Show me how to make a kid the face of an advertisement or how to start a stellar toddler career. How to "untwist" an autistic child in play therapy. Practical advice - Are babies often filmed with their mothers?

Year of publication and issue of the journal:

To date, many works on game therapy have been published, but the specifics of practical work with autists are clearly insufficiently presented. Such characteristic features of these children as the stereotypical actions of the child, the lack of speech or its detached nature, the violation of contacts, these symptoms make it impossible to play together. The question arises, is play therapy generally applicable to children with such a diagnosis? In this work, we offer some advice based on our practical experience.

According to G. Landreth, the basis of all therapeutic changes is the system of relationships with the child. (Mitteldorf, 2007) And in working with autistic children, it is just as important to build a system of relationships in which the child is perceived as a unique personality deserving respect. It is important to understand and accept the child, and only under these conditions, personal changes occur with the patient. It is the system of empathic relationships with the child that has therapeutic value.

Establishing a relationship

One of the diagnostic criteria for autism is communication disorder (Peters, 2003). A psychologist who works with such a child, from time to time, involuntarily begins to perceive the situation as his own problem, because he feels discomfort and dissatisfaction from the existing relationship. Not only does the autistic person suffer from this feature, but those people who experience it also suffer. Lack of a joyful reaction to your arrival, unexpected outbursts of anger, avoidance of a look - all this brings mental suffering to the psychologist. I ask my mother to warn the child several times in the morning about my arrival in advance. This is important for the development of a child's temporal perspective, for the ability to build expectations and emotionally tune in to a meeting with a stranger. Mom did not do this, thinking that the child would not understand her anyway. If the child does not speak, then the people around him begin to incline to deal with him without speech. I have to explain to my mother that the child does not know how to control his emotions. The child needs time to tune in to the beginning of our session. You can stick my photo on the refrigerator! It turns out that for a child I "fall on my head." For the beginning of contact is literally a shock for them. This is the state of “fish out of water”.

In agreement with the parents, you can give the child a small candy when you meet him, as a positive reinforcement. This, of course, is a small bribe, parents have the right to expect that the child will be happy with your arrival even without candy.

Why does an autistic person not like to communicate - is he insensitive or, on the contrary, hypersensitive? He is unable to empathize or deliberately withdraws from other people's experiences and sees them as a threat to his own emotional balance. At least his sensitive thresholds are somewhat different from those of other children. In sessions with young children, I involve a lot of body contact. But this is done very gradually, at first I just touch the arm or leg and look at the child's reaction. Pretty soon I manage to hug, tickle and circle the child. During the session, it is easy to include elements of massage and passive physical exercises that are necessary for the child. Cross-over exercise helps to build interhemispheric connections in the brain. And such a child cannot make movements at the request or imitation. An autistic person usually does not show his eyes, ears, knees at the request of an adult, but we can include these movements as passive exercises. You can tell whether the interaction is pleasant or unpleasant by the child's face. You should not insist, but after a while, at the same session or the next, you can make another attempt. For example, for some people, tickling the palm of your hand can be pleasant, while for others, it goes over the threshold of sensitivity. If an autistic person does not like something, he may hit you, be prepared! The psychotherapist always tries to be delicate and takes into account individual characteristics. And of course, it takes time for the child to get used to you, sometimes it takes two months of meetings for the autistic to start trusting a new person.

Working with parents

This is the hardest part of the session for me. Contact with parents cannot be avoided. It is important for a psychotherapist to know the family situation, how parents treat such a child, how they relate to the diagnosis. Working with a child at his home, we have to devote 20 to 50% of the time to talking with parents. Parents are persistent in looking for answers to two rhetorical questions: why we have this, and what awaits him in the future. If you are too optimistic, then parents begin to doubt your professionalism, and if you paint gloomy pictures of the future, then the parents simply lose heart. Although you are paid only for play therapy, you are forced to get involved in family therapy, because all changes in the family situation have a distorted effect on the child's behavior. If, for example, the family is preparing for the birthday of an older sister, then your patient becomes agitated, disobedient, and disturbs everyone.

Role of the game

It is very difficult to define a game, since many activities can be attributed to a game. (Pukhova, 2007). Play goes through different stages in the child's development from playing with the body, for example, finger games, simple shifting of objects, and then moves to symbolic play. This movement should be taken as a vector of work with an autistic person. Our book "Symbolic play and general development from two to three years" presents a detailed picture of the origin and development of symbolic play (Pukhova, 2005). The book contains the protocols of the game in the case of the normal development of the child, but this diary can serve as a model for work at the initial stage. Normally, we can easily trace that symbolic play is associated with the general mental development of the child.

Play has long been considered a means of self-expression for a child. In the early stages of development, speech serves the child only as an addition to the game and is not a necessary condition for communication. Children play for fun and do not think about the stages of play or about its developmental functions. It looks different with autistic people.

Stereotyped movements

Stereotypical movements of various kinds are quite common among autistic people, but the difficulty of a game therapist's work is that such a child cannot explain why he is doing it. Stereotypes can also be called autostimulation, of course, stereotyped movements allow you to satisfy those sensory needs that the autistic cannot receive in any other way. Spinning or spinning scares parents because they seem strange.

Rotation is one of the types of stereotypes that we see in autistic people and we attribute it to symptoms that support the diagnosis. It seems that the work should be directed against this symptom, and it would be desirable for the symptom to disappear. However, the symptom is rather a crutch on which the patient is leaning, Sobchik argued. Arnold Mindell and his followers in procedural therapy suggest intensifying the symptom. To understand what happens in this case and why the patient needs it. Let's try to guess what the rotation might be for.

But if we ignore the patient, we will find many examples of explainable behavior that contains various kinds of rotation: these are elements of ballet and figure skating, artistic gymnastics, pilot training, carousels and other similar constructions of a playground. These are elements of some religious practices, such as shamans and Tibetan monks. Monks give their explanation for this action, claiming that in this way they carry out the normalization of mental processes.

Roger Cayuat distinguishes a class of games that contain elements of vertigo. When, during the session, we see that the child begins this rotation, we can pick him up and spin a little together, while giving a symbolic meaning to the action: "you and I are spinning like on a carousel." You can launch a spinning top or a spinning top with your child, and then spin around with him in your arms, saying, "this is how a spinning top spins." At the same time, you need to very carefully monitor the expression on the child's face. If such activity is pleasant to him, then the child smiles, but if you overdid it and did not grasp to what extent you are allowed to reach, then the child may have fear that can fatally affect your relationship. In some cases, it is possible to lose together with the child in the "loaf". That is, to sing: “like we baked a loaf for Mishka’s name day, of this width, of this kind of supper ...” But we repeat that this becomes possible only in the stream of actions generated by the whirling of the child himself.

That is, we get involved in the stereotypical behavior of the child and each time we try to modify it a little, add a new gesture or use an additional object.

The nature of mental processes still holds many mysteries. In the micro and macro nature that surrounds us, many phenomena are swirling vortices. Therefore, games with elements of rotation: "carousels" or "flying airplanes" can stimulate individual processes in the work of the brain, promote the maturation of individual structures, similar to the action of antipsychotics.

In nature, there are many examples of this rotation of water in a river, called a whirlpool, such a whirlwind is able to pull a good swimmer to the bottom. In space, we see spirals of galaxies. There are vortices in the atmosphere that can turn into a tornado. In an accelerator of elementary particles, at first such a particle unwinds in a very small circle. There are a lot of such examples, but we just want to argue for our conclusion that a child can experience an objective need for such rotations. Why does the psychiatrist define this behavior as an unwanted stereotype? Because the autistic person does not know how to "enclose" this action in the framework of other, socially acceptable actions. For example, a request: let's play a carousel.

Sometimes the child's attention can be drawn to the spinning of a top or whirligig, and another time, at the moment of its stereotypical rotation, an interpretation can be given, are you spinning like a whirligig? Let me unwind you, and you perform an imitation action.

We can also formulate our task as follows: let this action acquire arbitrariness and controllability, let it become conscious, from our point of view. After all, other children who are ready to spend half a day on the merry-go-round do not seem strange to us.


Many children like to cover themselves with a blanket or hide behind curtains. Although parents do not allow playing with curtains on the windows, we can bypass these restrictions and use various pieces of fabric in our work. Sometimes you have a blanket at hand, or you can ask your parents for a large shawl to play with, and sometimes I bring a light tulle curtain or kerchief from home with me. You can try different objects, the child likes something more, but something can cause protest. You have to experiment and observe carefully. Covering a large sheet makes it easier for the child to concentrate on the task. Sometimes we sit together for a long time under the coverlet, and the child puts cubes or pictures from puzzles, string rings on a shelf, etc. What effect does the veil have? It helps create a separate space, free from other distractions, which helps the child retain attention. Under the blanket, my patient is more easily attracted to those tasks to which she usually cannot be attracted at home. There are always many objects in the room that distract the child. Because an autistic child does not know how to arbitrarily select the signals entering his brain.

We use the small translucent scarf in a completely different way. A well-known symptom of autism is difficulty in eye contact. There are many interpretations of the reason for this fact. We have suggested an easy way to overcome it. It turns out that it is easier for an autistic to look into the eyes of another person through a transparent kerchief. For example, many young people hide their insecurities behind sunglasses. In the animal kingdom, we can find many such examples when, in a situation of psychological superiority, the animal does not withstand a direct glance.

There is an expression "looking like a boa constrictor at a rabbit", probably an autistic person feels like such a rabbit in the face of a person looking at him attentively. Various ways can be devised to "help" the autistic to maintain gaze. For example, if you connect your thumb and forefinger in a ring and put it to your eyes, as if you are pretending to be glasses, then the autist again begins to look at you with interest, your own gaze becomes, as it were, safe for him.

Although I see the purpose of our sessions as the development of symbolic play, the ability to perceive the ambiguity of objects and events, in the course of the session, tasks for the development of intelligence may well be used. If the autistic person understands what the meaning of such a task is, he willingly performs it and enjoys the achieved result. The autistic person is attracted to opening all kinds of jars, pouring coins or beans, laying out geometric inserts. The specific memory of such a child is caused by the difficulties in containing the accumulated information. He does not combine homogeneous qualities, associations are not built in his brain, and he does not see analogies in different situations. To resist this chaos, the child tries to simplify all kinds of situations. This makes his behavior rigid and not flexible. All kinds of manipulations carried out by a child with a variety of objects serve the development of intelligence, improve the differentiation of sensory sensations. Here the task of the game therapist is to offer something new, among familiar and learned tasks, in order to resist the formation of stereotypes.

If the sessions of game therapy are held at the child's home, then I definitely bring a bag of my toys with me. In an ordinary child, in this case, an orientation reflex is triggered, which triggers exploratory behavior. Such a child is easily attracted to new objects and new ways of interacting with them. With an autistic person, the opposite is true. As if they don't have an orientation reflex? New objects are not remembered, but as if they create a hole in perception. But, having discovered in my patient a desire to open boxes, now I bring a new jar or casket for each session, or I put a new object in a familiar jar. She enjoys picking up and scattering and picking up small items again. For this I use old coins, large buttons, multicolored beans. But the psychologist must be very careful so that the child does not take these objects in his mouth, does not put them in his ears. If oral examination is still present, then it is not recommended to give small objects to such a child.

Symbolic game

Observations show that autistic people do not use symbolic play. Some early psychoanalysts gave complex symbolic interpretations to the stereotyped actions of autists. They proceeded from the peculiarities of their own psyche (and where else to proceed!). These interpretations were very beautiful, but they had nothing to do with this child. However, experience shows that the autistic can be taught elementary play actions that are symbolic in nature. And then some kind of door opens in his head, and the child little by little begins to use a symbolic game, and then the doctors say about him that "autism is gone." Symbolic play makes a breakthrough in his foggy and at the same time rigid consciousness, enlightening him and building the necessary connections.

That disorganization of the processes of the brain, which ultimately leads to autistic manifestations in the behavior of the child, can be overcome through the passage of all stages of the development of the game. If we talk about autism in the language of neuropsychology, then it is necessary to cite a large quotation from the book Semenovich AV: “Turning to the problem of cerebral support of a single ontogenetic process, we note that the brain ... is not only the right and left hemispheres, the corpus callosum, their subcortical education. This is the peripheral nervous system, which provides a continuous dialogue of the brain with the whole body. And various neurophysiological, neurochemical, neuroendocrine systems, each of which makes its own specific contribution to the actualization of any mental function. These multidirectional processes are synchronized in a certain period in order to create in the aggregate an integral ensemble of mental activity, capable of adequately responding to the demands of the surrounding world. " (Semenovich, 2007).

The therapist should be aware of the gradualness of the therapeutic process and not try to speed things up. We must understand that beneficial changes come from the inner world of the child, and only when the psyche is prepared and the child is ready for changes.


  1. Egorova A. Building a bridge between the worlds. / Journal of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. # 2. 2008.
  2. Mitteldorf W. et al. Play therapy with autistic children. / New directions in play therapy. Ed. G. Landreth. M.2007
  3. Peters T. Autism. From theoretical understanding to pedagogical impact. M. 2003
  4. Pukhova T.I. Symbolic play and general development from two to three years. M. 2005.
  5. Pukhova T.I. Play at the stage of manipulation and experimentation in boys. / Psychologist in kindergarten. No. 4, 2007.
  6. Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological correction in childhood. The method of replacement ontogenesis. M. 2007.

Each individual childcare center has its own ways to attract customers. First of all, it is necessary to determine exactly what tasks this institution will perform, what children will be taught, what requirements for child development are imposed by the parents of your region. For example, if there are specialized schools in the city in which foreign languages ​​are studied, attention is paid to in-depth study of mathematics, computer science, then lessons in these subjects should be introduced into the children's center. You should also carefully study the activities of competing organizations in order to avoid repetitions and intersections of directions.

What are the ways to promote the children's center

You can advertise the services provided by the children's center by distributing flyers, leaflets, brochures that can be organized in children's clinics, kindergartens, circles, shops, in a word, in those places where children and their parents often visit.

It is worth carefully monitoring which segment of consumers your offers are aimed at. For example, if your center is for the elite, then you shouldn't advertise in residential areas where the average worker lives. In this case, you can organize targeted mailing directly to elite cottages, to microdistricts where rich people live, striving to give a decent education to their children.

However, do not forget that the service of the children's club itself can already be considered elite, parents trust your company with the most precious thing they have. It is very important that you develop a trusting relationship with the client for many years to come, not only at the time of contact with the advertising message.

Feel free to tell us about yourself, make a movie about the childcare center, or describe the main benefits in a beautiful brochure.

Organization of events for children and parents

One of the great advertising moves would be to organize free trial lessons for children. But if you want to retain clients, then you should take care of creating excellent comfortable conditions for both children and parents who are waiting for them during class. This can be the organization of cozy waiting rooms with connected TV, with upholstered furniture, the ability to access the Internet, with a set of interesting and constantly updated magazines. You can organize a small cafe, a buffet, create a small library, etc. If the parents are not burdened by the waiting time, they will gladly agree to visit this center on a regular basis.

Recruiting staff for the kids club

It is also important to create conditions for children in which they will feel better than on a regular playground. It is better if talented, child-loving specialists who are able to find an approach to a variety of children are involved in the work. It is necessary to try to gather in the center various specialists who will be able to make the work of many circles and directions interesting and useful at once. In this case, many will want to engage in several areas at once, for example, study languages, master drawing, music, dance, computer skills, develop logic, creative thinking, etc.

Outdoor advertising for kids club

To send a child to your club, any parent will ask themselves a simple question, without receiving an answer to which, they will never choose you. "What do I know about this club?"
The specialists from your club should be experts with publications in professional forms, your programs should contain terms familiar to parents: montessori groups, development of emotional intelligence, etc. It is very good if you encourage your regular customers to bring their friends and acquaintances, there are loyalty programs that are beneficial to all participants in the process. But the very first argument, if there are no reviews yet, will be "I saw this club somewhere", it could be a billboard on Shchelkovskoye Highway, there could be a small pillar next to the metro, it is important that the client remembers your brand, the first barrier has been removed mistrust, and when choosing among all the other options, a person will intuitively gravitate towards what he knows at least "noddingly". Try to use this credit of trust wisely, tell about yourself in more detail in a telephone conversation, invite the child and parent to a "test day" at the club, ask to leave contacts and remind about yourself before the start of the school year.

My mother once, in early childhood, ran around with me like a written sack. Then there were no model agencies for children. But I was pushed to shoot a few pictures (do not think of anything super-tiny episodes in ordinary walk-through films. Now, there are hardly such names.) who remembered) .Mother dreamed that I would be a star. But at the age of 11, the ugly duckling suddenly turned out from the pupil. No, then from the age of 16-18 I grew into an ordinary pretty girl. But the contrast with a charming girl in early childhood and a teenager was striking. As it was, it was not very important to me. but for my mother there was a shock and a collapse of hopes. With the cinema it was finished to my great relief (damn yes it is hard !!! and hard work even if the roll is tiny fiddly) Later, mma suddenly discovered my poems. Well, who of us as a teenager did not write poetry ??? everybody writes, but not every mother is like mine. Poems are the usual most.von any samizdat forum open-such biliberdy tons. But the mother raised a rustle that okay the movie star did not come out, but the new Tsvetaeva is growing! In all places where it is possible and impossible were sent out. They even printed a couple of three - my mother would still keep these clippings and reproach me with my ruined talent. And I was ashamed in front of all my acquaintances from such a stir. maybe I would still have written poetry if not for my mother. Now I have an excellent, stable, well-established life. Beloved husband and two sons, a successful career, a good apartment and a well-organized life. And my mother suffers for missed opportunities and allegedly buried talents and reproaches that I am a bad daughter - she did not live up to her hopes (. I don’t think that you need to sacrifice a child to satisfy your ambitions - this is to the author of the topic. This will not make a child happy

The technologies presented in the article have been tested on real clients, in a real children's center and continue to bring an uninterrupted stream of parents buying the services of the children's center.

Who will benefit from this article:

  • for the leaders of the children's center
  • for the manager of the children's center
  • for the administrator of the children's center
  • to all sales professionals, entrepreneurs selling on their own
  • to everyone who does not know how to sell
  • everyone who wants to learn it
  • anyone who wants to improve their sales skills

Many people think that the key to sales is product knowledge and thorough understanding of the market. Of course, without this, nowhere. But let's dig deeper. To get to this stage, you need to interest the interlocutor, preferably - showing interest in you. Like that AIDA marketers cheat sheet, we need attention first, then interest. This is how it works. And in sales too.

How often have you encountered situations when, starting to introduce himself to a client, he simply hung up. No explanation. You are already tuned in to the presentation of services, you are full of inspiration, but in response you hear beeps, and as a result, disconnection ... Or, you introduced yourself: “Hello, my name is Yekaterina, I am the administrator of the Totosha talent club. Then the standard text from the series "Olga, I have an excellent offer for you, we will have New Year's parties in the near future ..." and then the soul rushed to heaven with a typical "managerial" text. The client hears the text for 2 minutes and in response says: "oh, no need", "thank you, nothing is needed", "I have no time", "call back" ...

Not a very pleasant feeling. Truth? And how can you not give up after this?

Once upon a time I had to deal with this. But fortunately, you no longer need to invent a bicycle, there are many technologies and practical tricks to avoid such situations. You will be able to include your interlocutor in the conversation to the maximum, interest, and most importantly - convey the purpose of your call.

Let's start with the foundational one. The first reason is the lack of purpose of the call

As strange as it sounds, you should always have a purpose for the call. Maximum focus.

The state is only here and now. You must clearly understand what you are doing now and where this will lead you. Why call your customers and what you need from them. Once you figure it out for yourself, the confidence and purpose of the call is guaranteed.

The second reason is the desire to "sell" and sell

Thoughts only about one thing - if only I bought it.

This approach does not make good deals. Remember, verbal and non-verbal conveys the information in your head directly to the client. He feels absolutely everything and can stop communicating with you at any time.

How to get rid of this?

Think about the benefits of the service you are selling. Remember this benefit every time you dial a number or invite your parents to a trial lesson. First of all, you solve the client's problem. Almost like doctors, you give a prescription, a magic pill.

Shift the concept of "sell, sell" to "help, solve a problem."

The third reason, and also my favorite, is that you are boring.

