Psychological tricks: how to subdue a man? men in submission

A woman can combine two incompatible things in herself, according to men - the desire to be in a liability and depend on a man and the unwillingness to be dependent.

That's what plays key role in those moments when a man does bad things, and a woman cannot figure out what she really needs. From the point of view of men, it looks like this: a woman wants to be in a liability, but on one condition - the one who is on top must do what she wants. Relatively speaking, she is ready to serve if a man behaves well with her and appreciates her. As a result of this, the opinion very often appears that a man simply uses a woman and phrases are heard that “He is a goat!”

But it also happens that a woman herself wants to obey, but the one who is on top cannot give it to her. Then she finds another and in the end does not get exactly what she wanted.

True, there is another problem - women who do not know how to obey. It's just not typical for them. Usually, this is the misfortune of strong women who, for one reason or another, have become the mistresses of their lives. They are not ready to live with a plush chosen one, and when a strong man appears on the horizon, she begins to fight with him. We will deal with this case today.

A strong woman - how to learn to obey

Submission, like the management of men, must be learned, because this can achieve a lot. And in fact it is quite real. But here it is important to understand that a man who knows how to subdue, looks like Alpha and has extensive experience in managing women, in fact, cannot maintain a balance - subjugate her, but at the same time not completely bend under him.

This situation can be compared to eating a product. For example, you stumbled upon something tasty. And no, to dose portions, so you need to eat everything at once, and then again, so that as a result you can no longer look at this food.

Usually this happens with men who want to get a woman. It would seem that keep such a distance that the one you have chosen does not cease to be necessary to you, but alas, this happens very rarely. Therefore, even an experienced man should not be blindly trusted. He will simply spoil your life with the fact that he will not let go, he will not be able to give what you need.

Therefore, whatever one may say, only you will need to balance and always be interesting and desirable. The man will not be able to give any clues. Even if you give him the opportunity to teach you, start asking him for advice. All of them, sooner or later, will be reduced to complete submission. Therefore, in any case, you should replace the advice of such a man with his actions. That is, look at his actions and already draw conclusions from them - when you need to show your teeth, and when to turn on “Pusya”.

But it’s not always possible to understand when to do one thing and when to do another.


To make things easier, let's talk about internal restrictions that will allow you to obey without problems, but at the same time would not allow you to slide "thinner of the baseboard."

For example, you understand that the only way to maintain a relationship with this man is to obey him. And, as a rule, if you do not do this, he will simply leave you, without explanation. An ordinary man can repeat to you 150 times - “You did it wrong, you should have done it this way”, and the one who is confident in himself, knowing that there will be a hundred more like you, will simply leave.

Usually men who have an abundance of female attention are not ready to ask someone to change, it is easier for them to merge a person.

How then to act? If your man is Beta, then it is better to move from above, if Alpha, then from below. That is, if he is a Beta, then you behave like a “bad girl”, and when he gives you the opportunity to relax, use it and give him the opportunity to conquer you. And gradually show that he is getting a more loyal woman. In the situation with Alpha, you automatically go to him from the position of "Pusya", but not vice versa. Because showing your teeth, not knowing what will happen next, is futile at best, dangerous at worst.

But being “Pusey” and moving in this direction is much more convenient, because slowly you can inspect the territory and understand what needs to be done and what can be done. And then conquer her.

What else do you need to know in dealing with Alpha?

  • Any man would like to perceive any woman through sexual perception. And especially the Alpha. He can afford it. And the worst thing is if this Alpha communicates with you without sexual overtones. This means that from now on you have found an enemy for yourself. Or maybe he needs you for something else. If Alpha communicates with you sexually, then you are in the "positive zone".
  • If you meet an Alpha and want to get him, then the first thing you need to do is to be in the "positive zone". You must become his sexual partner and nothing more. If you start to fight with him, then it will not end in anything good, and here you need to be guided by the rule - it is better to have friends among the strong. In addition, either you or he will win this war, and therefore there will be no relationship.

Let's consider such a situation.

“I have a man who does not want to obey, but I will not do this either. What should I do - drain it? But I dont want!".

For such things, there is a system of division of spaces of struggle. That is, to separate fundamental and non-principal things.

