The last push. How a child can spend the last days of school holidays. What can be done in the last days of vacation What to do on the last day of vacation

Many of us promise ourselves to start life from scratch in the new year. So why not keep that promise? It doesn't matter whether your diary will be paper or electronic. One thing is important: do not throw away the diary and regularly replenish it with entries.

And if you already have a personal diary, then try something: a photo diary, a voice diary, or.

2. Read a few books

We all say that we want and will read more, but our permanent excuse “I don’t have enough time to read” nullifies everything. On New Year's holidays, we finally have time, and long winter evenings are just created in order to climb into an armchair with a blanket and tea and immerse ourselves in reading.

Surely you have your own must read list, but if not, then take a look.

3. Gather a fun company and play snowballs

Of course, if you have children, then this fun and so you can not avoid. And if not, then this is not a reason to give up your favorite New Year's activity since childhood. Gather a group of friends and go to play snowballs.

It is not even necessary to plan this entertainment in advance, just throw a snowball at one of your friends, and then a chain reaction will follow, and in 5 minutes you and all your friends will participate in snow battles.

And if the fierce winter weather is raging outside the window, because of which you do not want to go out, then arrange for yourself a snowy entertainment at home - cook with your family.

4. Embark on a journey you've long dreamed of

Almost every person has or a dream country where he has long wanted to visit. Be yourself a Grandfather Frost and fulfill your dream - give yourself a trip.

The advice is relevant not only for those who have been saving money for vacation all year round, because today it is very easy for someone, and this, in turn, will help to significantly reduce travel costs.

5. Help those in need

One of the best ways to give yourself a holiday is to give someone else a party.

Yes, few of us are able to donate large sums. But collecting books and things that you no longer use, buy a bag of lollipops and go to the nearest orphanage - this is something that almost all of us can do. And if you are a volunteer or an active student who has a company of like-minded people, then you can arrange a New Year's concert or performance for the kids.

6. Spend the New Year holidays at the hostel

Everyone knows what to do at the camp site in the summer: swim, sunbathe, walk, pick mushrooms and berries - in a word, have an active rest. But not everyone knows that in winter time at the camp site can be spent as mobile and interesting: skiing, sledding, ice skating, steam bath and walking no less, if not more, than in summer.

7. Jog yourself in New Year's style every morning.

Let the feeling of the holiday be with you always. While jogging, creating a New Year's mood for yourself is very simple: run in a New Year's cap or a cool scarf with deer, download your favorite New Year's tracks into the player, or choose a route for yourself, thanks to which you can run at least a few trees, which are abundant on New Year's holidays in any city.

8. Be a tourist in your hometown

There are probably hundreds of places that you have not visited in your hometown: museums, galleries, and maybe even theaters and cinemas. Make a list of places like this and catch up on New Year's Eve.

9. Treat yourself and loved ones with New Year's treats

Yes, after the New Year's feast it seems to all of us that we will not be able to eat anything for at least a week - we feel so full. But, as practice shows, already on January 3-4, we again want something tasty. Do not deny yourself this pleasure, so experiment and cook, for example.

10. Throw a New Years Eve Party

The first weekend of the new year (January 3-4) is a great time to party. And we have prepared for you that will help make your party the coolest and most memorable. :)

11. Take pictures

12. Arrange a general cleaning and get rid of unnecessary things

New Year is a new life, and into a new life it is not worth dragging old rubbish, which many of us like to accumulate, even without wanting to. Arrange a general cleaning at home, throw it away and do not try to regret: you make room for new things that you will definitely acquire in the coming year.

13. Dedicate this time to your favorite hobby.

Someone loves to cook, someone - to embroider, someone - to code, and someone disappears in the garage for days on end, improving their favorite car. New Year's holidays are a wonderful time that you can spend exclusively on your favorite activities, so do not deny yourself this.

14. Delight yourself and your friends with delicious cocktails

Since you can relax a little on New Year's holidays, this is a great reason to please yourself and your friends with good, say, rum with apple juice and caramel or Martini Royal.

15. Stay Santa Claus in your home

Put postcards with wishes or small pleasant New Year's gifts - magnets, key chains, and so on in the boxes of your neighbors. If you wish, you can even put a Christmas tree in the entrance or in some other way give it a festive look. It will be fun and will give positive emotions to both you and all your neighbors.

