How animals met spring"» Date of the final Events: Friday - 03/17/2017 Responsible for the final Events: educators.

date: Monday 13.03.17.

(involvement in GCD)


Topic:: "The sun shines through the window"

Target: Continue to teach children to draw round objects, from spots; draw straight lines (rays, carefully work with a brush, removing paint on the edge of the jar; consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes (a circle); concepts "one", "lot".

Material: A5 drawing paper sheets (according to the number of children); yellow gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Literature: T. N. Doronova, S. G. Yakobson "Teaching children 2-4 years old to draw, sculpt, apply in the game" With. 50, h. 14


By plan music director

Morning group.

Consideration of thematic album: "Cloth. " Gaming situation: dress the doll for a walk - the formation of ideas about clothes in the spring.

Ind. work with Liza M., Olesya K. Didactic the game: “Magic bag. Target: vocabulary enrichment.

Work. instruct the children to put the toys in their places.

KGP Continue to teach to sit straight at the table, not to talk, not to knock with a spoon.

Walk 1: Watching the wind - involve children in observing natural phenomena, diversify the game activities of children with the help of games with sultans.

mobile game "The most accurate"- exercise in throwing snowballs at the target.

Didactic game with color ice floes: "Spread the ice by color"

Work. "Let's sweep the path"- to involve in the execution of orders.

Individual work. Jumping on two legs. (Rafael K., Alena P.)


The teacher's story about the need to wash.

reading nursery rhymes: "Voditsa-voditsa, wash my face"

KGN. Teaching children how to use soap and a towel .

Role-playing game "Family" - encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in the game

Ind. Job. With Semyon P., Matvey Sakh., repeat the knowledge of red and green colors.

Independent activity: to offer children small building materials, Lego constructors - to develop the constructive abilities of children.

Walk 2: Birdwatching - cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

titmouse bird,

flew to us,

Little titmouse

I will give grains

mobile game "Crows and Dog"- learn to act on a signal, imitate the movements of birds.

Didactic game "Guess the description"- learn to guess according to the description of the inhabitants of the forest.

Work. Bird feeding

titmouse bird,

flew to us,

Little titmouse

I will give grains

- Learn to take care of birds.

Individual work. Climbing on the gymnastic wall (Matvey Sed., Alesya L.)

Pyramids, toys - liners - the development of fine motor skills, fixing the primary colors.

Construction material, Lego blocks, toys of children's choice.

Portable material for games and work.


“Safety rules for children. Road Safety».

Individual conversations with parents about the need to dress children according to the weather.

date: Wednesday 15.03.17.

Directly educational activities Educational activities in regime moments Creation of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent

activities of children Interaction with parents (involvement in GCD)

1. Speech development (Speech development)

Topic: Consideration of illustrations for the work of K. Chukovsky "Confusion" Didactic exercise "What am I doing"

Target: Continue to explain to children how interesting it is to look at drawings in books; activate (through exercise) in the speech of children, verbs that are opposite in meaning.

Material:.Illustrations for the work of K Chukovsky "Confusion"

Literature: V. V. Gerbova, p. 80


By plan music director

Morning: Greeting each child entering group.

Morning exercises - the development of motor skills and abilities.

Conversation: "What different toys"

Target: tell children about the types of games in kindergarten, show the variety of their use, introduce children to joint gaming activities

With Nastya K, Anya M. teach how to wash your hands properly, dry them with your towel

DI:"What can you say in the picture" Target: vocabulary enrichment

Work: continue to teach children to perform the simplest assignments: put napkins on the table, spread out the spoons. Learn to do things responsibly.

Walk 1 Observation of passers-by, their clothes - activate vocabulary on the topic "Cloth".

mobile game "Pancakes - pancakes" "One-two".

Didactic game "Sort the flags by color"- learn to distinguish colors.

Work. Garbage collection on site

"Along the narrow path".(Kostya R., Varya P.)

Afternoon: Gradual rise. Invigorating gymnastics - raising the emotional tone of children.

Reading a poem by Agnia Barto "Horse"- to form the ability of children to listen carefully to the poem, to repeat after the teacher.

Role-playing game "Score" Teach children to use substitution items in the game. The development of dialogic speech.

