Congratulations to mom on the day of the teacher. Congratulations on Mother's Day: a large selection. Beautiful words to the parents of the wards with Happy Mother's Day

Mothers dear, low bow to you,
A holiday outside the window, he is dedicated to you,
We love you very much, you are always needed,
Happy Holidays, your kids!

I wish mom
Light and kind
Be a lovely lady
Near the king.

Happy bird
To circle with children
And always beloved
Be them all.

A golden ray came out from behind a cloud,
I played with my mom right over my head
Illuminated eyelashes, lips and eyes
Shone on the beads like turquoise.

Knows the sun: a holiday
Children now,
The sun is shining in the sky
Mommies are for you!

May all mothers be healthy
May they always be with us.
May the angel always keep them
From grief, tears and resentment!

It's so good that mom is,
That teaches us everything in the world.
To our "Where" and "Why?"
She will always find answers.

She will tell you if suddenly,
Something will be incomprehensible to us.
Mom is our best friend
And our friendship is immense!

Here are these bright postcards,
Flowers, gifts and smiles
For our dear, dear,
For our mothers, relatives!
Let the sun shine through the clouds
May children give their mothers joy!

What can I give my mom?
After all, while I'm still small.
I can not be naughty today
Hug mommy is hot.

I can also draw
The world's best mummy portrait.
May she not get tired to shine
Many, many very long years!

There are many good words in the world,
But there is one thing that we consider to be the main thing.
Everyone knows him: adults and children.
It's simple. This word is "MAMA"!

Mothers Day. Our kindergarten is noisy,
We were all preparing for the holiday together,
We diligently for many days in a row
We prepared poems and songs for you.

And today the holiday has come,
We really want to cheer you up!
We will try our best.
Our mothers, we congratulate you!

Our dear mothers,
We love and appreciate you, relatives.
We wish you the best
And Happy Mom's Day!

So it became crowded in the hall,
Our mothers are interested in:
What the kids will show them
And what will the rhymes tell about?
Get ready, take a closer look
There will be a wonderful holiday!

Hurry to us, we are waiting for you,
We congratulate you on this day.
For you we will - perform,
And sing, and even dance,
Everything, everything for mothers relatives,
Beloved, sweet, dear!

Gathered together on a wonderful day,
Congratulate our mothers - adorable,
So beautiful, dear,
The most beloved and dear ones,
Congratulate them and tell them:
- We love you, you must know!

Congratulations, you, relatives,
The most, you dear ones,
We love you very dearly,
And we will sing for you - now.

Everyone drew together
Postcards for mummies,
They have beautiful words
Light smiles:

Here, the sky is blue,
Here is the golden sun,
All green is earth
This is mommy - mine!

There are pink roses on the table
They - to our mother - children say
Mom will be happy - a cute gift,
Mom will hug us, kiss hot!

I just adore my mother,
I wish her good health.
To smile more often
And she didn't swear for the marks.

She laughed merrily with me
And she was cheerful
Beautifully, fashionably dressed
And never got old!

Dad and I wanted for mom
Arrange a magic gift -
Dishes and floor without blots
Wash and wipe the dust.

But our fragile dishes
And the floor was covered in stains,
How does she do it
To have time for all this in the evening?

Here is such a dance
Here is such a fairy tale,
Songs and gifts
In bright packages:
We tried for you,
So that you - smile.

We will sing a song about mommy to you now,
And we'll tell you in songs
How we live with her:
We wake up in the morning
We smile sweetly
Never hard
We are very good friends!

You were the first to give knowledge
They brought a new, interesting world.
Flowers and wishes are now for you,
Our dear educators.

We congratulate you today,
With a wonderful, only your day,
Parents once led us to you,
Well, now we are leading the children.

If there is no porridge for breakfast
Or froth in milk
And we do not wear gaiters
Or balls in hand -
No problem! The guys are growing up.
Kindergarten gives a boost.
Educators once
Everyone was loved dearly!
On this day so good
The teacher is our hero!
Excerpts for him more
Or a double award!

Kindergarten is always good
If a kind teacher
If the food is delicious
Lots of joyful activities.

Congratulations now,
All employees are children. garden,
And we wish you to have
Awesome salaries!

More joy in everything
Happiness, sunshine of events,
To educate class citizens,
And live in harmony.

Educators and nannies,
We will send you congratulations.
In gratitude for the guys
Let them sometimes play naughty
But you have enough patience
Caress, tenderness, skill,
Understand this "guard"
Manage and train.
For this hard work
From smiles to you salute,
Fireworks from children's songs
Every day to be wonderful!

We got to know the world with a children's tale.
And the days were fabulous
When for the first time we, with apprehension,
In kindergarten, mothers were brought.

Educators have opened for us
And a new world and a new light.
They taught us the letters,
They gave life advice.

We remember you! And we love very much!
And we give you congratulations!
For bringing us into humanity,
For the first life lesson!

Babysitters are like mothers of relatives
And the educators are kind
How reluctant with kindergarten
Sometimes we part.

After all, our children get used to it
And we are always here willingly
At every holiday we are together
And life is a fun game.

Lasted longer, life in kindergarten,
They will feed here and put to bed,
And at school it will be - just hold on
Much tougher there and stricter.

We will say a toast to the nannies of relatives
And beloved educators
Here everyone is ours, no one is a guest,
We have all become family members.

Health, happiness, many years!
In the field of creative victories!
Let the kids amuse you!
For kindergarten, for kindergarten!

They are very attentive to us
Everything in this house
The educators are glad
Children's laughter is heard

Our nannies care
We are surrounded in the morning
Our mothers are at work
Well, where will we be?

If there is no kindergarten,
Who then is for the kid
Will he cook delicious meals?
Who will be so happy for us?

Who reads us a fairy tale,
Who will teach us to read?
The kids start here
Draw, write, count!

All kindergarten workers
We are happy to congratulate you today
Get congratulations:
Our favorite kindergarten!

It's always difficult with children
But you all always could.
Calm down, comb,
Who needs to be punished.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Don't rush to answer me.
I wish you luck
Lots of money and fun.
So that honor is always everywhere,
Every holiday is New Year.
So that the children love you,
So that everyone went to first grade.
So that good luck is forever.
It's time to finish congratulations.

Wipe their noses - snubs
Laughing little preschoolers
These amazing adults
Former boys and girls.

Instill good and eternal
And they root for the guys with their souls.
For patience and for humanity
This little congratulations to them.

Happy Holidays! Good luck and luck
In educating the future of the nation,
Childish affection and patience,
And great happiness in your personal life!

About how you behave
A child's whole life depends
And therefore it is very worthy -
Be quiet and calm.

It is in your power to establish learning
And give a basis for life.
Try to with reverence
Anyone could remember you.

What you give will be useful to him,
And your work is good
If they are proud of you,
If the soul is pure.

Day of a profession important for life
Will bring many guests to you.
Gratitude is the pinnacle of recognition.
Make you happy for the future life.

On this day, millions of mothers around the world are drowning in flowers, gifts and touching postcards that children traditionally make with their own hands. But all this does not mean anything without the main thing - beautiful, sincere congratulations. In this collection you will find words that will surely touch your mother's heart!

Congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

My dear, beloved, dear mommy! I really want to congratulate you on this bright holiday - Mother's Day! I will never stop repeating that it was me who got the best mother in the world. I love you insanely much, I am proud of your every achievement, and I want to say thank you so much for not just giving me life, but making it as happy as possible. Be healthy, smiling, and just as sociable. And please don’t worry about trifles. Happy Holidays!

On this spring May day, the eyes of every Ukrainian mother shine somehow in a special way, because they hear warm congratulations from the most dear people in life - their children. From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate all mothers on this holiday, and wish a sea of ​​smiles, happiness, inspiration and patience. The title of "mother" is the best title that a woman can receive in her life. Happy holiday, our caring doves!

Dear mommy! There is no stronger feeling in the world than love for you. Your mother's heart always hears when I feel bad, and your warmth always warms me in difficult times. It's priceless. So may the Lord protect this light, immortal feeling that binds the souls of mother and child!

Mommy, I congratulate you on Mother's Day! I wish you good health, love, warmth, joy, good mood. Thank you for your tenderness, care and support. You are the kindest, affectionate, sweet, wise mother in the world. I very love you!

Happy mother's day from daughter


I whisper thanks every time
For having you with me.
Mommy, dear mommy,
Oh, how I love you ?!
For the fact that you are always beautiful
For being generous with kindness.
For giving birth to a daughter,
You gave me your love!


Dear, my dear,
I congratulate you today.
No one is dearer than you
I understand now and I know.
Sorry for my wrongdoing
Forgive the past grievances.
We are friends forever,
Closest of all, we are with you!
Mom, mommy, my angel,
You always cover me.
You give light and warmth, kindness
And in trouble you help me out!
I'm not the best, maybe a daughter
But I try to be like
On you, my angel, exactly the same.
No one is more precious than you!