For example, a man starts a conversation on a topic that is unpleasant for you, and instead of smoothing over the situation, you start talking about what is unpleasant for him. At some point, his patience will run out, and then the man will understand that if you don’t want to hear about something unpleasant, don’t start a conversation.

But it is important for you to do this all the time and only then can you re-educate him. To defuse the situation, translate it into a joke. The main thing is to let them know what you don't like. And do not be afraid that he will leave. In fact, this is the worst thing that can be. But if you are afraid of losing a man, you will not be able to control him.

The second option is a system of compromises. You show him that you are not ready to submit completely and are not ready for such a relationship, especially if he does not want to give you something in return. And if you show a man your exclusivity and do not touch “Him”, then he will surely make concessions.

By "Him" is meant:

  • Readiness. Next to Alpha there should be a woman who always wants him.
  • Satisfaction. You must always satisfy him, even if during sex you yourself did not have time to get satisfaction.

If you're doing this sort of thing, that's usually enough. Then otherwise you can get a caring, generous man and a rather interesting conversationalist.

At the same time, it is important that you let him know that you also have things to do, and your time is valuable. For example, you agreed to meet, and after the evening spent together, he again asks you to stay. Your task is to tell him that you have important things to do, and if he had said earlier, you would have moved them. And so, alas, you also have your own plans.

Only in this way will a man begin to value your time, because you appear not when he wants, but only in your free time and by agreement.

Remember, an Alpha man will value your time only after you start doing it yourself.

In principle, these are the main schemes that can work. All this is not difficult to implement, but it is much easier to lose a male Alpha, it is enough to start showing off.

Now let's look at some real life examples.

“My lover is constantly offended and says that I do not trust him. This is actually so, because I can not hide my distrust of him. What to do?"

In this situation, humor will work “Of course, I believe you, how could it be otherwise? Do you remember how in the song: Of course, I believe you, how can there be doubts ... "

“I realized that I need sex not for pleasure, but to control men. But now I feel like I don't want sex at all. Will it pass?"

Well, nothing is eternal - this time. And secondly, remove coquetry from your behavior. And only then can you really check whether you want it or not.

"Most of my employees are men. They treat me differently. Some flirt, others communicate purely in a businesslike way. Some I like, some not so much. In general, as elsewhere. The complexity of my situation is that I am a director, and I have to manage them. I sometimes get lost, not knowing what to do and how to behave, and in no case should I show my insecurity.
Elena, Pskov""

The work of a leader is not at all easy, and it is doubly difficult for a woman to manage a male team. On the one hand, the representatives of the stronger sex are less strict with the female director, they are ready to help her in her work and forgive such mistakes that would not be forgiven by a man. But, on the other hand, many are skeptical about women's leadership, and for some, being “under a woman” simply hurts their painful pride.

Most men still know how to separate business relationships from personal ambitions, but sometimes there are “types” among them that can create real problems for a woman leader.


Anti-feminists should not be confused with misogynists. Anti-feminists really love women. They love them in bed and in the kitchen, but not at the wheel of a car, and certainly not in the director's chair. They sometimes say that a woman "at the helm" is no less dangerous than a monkey at the nuclear button. Such men are house-builders. They are ready to provide for the family, arrange the apartment, make decisions and take responsibility. With an anti-feminist husband, a woman feels like behind a stone wall. But the idyll collapses as soon as she moves away from the stove and tries to achieve something in life herself.

An anti-feminist employee can easily drag you into a long discussion about the relative value of male and female, about "male" and "female" professions, and this threatens you not only with the loss of valuable time. If you fall into his trap, then you will have to constantly prove that a woman is also a professional. It is unlikely that such a "competition" will contribute to your authority and control over the situation. In addition, your rivalry can split the team of men and women into two warring camps.

To avoid such problems, keep with such an employee strictly, in a businesslike way. Leave your sex appeal and charm for others. Let his dilemma “a woman is not a boss, a boss is not a woman” be decided regarding you in favor of the “boss”.


