“Presentation on the theme“ Easter brings us joy. Easter brings us joy. presentation for the lesson (younger group) on the topic How Easter is celebrated

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Easter brings us joy Completed by: Falkovich Artyom student of the 6th grade GBOU OOSH №28 of Syzran

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The Resurrection of Christ The Resurrection of Christ (Easter) is the most important Christian holiday, on which the Charter of the church service depends (from this day the countdown of the “pillars” of osmoglion begins), and the end of the longest and most severe (Great) Lent, breaking the fast. Even for people far from religion, Easter is associated with a night solemn service, procession and Easter cakes, painted eggs and bell ringing.

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Easter Easter is a mobile holiday that takes place every year at a different time. Other mobile holidays depend on the time of Easter: Palm Sunday, Ascension, Pentecost and others. The celebration of Easter is the longest: for 40 days believers greet each other with the words "Christ is Risen!" - "Indeed he is risen!" The Day of Christ's Bright Resurrection among Old Believers is a time of special celebration and spiritual joy, when believers gather for services to glorify the risen Christ, and the entire Easter week is celebrated "as one day." Church service throughout the week almost completely repeats the night Easter service.

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Christian holiday The Christian holiday of Easter is a solemn remembrance of the Resurrection of the Lord on the third day after His suffering and death. The very moment of the Resurrection is not described in the Gospels, because no one saw how it happened. The removal from the Cross and the burial of the Lord took place on Friday evening. Since the Sabbath was a day of rest for the Jews, the women who accompanied the Lord and the disciples from Galilee, who were witnesses of His suffering and death, came to the Holy Sepulcher only a day later, at the dawn of that day, which we now call Sunday. They carried incense, which, according to the custom of that time, was poured onto the body of a deceased person.

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Communities of the First Christians Communities of the first Christians celebrated Easter at different times. Some, together with the Jews, as Blessed Jerome writes, others - on the first Sunday after the Jews, since Christ was crucified on the day of Passover and rose the next morning after Saturday. Gradually, the difference in the Easter traditions of the local Churches became more and more noticeable, the so-called “Easter dispute” arose between the Eastern and Western Christian communities, and a threat to the unity of the Church arose.

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Traditions of celebrating Easter It is customary to celebrate Easter on Easter - to congratulate each other on the great holiday and exchange colored eggs as a symbol of life, kissing each other three times. An egg dyed red with onion skins was formerly called dyed eggs, painted eggs were called pysanka, and wooden Easter eggs were called eggs. The red egg signifies rebirth for people by the blood of Christ.

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Holiday of Light Easter Holiday of Light Easter is the most beloved Holiday since childhood, it is always joyful, especially warm and solemn! He brings especially a lot of joy to children, and every believer tries to serve an Easter egg, cake or sweets, first of all, to a child.

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How to calculate the date of Easter? To calculate Easter, you need to know not only the solar (equinox), but also the lunar calendar (full moon). Since the best experts on the lunar and solar calendar lived at that time in Egypt, the honor of calculating Orthodox Easter was given to the Bishop of Alexandria. He was supposed to annually inform all local Churches about the day of Easter. Over time, Paschalia was created for 532 years. It is based on the periodicity of the Julian calendar, in which the calendar indicators for calculating Easter - the circle of the Sun (28 years) and the circle of the Moon (19 years) - are repeated after 532 years. This period is called the "great indiction". The beginning of the first "great indiction" coincides with the beginning of the era "from the creation of the world." The current 15th Great Indication began in 1941.

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Celebrating Easter in various countries In most European countries, Holy Week and the week after Easter are school and student holidays. Many European countries, as well as Australia, celebrate Easter and Easter Monday as public holidays. In Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Latvia, Portugal, Croatia, and most Latin American countries, Good Friday is also a public holiday. The entire Easter Trinity is a public holiday in Spain. States in which Easter is a few days off (in most - 4 days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday)

The Easter night service is filled with optimism. Each reading and chanting echoes the words of the catechurative speech of St. John Chrysostom, which is read even when the morning wakes up outside the windows of Orthodox churches: “Death! Where is your sting? Hell! Where is your victory? "

The joyous song "Christ is Risen ..." is repeated many times in church services throughout the forty days of Easter. The message of the Savior's resurrection is proclaimed to all nations in all corners of the earth, and in Orthodox churches one can hear the troparion of Easter singing in different languages.

The eve of the most severe last week of fasting - Passion, when spring renewal is already felt in the air - falls on Palm Sunday, the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. In Orthodox churches, during the liturgy, the willow branches are consecrated - a reminder of the palm branches that covered the Savior's path to the capital of Judea.