Beloved mom, dear mom,
On a holiday - mother's day I write lines,
You are the best, I understand that
So in love, I am in a hurry to confess.
I was there and always helped,
And now you are my support,
I did a lot for my daughter,
I congratulate you today
I wish you big, big,
There is a lot of joy, fun without tears,
So that this never happens
That would seriously upset mom!


I thank you on mother's day
You for tenderness, for warmth.
I love you madly
I am very lucky with you!
You are the kindest, the strongest
You sacrifice yourself so often
But always beloved by my daughter,
I value you very much!
The most sincere and sweetest
The best and dearest,
To be always happy
And let your angel do not sleep.

A touching congratulation on Mother's Day


I want to say thank you mom
That raised me right
I used to be harmful and stubborn,
And you endured everything, day after day.
Today is your holiday, I congratulate you
I will keep your smile
Let your eyes shine only with happiness
And to bypass troubles on a long road.
Always be smart, sweet and beautiful
Your soul shines with kindness,
After all, you are always like that, be that
But just stay young.


Ah mama, today is another reason
Tell me how grateful I am to fate
For what you are. And yet, I'm ready
All tenderness, love to give all to you.
My only true friend in this world,
Only you will never betray your daughter.
I run to you for warmth, for advice.
I know you can always help me.
I love you, mommy, I wish you happiness.
I swear to call you more often, to come
Goodness and love may warm you
Let there be peace in the heart, in the soul - grace.

Happy Mother's Day SMS


Happy Mother's Day with all my heart. I wish you to be the most wonderful mother in the world, an eternally sweet and beautiful woman, an excellent hostess and an infinitely happy person.


Happy Mother's Day! I wish that mother's love always protects and preserves, so that every mother's heart is happy. Tenderness, warmth, love and prosperity!


I would like to congratulate you on Mother's Day and sincerely wish you patience and good health, a strong, happy family and mutual understanding with children.


Happy Mother's Day. I wish you sensitivity of heart, kindness of soul, family peace and understanding, strong children's hugs and sincere joy. Happy Mother's Day and wish you strong nerves, good patience, a friendly family, wonderful children, joyful accomplishments and the tireless beating of the mother's heart in the rhythm of happiness.

Mother's Day greetings in verse

Mommy - congratulations
Your holiday. Today I wish
You only happiness, good luck,
Health, warmth - not otherwise.
Live dear, you are forever
I love you, endlessly.
You are the only one in the world
On a whole huge planet.
You are not replaceable by anyone
Beautiful, tender and loved!


Catch a bouquet of congratulations from your daughter
On Mother's Day, dear mother,
I wish the goals to be realized soon
And live happily and prosperously
In all spheres of life, let it be lucky
Things will all be settled soon
The cycle of fun and joy -
The world of luck will be opened for you!
Fate will not tire of giving gifts,
Always amaze with miracles
Let harmony in your life reign
Let your dreams come true!


My mother dear
There is no dearer to me.
Only you I trust
You are my counselor.
Congratulations mom
With this important, glorious day.
For me you will always be
A warm, gentle ray.


Mommy, your hands are tender
Stroking my hair
The eyes are full of boundless caress.
May heaven keep you.
And my heart ached
From touching love.
For what life has given me
Please live forever!
Happy mother's day, loving dearly.
In everything I want to be like you.


Beloved mom, thanks for everything:
For sleepless nights, for happy days.
Only you only know how everything should be -
I want to congratulate you on your mother's day.
I want to wish you health
Be cheerful, with fervor in your eyes.
There is no happier daughter than me in the world,
After all, I bathe in the love of the mother's rays!

Short congratulations on mother's day


Happy Mother's Day! Happy happy day
Nice, tender, sweet!
Let the children delight
And put in your heart
Warmth, clear hope -
All the most beautiful.


Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate
And I wish you a long century
Health, happiness and love,
To live without grief and longing.


Let all the mothers smile
They bathe in the love of their children,
Let them not get sick and not get old,
And all their hopes come true!


Happy Mother's Day I want you
Congratulations, my mommy,
And wish you well
Hope, happiness and warmth.

Congratulations on Mother's Day Mother-in-law


Beloved mother-in-law, second mother!
I am extremely lucky!
I am immensely grateful for your son,
For your kindness, love, warmth!
Congratulations on Mother's Day
And wishes a sincere bouquet:
Love and joy, health and luck,
Happy days and long, long years!


I say without hesitation:
I love my mother-in-law!
I admire, respect,
And with all my heart I wish
On Mother's Day: Health
And flowers with great love,
Mood, good luck,
Harvest from the summer cottage!
Long years, happy days
Wonderful friends!
Respect for colleagues,
You are an invaluable person!


My dear mother, and part-time mother-in-law. It is very difficult to raise children as real people with a capital letter, such that everyone around them respects them. But you did it! You raised your son so that he became not only an ideal husband for me, but also a reliable, noble and honest person. I congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish you health, days that bring only happiness and joy.


I have a second mother
And you became this mother to me.
And I do not regret a single gram,
That we became close, as we dreamed.
Thank you for your patience
For difficult maternal labor!
For your kindness and zeal,
That all problems will grind!

Happy Mother's Day to a friend


You are a caring mother
You get up early in the morning
You clean up, you wash up
You endlessly erase everything
You don't forget anything
You never rest
And lost things
Like a fairy, you get it.
Mother's day is yours today!
May they always be with you
Happiness, joy and patience
Optimism and inspiration,
Beauty, health, laughter.
You, girlfriend, are the best!


You are a mother. And this is the highest calling.
The holy mission of all women on Earth.
Take your wishes now from your heart:
I wish you health, strength to you.
After all, "mother" is the word on the lips of a baby!
A dear and most gentle person.
And whatever happens, just remember
That mom in life is the main one forever!


Oh, you are my clear sun,
My lovely friend
Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate
And I wish you happiness and health.
Let people smile at you
And in life, let everything work out.
Good luck, career, love
And a strong, happy family!


Happy Mother's Day dear friend.
I wish you happiness and warmth.
May the angel protect, protecting,
Fulfills all cherished dreams.
I wish you joy, prosperity in your house,
Let children's laughter always sparkle in him.
Let luck grow in volume
And let success move towards you!

Happy mother's day to sister


Happy Mother's Day, little sister!
Love and warmth
Smiles and fun -
You are worthy of everything.
Let the sun be bright
And loud children's laughter.
May there be a lot of happiness
And you are the happiest of all!
Stay the same -
Beautiful, young.
Always be the ringleader
And we are always with you!


Sis dear, congratulations
To you with such a special, tender day.
I wish you tolerance and happiness
Leave all your worries for later!
You are a miracle, you are so funny.
You are a mother, and this is not more important.
Happy Mother's Day, dear, congratulations.
I wish you peaceful and calm days!


Dear sister! I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day. I am insanely proud of you for bringing up my adored nephews so well. You are not only a wonderful mother, but also a very wise and beautiful woman. I was lucky to become your sister by the will of fate. Thank you for your care, love for your neighbors and everything around you.


Sis dear, Happy Mother's Day to you
Congratulations from my heart. I wish you loving
Health, and stronger, to your big family,
May happiness and luck always fly to you!
Let the kids delight and love their mother dearly,
You cannot find such a beautiful mother in the world!


Happy Mother's Day, my sister.
I wish you love and good
More fun, less so - hassle.
Let you always be lucky in everything.
And let the positive live in every day,
And let the joy not get bored,
The destiny of a dream will come true without barriers,
Let the troubles not come back.
Let health be and success,
Let everyone hear your laughter more often.
Harmony in life and in the soul!
Always be beautiful and good.

Sister, my dear,
I congratulate you today!
I raise your glass to your health
On Mother's Day, I wish you all the best.
May your life be bright
Let your family grow
There is no greater happiness in the world -
When children laugh in the house!

Words about mom on Mother's Day


On this international day, I want to say a huge thank you to my mom, who not only gave me life, but also taught me to appreciate it, look at the world affably and openly, never lose heart and fight for my happiness to the last! My dear mom! For me, you are an example of a real woman, beautiful in soul and face! I wish you unlimited love and happiness!

Happy Mother's Day in pictures

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The long-awaited holiday is approaching - the Day of the teacher and preschool worker. On this page we have collected a large selection - beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Educator and the preschool worker in verse. Here you will find the most beautiful and sincere congratulations - short for kids and long for older children.
Kindergarten teachers have a very responsible job, because every day they teach our children everything new and interesting, making new discoveries with the kids. In addition, educators are a friend, advisor, mentor and second mother for the child, because children spend most of their time in kindergarten, next to the teacher. Let's not forget to thank the educators for their work on the day of the teacher and preschool worker and give them beautiful congratulations on the Day of the teacher and preschool worker in verse

How many eyes and hands do you need
To keep track of around
For their tomboys -
Gold candies.
There - he laughs, here - he will cry,
And the other rides on a stick ...
Not everyone here with this case
Cope quickly, skillfully.
The teacher will have time for everything:
He will punish, regret
Kisses and feeds
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.
The garden needs a teacher
Without him, he is not so friendly.
Helm you a wagon of joy,
From parents - bow!

