Have fun like a neighbor. As the International Day of Neighbors was celebrated in Revda. "International Day of Neighbors" in the villages of the Liman District

Since 2000, the holiday of Neighbors' Day has appeared in Europe, after its occurrence, after several years, it came to us. Now there is a date May 27 has become popular and all the neighbors are celebrating the holiday. The holiday itself is dedicated to bringing people closer together, so that people become closer to each other, and alienation disappeared. The holiday is new, but it is already gaining momentum, and each neighbor goes on this day to another with congratulations.

If you think about it, we are surrounded by neighbors everywhere. While on the bus, a neighbor is sitting next to him on a trip, in a cinema a neighbor is watching a movie, and so on wherever we are. In order for this holiday to become very popular, you need to think about its entire depth.
Every day we pass each other without even talking or greeting, and we are all neighbors. Some, purchasing an apartment or a house, first choose their neighbors for themselves, and only then proceed to buying a house. Neighbors play an important role in our life, and sometimes we do not suspect what a neighbor can do for a neighbor.

Once, during the Great Patriotic War, people hid from their neighbors from the Nazis, and they, risking their lives, did it without thinking whether there are such neighbors in our society today, we become strangers to each other, we try to hide within the walls of our house so as not to communicate and not talk to neighbors. What happens to us when the neighbors flood our apartment upstairs, we are ready to kill them for ruined repairs. Much has changed in this world, people have become tough and callous. We often forget about our loved ones, what kind of conversation can be about our neighbors.
Somewhere else in the hinterland, there are still those relationships where a neighbor will not give a neighbor, and everyone also walks all the holidays together and sees them off on their last journey together. Something did not spoil there, in the human soul, and as before, neighbors get together for some events. Each neighbor will understand and help out, take the place of the other and find a way out of the situation.

Of course, good advice is always needed and therefore advice will only be good.

1. First of all, when you see a neighbor, be always extremely polite, even if your relationship does not work out, you need to make concessions, do not forget that you are neighbors first of all. Try not to react to harsh words addressed to you and take everything with a Spartan calm.

2. If from the neighbor's side you hear only swearing, you need to pretend that you simply do not notice this and answer him only in a polite manner, over time the conflict will outlive itself, and you can become good neighbors.

3. Try to find a common language with your neighbors or establish full contact. Come up with a reason to get to know each other better and find out about their interests. Maybe in the future you will go fishing together, and this can bring you closer.

4. At any opportunity, come to the rescue, the neighbors appreciate it, and if this is an elderly old woman, she will surely love you for it and answer with gratitude.

5. If contact is established, and you already often go for salt, proceed to the next step. Find out about personal holidays or birthdays. Congratulate them unexpectedly and on all the holidays, it will give great pleasure to any person.

6. If you feel that the contact is fully established, then invite them to your place, at dinner you can talk on different topics, discuss this or that news and agree or argue.
Following these tips, you can eventually acquire real neighbors of friends who can support you in difficult times and come to the rescue if the situation requires it. Each neighbor is like a friend, only living very close, and maybe someday this communication will be useful to you, and you will be satisfied with such a neighborhood.

Several rules for communicating in the neighborhood

In order to become a good neighbor, you do not need to be too intrusive, people will regard this as flattery. You need to know a few rules for communicating with

neighbors, so that conflict situations do not happen, and you have the opportunity of pleasant communication.
1. If you are lovers of cheerful and noisy companies, you should remember that many do not like it, and will, have a negative attitude towards it. Warn in advance, as if by chance about the upcoming celebration, and then they will have no reason to have claims against you.

2. If the neighbors are renovating, then it always ends with a cluttered corridor, no need to swear loudly and shout that you are tired of all this rubbish, better help to throw it out and remind once again in a calm tone that it bothers you.

3. Respect the privacy of your neighbors, you should not sometimes turn on the music loudly, if there is a sick person behind the wall, this can happen to each of us and maybe they will understand you too in due time.

4. Try not to get into the privacy of your neighbors, if you have contact with one of them, it is unnecessary to discuss the other, as this can lead to a loud scandal. Keep neutral, because it doesn't really concern you.

5. Try also to keep your personal life secret, not always something you tell your neighbor will benefit. Each person has a family, and the problems that occur in it should remain at the level of the home.
These are all these simple rules. You need to have patience and endurance, respect and admiration for your neighbors. Only then will you be reciprocated and you will have the opportunity to have kind and sympathetic neighbors. Do not forget to congratulate them on the international day of neighbors.