Some may think that I have a radical approach, and the amount of criticism in this article of the average sales manager is off the charts. Let's face it. Are you interested in listening to a boring person, no different from other managers, who calls with an offer to buy an annual subscription to Natalie magazine from him?

Either you need to change something in yourself, or change your job. Selling is not for you.

A salesperson is confident, full of charisma, ingenuity and enthusiasm. The book by Frank Bettger "Yesterday is a loser - today is a successful businessman" will help you with this.

The fourth point of our knowledge will be - paralinguistics

She is a "musthave" in dealing with clients. With it, you can set the tempo, timbre of speech, intonation, pauses, voicing, volume, articulation of sounds.

You can't live without her. By working on paralinguistics, you improve your communication skills. Because 60% important is how you say it, not what you say.

The fifth mistake is your own fear of the client and your fear of rejection.

Most people are afraid to talk to strangers, much less get the word "no". There is an easy way to get rid of this fear.

You can take any yellow pages or the base "which is not a pity" and make about 30 calls with approximately the following text: " Good afternoon, Mikhail, my name is Yekaterina, I recently worked as an administrator and am very afraid to talk with clients, could you help me overcome this fear and send me to hell right now? "

You can't even imagine what an amazing effect this exercise gives. Solve all tasks at once.

The sixth reason - misconception and difficult incomprehensible text of the conversation

Misconception refers to stamped greetings with a customer. Come up with original words that will make the client feel interested, included. He will hear something non-standard. Perhaps it will be an association with something.

There is no need to complicate things. Speak as clearly and simply as possible. If you need to explain why you are calling, do it in an interesting and simple way. The client must turn on and understand who is calling him and why.

The seventh reason is the lack of active listening techniques on your part in the conversation.

To make your listening active, there are a few tips to follow:

  1. Encourage the interlocutor... Express interest, use neutral words that don't express appreciation. Avoid criticism.

Use: Aha, Uh-huh, yes, I understand, and others. The verbatim repetition of one or two words of the interlocutor will also help.

  1. Clarification... Helps to clarify what has been said, to clarify, to obtain more information. Ask questions. Rephrase what you heard not exactly so that the speaker can continue with the explanation.

When, how did it happen? Did I understand correctly that ....? As I understand it, this is…. I heard…

  1. Re-asking. Here you need to show that you listen and understand the essence of what is stated. You are also testing your own understanding. Ask again, formulating the main sentences and facts in your own way.

Ie, you would like to ... Wouldn't you?

  1. Empathy. Show that you understand the other person's feelings. Provide a person with the opportunity to hear about his feelings from the outside.

Do you seem upset by this fact ...?

  1. Expression of empathy. Recognize the importance and express respect for the feelings and experiences of the other person. We recognize the importance of the interlocutor's problems.

I appreciate your efforts to resolve this issue ... I share your concern with this issue ...

  1. Summarizing. Indicate that there is progress in the conversation. Bring together key ideas and facts. Create a basis for further discussion. This is where basic ideas and feelings need to be re-formulated.

Did I understand correctly that ...? In the end, we can say that ... Let's summarize ...

Are you a parent of a cheerful and open toddler who is not afraid of attention and loves outdoor games and reincarnation? Help your child develop talents. Advertising for children is a great opportunity to show how work and desire make dreams come true. It takes a lot of patience and time to film a baby in an advertisement, what else? Let's find out now.

  • Application form. It contains all the data - age, height, hair and eye color, clothing size. Filming skills and experience, if any.
  • "Selling" pictures. No makeup, discreet hairstyle, plain clothes. Here, the main thing is to reveal the "I" of the little person, to show strengths, "zest". To make the photos look heterogeneous and reflect all sides of the personality, turn the process into a game. Talk, joke, involve in the shooting so that the baby feels open. If the action takes place in the studio, give the child time to get used to the environment, to meet new people;
  • Photos of the child in the image. They convey the ability to transform, play roles. Come up with three to five plots, pick up outfits, accessories and act out a scene.

For the best result, entrust the photo session to professionals. The advantage will be not only great pictures - in the studio you will see how the baby feels surrounded by strangers and cameras.

