Everyday makeup for big eyes. Classic make-up with an arrow with a magnifying effect. Closely spaced eyes

Most of the fair sex make a lot of effort to visually enlarge their eyes and give them expressiveness. But some lucky women have big eyes by nature, however, they also need to be highlighted with makeup in order to make them as attractive and sexy as possible. Makeup for big eyes has its own secrets and nuances that you should know.

Note that large eyes are rarely perfect, requiring minimal cosmetic adjustments. Often large eyes are prominent, round, close or far-set. Considering these points, it is worth doing makeup so that the shape of the eyes approaches the ideal, almond-shaped, shape.

If the eyes are almond-shaped, then you can choose any technique for making up. Such eyes only need to be emphasized a little, to pay attention to their natural beauty, to enhance the attractiveness of the gaze. What you should pay attention to is the color scheme, which should organically fit into the overall makeup and emphasize the color of the eyes.

You should try to "stretch" the eyes of a round shape. To do this, the eye contour should be selected starting from the inner corner of the eye. To the outer edge of the eye, the line needs to be slightly expanded. The eyeshadow is applied all over the eyelid, shading them closer to the temples.

When correcting bulging eyes, it is worth using dark shadows. They are applied to the entire eyelid, while the darkest shade is applied to the center of the eyelid and shaded towards the outer corner of the eye. Black and deep blue shadows will give the look magical attractiveness and expressiveness, while widening them.

If large eyes are set wide apart, then the task of makeup is to visually reduce the distance between them. This can be done by highlighting the inner part of the eye very brightly and clearly. The brow space is filled with light shadows, and then the entire eyelid is covered with the main shade. At the end, shadows of a darker shade are applied. They are distributed as close as possible to the bridge of the nose along the eyelash growth line. Note that if you apply dark shadows not only on the upper, but also on the lower eyelid, the eyes will become larger and brighter. Be sure to shade the shadows well, the less noticeable the transitions between shades, the more natural and organic the make-up sits. To complete the makeup for large, wide-set eyes, apply mascara. There shouldn't be a lot of it. Considering that the eyes are already large, there is no need to apply mascara in several layers, unnecessarily weighing down the eyelashes. One layer is enough. When applying mascara, the emphasis should be on the cilia located at the inner corner of the eye.

If the eyes are set close, they need to be visually separated from each other. To do this, it is necessary to select the outer part of the eye, that is, the area that is located closer to the temples. The brow area is filled with shadows of warm shades and shaded so that a “tail” is obtained, tending to the temples. The eyelash growth line is distinguished with an underwater pencil, while it needs to be slightly raised to the outer paradise of the eye. It is important to blend the underwater line to make the makeup look more natural. The last step is the application of mascara. Particular emphasis should be placed on the eyelashes located at the outer corner of the eye. The eyelashes of the inner corner of the eye remain practically unpainted.

If you are completely satisfied with the shape of the eyes, then it is perfectly acceptable to experiment with different variations of makeup. The main thing is to decide on a color scheme that will emphasize natural beauty, make the look more expressive and deep.

In conclusion, let's dwell on the features of makeup for large eyes. Do not forget that dark colors tend to visually make the eyes smaller, while light colors, on the contrary, visually open the eyes. Note that a similar play of shades is used not only by makeup artists, but also by stylists when choosing clothes.

When deciding on the color of the shadows, you need to take into account the color of the eyes. For example, brown eyes are suitable for brown shades. In the makeup of blue eyes, it is worth using shadows of colder shades. But there are exceptions to all the rules, and modern trends allow women of fashion to write their own rules. Thus, it is permissible to apply shadows that contrast with the shade of the eyes.

In makeup for large eyes, it is important not to forget about the eyebrows. Eyebrow strings do not fit large eyes, and in general they have not been in trend for a long time. The eyebrows should be of a natural width, but in a well-groomed condition. Excess hairs must be plucked out in a timely manner. It is recommended to keep the eyebrow color natural, you can emphasize it with a pencil that repeats the natural hair color.

Video tutorial "How to do makeup for big round eyes"

A face is considered beautiful if its features are proportional. But small deviations from the standards give the girl a special charm. Big eyes are a good example of this. They make the feminine look naive and charming.

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Photo Gallery: Lessons for Effective Makeup for Big Eyes

It is much easier to choose makeup for large eyes than for small or narrow ones. You can wear a universal make-up, while adhering to three rules:

Large eyes may have slight flaws in shape:

In these cases, it is necessary to correct the mistakes of nature with the help of cosmetics.