Parisian Antanase Periphanes in 2000 for the first time organized a holiday - the Day of Neighbors. He found sponsors, was able to help those in need, employed several unemployed, organized private mini-kindergartens at home, found transport for the disabled, helped people escape from loneliness, and meet with neighbors.

He strove to resist the growing disunity, alienation between people, and the loss of social ties. It was proposed to organize Neighbors' Day on the last Fridays of May, but the date changed annually. Now the holiday is celebrated in various countries on different days until September.

To arrange Neighbors' Day, it is enough for them to gather at one table. Everyone prepares their own little treat and should give everyone a great mood.

Show congratulations

Wake up early - the sun is shining
We will smile at our neighbors!
It's easy to be neighbors in life
Only people should be simple!

My neighbors are no better
Always smiling, kind
Nowhere to be found in the world
Let's get closer to us!

" Hi, neighbor!" - and it will become easier,
Always support your neighbor!
And it will raise your mood
A question to a neighbor: "How are you?"


Everyone has neighbors: people, animals, countries.
And by and large, everyone is neighbors.
And if we are together, we are not afraid
No storm, no hurricane, no thunderstorm on the planet.

Celebrate Neighbors Day, don't be lazy
Forget about the TV for the evening.
Knock on your neighbor's door.
May your meeting be joyful and pleasant.


Eh, my neighbor is a faithful friend,
A glorious occasion today is to congratulate each other.
On the day of neighbors, I send greetings and congratulations.
There is no better neighbor on Earth without a doubt.
Be healthy, do not be sad and bathe in love,
And stay the same for many years.


We are all neighbors to someone
And someone is a neighbor for us.
And so it happened in the world -
Often there is no peace for us.

We are fighting for the fence
We hate each other's children,
Often we are jealous of our neighbors,
We are our wives or husbands.

But if there is any trouble,
He comes to a neighbor's house,
A neighbor helps a neighbor,
Morally or with a ruble.

Therefore, happy neighbors day,
Congratulations to everyone, today.
Live everything peacefully in the world
Knowing no troubles, no grief!


If the neighbors don't live peacefully
If discord comes between them,
If the conflict flares up extensive,
So it will not be life, but hell.

So let's live peacefully and amicably,
And Neighbors Day will help us all.
We need good neighborliness,
So that there are no household problems.


Today is this day of neighbors
We will invite all of them to visit,
Give everyone five gifts
We will equip a rich table for them.
And here you are all standing at the door
Smart, all as one,
And there is a note on the door
With the caption: "I was joking."


How can I not have fun
How glad I am not to sing
If lives nearby
Exceptional neighbor!

You, neighbor, beloved,
The best of all!
Happy Neighbor's Day
And I wish you success

Was always with you, everywhere
I helped a lot in life,
So that in a difficult moment,
The wind blew the sail!

To have fun, with a laugh,
You have lived for over a hundred years
So that from the first run,
Conquered the whole world!


Hey, you are up there!
You can knock today:
I hear it
What we will celebrate together!

Take a walk on neighbors day
Let's be noisy all over the yard,
And flipping through albums
And he shares his good!

Hey you up there
I invite everyone to visit!
I hear it
What will we drink for success!

We will dance
Songs to sing and have fun
And wish each other
Learn to live in the world!


We congratulate you on the Day of Neighbors:
People like you on the whole planet
Quite difficult to find;
We want to tell you today

That we are happy on the weekend
We stand up to the sound of a hammer
After all, we are kids in a music school
We give it up in the violin class.


Neighbors, my, dear, dear,
The Lord has granted me to know you with all my soul.
I'm happy just to know that people are like that
What can you sip from their love big.

Common words: sorry, thank you, hello.
Business as usual: work, children, home.
You are so sincerely beautiful in your simplicity,
And generous hearts are filled with good!


I bought wine and food,
You, my dear neighbors,
Come to me for dinner,
Grab a beer with you,
Today is Neighbor Day, brothers,
We will drink, walk, laugh!
After all, you can't live without neighbors,
Neighbors, best friends
I congratulate you on the Day of Neighbors,
I wish you good neighbors!


I'll bake a cake today
I'll get tea "Conversation"
I'm going to knock on the gate,
I will congratulate the neighbor.

Let's make tea, eat a pie
And we will lead a conversation
Today is a holiday in the yard
Today is neighbor's day!

I want to congratulate everyone now
And invite to dinner
It's no secret that each of us,
Is a neighbor.

