Correct children 7-10 years old. Emotional development and social connections. "To be the best"

Physical development of a child at 10 years old

Like all parents, are you also surprised at how quickly your child is growing? It seems like recently they saw off to the first grade, and already the first round date - 10 years!
The growth of children at this age: the growth of boys is 125.6 - 136.3 cm, of girls - 129-142 cm (do not be surprised, but at this age girls really grow faster than boys - girls begin to develop much faster than boys, which will last a years). The weight of a boy at 10 years old is 27.7 - 34.9 kg, the weight of a girl at 10 years old is 28.2 - 35.1 kg.

It is very important at this age to nurture and maintain self-esteem. So your child will be confident in himself and in his abilities, will be able to find a solution in difficult life situations, will not succumb to the influence of other children and will do what he does not want (vandalism, hooliganism).

Many ten-year-olds behave like adults: they already have such language skills and knowledge that they can formulate thoughtful and organized thoughts, express opinions as adults express them. Therefore, it will be interesting in his company, since he is a good conversationalist. But remember, he is still a child (!) Who wants to run, jump and play.

At the age of ten, there is a poignant moment - against parental control in any of its manifestations. It is very easy to lose credibility. It is worth giving some slack somewhere or, conversely, going too far - and that thin psychological thread that connects you with your child will break. The paradox of this age is that a teenager is more susceptible to the influence of strangers than his own parents. And very many, and very many, influence it. Therefore, it is important to be a friend to your child!

Intellectual development of a child at 10 years old

At this age, children are actively learning - they like to learn new things. Reading skills have already gone beyond learning, and most children enjoy more challenging literature. They learn more and more difficult, incomprehensible words. Their logic is conducive to writing essays and expressing thoughts and criticism on paper. , discuss them, read together! Children are always pleased not only by independent collection of information and research, but also by joint work with their parents. And don't forget to praise! This is very important - the recognition of children's labors.

The need and the ability to bring the work started to the end is already beginning to form.

Research shows that 62-63% of boys choose a profession that they talked about in detail with their parents at the age of 10-12.

Then, in adolescence, they discussed other professions, but, having passed puberty, returned to their former interests. So parents should be especially attentive to the interests of the boy at this age, more often and in more detail to discuss with him what he would like to do professionally. At this age, he makes some crafts (car models, for example), some drawings, collects something, collects. After a couple of years, in adolescence, he will most often forget about all this. But the task of the parents is to fully preserve all this, so that the boy can look at all this, return to all this. Psychotherapist Deborah Tannen emphasizes: “The hobbies and interests of a 10-12-year-old boy come from the depths of his soul, they are generated by his innermost interests and abilities. All later interests are imposed on him by the microsociety, behind them is the desire to please the “inner circle”.


Mothers of ten children should become excellent psychologists by this childhood age. The child grows and changes almost before our eyes. If you are a girl's mother, tell her about growing up, about the first menstruation, prepare for growing up. Boys' mothers should try not to raise infantile sons. And here dad has to help you!

Mom, the microclimate in the family depends on you! Therefore, make every effort to ensure that the child was interested in it at home, with you, and not outside (for the purpose of child safety).

Do you know what your child is interested in ?! Therefore, go to performances, competitions, musicals, interesting show programs together.

And be sure to take some time for yourself! Otherwise, it threatens "professional" burnout ...

Joint weekdays

Your child is 10 years old, which means that you can play quests with your whole family and even come up with them yourself. Any activity is good - so ride a bike, roller-skate, skate, ski together. If dad or mom are fond of rock climbing - it's time to introduce the child to this. (the instructor will help you choose a suitable "rock").

At this age, children love. Therefore, collect your home library or invite your child to visit the municipal library. Also, 10-year-olds still love to be read aloud.

Good gross motor skills allow the child to: football, basketball, gymnastics, ice skating and much more. In computer and video games, this is already a serious contender with increased coordination and reflexes. If before that he did not know anything about musical instruments, then it is worth introducing. Maybe you like it?

At the age of ten it is already possible. This option (provided that the place where you are going to send your son or daughter, proven and worthy) is close to ideal. In the camp, your child is both independent and supervised. You can combine business with pleasure and send your child to a specialized camp - sports or one that specializes in learning foreign languages.

At the age of 10, your child becomes more interested in the company of peers than in yours. You should not forbid communicating with someone you do not like, criticizing friends and, in general, over-expressing negative emotions in relation to those who surround your offspring. You can be sure that everything will be done exactly the opposite - just out of a sense of contradiction. Even if, try to calmly tell him about it. The wording “I forbid you to communicate with him” is categorically inappropriate. On the contrary, emphasize that you respect his choice, but ask him to pay attention to some character traits that, in your opinion, do not correspond very much to the status of a friend or girlfriend.

Try to come to terms with the fact that your child is gradually moving away from you, do not try to tie him to yourself by force. A certain degree of control is definitely needed. But it is not worth responding with aggression to aggression. A child who actively asserts his own “I” can only be convinced of anything through negotiations. Advise, but don't be intrusive. Be persistent, but don't push too hard - the effect will be just the opposite.

Come up with some kind of joint activities that will be interesting for both you and your child. It happens that the parents of a friend or girlfriend are more respected by the child than his own. The reasons can be very different: from the personal qualities of other people's parents to the fear that a child experiences in front of his dad and mom. At ten or eleven years old, a person is already quite old, and relations with him largely depend on the ability of those who are older to cooperate.

To-do list

  1. Choose a suitable camp for your children during the holidays(preference should be given to sports and recreation or language).
  2. Sign up a child for additional classes(studying of foreign language).
  3. Offer your child extra-curricular creative activities(relevant for mothers of girls, dances are suitable for boys).
  4. Check the condition of children's teeth with a dentist twice a year.
  5. Visit a pediatric dermatologist if, during the period of growing up, the child has problems with the skin.