Makeup for large bulging eyes must be in dark shades. It is necessary to completely cover the upper eyelid, but especially intensively apply the shadow in the center. Thus, we seem to "cut off" the bulge, making the eyes more "flat".

Take a look at the photo with step-by-step makeup for big bulging eyes. The darkest areas of the upper eyelids should be the darkest, usually in the middle. After application, blend the shadow towards the eyebrow.

If your eyes are too rounded, then you can draw them out with the help of correctly drawn arrows. The arrow should start from the thinnest line and smoothly expand towards the outer eyelid, it must not end abruptly, the tail of the arrow should narrow towards the end.

We correct the far-set eyes with the help of a contour that completely borders the eye. Make the inner corner elongated and "place" it closer to the bridge of the nose. Apply shadow intensively to the superciliary space next to the nasal septum.

Close-set eyes, on the other hand, do not need to be clearly delineated (especially in the inner corner of the eye). You can apply a contour, but only on the outer eyelid, and then shade it. At the bridge of the nose, we lighten the skin tone, and on the outer corners of the eyes we apply dark shadows, shading them to the temples.

Make up for big brown eyes

Most often we do makeup for large brown eyes in brown shades. It looks familiar and natural. There is no need to reinvent the wheel - brown is in perfect harmony with brown. This makeup can be a great everyday office option.

But if you want to diversify your usual look, pay attention to the following shades:

They accentuate the rich color of your iris, give your look a sparkle and refresh your overall makeup. Yuri Stolyarov, the official makeup artist of Maybelline New York, talks in more detail about this in this video.

Makeup for big green eyes

To create a make-up for green-eyed girls, you need to use brown (closer to the red shade), golden, copper, burgundy, purple.

The correct makeup for big eyes is the key to popularity on the part of the male half. Girls with big eyes have always been and will remain the object of increased attention from the male side. Wide-open eyes, open gaze favorably distinguish their owners from the crowd.

There is nothing extraordinary in the principles of makeup for big eyes, tk. almost any cosmetics are suitable for big-eyed girls. The only thing you need to pay special attention to is the correctly selected eyeshadow palette. Choosing the wrong color will ruin the decent beauty of the eyes. Therefore, when choosing shadows, you need to take into account the shape and, of course, the color of your eyes.

Classic makeup for big eyes

Big-eyed girls are not recommended to pluck their eyebrows with a thin line; they should be evenly curved, of medium thickness, of a beautiful color. For a classic design, shades of light and dark colors are selected. Light ones are applied to the fixed part of the eyelid, dark ones - to the fold to the eyelashes and to the outer side of the eyes. Everything is carefully shaded.

  1. Green for large eyes. Owners of such eyes need to choose shadows of golden, brownish shades. Tones such as purple, terracotta, orange, lilac, pink will look great.
  2. For the blue-eyed. Make-up base for large blue eyes - shadows with a slightly orange tint, as well as pink, copper, brown, peach, plum. All of them accentuate the natural blue color.
  3. For brown-eyed. For girls with brown eyes, it is recommended to apply shades of blue-blue, gray tones. Using these eyeshadows at the same time works well for makeup; you just need to shade the borders of the transition of tones well.

Makeup for different types of eyes

  1. Round eye makeup. Of course, if you simply circle round eyes along the contour, this will only visually enhance their roundness. Such an emphasis will not be positive in makeup. Girls with such eyes need to visually stretch the shape of their eyes. This is achieved by making the eyeliner by expanding the arrow from the inside of the eye to the outside, and the eyeliner needs to be slightly removed beyond the boundaries of the eyelid. When applying shadows of dark colors, they are also taken out of the eyelids and shaded well.
  2. For close-set eyes. Features of the makeup of large eyes, close to the bridge of the nose, consist in coloring the inner corner of the eye with light shadows or a light pencil. Be sure to shade this side of the eye well. The outer side is painted with dark shadows. The eyeliner goes slightly raised above the eyelid and slightly extends beyond its border.
  3. For wide-set eyes. Visually close the position of far-set eyes to the bridge of the nose will help darken the inner side of the eye with a dark pencil or shadows of the same color. Again, all this must be carefully shaded. On the rest of the eyelids, shadows are applied towards the eyebrows.
  4. Makeup for bulging eyes. The owners of such eyes, of course, must visually hide the bulge of the shape. This is achieved by applying dark shadows to the eyelids almost to the very border of the brows. It is advisable to put shadows slightly darker than the natural color of the skin directly under the eyebrow. To hide the bulge of the eyes, shadows of a matte cold quality will help. Shades such as shiny, pearlescent are unacceptable.

Dark eyeliner of the lower eyelid is allowed with going beyond the outer borders of the eye.

Japanese makeup for big eyes

This make-up method for large eyes gives them an almond shape with the effect of expressiveness and depth in the look. For the Japanese style, you need white, milky, slightly silver shades. The eyeliner should be very thin and neat, extending slightly beyond the outer edges of the eye.

Light beige shadows are applied under the eyelashes. Mascara must be applied, and the eyebrows must be tinted with a brown pencil.

Although symmetry and proportionality of features have long ceased to be the obligatory attributes of a beautiful face, many girls still consider their deviation from outdated standards a defect. And big eyes are a prime example of this.

Due to this feature, the look seems more naive and cute. However, its owners are actively trying to reduce this effect to naught, and in fact all that is needed is to learn how to correctly emphasize the beauty of the cut. What we are going to do today.

General principles of visual correction

It is no secret that the owners of large eyes are often not satisfied not only with their size, but also with their shape. Indeed, set too close or too wide, too convex or rounded, they do not look very good in most cases.

To remedy the situation, make-up artists advise to build not so much on stereotyped decisions as on the individual characteristics of the appearance. It is enough to look at Jennifer Aniston and other actresses with a non-standard (but no less beautiful) appearance to understand that this approach not only works, but also fully justifies itself.

Therefore, choosing such a make-up, we will focus precisely on adjusting the shape. The following principles of visual correction will be of great help:

  1. Black pencil enhances the "wet eyes" effect. But dark shadows, applied according to the principle "intensely in the center, weaker towards the edges" (the stronger the part of the eyelid, the darker it should be painted), on the contrary, "cut off" the excess volume, making the shape flatter.
  2. To give the overly rounded shapes "correct" almond-shaped outlines will help. To do this, their lines should be thin at the corners and widen by the middle of the eyelid.
  3. Mascara does an excellent job of visually reducing the incision. It is enough to paint over the eyelashes well, and the created "shadow" will reliably hide all unnecessary.
  4. If you are not satisfied with the fit of the eyes, the correction can be made using the bordering contour. To reduce the distance, clearly draw the inner corner of the eye and extend it towards the bridge of the nose. To increase, on the contrary, the contour is applied only to the upper eyelid, and the outer corners are subjected to "stretching", which are painted over with dark shadows.
  5. The shape of the eyebrows is equally important. To visually reduce the size of the eyes, you should abandon the "eyebrow strings" in favor of a natural medium width. At the same time, removing hairs (with the exception of those that are knocked out of the common line) is mainly from above, so as not to increase the already large distance between the eye and the eyebrow.

By following these guidelines, you can quickly shape your eyes into the desired shape. The only thing to keep in mind is the shades. If the color of mascara and eyeliner does not match the color of the iris, all your work will go down the drain.

Selection of colors

Correctly chosen tones add expressiveness and depth to the look. Conversely, if the colors are chosen at random, the iris appears more faded and lost against the background of shadows or mascara. Therefore, when talking about makeup for big eyes, not mentioning the right color combination would be a huge omission.

  • For brown eyes

Sandy, beige, as well as chocolate shades and all kinds of their combinations (for example, a smooth transition from the center of the eyelid to the corners, from "dark chocolate" to "milk") are optimal. You can also play in contrast. Variants with the use of turquoise, lavender shadows and ivory look no less interesting. It is better to give up a glossy shine in favor of a calmer, matte structure.

  • For blue eyes

The natural beauty is unobtrusively emphasized by warm pinks, peach and creamy shades, as well as copper shine and brown colors of the "cold" range. If your makeup is planned to be bright and somewhat provocative, orange and yellow combinations are the best choice.

  • For green eyes

The color scheme should be chosen based on the "purity" of the iris. If it is dominated by yellowish-brown shades or silvery-blue, you can experiment with such shades: chocolate brown, khaki, smoky gray, etc.

Modern trends are based on experimentation. Therefore, it is quite possible that tomorrow this list can be replenished with a few more shades. However, contrast must always be present. And not only with the iris of the eye, but also with the rest of the colors of the created image. Do not forget about this, and you will look irresistible.