Neighbors Day is celebrated every year around the world at the end of May. In Europe, it is celebrated on the last Tuesday of May, but, as a rule, the date of the holiday and all events associated with it are moved to the next weekend.

International Neighborhood Day, or as it is also called Good Neighborliness Day, aims to overcome alienation and indifference to those who are next to us in the broadest sense of the word. Residents of large cities often do not know at all who lives behind their walls.

But the word "neighbors" is not so literal, there are also neighboring countries, the borders with which are carefully guarded, there is wildlife, and each of its representatives is our neighbor on the planet. It is necessary to solve serious problems of social life, to learn to see and hear a little further than one's own "I".

The Frenchman Atanaz Perifan also thought about this. With the help of sponsors, he arranged a holiday for his hitherto unfamiliar neighborhood neighbors, during which he found work for several unemployed, organized small home kindergartens, helped those in need financially and did a lot of good deeds, which were not at all difficult to do - it was enough to know about the problem person.

For the first time such a useful and humane holiday was held in 1999 in Paris, 800 houses and more than 10,000 residents took part in it, and since then this day has been celebrated annually. First, the International Day of Neighbors was picked up by residents of other districts, and a little later this initiative was supported by citizens in neighboring countries and overseas. Since 2000, Neighbors' Day has become an official international holiday.

In Russia, Neighbors Day has been celebrated since 2006 - first in one of the courtyards of Moscow, and then in Yaroslavl, Kaliningrad, Irkutsk, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Klin, Perm and other cities. On May 25, 2018, the IV All-Russian action "International Day of Neighbors" will take place.

Like most people in different countries, residents of Russia also have neighbors - along the staircase or house, in the yard or street. However, in Russia this holiday has its own special meaning. In Russia, NEIGHBORS are always much more important people to each other than neighbors abroad. For us, neighbors are not only "salt and matches", but also "talk", "and water the flowers," and "leave the keys." However, despite the long traditions of good-neighborly relations in our country, our houses are larger and larger, more and more distances, less and less time we spend at home and in the yard, we know less and less who lives in the apartment opposite, even less often - who is behind the wall in another entrance ...

Neighbors Day is another reason to reconsider your attitude towards the people around us, to become more responsive and attentive to our Neighbors who surround us everywhere. Neighbors, like the homeland, as a rule, are not chosen. It means that you need to learn to be friends. And this is a great work of the soul and it is not a matter of one day, albeit a festive one: to understand, accept, find a compromise is also a neighborhood.

Oksana Yatsunenko, Leading Methodist of the Department of Innovative Development

Central City Library

Information prepared on the basis of materials on the Internet

When loud music rushes into your windows from the yard, it is worth at least to look out. Then you will certainly notice that your neighbors with children have already left their apartments to take part in competitions and thus celebrate a relatively new holiday - Neighbors Day. In the evening of May 25, in the courtyards of houses No. 45, 47, 49 on Gorky Street, such a cozy and cheerful holiday was held by the Center for Work with Youth.

It was possible to take part in a quiz, and shoot from a bow, and win in impromptu "Merry Starts". And for each victory you will receive a small but nice candy bonus. Unfortunately, there were far fewer people wishing to actively spend Friday evening than we would like. But those who came were in high spirits.

- The idea is great, - says Oksana Konopleva. - Everything is very cool. Of course, there would be more people if they had warned about the holiday. For example, my grandson and I heard the music and came. Courtyard celebrations are often held here. The kids really like it. We have been living in this courtyard for ten years. Our neighbors are all wonderful. Very friendly.

“We chose this courtyard because we really liked the big beautiful court,” jokes the head of the youth department at the Center for Youth Work Larisa Farafontova. The holiday has been going on for forty minutes, and she is completely frozen. Alas, the weather on May 25 was not May at all. - Today we are holding an entertainment event "Neighbors' Day" with the support of the management company "Antek". We are very glad that a lot of children came to us. I am very glad that young parents have come. This is exactly the category for which we work. I think that the holiday, in principle, was a success. The neighbors in this courtyard are friendly, and this is noticeable. There is only one “Neighbor Day”, but we run a lot of competition and entertainment programs. Traditionally, at the end of August, the Center will hold Courtyard Days. There will be several of them. And this courtyard, among other things, will again get a rosy mood. During July and August, the city will have a specialized group “Bremen Town Musicians”, which conducts game programs for children who did not go to the children's camp or to their grandmothers. Already the other day, on June 1, at 5 pm, a large-scale holiday "Planet of Childhood" will take place in Elansky Park, to which I also invite everyone.

