Let them say the man shot. The only survivor of the massacre near Tver was a resident of Kirov. The right to arms

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, June 4, in the village of Redkino, Tver region, at their dachas, companies were buzzing, gathered on the occasion of the first summer weekend. But one stayed up late. 10 people: local summer residents, all the neighbors, knew each other. A local electrician was also called - he appeared at the dachas recently, but he seems to be a good man, why not invite. In the morning, the police will find 9 corpses here and detain the same electrician on suspicion of mass murder. Investigators and Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents worked all day yesterday at the site of the bloody massacre. We managed to restore the picture of what happened from sources close to the investigation, as well as talking with neighbors and residents of the dacha cooperative.

Hidden a grudge

It was already deep after midnight when the conversation of the tipsy friends turned into tales and "you respect me."

“And I served in the Airborne Forces,” Sergei Egorov suddenly boasted. And he began to tell how they beat bricks with their heads and jumped with a parachute.

But no one knew about the army past of the new friend in the company and they began to make fun of the man.

- Come on, you did not serve at all! - someone waved his hand. “You don’t look like a vedeveshnik, look at you!

They began to say, they say, he is not a sportsman, an ordinary man, he has a Sabbath in a partnership, but there is no normal work. In general, the military does not pull in the past (during interrogation, the accuracy was introduced by the shooter himself)

Egorov flared up and jumped out the door. The company continued to "buzz" further. But soon the man returned: full of anger, the Saiga carbine in his hands.

“Now I’ll show you how I can shoot,” with these words the drunken Yegorov pointed the muzzle at the people. No one even had time to figure anything out. A deafening shot - and one of the resting fell down dead, then the second. The rest rushed to run, jumped out into the street, but Yegorov methodically and accurately killed everyone. The footage leaked on the Internet, filmed in the courtyard after the massacre, shows bloody paths, bushes, and grass. One of the men tried to hide in a wooden toilet near the house, but Yegorov shot him down too. Only one 21-year-old girl, while the shooting was on the street, was able to hide under a blanket on the second floor. With trembling hands, she dialed the police number.

The district and local traffic police inspector was the first to arrive at the scene. It was already getting light. They were afraid to go immediately to capture. Having crept up to the house, they saw how a man with a carbine in his hands in the yard pulls off the corpses and puts them in a row. When he put down his weapon to grab another body, the police pounced on him and tied him up. And one of the victims was found by law enforcement officers only in the morning in the trunk of a car. Apparently, Yegorov did not just pull off the corpses - he wanted to cover up the traces of the crime: either take the bodies out or burn them. As a result, four women and five men became victims of this nighttime massacre.


Gardening partnership "50 years of October", where everything happened, hid in a forest belt next to the railway. A couple of kilometers from it, a police checkpoint was set up in the morning:

- You can't go by car. The press is not allowed, - they cut. But grandmothers with knapsacks are admitted without hindrance.

In addition to the police, there are IC investigators from Moscow, emergency services, hearses, psychologists - many summer residents are very scared. Someone is trying to distract himself with work: somewhere a lawn mower is humming, somewhere buckets are rattling.

The houses are mostly on six acres, there are no well-to-do ones here, new metal tiles are already a sign of prosperity. The mass execution took place on Michurin Street. We go there.

The house where the tragedy broke out belongs to one of the dead men. The old two-story summer cottage, the owners, apparently, were doing repairs - they replaced the windows with plastic ones, in the courtyard there are scaffolding along the facade. ATV in the yard.

- Earlier, Yegorov had no problems with the law. He owned the weapon legally. The maximum that he has is fines for speeding, - Vadim Levshin, head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tver region, commented dryly with KP. Law enforcers are laconic. Therefore, versions are beginning to appear on the Internet that the shooter allegedly forced the victims to dig their own graves. The police deny.

- Why did he have them so, it is not clear. Horror. After all, everyone who was there, decent people - an elderly woman, from the house next door still cannot recover from the shock. - I knew the deceased family of Smirnovs well. They are the same age as Yegorov. Workers, I often opened hotbeds to them. They have a daughter, a student, I don't know if they told her or not.

