The festival of the vernal equinox in different countries and traditions. Komoeditsa - the holiday of the spring equinox

The celebration of the Spring Equinox -New Years, the meeting of Spring - the Goddess of Spring Vesta, Great Day - Maslenitsa is included in one of the four main holidays of the Slavic people. This Ancient Tradition of our Ancestors.
- The beginning of the Spring Equinox-New Years - March 21, 2015
- The first day of Spring - Day of the Goddess of Spring Vesta - March 22, 2015
- Shrovetide, Krasnogor / celebrated for a week / - from 23 March 2015
- Annunciation - March 25, 2015
- Evangelist - March 26, 2015

Note: connections with the peculiarity of Kolyada Dar (the ancient Slavic KolenDar), namely the beginning of a new Kolo (Circle of Years) - from the summer of 7521 from SMZH - three Holy Years have been put into effect, therefore, the Orthodox Old Believers are now undergoing a slight shift:

The beginning of spring- Day of the Goddess Vesta falls on 22 Daylet 7523 years (3 Summer in the Circle of Years in the Wolf Hall) from SMZH or March 25, 2015, and they start celebrating from March 24, 2015 from 18-00 local time - t. Slavic Day on Kolyada Dar starts at 6 pm - more details
- Pancake week(Komoeditsa) - Krasnogor fall on 23 Daylet 7523 summer or March 26, 2015, and start celebrating from 18-00 March 25, 2015


Day is equal to night. They glorify the Sun and prepare for Great Day (Maslenitsa). The Magi perform rituals in order to unite with their spirit with the new Sun and, together with it, pass into a new Summer. Therefore, the holiday is called New Years ("new year") - the beginning of a new summer, as a chronology (this "spring" New Year is celebrated by many Traditions and Clans in Russia).

The arrival of Spring - Day of the Goddess Vesta (the first day of the Spring Equinox)

Day of Vesta, Goddess of Spring (the day of the Spring Equinox). On this day, the arrival of spring to Earth, the arrival of birds is celebrated. Larks, pancakes and biscuits with Solar Symbols are baked in Clans.

Goddess Vesta- Heavenly Goddess - Keeper of the Ancient Wisdom of the Highest Gods. She is the younger sister of the Goddess Marena (who brings peace and Winter to Earth). The Goddess Vesta is also called the Patroness of the renewing world, who controls the arrival of spring on Earth and the awakening of the Nature of Midgard-Earth. In addition, the Goddess Vesta patronizes not only the acquisition of the Ancient Wisdom of the Highest Gods by representatives of the Slavic and Aryan Clans, but also the receipt by them of pleasant, good news from the Ancestral Gods.
Goddess Vesta meets first, and then, on the next day, send-off is arranged until next winter Goddess Marena... In honor of the seeing off of the Goddess Marena, the holiday of Krasnogor is celebrated, the Day of Maslenitsa-Marena, also called the Wires of the Goddess of Winter.
Goddess Marena(Mara is the Mother of RA, i.e. the mother of radiance, and in winter the snow is very blind on the Sun) - The Great Goddess of Winter, peace, night, natural Sleep and Eternal Life. Marena Svarogovna is one of the three named sisters of the Many-Wise God Perun. Very often she is called the Goddess of Death, who ends the earthly life of a person in the Explicit World, but this is not entirely true. The Goddess Marena does not stop human life, but gives the people of the Race Eternal Life in the World of Glory.
Saying goodbye to Winter, our Ancestors glorified the God of the spring Sun and fertility - Yarila.

Krasnogor - Shrovetide (the second day of the Spring Equinox).

On this day, the departure of the Goddess of winter Marena to her Ice Halls, located in the North, is celebrated. On this day, a huge fire (fire) is lit, into which everyone present at the holiday throws a small doll made of straw, on which wishes of happiness, joy, good harvest, etc. are spoken. Together with the doll, pancakes and grains (millet, oats for the growth of abundant food for livestock) are thrown into the fire so that the Gods give a bountiful harvest. Festivities and jumping over a festive bonfire (lit from a sacrificial fire) are held to cleanse the spirit, soul and body. Round dances are held, games are organized, etc.

Seeing off Winter

In the nature of the Goddess Marena and winter, it is necessary to make two bonfires. One will be sacrificial, the second will be festive.

At the beginning of the ceremony, it is necessary to light a sacrificial fire, all participants must stand around the fire and say Glorification of the Native Gods and Ancestors:

“Great Rod-Progenitor! All Swarga Blessed Parent! Listen to those who call Ty! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! You are the eternal source of life of our Gods and our Clans, and therefore we sing the Great Glory to Those, and we glorify Thee day and night, now and ever, from Circle to Circle! Tako byst, tako, wake up tako! "