16. Make yourself a to-do list for the year and start doing it

We all love to make lists, but very often these lists remain only in our head and on paper. Make a to-do list for the year so that you can start one of the tasks today or tomorrow. This way you will not only ensure yourself a fun vacation, but also learn to be more organized.

17. Go for a picnic

18. Visit relatives

If for some reason you did not manage to celebrate the New Year with your family, then do not despair: you have a whole New Year's holidays to visit your loved ones.

19. Visit New Year's fairs

Such fairs are held in many cities, and this is a wonderful event that gives everyone a New Year's mood, vivid emotions and completely new impressions. Find information about the fairs in your city and be sure to visit at least one of them.

20. Take a look back in time with your social accounts

VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter ... Every day we write posts, tweets, statuses in which we share our thoughts, talk about our favorite films and books, mention important and interesting events for us.

Take a couple of evenings to re-read your notes two, three, or even four years ago. This will allow you to remember your successes, pleasant events in your life. Or maybe you just smile when you realize how much your interests have changed over the years.

The easiest way to do this is using Twitter, there is a function "Request Tweet Archive".

21. Spend the day at the water park

Another favorite summer entertainment that you shouldn't forget about in winter.

If you are an avid film fan, then, of course, you cannot deny yourself this pleasure. For those who do not want to stay at home, the best option is to visit cinemas that will delight you with New Year's novelties. And for everyone else, New Year's holidays are a great time to revisit their loved ones from childhood.

23. Find a country for wintering

If you are tired of the winter cold and nothing is a joy to you, find yourself a country where you will spend the winter. And we will help you to spend the remaining two winter months in warmth and comfort and will show you five countries in which you can wait out the winter.

24. Make coffee according to recipes from around the world

And if you still can't go to a warm country, then it doesn't matter - learn how to do it, and you will feel much warmer even without traveling.

25. Take time for yourself

Go to the pool, gym, beauty salon, treat yourself to new things. In the whirlwind of everyday affairs and worries, we so often do not have enough time for ourselves, so try to fix this on New Year's holidays.

26. Do not forget about our smaller brothers

30. Make boring activities interesting

Alas, even on New Year's holidays, no one canceled queues and traffic jams. But even in traffic jams and queues, you can spend your time in an interesting and useful way. We will tell you how to do this.

31. Have an evening of memories

It doesn't matter with whom - with family, friends or a loved one. Just have a meeting over a cup of tea and share with each other the warm memories that are important to you. Such gatherings are very close and teach to appreciate everything, even insignificant moments.

32. Play board games or solve a huge puzzle

These two activities will again help you return to childhood for a short time, and the resulting emotions will help you stay cheerful throughout the day. A list will help you.

33. Make new acquaintances

Go to the nearest anti-cafe. The atmosphere reigning there is always conducive to new acquaintances, and in half an hour or an hour you will be singing with a guitar or playing board games with new friends.

34. Make a photo collage

Surely the past year was rich in events that you want to remember. Make a photo collage that will remind you of the highlights of the year and hang it in your room. If possible, do the same for your friends.

35. Go to a karaoke club

Favorite entertainment, which is always relevant and which should be remembered on New Year's holidays.

36. Walk around the city with a player

Are you sure that during the New Year's holidays you observe the daily norm of 10 thousand steps? Not? Then quickly go for a walk and grab a player with your loved ones to make it more fun to walk.

37. Meet the sunrise at least once during the New Year holidays

On weekdays in winter, we usually meet dawn on the way to work, thinking that we have to get up before dawn. During the New Year holidays, we can meet the dawn, rejoicing in it. You don't even need to go outside for this - you can watch this miracle of nature from the balcony.

38. Work or Learn

A lesson for incorrigible workaholics: if you are a freelancer, you can continue to complete work tasks even on holidays, and if a student, you can start preparing for the exams that await you in mid-January.

39. Spend New Year's holidays in the countryside

A similar option as with a camp site, but more budgetary. If you have relatives in the village, then you will not only have a rest, but will also be engaged in useful business - you will help them with the housework.

40. Don't forget about traditional winter activities - skating and skiing

Mass ice skating or a ski trip with friends - what could be better on a winter day off?

41. Go shopping

You don't have to go to the shopping malls, which you already visit almost every weekend. If you have the opportunity to travel to a nearby town, then go shopping and shop there.

42. Play the game "What are we going to do today"

If you are in the company of friends and cannot choose what to do for you, then play the game “What are we going to do today”. The meaning is this: each of those present writes one lesson on a piece of paper, for example, “let's go to the cinema,” “let's have dinner at a restaurant,” “let's go to make a snowman,” and so on. The leaves must be put in a hat, and then someone from those present must pull out one of the leaves without looking - what is written on it will be the plan for the day.

43. Don't forget about free New Year's events in your city

Concerts, discos, exhibitions ... In your city there is probably something similar and, nicely, completely free.

44. Teach Someone What You Can Do

45. Improve Yourself

Are you friends with a skateboard or skates? Okay, New Year's holidays is the time to learn a couple of new tricks to surprise your friends.

46. ​​Make your New Year's video

47. Update your resume

This is especially true for those who are going to change their place of work in the new year. And we will tell you.

48. Start blogging

49. Do something unexpected for yourself

Are you sure that you are completely unable to draw or cook deliciously? Or maybe you just didn't try hard enough? Go through your “I can't” and try again. Remember that patience and work will grind everything, and you will have another reason to be proud of yourself.

50. Riding at random is an activity for the bored.

If you have already done everything you wanted, and sitting at home is boring, then sit down on the first minibus that comes across, but before that, ask some number. Let’s say I’m guessing the number 8, which means that I’ll get off at the eighth stop and go explore the surrounding area. Don't forget to stock up on your camera and don't wander too far - all adventures are good in moderation. :)

What will you do on New Year's holidays?

January 10th, the first lesson ends.
Teacher: Guys, who have questions?
Children: When is the vacation?

The winter holidays are over - a period of freedom, favorite activities, active games in the fresh air, meetings with friends. After this "relaxation", it will not be possible to quickly adapt to school life. Many parents think that the child on the very first day of school will tune in to study, concentrate and become attentive. No, it takes time.

Even adults after vacations find it difficult to get involved in work, but, according to psychologists, it takes them two to three days. The short week starting on Wednesday is perfect for adaptation. For a full-fledged restructuring of the psyche from a “doing nothing” regime to a study regime, schoolchildren need about a week. The younger the student, the longer the period.

You can help your child with simple rules. First, observe the regimen and go to bed on time. Many parents were faced with the fact that during the holidays, children sat up late at the computer, played, and then slept until lunchtime. In the last three to four days of vacation, it is better to bring the daily routine closer to the school one. Sleep at least 9-10 hours. After sleeping, it would be good to do exercises to wake up the body. Be sure to have breakfast.
Fresh air is a bright head. The brain, which is learning all the time, needs oxygen. And oxygen is movement and air. Ideally, a schoolchild should be outdoors for two to three hours a day. At least three times a week, arrange a thorough walk in the daytime - skating, skiing, snowboarding, tubing or just walking in the park.

During the holidays, as a rule, they ask some kind of creative tasks. The task of the parents is to make sure that the child does not do them on the last evening before the first school day. On the last evening, it is better to have a festive dinner and spend the holidays, as they see off the old year.

In schools, in the first working week, teachers give children less homework, do not carry out any control and test work. The third quarter is the longest, most difficult. At the start, together with the child, it would be good to analyze the successes and determine those subjects for which it is necessary to "pull up". Flip through the diary, ask clarifying questions. This will once again prove that you support him and will definitely help. Of course, this is also a chance to once again praise your student. If there is little to praise for, consider how to motivate your child to study. Say that he studies not for the sake of grades, but for himself, in order to take place in life, so that his dreams come true.

The kids need help to pack up a portfolio and prepare clothes that will need to be put on on the first school day, sit next to them, and tell a story. On this evening, children, as a rule, fall asleep worse and sleep more restlessly. Try to be more attentive to the child, explain why it is difficult for him now and that soon everything will be the same. You should not throw all the loads on the child at once - that is why classes in circles and sections usually begin earlier or later than classes at school.

Listen to the child's complaints and wishes, suggest constructive solutions to problems. With the right approach, children will easily go through the adaptation period and will again delight with academic success.

photo from the site

Used materials from the Internet.