Men of this type are confident in their irresistibility, and many are by no means unreasonable. They are far from "sexually horny", as there are more than enough women in their lives. But, nevertheless, in each of them they first of all see a Woman, regardless of her age, position and position. "Casanova" will certainly pay attention to your new lipstick and give you a compliment. He is capable of sincere attention, and does not demonstrate his gallantry just to lure a woman into bed. No wonder so many fall for his charm.

If there is such a man in the company you run, be on your guard. You yourself will not notice how, out of a sense of gratitude for the attention given, you will begin to make indulgences to him, after which not one of the employees will believe that you have an exclusively business relationship. Gossip and bias towards the "pet" can greatly undermine your authority as a leader.

But with enough care, dealing with the Casanova is not so difficult. Such a man wants to be liked by everyone, and he can be defeated with his own weapons. A little female coquetry and compliments for a job well done, and he will squeeze out everything he is capable of. If there are women among the employees, give Casanova responsibility for their activities. He will brilliantly cope with this and will not even require additional payment.


Men from childhood are taught to obey women: mother, teacher, teacher. For some, this childhood habit remains for the rest of their lives. Such men never live alone - they are either with their mother or with their wife, which, in essence, is the same for them. Friends call them sissy or henpecked and try to save the unfortunate from the female yoke. But there is no need to save them - they feel great under the sensitive female guidance. The most surprising thing is that infantilism does not affect their mental abilities at all - there are many competent and talented people among them.

It would seem that a female leader should not have any problems with such an employee. He is extremely controlled, does not utter anti-feminist slogans and does not try to seduce his boss. But it is precisely in its manageability that the main difficulty lies. In the presence of a woman, "henpecked" does not make even the most elementary decisions. And not at all because he thinks hard, but because he is not used to taking responsibility.

If you entrust him with any work, describe in detail each step and stipulate all possible options as if you were writing a program for a computer. Do not count on the fact that for a "normal" person many things should be simply obvious and self-explanatory.

Men, like women, require an individual approach. Of course, the simplest solution is to get rid of inconvenient employees, but they can turn out to be valuable specialists who are not worth losing.

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Based on equality and partnership. It can only be so in theory. In real life, we all manipulate each other to some extent. Therefore, questions arise about how to subjugate another person.

We all heard stories about how a seemingly nondescript woman, not distinguished by either beauty or intelligence, is able to win the heart of any knight. From the outside, it always seems that there is some kind of catch in this. "Well, what did they find in her?" - Complain neighbors and colleagues. Or maybe she just knows how to subdue a man, and knows how to use her talents not only in bed?

In the old days, it was believed that "the husband is the head." The wife, therefore, the neck, wherever she wants, she will turn there. This truth is the main secret of how to subjugate a man to yourself. You need to let him feel like the head, the "head". That one and only, for the sake of which you are both in fire and in water. Is the maxim about "the way to the heart through the stomach" correct? Not for everyone and not always. In the event that you know how to cook your favorite dishes, if you correctly use aphrodisiac products, it is suitable. But let's remember many stories about how husbands leave their housekeeping and excellent cooking wives for others ... For what? In fact, it turns out that for the sake of those with whom they feel good, not only at dinner or in bed. An important point for those who want to know how to subdue a man: let him feel the freedom of expression. Listen and listen again. Give in, don't criticize. Even telling you about feelings for another, he involuntarily becomes dependent on you: after all, no one will understand him like you.

Create and maintain an atmosphere of trust. Let him do things that he is not allowed to do at home. For example, throwing socks around the room or smoking in the living room. If you immediately use an orderly tone or find fault with trifles, you will not get your goal - the answer to the question of how to subdue a man. But then, when he realizes that you really support him, you can begin to carefully pursue your interests. Again, convincing him along the way that, apart from him, no one can help you. Make no demands. Try to have all your desires expressed in the form of a request, or even better - a slight regret: "Oh, how nice it would be ..."

If the relationship between a man and a woman is based on respect and affection, he will certainly want to fulfill your whim. And if he feels like a knight on a white horse at the same time, his ego simply will not allow him not to give you royal gifts.

The secret of how to subjugate a man is quite simple. Give him confirmation of his significance, his uniqueness. This, in general, applies to any person. There is only one "but": even if you openly flatter him, never let him feel your insincerity. Try to believe yourself in all the virtues that you praise. Everything else is largely irrelevant. We must make one more reservation: never inspire a man that you "do not mean anything." Among them, there are few psychologists who are ready to increase your self-esteem. Most likely, your partner will believe you and look for the one who thinks of herself better.