But, creating a portfolio at once will not work. If you decide to shoot some photos yourself, remember the following rules:

  • Do not arrange photo sessions with animals - the main one in the frame is the child, and the pet will take all the attention for itself.
  • Remember that group photos are best left in the family album.
  • Close-up photos, photos of a wide smile (with teeth), waist-deep, full-length, portrait are required - these are the basics of the portfolio.
  • Clear photos.
  • Do not process pictures in editors - photographs must truthfully convey the appearance of the child.
  • Do not come up with special hairstyles for filming, make-up - everything should be like in real life. Loose hair, a ponytail or pigtail, perhaps a dim lip gloss (for a girl) - a child from photographs should come to the test.
  • Shooting a video clip will complement your portfolio. Record a poem, song or line from your favorite movie with the future actor.

In the last step, select the best photos. The actor's portfolio consists of 20-30 pictures. 15–20 - revealing character, “selling” photographs. The rest are with reincarnations. Casting usually takes five to ten shots, including the main photo. Depending on the role, choose the best shot from your portfolio for the foreground that captures the desired mood.

Requirements for candidates for shooting in advertising

Advertising for children has a fairly wide range. From diapers, toys and gum, to school supplies and sports equipment. Children often find themselves in videos with adults, advertising food, furniture, cars and other goods. For example, an advertisement for mayonnaise with the participation of Dyuzhev, where a charming girl says that "you need to dream of great things."

Of course, more often children play positive roles, but there are a number of exceptions to this rule. Sometimes a child's role is dramatic and serious. Therefore, there are no clear criteria. Except the following:

  • The child should be open and not afraid of cameras, people.
  • Boys' hair is preferably of medium length. Girls appreciate long curls. Such criteria are needed to facilitate the change of images.
  • Attractive appearance, slimness.
  • Craving for acting. Let there be no inclinations for this profession, give your child a try! Talent is revealed with experience.

Children and advertising. How and where you can get.

To get to the casting of advertisements for children in Moscow, use the information of portals, exchanges and social networks for actors. Register in the databases, apply for participation, the more sites you cover, the higher the chances of success. Children's auditions for advertising can be found on the following sites:

  • Show Media Art is an online job and casting exchange in Moscow for creative individuals of all ages. Information in easy access, constantly growing section "Invitations to TV", where you can apply for the role. Use your child's portfolio in the Television / Job Search section to double your chances of success.
  • is a nice and useful service for mothers and kids. In addition to tips, recipes, hairstyles and poems, there are current movie auditions and advertisements for kids.
  • "Children! Casting" is a portal with free mailing of castings taking place in Moscow by e-mail. Come in, register, receive notifications. If you fit the selection criteria, send an application and wait for a response.
  • "Crowds.Ru" is a forum for organizers of crowd scenes and their participants. Movie castings and advertisements for children are in the special invitations section. Click on the appropriate selection and send an application for participation. Information about payment, type of filming, age of the actor is visible in the subject of the ad, which makes it easier to find and saves time. And on the actors' forum you will find an interlocutor who will help you get comfortable and share your experience.
  • is another casting portal that includes a selection of child actors where you can apply for the role.

All of these resources are free, so the competition is high. To get your baby noticed, use paid databases. A real step towards success will be preparatory courses and schools for talented children in Moscow:

  • Imena PRO is a developing children's center in Moscow. Classes in vocal, choreography, drawing, acting, learning languages, working with psychologists and a number of other developing lessons that reveal talents. They work with children from 1 to 14 years old. Groups are categorized by age and preferred occupation. The teachers are famous acting actors, presenters, professional choreographers, coaches and psychologists. There is a Sunday school at the center. In short, this is a good start for a film career. You can get to a trial lesson by leaving a request by phone.
  • "President kids". School of young models and actors in Moscow, whose graduates and students work with popular magazines, modeling agencies and act in films. You can send an application for training online.

Advertisements for children. Casting filming.

In response to the application, you received a call from the agency and invited you to the casting. All that remains to be done is to arrive on time and show yourself. Shooting advertising for children lasts a day or two. Studio employees monitor children, create comfortable conditions for staying on the site. And, who knows, perhaps your child will be the next to shine in an advertisement for mayonnaise with Dyuzhev.