Inertia is the only thing that interferes with spending time interesting. Inert or, on the contrary, extremely busy neighbors from houses on Gorky Street passed by while those who wanted to tug-of-war and played Koltsebros. They - cheerful and active - were not at all cold.

How the world began to celebrate the International Day of Neighbors

In Europe, the holiday is celebrated on the last Tuesday in May, but, as a rule, the date of the holiday and all events associated with it are moved to the next weekend. International Day of Neighbors, or, as it is also called, Day of Good Neighborhood, is designed to overcome alienation and indifference to those who are next to us in the broadest sense of the word. Residents of large cities often do not know at all who lives behind their walls. The Frenchman Atanaz Perifan also thought about this. With the help of sponsors, he arranged a holiday for his hitherto unfamiliar neighbors, during which he found work for several unemployed, organized small home kindergartens, helped those in need financially and did a lot of good deeds, which were not at all difficult to do - it was enough to know about the person's problem ...

Settlement Liman, children's model library
On the International Day of Neighbors, the specialists of the children's model library held a promotion "Letter to a neighbor:" I want to tell you about the library ... "on the central alley of the village of Liman. Residents and guests of the village joined this game: both children and adults. The unusual form of the event aroused the interest of fellow countrymen, the guests expressed a desire to go to the library. We looked at book exhibitions, a mini-museum, and a book fund with interest.
with. Caravan
On May 27, the workers of the House of Culture and the library with. Karavannoye prepared and conducted a festive program "Neighbors' Day" with the aim of creating warm, friendly relations between neighbors. The event took place in the courtyard of the apartment building No. 1 on Sovetskaya Street, in which the residents of the building and their neighbors took part. Librarian Tolstova N.A. told about the origin of the holiday, when and how it began to be celebrated in Russia and in particular in the Astrakhan region. Since this holiday falls on the spring-summer period, all those present were invited to guess riddles and sing songs about flowers, to recall stories from the lives of neighbors. Cultural workers sang the song "Wonderful Neighbor". The purpose of the event: to create warm, friendly relations between neighbors.

with. Yandyki
The workers of the House of Culture and the library invited their neighbors to the "Neighborhood gatherings" - employees of the administration, shop, kindergarten. Guests came with their treats, a tea party was organized. They talked about the origin of the holiday, about friendship between neighbors. For many, this holiday was unexpected, but everyone enjoyed their time with friends-neighbors.

with. Zenzeli
May 27 at 16.00 workers of culture and library with. Zenzeli organized and held a festive event "All the neighbors are visiting us" of the villagers. Leading events Krayushkina G.G. and Mangutova N.S. greeted fellow villagers. The program was opened with a flash mob and the song "If we are friends." The guys were able to prove themselves in the game program, participated together with adults in the following games: "Double pot holder", "Jump rope", "Die hard" "Cinderella", "Kvass from a ladle", "Fishermen", "Dance on one leg" and others. Between the contests, Nelly Sagitova, Maxim Zhitkov, Natalya Mangutova and Arina Bakaeva delighted the audience with their wonderful singing, who presented the audience with her new songs, and of course the audience was delighted with the break dance performed by Vadim Dubrovin. Children and adults who took part in games and competitions were awarded with sweet prizes. The holiday ended with a film screening "Eight First Dates" and a disco. Warm spring weather and festive atmosphere gave everyone present a lot of positive emotions and excellent mood.

with. Zarechnoye
The residents of the village of Zarechnoye on Kolkhoznaya Street celebrated the Day of Neighbors in a cheerful and amicable manner.
Neighbors' Day was announced in advance. Many reacted to this with undisguised irony. And those residents who are accustomed to communicate, not to be confined one to one, came at the appointed time with a good, kind mood. The villagers prepared for the event responsibly: they treated them to hot dishes, salads, pastries, sweets with compote. The atmosphere of solidarity and unity made it possible to feel like members of one large team, where everyone's opinion is taken into account. The younger generation congratulated the older generation of residents of Kolkhoznaya Street with kind words and memorable gifts. They sang songs, danced, played funny games, and also held contests, the winners of which were presented with small souvenirs. Everyone made their own contribution to the creation of the holiday, and it turned out to be sweet and sincere. Celebration of the International Day of Neighbors will become a good tradition not only for residents of Kolkhoznaya Street, but also for all residents of the village of Zarechnoye.