Elena Sibirina, English teacher:
Throw a stone at the one who will tell you that the post-bust syndrome does not exist, that all this is the invention of lazy people, and a reasonable person with the same enthusiasm enters the workday after a long rest. Adults, after a vacation or New Year's holidays, hardly sit out the first working day, let alone children. Eyes not yet fully opened, scattered attention - this is what meets us, teachers, in the first lesson after the holidays. Still, they are used to going to bed long after midnight and waking up for dinner! And no matter how responsible student you are, it is not easy to come to terms with the body; it must be gradually prepared for restructuring. You can, of course, try to "wake up" the child by force - ask more assignments, come up with additional tests and various tests. But, in my opinion, this is pure mockery! After all, I myself can hardly move my legs by the end of the first working day ... So, what to do? If the parents did not have enough strength to start putting their child to bed early in the last days of the holidays, then we can only endure. As one of the seventh graders told me: "Understand and forgive." They will swing, of course, stir, but this will not happen earlier than a week after the holidays. Well ... let's wait!

Finally, spring is on the calendar, and with it another vacation! In 2018, Spring Break starts from March 24th to April 1st. And for all those who study according to the trimester system, they moved for a couple of weeks, that is, from April 7 to 15.

As has already become the custom in spring holidays, a large number of events are organized that are dedicated to the leisure and recreation of children. This section provides an analysis of places and events that will be very entertaining for teenagers in the last days of March - early days of April.

And also this article covered the most complete selection of activities during spring break (this selection is updated all the time)!

What to do on spring break 2018, where to go: the world of sports and games Sportland

From the end of March to the beginning of April, Pavilion No. 69 of VDNKh will host an interactive show of children's leisure and dynamic recreation “The World of Sports and Games”. It will show a large number of different venues where acquaintances with previously unknown progressive sports and recreation will take place; educational, board games, puzzles and mosaics, constructors and much more. As a result, more than a hundred sites are presented here, 75 of which will work in interactive mode. Every day, the exhibition includes master classes, demonstration performances, and a competitive regime.

What to do on spring break 2018, where to go: Historical Park Russia My Story

In the same place - at VDNKh - young know-it-alls about their history every day, except Monday, I am pleased to surprise with the history park "Russia - My History". A rare multimedia platform provides an opportunity to touch the fascinating and unsurpassed world of Russian history. Guests will be able to travel through the centuries, vividly present the entire history of the retention of the dynasty with the help of new technologies, such as: 3D installation and animated photos, touch tables and panels, lightboxes.

Spring Break 2018 Things to Do, Where to Go: Children's Book Week

Theatrical entertaining program on the event of the Children's Book Week will delight everyone who visited the Regional Museum of Alexander Pushkin from March 22 to April 26, Wordyou became aware. All who visit the theater will see performances based on the stories of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's fairy tales, Russian folk tales and the works of classic writers.

During the holidays, children will be able to see "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda". Some time before the performance, visitors will have an interactive experience, in which, traveling through the rooms of the museum, they, with the help of fairy-tale characters in an intriguing playful form, will touch the traditions of Russian culture.

An entertaining event on the occasion of Book Week will delight all visitors to the Central City Children's Library named after A.P. Gaidar. Fascinating gatherings and conversations, competitions and marathons - almost every day something fresh and individual. You can learn more about all the other events that will take place within the framework of Children's Book Week in our article.

What to do during spring break 2018, where to go: entertaining and interactive programs and classes

The opening of the holidays will take place in the Biological Museum named after A. Timiryazev "Water Day". The widely recognized program will be of interest to both schoolchildren and their parents. There are many experiences awaiting guests, each of which is a testament to the unusual properties of water; inhabitants of water - after all, a dozen species of creatures are present in the drop, they can only be examined with the help of a microscope; a lesson showing images and workshops where they will discuss the entire surrounding view. Although, on any day of the vacation week, there will always be something to keep yourself busy.

The Darwin Museum will also prepare an interesting vacation program. Everyone can come to the full-domed super-shows in the Planetarium, cultural and educational events at current expositions, lectures at the core of EcoMoscow. And also, the museum invites schoolchildren and adults to “Walk the path of evolution” and “Know yourself - know the world”; take a weekend excursion and look at the "World under a microscope".

During this vacation, the Smart Moscow plan will present a couple of science shows. Firstly - "Surgery", where everything is real in truth. The premiere of March is the Electricity show, where visitors will learn about electricity and its laws in laboratories. The event “Scientific detective. A Case in the Siberian Express ", where in order to uncover a mysterious robbery, guests will have to cope with smaller matters and find the trail of bandits.

Yes, school days are already on the horizon, but not all is lost! There are tons of fun things to do during the final days of your summer vacation. Making time for your hobbies, and also trying art or handicrafts are great ways to spend the rest of your vacation. Have fun with friends and relax, relax - this will help you mentally and physically prepare for the upcoming school year.