On the day of the teacher, we wish:
Kindness, patience with the guys,
To always have understanding,
Not being treated like soldiers.
The kids love you very much
You are always an example for them,
They will grow up - they will not forget
Lessons in correct manners!
For educators, this congratulations
And, of course, a flower!

Thanks to the educators
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And it's light on a gloomy day.
You felt sorry for us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Dal that we can not you
Take with you to first grade.

One step, two steps
A friend came to kindergarten!
There are a lot of kids around
The house is full of laughter, games!

To a native teacher
Congratulations sounds sensible!
The children learned together
They invested all their love:

Be healthy, be happy
Cheerful and so beautiful!
Surrounded us with warmth
The kindergarten has become our second home!

Caregiver today
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
His tasks are so important
And the conversations are good.

He knows how
Pick up a key to your heart,
So that the soldier, the officer
Raise your heroic spirit.

We wish the teacher
To be in the ranks like a bayonet always,
So that it shines on epaulettes
He still has a star!

Little ones like those chickens
They scatter in a crowd.
How, born kittens,
So helpless at times.

We need to gather everyone together,
Lay down to sleep, give a hint,
Teach laces to knit
And spell the verse to read.

We are happy to present you with congratulations,
Give you a gift for your childhood.
The world's best awards
Every day to be happy!
Who looks after our children in the kindergarten.
Who teaches them life in the early days,
Who gives love and affection to children
Who feeds them with porridge, who sings songs to them.
Of course, we know the answer to these questions.
After all, without their labor, we cannot, no, no.
And on the day of the teacher, congratulations from us.
Let your difficult work make it a little easier.
Will give patience, strength and love,
So that our children only bring you joy!

Your work is not a gift
We acknowledge with understanding.
Being a teacher is a vocation
For this we drink today.
We will say a toast to your affection
For your kind eyes,
For your wise tips,
For your kind words.
Thank you for being in the world,
Thank you for the children's laughter -
And we want from the whole planet
Give you her flowers!
Glory to all kindergarten nannies, educators,
Songs to songwriters, games to inventors,
Connoisseurs of counting, connoisseurs of poetry!
We are ready to congratulate you for the holiday!
We wish you health, happiness and good luck!
Let your children laugh and don't cry at all!
(Even the most moody guys.)
Let the salary increase at least a little,
To live beautifully, the teacher could ...
Here is such a congratulation today!

The very first islet for children -
It's a vibrant preschool world.
Educators, congratulations,
With gratitude for the worthy work!

From parents and our kids,
Thank you so much!
From your smiles - the world is brighter,
And the Earth becomes beautiful!

We wish you not to get sick,
Always be loved and smile!
So that dreams come true, at least a third.
The rest - we will try!

Check out the kindergarten!
Yes, to see everyone is glad-
Here the toys are neat
As if they were in line.
We sing and we dance.
In general, we live happily.
We go for a walk together.
And we are growing quietly!
Our mothers take us away.
And their souls are calm.
It's true in kindergarten
Our life is so good.
Congratulations to everyone today,
Who dedicated his life to children.
You health and health!
Much joy and strength!
The one who is faithfully friendly with childhood,
Never gets old!
We say thank you!
Always be happy!
We all respect the teacher
And we honor him for his labors,
Be a second mom and nanny
To bring up stubborn children -
This is not given to everyone in life,
But the result is worth it -
Little kids, sweets, donuts -
Like toys revived from childhood
Clear eyes and greedy ears
Nimble legs, skillful hands,
We congratulate all educators,
We wish everyone a long life!

Who is called the educator?
It's very difficult to tell.
Educator for a child,
Like a second mother.
Who will understand the child better?
Who will give mommy advice?
Calms and prompts
How should they go further into the world.
Without which it is impossible
We will enter the world of the child.
You are educators for small children - ours,
We celebrate the holiday rather, more often.
We will give you an excellent congratulation soon,
We will light up with friends today faster.
May our evening be wonderful
We are all pleased with our meeting with you.
After all, you always help us, now,
You put the kids to bed at exactly one o'clock.
Be healthy always and carefree cheerful,
Let our children be only nice for you.
Who is called the educator?
It's very difficult to tell.
Educator for a child,
Like a second mother.
Who will understand the child better?
Who will give mommy advice?
Calms and prompts
How should they go further into the world.
The educator is just a state of mind
Without which it is impossible
We will enter the world of the child.
Parents bring their children to kindergarten,
There they wait and meet the guys with a smile,
Whoever cries will be hugged, whoever asks will answer,
The sadness in the eyes will certainly be noticed.

And on your holiday, bright, professional
We would like to wish you simple warmth.
After all, the work of the educator is brilliant
And you cope with it with a bang!

Educators and nannies,
We will send you congratulations.
In gratitude for the guys
Let them sometimes play naughty
But you have enough patience
Caress, tenderness, skill,
Understand this "guard"
Manage and train.
For this hard work
From smiles to you salute,
Fireworks from children's songs
Every day to be wonderful!

Short Poems for Teacher's Day

Educators and nannies,
And of course, the chefs,
Right from the early morning!
Good holiday on the doorstep
The best day of the year
And the smiles of the warm sea
As a reward for your work!

We will say to educators: "Thank you!"
For a happy childhood in the garden,
For the abundance of caresses and smiles,
A series of fun days!

Dear educator,
Our modern hero
Be healthy and don't be bored
Celebrate the holiday merrily!

In the early morning at dawn
children are in a hurry to the garden.
Who meets on the doorstep
These babies?
Our educators -
the best in the world
They say thank you
adults and children.

There is no more beautiful profession
At least go around the whole world!
Hurray to all educators!
Success, peace and kindness!

Like a mom for the guys
They do not like a soul in them.
Her kind, gentle look
In the morning he meets them.
You, without knowing it,
Give them a soul.
We wish you happiness in life
And obedient children!


Whom do "why" love so much
And do fidgets respect?
To whom are the kids pulling their hands?
Who knows children's secrets?
There is only one answer - go to the kindergarten!
The people there are kind and cheerful.
Best before school!

Our nanny -
Very kind
Our nanny
The best of all
We count her!
The teacher with the nanny
We say thank you
For love and attention
Thank you now.
We promise to eat porridge
In a quiet hour, obediently sleep,
We love you, we wish you happiness,
You should be aware of this.
My beloved teacher
In my kindergarten!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy this long awaited day!
We promise today
To behave:
Put away toys in time
We can sweep the floor!
We wish you today
Happiness and mental strength!
To make every day work
As if the holiday was passing!

You take care of us
Every day and every hour
Giving us warmth again
A fairy tale, joy and a dream,
Happy holiday now
Congratulations to all of us,
Educators with us,
We know for sure, the highest class!

Poems for the teacher on the day of the preschool worker

Educator and assistant educator!
Today we will certainly congratulate you!
In the nursery group, the kids are smiling
Thank you for this.

For the care of the mother's heart
Thank you! Childhood is a fleeting time.

Maybe it just became familiar to us
But you can't help but see it,
What do teachers usually have
Tired eyes in the evening.
We don't know what it is -
Children are a restless swarm.
Here with one you will not find peace,
And not that with a sort of family.
That one is funny, and this one looks askance,
That fighter, already starting a fight.
And the questions ?! A thousand questions
And anyone demands an answer.
How much affection and care is needed
Help everyone and understand everyone,
The work is grateful and hard -
Replace mom every day.
Mom is not anxious at work -
The childish voices are cheerful.
After all, they always follow the kids
Kind, tired eyes.
Dear educators
From happy dads and moms:
What would we do with children?
If not given to you?
We are in half an hour that morning.
And three hours before the night
We cry all from inability
To learn a son or a daughter.
How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It turns out, in fact,
To graze our offspring?
To understand their quirks,
Their ignorance to endure ...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!
Happy holiday, preschool workers,
Educators of mischievous children.
I wish you to be noticed by the officials
And they reported gold in the salaries.

Less nerves, more pleasure
I hasten to wish you in your work.
I do not want only calmness -
I'll write it down for your retirement.
Happy preschool worker's day
I sincerely wanted you now,
And leave a beautiful congratulation
What will come in handy for you, and more than once,
And let there be difficulties in fate,
You can quickly overcome them,
Well, we will be with you whenever possible
Immediately try and help.

Thank you educators,
That childhood was painted for us
Happy concerts
Crafts, games.

Thank you, our nannies,
That you coddled us like that,
Fed, consoled
And they reconciled with each other.