Sventovit, our light Bose! We glorify and Trislavim Ty all over the world! You enlighten our souls and send down illumination to our hearts, for Thou art a good Bose, but to all our Clans! We glorify Thee all over the world and call upon our Clans, so wake our souls with You now and ever, and from Circle to Circle, but at all times, while the Yarila-Sun shines on us. Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Svarog-Progenitor, the All-Pure Guardian of all Svarga! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! We glorify Thee all over the world, we call upon Your image! You are always with us! We sing Those glories - hurray! Now and ever, from Circle to Circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Perun! Listen to those who call Ty! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! The blessings of the Light World, you grant the whole Light to the Race! Reveal your beautiful descendants! You instruct us in deeds for the good, you grant glory and courage to the gridny. He turned us away from the lesson of lack of patience, gave our Clans a multitude, now and ever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Light Dazhdbozhe! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! We glorify Thee, the giver of all kinds of blessings, happiness and prosperity! And great glory we speak of Those for help in all our good deeds, and for help in our military deeds, but against the dark enemies and all unrighteous evil! May Your Great Power be with all our Clans, now and ever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Oh, you Lada-Mother! Mother Sva the Most Pure! Glorious and Trislavna wake up! You give us Love and Happiness! Send down your grace on us! We honor and glorify Thee all over the world now and ever, and from Circle to Circle, but at all times, as long as the Yarila-Sun shines on us. Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Empress Makosh-Mother! Heavenly Mother - Mother of God! Glorious and Trislavna wake up! You are spinning for us a laid-back life, a communal life, a glorious noble! We glorify Thee, Mother-Mentor, virtuous and diligent now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Jiva Mother! Guardian shower! You are the patroness of all our Clans! Glorious and Trislavna wake up! We call on Thee, we glorify Thee, we magnify Thee as a giver of light! You grant consolation to all, and to our ancient genera - reproduction! May You always arrive in our hearts, now and ever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Trisvetlaya Rozhana-Mother! Glorious and Trislavna wake up! You grant multiplication to our Family, you illuminate the womb of our wives with Your Graceful Power now and ever, and from Circle to Circle, but at all times, as long as the Yarila-Sun shines for us. "!

Oh You, Mother Tsarasvati - our Royal Heavenly Light! Glorious and Trislavna wake up! We glorify Thee! We magnify Ty! We call on Ty! Let's honor Ty! May You always come in our souls, now and ever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Oh, the Beautiful Goddess Vesta! You are Spring and our Love is Clear! You give us light and warmth! Eliminate ailments and evil! Glorious and Trislavna wake up! We glorify Thee! We magnify Ty! We call on Ty! Let's honor Ty! May You always arrive in our hearts, now and ever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Oh, Goddess Marena-Beauty! Your Heavenly Light is famous for us! Glorious and Trislavna wake up! We glorify Thee! We magnify Ty! Let's honor Ty! See off Ty! May You come always in our souls from autumn, but all winter is snowy, and today let us pass the Tender Spring to us! Go to rest, rest, and let Spring-Red come to us! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "!

Then it is necessary to pronounce praise for offering gifts and demands to the Gods and Ancestors, so that the sacrificial food would be accepted by them. Exalt the Glory:

“Oh, the Almighty Progenitor, manifested in the images of: Ancestor-Rod, Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Lada, Mokosh, Jiva, Rozhana and Tsarasvati, glory to You! Glorious and trislavn awake! Bless my (our) feelings, thoughts, words and deeds - for Your glory and for me (us) for Joy! Accept my gifts and demands (ours) - for Your glory and our Ancestor Gods for health! Now and ever! From circle to circle! So fast! You are such! Tako wake up! "!

After that, put the gifts and treasures into the fire.

Stand by this bonfire and feel the blessing of your Gods and Ancestors. You might intuitively want to say some more praise or chant mantras.

Then, light a second bonfire - Celebration... They light it from the fire of the sacrificial fire. A doll is placed on top of the festive bonfire, symbolizing the snowy winter.

In order for the fire to become furious, it is necessary to twirl the salmon dance (along the Sun), calling on God Semargl, sing the Hymn to Fire, glorify the Gods and Ancestors and the entire Slavic Family!

Hymn to Fire:

The blue of the sky is so starry, the moon

The Sword of Perun shines for us.

Cleans our souls,

The Tsar-Fire is our joy.

Flame up the King-Fire,

Kolovrat and Posolon.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

Climb up to Heaven

Light up, You, everything around.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

Cleanse, You, Spirit and Soul,

Light up the seas and land

Warm our mansions,

The Tsar-Fire is our joy.

Burn clearly the Tsar-Fire,

Kolovrat and Posolon.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

Climb up to Heaven

Light up, You, everything around.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

Since the time of distant Ancestors

We feed you with a dry branch

So that our glory shines,

The Tsar-Fire is our joy.

Burn clearly the Tsar-Fire,

Kolovrat and Posolon.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

Climb up to Heaven

Light up everything around you.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

Spinning a round dance, we spin the energy of those present and the energies of Nature. The negative heavy energy is transferred to the center of the circle where the fire was located. In a fire, it is purified, and also, all troubles, adversities, illnesses and failures are burned, thereby people receive purification.

And the Red Sun is hot, hot,

And everywhere gold spilled, spilled.

Spring brooks are babbling, everything is babbling,

The cranes are chirping, everything is flying, everything is flying.

Snowdrops bloomed in the line, and in the line,

Soon all Zemelyushka will be in a wreath, to be in a wreath.

Oh, Yarila-Father, please, please,

And the Earth-Mother is ugly, ugly.

After the doll, symbolizing winter, burns out, start jumping over the fire. Before jumping, you must say: "Glory to our Gods and Ancestors, Glory to the Goddess Vesta, Glory to the Goddess Marena, Glory to God Yarila!" Fire has the ability to cleanse the human aura. Therefore, jumping over the fire, they burn out all the negative accumulated in the aura.

In order to awaken and activate the Power of the Spirit of a person, they arrange games and competitions in which everyone can awaken their body and Spirit. We also offer you to arrange valiant fun on Great Day - Shrovetide. After all the rituals of games and fun, arrange a joint festive meal. Be sure to say praises to illuminate the food:

“Oh, the Almighty Progenitor, manifested in the images of: Ancestor-Rod, Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Lada, Mokosh, Jiva, Rozhana and Tsarasvati, glory to You! Glorious and trislavn awake! Bless our meal and illuminate our food - for Thy glory and for our joy and health! Now and ever, from circle to circle! So fast! You are such! Tako wake up! "!