In this article:

Age 7-10 corresponds to elementary school. Now a lot is changing for a child, the world around him is becoming more complicated. This period is associated with the active work of the psyche. There is a lot to learn, because school life, new friends stimulate personal development. Now the child has the opportunity to see himself from the outside - this will form the social component of his “I”.

New aspirations appear: for example, all children want to receive praise and encouragement. To do this, you need to become "the best", and this desire motivates the active work of the brain. And even at this age, the second stage of volitional development begins. Now the activities of children are directed in nature: they know what they want and how to achieve it. But, of course, although growing up is very noticeable, this is still a small child who needs parental support. They should help him form the right moral values ​​and just be with him.

Junior school age

From 7 to 10 years old, children are classified in the "elementary school" age group. This is not the easiest period in a child's life. Now there is an active development of the psyche and personality. School, new rules, norms of behavior greatly change the child's outlook on the world, and first of all on himself. New personal qualities appear, special psychological mechanisms begin to function. Age features are manifested during the so-called crisis of 7 years. This is a positive moment in the development of personality, because the student begins to realize the importance of his own "I".

Now parents need to understand: all these processes change the child's behavior and outlook on life. The changes may be different, but for his psyche they are positive. You will have to come to terms with something, because childhood leaves and the time for growing up begins. It is necessary to rethink the values, from the outside to look at their own actions. The social situation at school contributes to this. In a word, at the age of 7-10, children have the opportunity to understand themselves better. This, of course, is not yet the final formation of the personality. The basis is now being laid for future age-related changes.

Psychological features

Children grow up - this is a normal process. Of course, along with this, their outlook on life will also change. Previously, a child's communication in kindergarten was reduced to playing together. Now there are other social opportunities:

All this gives your baby the opportunity to look at himself from the point of view of society. He may rethink his behavior when he sees that his comrades do not accept him in games. At this moment, two desires appear:

  • to be like everyone else, to belong to the majority;
  • to be the best, to receive praise, awards.

All this is quite possible to combine, but this will have to be learned. Now the student no longer wants to be a child at all - he strives for his psychological maturation. It's also good. Learning activities, the development of logic, thinking push him towards psychological growth. Now there are some age characteristics that can give an answer to the question "why the child behaves this way."

Loss of immediacy

This term was introduced by L.S. Vygotsky and reflects well what happens to children 7-10 years old. The fact is that now the activity is not idle or meaningless. The child learns to make decisions, highlight the importance of performing certain actions, depending on their goals. This means that the activity now has a meaningful, directional character.

So, a 3-4 year old kid picks up a cup, tries to put it on his head, drops it and breaks it. He cannot answer all the questions “why”, since up to 5-6 years old activity is spontaneous, not always meaningful. The kid himself does not see the logic of his behavior. Now everything is changing - the childish spontaneity of actions and thinking is lost.

New psychological mechanisms

Now the most important thing is that children have semantic experiences. Many adults find it hard to believe in this, but the experiences themselves appear precisely at the age of 7-8, when the child already understands what is happening to him emotionally and psychological plans. For example, parents' refusal to take him to an amusement park makes the kid angry and offend. At this moment, he realizes that he is angry, upset, offended. Emotions take on meaning, experiences take on meaning. Along with this comes a better understanding of yourself:

  • what pleases;
  • saddens;
  • leads to anger;
  • does not require attention (lack of experiences).

Now children have the opportunity to experience all emotional states. A child knows exactly what it is like to be upset about a loss, rejoice at a victory, empathize. For most children, this is a period of heightened empathy. They have learned to recognize their own experiences and are now making attempts to understand their parents, friends, teachers from this new perspective.

Social "I"

The older the child, the more important it seems to him his new status as a school student. In the first grade, children are only developing pride in their new social status. Further more. He is now clearly aware of where he belongs in the world. He has already passed some steps (nursery, kindergarten) and has experience. And there are still many years of school ahead, then - institute, work ...

self-perception in this system is such that the child quickly adapts. He likes to be a part of society, he understands his growing up. Now is the time for the development of the social component of the personality.

In this new society, you need to take some kind of position, a social role. Such a process had already taken place in the kindergarten, but then the activity was not so meaningful, everything was at the level of instinct. Now, with the loss of immediacy, the child understands how the laws of his new society work. Necessary:

  • Find friends;
  • achieve location;
  • feel comfortable, belong to a group (without a group, there is no feeling of comfort);
  • be able to influence public decision making (contribute).

Here the student is already sensibly approaching the choice of tactics. It is necessary to follow the rules that are established in this society - this is the only way to become a part of it.

Volitional development

Starting from the first grade, there is a rapid volitional development. In children 7-10 years old, perception is rebuilt from selfish to self-critical. Now he distinguishes "need" from "want - do not want". The child learns to gradually make volitional efforts on himself. It is not as easy as it might seem to adults. During this period, support him, praise him for making the right decision. It is still difficult to make such decisions now. If the baby knows about support (to know that he is doing the right thing), then it will be much easier for him.

Formation of moral qualities

Some behavioral features are characteristic of age, but they pass quickly. The main thing here is not to miss the moment. From early childhood, the kid understood what is "good" and "bad", "can" and "not". He was scolded, taught, reminded. Now he is a schoolboy, he is more or less free in the choice of actions. Now everything depends on what kind of society he is in. Parents, the school must instill in him the right moral and moral qualities. Otherwise the moment will be lost. At 7-10 years old, children succumb to the influence of authorities. Who will become such an authority is very important for upbringing.