Enjoy your favorite activities

    Play with your friends - open your buffet. Eating right is important throughout the school year and over the holidays, but a little exception won't hurt. So, open the buffet with your favorite sweets: chocolate bars, baked goods, chips, crackers, cookies and sugary drinks. Swoop in! But remember, the sweets aren't going anywhere, so leave some for the next day as soon as you feel full.

    Watch a TV show from start to finish. Services such as Netflix, Hulu and HBO Go give you the opportunity to watch the full show from your computer or smartphone. During school hours (even in the evening), you probably only have enough time for a couple of episodes, but at the end of summer you will have enough time to watch the entire series. Some of the best TV shows are listed below:

    • Orange Is the New Black, Game of Thrones, or Stranger Things (new episodes available).
    • Gilmore Girls, Breaking Bad or Buffy the Vampire Slayer (completed).
  1. Complete the video game. Every year new video games come out, and their plot is getting longer. It's pretty hard to complete them completely during the school year, but on the last few days of summer vacation, you will have plenty of time to play through any lengthy video game that you like. If you still have a week or two, try finishing the game by collecting all the collectibles and completing all the missions.

    • Long and popular games around the world (for example, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Fallout 4, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt) are ideal if you have a lot of free time.
    • To make it even more interesting, try to complete all the missions that are in the game.
  2. Read your favorite book series. The school curriculum offers a whole list of classic literature, and many of these books are great, but because of them, there is no time for your favorite fiction. An interesting series of books is the perfect way to enjoy your final days of vacation and get ready for the school year.

    • Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and The Hunger Games are great episodes that can be read very quickly.
  3. Take a day to just sit back and relax. Good rest and peace of mind while studying is likely to be rare (due to homework, various student activities), but you have plenty of time to relax during the summer holidays. You can spend the whole day relaxing when you can laze around, just lie around, relax and sleep. Calmly watch TV, listen to music, and do whatever you like, but don't stick to a specific schedule. This will help you feel better and get some rest before the start of the school year.

Have fun with your friends

    Throw a party. The Summer End Party will help you start the new school year in style. Invite about 5-10 friends, grab something delicious to chew on (like pizza) and enjoy a great time! You can do something fun, for example:

    • Organize a karaoke competition or singing along with a soundtrack.
    • Play a card game (eg Apples to Apples, Mafia) or a board game (Uno).
    • Check out some of the recently released films.
  1. Throw a sleepover party. For close friends, spending the night together is a great way to get together and have fun before school. Parties are more suitable for large events, but for just a fun pastime, spending the night together is a great option. Play video games, board games, watch horror movies or old movies, do each other's makeup, or just chat.

    • If you do not have enough sleeping space for all guests, ask them to bring sleeping bags, pillows and blankets.
  2. Role-play. It is very difficult to properly enjoy a board game like Dungeons & Dragons when you are absorbed in your studies, but at the end of summer vacation you will have enough time to finish the game. If your friends live nearby, try playing with them in person. If not, play via Skype, via WhatsApp or using another messenger with video chat.

    Go on a short trip together. Getting out of the house is a great way to relieve the sadness of the end of summer. Invite your friends with you and go to another city, to some tourist place where you have never been, to a museum or just to a cinema. It doesn't really matter where you go, the main thing is to have a good time with your friends.

2014 brought many pleasant and not very pleasant events that hit family budgets noticeably. What will happen in the new 2015? .. And while there are still a few days off, we will think about how to spend them with maximum benefit.

1. "Back to childhood"

... Happy childhood moments, when we, rosy-cheeked and contented, dragged a huge sled up a hill, and then flew from it faster than the wind, not being afraid to knock someone on our way. Or how, taking the skates under their armpits, they ran to the skating rink in sunny frosty weather, and no matter how much they had to fall on the cold ice, they always returned home with glowing eyes.

Take your relatives, friends, acquaintances and go to the skating rink, especially in Kaluga there have been a number of skating rinks lately! Of the indoor skating rinks it is worth mentioning: "Favorite" (in Alekspark), and on the Right Bank.

For example, at the skating rink in Alekspark, you can skate for two hours in just 200 rubles, and if you do not have skates, you can rent them for 130 rubles... It is quite a budget event, in addition, in Alekspark there are various coffee shops where you can eat inexpensively.

Fans of extreme sports have a direct road to Kwan. - skiing downhill in a large inflatable ring.