After the holiday, thank each other for carrying out all the rituals together. The motto of our Ancestors: "Who else, if not me, will do everything for the prosperity of my Clan and all Slavic - Aryan Clans."

Thank God Yarila!
Glory to Goddess Vesta!
Glory to the Goddess Marena!
Glory to our Gods and Ancestors!

The holiday of Great Day is Maslenitsa in the tradition of the Orthodox Rodnovers of central and southern Russia, as well as Ukraine. The symbol of the sun-Yarila - pancakes baked on these holidays

Great day (carnival) - YARILO (Yarun, Yarovit) - God of the spring Sun, fertility, offspring, abundance, Love and passion, male strength, militancy, yari, and courage. As the heirs of the big and trislight Sun-Dazhbog, the Slavs live and create their lives together with their Heavenly Grandfather. His birth and rebirth on Kolyada, Great Day, Kupala and Ovsen is the essence of the sign and image of the birth and rebirth of our souls along the Golden Path of Ascent

It is celebrated after the Sun-Child became the Sun-Youth, that is, when the Day became larger than the Night. At this time, Yarilo, the God of the flowering of Nature, the spring Sun, fertility, procreation, and yari, reigns in the heavens. Yarilo impregnates the Earth with his power, blesses it for a new harvest. Yarilo also carries military qualities that are simultaneously intertwined with the image of God the protector and guardian of cattle.

Great Day Dazhbozhiy is a celebration of the birth of the Fiery Spring Sun-Yarila, which is held on the days of the Spring Equinox. The donation to Yarila is given: bread, honey, uzvar, red lead, rye-wheat, wreaths, pies, pancakes, figured cookies. Glorifications are held in temples and temples.
Celebrating Great Day Dazhbozhiy, they honor the power of fertility and abundance, the power of life, which is in different faces of the Family - Yarila, Lele, Lada, Zhiva.
In springtime, Yarilo rides through fields, gardens and forests on a white horse.

Our Ancestors imagined him as a young man in white linen clothes, with bare feet. On his head is a large wreath of spring wildflowers, and in his hands is a sickle and a bunch of ripe ears. Wherever it goes - there is a shock of rye, wherever it looks - there the ear immediately blooms. And as he looks at a girl, her heart lights up with love, at a guy - the blood boils in his veins, the saber itself asks for hands.
Yarila's wife is Goddess Lelya, daughter of the Goddess Lada. Lelya is the Goddess of beauty and joy. Sometimes in spring she wakes up from a winter sleep and often appears to people in the form of a slender girl of a cheerful disposition with a wreath on her head.

Being the hypostasis of her mother Lada, the Goddess Lelia is the patroness of Love, beauty, family unions and other girlish blessings. Where she appears, the spring bird song sounds, Nature comes to life, various flowers bloom, the sky turns blue, the Yarilo-Sun shines brighter, in love with young Lelia.

Spring awakens the Goddess Perunitsa - the wife of God Perun. On this day, it is strictly forbidden to start any business, "the bird does not twist its nest" (a bad time for any beginning and conception).

Heaven opens completely at the Annunciation. Towards evening, people go out into the courtyard, look into Heaven and look for their big star with their eyes.

God Perun awakens and with his thunder informs the Earth about the spring birth of Life. From that time on, all sorts of deeds and all work begin.

On the day of the vernal equinox, the Slavs celebrate the Komoeditsa holiday. This is the holiday of spring. The day when winter ends and nature begins to come to life. Comoeditsa celebration date - 20th of March... According to legends, after the winter solstice, the young Kolyada sun was born, and after winter the Sun grows and gains strength, approaching the new holiday stronger Yariloy... Who will drive away Winter and give rise to Spring.

Why March 20? This day was not chosen by chance for a very simple reason. It is March 20 that is the day Spring equinox:

"At the moment of equinox, the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator"

And since the Sun is located at the equator, therefore all over the earth, day and night are equal... The spring and autumn equinox are the astronomical beginning of the seasons. And from a scientific point of view, it is the days of the equinox that are transitional moments from one season to the next. In our country, the Transition from Winter to Spring and from Autumn to Winter are different. 12 months were simply divided equally between the four seasons, which is not entirely true scientifically. And our ancestors knew the laws of nature, so they gave, including the day Spring equinox, special meaning. The very celebration of Komoeditsa is carried out for two weeks.... A week before the vernal equinox and a week after.

Why was the holiday of the spring equinox called Komoeditsa among the Slavs?

"The first pancake is coma, the second pancake is familiar, the third pancake is distant relatives, and the fourth is for me."

A little-known proverb in its full version. But the first phrase "The first pancake is lumpy" everyone knows. And the use of this phrase currently has a negative meaning. Although the original meaning has nothing to do with a poorly baked pancake. "Comas" are bears. Namely, the Slavs considered the bear the king of the forest. "Comas" one of the main symbols of the holiday. Therefore, the holiday is called in their honor. After all, it is the bears that are the symbol of the arrival of spring. Everyone knows that bears sleep all winter and wake up in spring. And the first pancake, according to the proverb, was intended for the bears as an offering and respect to the ruler of the forests. Thus, the Slavs called for the arrival of spring. Sometimes such pancakes for bears were called comas (ceremonial bread made from oats, peas and barley). They were baked by the oldest women in the Family, and then taken to the forest for the Bear. In the meantime, the men were building the fortress and preparing the place for the merrymaking.

