Baby development in 10 months boy. Boys and girls - different rates of development? Day regimen - sleep and wakefulness

At this age, the baby shows interest in the whole world around him, which requires increased attention and care. Right now, future initiative, activity or a feeling of self-doubt and helplessness is emerging, therefore, manifestations of independence in any case cannot be suppressed, but must be skillfully guided in the necessary direction and encouraged.

What a baby can do at 10 months

Your child is already crawling well, sits down on his own, sits and stands up, holding on to the support, steps along the support. Some kids are already trying to move away from the support, trying to keep balance. The ability to be upright is a real achievement that children are very proud of and absolutely necessary for parents to also emotionally perceive their child's small victory.

Now play activity is emerging, first of all in girls: they feed the dolls, wash them, imitating their mother. There is a rapid development of speech: the baby attentively listens to the speech of adults, understands some words and tries to reproduce combinations of sounds.

At the age of 10 months, the child has developed the following skills and abilities:

The ability to sit without support, crawl behind a toy, rise, leaning on outstretched arms, walk near a support, holding on to it
knows his name and responds to it, knows the names of loved ones, the names of the surrounding objects, can show the animals called in the picture, show parts of his body, at the request of adults
understands and fulfills simple requests: "give", "go", etc.
repeats syllables and sound combinations for adults
uses several "words" in communication that are situationally understandable, at least 1-2 "words", for example: lala, mom, give
accepts jokes directed at him and laughs in response
hums songs
takes small objects with two fingers: thumb and forefinger and performs meaningful actions with them
rolling cars, pushing a ball, throwing toys
plays the first musical instruments: drum, xylophone
trying to build with cubes
inserts or nests one item into another
knows how to drink from a mug, use a spoon
shows interest and curiosity in other children, in their games
calmly refers to planting on a pot.

Physical development

After the ninth month, physical growth slows down a little, now there is an emphasis on mastery of the body, control over movements. On average, in the tenth month, the child gains 400-450 grams of weight and grows by 1.5 cm. Thus, by the end of the 10th month, its weight is 9000 - 9500 g, and its height is about 70-75 cm.

There is nothing wrong if the baby is gaining height or weight a little faster or slower, but you need to be alert if he is abruptly knocked out of the normative corridor of growth or weight.

Don't worry if you see a clear difference between the motor development of children of this age. Someone is already walking, while others prefer only to crawl. "Sliders" should not be rushed, they are just more comfortable crawling than walking. They will go, only a little later. Some babies start walking at 15 months of age.


The daily routine can differ individually: the time of feeding, falling asleep and the amount of sleep. Adjust to your little one, but be sure to stick to a regular schedule. Feed and put to bed at the same time, breaking the usual regime or a sliding schedule will only cause whims and a bad mood.


Typically, at 10 months of age, babies sleep 10 to 12 hours a night. And two more daytime naps for about 2 hours. Calm babies sleep more, more soundly, and when they wake up, they can leave sleep for a long time without showing activity. With hyperactive babies, the situation is exactly the opposite: they spend more energy, sleep less and much more restlessly, get tired faster and are more often capricious. In such cases, you can put your baby in the crib an hour or two early.

A calm, long night's sleep is facilitated by bathing before going to bed, and during bathing - by airing the room, then melodious lullabies and feeding - mother's presence, and milk will delight the baby, soothe and act as a sleeping pill.


Despite the fact that now the child is interested in home, do not forget about daily walks. Being away from home is getting more and more fun. The kid is happy to observe people, children, and studies the world around him. Continue to show him new things: take him with you to the store, go with him to visit or to the entertainment center for the little ones.

In summer, a huge development function is performed by fiddling in the sandbox. Usually there are many children in the sandbox and the kid can carefully study the general rules of the game, imitate and learn the simplest actions: put sand in a bucket, build castles, dig with a shovel, etc.

In summer, you can walk for a long time, optimally twice a day for 2 hours. In winter, the number and duration of walks is reduced. On a frosty day, you can go out for 30 minutes, this time will be enough for the apartment to be ventilated, and the baby breathes fresh air.


Breastfeeding is still the main one (like artificial formula for feeding), but by the end of the last decade of the first year it is no longer able to provide full-fledged one. Breast milk already lacks protein, potassium, copper, zinc and other substances, in the amount necessary for an older baby. Therefore, the necessary substances are obtained from products that have been introduced before 10 months.