Thanks aunt cook
Both the janitor and the watchman.
We will be gratefully
To remember you for a long time.

May wishes come true
Love and attention to you,
Always with a kind smile
To meet children in the garden.

Everything was: both roads and hardships,
And the sun is the light and the light of your beloved eyes:
I look into the past years
And I remember you with a warm feeling.
After all, you planted it in my soul
Love for the earth, for those who live on earth,
To native forests, and to abundant fields,
And to the warm aromas of poplars.
I took an example from you,
I went to you for advice,
The reward was the look of your living eyes,
You gave me so much warmth and light
That is enough to warm up ten.
And you managed to breathe it into me -
Always go ahead
And see the light of the promised goal
And not to be afraid of any adversity.
You give everything to great work,
You will awaken a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for living
For your deeds and thoughts, beauty!
Whom do "why" love so much
And do fidgets respect?
To whom are the kids pulling their hands?
Who knows children's secrets?
There is only one answer - go to the kindergarten!
The people there are kind and cheerful.
All children know: a teacher -
All the best before school!
(Caregiver name), our caregiver
Surprised to the depths of my soul:
Our group is out of luck today
And there was silence during the hours of daytime sleep.

Take our behavior as a gift!
And rest, even if just once a year
From the delights of all our growing up
And in education, let him always be lucky!

We have seen this more than once.
Thank you! After all, our children
Growing up in your arms;
Yes, here they are, very big!
And therefore it is impossible to be silent:
And I tell you from the bottom of my heart:
Happy Teacher's Day, friends!

Such a noble work:
Raise beautiful kids
Give them your warmth, care,
To love all the bad guys with patience.

Responsibility is above the roof!
So be healthy you always!
Good luck, happiness breathe in the back,
You will live without troubles for many years.

Don't let mom go to the garden?
Don't be sad, buddy.
Instead of a mom, the guys
There is a teacher in the group!

We are the second family - a group,
Here are toys and comfort,
And to miss and cry is stupid
Moms will come in the evening.

Games, songs come in handy
The teacher picked us up.
The group is fun with us
Every day and every hour!
Our dear educators,
Children's souls and minds "prospectors",
All kindergarten workers,
To congratulate you - such a joy!

There is no profession better, more valuable,
Than raising small children
Love and cherish them, cherish them,
Without removing the responsibility from the shoulders.

We are grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts,
That the kids are healthy, strong,
What development is received here
And they communicate and do not get bored.
Memories of the garden
They always live in the souls of the guys.
After all, you are second mothers for them,
And they are also waiting for meeting with you.

Like a home, a beloved garden,
It contains warmth, comfort, love.
With your kind hands
You have created your own oasis.

And let the hearts not grow stale
Let the light shine in your eyes
May the holiday dispel your sadness
Live in happiness for many years!
Our teacher
All people are more beautiful
She always pity us
Has a good heart!

All kindergarten workers
We are very happy to congratulate
We wish them well
And sincere warmth!

In happiness to live and not get sick,
Get younger and prettier!
Such a rhyme from children
It contains a heartfelt congratulation!

Poems for the nursery teacher

You adopted our children as babies,
Who still speak badly.
Diligently eat with spoons themselves,
But they don't want to dress yet ...

Teaching children diligently to order,
I have to explain a lot to them:
And how to wash and do exercises,
Go to the potty and fall asleep at night.

They need to wipe both tears and snot,
Distract, calm, understand, regret.
Learn how to move together to music,
Sculpt, paint and sing a little!

And moms calmly go to work,
We know that kids are in good hands.
For your love and for your concern,
We are grateful to you for your work!
On this day we helmet
Hundreds of congratulations
I wish you happiness, workers
Preschool institutions.

We wish educators
Methodists, nannies,
To grow up happy
Our kids are with you.

May the children delight you
Good luck goes to the house,
May happiness and success
Accompanied in everything.

Happy preschool day

Educators! You have a holiday today
And the kindergarten blossomed, fragrant.
To you, sincere, kind and beautiful,
We trust our guys.

Kindergarten as a starting point,
First steps into a big life
The first experience of sons and daughters:
Eat without mom, get dressed, go to bed.

You will teach and wipe your noses,
Explain to the kids that and how,
And in the meantime, while we are at work,
You are raising our bully.

We wish you health and patience,
Sincere smiles of children,
More happiness, joyful moments,
So that there is no hole in the budget.

Long years, success, prosperity,
Grateful kids, dads and moms.
Thank you for your attention,
That they were greeted with a smile in the morning.
Mom and Dad Appreciate You
And the kids love it.
You are the most prettiest.
Does anyone mind?

Native educators,
Work without hesitation
And open up to the little ones
One hundred paths of life!

May joy with understanding
You are surrounded forever
And all cherished dreams
Come true, of course!
Just become a friend to a child -
It's a very difficult business
What a wonderful thing!
Meet such a day standing!
Who could be better -
And they, of course, can -
Having fun like children
They know a lot!
How small people
... the teacher is always there!
We are glad to congratulate them - a holiday
At the kindergarten workers!

Thank you for your invaluable work,
For our grandchildren and children,
For education, supervision
Patience, affection, kindness!

No, you are not embittered with your heart
In this unjust world,
And give your smile
Filled with pure light!
Holding everyone's hand
Educating everyone
You lead the child's mind
Into the open new light.

For them, you are a mother, a nanny,
Both aunt and sister,
And friend, comrade senior you,
Teacher forever.

And on your holiday we want
Of course to wish
Patience and long
Years of work and labor.

And work so that he was a rest,
Work like a holiday.
Thank you for the first
A step in our life.

Dear educators,
Nurses and muses are workers,
Our magic wands
Beloved "aunties" of our children!

With gratitude, with love,
With a storm of all beautiful feelings,
Congratulations on this kind
A holiday that once a year.

Let your work be hard
Everything will be smooth and good.
May the boss always be kind
And the kids love you dearly!

We wish you family happiness,
Let it be replenished again and again.
Let sadness and bad weather go around the family,
And friendship and love reign in the house!
I am to all kindergarten workers
I want so much on a wonderful holiday
Just wish you love, prosperity.
Let everything be on your shoulder.

You always cherish children,
After all, children are our future.
We wish you health, happiness,
Let your life be successful.

You are certainly respected
After all, this work is noble.
May all dreams come true
They will arrange a fireworks display in your honor!
Wise keepers of rainbow hearts,
It will become meek with you - even a tomboy,
You will warm every child with warmth,
You will sow a ray of happiness in little eyes.

May your hard work be successful,
All dreams and plans will bring joy
Happy grandiose holiday - Day of the Educator,
Let your radiant world be fascinating!
The most valuable things are entrusted to you:
You raise wonderful people for us
On this day of yours, we wish: for the first -
Ease in each of the days lived.

And, secondly, children's respect,
To be watched with adoration by anyone.
Thirdly, the health of the valiant
And on top of that - the salary is big.
Happy Day of the teacher and preschool workers!
Obedient pupils, satisfied parents.
Let them respect and love immensely,
Let your vacation last about six months.

The salary is growing, the mood is with her,
All your undertakings will be successful.
Illuminate your children with love,
In return, you will receive admiration from them.
On this day, a holiday for those
Who took us to the manger for lunch,
Who taught us to read the word "mom",
And he laid the mat stubbornly,
Preschool workers,
You are the first mentors - no doubt about it
We wish you patience in your work,
Always stay on top
Let the guardian angel protect you,
All our life we ​​are connected with you by a thin thread!

This kindergarten is the best
The best on earth
Like nowhere else, they will teach a song
You can sing it even in your sleep.

Hello educators
And health for a hundred years!

Who will teach strong friendship
Share the game with a neighbor
Eat all the porridge carefully?
Our teacher!

With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,
Draw flowers in the window?
Who will sing, tell poems?
Our teacher!

Who will console, regret
Who will teach you to become kinder?
Favorite garden with her is more beautiful,
With our teacher!
We praise the educators!
Oh, the job is not easy ...
You are a safe hand
Moms and dads of all generations.
And cheerful children's laughter -
Here is the best gift!
For hard work, for efforts
We want to say thank you
For the fact that our children
You helped educate.

They taught them to be friends, to play,
They even taught to embroider!
You have taken care of them
And instructed them, loving,
We went to work
Without fear for the child.

And saying goodbye to you,
We want to wish today
Good luck, happiness and health!
We will always remember you!
Little kids big squad
Exactly lined up in a row.
He congratulates today
Happy day that celebrates
Dear educator,
He is already completely dear,
Like our second mother,
The best, the best.
We draw and sing with him,
And we go for a walk in the yard.
Read the greetings
And they clapped a little!

Beautiful poems for kindergarten teachers

Raising a child is not an easy job
You need to teach the child all the basics of being.