A woman should meekly obey a man?

Women love to obey, but they can't stand it when their victims don't get the credit they deserve. Men do not know how to appreciate women who are attentive to them.

Today, so many women in feminist countries (Russia, USA, Europe) complain that it is now so difficult to get married, that it is almost impossible to find men who want to create a strong family for life, that even mature men only seek to sleep with them. But this HUGE problem has an ELEMENTARY SIMPLE SOLUTION, which is outlined below. If modern women want to find family happiness WITHOUT PROBLEMS and insure themselves against the risk of divorce, conflicts and other family problems, then read on.

A modern woman agrees to REMEMBERLY SUBMIT to her boss at work, i.е. to that man who does not love her, who can be rude to her, who does not give a damn about her, who can give her an order that she cannot fulfill and put a burden on her that she cannot bear, and put her in difficult unbearable working conditions, and fire her on the street for any reason. And despite this, FEMINISTS REMEMBERLY SUBMIT TO THE BOOK AT WORK. And this is not what feminists consider oppression of women! And at the same time, a modern woman, zombified by feminism, flatly refuses to obey her husband, i.e. to that man who loves her, cares for her, pities her, carries her in his arms, who will never give her an order that she cannot carry out, and will never put a burden on her that she cannot bear, and will never put her into difficult unbearable working conditions - because he loves her. But feminists call these heavenly conditions of life “patriarchal oppression”! This is absurd!

It is simply ridiculous that a modern woman, who is able to obey a boss who does not love her, mocks a husband who loves her, i.e. good in return for evil, and for evil with good! Of course, it is possible that her husband is not so caring and loving, then the question arises - why did she marry him? She replies: "I was stupid." But then the classic answer follows: “Say thanks that someone married such a fool.” Since even a modern woman CAN REMEMBERLY OBEY A boss who does not love her at work, then all the more she will be able to obey a husband who loves her at home. So the Bible does not require the impossible from a woman when, in order to preserve her family and raise her children well, she teaches her to obey her husband:

“Wives, obey your husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife” (Bible, Ephesians 5:22-23), God “said to the woman: I will greatly increase your sorrow in your pregnancy; in sickness you will bear children; and your desire is for your husband, and he will rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16)

“Let the woman learn in silence, with all humility; but I do not allow a woman to teach, nor to rule over her husband, but to be in silence. For Adam was created first, and then Eve; nor is Adam deceived; But the woman was deceived and fell into transgression” (1 Timothy 2:11-14)

Therefore, any leading position everywhere - in the state, business, family - can only be occupied by a man, especially since leadership work requires an analytical mind and composure, which women do not have. But modern women, zombified by the heresy of feminism, do not respect their husbands, do not obey them, AND THEREFORE THEY LOSE THEM - their husbands LEFT THEM for more submissive and complaisant women. Usually these are young girls - not yet corrupted by the heresy of feminism. therefore, even if a mature woman is very beautiful and with a stunningly attractive figure, but recalcitrant to her husband, then a self-respecting husband will inevitably leave her sooner or later for a submissive girl whose figure is less attractive. And the point here is not 2-3 wrinkles on the face of his ex-disobedient wife, but ONLY IN HER DISOBILITY TO HUSBAND. IT IS POSSIBLE to waste money on supposedly anti-wrinkle creams - even if creams help with wrinkles, the absence of wrinkles will not help save the family - after all, so many married couples live TOGETHER until VERY OLD AGE, and so many beautiful women under 40 are abandoned by their husbands for disobedience ! It's NOT about wrinkles, but about the wife's disobedience to her husband.

Women must finally understand the banal truth: if you really want to rid yourself of your husband and children - do not obey your husband, but if you want to create a strong family for life and KEEP your husband, then learn to obey your husband !!! This commandment of the Bible is the main commandment of family happiness! By violating this holy commandment of the subordination of wives to their husbands, women destroy their families.