We do not think that many will be surprised when they hear that pancake is a symbol of the sun... After all, with all his appearance, he speaks about it to those around him. Therefore, pancakes are the main dish of the Komoeditsa holiday. In addition to pancakes, it can be noted lark cookies... They were also an integral part of the celebration. "Larks" they threw it as high as possible and called for spring, saying:

"Larks-Larks, fly in from the far side. Bring the red spring, take away the cold winter! Goy!"

Taking the fortress and burning Marena

The main action of the Komoeditsa holiday is the capture of the fortress, the capture of the Scarecrow and its burning. First of all, I would like to note that the Scarecrow means Marena-Winter, after the burning of which Spring comes into the world, and with it the flowering of Mother Earth. It was made only by girls, dressing up in old clothes. Marena's eyes were necessarily drawn closed so that she would not look at the living ahead of time... While the girls were dressing up Marena, the men competed in valiant prowess through games (wall to wall, tug-of-war, etc.). So, how did Komoeditsa's "main game" go? While in the Fortress, Marena was under the protection of her servants (girls dressed in "hari" (ritual masks)). Boys are fighting for Spring in this battle - "Servants of Yarila", whose task is to besiege the fortress and capture Marena. The capture of the fortress takes place in 3 rounds according to the principle of trinity. Each call involves the conquest of one of the worlds (Yav, Nav and Prav). After the third call, the Warriors of Yarila took the fortress and captured Marena. After which the Scarecrow was burned. At the same time, old things were tied to Marena in order to burn ailments and everything bad.

Christianization of the holiday. Shrovetide-Komoeditsa

After the arrival of Christianity in Russia, the holiday of Komoeditsa, like all the others, underwent changes. First, the name changed to "Pancake week"... And until now, everyone knows this particular holiday, forgetting about the ancient Komoeditsa. But this is far from the most important change. The main thing is that holiday has lost its connection to the basis ... Spring equinox day. Shrovetide tied to Christian Lent, which prepares Christians for Easter... And it turned out that the "Spring Meeting" began to be celebrated in the coldest month of the year - February. But common sense begins to prevail in people, and every year more and more people return to the celebration of Komoeditsa when it should be according to the law of nature: On the Day of the Spring Equinox!

The most magical day of the year with incredible power!

The vernal equinox is a symbol of the arrival of heat and the end of the winter cold. The ancient holiday has many traditions that are observed to this day.

Spring comes into its own, awakening nature and bringing people out of hibernation. The equinox day symbolizes the onset of the long-awaited warm period, when winter completely gives way to fine spring days. This day has a special energy, so many try to coincide with it all kinds of rituals for love, prosperity and getting rid of problems.

When will the equinox be

For our ancestors, the vernal equinox was a holiday of the arrival of the long-awaited spring. They celebrated this event with noisy festivities, glorified the Sun and performed rituals aimed at gaining well-being.

In fact, the day of the vernal equinox is associated with the transition of the Sun across the equator.

The equinox will come on March 20 at 19 hours 15 minutes Moscow time in 2018. This means that on March 20 the day will be equal in length to the night, and then it will increase, bringing not only more light, but also a positive mood to people.

Spring equinox in astrology

March 20 is the beginning of a new astrological year. The sun will move to the constellation Aries, renewing the cycle. That is why all horoscopes begin with this Sign. On this day, astrologers celebrate a professional holiday, and in several countries they celebrate the coming of the New Year.

Not only astrologers, but also psychics consider the vernal equinox a unique event. At this time, a powerful stream of energy falls on the Earth, which can be used to perform various rituals and rituals.

On March 20, you will be able to take advantage of the energy of the Sun, attract well-being, prosperity and love into your life. Psychics claim that miracles always happen on such a day, it is only important to believe. Attracting what you want with the power of thought will not be difficult if you are confident in your abilities.

Customs, traditions, rituals on the day of the vernal equinox

On this day, our ancestors also celebrated a holiday dedicated to the goddess of spring - Ostara, who ensured the balance between night and day. It was believed that during this period the goddess herself is renewing herself, restoring her virginity and energy. The figurine of the goddess is presented in the form of a virgin, held by a young boy's arm. In Russia, the holiday of the vernal equinox was taken seriously. Mass festivities were arranged, any person could go to a neighbor and treat himself to any delicacy from his table - this was considered a good sign. People believed that the more people enter the hut for food, the happier the year will be for the owners of the home.

The hostesses baked rye cakes especially for the holiday, decorated them with sugar syrup and wheat grains. In addition to sweet hearty cakes, women dyed chicken eggs. For this, natural materials were used - onion peels, carrot and beet juice. The hostesses also baked unleavened biscuits in the shape of birds. They were treated to fellow villagers, some of the cookies were given to goose, chickens, and turkeys to eat. The men made birdhouses and fastened them to tree trunks. A small amount of crumbled unleavened biscuits was always placed inside the birdhouses.

In the evening, as a rule, songs and dances began, the iridescent sounds of gusli and accordion were heard from everywhere. At the end of the holiday, they made a large stuffed animal of straw and burned it. The higher and wider the scarecrow turned out, the brighter and longer it burned, illuminating everything around. People believed that a high, bright and clean flame is the guarantee of a well-fed and happy life in the coming year.

How the vernal equinox is celebrated in different countries

The Spring Equinox in India coincides with the local paint festival. Therefore, the holiday lasts for two days. On the first day, everyone is having fun, singing, dancing, enjoying traditional treats. In the morning of the next day, the procession of representatives of all castes existing in India begins. People exchange congratulations, showering each other with a multi-colored powder made from turmeric, haldi, bilva, etc. It is believed to bring wealth, love and happiness.

The Germans deify the Dawn and the Eastern direction (part of the world). On this day, it is forbidden to eat any meat, except for a rabbit. Hare hunting is a favorite male hobby. One of the hare carcasses must be sacrificed to the supreme goddess Freya - the patroness of love, marriage, family, children.

In Japan, they are carefully preparing for the spring equinox. The day before the holiday, people clean all the premises of their homes. Particular attention is paid to the cleaning of home altars, which are decorated with flowers. Near the photographs of deceased ancestors, several small rounded bowls are necessarily placed. They are pre-filled with lighted cereals and water.

Do's and Don'ts on Equinox

This holiday has been considered magical since ancient times. Legends say that on this day even his own thoughts can influence the fate of a person. Therefore, one should think exclusively about the good. Clarification of relationships, quarrels, manifestation of anger, aggression and anger can turn into problems. It is not recommended to be sad on a holiday, otherwise the Gods will get angry and will not bestow all kinds of benefits. It is necessary to meet spring as hospitable and cheerful as possible. The more luxurious the table is and the more guests sitting at it, the happier the year will be for the hosts.

Many people still honor the traditions of the holiday and bake gingerbread in the form of birds on the day of the vernal equinox. They must be distributed to relatives, friends and acquaintances. To check what health awaits in the coming year, people went out into the streets, and everyone threw their gingerbread into the sky. Whose food soared higher, that was not to worry about their own health throughout the year. Thanks to this sign, the gingerbread cookies are called "larks".

Suppose you decide to follow the tradition described above and bake lark-shaped gingerbread. When you eat pastries, do not eat the bird's head, eat only the torso. It is believed that by doing this you save yourself and your family from accidents and illnesses. The heads must be given to the cattle. Even fierce enemies and offenders on the day of the vernal equinox cannot be wished for harm. Experts assure that seditious thoughts and bad words spoken to a person can cause him serious trouble. Moreover, all the bad things sent to others will surely return in doubled quantity.

Fortune telling and magic on the day of the vernal equinox

Some girls and guys on this day, after sunset, began fortune-telling. Someone wanted to find out about marriage (marriage), someone - to improve their external attractiveness, and some just wanted to find out what awaits them in the near future.

So, when baking gingerbread larks, girls put small objects into the dough. Each of them had their own prediction. For example:

♦ ring - get ready for the wedding;
♦ carnation - there will be a reason for sadness;
♦ coin - you will live in abundance;
♦ key - inheritance, profit, you will become the owner of a new home;
♦ bead - the long-awaited pregnancy will come soon;
♦ button - numerous updates are coming;
♦ earring - to meet with a narrowed (narrowed).

In the evening, each took turns taking one gingerbread and breaking it. The found object was used to judge the future.

At sunrise or sunset on the vernal equinox, a well-being ritual can be performed. To do this, you need to prepare two candles - white and black. They will symbolize light and darkness. Also prepare a pot of soil and seeds soaked in water. Light the candles, place the pot and seeds next to you. Concentrate and start mentally telling the seeds what kind of life you want to have, what you want to change in your destiny. Visualize your happy existence as clearly as possible. Then plant the seeds in the ground and sprinkle with water. As the seeds germinate, your life will begin to change in the desired direction.

A unique meditation practice will help make dreams come true. The lesson should be carried out in complete solitude, creating for yourself a cozy atmosphere in the room. Light a candle. Sit in a chair or lie down on the sofa. Close your eyes. For deep relaxation, you can use breathing exercises. Begin to act out situations in your imagination, taking into account the fact that your dream has already come true. For example, imagine how you live, what kind of car you have, what you are wearing, with whom you communicate, what you eat, what establishments you visit, etc. You need to immerse yourself as deeply as possible into the inner world and be imbued with your desire.

Now imagine that a large translucent ball of golden color materialized in front of you in the air. Enter it and, by an effort of will, strive upward. Next, try to mentally dissolve into the Universe. After a while, you should feel a surge of energy. This means that positive cosmic energy has had a powerful effect on your subconscious. From this point on, changes will gradually begin to occur in your life.

The spring equinox is one of the most amazing natural phenomena. It is good that those grains of information have survived to this day about which traditions were honored and how the spring holiday was celebrated in antiquity. On this day, everyone can get drunk from an inexhaustible source of cosmic energy, improve their health, improve their financial situation and, getting up in the morning, say: "Hello, Sun!"

In this article, I would like to show the connection between many traditions and cultures that celebrate the holiday of the spring equinox. This holiday is beyond religions and cultures. This is a holiday of Nature.
This holiday is celebrated in many cultures because people used to live according to the rhythms of nature. And the vernal equinox is the astronomical beginning of spring.
In ancient times, the onset of spring was determined by the SUN, and the days of the vernal equinox were always a great holiday. Absolutely all ancient spiritual traditions consider this day unusual and especially suitable for various practices.

Ostara is a Celtic holiday of the return of the fertility goddess Ostara (Eostre) from the underworld. Spring Festival, the beginning of a new cycle, renewal and rebirth after the winter cold, when snow and ice give way to grass. They prepare small wheat buns and colored eggs, which were symbols of new life. Egg painting is also an ancient pagan tradition associated with Eostra. Eggs, as obvious symbols of fertility, were adorned with magical symbols and used in fertility rituals as offerings to the Goddess.