So that the child dresses and understands art,
He knew what was bad and what was not, developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is its world, the teacher in it is an idol,
Helps the baby to realize the beauty in everything.

How to make friends with guys and make friends with nature.
Become equal among equals and never be late.

Today is a holiday in Russia for the country's educators!
Let their dreams come true, transform themselves in reality!
An educator is a vocation.
After all, talent is to manage children.
On your holiday, I want to wish you
To enjoy life, to smile.

May everything be good with you
Let the lilac bloom in your soul.
There will be only good in life,
Let the nightingale sing in your heart!
Different mothers are needed
Moms are important!

And when everyone is at work
Only aunts will help here.
Ready to replace everyone
And forgive us pranks.

Educators - we give you
Congratulations to your soul
Games, contests, riddles
Everything becomes more necessary.

Life is empty and lonely
So, probably cruel.
Only here we will be protected
And they will surround you with care.

In a quiet hour they will put you to sleep
And the toys will be folded for us.
Thanks endlessly
And we honor forever!

Today is your day, educators!
Protectors of our children.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you all the best.

Let the days be filled with light
Summer does not end in my soul
May good always return
And you meet more often in life.

You give children care,
More importantly, you won't find a job.
Thank you for your attention,
Warmth, kindness, understanding.

Children are the joy of the state,
Real wealth.
They must be brought up
As hope for the country.

There is a preschool farm,
Kindergarten is childish happiness.
There are children passing by
All the lessons of being.

How to behave and eat
So as not to disturb health.
How to have a sporty look,
To overcome all diseases.

Learn to draw
And, of course, dance.
Embroider when hunting ...
In general, they need care.

For children, a second mother -
The teacher of the garden.
Patient with the guys
Entertains them with a game.

Day after day there is a study
A bit of an adventure.
Children are happy, they are blooming
They go to kindergarten in a crowd.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten,
The teacher is in sight.
Receives congratulations,
Dreams about his worldly ...

May your dreams come true
Educators of the country!
Congratulations to those who wipe their nose,
Will hug you so warmly when the baby cries
He looks after the children not in two, but in hundreds of eyes,
Yes, those who are with them every day and hour.
Once - the first said the baby our word,
And two - he already comprehends the basics of knowledge.
He is always on guard, he notices everything at once,
Keeps the children from chagrin vigilantly.
When a knee is bruised, he will give a handkerchief ...
He will learn a rhyme with the baby for the holiday.
I wish you success! And our congratulations to you!

Of all professions in the world
The teacher is the best
Dasha, Mashenka and Petit
They love you and listen to you.

May all the days in personal life,
Will be interesting
May it all work out fine
In life and in the profession.

Our children have become a year older
And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our educators sad
And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The cherished door has opened for the kids,
They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Sparing no effort and labor for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded me from trouble, loving with all my heart,
You read fairy tales to them about the victory of good,
To live them with hope and faith in themselves.

Children lost socks and tights somewhere,
We were angry with you for such little things,
But with us you were calm and meek,
Doing your holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,
Children from groups will scatter to their homes.
We bow to all our educators in the belt,
And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Do not be sad, relatives, and wipe away your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Thank you so much.
Because you loved our guys!

You kindled childish hearts with love,
For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!
Your work is like tributaries of a river,
Let's congratulate the kindergarten workers,
So that the kids have fun there, the parents are happy!
We have entrusted you with all the most dear,
Hoping for patience and a heart of gold!
Thank you for not forgetting
Our kids were dressed, undressed,
Fed, watered, amused
Thank you for loving them so much
After all, we were calm all day,
Accept congratulations from your parents with recognition!

Your work is very important,
Although they do not always give what they deserve.
Our kids need care,
When at work we are whole weekdays.
Your skillful, reliable hands
They will accept the guys - and you are with them all day,
With you they do not know boredom.
Children are not too lazy to play, develop,
Happy to your holiday!
Light labor are ready to glorify in songs.

Preschool Poems

Being a caregiver is hard work
Every single day, children are taken care of!
You need to sing and dance
Repeat all five times.

He offends someone
There, toys break everything.
Well this is how many eyes you need
And there are ten times more hands.

We trust you children,
Your beloved kids.
We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you more patience!
Toys, books, paints and gouache
And the teacher who lifts my sled to the floor -
Pictures of these children's bright joyful collage,
It will no longer become a reality, how much strength you do not give.
And in order to look into childhood for everyone,
All educators will now receive congratulations:
May the angel help them in their hard work,
So that the children are always good in fate!
And may their luck light up like the sun,
So that there are no sorrows and resentments around!

Beautiful congratulations on the day of the teacher in verse

I congratulate you today
Happy Day of all educators.
Let there be joy, calmer
Your creative work.

Let the little fidgets
They listen to you implicitly.
Let the troubles go around
Life will be bright, very long.

Congratulations, congratulations
Happy Teacher's Day!
Good luck awaits
Life will be brilliant.

Let the children delight more often
Both the look and the soul amuse.
There will be light and there will be happiness -
The path can be mastered only by walking!

I sincerely congratulate all educators,
Your work is so important and invaluable.
I wish you patience and vigor,
To have enough strength for everything in life.

Let the kids listen to you, of course,
After all, you can give them so much.
Let everything be successful
So that you do not have to lose heart!

Understand the language of the child -
This is definitely a gift from God.
We got this joy,
You have become an educator.

I congratulate you on your day,
And I wish that always
We just looked with joy
Into kind children's eyes.

May health be strong
Your talent is flourishing.
Improve your skills
Polish like a diamond.

How difficult it is to replace mom
Become a valiant example in everything,
To stop shedding tears
We played, had fun boldly,

Our kids laughed
And they consoled themselves with a kind word.
We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
We are ready to pay for the best work!

You are full of endurance, patience,
There is no lack of ingenuity here.
Let this zeal not fade away
To educate worthy citizens!
Our nanny -
Very kind
Our nanny
Better everything
We count her!
For kids, you are like a mom!
Always in care and love.
Put on a shirt and a Panama hat
And talk about the number "2".

May desires come true
Success will find its easy way.
Good luck in your endeavors,
And let spring bloom in your heart!
Initial teaching techniques
And the books of the Ushinsky may not be enough,
If you don't believe that the child is a genius,
If you do not love children with all your heart.

No wonder you were called engineers
Children's showers, you are educators
At the call of my heart, I hope they become
Not afraid of hypocritical rumor.

After all, now those who are at school and in kindergarten,
Prestigious will not be called in any way,
It is unlikely that you will be presented for a state award
And they won't give a bonus of one hundred thousand.

But yours will be the highest reward
That children's laughter that is sincere and pure,
And what else do you, teachers, need,
When the five suddenly decorates the sheet.

When the parent says thank you
And the student will embrace from the heart,
Nobody can trade a moment like this
On the philistine rolls.

Let me congratulate you on this date,
Everyone who brings up children here
May there be peace over the roof of the kindergarten
In which the genius will be, was and is!
The educator is smarter than everyone
All are dearer and more important!
And kinder than anyone in the world,
Children all know about it!

All kindergarten workers
An excellent reward awaits:
This is the happiness of all the kids
Nastya, Dash, Bogdanov, Bears!

Do not get sick, do not get old,
Better just get younger!
We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you personal happiness!
Happy teacher's day, we congratulate
And all the preschool workers you,
We wish you all long life
It is joyful for my heart to be with you now.

We wish you health and happiness,
Peaceful sky above your head
Let evil and bad weather pass by,
And let only peace reign in the soul.
Preschool workers and educators
Today I am sending words of congratulations.
You spent so much effort and patience,
To transfer all the skills to the kids.

May for the diligence and the kindest heart
Life will reward you with happiness and luck.
Well, of course, you are in better health.
Always be in a good mood.

Happy Day of your bright now I congratulate you.
Joy to you, warmth, prosperity.
So that luck in everything smiles at you,
And the wishes came true as soon as possible.

To all kindergarten employees
I dedicate poetry
After all, you are worthy of the award,
Your everyday life is not easy!

Let the kids listen to you
And the bosses love everyone
Let it not be too difficult
Educational process!

Thank you, educators, for all the work, worries,
For your very important and useful work.
You teach us good, we are interested in you,
We understand you easily and learn wonderfully.

We wish you a happy professional day!
We will learn poems for you and sing songs.
We want to please you, thank you for everything.
Thank you sincerely with love.

We wish you health, patience and strength,
So that every day only brings joy with itself,
So that they smile more often, laugh heartily
And so that the kids always adore you.
To feed those, to change the diapers,
To play with - everything in life is for children!
Therefore, in the garden, boys and girls
Everyone is grateful to their nanny!

Let the kids respect and love you
For your generosity and warmth,
For giving your love in surplus,
We wish you luck with your kids!

Although sometimes it is so difficult with them,
But this is your path and you cannot turn off it!
We wish you career growth
So that you can easily wave abroad!