There are practically no new products in the diet, the menu is expanding only due to new options for dishes from the existing set. At the age of 10 months, the baby should eat meat every day and, if not, then once a week low-fat boiled fish. The daily required portion of these products is about 50 grams.

Feed your baby 4-5 times a day, alternate dishes, offer a variety of vegetable purees, soups, cereals, cottage cheese and fruits that are not available.

The daily food intake is approximately 1 liter, excluding breast milk. Perhaps the child will eat a little more or a little less than 200-250 grams at a time, it depends on the individual physiological characteristics. Do not try to force feed your baby or leave it insatiable, let your own sense of proportion develop.

Breast refusal

Between 9 and 12 months, many babies no longer need to suck, become more independent in everything, less stubborn and rather calm about weaning from than at a younger or older age. The decision to stop breastfeeding for some women is easy and simple, while for others it causes great mental hesitation. But whenever there is a withdrawal from, this event is always important for both the mother and the child, not only physically, but also emotionally, so take this step seriously.

Games and toys

At 10 months old, a child needs the following toys for full development.:
toys on wheels: animals, cars that can be rolled
balls, rubber and plastic
sets of jars, bowls and boxes with lids that can be removed and folded, opened and closed
various pyramids with slip rings
musical and clockwork toys
rubber animals
dolls and soft toys.

Ordinary household things, dishes, clothes can sometimes act as toys: do not restrict the child, only make sure that the object and manipulation with it are safe.

Useful games and activities with a 10-toddler for the development of fine motor skills:
shifting, pouring small items: beads, beans, cereals, pasta from one container to another
finger drawing: using paints on paper, as well as drawing on sand, flour, fine grains
finger games, such as "Ladushki" or "Magpie-crow"
games with ribbons, laces, knots
sandbox games with shovel, rake, castle building, filling and mold games.

Be sure to play together with the baby, demonstrate to him various actions with objects, encourage him to repeat after you, to master more and more complex manipulations. Make sure that the child is surrounded by a variety of toys and objects: in size, color, shape, texture. The rich natural environment at this age contributes to the accelerated intellectual development of the baby.

Speech development

Develop your baby's speech in games. Name objects, images of animals, pronounce sounds that imitate the speech of animals. For example: "This is a mouse, it squeaks: pee-pee-pee." Such speech games contribute not only to the development of speech, but also speech and. Over time, the baby will not only remember how the mouse "speaks", but will also be able to answer such a question himself.

Do not forget about reading books, fairy tales, rhymes, looking at pictures. The kid can already show himself where the fish is drawn and where the bird is. An active process of combining the image and the word is taking place in his head. Listen to his babble, encourage any attempts to speak.

Pay maximum attention to your baby's safety

The kid already lacks a dedicated playground, the time has come for active development of the territory. Ensure the safety of the available space:
purchase fuse plugs for sockets
check what will happen if the child pulls the edge of the tablecloth or the wire from the floor lamp
play with small details only together, the rest of the time, make sure that no screws that can be quickly put into the mouth are in the way of the baby
watch out for sharp, cutting objects, do not leave them in sight, also do not leave hot porridge or a cup with
keep medicines out of the reach of children
outdoors as well as at home, pay attention to any sources of danger. Even in sandpits, you can often find shards from glass, debris or iron.

It's a paradox, but the more independent the baby becomes, the more time it takes. If the baby only slept and ate for the first three months, now he is tireless: crawls, reaches out to any accessible surfaces and objects, opens all cabinets, takes out all their contents, pulls your clothes, constantly says something in its own way, requires games and attention. It is advisable that someone helps you with your child and at least once a week frees you from supervision and activities with him. The rhythm that the kids set is exhausting very quickly, do not allow the accumulation of irritation and, even more so, take it out on a crumb.

Ten-month-old babies continue to grow and stretch, they eagerly absorb information about each unfamiliar subject, learn quickly and amaze their parents with new skills. In their behavior and individual actions, meaningfulness and independence appear more and more, and their character begins to acquire individual personality traits. To keep your baby healthy and cognitively active, it doesn't hurt for parents to have an idea of ​​what a baby should be able to do at 10 months.

At 10 months, the baby gains about 450 g in weight, growing from 1 to 1.5 centimeters. Its head and chest increase by half a centimeter. Small weight gain with general rapid development is the result of an increase in the child's motor function.

For this age, the appearance of lateral incisors is also characteristic, and the toddler may already have from 4 to 6 milk teeth.

Some problems may arise in crumbs due to unformed immunity. Mom's milk, which up to this point supported his body, no longer possesses such valuable properties, so parents should protect children from external adverse factors and infection.

In general, children have significantly improved hand motor skills, coordination, they become stronger and more enduring, they can stay in a vigorous state longer.

What a child should be able to do at 10 months

A child's success at this age is very significant, because his skills are strikingly different from those that he possessed at six months. First of all, with all his behavior, he shows how independent he is, and can demonstrate his dexterity by lifting toys not only with pens, but also with fingers.

The main achievements of the baby, which his parents are so proud of:

  • the ability to stand confidently and take the first steps;
  • jumping on the spot with "landing" on both legs;
  • using one object to get a toy with it;
  • the child can sit for a long time with a straight back while playing, holding a toy in both hands;
  • the baby is able to hold two small objects at once with one hand;
  • can independently climb an elevation and get off it;
  • he has mastered crawling perfectly, and can move in such a way so quickly that it is difficult to catch up with him;
  • repeats words after adults, imitates their behavior;
  • reacts violently to meeting and parting with loved ones.

Due to the fact that babies of 10 months are more confident in controlling their fingers, they can already hold a pencil and felt-tip pen and try to draw and write, repeating the actions of their father and mother. Kids become more sociable, they show interest in their peers, happily communicate with older family members - grandparents.

Ten-year-olds understand very well what adults are asking of them, and although they perfectly know the meaning of the word "no", they find other ways to manipulate adults, using mute protest or hysteria.

The development of girls and boys at this age is somewhat different. Answering the question what a girl needs to be able to do at 10 months, one can emphasize the special emotionality of babies who, showing their tender affection, much more often than boys ask for their mother's arms, love to hug and caress. Skills they learn earlier include using a spoon, speaking, and mastering pot emptying. They are more fond of games that require perseverance - assembling elements of the constructor, puzzles and mosaics; they are not indifferent to toys with sound effects and to music in general.

A boy also has his own developmental features; at 10 months he can be able to do the same thing as a girl, but he starts walking first and often refuses the help of adults, proving that he can do everything himself. As a result of this stubbornness, some skills are learned by boys later.

Educational games and activities for children at 10 months

The development of a child at 10 months provides for a variety of directions. To strengthen muscles and ligaments, more coordinated movements in the morning, you need to devote several hours to active games - let the baby roll a ball, car or stroller, if he likes to dance, it is better to do it with cheerful and rhythmic music. During walks, the little one can already play in the sandbox with a scoop and molds.

It is a good idea to train your toddler to climb steps by elevating them slightly, or to teach them how to safely get off a sofa or chair.

Special exercises should be done daily, the set of exercises includes:

  • squats;
  • jumping;
  • turns of the body to the sides;
  • rotational movements of the hands;
  • hanging on a home horizontal bar with the help of dad or mom.

The child still needs a massage, which is carried out after exercise. They do it very carefully, trying not to exert strong pressure on the delicate baby skin. The main movements are gentle stroking, kneading and rubbing. In this case, the navel and heart areas should be avoided. The back is massaged, without affecting the spine, in circular techniques.

If parents know what a child should be able to do at 10 months, they will understand why it is so important to engage in different types of creativity with him. Fine motor skills need to continue to be developed, because it is associated with the speech function of a little person. For further improvement, you can recommend teaching your child how to use paints and plasticine, but it is better to start with a regular salted dough. It doesn't matter that at first on paper you can see only abstract strokes and chaotically located lines, but only a small cake will turn out from the dough - the main thing is that the child's desire to create does not disappear, and who knows, perhaps soon he will amaze his parents with his talents in the visual arts.

Any games with cubes, pyramids, construction set details, in addition to developing the hands of children and their coordination, contribute to the improvement of logical thinking, train the attention and memory of the crumbs. Such games and toys must be in the child's arsenal.

It is also important to learn with the help of books that develop the intellect and horizons of the baby. We are talking about a variety of publications - these are ordinary children's books that the mother will read to the baby, interactive, singing and talking toy books, children's encyclopedias with realistic illustrations.

Focusing on what a 10 month old baby should be able to do, you can do anything with him, as long as such an activity is of vital interest to him. Most likely, parents already know the hobbies of their little fidget, and, for sure, will find suitable activities for him.

How much does a baby sleep at 10 months

Sleep is an important indicator of a child's health. At 10 months, babies sleep less than in the previous period - it takes them 9-10 hours to rest at night, and during the day the babies are put to rest twice for one and a half or two hours. Some toddlers need one quiet hour a day and often resist bedding in the evening. If at the same time the baby feels great, he is cheerful and eats with appetite, perhaps you should not force him - you can make him go to bed earlier at night.

If the baby is used to staying up late, this can negatively affect his nervous system - doctors advise to gradually wean children from this bad habit and shift the sleep time 10 minutes earlier every day.

A child needs a full sleep to restore the body after active hours of wakefulness, thus, his muscles rest and relax, the work of the brain and nervous system is normalized. Therefore, parents need to create optimal conditions for high-quality sleep of their child, including mandatory airing of the nursery, control of normal humidity (about 60%) and temperature (20-22 degrees). Of great importance is the comfort created by the children's mattress, which should be moderately firm and elastic. Clean linen, evening bathing, massage will help you fall asleep quickly and sound sleep. The toddler should have dinner no later than 40-50 minutes before bedtime.

Nutritional features at 10 months

The diet of ten-month-old children is close to the usual, adult food, since complementary foods are about 800 g of the daily amount of food. On average, a child consumes about one kilogram two hundred grams of food per day, excluding water and juice (200 ml). Babies who continue to feed on their mother's breast receive milk in the morning and before bedtime.

Babies already need to include harder pieces of fruit, meat and fish in the menu so that they learn to chew food, and the mashed potatoes are no longer chopped as thoroughly as before. Usually, after the child has eaten, he is given some fresh juice diluted with water to prevent constipation.

Dishes that make up the main food:

  1. Oatmeal and rice porridge - they contain a lot of fiber and protein, and, at the same time, remove harmful substances from the body, improving digestion.
  2. Buckwheat and corn porridge, which are sources of many beneficial vitamins and minerals. Cereals are already boiled in milk and a little vegetable or butter is put into the porridge.
  3. Children have meat in their diet, but so far these are dietary varieties - turkey, chicken, rabbit and veal. It is allowed to use some offal - heart and liver. Meat products are used for soups, as the usual mashed potatoes, small pieces, from which meatballs, pates, steam cutlets are prepared.
  4. In the children's menu, vegetables and fruits must be present - in the form of salads with butter, in boiled and steamed form. The list of them has increased, now it is not only potatoes and carrots - children can be given pumpkin and beets, as well as different types of cabbage - cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

For parents during this period, it is important to ensure that the baby does not transmit, but, at the same time, the monthly weight gain should remain within 500 grams. If the child is clearly not gaining weight, he should be offered more high-calorie foods.

It remains to add for dads and moms who are interested in what a baby should be able to do at the age of 10 months - he can already drink from a cup and use a spoon on his own.

Leaving and walking

Personal hygiene becomes especially important at the age of ten months. Along with the fact that the baby is actively playing on the floor and getting dirty, his gonads are improving, which is why the little one begins to sweat. If up to 10 months children are bathed every other day, now it is recommended to carry out water procedures regularly. After bathing, they must carry out air baths for 5-10 minutes and give the child a light massage.

Children already wash their faces and pens, but washing is still required, since babies sometimes forget to ask for a potty, although they are already familiar with this household item. Pediatricians advise putting the baby on the pot in the morning - thus, he will get accustomed by this time due to natural urges, and very soon he will ask himself, in addition, his stool will be regular, since the child's body will get used to such a regime.

As for walks, they are given 4-6 hours a day. On summer days, this time can be increased, because the more the baby stays in the fresh air, the better he eats and sleeps. The times when the baby, when going out into the street, peacefully fell asleep in his stroller, are gradually receding into the past - now the child is happily awake and examines the phenomena around him, living and inanimate objects. By the way, after such an active leisure, the baby is unlikely to give up a quiet hour upon returning home.

Baby development at 10 months: video

Understanding what a child should be able to do at 10 months, parents should be sensitive to the needs and desires of their son or daughter. After all, only constant communication and trusting relationships will help them to correctly guide the baby in his goals and actions, and starting from the average indicators, you can successfully control the development of the little person and know exactly when he needs help.

What can a child at 10 months do?

The most important thing for a 10 month old baby is to do everything "like big". The child has already mastered the movements of hands, hands and fingers, and facial expressions enough to repeat everything after adults. Be careful - your child may like your random gesture so much that then you will wean him for months. Imitating mom, dad or older brother, the baby will beat the drum, press the buttons, swing the bear, stick a spoon to the doll, rub the pens under water ...

However, although this may seem strange to you, the baby is not yet capable of transferring these actions to other objects. Those. swinging the bear, he will not swing the dog until you show that it can be done. Consequently, the "repertoire" of baby games directly depends on your imagination, desire to teach and show. Load cubes into a dump truck and a box on a string, feed the animals in your house, put them to bed, take them for a walk ...

The kid is beginning to be occupied with connections between objects. If you let him talk to his grandmother on the phone, he will then carefully examine the receiver, as if trying to look inside and find out where the grandmother hid there.

A similar interest provokes the child to "break" toys. In fact, the baby does not break them on purpose, he is interested in learning how they work and what they are made of. In addition, often he simply cannot calculate the force applied to a fragile thing.

A new skill appears - with the help of one object, the child can get another: move the cube towards him with a spatula, bring the crouton closer with a spoon. Of course, the toddler must first be introduced to such a possibility, although some children “reach” this themselves, through an unexpected and successful experiment.

The kid grabs with delight the smallest crumbs found on the floor or elsewhere. In fact, it will be much better if the crumb satisfies his interest in the little things, playing with harmless croup under your supervision.

If you are engaged in modeling and drawing with your child, he already confidently guides on paper with crayons, felt-tip pens or paints, and when working with the dough, he learns to tear off small pieces from a large piece and can stick them on the board, pressing down with his finger.

Descents and ascents

Of the motor skills, the baby continues to train his crawling ability. Now he moves around the apartment like a small meteor. Many children lift their knees off the floor and run on four legs like monkeys. A child of 10 months can already sit straight for a long time, without bending to the sides, stands confidently, steps along the support.

It's time to master the ascent and descent. It is very convenient to do this on a not high sofa or, if you have your own house, a small ladder with two or three steps - more for the child is not yet possible. Teach your baby to climb onto the sofa, pulling up on the arms and pushing off the floor with the legs. And you need to go down with the ass forward - so the baby will never break the nose!

By the age of 10 months, babies usually have a “favorite” type of activity. Some draw with pleasure, others step over and rhythmically squat to the music, others can put a cube on a cube for an hour, the fourth cannot be taken away from observing the cars through the window, the fifth freeze with a book in their hands, the sixth does not need anything but a couple of glasses and a basin with water, the seventh requires a constant company of other children ... Pay close attention to the constant interests of your child and try to satisfy them on a daily basis.

At 10 months of age, after constantly clinging to mom, the time finally comes when the baby turns his attention to other people. That is why this age is good both for weaning (if you do not intend to feed until two years old), and for starting attending developmental groups or clubs "mom + baby".

From the moment the child gets up, go for a walk - at least 15-20 minutes a day to the playground, where your child can wander around the sandbox, swing on a swing, and most importantly, see how other children play and take what they can. participation.

Little hands are playing

Games for fine motor skills that a baby can master at 10-12 months:

  • sorting, pouring from one container to another beads, buttons, cereals, nuts;
  • laying out matches, toothpicks, beans, nuts, cotton swabs, curly pasta, pebbles;
  • unscrewing the caps - large (from plastic bottles) and small (from cream tubes);
  • drawing with your fingers on flour, sand, fine grains;
  • finger games with rhymes (such as "Magpies-thieves");
  • games with laces, knots, ribbons;
  • using spoons of different sizes for food;
  • digging or pouring sand or snow with a shovel, rake, shovel, stick. molds.

Try to have the child do everything with both hands. and not just the right one. Indeed, at this age, the right hemisphere of the brain develops much more actively, for which the left hand is "responsible". And the action with two hands at the same time (especially when they perform different movements) leads to the development of interhemispheric connections.

We play with friends!

It is very simple to play a round dance. First, the mother sings a song and performs a dance herself or with the doll, and the baby sits and looks. If the baby liked it, invite him to swap places with the doll: "Let's dance, and Lyalya will look." Take the baby by the hand or arms and slowly start the dance, performing all the movements with his arms, legs, head.

It's good if all this happens in front of a large mirror in which the child can see your reflection and his own - this way he will quickly understand what is required of him. Of course, at first, the baby will be able to perform only the simplest movements: clap his hands, maybe stamp his foot. Having mastered the movements with mom, your child will dance well with other children.

Fuck the king
  • The king went through the forest,
  • Through the woods, through the woods
  • Look for a princess
  • Princess, princess (we walk in a circle one after another).
  • Let's jump with you
  • And kick up our legs
  • And we'll clap our hands
  • And we will sink our feet
  • We nod our head -
  • And again we begin (And we do not play any more - to end the game).

Round dance exercises will help the baby learn to perform the simplest movements, develop coordination of the whole body and tiny fingers. To improve hand motor skills, you do not need a large number of people - you and a crumb are enough.

  • Mill, mill grinds flour (we perform circular movements with our hands).
  • The wind, the wind blows stronger - oo-oo-oo-oo (we blow like the wind).
  • The mill grinds the flour even faster (we accelerate the movement).
  • We grinded flour
  • Here are taku-u-uh bags - (we show the volume by raising our hands above our head).
  • Let's make pies.
  • From flour, from flour we will bake pies (we make pies with our palms).
  • Carcasses, carcasses, we will make cheesecakes (with our finger we draw a circle on the other palm).
  • Okay, okay, let's bake pancakes (we make cotton).

Ten-month-old babies are becoming more and more independent, showing new skills and abilities in playing and communicating with loved ones. Parents have come a long way to the moment when their child turns 10 months. What is the development of the baby, what should the baby be able to do in terms of physical, speech and intellectual skills? We will talk about this in detail in our article.

At the age of ten months, babies very actively move around the house after their mother, to whom they are very attached. At the same time, they constantly find something new for themselves: handles of dressers, flowers in pots, shoes at the front door or a toilet brush. Anything can be in the hands and mouth of the baby, so check your apartment again for compliance with safety rules. Kids play a lot with adults, being carried away for a long time. They understand human speech more and more, copy sounds and words, know many objects and their purpose. We will try to describe the basic skills and abilities of a 10-month-old child, point by point.

The physical skills of most children at this age are:

  • The kid crawls quickly and well, climbs over obstacles.
  • It gets up at the support, makes several additional steps along it, or even without support, from one object to another.
  • The child sits down on his own and can sit for a long time with an even back and straightened legs.
  • The baby walks well when it is driven by adults with two or one handles.
  • Emotional and Social Skills:
  • The child shows interest in other children: he looks closely, examines, tries to repeat their actions.
  • A sense of humor appears: in response to funny actions, children at 10 months of age burst into laughter.
  • Copies all actions, facial expressions, gestures of adults.
  • The kid tries to always be in the center of events and becomes very sociable. At this time, walks on the playground become not only exciting, but also informative.
  • Shows emotions depending on the situation: rejoices at mother's praise, cries when the toy was taken away.

Intellectual abilities of children at the age of 10 months:

  • The child performs the simplest actions and understands the gestures: he waves his hand "bye-bye", gives a toy, claps his hands, knocks with a hammer. Understands the word "no".
  • Knows many objects and can show them at the request of adults. Performs manipulations with familiar objects.
  • He takes toys and things out of the box, and can even put them back.
  • He finds objects hidden in front of his eyes, hides himself.
  • He flips through books on his own and finds familiar animals and other things in them.
  • Gradually masters new skills in the game: builds a tower of cubes, removes rings from a pyramid.

10 month old baby walks on tiptoe

Usually at this age, children walk, leaning on the floor with their entire feet. However, what if the baby is tiptoeing at 10 months old? First of all, try to adequately assess the situation: how often does your baby behave in this way, can it be part of his exciting game?

If this situation occurs infrequently and the child does it playfully, then there is no problem. Buy him orthopedic shoes and try to gradually wean him from the bad habit.

In some cases, a situation in which a ten-month-old baby stands and walks on tiptoes can have negative consequences. We are talking about muscular dystonia or increased muscle tone. You should show the baby to a neurologist and immediately solve the problem with the help of massage and other procedures. If you do not know what the root cause of this behavior is, it is better to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

What does a child say at 10 months

Your baby is already old enough and is even trying to communicate with others. Let's see what a baby says at 10 months. At this age, children generally pronounce their first monosyllabic words: "give", "na", "woof", "meow", "kach", "am" and others. Some toddlers can even consciously or unconsciously pronounce the two-syllable words "mom" and "dad". If an adult repeats the same syllables many times, the child can reproduce them. In addition, he can even say "no" through gestures, actively shaking his head from side to side.

If the child is 10 months old, we learn to speak with him. To do this, it is necessary to pronounce each action in simple words and short sentences. Point your child to objects by naming them more often, and then ask them to show these objects. Replace long names with simplified notation: rain - drip, swing - swing, dog - woof. Read books as they build your vocabulary well. At this age, children try to imitate adults in everything. Therefore, if you actively communicate with your child, he will answer you in kind.

Your baby's age is approaching another round date - ten months is a serious and binding figure. The child is rapidly developing mentally, and parents need to be patient.

Your baby's age is approaching another round date - ten months is a serious and binding figure. The child is rapidly developing mentally, and parents need to be patient.

At this age, the baby shows interest in the whole world around him, which requires increased attention and care. Right now, future initiative, activity or a feeling of self-doubt and helplessness is emerging, therefore, manifestations of independence in any case cannot be suppressed, but must be skillfully guided in the necessary direction and encouraged.

What a baby can do at 10 months

Your child is already crawling well, sits down on his own, sits and stands up, holding on to the support, steps along the support. Some kids are already trying to move away from the support, trying to keep balance. The ability to be upright is a real achievement that children are very proud of and absolutely necessary for parents to also emotionally perceive their child's small victory.

Now play activity is emerging, first of all in girls: they feed the dolls, wash them, imitating their mother. There is a rapid development of speech: the baby attentively listens to the speech of adults, understands some words and tries to reproduce combinations of sounds.

At the age of 10 months, the child has developed the following skills and abilities:

The ability to sit without support, crawl behind a toy, rise, leaning on outstretched arms, walk near a support, holding on to it
knows his name and responds to it, knows the names of loved ones, the names of the surrounding objects, can show the animals called in the picture, show parts of his body, at the request of adults
understands and fulfills simple requests: "give", "go", etc.
repeats syllables and sound combinations for adults
uses several "words" in communication that are situationally understandable, at least 1-2 "words", for example: lala, mom, give
accepts jokes directed at him and laughs in response
hums songs
takes small objects with two fingers: thumb and forefinger and performs meaningful actions with them
rolling cars, pushing a ball, throwing toys
plays the first musical instruments: drum, xylophone
trying to build with cubes
inserts or nests one item into another
knows how to drink from a mug, use a spoon
shows interest and curiosity in other children, in their games
calmly refers to planting on a pot.

Physical development

After the ninth month, physical growth slows down a little, now there is an emphasis on mastery of the body, control over movements. On average, in the tenth month, the child gains 400-450 grams of weight and grows by 1.5 cm. Thus, by the end of the 10th month, its weight is 9000 - 9500 g, and its height is about 70-75 cm.

There is nothing wrong if the baby is gaining height or weight a little faster or slower, but you need to be alert if he is abruptly knocked out of the normative corridor of growth or weight.

Don't worry if you see a clear difference between the motor development of children of this age. Someone is already walking, while others prefer only to crawl. "Sliders" should not be rushed, they are just more comfortable crawling than walking. They will go, only a little later. Some babies start walking at 15 months of age.


The daily routine can differ individually: the time of feeding, falling asleep and the amount of sleep. Adjust to your little one, but be sure to stick to a regular schedule. Feed and put to bed at the same time, breaking the usual regime or a sliding schedule will only cause fatigue, whims and a bad mood.


Typically, at 10 months of age, babies sleep 10 to 12 hours a night. And two more daytime naps for about 2 hours. Calm babies sleep more, more soundly, and when they wake up, they can leave sleep for a long time without showing activity. With hyperactive babies, the situation is exactly the opposite: they spend more energy, sleep less and much more restlessly, get tired faster and are more often capricious. In such cases, you can put your baby in the crib an hour or two early.

A calm, long night's sleep is facilitated by bathing before going to bed, and during bathing - airing the room, then melodic lullabies and feeding - mother's presence, voice and milk will delight the baby, soothe and act as a sleeping pill.


Despite the fact that now the child is interested in home, do not forget about daily walks. Being away from home is getting more and more fun. The kid is happy to observe people, children, and studies the world around him. Continue to show him new things: take him with you to the store, go with him to visit or to the entertainment center for the little ones.

In summer, a huge development function is performed by fiddling in the sandbox. Usually there are many children in the sandbox and the kid can carefully study the general rules of the game, imitate and learn the simplest actions: put sand in a bucket, build castles, dig with a shovel, etc.

In summer, you can walk for a long time, optimally twice a day for 2 hours. In winter, the number and duration of walks is reduced. On a frosty day, you can go out for 30 minutes, this time will be enough for the apartment to be ventilated, and the baby breathes fresh air.


Breastfeeding is still the main one (like artificial formula for feeding), but by the end of the last decade of the first year it is no longer able to provide adequate nutrition. Breast milk already lacks protein, potassium, copper, zinc and other substances, in the amount necessary for an older baby. Therefore, the necessary substances are obtained from products that have been introduced before 10 months.

There are practically no new products in the diet, the menu is expanding only due to new options for dishes from the existing set. At the age of 10 months, the baby should eat meat every day and, if there is no diathesis, then once a week low-fat boiled fish. The daily required portion of these products is about 50 grams.

Feed your baby 4-5 times a day, alternate dishes, offer a variety of vegetable purees, soups, cereals, cottage cheese and fruits that are not allergic to.

The daily food intake is approximately 1 liter, excluding breast milk. Perhaps the child will eat a little more or a little less than 200-250 grams at a time, it depends on the individual physiological characteristics. Do not try to force feed your baby or leave it insatiable, let your own sense of proportion develop.

Breast refusal

Between 9 and 12 months, many babies no longer need to suck, become more independent in everything, less stubborn and rather calm about weaning than at a younger or older age. The decision to stop breastfeeding for some women is easy and simple, while for others it causes great mental hesitation. But whenever a weaning occurs, it is always important for both the mother and the baby, not only physically but emotionally, so take this step seriously.

Games and toys

At 10 months old, a child needs the following toys for full development.:

Wheeled toys: animals, cars that can be rolled
balls, rubber and plastic
sets of jars, bowls and boxes with lids that can be removed and folded, opened and closed
various pyramids with slip rings
musical and clockwork toys
rubber animals
dolls and soft toys.
Ordinary household things, dishes, clothes can sometimes act as toys: do not restrict the child, only make sure that the object and manipulation with it are safe.

Useful games and activities with a 10-month-old baby for the development of fine motor skills:

Transferring, pouring small items: beads, beans, cereals, pasta from one container to another
finger drawing: using paints on paper, as well as drawing on sand, flour, fine grains
finger games, such as "Ladushki" or "Magpie-crow"
games with ribbons, laces, knots
sandbox games with shovel, rake, castle building, filling and mold games.

Be sure to play together with the baby, demonstrate to him various actions with objects, encourage him to repeat after you, to master more and more complex manipulations. Make sure that the child is surrounded by a variety of toys and objects: in size, color, shape, texture. The rich natural environment at this age contributes to the accelerated intellectual development of the baby.

Speech development

Develop your baby's speech in games. Name objects, images of animals, pronounce sounds that imitate the speech of animals. For example: "This is a mouse, it squeaks: pee-pee-pee." Such speech games contribute not only to the development of speech, but also speech hearing and memory. Over time, the baby will not only remember how the mouse "speaks", but will also be able to answer such a question himself.

Do not forget about reading books, fairy tales, rhymes, looking at pictures. The kid can already show himself where the fish is drawn and where the bird is. An active process of combining the image and the word is taking place in his head. Listen to his babble, encourage any attempts to speak.

Pay maximum attention to your baby's safety

The kid already lacks a dedicated playground, the time has come for active development of the territory.Ensure the safety of the available space:

Purchase fuse plugs for outlets
check what will happen if the child pulls the edge of the tablecloth or the wire from the floor lamp
play with small details only together, the rest of the time, make sure that no screws that can be quickly put into the mouth are in the way of the baby
watch out for sharp, cutting objects, do not leave them in sight, also do not leave hot porridge or a cup of tea in the accessible area
keep medicines out of the reach of children
outdoors as well as at home, pay attention to any sources of danger. Even in sandpits, you can often find shards from glass, debris or iron.

It's a paradox, but the more independent the baby becomes, the more time it takes. If the baby only slept and ate for the first three months,now he is tireless: crawls, reaches out to any accessible surfaces and objects, opens all cabinets, takes out all their contents, pulls your clothes, constantly says something in its own way, requires games and attention. It is advisable that someone helps you with your child and at least once a week frees you from supervision and activities with him. The rhythm that the kids set is exhausting very quickly, do not allow the accumulation of irritation and, even more so, take it out on a crumb.