Happy March 8th greeting card for teachers. DIY collective souvenirs

You are our second mother!
We come to you every day!
On Women's Day: March 8
We are still too lazy to study!

But we want to congratulate you!
You are good today!
And we all wish you together
We wish you luck from the bottom of our hearts!


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Create a postcard

From March 8

Happy International Women's Day,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
Joy, warm spring and flowers,
Smiles, happiness, understanding,
And may the love of the disciples,
It always warms your soul!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard


On this bright spring holiday,
We hasten to congratulate you,
Wish you good health,
Sorry for everything, your spoiled class.
May the spring be warm, happy,
It will bring a lot of joy and victories!
Stay as beautiful as you are
Live for many, many years!


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Create a postcard

My teacher

I won't forget your kindness
I will remember everything that I was taught,
How they helped, and the first steps,
Then they brought their fruits.
Oh, my teacher, give me a hug,
Yes, and congratulations on the eighth of March.
And I will keep it in my heart forever,
Your words, with love, are very bright.


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Create a postcard

My dear teacher,
Today I gave
A piece of goodness for us.
And let on the eighth of March,
You will smile again.
I respect you very much
I give you only love.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Our teacher.

On this beautiful spring day
Our friendly class has gathered
To be loud together
Happy Women's Day!
We are not sugar and, at times,
We might upset you with something.
After all, behind the school bench
It's not easy to learn everything.
How much patience you have,
Soft feminine beauty.
Please accept congratulations
From a cheerful schoolboy!
Be happy, be loved
And don’t know gloomy troubles,
Let them pass by
Well, joy follows you!

Congratulations on March 8 to the teacher

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happy spring holiday to you

March 8th is a beautiful day,
When everything is green all around,
Let me congratulate you now,
Happy International Women's Day!
I wish you health and happiness,
So that you never feel sad,
May you always prosper,
In the name of happiness and goodness!


Purchased and owned by the site.

You are truly beautiful at the board,
And the class looks at you with their mouths open;
Not a word is wasted,
We swallow knowledge like compote.

Your lessons are both dessert and dinner,
And on this holiday of all beautiful ladies
We say: we really need your work,
Thank you for being with us!

Congratulations to the teacher on March 8

I want to wish my dear teacher
To know a promotion in your work,
And always cope with the students,
And, if necessary, be strict with us.

May Women's Day bring you happiness,
Love and beauty, flight of souls.
I want to wish you good health
And I will congratulate you with love!

Congratulations on March 8 to the teacher in verse

I wish you to work productively,
So that all students listen to you,
And all tasks were completed efficiently,
You would be proud of your teacher!

And on this Women’s Day it’s great,
Let me congratulate you personally,
And everything was always pedagogical,
And your mood is excellent!

Poem from March 8th to the teacher

Teacher's job is not easy,
But no task is impossible for you.
Great luck light hand
Let it become friendly and reliable for you!

March 8 wishes all -
So that you are sure to be happy,
May success come to you in all its glory,
And even everyday life gave you joy!

Beautiful congratulations on March 8 to the teacher

We bring our congratulations to our teacher,
You are the best in the world, and there is no doubt about it.
We are ready to study, everything, to show diligence.
Thank you very much for your experience and knowledge.

We are very grateful to our teacher,
And gifts are waiting for her, in honor of the Eighth of March
Let's give her high fives, all of us, without exception,
You are our best teacher, and there is no doubt about it!

Congratulate the teacher on March 8

A serious profession is a teacher.
We bow before you for a reason.
You are the only custodian of valuables.
And becoming like you is a cherished dream!
On March 8th we wish you
As many joyful moments as possible,
And we all congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Today you deserve compliments!

Congratulate the teacher on International Women's Day

We to our class teacher
We composed a congratulation
Wrote wishes
Enough for the essay!
Well, first of all, for health
You've had enough for many years,
So that you live beautifully,
And not faded and dull!
To beauty on the outside
I echoed with kindness,
So that your life is on rails
Luckily it was approaching quickly!
So that you are loved at school,
Respected as always
To sorrows and troubles
Never met!

Original congratulations to the teacher on March 8

Let your home be cozy
Let the cup be full!
We hasten to congratulate you on Women's Day
Our teacher!

We wish you, more than ever,
To love and to be loved
And stay forever
Just as beautiful!