You put your soul into preschool children,
From small people - growing up big,
You know how little kids play pranks,
How their clever eyes shine!

On your holiday, I want to thank you
For your choice, what to give yourself to,
May hard work bring you joy
And give a lot of strength for inspiration!

Short poems for the day of the teacher

We wish you great
And very strong
Health, to you,
For years to come.

Let them be in the house
Wealth, luck,
Happiness joy
And kindness.

Let it be fulfilled
All desires.
Happy preschool day
The employee.
General admiration for you.
Thanks to you, preschool children
They walk boldly into the first grade.
Heartfelt, pure, impartial
We all want to congratulate you.

The work of a teacher is not easy
Therefore, we wish you
The wages are high on time,
And a place in life for miracles.

Thanks for the love for the kids,
May their love in return
Illuminate the soul with a bright flash
And pleases you again and again.
Best words to all educators,
Congratulations to everyone involved today.
Let there be an easy path educator
And all the work and all the investments are not in vain.

Bow to all of you
For concern, dedication to work.
May the good return a hundredfold
And your work will be rewarded, honorable!

We wish you happiness, joy, warmth,
Good kids, bright working days.
You are like a guiding star
That illuminates the path for children day and night!

Our teachers, nannies are very kind!
May your life be decorated with great joys,
After all, love the kids, give them warmth,
Teach them a lot, you know their secrets!

On the holiday of the teacher, the kindergarten of employees
May you add the most glorious companions,
To accompany you with faith, understanding,
Eternal luck, happiness, prosperity!
We wish you a great cup of success,
And so that optimism flows over the edge,
Always love of life, joy, laughter,
Not to know what trouble and failure are.

Work with soul, creativity, patience,
To transfer all knowledge to young gifts,
So that you, educator, are always with inspiration
We could walk to work with a smile!

Preschool Poems

All adults that are early in kindergarten
In a hurry from Monday to Friday
Do not play with cars and dolls,
And to take care of girls and boys,
For those who on weekdays, and sometimes on Saturdays,
Not childishly stuck with my head in worries,
We want to wish everyone health
And get a decent salary!
You raised children - generations.
Know that we love and appreciate you!

Thank you, our teachers,
For the hard work of education,
From us bow to you low at your feet
Over the years of these tests!

For your honesty, justice,
For kindness and love,
Generosity and mercy
“Thank you,” we will say again!

We have known kindergarten since childhood,
We went there with my mother,
And today kids
We will take them to this house ourselves.

To good nannies, glorious aunts,
The best, most beautiful,
Who lives in the soul in work,
We trust them not in vain.

Here they will replace mom,
Daddy, grandmother to the kids,
And thanks to them for that
A hundred times will not be superfluous!
Congratulations on the day of the teacher,
We value you, love and respect you.
May the works be fruitful
The smiles of our children will be visible.
May your family be happy,
And let fate be condescending.
You trust your kids,
And we say “thank you” for everything.
We wish you happiness and love,
Patience that is enough for two.

Someone else's children grow up quickly
Well, for you strangers, it seems, no.
Let the angels watch you from heaven,
So that you can live your whole life without troubles.
We want to congratulate our beloved teacher!
I wish you good luck, success and joy.
Wonderful, happy and bright minutes
Let them bring you the working days.
Let the children only be delighted with you.
Happy days, happiness, luck, health.

Poems for the day of the teacher and preschool worker from children

We trust you in this life
All that is valuable, like nothing else.
You teach our children words
Explaining to them what it is.

The whole future is in your hands at once,
What will become - only you decide.
And now we want to congratulate you,
You teach our children kindness.
Guys, how to work,
Goes to kindergarten in the morning.
There with care and attention
Surround everyone.

Someone prepares porridge for them,
Someone makes a bed for them -
All workers are in business,
Do not walk, believe me.

May today in every group
The kids will amicably say:
"Educators and nannies,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts. "

For the calmness of the kids
And their whole squadron,
To all kindergarten employees
From parents - bow.
To work where you are
No axes are needed
No car, no shovel.
Plus, the salary is tiny.
Only nerves are needed there,
And of course kindness
You must have a bunch
Otherwise, everyone will be tortured
And they will knock in pots,
And then they will scream.
What kind of work is this?
Educator. You are held in high esteem!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Take care of our children!

Kindergarten is more important than school,
The nursery is not your home
And tearing from the heart,
We are giving away the kids.

Looked at and fed here
The smallest person
We are for our little ones
Thank you forever.

Educators and nannies,
Cooks and doctors
Thank you all on this holiday,
Congratulations! Hooray!

To bring up kids is difficult work,
It's hard to see everyone.
Preschoolers are good people,
But how much strength is needed to endure them.

We wish you more of these powers,
Sincere love for the children, warmth,
Stay in the ranks of the worker longer
And emit the light of wisdom, goodness.
Sweet tired smile
Kind and wise eyes.
The postcard is ineptly made,
But the soul is hidden in it, not the words.

The educator is like a magician
What leads the kids along
Life's unread textbook
Opens with a light hand.

Educator, nanny, sister,
Children's laughter sounds like music to you.
Cannabis, pigtails cubes ...
And again, someone is not sleeping there.

We want to wish you warmth, patience,
So that work is a joy to you,
So that luck does not leave you,
Children so that they come to you with a smile.

So that every day is like an inspiration,
To make a bag of thanks.
Your wisdom, education, teaching -
This is the first life lesson.
How can you find an approach to little guys?
Teach them to put on shoes, count to ten?
How to give life lessons? How to cultivate kind?
You need to be a great example for them.

You with a kind smile, open hearts
Become a second kind mother for the kids,
Thank you, we say to you, and congratulations together,
We wish you smiles, happiness, joy from the bottom of our hearts.
How we hurry to take the children to the kindergarten in the morning,
They will accept their kind hands, there, in the garden, is full of ideas!
There they will teach you different games, and dance, and sing songs,
Talking beautifully - children should be able to do everything!
How can kindergarten workers keep up everywhere?
We, parents, sometimes just don’t understand this!
We wish you success, health and good luck!
Ease in completing educational tasks!
Be happy, rich, let the salary grow,
May all goodness be to you, respect and honor!
From your favorite toddlers
I say hello to you,
I will dance with them
Or sing a song
I'll tell you poems, bursting,
I'll wave my hand at the end
To congratulate you on the holiday,
Dear educator!
You, and a nanny with a tray,
That scolds everyone for filth,
And all those who are hired
He goes to the kindergarten every time!

Congratulations on the day of the teacher in verse

Educators congratulate
With this holiday we want
On this day, with all our hearts, we
We say thank you!
For care, education,
And for this kind look,
For love and understanding
Our little guys!
We sincerely want today
Congratulate educators
This day is so beautiful
Gives everyone a smile!
Thank you for your concern,
And for the warm welcome,
Certainly our children
We will bring you all again!
Who leads early in life
Our very first lesson?
Well, of course, a teacher,
He is our first teacher!

We want to congratulate you all
On this holiday from the bottom of my heart,
Thank you very much
On this day we will announce!
Today we are glad to congratulate you,
Your work is more important than all others.
And we are kindergarten workers
Deservedly must be appreciated!

Children are playing, having fun
They read, dance and sing -
What could be more valuable in the world?
In honor of the educators - fireworks!

The employees of the preschool educational institution are happy people,
They see children growing up every day
Learn to know the world and the answers,
Search for questions is desired now.

It is important to find an approach to children,
And teach them the right things.
Even after many years
They will come back to you with gratitude.

Enjoy life, harmony in your heart,
Many magical moments for you!
Happiness, success and prosperity,
Gifts such that they are pleasing to the eye.
Thank you for the fact that our children
Hurry without dispute to the garden so early
For the fact that they love sincerely and strongly
And moms, and educators, and nannies.

We don't know what to do without your help.
We are in a hurry to work every day,
And we trust you, the irreplaceable children.
Please accept my congratulations!
You, of course, are not mothers,
But trust us please
Became true friends
In kindergarten for a kid.

Educator congratulations
Happy holiday and we
We wish you patience
And warmth.

Educators today
Congratulations on this day.
We wish you health
And only success in everything!

Let your favorite work
It will always be a joy to you,
So that you do not know worries,
Never been sad!
You guys are a teacher
Foolish preschool children,
I wish cute children
And the parents are tolerant.

So that little kids
They did not crumple the pants,
Didn't whine at you,
The mattress is not stained.

Let the work have fun
In a quiet hour, the whole group sleeps,
And playing with the kids
You will be forever young!

Beautiful congratulations on the day of the teacher in verse

We wrote congratulations diligently
For all nannies and educators!
On Teacher's Day, we will say solemnly:
There is a lot of responsible work in the world,
But educators are a special case,
What you learned in childhood will be the basis.
We wish you a salary increase,
So that the guys are obedient
Let each of them tell you a rhyme -
For educators, all congratulations!
A holiday for all who are friends with childhood,
We all celebrate again.
Educator, we need you
You are growing a shift for the country.