with. Olya
May 27 workers of culture and library with. Olya prepared and held a festive event "Neighbors' Day". The holiday was opened by the hosts T.N. Shatskaya, L.V. Fedyashina. During the evening, the program included contests, games, jokes, dances. The evening was distinguished by a friendly, cheerful atmosphere. The event ended with traditional tea drinking.

the village of Peschanoe
May 27 workers of culture and library with. Sandy Barkalova V.M. and Chavychalova E.V. Prepared and held festive gatherings in honor of the Day of Neighbors. Traditionally, for this day, many farmsteads have been put in order. Residents have removed the thickets of grass, and some have set up flower beds right on the street. After all, everyone wanted to look no worse than others. And in the evening, the neighbors gathered for a gathering "At a Neighbor's Conversation", where they discussed many issues of rural life that worried everyone.
The village needlewomen shared the secrets of their craft, demonstrated their handicrafts. And then at the steaming samovar they sang Russian folk songs for a long time over a cup of tea.
with. Kryazhevoe
May 27 at the House of Culture with. Kryazhevoe for residents of the village. Kryazhevoye and Sudachye hosted the “Neighbors' Day” gatherings, prepared by the workers of culture and the library. The holiday program included charades, contests, games, quizzes, mini-sketches. The event ended with a festive tea party.
with. Privet Braid
On May 27, culture and library workers on the square near the House of Culture held a festive event "Without a neighbor anywhere", dedicated to the Day of Neighbors. In the competitive program, the streets of the village competed for the title "The most friendly street in the village of Biryuchya Kosa 2016". The participants prepared the name of their teams, a motto, a business card of their street, a dish and a musical number. The team from Mira Street won the competition program. The holiday ended with a friendly tea party.

with. Fishing
May 27 to the Neighbor's Day in the village. Promyslovka hosted a courtyard holiday "Neighbor Smile to a Neighbor", where cultural workers, together with library workers, visited the family of Raguzova Nadezhda Genadievna, she invited her neighbors IV Lukins to visit. A large tea table was laid, at which they told that they had been friends for a long time and they had their own traditions to get together - these are Easter holidays, New Year, birthdays, they also like to sing songs with children. Cultural workers talked about the traditions of this holiday, congratulated families and presented gifts.
with. Flowing
May 28 residents of the village. Protochnoye with a cheerful friendly company celebrated the holiday of the Day of neighbors "If we are friends." The host told the story of the holiday. Games, contests, quizzes were held at the holiday, everyone remembered and sang the song "My Neighbor" together. Neither children nor elderly people were left unattended. This relatively young holiday attracted a lot of attention. Many examples of celebration appeared, people began to actively communicate with each other, and the holiday gained popularity and made it possible to get to know neighbors better, have a little rest, discuss common problems, create and strengthen good-neighborly relations, overcome loneliness and just find out neighboring news. The holiday ended with an open-air disco.

with. Yar-Bazar
On May 27, in the club of Yar-Bazar village, a competition-game program "How not to have fun" was held, dedicated to the celebration of the World Neighborhood Day. At the beginning of the event, all those present were congratulated by the head of the municipal district "Kamyshovsky Selsovet" A.S. Gatipov. The presenters told about the history of the holiday. The dance group "Daisies" pleased with the dance, M. Eltonsky read the poem "Motherland", and the participants of the drama circle "Laughing-ka" made all the guests laugh to tears by playing a scene about the neighbors "Teremok" in a modern humorous interpretation of the artistic director O. Badmagoryaeva.
In honor of the celebration of World Neighborhood Day in Yar-Bazar, a vote was held among the villagers for the friendliest neighbor and the friendliest neighbor. A total of 99 people voted. AS Gatipov awarded N.A. Chernikov. The villagers very amicably and without hesitation voted for her. But the diplomas "The friendliest neighbor" were awarded to two men I.P. Gres and O.B. Mikhailov, since they got the same number of votes. And then everyone enjoyed playing the games "Magic Hats", "Choosing a Place", "The Cunning" and others. They played out the "Santa Barbara" scene, having finally learned how the series of the same name ended. Both young people and old people took part in the “Newspaper Note” competition with pleasure.
with. Kamyshovo
May 27 to the workers of the House of Culture with. Kamyshovo, together with the employees of the rural library, held a competition and game program "Our friendly country celebrates the Day of Neighbors", dedicated to the celebration of the International Day of Neighbors.
Participants of the event - married couples, gladly answered the questions prepared for them and participated in various competitions. Everyone who came to the holiday was able to chat in a relaxed atmosphere, discuss the latest news, and just have fun. The whole holiday was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.