The cost of renting a set of ski equipment is 550 rubles on weekdays, 850 rubles on the weekend in one hour... For the whole day, you can rent a set for 1550 rubles on weekdays and 2200 rubles on the weekend.

As for the snowboard, the rental of a set of boards and boots is 500 rubles on weekdays and 750 rubles on the weekend in one hour. Renting a set for the whole day will be - 1300 rubles and 1800 rubles respectively.

The pleasure is not cheap, given that the lifts are also paid there. But tubing rental is much cheaper - 350 rubles for one hour, subsequent hours are 50 rubles cheaper. A very good option for families.

2. "Tasty and warm"

For those who are not a fan of winter sports. At your service are cafes and restaurants of the city, some of the establishments even offer New Year's evening programs and contests for children.

Among the popular institutions in Kaluga, where you can eat deliciously and have a good time, you can name , , other.

If you like establishments where you can just chat, do something useful, then we offer you Antikafe "Sky" and Time-cafe "Tsiolkovsky".

If you want to continue the New Year holidays with a lot of alcohol and friendly gatherings, you can go to such city establishments as:, etc.

Places where you can calmly relax with your family and keep your children busy are the city cafe, where even children are taught to bake pies, a coffee shop, the “Flat” cafe.

3. "In the New Year, on a new journey"

Traveling is a wonderful opportunity to learn something interesting, recharge with positive emotions and get a bunch of different impressions. Due to the general economic situation, the growth of the dollar and the euro, it is difficult to get somewhere outside the Russian Federation, and there are few days of rest left. There is a great option - go to! There you will not only have a good time, but also get acquainted with the traditions of celebration in different countries of the world.

You can also visit various master classes on making all sorts of New Year's delights: Christmas bells, postcards, angels. In general, if you like to do something with your own hands, then this is definitely for you.

The cost of an entrance ticket to ETNOMIR and participation in various programs - 500 rubles, Are there any discounts for children.

Transfer from Kaluga, if you decide to go without a car - 750 rubles for adults , 500 rubles children.

And if you want to stay in a hotel with an overnight stay, then the room rates start from 1750 rubles per day.

4. "Enjoy Your Bath!"

“Every year my friends and I go to the bathhouse ...” - the words from the famous film, which has become traditional for the New Year, are familiar to every Russian.

Baths have been known in Russia since ancient times. A little history for a change doesn't hurt to broaden your horizons. The chronicler Nestor wrote that the bathhouse appeared in the 1st century. n. e., when St. The Apostle Andrew went to Novgorod to preach, where he saw a miracle - people steaming in a bath, which, according to Nestor's description, became similar in color to boiled crayfish. Yes, and in general, in Russia there was a belief that the bath washes away all sins.

So there is one more reason to go to the bathhouse - to wash off all the hardships of the past year and cleanse yourself for a new one.

Russian sauna

Turkish hamam

In our city and beyond you can find Russian baths, Finnish saunas, Turkish hammams and even a Sri Lankan bath.

I will name a few of the most popular bath complexes in Kaluga and the Kaluga region:

- Saltykovskie baths (Russian, Finnish, Turkish steam rooms), the cost starts from 900 rubles per hour.

- Bath complex "Lukomorye" (Russian and Finnish saunas), cost - from 500 rubles per hour.

- Sauna in the hotel and restaurant complex "Alye Parusa" (Finnish, infrared saunas) - from 800 rubles per hour.

- Bath complex "Zetta" (Finnish sauna and Turkish hamam) - from 1200 rubles per hour.

And who wants to try something exotic and extraordinary, you can visit the "Bath Island of Sri Lanka" in Ethnomir. There is also a Hanuman bath, a Sri Lankan bath, which improves not only the physical, but also the psychological state, as well as a salt room and much more.

The cost of such pleasure is 1,500 rubles for 2 hours. But the seats must be booked in advance, since the sessions are held at a certain time.

5. "Shouldn't I go to the exhibition?"

The Museum of the History of Astronautics is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the celebration of the New Year in space. Agree, it is interesting, but, now, if you celebrate a holiday somewhere in a spaceship, it would be even more interesting and will be remembered for a long time.

House of Music

In the Museum of Local Lore, the holographic exhibition "Living Pictures" will last until January 18, which is quite an option for cultural leisure activities. In the House of Music during the New Year holidays, there are all kinds of New Year trees and matinees for children, as well as New Year's evenings and performances.