Always be an optimist
Bring smiles, light and joy.
And even if, perhaps, never
Old age will not sneak up on you.
Our teacher is a second mother!
The best friend of the cheerful kids!
The smartest and most sincere,
Our guardian angel for the time being!

He will feed you in time, put you to sleep,
She will even sing a lullaby!
Yes, it is really possible to dream of more -
He is like a mother - he leads by the hand!
Your work is noble, always held in high esteem.
May your years be happy.
And childish, explosive, joyful laughter
Let it bring you good luck, success.

And here is this congratulation, there are wishes in it,
So that the bright star is warmed by the radiance,
So that the children are obedient, kind,
And you were loved very much, like your mother.
To people who give their hearts to children,
This greeting is addressed!
To you on this solar planet
A wonderful island highlighted!
Let the sun shine brightly over him
Let the children's voices ring
May there be gifts every day
And the dew gladdens like a diamond.
Happy holiday, happiness and health!
May the Lord Himself protect you with love!

Funny congratulations on the day of the teacher

Mom the second - that's your name,
Your sincere work is insanely important!
We read congratulations with trepidation,
Like all children, we adore you!

Kindergarten - the road to life:
We start to be friends here,
Learn in the game of science,
And you can live here without boredom!

This is your merit
There is no better friend in the world!
We wish you happiness in life
Happy holiday, dear!

For preschool workers
From happy parents
Sincere flies into congratulations
Our grateful rhyme.

Thanks for the hard work
For your hands that carry warmth.
We wish you happy days
Obedient little children.
Children are a small people
Kids have different personalities
It is difficult to find an approach to all of them ...
Only educators can do this!

Who is busy in preschool education -
That child must understand
To love and adore children -
Education is not enough!

You lead the footbridge to the school,
A hearty congratulations from us.
You, like no one else, are worthy of respect!
We wish you health and patience!
Fine people are held in high esteem today,
Who surrounds the little guys with care,
Who teaches you to read your first syllable,
May the preschool worker be healthy!

We wish you success in your work,
Always stay on your horse
May you be happy every day
Only good changes to you!
Who is the most important in the garden?
Who is in full view all the time?
Who always plays with us?
Does he know all our problems?
Our teacher!
All the friendlier and more beautiful!

She reads us a book
Heals a wounded bear
And on the street we are with her
And warmer and more fun.
We congratulate everyone at once
And we wish you health!
Educators and nannies
We will congratulate you together,
And then a nurse
What works in the garden
Chef, manager,
Well-versed in all matters
And others who are at work -
About children in anxious care.
We wish them all the best -
I am glad to congratulate the children's world.
Wrote congratulations
Have learned by heart!
Being a tutor is very difficult
There are so many screams and so many questions a day,
Everyone needs to be heard, to see
Sometimes punish, but not offend,
You, like mothers, take on the children,
You give your soul and heart to them,
How much kindness, humanity, affection
These small children's eyes want -
So much work and pleasant worries -
We give you congratulations from our hearts!
Caregivers are important
Educators are needed
Mom, dad - everyone in the world,
And, especially for children,
Small, medium and large,
Smart, stupid - yes, any,
Who teaches us life from childhood?
Does the rules torment us all?
Black and white, left and right,
You can’t, you can, you must, you must,
Our first lesson in life is
And congratulations from us!
This kindergarten is the best
The best on earth
Like nowhere else, they will teach a song
You can sing it even in your sleep.
Here's a lesson on reading,
He who could not read could.
The son recognized all the letters
And I read the primer to us!
The numbers folded in a row
He is very happy to count!
Sonny teaches chess
Grandfather is delighted, God knows!
Hello educators
And health for a hundred years!

Kindergarten teacher short poems

Educator and assistant educator!
Today we will certainly congratulate you!
In the nursery group, the kids are smiling
Thank you for this.
You are replacing mom to our Little ones.
With you, the children do not get bored at the window,
And they play, learn useful things,
And they go towards an interesting world!
In quiet hours you never rest,
You gently cover babies and babies.
Thank you for your motherly heart!
Childhood is a fleeting time.
Only the first teacher for the child,
Like a mother who raises him from the cradle.
May decency be appreciated by parents.
The life of a preschool worker is about to change!
To appreciate the state of educators,
Their problems were treated more attentively.
Congratulations on this wonderful date.
For good - good will come back for sure!
Little kids need care
There is a lot of trouble with them.
And only a teacher with a kind heart
He will pick up a key for each crumb.
Thank you for your affection and care,
For treating children like family.
Happy Teacher's Day and health
We want to wish you today.

You are not just educators for children,
You replace their mother completely.
They don't need sweet candy
If you are happy, comfortable in your soul!
For children, after all, the main thing is care,
And care, attention day after day.
Educator is a difficult job
If the house is full of wards!
We are grateful to you for your efforts,
For children's smiles and laughter!
Let the problems and worries
Everyone will be left behind!
We wish you good health
A lot of strength, perseverance and goodness.
Let the children greet you with love
And they never forget!
Educator - what a word!
Light, kindness, warmth are hidden in it.
Who will delight children with the game?
Who will scold them not evil at all?
Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! You are not kinder in the world!
We wish you to be happy!
We praise the educators!
Congratulations on this bright day!
Oh, the job is not easy ...
You are the reliable hand of Moms and Dads of all generations.
Happiness, joyful moments!
And cheerful children's laughter -
Here is the best gift!

Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age
By the number of years lived?
Well, if you are full of cheerfulness,
If you love white light
If you filled the world with colors
Where black is missing
If you do not become scarce with caresses
And dreamy like a poet
If you strive for something new
And you are not attracted by peace
Then you are an educator from God,
Always stay that way.

Like a mom for the guys
They do not like a soul in them.
Her kind, gentle look
In the morning he meets them.
You, without knowing it,
Give them a soul.
We wish you happiness in life
And obedient children!

Raising a child is not an easy job,
You need to teach the child All the basics of being.
So that the child gets dressed
And he knew about art,
Knew what was bad and what was not
Developed my intellect.
Kindergarten is his world,
The teacher in him is an idol,
Helps kids
Substituting for mom's day.
Today should be celebrated
Educators of the country!
May their dreams come true
They will turn into reality from a fairy tale!
Cleanliness is the key to health.
This truth is old.
Congratulations to us very much
It's time for our nannies.
Look: everything is clean.
Mop, rag and water
In their hands, like artists -
Circus equilibrists,
They always surprise us.
We wish you health
And mental purity.
Your rare class
We call with love -
"The genius of pure beauty!"

Your work is more important than anyone else in the world -
We have seen this more than once. Thank you!
After all, our children grew up in your arms;
Yes, here they are, very big!
And therefore it is impossible to be silent:
And I tell you from the bottom of my heart:
Happy Teacher's Day, friends

Poems for the holiday of the day of the teacher and preschool worker

It's not easy to work with children
Educate them too.
We trust you children,
We cannot live without you.

We say thank you
And we sincerely wish
Peace of mind, love, kindness
And bright colors of May.

All the childish "why?"
You know the answers.
Children trust you
Sweets and secrets.

We envy you a little
From kids and from myself
We wish you all the best.
Our dear educators,
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And for the strength that you spent on us,
We say thank you in a friendly manner!

Only let the salary grow up,
After all, each of you is an ace in his own business!
And know we love you, we are so glad
Because you care about us!
Our kind teacher
Sculptor of young hearts,
We congratulate you
And we sincerely wish:

May the sky be clear
And the scent of flowers is fragrant.
Have a good mood,
At work - a lot of patience.
You are kind and sympathetic, teachers,
Always, as mentors, you will be there,
And our children in the direction of the road
Follow with an experienced, knowledgeable gaze.

We will say thank you a hundredfold for this,
And we will not forget all your labors,
Sometimes, we dream back to kindergarten,
Under a warm wing, in a safe shelter!
Our dear educators,
You didn't waste your time on us,
We are grateful for everything,
We wish you a sea of ​​bright impressions,

A sea of ​​smiles and creative ideas,
A sea of ​​exciting ventures,
A sea of ​​lush flowers and luxurious bouquets,
And happiness to you for long summers!
You are beautiful and kind, diligent
By vocation, by the dictates of the soul -
Congratulates you on the Day of the teacher
And we wish you the greatest prospects!

Let success and experience accumulate
So that you are proud of your profession -
You will always find an approach to a child's heart,
Making the world around us more interesting!
We wish today
To you, who is every day and hour,
Gives it to beloved children
Congratulations only to you!

And we wish you health
Happiness, and great love,
So that in life there is only luck,
Well, money - so the mountain!
You were the first to give knowledge
They brought a new, interesting world.
Flowers and wishes are now for you,
Our dear educators.