Individual work with Timur G., Alisa K. D/I "Collect the Pyramid"- to form the ability to assemble a pyramid according to the size of the rings, to consolidate the knowledge of the primary colors.

Walk 2: Observing the weather of the day - draw the attention of children to puddles on the roads - form ideas about spring changes in nature.

mobile game "Aircraft"- exercise the ability to run without bumping into each other, perform movements on a signal.

Didactic game "What colour?"- to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Work. We carry snow in buckets to a certain place - to cultivate a desire to work together.

Individual work. Walking in a straight path. (Oleg S., Maxim G.)

Enriching the corner of creativity: templates, pencils

Board games: Big puzzles

Portable material for games and work.

Work in the toy center

Enriching the corner of creativity: coloring books, pencils, wax crayons.


Portable material for games and work.

Conversations with parents about the course of the educational process.

date: Friday 17.03.17.

Directly educational activities Educational activities in regime moments Creation of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents (involvement in GCD)

1. Speech development

Topic: "The story of the work of K. Ushinsky "Geese" without visual accompaniment."

Target: Continue to teach children to listen to the story without visual accompaniment.

Material: the text of the work of K. Ushinsky "Geese"

Literature*: V. V. Gerbova, pp. 80-81

2. Physical development

By plan

Morning: Greeting each child entering group.

Morning exercises - the development of motor skills and abilities.

Finger games at the request of children.

D / and on the formation of a dictionary - "Furniture". What it is? (Item name.) what does the subject have? (Item details.) What is the item for? (Special purpose.) the teacher, with a circular motion of the hand, circles all the considered pieces of furniture and asks: “What is the one word for all these things?”

with Matvey S., Alena P. labor assignments - to clean up toys, arrange them beautifully on the shelves. Every thing has its place

KGN: Continue to teach children how to use soap and a towel (Wash hands clean and dry).

Walk 1: Observation of transport - to acquaint children with the vehicles of the immediate environment.

mobile game "Sparrows and the Car"- exercise in the ability to run in different directions without bumping into each other, in the ability to start a movement and change it on a signal, to find your place.

Didactic game "Pick up the owls to the buckets"- learn to determine the color of an object, find objects of the same color.

Work. Sweeping paths - running errands.

Individual work. Game exercise "Run to the flag" - exercise in running in a given direction. (Matvey Sed., Arina Z.)

Afternoon: Gradual rise. Invigorating gymnastics - raising the emotional tone of children.

Reading: poem by G. Sapgir "Cat", nursery rhyme "The cat washes with its paw"

Puppet show "How animals met spring"-raise the emotional mood of children, form interest in the puppet theater.

Individual work with Semyon P., Oleg S. Finger game "Boy - finger" - to develop fine motor skills, memory and speech.

Story games at the request of children

Walk 2 "Cloth".

mobile game "Pancakes - pancakes"- teach children to clap their hands in different ways; chalk up "One-two".

Didactic game "Sort the flags by color"- learn to distinguish colors.

Work. - to interest children in the performance of labor assignments.

Individual work. game exercise "Along the narrow path". (Liza M., Olesya L.)

Games with constructor. Building play. Viewing the album "Transport"

Portable material for games and work.

Games in the play area

Board and printed games.

Portable material for games and work.

Memo to parents "Rules of traffic rules".

Block Theme:"Spring is coming - spring way" Theme of the week "Furniture"

Target: Continue to introduce the children to the names of the objects of the nearest environment: furniture. Enrich vocabulary children: nouns denoting the names of furniture. Introduce the purpose of furniture. Final event: construction "Furniture" Date of the final Events: Friday - 31.03.2017

date: Monday 27.03.17.

Directly educational activities Educational activities in regime moments Creation of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents (involvement in GCD)

1. Artistic and aesthetic development (Painting)

: Integration of educational regions

Topic: "The pattern on the dress of the doll Katya".

Target: Continue to educate responsiveness and kindness in children. To teach children to rhythmically apply strokes to the silhouette of a dress, to develop a sense of color

Material:: silhouettes of a dress for each child, gouache paints, napkins, jars of water, brushes.

Literature: T. G. Kazakova "Develop creativity in preschoolers" With. thirty

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

By plan music director

Morning regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development.