Eggs dyed in any way are called "dyes", and those painted with patterns are called "Easter eggs". Easter eggs "in the old days were often real masterpieces of folk art. An artistic tradition has developed, collections of sugar, chocolate, wooden, glass, silver and even golden eggs decorated with precious stones have appeared. It is necessary to paint eggs on Maundy Thursday, as well as to cook." Thursday "salt, which will then be used for salting the food that is being prepared for Easter.

The custom of exchanging a red egg for Easter, saying "Christ is Risen!", Is very old. Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life. After all, we know that a living creature emerges from an egg. All Christians greet each other with a red egg as a sign of eternal life.

"Let your life be round as a testicle" (ie without a hitch).

During the holidays, the housewives are suffering - it is necessary to bake cakes, prepare Easter with cottage cheese, butter and sour cream for the whole family. And also "ceremonial" Easter for guests. Yes, and the "sacred" Easter and Easter cake must be prepared in such a size that each household will have a piece for each day during the entire Bright Week, ie. Easter week.

Christ conquered death. The tragedy of death is followed by the triumph of life. The tragedy of death is followed by the triumph of life. After His resurrection, the Lord greeted everyone with the word: "Rejoice!" There is no more death. The apostles proclaimed this joy to the world. They called this joy "the Gospel" - the good news of the resurrection of Christ. This same joy fills the heart of a person when he hears: "Christ is Risen!" This same joy fills the heart of a person when he hears: "Christ is Risen!"

I am convinced that if people heard the truly Passionate Passover, Resurrection, Pentecost, Assumption, there would be no need for theology. I am convinced that if people heard the truly Passionate Passover, Resurrection, Pentecost, Assumption, there would be no need for theology. It's all here It's all here. Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann

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A week before Easter, a holiday is celebrated on Sunday, otherwise known as Palm Sunday. The consecration of the willow takes place both on the holiday itself and on the eve during the evening service. Consecrated branches are distributed to those praying, and with them, by lit candles, the faithful stand until the end of the service.

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The willow consecrated on this day is kept for a whole year. It is believed that the consecrated willow acquires miraculous power that helps drive out unclean spirits.

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Alexander Alexandrovich Blok Boys and girls Candles and willows Brought home. The lights are glowing, Passers-by are crossing themselves, And it smells like spring. A good breeze, Little rain, little rain, Don't blow out the fire! On Sunday Palm Tomorrow I will rise first For the holy day.

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To celebrate Easter, you need to prepare in advance. The church prepares believers for the most important holiday by fasting for seven weeks - a time of repentance and spiritual cleansing.

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Easter is the expectation of spring. Delicate flowers - tulips, daffodils, hyacinths - decorate our house for Easter. You can put birch and willow twigs into the water in advance. They will bloom in the warmth, and live green leaves will delight your family.

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Easter is the main holiday of the Christian world. This is the victory of life over death! Out of great love for us, people, the Lord came down to earth in the form of a man, took suffering and death on the cross for us. On the third day after the burial, a miracle happened - the Lord rose from the dead!

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On Easter, it is customary to paint eggs with different colors, but among the multi-colored eggs there must be bright red ones. Why? History has preserved such a tradition for us. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples and followers dispersed to different countries, everywhere proclaiming the good news that you no longer need to be afraid of death. Christ, the Savior of the world, defeated her. He resurrected Himself and will resurrect everyone who believes Him and will love people as much as He loves.

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Christ has risen from the dead! - with such news, Mary Magdalene ran to the Roman emperor Tiberius. It can't be, ”the emperor chuckled. The white egg in your hands will never turn scarlet! And at the same moment, a chicken egg - a modest offering to the emperor - became bright red ... On Easter we repeat this miracle: we paint eggs bright yellow - the color of the sun, green - the color of spring and, of course, bright red - the color of blood God shed for us.

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On Easter, as the most important holiday of the church year, a particularly solemn service of God is performed. Since ancient times, the Church has developed
the tradition of celebrating the Easter service at night; or in some countries (for example, Serbia) in the early morning - at dawn.

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The tradition of placing a large candle at the altar during the night Easter service is found in all Christian countries. People take candles with blessed fire home to light the hearth. It brings happiness to the home.

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At the Easter Liturgy, all believers try to take communion without fail. And after the service is over, the believers "christianize" - they greet each other with a kiss and the words "Christ is Risen!"

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On Easter we joyfully say: "Christ is Risen!" and exchange red testicles. This custom is very old; Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life.

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Arriving home, and sometimes right in the temple, they arrange an Easter feast.
During Easter week, in all churches, as a rule, anyone is allowed to ring the bells.

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The celebration of Easter lasts forty days - exactly as long as Christ appeared to His disciples after the Resurrection. On the fortieth day, Jesus Christ ascended to God the Father. During the forty days of Easter, and especially on the first week - the most solemn one - they visit each other, give colored eggs and Easter cakes, and play Easter games.

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The main decoration of the table is, of course, Easter cakes and Easter.

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What to give for Easter?
It is impossible to imagine an Easter greeting without a red or painted egg.

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As a rule, many relatives and friends gather at the Easter table. Try to prepare an Easter gift for everyone: a beautiful egg and a small Easter cake.

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If you prepare in advance baskets with sprouted herbs and place eggs and cake on a napkin among the greenery, the joy of your loved ones will reward your efforts and fill your heart with happiness.

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If the person you want to congratulate on Easter is far away, you can send him an Easter card.

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How to color an Easter egg?
For work you will need: paints (gouache), good brushes No. 1,2,3, a matchbox, PVA glue. To paint a pysanka, you need to select good white eggs with a rough shell. Smooth surface does not paint well. First, the egg is washed in warm water with baking soda, the dirt is removed, and immersed in water for a couple of minutes, to which 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar are added. Then the eggs are dried.

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Painting is carried out in the following order: The boiled egg must be placed in an open matchbox - it will be more convenient to paint this way. Then a pattern is applied with paints. It should dry out. The painted egg must be covered with PVA glue mixed with water.

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If the egg is to become a souvenir, then after coloring it is necessary to blow the egg white and yolk out of it. To do this, you will need to make two holes in the shell using a thin drill or awl. You can use an old syringe to blow out the white and yolk. At the end of the work, you can thread a colored thread for knitting through the holes, make a loop at the top, and tie the thread with a bow at the bottom. A souvenir for a gift is ready.

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Presentation on the theme: "EASTER HAS BEEN JOY TO US" Completed by a student of the 6th grade GBOUOSH №28Kornilov Egor.o. Syzran Easter is one of the most important Christian religious holidays. The history of its origin is closely connected with the ancient biblical legends about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word came to us from the Greek language and means "deliverance." On this day we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind. As Christ's death on the cross accomplished our redemption, so His Resurrection granted us eternal life. According to the Bible, the son of God Jesus Christ accepted a painful death on the cross to atone for the sins of mankind. He was crucified on a cross on a mountain called Golgotha ​​on Friday, which in the Christian calendar is called Passionate. After Jesus Christ died in terrible agony along with other condemned to death on the cross, he was transferred to a cave, where they left his body. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the repentant sinner Mary Magdalene and her henchmen, who, like her, accepted the Christian faith, came to this cave to say goodbye to Jesus and pay him the last tribute of love and respect. However, having entered there, they found out that the tomb where his body was located was empty, and two angels announced to them that Jesus Christ had risen. Since that time, all believers celebrate a religious holiday in Christianity - Easter, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In the Christian tradition, Easter is celebrated according to the lunar-solar calendar, so the date of its celebration differs from year to year. This date is calculated so that it falls on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. At the same time, emphasizing the essence of this holiday, Easter is always celebrated only on Sunday. EASTER CELEBRATION TRADITIONS Easter is preceded by a strict seven-week Great Lent, when believers abstain from certain types of food. The week before Easter is called Holy Week. Each day of the week is associated with the events of the last days from the earthly life of Christ. On the day on the eve of Easter, on Holy Saturday, all believers gather in churches for prayer. Special Easter food is brought to the temple in order to consecrate it. On the day of the Resurrection of Christ, special dishes are put on the table, which are prepared only once a year - Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, Easter painted eggs. Midnight comes, the procession begins in the churches. Great Saturday is replaced by a bright holiday. The celebration of Easter lasts forty days - exactly as long as Christ appeared to his disciples after the Resurrection. On the fortieth day, Jesus Christ ascended to God the Father. On Easter we joyfully say: "Christ is Risen"! And we exchange Easter eggs. This custom is very old. Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life. From time immemorial in Russia the bright holiday of Christ Sunday was awaited with great joy. After all, there are many rituals associated with Easter. EASTER GAMES AND FUN Egg rolling For centuries, egg rolling has been a favorite Easter game in Russia. Here's how they played it: - they set up a wooden or cardboard skating rink and around it a level place was freed, on which they laid out painted eggs, toys, and Easter-themed souvenirs. The children took turns to the skating rink, and each one rolled his own egg. As soon as it touched any object, it became a gift-win. Clinking eggs. This is also an old fun: by knocking with a blunt or sharp end of a colored egg - the opponent's egg, a person tries to win as many whole eggs as possible. If the egg is cracked, you lose! Egg Relay. Players split into two teams and must run with an egg in a spoon to reach the finish line and go back to pass the egg to the next teammate. You can diversify the game and hold the spoon not in your hands, but in your mouth. Russian poets wrote many wonderful poems that they dedicated to the Great holiday - Bright Easter. Christ is risen! Everywhere the gospel is buzzing, From all the churches the people are knocking down. Dawn is already looking from heaven ... Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! The snow cover has already been removed from the fields, And the rivers are torn from their fetters, And the forest is greener ... Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Here the earth is awakening, And the fields are dressing, Spring is coming, full of miracles! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! (A. Maikov) As the sun shines brightly ... As the sun shines brightly, As the depths of the sky are bright, As the bells hum merrily and loudly. Silently in God's temples, they sing “Christ is Risen!” And the sounds of a wondrous song reach heaven. (A. Pleshcheev) Easter bell dozing Bell awakened the fields, Smiled at the sun Sleepy earth. The blows flew to the blue skies, The voice rings out through the forests. Hidden behind the river, The pale moon, Runs ringingly, Cutting wave. Quiet valley Drives away the dream, Somewhere beyond the road. this holiday, you can congratulate your friends and family with a postcard - which is made with your own hands. After all, all the warmth, faith, hope and love are invested in it! Internet resources: zanimatika.narod.rupravmir.ru ›pasxalnye-igry / vashechudo.ruru.wikipedia.orgKakProsto.ru