"To be the best"

Along with the formation of moral qualities comes the desire to be better than others.
This is an attempt to position oneself in the company of other children. So far, the main activity of the child is study, communication. Getting good grades, recognition from teachers, being popular with a group of children - that's what a student wants. This desire cannot be realized if the loss of immediacy has not yet passed. After her, children already know well how to achieve what they want. Here you need:

  • volitional qualities (you need to do what is required, and then there will be the desired effect);
  • be able to follow the established rules and regulations;
  • focus on your activities;
  • receive "feedback" (experiences, emotions, understanding of their needs).

The features of this psychological phenomenon are such that it becomes a powerful motivator for mental development. To be better than others, you have to develop memory, logical thinking (find a way out of different situations), think outside the box, and have leadership qualities. Of course, all this does not come immediately. Someone is by nature a leader, but someone will have to learn to take responsibility and initiative. Someone will never be able to learn this. The struggle to “be better than others” becomes the main driver of personality development at the age of 7-10.

The need to recognize success

All this activity in the struggle for their authority is aimed at getting what they want: praise, encouragement. Parents need to understand that this is very important for children. It is important that their work is appreciated, encouraged, told that this is how it should be done further. Verbal encouragement is just as important as any other. Of course, there is no need to focus the child's attention on material values:

  • pay for good grades;
  • promise and buy gifts only for good academic performance;
  • make indulgences (go to bed later, play longer on the computer, once you got an A).

So the child quickly adopts the wrong model. He begins to study well and try only to be encouraged. He is no longer interested in other motives. Having got used to this with his parents, it will be hard for him in adulthood. There can be incentives and gifts, but the main thing is to show the child the value of the achievement itself. These are the features of developmental psychology, when a child displaces the very value of his good deeds, only to receive something as a reward.


Activity becomes objective. Now, besides the game, a second important direction is emerging - study and development. The peculiarities of the attitude of a 7-10 year old child to educational activities are formed thanks to the participation of parents and teachers.

Primary activity

Now there has been a shift in the main activity. It used to be a game, now -
studies, interests. Priorities are gradually changing, but play activity will remain important for children of this age for a long time. The first grade (6-7 years old) is designed for a smooth transition from a playful form of work to a real one. So, by the end of the third grade (9-10 years old), the child is ready to focus on learning and development. Now his will is more developed, he is ready to concentrate attention longer, the memory capacity has increased.

The first three classes are suitable for the gradual psychological restructuring of the child. Academic performance or poor performance at this time is not indicative. It happens that an excellent student in elementary school is completely unable to cope with the main workload of secondary school. It all depends on whether the basic qualities of this age have been formed:

  • desire for praise;
  • perseverance;
  • strong-willed intelligence;
  • empathy;
  • focus on results.

Now it is important to gradually instill in the baby the concept of responsibility for their decisions and actions. To do this, you can introduce some additional household chores, sections and circles. The main thing is not to overstrain the younger student. Too much load now will only be harmful.

Your kid has already met his first teacher and classmates, and is gradually mastering life in a new, “school” rhythm with lessons and first homework assignments.

At the age of seven to ten, educational activities become the leading activity. The child's subsequent success depends on how successfully the child has adapted to learning. In addition, there is a sharp leap in the physical,. Completely new social roles appear that were unknown to the child before.

Traditionally, I am a Parent gives ten children between the ages of seven and ten.

Child development at 7-10 years old

Physical development of the child

A child at the age of seven to ten years becomes strong, enduring and dexterous, has a need for regular exercise. Understands and accepts the rules of team games and the requirements of the coach while playing sports. Performs sweeping movements easily. Fine movements become clearer towards the end of primary school age.

Intellectual development of the child

At this age, children are already successfully mastering the school curriculum. In lower grades, they learn to generalize and get acquainted with various abstract concepts, comparing and distinguishing them among themselves. Towards the end of the period of primary school age, the child already knows how to independently reason, analyze, draw conclusions, becomes capable of reflection - assessing his inner state. He can, with an effort of will, focus on completing a certain task and think when it is needed, and not only when he is interested in something or just likes it.

Psychological development of the child

A child at primary school age realizes his belonging to society, and tries on many new roles: student, classmate, friend, citizen. Knows how and loves to communicate with adults and peers, taking into account not only their own interests, but also the interests of other people. Able to assess actions and events. Needs the support and approval of an adult: teacher, parent. Becomes more independent and proactive. At this age, the processes of excitation and inhibition begin to level out, and the child calms down more easily, reacts more easily to failures.

1. Ensure regular exercise and daily walks in the fresh air

A child's body at the age of seven to ten is experiencing a sharp growth spurt. For harmonious development, it is necessary that active walks, sports activities in sections or a dance circle be present in the life of a younger student on a regular basis. The child should spend at least one and a half to two hours a day outdoors.

2. Assess the child's readiness for school work

Consult with a competent person who will assess the baby's readiness for classes. Not all children of the same age have the same level of psychophysical and emotional development. Someone will be bored in the classroom from the simplicity of tasks and requirements, while others may be unbearably difficult. Knowing your child's strengths and weaknesses will help you better with homework.

In the elementary grades, the child continues to lay the foundation for his future personality. And what kind of teacher a younger student comes across plays a big role in its formation.

The temperament, appearance, even the pace of speech of the teacher may not suit one child, and, conversely, will delight another.

For example, if your child withdraws into himself when the voice is raised, then a teacher with a loud voice is likely to be difficult for him to perceive. Or, your child prefers to do everything “with feeling, with sense, with consistency,” and the teacher is quick and active: these two temperaments can give rise to misunderstanding and difficulties with learning. This does not mean at all that it is necessary to change the class: to parents such situations rather show where it is necessary to additionally teach the child to communicate with people of different temperaments.