Cool congratulations on March 8 to the teacher

You guide us through life,
Keeping secrets carefully.
Postulates of eternal truths
You entrust us with love.

Forget about the holiday
Explaining at the blackboard,
Figuring out who's the prankster
Some are lazy and some are brains.

Let the bouquets surround you
Fill the house with happiness.
Let the smile not melt,
And it will warm you up on a sad day!

Comic congratulations on March 8 to the teacher

They lie in a pile on the table
Lots of chocolates
So it's time for you to go home
Drive from notebooks.

And leave the magazine at school,
Throw a pointer there -
It's time to relax in freedom
In a moment of spring fairy tale.

Forgetting the students
On the eighth of March,
And without these diaries,
And without a boring desk,

Enjoying the singing of birds,
Those that are in stock
Take a break from all the faces
Within the limits of decency.

Cheerful congratulations on March 8 to the teacher

Everyone who silently slept at their desks,
Sadly hovered over the map,
Dying from melancholy
I was solving a problem at the board,

On this wonderful Women's Day,
Forgetting about sleep and laziness,
Teacher, we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness with all our hearts
And fruitful work,
And don’t let the years age you!

Congratulations on March 8 to the teacher from the students

We are our teacher,
On this day, March 8th,
We wish her happiness.
We respect you very much
And we wish you well.
It's a hard day for a teacher,
There's a lot to tell
Instruct the deuces.
It's hard to control dreams
But we promise you
Don't upset you anymore,
And do your homework!

Short congratulations on March 8 to the teacher

Congratulations to you on March 8th,
With wishes of happiness to heaven!
Let the wonderful moments
They give you an extravaganza of miracles!

SMS congratulations to the teacher on March 8

On the day of the Eighth of March, may you
Men congratulate!
Love and attention
Relatives surround you!
Let it be on the festive table again
The flowers are fragrant
The sun shines all day long
And the laughter never stops!

Best congratulations on March 8 to a teacher

Wish my dear teacher
I want a lot of happiness and good luck,
On March 8th you won't have any problems,
Always follow the beaten path

To find your way in the nature of knowledge, -
And never deviate from it,
Love and peace! There are no sorrows!
And more often to those who love to smile!

Touching congratulations to the teacher on March 8

International Women's Day,
You taught us a lot
Our congratulations sound like an anthem,
The knowledge that was invested in us!
And even though work with children is not easy,
We understand this too
But the seeds of kindness will grow,
In our hearts - we know it!

Congratulations on March 8 to your beloved teacher

May spring give you inspiration,
Let him give you a little patience,
We know it’s difficult with us sometimes,
But we always respect you!
Congratulations on March 8th now,
May all your dreams come true,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish,
May we always teach everything!

Congratulations on March 8 to the class teacher

You are our class teacher,
There is nothing more beautiful in the whole school,
There is no slimmer and kinder
More fun and wiser!
We respect you very much,
Of course, we imitate you,
You are a real teacher
A savior from the director!
We wish you well,
Happiness, peace and warmth!
Congratulations on the eighth of March,
And we leave the poem to you!

Congratulations on March 8 to the prose teacher

You are the person who not only teaches us all the intricacies of the school curriculum, you are a real Woman with a capital W of the word. On this bright and affectionate holiday, we sincerely wish you peace, joy, kindness and simple human happiness. Be healthy, be happy, be loved!

Congratulations on March 8 to the teacher in your own words

It’s good that a wonderful time - Spring, begins with a holiday dedicated to you - girlfriends, wives, mothers, grandmothers. On this day, please accept my most sincere wishes and congratulations. We wish you good health, happiness, love without boundaries. Let the sound of pots not drown out the songs of spring and life. Be happy, three times healthy, bloom, you are our spring.

All over the world, the eighth of March is Women's Day, reminiscent not only of women's rights, but also of the arrival of spring and the onset of the warm season. Therefore, a homemade gift for March 8th to a teacher should, on the one hand, be practical and hinting at the teacher’s professional activities, and on the other hand, gentle and warm.

Teachers undeservedly rarely receive gifts, most often only on Teacher's Day and September 1st. However, it is worth remembering the important role of the teacher in the fate of every person. Therefore, congratulating your favorite teacher and expressing your gratitude to her on March 8 will not be amiss. Moreover, making a beautiful gift on your own is not difficult, even for a child under the supervision of his parents.