In ancient times, the Moon Rabbit was sacred to many moon goddesses. The hare, as a symbol of fertility, personifies rebirth and resurrection, it is a symbolic designation of the growing moon and cyclic reproduction. The ancient Germans had such a legend. The goddess Ostara found a wounded bird in the snow and, in order to save its life, turned it into a hare. However, the magic, as sometimes happens, turned out to be strange. The bird became a hare, but retained the ability to lay eggs. Since then, the hare has been decorating these eggs and giving them to the goddess Ostara on the day of spring.

Slavic paganism - Komoeditsa. Komoeditsa - a 2-week (week before and a week after the equinox) celebration of the Spring Equinox (the beginning of the astronomical spring), farewell to Winter and the burning of a stuffed Marena (Winter), solemn invocation and meeting of Spring and the beginning of the Old Slavic New Year.
In pre-Christian antiquity, the holiday consisted of a variety of ritual activities of a magical-religious nature, interspersed with fun games and feasts, which, gradually changing, then passed into later traditional folk customs and rituals (burning a straw effigy of Winter, baking sacrificial bread - pancakes, dressing and etc.). For many centuries, Komoeditsa retained the character of a wide folk festivities, accompanied by feasts, games, competitions in strength, and fast horseback riding. After the advent of Christianity, this holiday was replaced by Shrovetide - cheese week.

Christianity - Easter and Shrovetide. among Catholics, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first spring (after the vernal equinox) full moon. For Orthodox Christians, due to the accumulated 13-day lag in the calendar, the "equinox" (also on March 22, but according to the "old style") falls on April 4, according to the "new style", and therefore, Easter usually slides to a later time. Therefore, all mobile holidays move out every year for a different number of days.

Navruz is a Zoroastrian holiday of spring. Nowruz in translation from Farsi means "new day" - the largest of all the holidays of the worship of the Sun and fire, celebrated three thousand years ago according to the solar calendar on March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox. Navruz is associated with the solar calendar, which appeared among the peoples of Central Asia and Iran seven thousand years ago. After some time, this holiday passed to Islam, namely, to an offshoot of Shiite Islam called Nazaritism. In the CIS, it is celebrated as a national Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. In a number of countries, Navruz is declared a public holiday and a day off.

Higan (budd.) - the holiday of the spring equinox among Japanese Buddhists. The Japanese name is Shumbun no hi. According to the "Law on National Holidays" of Japan, the corresponding "natural" meaning is embedded in the Spring Equinox Day: "To extol nature, cherish living beings." The Buddhist concept "higan" can be translated as "that shore" or "the world where our ancestors left, and where their souls settled." Spring Higan days begin on March 17th and include Vernal Equinox Day and three days after Vernal Equinox Day. Before the start of Higan, the Japanese clean the house with special care, especially the home altar with photographs and accessories of departed ancestors, refresh the flowers and put ritual food on the altar.
In the days of Higan, Japanese families go to venerate the graves of their ancestors. Having previously removed the family tomb, washed the stone slab and placed fresh flowers, the Japanese order prayers and perform other ritual honors. Much of the Buddhist concept of Higan acquired a special meaning in Japan, but the tradition of remembering ancestors has remained sacred for the Japanese for many centuries. Doesn't it sound like Christian Easter!
Only a vegetarian meal was prepared - a reminder of the Buddhist prohibition against killing a living creature and eating the meat of a dead person. The menu is made up of beans, vegetables, mushrooms, root vegetables, broths are also prepared on a plant basis. Festive "inari-sushi" stuffed with a mixture of boiled rice with carrots, mushrooms and beans are also on the table.

Holi is the Hindu Spring Festival, also known as the Festival of Colors. Holi on the calendar usually falls on the full moon in March. There are several legends associated with the origins of Holi. According to one of them, the name Holi comes from the name of the demoness Holiki. Prahlada, the son of an evil king, worshiped Vishnu, and nothing could dissuade him of this. Then the king's sister demoness Holika, who was believed not to burn in the fire, persuaded Prahlada to go to the fire in the name of God. To everyone's amazement, Holika was burned, and Prahlada, rescued by Vishnu, came out unharmed. In memory of these events, on the eve of Holi, an effigy of the evil Holiki is burned. The Slavs will be delighted to know the Maslenitsa festivities.
The first day of the festival, closer to the night, a fire is made to symbolize the burning of Holiki. Local celebrities sing and dance to entertain the audience. On the second day, before dusk, representatives of all castes and estates, men and women, old people and children, make a festive procession, sprinkling each other with colored powder and pouring tinted water over each other. It is believed that the more abundantly paint covers a person's clothes, the more good wishes are sent to him. The festival, as mentioned earlier, falls on the beginning of spring. The weather in spring, even in India, is changeable, so colds and various kinds of acute respiratory infections are common. Therefore, festive showering with medicinal herbal powders (nim, turmeric, haldi, bilva and others) is recommended by the sacred healers of Ayurveda. People of all ages are directly involved in the celebration.

Astrologically, this is the beginning of a new solar year. Because the Sun comes to the beginning of the zodiacal circle - the sign of Aries.
Some interesting facts:
In many languages ​​of the world, the name of Christian Easter very accurately coincides with the name of the pagan holiday of the vernal equinox - the beginning of spring or the New Year. For example, the English name for Easter, Easter, is the name of the Celtic-Germanic goddess of dawn and spring.
The Easter bunny or hare is a character in the mythology of the ancient northern European peoples.
The Easter egg is a universal symbol of the universe and life in almost all pre-Christian traditions. Have you ever wondered what the painted egg has to do with Jesus' resurrection? And the thing is that once there was a tradition to paint eggs and bring them to the temple of the goddess of spring - Eostra or Ostara.
Attributes and symbols - take with you.
The day of great balance is a holiday of SPRING, renewal and rebirth of nature after cold, gloomy, winter days. Day is equalized with night, light with darkness, masculine with feminine, and so on. Towards the end of the Equinox, light slowly begins to triumph over darkness.
The main ritual of the holiday is the invocation of the goddess of SPRING (remember the Shrovetide).
Symbols: spring, rabbits, colored eggs, hares, butterflies, birds, swallows.
The main symbols are birds, a rabbit (hare) and an egg.
The rabbit is a symbol of fertility.
The egg is the cosmic egg of creation. Hence the origin of Easter eggs and rabbits. The yolk of the egg symbolizes the Sun, and the white symbolizes the White Goddess. The whole egg is a symbol of rebirth.

Birds. Ancient people believed that when Spring sees the birds fluttering over their nests, it will come and bring steady warmth. This means that it will be possible to start sowing vegetables in the gardens without fear that the sudden cold will destroy the hatching seeds. In addition to birds and eggs, Spring is called songs and round dances are carried out. At this time, for the first time in a year, shepherds bring a flute (or a horn) to their lips, even if there is no grass yet and the flock has not yet been driven out. Eggs, painted for this holiday with the symbols of life and fertility, retain the power of talismans until the time of harvest.

Plants: all spring flowers and seeds, crocus, lily, iris, jasmine, rose, violets, forget-me-nots, daisies, peony, clover, strawberry, primrose, pine, saffron, daffodil, dogwood, apple, honeysuckle, strawberry, alder, sorrel, Irish moss.
In northern latitudes, the grass is sprouted in boxes to be put on the windowsills on holiday. Long twigs are stuck into boxes with grass (or on the lawn in front of the house, if your snow has already melted and there is grass in the yard) long twigs are stuck, on the tops of which images of birds are planted, painted eggs are laid in the grass. Images of birds can decorate festive clothes, tables. It is good to bake bird-shaped cookies. Eggs and biscuits are presented to guests at home.

Smells and incense: violet, jasmine, rose, strawberry, lotus, magnolia, orange, honeysuckle, apple blossom, ginger, nutmeg, musk, incense, myrrh, cinnamon, sage.

Stones: rose quartz, aquamarine, amethyst, moonstone, red iron ore, bloodstone, jasper.

Colors: all pastel colors, pale green, red-purple, yellow, pink, blue, lemon shades.

Food: seeds, nuts, green vegetables, fruits, steamed eggs, honey, bread, fresh fruit, honey pies, muffins, dairy products, apples, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, fresh leafy vegetables, green and yellow jellies , salads with eggs, honey cakes, fish, wheat buns (cinnamon, sugar-coated), flower-shaped seed and seasoning cookies, cheese.

Drinks: juices, water ,.
Animals: rabbits, hares, butterflies, snakes, hedgehogs, bears.
Zodiac sign: Pisces.
Decorations: spring flowers, colored eggs, butterflies, birds, colored ribbons
Traditions: traditional painting of eggs, work with a magic garden. It is also customary to go out into the field and pick the first spring flowers.
Best Work: Working with Herbs and Magic Garden.

How to celebrate?

Of course, it is best to be outdoors with family or friends, to sit around the fire, cook different delicacies, if the weather permits, play outdoor games and enjoy Spring.
The Spring Equinox embodies the triumph of life. This day is a holiday of joy and harmony.
Practices, ceremonies, rituals Metaphysically, the vernal equinox is a time of renewal and new beginnings, a time to plant seeds and make plans for the future.

Spring cleaning

In the spring, gardeners clear the garden after winter of debris and old plants, thereby making room for new ones. So we, too, sort it out at home, throwing out everything old and cleaning our home from accumulated dirt and negativity. Then we have newer thoughts, fresh ideas and projects.
A few days before the spring equinox, you need to tidy up the house well, clean the corners, cleanse the house energetically to get rid of everything old, wash the floor with decoctions of herbs and oils to let the spring spirit into the house. It may not be easy, but some simple, physical work and mental effort will help you rid your life and home of negativity, remove problems from the past, and ensure a brighter future.
Renew your home, because all the arriving daylight hours will finally illuminate the dirt accumulated over the winter. Look into all the "hidden" places - under the sofa, behind the closet and behind the refrigerator, let the light in there, refresh and renew everything. Clean clothes that you won't be wearing anytime soon. But cleaning isn't just about cleaning the house. Get yourself in order, cleanse your body as well.

Ritual to wash away the negative:

To get rid of negative feelings, you can make an infusion of lemon, peppermint, pine, or tea tree oil. Take 12 drops of the decoction in a bucket of hot water. Or add two peppermint tea bags to a cup of boiling water and let sit for five minutes. With the resulting broth, wash and mop floors, yards, balconies, porches or patios.
Work, moving in a circle counterclockwise, saying: "Harmony, Purity, Love"
You can strain and spray on chilled peppermint tincture to bring the freshness of spring into your home.
Fumigate the house with incense, pass all corners and rooms.
To increase vitality, place a vase of spring flowers, pots of daffodils or bulbs of hyacinth, tulips, violets, or any herb (heather, lavender, herbs, etc.) on the table.
Bake some buns, lemon tarts, pancakes, chocolate muffins, or any other baked goods but no meat. You can hard-boil the eggs and paint them. You can make salads with fresh herbs and seeds, seasoning with lemon juice.

Egg coloring symbolism.