Thus, husband and wife are not equal to each other, and the feminist heresy of equality between men and women has destroyed millions of families. Just as children should see their parents as their bosses, so wives should see their bosses in their husbands and obey them. Such is the holy hierarchy of the family, created by God, and whoever violates it reaps the curse of God - the dissatisfaction of his "basic instinct".

Secondly, according to the Bible, women do not have the right to initiate a divorce - only men have this right, and then not for any reason:

“But to those who are married, it is not I who command, but the Lord: A woman shall not divorce her husband” (1 Corinthians 7:10)

“If someone takes a wife and becomes her husband, and she does not find favor in his eyes, because he finds something opposite in her, and writes a letter of divorce to her, and gives it to her, and let her go from his house” ( Deuteronomy 24:1)

In a biblical divorce, the wife does not receive anything from her husband - neither property, nor children, nor alimony - everything remains with him. Only such a law can bring up responsible men who care about their children. According to statistics, 90% of divorces in Russia are initiated by wives. Thus, feminism, which gave wives the heretical right to divorce, is destroying millions of families in Russia, the United States and Europe. Therefore, the introduction of a patriarchal biblical family code with a ban on wives to initiate a divorce can immediately reduce the number of divorces by 10 times! Here's how to solve the problem of demographics in Russia.

Third, according to the Bible, a woman has no right to take a leadership position over a man:

“Let the woman study in silence, with all humility; but I do not allow a woman to teach, nor to rule over her husband, but to be in silence. For Adam was created first, and then Eve; nor is Adam deceived; But the woman was deceived and fell into transgression” (1 Timothy 2:11-14)

Every time in history, when a woman ruled a country, this led to extremely negative consequences for the whole country - she made stupid decisions, and men became cowards and henpecked. For matriarchy/feminism is heresy and evil.

The great political and religious figure, thinker and reformer of Scotland of the 16th century John Knox also opposed the fact that a woman occupied ANY LEADING POST, and even more so would lead the country, because this is contrary to the Bible (1 Timothy 2:11-14). John Knox wrote in 1558:

“To place a woman in any position of authority over any area, nation, city, is abominable, unnatural, blasphemous, most contrary to God's will and sound order, and ultimately perverts good order, all goodness and justice.” - John Knox, 1558 year, “First trumpet against the monstrous regime of women“

America did not want to listen to these well-known words, and therefore received a lot of family problems.

So, a man is not equal to a woman, but is placed by God above her. This is God's hierarchy. Therefore, Christians must fight against feminism by promoting the ideas of the Patriarchal Family Code of the Bible. And we will win in this unequal struggle, for our success is predetermined by God - “nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20).

Funny quotes from the Bible. Offhand, I can name an episode where Abraham, in doubt, asks God what to do with the expulsion of Ishmael, he is answered - do as his wife said. Or when Tzipporah saves Moses' life. There is another place in the Talmud, which says that a man without a woman is not complete. I will not pour references, as I have read it for a long time, but whoever seeks will find it.

Regarding the fact that a man is placed by God over a woman - this is also purely the opinion of the author. I heard another interpretation: since the creations went in order of complexity, and the woman was created last, it was she who was the crown of creation, etc., and she plucked the fruit only because of Adam's stupidity. The Lord told him - do not eat, he told Eve - do not eat and do not come closer, that is, he added gag. Most of the commandments of the Old Testament are obligatory for men, but not for women, because a man needs to pacify his almost innate pride, and a woman, even mired in impurity up to her ears, still intuitively feels the Almighty. The phrase of the morning blessing: "Thank you, Lord, that you did not make me a woman" - this is exactly what a man, having a clear schedule of religious duties, is easier not to go astray than an intuitive and chaotic woman. But, if you have already gone astray, then it is much easier for a woman to return, since she did not stop feeling the Higher, she simply interpreted these signals incorrectly. Well, and many more other comments, versions and opinions about the male and female principles in the Bible.

My IMHO, for a woman to be near a worthy (everyone has her own criteria) men and follow him is a joy. But to obey some, sorry, narcissistic stupid schmuck, which imagines itself higher than half the population of the Earth only because it has one more piece of meat - fi ... although there are lovers of this.