We congratulate you today,
With a wonderful, only your day,
Parents once led us to you,
Well, now we are leading the children.

We would like to convey our congratulations to you!
Happy day of kindergarten workers, Happy Day of all educators
May happiness - so that you soon have to meet the car,
So that you do not know sadness and become wealthy,
To always get along with children, smile at them,
And they were not noisy so that they obey you
And wealth and fun so that you are proud of yours,
And goodness, health, joy - so that they fall upon you!

Our miracle - educators
And the preschool workers,
With your worthy holiday.

We, parents, appreciate you,
We respect, admire,
Your empathetic concern
The heart of a child responds.

May your eyes always sparkle
And smiles bloom
For our grandchildren too
You surrounded me with care!
If there is no porridge for breakfast
Or froth in milk
And we do not wear gaiters
Or balls in hand -
No problem! The guys are growing up.
Kindergarten gives a boost.
Educators once
Everyone was loved dearly!
On this day so good
The teacher is our hero!
Excerpts for him more
Or a double award!

You are wasting your time
On our kids
Bow to you, educators,
And there are many clear days.

Congratulations on the holiday,
Good luck in everything
Financial stability,
And there is an upsurge in creativity.

Eyes are wide open
And everyone is looking at you,
Childishly surprised
Trusting now.
Kindergarten is always good
If a kind teacher
If the food is delicious
Lots of joyful activities.

Congratulations now,
All employees are children. garden,
And we wish you to have
Awesome salaries!

More joy in everything
Happiness, sunshine of events,
To educate class citizens,
And live in harmony.
We got to know the world with a children's tale.
And the days were fabulous
When for the first time we, with apprehension,
In kindergarten, mothers were brought.

Educators have opened for us
And a new world and a new light.
They taught us the letters,
They gave life advice.

We remember you! And we love very much!
And we give you congratulations!
For bringing us into humanity,
For the first life lesson!

It's always difficult with children
But you all always could.
Calm down, comb,
Who needs to be punished.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Don't rush to answer me.
I wish you luck
Lots of money and fun.
So that honor is always everywhere,
Every holiday is New Year.
So that the children love you,
So that everyone went to first grade.
So that good luck is forever.
It's time to finish congratulations.
About how you behave
A child's whole life depends
And therefore it is very worthy -
Be quiet and calm.

It is in your power to establish learning
And give a basis for life.
Try to with reverence
Anyone could remember you.

What you give will be useful to him,
And your work is good
If they are proud of you,
If the soul is pure.

Day of a profession important for life
Will bring many guests to you.
Gratitude is the pinnacle of recognition.
Make you happy for the future life.
You all know about us
Although we will soon be in first grade,
You are dearer to us and closer
Than a teacher a hundred times!

You knew (Name) from the cradle,
(Name) baby too
With mom, stomping timidly,
I entered the group for the first time.

Who was friends and who was swearing,
Who played and who fought
They knew how to reconcile
They taught us to be friends!

In childhood, a fabulous world
We send congratulations!

Who can love children selflessly,
And for twenty at the same time to be a mother,
Feed everyone in the morning with porridge,
And to surround everyone with care?

Of course, this is a teacher
A big bow to you from all mothers,
For us, you are the best in the world,
We are very grateful to you!
Babysitters are like mothers of relatives
And the educators are kind
How reluctant with kindergarten
Sometimes we part.

After all, our children get used to it
And we are always here willingly
At every holiday we are together
And life is a fun game.

Lasted longer, life in kindergarten,
They will feed here and put to bed,
And at school it will be - just hold on
Much tougher there and stricter.

We will say a toast to the nannies of relatives
And beloved educators
Here everyone is ours, no one is a guest,
We have all become family members.

Health, happiness, many years!
In the field of creative victories!
Let the kids amuse you!
For kindergarten, for kindergarten!
Today is a very important day
Educators, preschool workers
Lilacs are accepted as a gift,
From your fans!
They are the second mother for children,
And they will advise and play,
They will teach them to write, count,
And read a fairy tale at night!
We wish them well
Children will give gifts!

The kids will amicably say:
"Congratulations, educator."
We will add from the heart
A couple of wishes for you by inserting
Them between these kind lines,
As kind as you are,
About this, our congratulations to you
Let's write in modest verses.
Love children just as much
You can't help but love them!
They are the wealth of our life,
And you must keep it.

They are very attentive to us
Everything in this house
The educators are glad
Children's laughter is heard

Our nannies care
We are surrounded in the morning
Our mothers are at work
Well, where will we be?

If there is no kindergarten,
Who then is for the kid
Will he cook delicious meals?
Who will be so happy for us?

Who reads us a fairy tale,
Who will teach us to read?
The kids start here
Draw, write, count!

All kindergarten workers
We are happy to congratulate you today
Get congratulations:
Our favorite kindergarten!

Wipe their noses - snubs
Laughing little preschoolers
These amazing adults
Former boys and girls.

Instill good and eternal
And they root for the guys with their souls.
For patience and for humanity
This little congratulations to them.

Happy Holidays! Good luck and luck
In educating the future of the nation,
Childish affection and patience,
And great happiness in your personal life!

Poems for the day of the teacher and all preschool workers

The period of growth and formation,
Period of searches, questions, tasks.
Help us boldly make decisions.
What is the best way to take a handle, toss that ball.

You give warmth - all the best to children,
Do not sleep at night, do things.
To make fate easier to decide at dawn,
Further life, how the song flowed!
Educator, educator
Spends time, spends strength,
And the little one rejoices
Runs to kindergarten in the morning.

All preschool workers
Not expecting recognition
Open the world to children
New experiences are instilled.

Congratulations are crowding
Everyone wants to wish
You and vigor and happiness,
Do not grow old, do not lose heart.

Children, bows, counting rhymes,
Matinees and skipping ropes
Sleepy hour and a fairy tale
Hint and coloring.

She cares about everything,
And her worries are countless,
The teacher can do a lot -
Will set the way for kids.

We take a clean sheet
To write down this greeting.

There is a child and problems
How to find at least an hour on them?
You will go through all the dilemmas,
So that the child is quiet in a moment.

Gather the kids
Create a game in an instant.
Teach to sing, to read,
Respect Mom and Dad!

Know the history of the country,
The letters must be folded,
Everything will work out with you,
Congratulations from us!
Torn away from mama
I remember how I went to the garden,
The teacher herself,
The best was given.

I remember the nanny that for a walk
Helped us dress us
I handed out rolls in the afternoon tea
And she taught me not to make a noise.

I remember today
Kindergarten is like a children's paradise.
I sincerely congratulate you!
Childhood joy, flourish!
Little devils will bring anyone
Shouts, shouting, running around - try to discern!
Only you, beloved, will sit with them,
Feed, have time and regret!

We thank you, dear educators,
For your hard, exorbitant work!
You will forgive our little devils,
That they won't let you work calmly!

Kind hands, soft, gentle,
Sincere, serene eyes,
The smile does not leave the native face -
That's how they love the kid's kindergarten!

But only obedient and very kind,
In a quiet hour, to sleep,
In games to be cheerful,
Who walks on a leash
Which will eat the rest of the porridge ...

You only dear preschool children,
May you be kind and simple,
Problems so that they do not know, so that children are loved,
And so that the mind is not taught to reason.
Our dear educators!
We want to congratulate you today,
And also everyone who is connected with the school,
And at least a little bit, but she owes her ...

After all, this is very hard work,
Raise, teach kids at school.
And also to cope with them,
And love them, protect them.

Oh, how many of your nerves are
These are God's creations
Every day they beat me a little,
And your character was tempered ...

So may this day be cheerful
You will forget adversity.
Pupils to be respected
They responded with a good word,
And in the future - they looked up to you!

Successful career
So that without barriers and without barriers,
And so that you have enough health,
Share warmth and love!

There are different children - thinkers, dreamers,
Mobile and quiet, sociable, beeches ...
But in kindergarten, nannies, educators know everyone,
All children are taken into caring hands.

Ah, nannies, educators, you are kind and attentive,
You are always very busy, because you have a stream of business!
Ah, nannies, educators, we are your admirers,
On your holiday, we read you congratulations today.
Little pranksters, all the noisy brethren,
Congratulations to the teacher today.
And sniffing noses, forgetting the lines,
They give the second mother different rhymes.

They say "thank you" for the care, affection,
For a stream of smiles, for a funny tale.
Send ask a fairy to you for love in addition
Happiness soon, joy and good luck!
Our aunt educator
Walks in a white dressing gown,
The teacher is a match
She eats like a titmouse.

Forces kids to eat
He who does not eat - he scolds.
But understand, we then
Let's be fatter than she!

We love her like that
Slim, but not thin,
Let's read her a poem -
Little congratulations!

Poems with the day of the teacher and preschool worker: video

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