EASTER brings us joy

The work was carried out by a student of the 8th grade of the Krasnovoskhod secondary school, Khayvanova Guzel

Easter is a favorite holiday in Russia, established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Hebrew word for Passover means "the coming of deliverance."

Easter is a mobile holiday. Celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon after March 21st.

Easter more

2 - x thousand years.

Bright Resurrection of Christ - the most important and joyous holiday for all of Christianity, it is also called the "Holiday of Holidays" and "the celebration of celebrations."

Crucified on the cross, suffering, God - man died for us, having atoned for the sins of people.

Prepare for the holiday in advance by seven weeks of fasting - a time of repentance and spiritual cleansing. In the seven weeks before Easter, Orthodox Christians are fasting.

On fast days, Christians try to have less fun and devote more time to prayer and good deeds.

Great Lent ends with Passion Week, during which the church recalls the events of the last days of Christ's earthly life.

On Maundy Thursday, which is called "pure" in folk traditions, every Orthodox person seeks to cleanse himself spiritually, to receive communion, to receive the Sacrament. On the same day, eggs were painted for the Easter table.

On Maundy Thursday, Easter cakes were baked - symbolizing how Christ ate bread with the disciples so that they would believe in his resurrection. Easter cake can be stored for 40 days.

Good Friday

the day of the suffering of Jesus Christ; burying him


Great Saturday - a day of sorrow and expectation of the Resurrection of Christ.

How is Easter celebrated?

The celebration of Easter begins with participation in the Easter service. It is very special, different from the usual church services, very “light” and joyful. In churches, the Easter service begins exactly at midnight. At this time, the jubilant ringing of bells is heard and everyone is happily singing the "Troparion of Easter".


Easter is a day of abundant food. For Easter - a feast in the mountains! Forty-nine days are prepared for Easter, and forty days are celebrated.

Where did the custom of giving red-colored eggs come from?

During Roman rule, people who came to the emperor were obliged to bring gifts with them. The rich brought gold, the poor - what was in the house. Mary Magdalene decided to convey the news of the resurrection of Christ to the emperor Tiberius. As a gift, she could only bring a white egg, but she was missed. "Christ is risen!" she exclaimed, handing her present to the emperor. Tiberius contemptuously replied that he would believe in such a heresy only when this white testicle turned red. About a miracle! Right in the emperor's hand, the egg turned a bright scarlet color, and he exclaimed in shock: "Indeed he has risen!"

What does the red-colored egg represent?

The painted red egg symbolizes the rebirth of man into eternal life - at the cost of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Red is the color of the martyr's blood of Christ, with which He saved everyone from eternal destruction.

The Easter egg is a symbol of the new eternal life that Christ gives us by His Resurrection.

Usually eggs were painted red - a symbol of the blood of the Lord. Now eggs are painted in any bright color.

Eggs painted in one color were called dyes, on which different drawings are Easter eggs

If the egg was painted with drops, tears, grains, these are specks.

Eggs painted with rings - barrels.

Easter games

Spun eggs on the surface of the table or on the bench - whose egg will spin longer.

They hit the eggs with their ends - whose ends are the strongest.