IMHO, the family problems described by the author are not that women do not want to obey, but that there is almost no one to obey, men were crushed against their background. Over the past century, education, the right to vote in elections, open power, the development of physical strength, etc. have become available to the female sex. Socially, women have risen in status, but men, for the most part, have remained at the same level, or even rolled down. Even if the asphalt is laid by women, and the fate of states is turned over ... wait, such people will obey for "I'm a man", yeah - go first appear against her background as a man, and not as a male figure, and you won't need to subordinate - she will follow you ))) Again, all of the above - IMHO))

The words "should" and "resignedly" in the title of the topic are very eloquent))

One feels some kind of resentment or even anger at women in words. Maybe the heroes of this article really deprived the author of their attention, and he was offended?)

But in general - yes, in all sorts of different ancient times, there was a belittled attitude towards women (such as "be silent, woman!", Or "step back, we are thinking here"). So what? And even earlier we (I'm not a supporter of the Darwinian theory, but I'll admit it anyway) climbed trees, threw our own poop at each other and looked for delicacies in each other's hair. Aya-yay, how everything has changed since those glorious times, if only I could write an article about this))))

The author quotes the Bible ... how zadolbali, honestly, to quote it. WHO WROTE IT AND HOW MANY TIMES HAS IT BEEN EDITORATED? And then "God said here and there that a woman should be lower, so it should be so. And don't ask why, God will punish")))

ps - but by its nature (the article refers specifically to the meaning, position in society, etc.), a woman is weaker than a man, and in many ways needs our protection and support. BUT absolutely also we need them. In general - women and men, they all rule TOGETHER, because together we are a single whole, harmony, etc!

But in general, I have been living in the country of victorious feminism for several years, and this is also not an option, of course. In a society where boys are considered no different from girls, except for physiological moments, it is very difficult.

In my personal opinion, the idea is still in complementing each other, that is, we are so different, but the strengths of a man are in harmony and complement the strengths of a woman. And as Ursula said, a woman will gladly follow a worthy man, since it seems to me that being led is a very feminine trait.


We women cry so often that there are no suitable men near us. But can we keep next to us the one we dream of?

We say that we need someone behind whom we will be, like behind a stone wall, on whom we can rely and trust. And then we enter into an alliance with just such a person and begin to try to change it, break it, remake it. So, we deliberately deprive ourselves of the main female pleasure - to obey. But, nevertheless, just the ability to obey and the ability to be dependent on him is inherent in us by nature.

We have ceased to recognize men's right to leadership, the right to choose. Any choice. For some reason, we want everything to be just our way. Remember, have you ever looked at your man from the bottom up, or lowered your eyes, fell silent for fear that you did something wrong and he would be angry? Are you afraid of his wrath at all? No, most often you throw your chest forward and yell about how wrong he is. Haven't you ever wanted to just relax and accept everything as he offers?

As a result of our eternal attempts to rake everything up for ourselves, the male opinion turns into a phantom. Further, we are disappointed through our own fault and disagree with our men. We say to ourselves: "I will not give up, I will not submit to him." And then, along with the power over our lives, we get such a huge responsibility that we cry out. Then we come to the conclusion that we still want him to take responsibility. So maybe it's worth finally transferring power into his hands?

If your companion is strong enough to take responsibility for you along with this power, then stop wanting to win arguments all the time, give up.

Where did this contradiction come from between reason, which chooses the obedient and docile, and instinct, which demands the strong and powerful?

We look like a strong man will take over us and deprive us of our freedom. But, as soon as we choose a humble man for ourselves, prove our strength to him and subordinate him to our interests, our mind seems to fall silent - the goal is achieved, the job is done. But it's not for long. Here the subconscious is already waking up, which begins to prove that a real man would never allow himself to be pushed around.

Calm down and back off. Let him make all the decisions and be responsible for them. It's time for us to learn to say "yes" to our chosen one, sincerely trust him, and then we will definitely get a real man - a reliable, serious, adult.

And if it so happens that he makes a mistake, you need to take it for granted, and instead of immediately blaming him, it’s better to say that you are with him and you will survive it together and fix everything. Feeling the support, he will certainly find strength in himself, begin to value your opinion and listen to you, and not resist. And then you will definitely find harmony and be happy with each other.