At a time when many women are making incredible efforts to visually enlarge their eyes and give them the desired expressiveness and brightness, ladies who are naturally endowed with big eyes are trying to find the right makeup for large eyes.

Big eyes are not always perfect in shape, they are quite common:

  • too bulging eye sockets;
  • widely seated;
  • very close set;
  • large round eyes.

Possessing the subtleties and small secrets of the correct visage, big eyes with the help of makeup can be effectively emphasized and visually give them an almond-shaped oriental shape. When choosing a palette of shadow colors, one must remember that light tones visually bring closer, focus on themselves, dark tones visually reduce the volume.

Bulging eye makeup

The first step in applying makeup for large, prominent eyes is to apply a foundation with neutral shades of eyeshadow over the entire movable eyelid. For women of a cold type, you can use a light pink shade, for women of a warm type, a light gray tone can be used. Draw a line under the eyebrow with the same shadows. An arrow is drawn along the eyelash line with an indigo contour pencil not until the end of the century. The arrow is carefully shaded with shadows of the same color, its tail is pulled up. The lower eyelid is painted on with gray shadows along the eyelash growth line.

The tip of the lower arrow does not connect to the upper arrow, giving the impression of an open eye. Eyeshadows and pencils with glitter or mother-of-pearl are not suitable for the makeup of convex eyes - they focus on the already convex eye sockets.

Wide-set eye makeup

To balance the proportions with wide-set large eyes, it is necessary to accentuate the inner corners of the eyes, painting them with shadows of a dark color or the same pencil. Then make-up can be applied using the usual technique, keeping the use of light shades of cosmetics to a minimum.

Makeup for close-set big eyes

If the eyes are placed at a short distance from each other, correction can visually eliminate this deficiency.

The inner corner of the eye must be shaded with shadows of light shades or a milky white pencil and carefully shaded. The movable eyelid from the outside of the eye is covered with dark shadows, shading them towards the temple. Raise the thin arrow up and shade. Paint over the eyelashes with mascara from the center of the eye to the outer corner. Do not paint on the inner corner of the eyelashes.

Big round eye makeup

The primary task of makeup for large round eyes is to visually "stretch" them, give them a classic almond shape. This problem is solved with the help of an eyeliner, which draws an arrow extending to the outer corner of the eye. The arrow should protrude slightly beyond the contours of the eyeball. Dark-colored shadows are applied to the entire movable eyelid and shaded towards the temple.

If there is no need to adjust the shape of the eyes, then you can experiment a little with a palette of colors for makeup. It is necessary to choose a color that can emphasize the beauty of the eyes, add depth and expressiveness to the look. To match the color of the iris of the eye, you can pick up shadows in tone and contrasting in color:

  • Brown eyes;
  • green eyes;
  • blue eyes.

Let's try to understand this issue more precisely.

Make-up of big brown eyes

The makeup option for large brown eyes is suitable for women with different color types.

First you need to prepare the skin with a foundation and lighten the eye area. To do this, you need to apply pastel shades to the entire eyelid and gently shade them. Draw thick arrows with a black pencil or eyeliner.

Apply shades of chocolate, purple or dark blue along the line of the arrow. We carefully shade the shadows, the eyelashes are slightly tinted with mascara.

Make-up of big green eyes

A chic evening make-up will emphasize the dazzling beauty of green big eyes with the correct use of cosmetics:

Smooth out the skin of the eye area by applying beige shadows or natural powder

We cover the surface of the upper eyelid to the very eyebrow with golden shadows, or honey-colored shadows. Apply light chocolate shadows to the movable eyelid, and draw the fold between the eyelid and the brow zone in chocolate or black.

A thick arrow is applied with a brown eyeliner or pencil, all color transitions are carefully shaded.

Brows are slightly emphasized and eyelashes are dyed. Brilliant evening makeup is ready!

Make-up of big blue eyes

Makeup for big blue eyes should be approached more carefully so as not to create a puppet effect.

A pink or peach shade is applied to the tinted upper and lower eyelids with an even skin color. The movable eyelid is stained with gray shades and carefully shaded.

A thin arrow is drawn along the eyelash growth line. Mid-century is painted with blue eyeshadow and rubbed to create an ombre effect. Eyelashes are painted with ink in one, maximum two layers.

A selection of videos will help you learn the rules for applying makeup for big eyes.