Greeting every child entering group.

Morning exercises - the development of motor skills and abilities.

Breath. control "Let's blow on the sultans"- develop breathing.

Ind. Work: With Katya K, Matvey D. _finger game "Family"- develop memory speech, fine motor skills of hands.

"It's good to be healthy"

teacher's story about health Labor. instruct the children to put the toys in their places.

KGN. form primary skills self-service: to teach with the help of an adult to dress.

Continue to teach to sit exactly at the table, do not talk, do not knock with a spoon.

Walk1: Integration of educational regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development.

Observation of transport - to form ideas about the diversity of transport.

mobile game "Cars"- learn to navigate in space, run without bumping into each other.

Didactic exercise "What color is the car?"- to consolidate the knowledge of colors. Work. Road construction - learn to build together. Individual work. Onomatopoeia exercise "How does the car honk?"(Oleg S., Maxim G.)

Afternoon:: Integration of educational regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development.

Gradual rise. Invigorating gymnastics - raising the emotional tone of children.

Reading fiction literature: "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse". Essay on the content of the story. An educational moment - you must always obey your mother.

Story games at the request of children - to form the ability to choose a game, perform role-playing actions.

Ind. Work: Alena P., Ksenia Sh. to teach children to perform simple assignments: put napkins on the table, spread out the spoons. Learn to do things responsibly

Walk2:: Integration of educational regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development. Observation of buds on trees - to involve children in observations of wildlife, to cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.

mobile game "Engine"- learn to move at a different pace, change direction, convey the characteristic movements of animals, birds; practice pronunciation of sounds.

Didactic game "Guess what to do"- develop the ability to switch auditory attention, the ability to correlate their actions with the sound of a tambourine.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - the implementation of the simplest assignments.

"Hare Yegorka" (Olesya K., Anya M.)

Independent activity: Games with remote material.

D. i. "Pick a Pair". building material play "Let's build a house for a bunny"

Portable material for games and work.

Everything has its place.

Work in the toy center: together with the children, clean up the shelves with toys.

Portable material for games and work.

Consultation "Gender education of preschoolers".

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

date: Wednesday 29.03.17.

Directly educational activities Educational activities in regime moments Creation of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents (involvement in GCD)

1. Speech development (Speech development)

: Integration of educational regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development.

Topic: Didactic exercise "How can you make a bear cub happy?"

Target: Continue to teach children to play and talk with a toy, using different forms and content of appeal.

Material: Bear cub toy. pictures for d / game.

Literature: V. V. Gerbova, pp. 83-84

2.. Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

By plan music director

Morning:: Integration of educational regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development. Greeting every child entering group.

Choir game. "We walk around".

Listen little people

Let's get together!

Hurry up in the circle

Repeat one after another!

We walk around each other.

Hey guys, don't yawn.

Everything that Kolya will show us

We will repeat together - to teach the deia to walk in a circle.

finger game "Flowers funny fingers" development of fine motor skills, memory, speech.

Morning exercises - the development of motor skills and abilities.

Ind. Job. Katya K., Maxim G to teach how to hold a pencil correctly.

KGN. Continue teaching children how to use soap and towels (Wash hands clean and dry).

Teaching kids how to do simple things assignments: put napkins on the table, spread out the spoons.

Learn to do things responsibly.

Walk 1 Observing the work of a janitor - to cultivate interest in the work of adults, to activate the use of verbs in speech.

mobile game "Through the stream"- jumping on two legs.

Didactic game "Vegetable shop"- learn to name vegetables correctly.

Work. Let's remove the branches on the site - to support the desire to help adults.

Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme "The cat went to the market". (Masha P., Gleb R.)

Afternoon:: Integration of educational regions

appearance, hygiene in the literary material:

Barto A., Barto P.N. "Dirty Girl";

Ind. work with Matvey Sed., Alesya L. on ZKR - sound a.

Oh, okay, okay, okay

Let's bake pancakes!

We'll put it on the window

Let's make it cool down. (E. Blaginina. Alyonushka.) Role-playing the game: "Score" Teach children to use substitution items in the game. Development of dialogic speech

Labor Labor assignments "Put the toys away"

Self. children's games - to form the ability to play together

Walk 2: Watching the wind, playing with turntables - to acquaint in the process of playing with an accessible natural phenomenon - the wind.

mobile game "Legs"- learn to act according to the text.