Little is known about the arrow itself. He was born and raised in Yaroslavl. But already 20 years ago he moved to Moscow. According to some sources, he was unemployed lately. He appeared in the dacha village quite recently. Nobody knows if he bought a house or is renting. He came mainly on weekends with his 90-year-old mother. He began to work as an electrician.

- The first time I saw him on May 10. He made a good impression - a normal man. No inappropriate behavior, ”Marina Lobanova, chairman of the gardening association“ 50 Years of October ”, was laconic in her conversation with KP.

But another neighbor, from a house nearby, recalls:

- He came to us to take readings from the meter and smelled so much from him, I still thought - maybe he was drinking.

A criminal case has been initiated into the mass murder of summer residents. The police and investigators of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are working on the spot. The investigation of the criminal case was entrusted to the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.


“Now all the necessary investigative actions are being carried out, our specialists are examining the scene using the latest forensic technology,” said Svetlana Petrenko, an official representative of the RF IC. - Studied personally by the suspect. At the moment, it is known that the crime was committed during a domestic conflict, there were ten people in the house, one 21-year-old girl managed to hide from the suspect and call the police. He is currently being interrogated. The surviving girl is provided with psychological assistance.

Investigators worked all day in the gardening partnership. Photo: frame from the TV channel video

Detained Sergei Egorov in the car of law enforcement officers. Photo: frame from the TVC channel video

One of the victims on the veranda floor. Photo: frame from the TV channel video

Now law enforcement officers are working at the scene of the tragedy. Photo: Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Federal District of the Tver Region

Last weekend, the whole country was shocked by the news from the small village of Redkino in the Tver region. There, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, 45-year-old Muscovite Sergei Egorov shot nine people with a hunting rifle. 21-year-old Marina Konygina was the only one who managed to save her from harsh reprisals. Even out of fear, the girl managed to dial the police number on her mobile phone. The shooter, who had previously forced his victims to dig his own graves with his hands, did not offer resistance during the arrest. Today in the program Let the only survivor of the bloody massacre tell their version of what happened for the first time. What actually caused the massacre and how did Marina Konygina manage to escape the massacre?

Let them talk - Tragedy on 6 acres

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Last weekend in the village of Redkino, which is located in the Tver region, a terrible bloody tragedy happened: a 45-year-old electrician Sergei Yegorov killed 9 people with a hunting rifle on the night of Saturday to Sunday. Later, the killer will say that he shot them, as they laughed at him and did not believe that he served in the Airborne Forces. See Let them talk - Tragedy on six acres 06/06/2017 (Sergei Egorov and the massacre in the village of Redkino).

The only survivor of this terrible massacre, which happened the other day in the Tver region, the girl Marina Konygina gave an interview to the program "Let them talk." “Slava became his first victim ... I saw blood and brains flying out. Then he went up to Alexander, who was sitting at the table, began to use foul language, hit him on the head with a rifle butt and ordered him to go dig a grave, - says the girl in the program studio, - At that moment I didn't even know how I figured it out: I dialed on the phone 112 ".

Let them talk - Tragedy on six acres

According to unofficial data, 45-year-old Moscow resident Sergei Egorov worked as an electrician in the garden partnership "50 years of October". On the night of June 3-4, the man drank alcohol with friends at one of the dachas in the village of Redkino (Tver region). During the quarrel, a conflict occurred between them: according to the killer himself, some of the summer residents present began to doubt his military past and began to ridicule him. Egorov left the country house, and after a while he returned with a hunting rifle and opened fire on the offenders.

Of all those present at the dacha, only one girl survived. She miraculously managed to hide under a blanket on the second floor of the house. Today, 21-year-old Marina Konygina will frankly tell all the details of this shocking incident.

Murders in the Tver region (Redkino). Sergey Egorov. Details of the incident

Marina Konygina, invited to the Let Them Talk program, tells the details of the horrific story that happened in the village of Redkino (Tver Region):

- At about 9 o'clock in the evening we began to fry barbecue, neighbors came to us, who also died. My grandmother and I drank some wine, remembered the dead, since it was parental Saturday. About 12 at night, another neighbors came to us, whom he also killed - Vera and Pavel. When they approached us, a red jeep drove behind them, a man got out of it - it was him. He greeted, met us, introduced himself as a new electrician in our SNT. Later I heard how he began to argue with men and assure that he served in the Airborne Forces.

- He began to raise his voice to Slava, called him a jerk. But everyone who gathered at our house just laughed at him, telling him that at 45 he lives with his mother and cannot tell the number of the unit in which he served. Nobody insulted him! I was present there and I can confirm it. After a short time, I heard a shot and screams. At this time, I slept on the first floor near the window, and not at all on the second, as they now write in the media.

- He went up to Alexander, hit him on the head with a rifle butt, began to force him to dig a grave, and then killed him too. I saw how they killed two, and dialed 112 on my mobile phone. The next was Pavel: he went up to him and shot him. For some time he shot everyone ... He could not find me, as I hid under the covers.

More than two months have passed since the terrible tragedy that took place in the village of Redkino, Tver Region, when a Muscovite Sergei Yegorov, who works as an electrician in a gardening partnership, cold-bloodedly shot nine people.

There could have been more victims, but one girl - 21-year-old Marina Konygina - hid, frozen under the covers on the bed. The killer searched the house several times, walked nearby at a distance of the palm of his hand, but by some miracle did not notice her. Taking advantage of the moment when the villain was not around, the girl called the police.

It all started with a quarrel between the electrician and the summer residents who were resting on the garden plot. As usual, people bought meat, alcohol, began to cook barbecue, interspersed with booze. The time was approaching evening, and at that moment familiar neighbors came to them, but not alone - Sergei came with them, before that he had repaired their electrical wiring. Here the versions diverge. The investigation says that the man did not go to the site, while he himself claims that he was invited. The men began to communicate, they talked about the army service, and at some point Yegorov boasted of service in the Airborne Forces. But when one of those who had a rest at the site - Vyacheslav - asked to clarify exactly where he served, he could not answer.

Summer residents who served in the Airborne Forces began to "run into" the electrician, and then completely drove him from the site. A couple of hours later, Yegorov returned with a Saiga hunting rifle loaded with buckshot and began killing everyone he saw on the site. Five men and four women were killed. Then the electrician began pulling the bodies into the house, at which point the police tied him up.

On the program "Let them talk" Marina Konygina was the only survivor, she was nervous. But she was cunning. Photo: Shot from the program "Let Them Talk" on Channel One

The surviving girl soon sat on the program "Let them talk", where she outlined the circumstances of the incident. Allegedly, she decided to participate in the program after reading an article in "Komsomolskaya Pravda", where we set out the version that summer residents, having caught an electrician in deception about service in the Airborne Forces, began to humiliate him. Marina considered this a lie and went to prove her case for the transfer to Malakhov. But even then, inconsistencies appeared in her story:

At 2.37 a shot is fired. At that moment I was at home - asleep. We went there even before that: first my grandmother, then two more neighbors, and then me. There were four of us in the house. The rest remained in the street to sit. The newspaper says that vodka flowed like a river, but this is not true, they were all adequate, - says Marina and after a second adds: - I personally poured tea for them, yes, they drank, but the music played quietly.

So did you drink or drink?

And one more point that raises doubts:

I was already falling asleep and heard Slavin laugh near the porch (the girl's fiancé, later killed. - Ed.). And at that moment a shot is fired. I slept near the window, look out and see how his brains and blood are flying out.

The inconsistency. Earlier, Marina said that she was already asleep, and now that she was just falling asleep. And it is not clear how she could have seen the moment of being hit by the buckshot, if only she was awakened by the shot. Although, maybe it was already the second shot.

After Malakhov's broadcast, we in the editorial office drew attention to the inaccuracies in the girl's story and found out the version of the killer's lawyer. Yekaterina Stepanova, a Tver lawyer who defended Yegorov at that time, told us the version of her client. The electrician claimed that the men were very drunk, that it was they who provoked the conflict, began to insult him, and the women present, instead of smoothing out the quarrel, only added fuel to the fire with their remarks.

