Ozh Svetlana happy birthday cards. Sweet birthday greetings in pictures. Beautiful cards with congratulations

Svetlana is a very sociable girl who also likes to command. She loves to be the head of society, to be in the center of attention. In addition, Svetlana is a very hardworking girl who is not afraid of anything. She can do anything to achieve her goal. Svetlana is also very neat and demanding. On her birthday, try to choose the following words of congratulations and wishes to definitely surprise the birthday girl and make her happy. One suitable option would be a greeting card. On this page you can familiarize yourself with various electronic cards, which are also personalized. You can even be sure that the birthday girl will appreciate this approach to congratulations. Please Svetlana with a personalized card that will show how attentive you are to her.

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Imagine that you are making a movie. You are both a director and a screenwriter. And the film is dedicated to Svetik, your acquaintance, lover or friend. What do you want to say in this film? That she is the most wonderful and dear person? That without her, without her smile, even a very radiant day fades? What exactly is it today, when the calendar cheerfully announced her personal holiday, that you so want to congratulate Sveta on her birthday with pictures that give warmth and a state of mental comfort? So do it! Give your girlfriend everything you feel, love, tenderness, the state of happiness that you have her!

And we will be happy to tell you how to do this. We have everything at our disposal to decorate this day with beautiful emotions: balloons; dreams and adventures; flowers and gifts.

Having all this, you can become the author of the most brilliant film about joy; and talk about what it is like: in smiles and words, in touches and secrets, these are congratulations and the fulfillment of wishes. You can become the creator of such a work right now. Let's start with the name. What will you call your work? It could be simple: “Happy birthday, Svetlana!” And let it sound like an script. After all, this is exactly what you want, for the whole world to know how you feel about the girl and that she deserves the most sincere congratulations.

Now let’s get acquainted with the “actors”, those who will play the main roles in the film. We hope they will not disappoint your expectations and will cope with everything.

Air balloons

What's a birthday without balloons? They are like greetings from a carefree childhood, where all our dreams and holidays originate. These congratulatory attributes are ready to decorate the morning, make it special and truly happy. They are the perfect backdrop for your film project. A good start!

Now that you have a location, and it is fully prepared to serve as a platform for the embodiment of your bold ideas to congratulate Svetochka on her birthday, it’s time to prepare such attributes of the cinematic world, without which not a single worthy project can do. Namely: script, camera, lighting equipment and recording equipment.

Dreams and adventures

. The best scenario can only be the dreams of the birthday girl herself. They are the ones who make your imagination go on a journey, to go where your story will lead, which you will compose using an image from our entertainment resource. All the girl’s wishes come true, and we will help you choose illustrations for this. On the website MirPozitiva.ru there will definitely be pictures and congratulations that can please a girl.

Camera conveys images. Its role is to let the viewer see your thoughts. And this is easy to do if you download pictures and send them to the birthday person in a certain order, as if “pulling” him into the process of watching a whole movie. A photograph, or a selection of them, acts as a camera. They are able to tell any story frame by frame.

Flowers and gifts

This is necessary to concentrate the viewer’s attention on the main event or character. And the main character of your film about Sveta is congratulations. In this case, there is no way to do without gifts. All girls love to be showered with flowers. Taking into account Svetlana’s preference, you can also present her with a fine composition of bouquets. This will be the key point of the film.

But how to convey words, greetings, wishes and compliments? This role is assigned to the inscriptions on the pictures. So simply, like a puzzle, you have put together a real film masterpiece for the only person important to you! You did a great job and your Oscar is waiting for you!

“Sveta, happy birthday!” - these are pictures and animations that you can download for free from our website so that a girl with a wonderful name, meaning purity, feels needed and loved on her name day. How much does she need to be happy? Receive a postcard with delicate flowers, a delicious cake, cute little animals, or sincere congratulations in poetry or prose to your email or wall on a social network.

Beautiful cards with congratulations

“Sveta”, “Svetik”, “Svetochka” - how tender it sounds! It means purity and light. The girl and woman who were named by this ancient Slavic name shines from the inside with kindness and cheerfulness. On her birthday, Sveta’s phone does not stop ringing - numerous friends and acquaintances send her their congratulations and wishes. The girl’s page on the social network is replete with postcards.

If you want the picture you sent to stand out from the rest, take a close look at the images we offer you. Postcards for Sveta on our website are beautiful, bright, funny or romantic. And most importantly - original. And you can download any one absolutely free.

For Sveta, there is nothing worse than stereotypes. Therefore, you may be afraid that more than one person has already sent her the same postcard that you chose. It’s unlikely, because Internet greetings are much more varied than printed ones. Complete the picture with a couple of lines of wishes “from yourself” to assure Svetlana of your sincerity.

Cool and funny pictures

Little Svetochka is a sociable and cheerful child. Many friends always come to her birthday. The girl will be delighted with the toys, clothes and sweets given to her. Will it add meaning to your card? Of course, if the photo is bright and cool.

A funny cartoon image will make not only the baby smile, but also an adult woman named Sveta. After all, she has more than enough sense of humor!

Cards with flowers

Svetochka instinctively reaches out to everything beautiful, and she herself strives to be ideal in everything. Luxurious flowers in a congratulatory picture for her birthday are a compliment to the beauty and well-groomed girl, her grace and intelligent behavior.

What flowers does Sveta like? Definitely beautiful. Whether it will be field daisies or exquisite roses of a rare variety is a secondary matter. By the way, lilies are considered to bring happiness to Svetulka.

Poems of congratulations for Svetlana

If you want to solemnly congratulate Svetochka on her birthday with a picture and warm words, choose beautiful poems. All you have to do is Google to find a huge number of resources with poetry. But among the huge number of wishes, only a few are truly beautiful. And you will spend a lot of time finding them. We invite you to download a picture with a poem from us. We have selected the most sincere and original poetic congratulations for Sveta.