4. Awaken and encourage your child's interest in reading

At primary school age, the child shows an interest in reading and. Many parents believe that at this age a child should read everything himself, but in this case it should not be surprising that the interest in reading may disappear.

Interest must be maintained. Go to libraries with your son or daughter, buy books together, exchange books with friends. Buy your child those books that interest him. Younger students have visual-figurative thinking, so it is important to choose books with good illustrations. To draw attention to a particular literature, read interesting episodes with an intriguing plot, funny play on words, and poems. Become a role model and read yourself at home.

If your child is interested in reading descriptions in the toy catalog, comics about superheroes or articles in a fashion magazine, this is a sign that you are likely to have a thoughtful book lover in your home in middle school age.

5. Encourage the child to play and involve him in play.

At primary school age, play activity is still vital. Ideally, she accompanies the child at school and at home.

Children perceive information visually and through action; they are not able to keep their attention for a long time on words that are not supported visually or by action. The range of games is expanding, along with plot-based role-playing, children show interest in games with clear rules: board games, team games and team sports.

At home, you can teach your child to play chess. This will help to develop logic in the younger student, develop strategic thinking and teach tactics.

6. Provide your son or daughter with a reliable rear

There are many changes and excitements going on in your child's life. And you are his. Make sure that a nutritious and healthy lunch, comfort, calm atmosphere, and sincere conversations await him at home. Be caring and supportive in external conflicts, but do not resolve them for him.

7. Watch when your baby goes to bed.

The daily routine will help to avoid fatigue during the school period. Remember that getting up early requires getting out early.

If the child is studying in the second shift, think about when it is more convenient and more effective for him to do homework. Reschedule extra activities in the morning to free up the rest of the evening for relaxation and family communication, walks and games.

8. Strengthen the will and moral qualities of the child

At primary school age, willpower begins to strengthen, and moral character traits are formed. The upbringing of will and should come not only from the school, but also from the family.

If you want your child to be purposeful, responsible, honest, responsive, fair, teach him this by your own example.

9. Encourage independence at school and at home

In primary school age, voluntary attention is formed. A child who has previously achieved the goals that adults set for him learns to set goals on his own. In this way, the son or daughter learns to learn.

10. Follow the interests of the child

Encourage the child's interests and imaginations. A rich imagination, interest in various areas of life often cannot find development or develop insufficiently in an overly theorized modern school, which is why it is so important for parents to support and guide him along the right path, revealing his abilities and talents.

Ekaterina Korobkova

The child spends most of the time at home. If he goes to kindergarten or school, then after these institutions he can often easily occupy himself. Comes, wash his hands, eat, and you can already see that the baby is carried away by his toys so that he does not notice the world around him. However, it also happens the other way around: he gets bored at home and does not know what to do. The toys are already tired, there is no mood to have fun. He walks, whines and tugs at your elbow so that you can play with him.

It is necessary to take care of the child, that is why we are parents. But remember that the activity should correspond to the physiological and mental needs of the child, as well as develop various character traits and, preferably, skills in it. Each year of a baby's life brings new joys and difficulties. Therefore, games and amusements are best classified by year.

What to do with a child at 1 year old at home

The correct development of the baby will be ensured if you know what is interesting to do for a small one-year-old child. Based on his preferences, you can come up with many games and the first developmental activities.

What does a child like in a year:

  1. Transfer soft toys, cars, dolls from one place to another.
  1. Look at bright things.
  1. Overcome obstacles in the form of furniture (thanks to the developing skill of crawling).
  1. Copy the emotions and actions of the people around you.
  1. To be in public view, to be in the spotlight.
  1. Look for hidden things, toys, parents.
  1. Throw various items into a basket, box.
  1. Use any items to create structures. Destroy the building immediately.
  1. Splash in the water in all directions.
  1. Sprinkle the sand with your fingers.
  1. Empty the contents of the bag, climb into large boxes.
  1. Tangled in fabrics.


Based on these children's pranks, you can help your child to have fun. It is enough to play along, and you will see how the crumb will instantly come to life.

A basin of water. Not everyone has a private house and the opportunity to put a children's pool in the yard. If it's hot outside, and you live in an apartment, then build a small pool for the crumbs. Pour water into a large basin, toss ducks and other floating toys into it. Place your baby gently there. This method will help the baby to survive the heat more easily and will provide an opportunity to splash in plenty.

Throwing objects into the pipe... Tape the toilet paper sleeve vertically to the wall and give your child small toys. Place a basket or box at the bottom. He will love to throw them into the hole.

Cubes in a typewriter. Buy your child (it doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy) a big truck and blocks. Let them be bright. Show your baby how you can load a car and unload cubes from there, build structures and towers from them. A dump truck is perfect for this purpose.

The pyramid. Buy a pyramid (the bigger the better). Teach the baby to fold it correctly - this will develop logic. You can also show that it is more fun to put on rings in another way - toss them on the cone from a distance.

Balls of thread. If your baby loves to throw his toys into all corners of the apartment, organize such a game for him. Place a large box in the distance, and next to the baby, lay out multi-colored balls of thread (it is better to fasten the ends so that they do not unwind). Show how fun it is to throw them in the basket. The balls can be replaced with homemade patchwork balls or small soft toys.

Matryoshka. If there is no way to purchase an ordinary matryoshka, then buy a toy that looks like it. Your child will love folding small figures inside.

Shaggy toys. Buy a toy pony, horse, doll or other toy with long hair (hair) for your baby. Show how you can comb these hairs and how pleasant it is to touch them, teach them how to tie ponytails.

Water games. So you can play on the balcony, laying oilcloth or on the street. Supply your baby with watering cans, dishes, saucepans, a water mill and fill some of them with water. You will see how the little one will like to pour water.

Tarahtelki. Many children love to knock and the louder the better. They understand that due to their efforts a certain sound is emitted and this causes great joy. Therefore, satisfy the child's need - buy a ratchet, a tambourine, a xylophone, a children's hammer and let the crumbs knock enough. You can fill an iron tea jar with walnuts and let the baby play with it (under your supervision).

Mini items. Children at this age are already trying to imitate you, so provide them with small household items - a mini-sponge for washing dishes or a spatula to poke around in a flower pot.

How to keep a child at home at 1.5 years old

At 1.5 years old, children are already smarter, many can walk and try to run. Consider what they love at this age.

What does a child like at a year and a half:

  1. Talk a lot (babble).
  1. Run from one room to another and help parents clean.
  1. Digging through the bags.
  1. Drive pets or pigeons outside.
  1. Climb higher on the back of the sofa, armchair.
  1. Stir the contents.
  1. Play with paper and crumple it.
  1. Play with sand.


Nursery rhymes... Now is the time to learn simple quatrains, songs, nursery rhymes. Do this whenever you want: on a walk, while swimming, feeding on a high chair, or putting on things.

Broom and scoop. If the child is altruistic and volunteers to help you, do not hinder this. You yourself will notice with what pleasure the baby will cope with a long mop or broom. He can be played with these items for a very long time. Show how to sweep and let your child enjoy the game.

Magic handbag... Take any small handbag, or better yet, a cosmetic bag. Fill it with various small items - kinders, broken watches, hair ties, key chains. Items should be bright and varied, you can even use broken ones. This handbag should be obtained in extreme moments: when someone needs to sit with a child, and you are busy or he has a tantrum. Sit on your knees and give under your supervision the opportunity to sort through small objects and feel them, put them in your purse, empty them and then fold them again. This will help keep one and a half year olds busy for long hours. Just don't leave one with small items.

We build obstacles. Even at home, you can provide the crumbs with physical activity. Scatter pillows on the floor, place soft poufs, you can put a big bear. The larger the size, the better. Give the child the opportunity to climb and fall, to crawl between them. Such overcoming of obstacles will please him very much.

Games with paper. Arm yourself with newspapers - the more the better. Show your child how they can be crumpled and torn apart.

Personal bag. You can buy a small bag for the baby, which the child will fill with his toys and carry them from place to place. Best of all, if it will be a small, convenient backpack, which will fit dolls, cars, and plush bunnies.

Colored crayons... This age is the time to get acquainted with colored crayons or pastels. They can be painted both on the street and at home. To do this, purchase special paper, cardboard, Whatman paper, or find an unnecessary dark board. On it, the baby will be able to draw whatever he wants, and then wash it with a damp cloth.

Repetition of actions... Download a cartoon or buy a large colorful book, which depicts the actions of animals: here is a kitten washing its face with its paw, here is a chicken pecking grains. Try to repeat these movements with your baby.

Grimaces. At 1.5 years old, babies are already starting to make grimaces. Show him pictures from magazines or pictures from a book with different characters. Ask the baby to repeat the facial expressions and actions "how does your aunt do?", "How does superman show with a pen?"

Fingering sand. Pour sand into a large container and give the crumbs a toy rake and shovel. Show how you can draw patterns in the sand and make small figures by adding water. It will be interesting for the child to watch how the sand flows through his fingers. For such activities, as you can see, it is not necessary to go to the sandbox.

Engravings... Mini prints for the little ones are now on sale. All you need to do is grab a wand and start erasing the black surface. A beautiful drawing will appear under it. Which the baby will find himself.

What to do with a child at 2 years old at home

At 2 years old, the child delves deeper into the world around him and tries to cover as much interesting things as possible.

What does a child like at two years old:

  1. Scribble on paper with pencils, a pen, felt-tip pens.
  1. Deal with the constructor.
  1. Examine children in the playground.
  1. "Read" fairy tales with mom (often chooses the same one).
  1. Likes to touch objects that are different in shape and texture.
  1. It makes more sense to play with the pyramid (trying to assemble it correctly).
  1. Draw and name them.
  1. Sculpt from dough.
  1. "Shoot" the pistols.
  1. Roll the dolls in the stroller.


Painting... Buy a large Whatman paper and finger or watercolor paints for your child. You can add crayons, pastels, pencils, markers and colored pens to the artist's arsenal. Let the little one paint the big picture and use any objects for this.

First buildings... Buy a construction set with large parts and start building tall towers together. The child will be surprised to see how the tower becomes his size. After construction, let the child frolic and offer to break it.

Orthopedic rugs. Such rugs will not only be an excellent tool for the prevention of flat feet, but will also please the baby. Sew it from fabrics of different texture and offer to walk on it with your legs. You can put rice, buckwheat, stones from the street, twigs, beads, buttons, seeds, chestnuts into the trays. Show how fun it is to walk on them.

Cooking together... At 2 years old, children like to sculpt from dough or plasticine. Start making cakes or rolls together. Give the crumb a piece of dough and show how you can sculpt roses, figures, koloboks from it. Your child will enjoy eating homemade products.

Water gun. If you have a boy growing up in your house, he will really like a water pistol. However, this kind of fun is most suitable for playing in the courtyard of a private house. You can fill the gun with plain water or tinted with watercolors. Invite your neighbors' friends - chasing each other with pistols is more fun.

Stroller for a girl. The mother-daughter game is gaining momentum. Therefore, provide the girl with all the necessary items to take care of her ward. It can be a piece of warm fabric as a blanket, a small pillow you sewn, a toy stroller in which you can roll the doll.

Home snow... Why wait for winter when you can enjoy the snow in summer? Combine just two ingredients: Daddy's shaving foam and cornstarch. Stir and let the child play - he will not want to leave such snow.

What to do with a child at 3 years old at home

Three-year-olds are real hurricanes. This is the age of the first crises and active games. Irrepressible energy is boiling in these kids! Channel your child's energy into a peaceful channel by providing games that are right for that age.

What does a child like at three years old:

  1. Jump and run.
  1. Hide in fabrics.
  1. Climb under the tables.
  1. Simulate animal gestures and sounds.
  1. Be creative.
  1. Dress up in mom's outfits and use makeup.
  1. Play hide-and-seek.


For fidgets. Is your child running around the house and you just can't calm him down? Offer him not to run, but to jump. To do this, buy a large jumper. It is a rubberized animal that you can sit on and jump on. It is easy to hold on to the ears or horns. Jumping, falling from it - the child will really like all this. There are cows, horses, pigs, kittens and many more on sale.

Little chalabuda. To give the game more mystery, you need a large table and cloth. Cover it with a cloth so that there are no gaps, and lay something soft inside. Little ones will like to hide in such a halabud and hide their toys there. To enhance the effect, move the chairs up and use more fabric. In this case, you will get not only a small cave, but also secret passages.

Works of art... Modeling perfectly develops speech, like any finger games. Take an empty bottle with a cap and have your child create their own piece of art. It can be filled with pebbles or grains, while creating beautiful patterns. But the child will like to ennoble the bottle with bright colors. For this you need plasticine. Let the little one stick around the whole bottle with pieces of plasticine, creating beautiful effects to your taste.

Road traffic. If the baby loves to play with cars, then let him create a road for them and mark pedestrian crossings. For this, scissors and paper are used. Show your toddler how to cut strips of paper and build a track out of them. If you show more imagination, you can create a pedestrian bridge from a construction set and road signs from cardboard and plasticine (for a stand).

Matchboxes and a doll house. You can come up with a lot of interesting things from matchboxes. Take the cake box - this will be the doll's house. Use scissors to cut out the door and windows. Make the necessary furniture or boxes from matchboxes. Your daughter will be overjoyed.

Hide and seek... Play hide and seek with the baby or hide the object, while saying "hot" (when the baby comes closer to the hidden object) or "cold" (when the baby moves away from him). Then switch roles.

Unusual drawings. Use bubble bags to make original boots for your child. Place the Whatman paper and dilute the paints in several dishes. The task of the kid is to dip the legs and walk on the Whatman paper, creating masterpieces from the circles.

How to keep a 5-year-old child at home

At the age of 5, children become very smart and try to reason at the adult level. But they still need children's games to develop.

What a five-year-old child loves:

  1. Try to read, write and name letters with numbers.
  1. Build big cities from a constructor.
  1. Compose your own fairy tales and try to "read" the fairy tale to the parents from the picture.
  1. Guess riddles.
  1. Blow bubbles.
  1. Make applications.
  1. "Treat" the patient and translate any life actions into a game.
  1. Try on the role of a doctor, policeman, educator.
  1. Play with a ball or jump rope.
  1. Tidy up your toys.


Learning and playing. Try to keep it not just a game, but fun with learning elements. If you are reading a book, be sure to show and name letters, numbers, try to read words together. You can create flashcards with bright letters and hide them in a bag. Take out the card in turn and name the letter.

More constructor. Now the constructions of the child are becoming more and more grandiose. These can be entire high-rise buildings, garages, hospitals, highways, bridges, and even elevators. To make it even more interesting for the baby to play in the constructor, give him more space on the floor, and then add other objects to the toys - large and small boxes, jars. So the little one can make up something new and unusual.

We create applications. Take a large bag for a walk and start collecting whatever might come in handy for your appliques. It can be twigs, leaves, acorns, small stones, flowers. Come home and come up with an interesting composition together. For fastening, PVA glue or plasticine are suitable.

Play along with your child... If he calls himself a policeman, give him the opportunity to be arrested or have him teach toys to behave. If a child wants to play a doctor, then buy him a small hospital, you can put a syringe with water there without a needle. Let your baby treat you, spread something on, and write you a prescription.

Big bubbles. Buy soap bubbles for the baby or make them yourself (water, shampoo and the plastic part from the pen). Show how interesting it is to watch bubbles from the balcony. There is another exciting game. Pour some self-made soap bubbles onto the board and touch the plastic part from the handle to the surface of the board. Start to inflate the bubble. It will be attached to the board and will start to overflow when blown on.

Jumping rope. A small child, especially a five-year-old, needs the development of muscle mass. Give him a rope or a small trampoline. So you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: give the opportunity to spend time actively and strengthen his health.

Games with friends. If the baby has a birthday and he wants to invite friends, offer them the popular game of cat and mouse.

DIY paints... Work with your child to paint hair gel, glitter, small confetti and candy wrappers, and crumbled unnecessary eyeshadow. It is much more interesting to paint with such paints than with ordinary ones.

What to do with a 6 year old child at home

Since this is a preschool age, the child should be shown games to help him learn the skills needed in first grade.

What a six-year-old child loves:

  1. Solve difficult puzzles and riddles.
  1. Play with your phones and other gadgets.
  1. Imagine that the carpet is a river and the sofa is mountains. That is, to bring more magic into the familiar environment.
  1. Paint.
  1. Collect interesting items on the street.
  1. To decorate room.


Developing logic... Teach your child to make origami out of paper. Such a puzzle will help him develop both hemispheres of the brain, as well as imagination. As a last resort, you can buy your little one a large book with puzzles and solve it together with the whole family on cozy winter evenings.

The first gadgets. It will not be possible to completely protect the child from virtual reality. Therefore, you can buy a crumbs a simple phone without a SIM card and teach how to use an alarm clock. Tetris, Tamagotchi and other games are also suitable.

First magazines... Your child will love it if you subscribe to a children's magazine or newspaper. It will also satisfy his sense of importance. There are many games in magazines and newspapers that you can play at home and in a team.

Herbarium... Invite your child to build a rock garden or herbarium at home. You can buy a small fountain and invite your child to decorate it at their own discretion.

Games on paper. This age is the time of the first games on paper. You can play Field of Wonders, Words, or Hangman. This will help to replenish the baby's vocabulary and will allow you to repeat all the letters again before school.

"Bombs". Cut green and red circles out of paper for your child and sprinkle them on the carpet. Put on some fun music. The child's task is to jump over the green circles, not staying long on any of them. Hit red - lost, start again.

Cardboard house... You will have to stock up on cardboard in advance. Use scotch tape to make one huge box for the child (you can have windows and a door). Draw a railroad or road inside, arrange the kinders and invite the child to play.

What to do with a 7-year-old child at home

Now the child has gone to school, and there is less time left for games. But this does not mean that the baby no longer wants to frolic.

What does a child like at seven years old:

  1. Play boardgames.
  1. Collect collections.
  1. Play "school".
  1. Play paper dolls.
  1. Read books about animals.
  1. To do physical exercises.


First lotto. Offer your little one to play loto. The whole family can play this wonderful game, at the same time the student will repeat the previously studied numbers and develop attentiveness. Instead of loto, dominoes, checkers or a game of "corners" will do.

Complete collection. If the kid is fond of something, he can start collecting it. Everything is suitable here: stickers, chips, various figures from a kinder surprise, candy wrappers, cards - whatever.

School play. Many children, coming home after school, try to imagine themselves as teachers and want to teach mom and dad. Role reversal games like this are very useful. Firstly, they help relieve stress after school, and secondly, they allow you to better assimilate or consolidate educational material. Have your child get out the textbooks and start a notebook in which he will check homework and give you marks. You give him a board, a crayon, a rag and get ready to be an obedient student.

Dolls for girls made of paper. It may not be so interesting for the girl to play with ordinary dolls. Suggest switching to paper. Let her cut models from magazines and sign their names, ages and whatever she wants on the back. With the help of such dolls, you can play in the same school, fashion models and beauty contests, as well as draw new dresses for them.

Meet the animals... Present the little one with a large atlas with animals and offer to conduct a study. Let him choose one animal that he liked the most and try to find out as many details as possible about him.

Active games... At this age, it is good to buy a wall bar for a crumbs or build a horizontal bar. Try to gradually accustom your baby to sports, buy him a ball and the first sports equipment.

River at home... If you live in a private house, build a trench with high sides out of foil and fill it with water. Just remember that the foil must be tough. On such a river, the kid will really like to launch cardboard boats.

How to keep a child of 8 years old at home

At 8 years old, the child's body continues to grow and develop, however, it is still far from puberty. Most of the time is spent in school. Therefore, it is so important to be able to relax and properly organize the leisure time of an eight-year-old.

What does a child like at eight years old:

  1. Play yourself.
  1. Play sports and exercise vigorous physical activity.
  1. Learn new things.
  1. Compete with peers.
  1. Tell your opinion.
  1. Invite friends to play.


Cutters... The 8-year-old is excellent at handling paper, so he will love to cut out snowflakes, garlands or figurines. Z. Dadashova compiled a very interesting book "Magic paper: a tutorial on technique excision for schoolchildren ". Your child will certainly enjoy composing their masterpieces.

First experiences... Buy a kit of a young chemist or physicist for your child. This will be a wonderful relief for the brain and at the same time satisfy the child's craving for knowledge. Such kits will help prepare for chemistry and physics in high school and, perhaps, will forever instill a love for these subjects.

Table hockey. Since 8-year-olds already have friends, let your child invite a friend home and buy table hockey, soccer, or another game that will be fun to play together without leaving your home.

Drawings in the sand... Build your child a light table for drawing with sand (you can find information on how to create one on the Internet). This is not only fantastic, but also unusual. Turning off the light, you can create real masterpieces from sand, pebbles, cereals or beads.

Drawing zentangles... You can buy special watercolor paper (you can replace it with a regular scrapbook) and buy liners to give your child the opportunity to create incredibly beautiful zentangle patterns. Anything is suitable for inspiration: patterns on carpet, curtains, clothes. By connecting tangles together, you can get very beautiful weaves.

How to keep a 9 year old child at home

By the age of 9, your child has not only grown up, but also gained weight well. A little more, and he will enter adolescence. Nine-year-olds have lightning-fast thinking, express their thoughts clearly, write, count and read well.

What does a child like at nine years old:

  1. Poke your nose everywhere: what and how works, study, research.
  1. Understand the first problems and think: why people do this and not otherwise.
  1. Set yourself small tasks and solve them.
  1. Be creative in everything.
  1. Read books on interesting topics.
  1. Equip your corner.
  1. Listen to the sounds of music.


Music lessons... If your child loves to listen to music, that is, you notice a high interest in this art form - by all means, do not disregard this. Take your child to a music school for a hearing test. Later you can buy a violin, piano, wind instrument - whichever you like best. Then the question "what to do for a nine-year-old at home" will be solved very easily.

Chess. At this age, children already love difficulties, intricate plots and games. Therefore, invite your child to learn how to play chess. This will help not only develop logic, but also strengthen the child's mental activity.

home library... Schoolchildren are divided into two categories: some read with rapture, while others do not like to do it. If your child reads books and retells them to you with pleasure, buy him a bookcase or at least shelves and put together a home library. Let the child put on the shelves everything that is dear to him and reads in his free time.

Decoupage... Nine-year-olds are already striving to put things in order and decorate their things with might and main. But the order does not last long. To keep your child busy, invite him to do decoupage. In big cities, there are shops that sell hobby items. He can make amazing items both independently and together with you.

Pets, herbalist or aquarium... At this age, the child needs to take care of the younger ones. Buy him an aquarium that can be filled with seawater and beautiful corals and fish. You can try to create your own herbalist - beautiful plants behind glass and caring for them will surely please your child. To develop responsibility, buy him a kitten or dog and entrust the care to the child. Then free time will not be spent in boredom.

Rainbow fan... Let your child paint the fan blades in the brightest colors with gouache. Then it remains to turn on and admire.

Umbrella design... Find a black umbrella, take acrylics or blue-violet gouache and paint a starry sky with a nine on the inside. You will see how your child will love walking in the rain.

How to keep a 10 year old child at home

The thirst for knowledge manifests itself everywhere - the child asks you, friends and teachers a lot of questions and already knows how to independently find answers to them in literature and other sources of information.

What does a child like at ten years old:

  1. To play with friends.
  1. Challenge you and your friends.
  1. Play the computer.
  1. Crafting something.
  1. Spending time outside.


Monopoly... It is very difficult to keep ten at home. Puberty begins, the body changes, so the child becomes very active. But what if you can't go for a walk? Play Monopoly! This game will not only teach your child to count better than anyone, but will also develop financial thinking.

Children's microscope... You can donate a home mini-microscope to a ten-year-old. The child will love to explore various small objects. You will see with what pleasure he will share his impressions.

Camera... Can't take your child away from the computer or phone? Encourage him to have a good time and learn how to take beautiful photographs. Tell us how to choose an angle and find programs for photo editing on the Internet. If you use gadgets, then only with benefit.

Electronic constructor "Expert". This interactive game will give your child a lot of positive emotions. She is suitable not only for him, but will also catch the attention of parents for a long time. LEDs, transistors, electrical circuits - your growing child is unlikely to exchange this for a computer.

Classics without leaving home... You can also satisfy your baby's activity at home. To do this, take an insulating tape and use it to stick the numbers on the tiles in the form of classics.

Needleless embroidery... Find burlap fabric with large holes at home and give your child many colorful balls. He will thread the threads through the holes, creating a beautiful canvas.

Home bowling... Arranging a home bowling alley is not difficult at all. You will need long plywood, guards on the sides made of duct tape, handy items (kinders are suitable as a pin) and a jumper (can be replaced with a large bead or chestnut).

As you can see, you can think of many home games, but what is most interesting: both you and your husband will tear themselves away from the computer, so you will also want to join. And such joint games really bring people closer together.

Adolescence is the interval between childhood and adolescence, the time of accustoming a child not only to school, but also to study, work, communication with their peers and teachers. For parents, this is an important time to provide directions for the development of the baby, and for him - the first choice. How the child lives, develops, feels at this time, how his relations with his family and the world develop, in many respects depends on how adolescence will develop for him. Child 7 years At this age - the age of a first grader - for parents, adaptation to school and all the topics that are associated with it come to the fore.

First time in first grade: what a child needs to be able to do, what to wear, what to take with you to school. Private and public schools - what are the differences? Pros and cons of homeschooling. Different schools - different methods. Family environment while getting used to school. Classroom environment, relationships with classmates and teachers. First time in first grade: what a child needs to be able to do, what to wear, what to take with you to school. What kind of information is needed? What vaccinations are needed? School uniform: what and where to buy it? How to organize a student's workplace?

If the child does not do homework ... Punishments for laziness, for poor academic performance - it is necessary, but how? Walking on the street is a must! The norms of physical activity at this age. Where to go on vacation? Final Year in Elementary School: Preparing for a New School or Staying in This? The first tutors. Preparatory courses for gymnasium. A brand new special school.

Rules for communicating with teachers. The child is bullied at school. The child is a school bully. Excellent student - how not to go too far? Why he does not study well: the doctor answers, the psychologist answers. Pupil's day regimen. Social equality of students remained in the USSR - what to do? Extracurricular activities In which circle or section to send the child? What do these or those activities develop? Choosing the right mug. Age of entry in the sports section. The child does not want to go to the circle. The child was kicked out of the section. Children's camps, including summer ones. What kind of children, what is suitable for body size, temperament. Schoolchildren's nutrition Diet for elementary schoolchildren. Vegetarians are among us. Outdoor games as sports exercises for obese children. Fast food - sometimes you can? Breakfast, lunch, dinner and afternoon tea for a student (menu). A snack for school. Meals at school, in camps - how to check? Norms of consumption of primary schoolchildren's products (examples of products).

A child playing a musical instrument is the pride of parents. It is beautiful and impressive. You can't pretend that you can play. Either you can or you don’t. And ambitious dreams often lead mothers to the idea of ​​enrolling a child in a music school.

The child brought a C or C from school. Should I scold him? Or should you be sympathetic to this fact and say that it's okay? It turns out that the liberal option is not quite what children need.

It seems that all the possibilities are open for modern children: circles, courses, master classes, online platforms for self-study and full-time forms of additional education ... How can parents not get lost in this sea of ​​opportunities and ensure their children have a successful start in adulthood? What kind of education is in demand today and, most importantly, how to accumulate the necessary amount for it? We understand in detail!

In our childhood, everything was simple: almost every child wanted to become an astronaut, teacher, or, in extreme cases, an ice cream seller. A lot of ways and opportunities are open for modern children ... And therefore, it is much more difficult for them. How can you help your child choose their favorite activities? At what age is it time to decide on a future field of activity? And how do professionals help with this?