After that, Marina was invited to the program "Actually". There, a lie detector is connected to the participants of the show, which, right in the process of communication, shows whether a person is lying or not. This is where the fun began.

Your friends were drunk, could they deliberately provoke and insult the person? - Asked the host of the program Dmitry Shepelev.

If a person could not answer in which unit he served, then, probably, yes, - Marina answered, no longer denying that the vacationers were pretty tipsy ... When they started talking in a raised voice, I went up and in a rude manner told them to fell silent because grandmother was asleep. And after some time he was rudely asked to leave, threatening to beat him.

Meanwhile, earlier at Malakhov's, she said the following: "I stood there, was present, he was not insulted in any way, the fact that he testifies that he was humiliated and insulted is not true."

Well, in conclusion, one of the invited experts, a polygraph examiner, asked:

What do you think, what happened, Slava provoked?

Yes, - Marina breathes out barely audibly after seven seconds of reflection.

So it turns out that the girl twisted her soul, reproaching "Komsomolskaya Pravda" for lying. We were right from our first publication about the tragedy. Moreover, our editorial policy is based on allowing all parties to the conflict to speak out, regardless of their sympathies.

In conclusion, I would like to add that we in no way justify the murderer and deeply condole with all the relatives and friends of the killed. But we also reserve the right to look for the true causes of the tragedy that happened.

Last weekend, the whole country was shocked by the news from the small village of Redkino, Tver region. On Sunday night, 45-year-old Muscovite Sergei Yegorov shot nine people with a hunting rifle.

Marina Konygina, 21, was the only one who managed to escape the brutal reprisal.

New details of the terrible massacre in the Tver region have been revealed. Sergei Yegorov could have shot nine summer residents because they refused to give him alcohol in their company.

According to the preliminary version, the motive for the murder was the mockery of the drunken company of summer residents over the electrician Yegorov. The members of the gardening partnership did not believe that the killer had served in the Airborne Forces and in general had once served in the army. The VDVshnik got angry and shot five men and four women with a Saiga carbine. Recently it became known that the electrician did not serve at all: a neighbor said that Yegorov was not a border guard, not a paratrooper, and, in general, he was nobody.

Tver murder of 9 people

A story that shook the whole country: today on the First Channel in the program "Let They Speak" the confession of the only survivor of the bloody massacre near Tver. The tragedy happened this weekend - after a table quarrel, a 45-year-old man shot nine people and only she survived, hiding under a blanket. The girl will tell about what she had to endure in an exclusive interview with Andrey Malakhov.

“I look out of the window and see the following picture: I hear obscenities, Slava is killed first of all. He goes to Alexander, hits him with the butt several times, says "Go and dig a grave for a friend." In the end, he grabs the hair, knocks it to the ground, directs the gun all the way and fires it, ”she says.

Revelations of a girl who survived the carnage. Let them talk program. Watch online video.

The surviving girl denied the information that the electrician was sitting at the same table with them. The inhabitants of the cooperative saw this citizen for the first time.

Now the version is being considered that it was a contract murder, which was planned by the current chairman of the cooperative, and the killer simply made the wrong address.

Electrician Sergei Egorov killed 9 people in Tver

The dacha cooperative "50 years of October" before the bloody tragedy was a quiet and calm place where all the neighbors knew each other well and for many years. The reason for a pleasant pastime on the night of June 4 was the birth of the granddaughter of the chairman of the gardening partnership Tatyana Arkhipova. She invited the Smirnov family and people whom she considered her social circle. Electrician Sergei Egorov showed up for someone else's holiday without an invitation, and the hostess refused to drink him in her close company.

The killer electrician in Redkino did not enjoy special authority: he could hardly think of anything in the wiring, but he was constantly seen drunk. Offended by the caustic words of summer residents, Yegorov harbored evil and shot the company not in the yard of Arkhipova, but in the house of Vyacheslav Savelyev. There the company continued to rest with barbecues, but all fell under a stray bullet. Some of the killer did not even know personally. The investigation will deal with all versions and find out the motives that pushed Egorov to kill defenseless people.

Victims of a drunken man who shot nine people in the Tver region