A set of symbols that are most often used when painting eggs:
The circle is protection, eternal life, completeness, the Wheel of the Year, the Sun.
Triangles are elements of the elements.
The sun is God, fire, warmth, spring, luck, prosperity. One of the most popular symbols.
Dots are stars.
Curls are protection.
Spirals are the mysteries of life and immortality.
Crosses - four directions, four periods of a person's life, four elements, rebirth and eternal life.
Leaves - spring, immortality, love, strength.
Flowers - beauty, wisdom, children, female power.
Stars - light, success, knowledge, beauty.
Birds - messages, messages.

Colors for coloring:

White - birth, innocence, childhood.
Yellow - youth, light, happiness, wisdom, sun.

Red - enthusiasm, passion, love, fire.
Orange - strength, power, sun.
Green - freshness, renewal, hope, victory, earth.
Brown is earth.
Blue - sky, health, air.
Purple - calmness, trust, strength, protection.

Blessing the Eggs:

Extend your arms over the eggs and say the following:
Great Feminine Principle, Light of Night,
Great Masculinity, Light of the Day,

In honor of the great spring festival.
Winds from all over the world
Winds of the North and South, West and East,
Forces of Earth and Fire, Water and Air,
I ask you to cleanse, light and bless these eggs
There is such a thing. Glory to the family!

Summing up and drawing up new plans.

It is good to remember the previous solar year, to sum up the results of the year, to remember your victories and defeats. Thank you for everything. And the day of equinox and after - we make plans for the future.


In some traditions, one week before the vernal equinox, you need to make a list of your grievances and injustices, caused by you and you to your friends and loved ones. These individual lists, compiled during the week, are aimed at restoring harmony in human relationships through sincere apologies, returning old debts, etc. During the holiday, you need to add to the list an indication of what you have done to correct injustice and purify your karma. During the ritual, the paper is burned, and this serves as a symbolic confirmation of spiritual cleansing. But you can do everything mentally. In general, we apologize and forgive.

Commemoration of the ancestors.

You can offer something cooked to your ancestors. You can light a candle and put food in the red corner and mentally offer to all departed relatives.
Important! After the offer to the deceased, food cannot be eaten. It needs to be taken out into the street and buried under a tree.

Other traditional pursuits of this time period are planting, other magical gardening work, and all kinds of herbal interactions, whether magical or in line with your medical, cosmetic, culinary and artistic interests and needs.

Scent of Spring
Lavender - 5 parts
Chamomile - 3 parts
Neroli - 2 drops.
Mix and add to the sea salt bath. This bath is relaxing and rejuvenating.

Glory to Rod! All Light and love! SVETOZAR.

The vernal equinox (vernal equinox) is one of the most unique natural phenomena, the essence of which, scientifically speaking, boils down to the fact that “at the moment of equinox, the center of the Sun in its visible movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator”.

On this day, the Earth, revolving around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while moving around the Sun, is in such a position in relation to the luminary that the sun's rays carrying thermal energy fall vertically to the equator. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and these days in all countries, day is almost equal to night.

Distinguish between the spring and autumn equinox. UTC (in other time zones, these dates may differ by a day) in the northern hemisphere spring equinox occurs 20th of March when the Sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern one, and autumn equinox occurs September 22 or 23(in 2019 - September 23), when the Sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern. In the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the March equinox is considered autumn, and the September equinox is considered spring.

The vernal and autumnal equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of their respective seasons. The time interval between two equinoxes of the same name is called a tropical year. This year is now accepted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 solar days in a tropical year. Because of this, the "approximately" equinox each year falls on a different time of the day, each year moving forward by about 6 hours.

On the Day of the vernal equinox, many peoples and peoples of the Earth begin the New Year: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan - almost all the countries of the Great Silk Road associate the beginning of the new year with this natural phenomenon.

The ancient scientists of China, India and Egypt were well aware of the days of the vernal equinox. In ancient times, the vernal equinox was considered a great holiday.

In religion in ancient times, the day of the vernal equinox was also given an important role. The date of the Easter holiday, which is celebrated every year at different times, was counted from the vernal equinox as follows: March 21 - the first full moon - the first Sunday, which was considered a holiday.

Many peoples have kept the vernal equinox as a holiday in the calendar. For example, in Farsi it is called, which means "new day". Rooted in the traditions of the ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia, the holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples professing Islam.

In the CIS, the equinox day as a national holiday is celebrated by the Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. In a number of countries, Navruz is declared a public holiday, and March 21 is a day off.

On this day, light and darkness are divided equally. In ancient times, when there were no calendars, spring was determined by the sun. It was believed that it was from this day that renewal in nature began: the first spring thunder, the swelling of buds on the trees, the violent sprouting of greenery.

The day of the vernal equinox was especially revered in the pagan faith. It was believed that on this day, in the annual cycle, Spring, personifying the revitalization and rebirth of nature, replaces Winter.

When the Sun shifts from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, the autumn equinox sets in.

When talking about equinox dates, one should distinguish between a UTC date and a date for a specific time zone:

if the equinox came before 12:00 UTC, in some countries located west of the prime meridian, this day may not yet come and according to local time, the equinox will be considered 1 day earlier;

if the equinox came later than 12:00 UTC, then in some countries located east of the prime meridian, the next day may already come and the date of the equinox will be 1 more.

As conceived by the creators of the Gregorian calendar, the "official" date of the vernal equinox is March 21 (literally "12 days before the April calendars"), for that date of the vernal equinox was at the time of the Nicene Council.

The last time in this century, the vernal equinox fell on March 21 in 2007 and further in the XXI century will fall on March 20 or even March 19.