The presented master classes will tell you in detail how to make a craft for your teacher yourself, and the video in this article will clearly help you make the gift you like.

So, what original gift can you come up with for your favorite teacher?

A sincere gift for the teacher on March 8 with your own hands - an original postcard. There are many techniques and techniques for creating postcards. Craft stores are full of various ready-made materials with which you can decorate a postcard.

To design postcards, you can use applique, quilling, origami or scrapbooking techniques, as well as various materials - yarn, beads, ready-made metal fittings.

Simple paper cards with flowers are suitable for the teacher. A primary school student can easily make a three-dimensional postcard.

To work you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • thick sheet of paper;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • markers, colored pens or paint.

When everything is prepared, you can start creating:

  1. bend a sheet of green paper in half and make small cuts of different lengths on the fold side, bend the “fringe” upward;

  1. open the sheet of paper and bend the resulting strips inward;

  1. draw and cut out flowers and leaves on paper of different colors (you can use templates);
  2. glue flowers and leaves to the protruding stripes and “grass”;

  1. bend a thick sheet of paper in half (the base of the postcard);
  2. trim the edges of the green leaf, carefully insert and glue it into the base;
  3. wait until it dries and decorate the outside of the card: glue flowers, write “Congratulations on March 8!”, decorate around the edges.

The postcard is ready for congratulations, and the master is ready for praise!

You can design the postcard in accordance with the subject taught by the teacher. For a literature teacher, you can cut out a small book from paper and glue it on top, for geography - a globe, for drawing - paints and brushes, for mathematics - a ruler and geometric shapes. The main thing to keep in mind is that this is a spring card after all, so don’t forget about the abundance of flowers and greenery.

Here are some more examples of postcards:

For example, you can do this:

Memorable and edible bouquets

Bouquets come not only from fresh flowers, but also from a wide variety of and, sometimes, unexpected materials. A bouquet for a teacher can be assembled from pencils, pens, erasers, paper clips, as well as from sweets and corrugated paper.

A memo bouquet with photographs of your favorite students looks original. This craft is well suited for a collective gift.

What to prepare:

  • a photograph of the class or its individual students;
  • colorless cardboard;
  • corrugated cardboard in red, orange, yellow colors;
  • flower template (can be drawn by hand);
  • small ceramic pot;
  • sponge and wire for floristry;
  • decorative moss;
  • glue gun or “Moment Crystal”;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • compass;
  • stationery knife.

Instead of wire, wooden skewers or sushi sticks are suitable. Moss can be replaced with fabric, corrugated or velvet paper with pre-made holes to make it easier to insert flowers. Also, instead of a ceramic pot, you can use any jar, pre-painted with paint or covered with paper.

The video provides visual and detailed instructions for creating such a gift:

Instead of a floral sponge, you can put sweets or small stationery inside. It is important to fill the pot completely so that you can insert the flowers.

A chocolate bouquet is another unusual gift that combines the beauty of flowers (even paper ones) and a sweet surprise. There can be many variations of sweet bouquets. To congratulate the teacher on March 8, spring flowers are well suited - tulips, which can be made from colored paper.

What you will need for the craft:

  • small candies in foil (for example, truffles);
  • colored thick paper or special paper for scrapbooking (plain or patterned);
  • skewers with sharp ends cut off or sushi sticks;
  • thick cellophane paper (as for bouquets of fresh flowers);
  • green corrugated paper or tape (you can use napkins);
  • ribbons and other decor;
  • wrapping paper;
  • scotch;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

The table shows the main stages of creating a sweet bouquet:

Action Description

cut the cellophane into squares so that you can wrap a candy in each square;

combine the candy and the stick, tightly wrapping the edges of cellophane around it (for reliability, you can secure it with tape);

wrap the “stem” with green corrugated paper approximately to the middle, secure with glue;

draw and cut out leaves and petals of different sizes from colored paper: for one flower you need small and large petals (2 “pinwheels” each, as in the photo);

bend the petals upward, carefully make a hole in the middle of the corolla for the stick;

put a smaller whisk on the candy stick;

glue the petals together along the edges;

put a larger corolla on top, press and bend the petals;

glue the leaves to the edge of the corrugated paper and lay the stem wrap;

make several flowers and make a bouquet of them, wrap them in wrapping paper and decorate with ribbons and other decor.

Here are some more options for sweet bouquets: