Development of creative abilities of preschoolers in productive activity. The development of artistic and creative abilities in preschoolers through the introduction of productive types of children's activities. “Every child is an artist

Olga Batyaeva
The project "Development of artistic and creative abilities of a preschooler through the introduction of productive activities"

“Creativity is quality. which you bring to activity what you do "Osho (Bagwan Shri Rajneesh)- an enlightened master from India.

Relevance. Development children's creativity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy and sets before the education system the main goal of educating the younger generation of a creative approach to transforming the world around, activity and independence of thinking, contributing to achieving positive changes in the life of society. It is not a secret for anyone that in lessons on, children try to copy a sample, do not seek to introduce innovation, a distinctive feature into their work, in general, children do not seek to show creativity. We must instill in our children curiosity, ingenuity, initiative, imagination, fantasy, that is, qualities that find vivid expression in the creativity of children. The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its solution should begin already in preschool childhood... An important path of the pedagogical process, creating an emotionally favorable environment for each child and providing his spiritual development - the formation of artistic and creative abilities in all children brought up in preschool institutions.

Most complex and least developed type activity is creativity... It is known that children's creativity is a unique phenomenon. In the creative activities adults take part in the mind, (knowledge, thinking, imagination, character (courage, perseverance, feeling (love of beauty, fascination with an image, thought)... We must educate the child in order to successfully develop creativity in it... To enrich the child's mind with a variety of ideas, some knowledge is to provide abundant food for the creativity of children. Teaching them to look closely, to be observant means to make their ideas clear, more complete. This will help children to more vividly reproduce in their creativity what they have seen.

Formation of creative abilities the child is conditioned not only by the conditions of his life and upbringing in the family, but also by special classes organized in preschool institutions... Of great importance for the formation of creative abilities have productive activities.

Great participation productive activities in the emotional and personal development of the child - in developing a sense of initiative, which manifests itself in the ability to assert oneself as activist, a creator and creator, managing materials and tools, realizing his ideas. This kind activities

1. Provides an opportunity for creativity.

2. Forms the ability to foresee future results.

3. Fosters independence.

4. Develops spatial - figurative thinking.

5. Gives impetus to the enrichment of speech.

6. Improves eye coordination - hand.

7. Increases the level of preparation for schooling.

Productive activity, modeling objects of the surrounding world, leads to the creation of a real product, in which the idea of ​​an object, phenomenon, situation is materialized in a drawing, construction, volumetric image.

Target: Comprehensive development of creativity through productive activities.

To achieve this goal, the following were identified tasks:

1. Develop aesthetic perception (teach to see the variety and beauty of the shape of objects, the combination of colors)

2. Develop imaginative thinking(we can distinguish visual-effective, visual-figurative, logical thinking and its properties: analysis, synthesis, the ability to compare)

3. Develop imagination, without which not a single artistic and creative activity and which develops based on perceived images.

4. To form an emotional attitude towards objects of aesthetic nature. Emotional attitude towards artistic activities is an important factor in the formation of creative abilities and aesthetic education.

5. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements.

6. To bring up independence, purposefulness, strong-willed qualities.

The object is: The process of forming creative abilities in preschool children.

Item: Views productive activities.

Hypothesis: If the process of work on productive activities will be carried out in a system of various forms of organized activities, then development children's creativity will be more effective, which will improve the psychological well-being of each child and will successfully prepare for school.

The introduction of new FGT to preschool education is dictated by the renewal of the content and forms of work with children. Integration of educational areas is the scientific and methodological basis of FGT. A productive activity connects usually the following educational areas: cognition, artistic creation, communication, socialization, safety.

The theoretical significance lies in the development of content, forms, methods that provide for the phased organization of educational activities for productive activities in order to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers.

The practical significance lies in creating the conditions for effective creative activities, development and testing of a program for development of creative abilities of preschool children in productive activities.

To activity the child was creative, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

1. First of all, the connection between learning and the life of the child.

2. It is also important that he could apply new knowledge and skills.

3. Cognition of the world should be visual.

4. The child must have at his disposal the means to implement his plan and master the techniques for achieving the set goal, and this must be taught to him.

My experience in teaching activities formed the principles aimed at a personality-oriented approach to teaching and education.

1. Principle developing teacher interaction (including parents) and baby how to promote development another and thus self-development.

2. The principle of upbringing education echoes the previous one. The main task of education and training in the visual activities highlight the development of children's creativity.

3. Principle developing training consists in the correct determination of the leading goals of learning6 cognitive, educational, developing... This principle involves the development of creative tasks that do not have an unambiguous solution. Children are taught to think, reason, focus on the possibilities and necessity of variable solutions tasks: stimulate to creative searches and discoveries, develop observation.

4. The principle of humanization, cooperation, partnership presupposes a respectful attitude towards the opinion of the child, support for his initiative, and the vision of a purposeful partner in the child.

5. The principle of differentiation, taking into account individuality

Artistic creativity involves the manifestation and personality development... Creation of optimal conditions for the self-realization of each pupil in the process of mastering the visual age-appropriate activities, the sex of the child, the individual experience accumulated by him, the characteristics of his emotional and cognitive sphere.

6. The principle of an integrated approach is implemented in cooperation with the family, as well as in long-term planning, taking into account the interconnection of all types of visual activities.

The development of productive activity has 2 lines:

1. Moving towards precision (sample copy).

2. Creative development of one's own idea and its implementation.

Assuming a child to create this or that thing, that is, outlining a goal, I use different forms of its representation to kid:

1. A model of the future product.

2. Partially specified in the material itself elements of the future product

3. A verbal description of the purpose or conditions that the future product.

Expected result at the end the project.

Creation of a system of classes productive activities.

- development in the process of productive activities of creativity, initiative, independence.

Formation self-learning ability, self-development, self-expression.

Active assimilation of skills and ability artistic perception and performance.

Improving the level of preparation for school.

The productive activity of preschoolers is a type of child's leisure, the purpose of which is to obtain a certain set of qualities, the right direction on the way of preparing for school.
The formation of a child as a person is a responsible work of teachers and psychologists who work with children. The main challenge in this area is the use of various forms, methods and styles, including productive activities.

Significant resources are contained in the activities of a pictorial nature. The child's drawing is the product of a child's serious work, which shows a flight of imagination. Here children discover unique abilities and become independent.

Studies have shown that the impact of productive activities has a beneficial effect on the development of the child, helps the socialization of children.

Types of entertainment

Productive activities of a preschooler include visual and constructive methods:

  • various ways of drawing up structures;
  • making products from clay or plasticine;
  • mosaic, applique;
  • crafts;
  • production of models.

Visual activities of preschoolers also include modeling and drawing. For children, this is not just fun. All these ways of spending leisure time are important stages in the development of babies. Harmoniously form the cognitive abilities and individual characteristics of the child, have a beneficial effect on mental development, are widely used in preschool educational institutions.

Drawing and modeling contribute to the development of fine motor skills. The baby's fingers become dexterous, flexible, the baby begins to distinguish between objects and their physical properties. The development of visual activity in preschool age helps to learn to distinguish shades and colors. Helps to understand the number and size, develops memory, perseverance, attention. These skills will come in handy in adult life, but for now, not yet being able to speak, the child splashes out emotions on a piece of paper: here he shows individuality and independence.

Productive activity differs in that it does not depend on specific materials, but is a creative work, the result of which is a specific result. Creating something with his own hands, the child shows it to others, feels like a doer, takes pride in his work.

Productivity tasks

Tasks and goals of conducting classes on productive activities:

  • evoke emotions in the child on objects;
  • to acquaint with the surrounding space;
  • develop skills in the use of visual arts tools.

Children begin to form and develop imagination, desire and interest in productive activities. In creative work, the child becomes a creative person.

Thanks to the development of visual activities, the level of preparation for schooling is visible. Artistic work requires special guidance. It is the responsibility of the parent or educator to guide the child by providing guidance, for example, using colorful illustrations, reading manuals and brochures. After all, children need the help of their elders so much.


Productive activities in preschool age are classified:

  • familiarization with visual materials;
  • development of sensory abilities;
  • improved motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • acquaintance with the surrounding space;
  • entertainment of a musical nature.

Methods for identifying the abilities for productive activity in preschoolers:

  • Speech exercise - aimed at the development of speech, sound pronunciation, correct orientation in space. Helps to consolidate the child's vocabulary.
  • Motor play is the conditions in which the child's motor activity, coordination of movements and the development of general motor skills are formed.
  • Finger game - training of fingers, palms. Learning the text is added to this workout.
  • Manipulative game - small toys, cereals are used here. This type of activity is necessary for the development of visual-motor coordination.
  • Musical game - doing exercises accompanied by music, lyrics.

In these ways, the main tasks of the formation and development of the visual activity of preschoolers are solved. The methods reveal the personality of the child. The positive emotions that he experiences in the process of creative inspiration become a driving force that has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche. This strength helps the preschooler to cope with difficulties. Exercise distracts children from sad thoughts, relieves stress, and fights fear and anxiety.

Visual, constructive, plastic materials pose the question for children: "what can be done from this?" Thus, there is a stimulation of the generation of an idea and its implementation.

Features of the visual activity of preschoolers are in the preparation and conduct. It is important to avoid monotony and formalism here. It is important that children engage in creativity under the sensitive guidance of adults. The organization should be voluntary and built on partnerships with adults. Parents or educators should consider how to get and hold the children's attention.

Tasks for parents or teachers:

  • the formation of the rudiments of the idea of ​​culture, art, artistic taste in babies;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • teaching the types of activities through which children are introduced to artistic culture;
  • the formation of self-confidence, the formation of individuality in babies;
  • strengthening physical and mental health;
  • the formation of respect for others' opinions;
  • training in the rational use of materials;
  • developing interest in their country, family.
  • the formation of an aesthetic perception of the world.

When organizing, it is important to consider that activities are carried out on specific days and times. For the child, such a routine of life becomes habitual, a habit and a mood for the upcoming work are developed. Also, do not forget that classes are not held as an addition to the traditional ones, but instead of them. This activity can be called workshop work. A workshop is a work in a group, it is an organized space in which beautiful, interesting and necessary things for children are created. Places of children should not be rigidly secured to them. Each time you can choose your own neighbors again. Provide freedom of movement for children so that each toddler can go for the tool or material they need at any time. The teacher should be dynamic and take place with the preschooler who needs more attention, who is lagging behind in work.


There are 2 important factors that you should pay attention to when organizing children's art.

  1. Each form of the pedagogical process, which is associated with visual creativity, must contain meaning. That is, in the process of conversations, excursions, the child should be able to replenish, enrich knowledge in the field of art and culture.
  2. The creative process will work best when it's fun. Raising the interest of children is what educators and parents should strive for.

To complete any task, learn something new, consolidate the material passed through - it is extremely difficult to do this without interest. Interest and the ability to surprise are two fundamental forces of creative development. However, in everything you need to observe the measure: both in the game and in the content.

Regularity is another important factor in organizing the process of children's visual creativity. If the teacher himself is interested in the process, then this will be reflected in the involvement of pupils. If the teacher is indifferent to the activities organized by him, the results will be much lower than the actual abilities of the children.

Each achievement of a preschooler in visual arts is a small victory, so your indifference or disregard for the results slows down the child's creative progress as a whole. A child, as a developing personality, depends on the opinions of the surrounding adults, who have authority for him, therefore, the assessment of his parents and teacher is so important for him.

The attitude of educators and parents to the visual arts determines the pedagogical conditions for the development of children's visual arts. If art is perceived as a means of self-expression of a child, then his work will take on an individual character. If the means of art are perceived and used only for the sake of the means themselves, the works lose their individual signature, and the creativity itself and the process lose their essence.

The development of creative abilities with the help of productive activity plays an important role for the intellectual development of a preschooler. They are interconnected and activate each other's work. The more a child can do with his own hands, the smarter he is. By creating something with his hands, a preschooler develops individual character traits.

galina morozova
Development of artistic and creative abilities in productive activity

Development of artistic and creative abilities in the productive activity of children.

« Creation- writes psychologist V.V.Davydov, - is the lot of all, ... it must necessarily be a normal and constant companion of the child development».

What are creation? Many psychologists have given their own definitions creativity, but all definitions boiled down to what they are human activity, which creates something new, original.

Creation- a psychologically complex process that exists as a synthesis of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of human consciousness. To successfully develop creativity the educator needs to create a favorable emotional atmosphere in work with children, an atmosphere of cooperation that allows our children to be liberated. Creation gives the experience of its integrity. It reflects his inner world, his aspirations, desires, experiences. In the moment creativity a person most fully and deeply experiences himself as a person, realizes his individuality.

In many studies (Vetlugina, Asafieva) the effectiveness of the use of mechanisms is proved artistic and creative activity as a means of personal self-realization, it is confirmed that due to the activation creativity the psycho-emotional state of the child also improves. Every child is endowed from birth abilities and inclinations, the desire for self-realization. Self-realization is one of the basic needs. Problem development of artistic and creative abilities in preschool pedagogy has always been relevant and has become especially acute in the modern world. In the realities of the modern world and very often encountered stressful situations in children, as well as their computerization, the formation creative personality, development of artistic and creative abilities- one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its solution should begin already at preschool age. The most effective means of achieving this is to achieve this goal through productive activity.

What is the goal of the teacher in this direction?

PURPOSE of the teacher: creating a situation that stimulates the activity of children, encouraging them to development of productive activity and creativity.

What is productive activity?

Productive activity- this is a specific figurative knowledge of reality and, like any cognitive activity is of great importance for the mental education of children. Satisfaction children's needs for self-expression through development of productive activities(drawing, modeling, applique, artistic work, construction).

It is through communication productive activities with artistic the direction of the child most fully learns the world around him, the eyes, hands, thoughts, feelings are most fully involved, everyone has their own, no one else is similar, which gives the work an imprint of a bright individuality and allows you to know yourself.

In the process of drawing, modeling, application, the child experiences a variety of the senses: rejoices at the beautiful image that he created himself, upset if something does not work out. But most main: creating an image or some kind of craft, the child acquires various knowledge: his ideas about the environment are refined and deepened; in the process of work, he begins to comprehend the qualities of objects, memorize their characteristic features and details, master visual skills and abilities, learns to use them consciously. Across productive activity we solve the following tasks: we form an emotional attitude to objects of aesthetic nature, we create an emotionally - positive mood; is developing aesthetic perception, imaginative thinking (analysis, synthesis, the ability to compare, imagination, fine motor skills of hands; educate independence, intellectual capabilities(we activate vocabulary, communication skills, empathy, aesthetic taste, develop an interest in productive activities and we form the perception of the objective world and modeling in its various forms; develop the ability to act together.

These tasks creative development of preschoolers through productive activities can be represented in two groups. The first group of tasks is aimed at forming creative the relationship of children to the environment. Provided following: we develop the ability to see and feel the beauty in nature, actions, art, to understand the beautiful; educate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of the beautiful. The second group of tasks is aimed at forming artistic skills in different arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, design; development of verbal creativity... Each task group creative development match your methods.

The methods for solving the first group of problems are showing, observing, explaining, analyzing, an example of an adult. The second group of tasks is associated with the formation of skills artistic activities... Meeting these challenges requires practical methods: showing, explanation, exercise, method of search situations. Useful creative tasks... We also use them in teaching children. This is a very effective teaching technique, as it always arouses positive emotional interest in children.

What two types can be divided into productive activity?

Productive activities preschooler include visual and constructive. They, like the game, have a modeling character. In play, the child creates a model of relationships between adults. Productive activity, modeling objects of the surrounding world, leads to the creation of a real product, in which the idea of ​​an object, phenomenon, situation is materialized in a drawing, construction, volumetric image.

What does the pictorial activity - drawing, modeling, applique.

Drawing is one of the favorite activities of children, which gives a lot of scope for their manifestation. creative activity... The theme of the drawings can be varied.

Mastering the techniques of composition, children begin to reflect their ideas more fully and richer in plot works. One of the favorite areas of children is non-traditional views drawing: finger painting, cotton swabs, toothbrushes, tubes, foam rubber, leaves and much more. All this awakens the fantasy develops imagination, improves the emotional state of our children.

The originality of modeling as one of the types productive activities consists of a voluminous way of image... Preschoolers can master the techniques of working with soft plastic materials that are easily influenced by the hand - clay, plasticine, salt dough.

In the process of applique work, children get acquainted with the simple and complex shapes of various objects, parts and silhouettes of which they cut and paste. The creation of silhouette images requires a lot of work of thought and imagination, since the silhouette lacks details, which are sometimes the main features of the subject.

Constructing from various materials more than other types of pictorial activities related to the game... Play often accompanies the construction process, and crafts made by children are usually used in games.

In kindergarten, these types are used designing: from building material, sets of constructors, paper, natural and other materials.

The fundamental point in the design is the analytical-synthetic activity on the examination of objects. It makes it possible to establish the structure of an object and its parts, to take into account the logic of their connection. Thus, a tower that has too narrow a base collapses.

It often happens in our classes a combination of various types activities: drawing with applique or construction, frequent use of junk materials. We definitely try to do collective work, which is necessary for the ability of children to articulate their actions, to be able to negotiate, share some detail, and provide assistance.

In the group we create the necessary developing environment, we enrich iso-corners with materials for use in free activities... and of course, we control, remind, provide assistance when using one or another non-traditional image technique, in preparing a workplace for classes. It is very important to encourage activities of children.

What kind ways and I use techniques in my work: Project activity(for example, a cycle dedicated to Sergei Yesenin and, as a result, the creation of the book "My Yesenin", game techniques, observing the process of creating an object by children, using the teacher's samples, playing exercises, experimentation and experience, considering illustrations, excursions, observation, artistic word, story.

An important condition development of artistic and creative abilities in productive activities- the accumulation of impressions from the perception of art, which is its source. Another baby condition creativity- accumulation of performance experience. In improvisations, the child emotionally, directly applies everything that he has learned in the learning process. In turn, learning is enriched creative manifestations of children, takes developing character... Baby creation, like children's performance, most often does not have artistic values ​​for the people around. It is important for the child himself. The criteria for its success is not artistic value of an artistic image created by the child, but the presence of emotional content, the expressiveness of the image itself and its embodiment, variability, originality. I would like to end with Rubinstein's words]. “, - wrote L.S. spirals: the realization of the possibilities presented by ability of this level, opens up new opportunities for capacity development higher level ".


1. Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. On the subject and method of research creativity// Psychological journal. 1995, no. 5, p. 49-58. 2. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood... M., 1991. 3. Mysheva. T. P. Development of creative imagination in older preschool children // Kindergarten from A to Z №1. 2011. 3. Fayzullaeva E. D. Creative style of mastering the environment. // Child garden: theory and practice. No. 7/2013. 4. Gulyaeva O. I. Development of creativity in preschool children. published | v international practical conference "Pedagogical an experience: theory, methodology, practice. "02/25/2016 teacher MBDOU D / S No. 36 "Kerecheen" Sakha / Yakutia / Resp // Internet resource Interactiveplus. 5. site 6. Sergeeva G. Yu. Development of creativity preschoolers in the process of getting to know nature. // journal Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences №3. June. 2016.

Development of artistic and creative abilities in
preschoolers through the introduction
productive types of nursery

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at the tips of their
fingers. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest threads go -
streams that feed the source of creative thought.
In other words, the more skill in a child's hand,
the smarter the child "
V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

is an
process of activity creating
qualitatively new material and
spiritual values ​​or is
the result of the creation of a subjectively new.
the result
to form qualities in the child
the creator, not the consumer.

Disclosure of the intellectual,
creative and moral
capacity in creative
activities that
understood as a means
individual experience and skills
children received by them in different

Form an emotional attitude
to objects of aesthetic nature
aesthetic perception
creative thinking
fine motor skills of hands
Cultivate independence

An object
The process of forming creative
abilities in preschool children
Productive activities
If the work process is productive
activities will
carried out in the system of various
forms of organized activity, then
the development of children's creativity will
more efficient.

education, one of the leading areas is
individual creative development of the child. On
today, it is also the development of the Federal
preschool education, which is aimed at solving
such a task as creating favorable conditions for
development of children in accordance with their individual
characteristics and inclinations, development of abilities and
the creative potential of each child as a subject
relationships with oneself, other children, adults and
the world.

Expected Result.
Development in the process of productive species
activities of creativity, initiative,
Formation of the ability to self-study,
self-development and self-expression.
Active assimilation of skills and ability
artistic perception and performance.
Improving the level of preparation for school.

Show reception
teacher samples

Forms of work
Exhibitions of works by children
The game

Working with parents
Sliding folders
Exhibitions with participation
Parent meetings
Crafts making

Productive activities

In traditional technique
In unconventional technique
colored pencils
with wax crayons
drawing with a candle

Topic: "Development of creative abilities of preschool children through artistic and productive activities"

(From the experience of the circle "Dexterous fingers")

When children from the first junior group come to us, many still cannot speak clearly, their hands are poorly developed. And we pay great attention to the development of fine motor skills, because speech is in a straight linedepending on the fitness of the fingers. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, there are the finest rivulets that feed the source of creative thought. "

Many experts and educators argue that the development of intellectual, mental and creative processes must begin with the development of the movement of the hands and fingers. As an experienced teacher, of course, I support those who pay attention to the development of hand motor skills from an early age. To develop a child and his brain, it is necessary to train his arms. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the entire future life of a child will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hand and fingers, which are necessary to dress, sculpt, glue, draw and write, as well as perform a variety of household and educational activities.

2 slide

And for the development of fingers, we try to create all conditions. Various types of mosaics, constructors, puzzles of different sizes, strokes, coloring, stencils have been introduced into the development environment, we conduct finger games. Our children were very happy to play these games. Then I noticed that, as they matured, they use these games less and less, because there are such games at home. I was faced with a problem: what is an interesting activity to captivate our children?

Unconventional types of creative activity turned out to be attractive to my attention. But I had doubts whether the children would be interested in these types of activities, whether they would have enough perseverance, patience, because this creativity requires a painstaking attitude and extraordinary zeal.

3 slide

I myself am a person who is passionate about making handicrafts using an unconventional technique. I am attracted by everything unusual, made by hand, and I do not get tired of comprehending new techniques in making handicrafts. I wanted my knowledge, skills to pass on to children.

And now, for 5 years now, I have been engaged in artistic and productive activities with children, which I implement through additional education "Dexterous fingers" - the main idea of ​​which is activities for the development of fingers using non-traditional application techniques:

"Napkin mosaic" - creating an image from colored balls;

"Torn mosaic" - filling the image with small pieces of colored paper.

And also work with paper (origami), embroidery, drawing with thread.

4 slide

Target my job: developing creativity through non-traditional productive activities.

To achieve this goal, the following were identifiedtasks:

To develop aesthetic perception and imagination, without which no artistic and creative activity is possible;

To form an emotional attitude to artistic activity is an important factor in the formation of creative abilities and aesthetic education in children;

Create conditions for children's creativity;

Teach children a variety of ways of practical actions with paper, cloth, thread, paper napkins;

Develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements;

To bring up independence, purposefulness, strong-willed qualities.

The development of children's creativity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy and the main goal of the education system is to educate the younger generation of a creative approach to transforming the world around them, activity and independence of thought, contributing to the achievement of positive changes in the life of society. We must bring up in our children curiosity, ingenuity, initiative, imagination, fantasy - that is, qualities that find vivid expression in the creativity of children.

And this is what great people said about creativity:

"Creativity is a special kind of activity, it really brings satisfaction." S. Maugham.

"Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity."

"Creativity does not come to children by some kind of inspiration, creativity must be taught." V. A. Sukhomlinsky

“Creativity is a quality that you bring into the activity that you do.” Osho (Bagwan Shri Rajneesha) is an enlightened master from India.

5 slide

Subject-productive activity is a type of artistic activity, in the process of which a child (at the level of his capabilities) creates a beautiful, expressive, real attractiveproduct (toy, souvenir, gift) and decorate, improve the environment. This type of activity allows you to satisfy the basic needs of the child: the desire to practically act with objects, to get a meaningful result.

6 slide

The main significance of productive types of labor is that in the process of activity the child develops hand skills, strengthens the strength of the hands, the movements of both hands become more coordinated, and the movements of the fingers are differentiated. This is facilitated by the excellent muscle load on the fingers. Children develop a grip of a small object with two fingers or a pinch, they also know how to independently carry out movements in all its qualities: strength, duration, direction.Teaching children traditional and non-traditional techniques contributes to the development of the child's creative imagination, imagination, and artistic taste. And most importantly, a variety of hand actions develop: coordination of both hands, coordination of hand and eye movements, visual control, which are so necessary for children in elementary school.

7 Slide "Embroidery"

L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “Creative activity does not arise immediately, but very slowly and gradually, it develops from simpler forms to more complex ones. Each period of childhood has its own form of creativity.».

The next thing my children were passionate about was embroidery.

Together with the children we looked at illustrations, pictures, got acquainted with different types and methods of embroidery. Not only girls, but also boys were engaged in embroidery individually. First, the children mastered the needle forward stitch and then the chain stitch. The results of the work made everyone happy. Of the children's works, they organized exhibitions that adorned the group. Parents did not expect their children to be able to do such a time-consuming job. Seeing the result of the work of their children, they appreciated them.

8 slide Principles

There is a well-known pedagogical rule: if you want a child to learn something, ensure his first success. If the child feels successful, he will try even harder, as the proverb says "A sure pointer is not a fist, but a caress." Therefore, in my circle work, the principle from the simplest to the complex was observed. Thanks to this, the children were in a situation of success, self-confidence. Eagerly and eagerly, they began to carry out new work.

The following principles are the basis for productive activity:

the principle of emotional passion;

principle of variability;

the principle “if you don’t praise, then who?”;

the principle of personal communication;

the principle “I want to do it too”.

9 Perspectives slide

To improve my work, I have outlined the following prospects:

Continue the work of the circle "Dexterous fingers";

Continue to introduce children to other non-traditional techniques of productive activity (paint-art technique, burning)

Continue work on the development of fine motor skills;

Keep track of new developments, manuals, literature in the development of children's creativity;

Interact with your family.

In conclusion, I would like to note that creative work with children also brought me positive emotions when I saw the results of my work with children. Performing work in non-traditional technique is not only a fascinating way of spending leisure time, but also a means of solving many pedagogical problems. These types of creativity affect the general intellectual development, speech of children, have a beneficial effect on the development of attention and memory. They discipline, educate perseverance, responsibility, curiosity, and have a beneficial effect on the emotional mood of children while making crafts. And how much sincere joy and delight the work done by them brings children! These emotions are an important stimulus for educating them to be industrious, work contributes to the development of the child's personality, the upbringing of his character. Such joint work with children influences the formation of independence, self-confidence, contributes to the formation of good feelings for loved ones, because a gift can be made with your own hands.