Didactic game "Guess Who Called"- develop auditory attention.

Work. Feeding the birds - continue to nurture the desire to care for the birds.

Ind. Work: Matveya Sed., Zlata K - continue to teach how to dress consistently for a walk, put changeable shoes in a locker.

Independent activity: Games at the request of children in the area with external material Games with small balls

Drawing with a stamp. Games with cubes, pyramids

Portable material for games and work.

Board-printed games of children's choice

Portable material for games and work.

Talk to parents about children's well-being

Conversation: “What kind of work is available to children?”

date: Friday 31.03.17.

Directly educational activities Educational activities in regime moments Creation of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents (involvement in GCD)

1. Speech development (Introduction to fiction)

Integration of educational regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development

Topic: Reading a poem by G. Sapgir "Cat" Didactic exercise "Do not leave us, pussy!".

Target: Explain to the children how you can play with the toy and talk to it in different ways. Help children repeat after the teacher and come up with simple appeals to the toy on their own

Material: Toy Cats, text by G. Sapgir "The cat of the poem Literature: V. V. Gerbova, pp. 82-83.

2. Physical development

By plan physical education instructor.

Morning: Integration of educational regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development Greeting each child entering the group.

Morning exercises - the development of motor skills and abilities.

Examination of various illustrations on the topic "Furniture". Medium mobility text game "Happy Rocking"- teaches coordination.

Gobies sit, swing,

Sigh on the go:

"Oh, the poem ends,

Now I'm going to fall!” D / and sensory "Guess".

Ind. Job. With Timur G, Matvey Sakh. - Labor assignments - to clean toys, beautifully arrange them on the shelves. Every thing has its place

Work. Instruct Kostya R., Alena P. to water the plants in the natural area.

KGN. Develop the ability to eat carefully, use a napkin.

Walk 1: Observation of passers-by, their clothes - activate vocabulary on the topic "Cloth".

mobile game "Pancakes - pancakes"- teach children to clap their hands in different ways; chalk up "One-two".

Didactic game "Sort the flags by color"- learn to distinguish colors.

Work. "Let's collect the snow in a heap and build a slide for Katya's doll"- to interest children in the performance of labor assignments.

Individual work. game exercise "Along the narrow path". (Matvei Sakh., Sofia Zh.)

Independent games with remote material - to form independence.

Afternoon: Integration of educational regions: social -com. speech physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. development. Gradual rise. Invigorating gymnastics - raising the emotional tone of children.

Games for the development of auditory perception - "Let's knock, let's rattle!".

D / and sensory - "Colored Couples"

Target. Learn to pick up pairs of the same color Conversation in the corner nature: why people grow flowers in the house (beautiful, useful - fresh air, it is possible to grow plants that do not grow in our climate). Remind the game - children walk in a round dance around the room plants:

Grow, flower, winter and summer,

Give us armfuls of bouquets,

Crown them with a scarlet flower -

And we all fall flat. (Children fall on the carpet

Ind. Work: With Alena P., Timur G. - development of movements "Wave the flag". Maxim G., Matvey D. in ZKR - sound

Walk 2: Surveillance "The sun warms"- give to children first ideas about spring.

mobile game "Mice dance"- exercise in the execution of movements.

Didactic game "Light heavy"- learn to determine with closed eyes how much sand is in a bucket.

Work. Cleaning the path from debris - arouse the desire to work with the teacher.

Individual work. repeat nursery rhyme "Hare Yegorka"

Games at the request of children on the site. - develop independence. Preparation of illustrations "Spring".Games with group homogeneous toys of the same type, shape, color. D / y "What is yellow"

Portable material for games and work.

Create conditions for a story-role-playing game “Mom, dad, I am a friendly family”. Distribution of roles with the help of a teacher (the main role of the mother is played by the educator).

Target: to consolidate the rules of behavior in the family, to cultivate respect for loved ones, the desire to be useful in the family.

Portable material for games and work.

Conversation with parents: "Entertaining, educate"

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents