Do-it-yourself robot from boxes. Matchbox Crafts - for Boys and Girls

Childhood is a wonderful time in which even a simple cardboard box can easily become a home for dolls, a spaceship or a funny robot. Making a robot out of boxes with your own hands for any parent will not be difficult, especially since you can easily involve your child in this process, who will be delighted with both the result and the manufacture of crafts. In this article, you will find detailed instructions for making a variety of robots from scrap materials.

What you might need

Before you start making a robot from boxes with your own hands, make sure that you have prepared all the tools that you may need during the work:

In order for your work to bring you only joy, read these simple tips:

  1. Do not glue the boxes to each other with PVA glue - it soaks the cardboard and prevents the product from holding well. Also, do not resort to using a glue stick - it is too unreliable. The best solution would be glue - a moment or a glue gun.
  2. Allow a layer of water-based paint to dry well before spraying the item with spray paint.
  3. Spray your robot with spray paint only on the street, balcony or in the entrance to avoid inhaling large amounts of harmful vapors.

DIY robot made of boxes

In order to make such a blank for a robot:

  1. Match boxes of different sizes and stack them one on top of the other.
  2. Swap the boxes, try different compositions.
  3. Secure the boxes with glue.
  4. Glue all the joints of the boxes with paper tape so that these joints are not visible under the paper or paint.
  5. If desired, glue the entire surface of your future robot with white paper or simply paint with water-based white paint.
  6. Decorate your robot as desired.

Craft with a child "big robot"

Making a robot out of boxes with your own hands can be a great way to cheer up your kid at a time when it is impossible to go for a walk and you need to keep him busy at home. A great feature of this type of creativity is that you, most likely, will not fully imagine the final version of your product, because you will be coming up with the appearance of your robot on the go. To get started, collect all the boxes you have around the house. Immediately remove those in which the equipment was sold, the warranty period of which has not yet expired. You can create as much as you like with the rest of the boxes. It is advisable that the cardboard on the boxes is not glossy, since other materials do not adhere well to it.

There are several ways to stack the boxes. Add guidelines for arms, legs, head. Experiment! Perhaps the arms of your robot will not be made of boxes at all, but, for example, from an old hose or foil pipe for ventilation. Do not be lazy to find the materials remaining after the repair - the remains of baseboards, ceiling tiles, wallpaper and more.

When the image of your craft is thought out, glue the parts together using glue-moment. It is better not to trust a child under 10 years of age to work with materials such as fast-drying glue. Take this part of the work yourself.

Now spread the whole robot with PVA glue or a pencil and glue the paper on top. You can leave the robot in its original form.

Connect all your imagination when decorating it: give your child plasticine, paints, matchboxes, ropes, bottle caps of different sizes and colors. Simulate levers and light bulbs. Such an evening activity will definitely be an excellent pastime for a child from 5 to 12 years old, the main thing is that the parent himself is carried away at this moment.

DIY robot suit made from boxes

Halloween, popular in the West, is firmly established in Russia as well. Now, many educational institutions host an All Saints Day party, when both children and adults are happy to dress up as different characters. A robot costume can be a great idea for a costume party. To make it you will need:

  1. Pick up two boxes for the head and torso. One is larger, and the other, respectively, is slightly smaller. Check that the head can easily pass into one, and the child's torso into the second.
  2. Cut a hole for the head in one box, and in the second, remove the bottom edge, also cut a hole for the head on top and two holes for the hands.
  3. Cut a hole for the eyes in the box that is supposed to serve as the head of the robot. You can make antennas out of wire and fix them from the inside.
  4. Paint and decorate both boxes. Choose silver paint to simulate the steel body of the robot.
  5. Put foil pipes on your arms and legs, or simply wrap them with foil.

In such a do-it-yourself robot suit out of the box, your child will definitely not have the opportunity to go unnoticed.

Matchbox robot

The robot you are going to make with your child does not have to be full size. It can easily fit in the palm of your hand, while remaining absolutely charming. In order to make a robot out of matchboxes with your own hands, take 8-10 boxes, fold the robot out of them and glue the boxes together with any glue. It is even possible to use ordinary glue-stick here, since the boxes are very light.

Now gently paint the product with a brush, after waiting for the glue to dry completely. Decorate the item to your liking.

Robot head out of the box

In the event that you do not need a whole, and the child really wants to feel like this particular character, you can limit yourself to one helmet. Make a robot head out of the box for him with your own hands, and he will be incredibly happy. To make a toy like this:

  1. Find a box that fits your child's head or slightly larger.
  2. Glue it well so that it does not open.
  3. Cut a hole for the head to fit.
  4. Cut a hole for the eyes.
  5. Ties can be made from the bottom to keep the helmet firmly on the baby's head.
  6. Paint the box with a water-based emulsion and tint it with a spray can.
  7. Add a grin or a smile, make antennas or earpieces, glue on a couple of temperature sensors.

Ready! Your child will be fascinated by the game of the robot for more than one day.

Thus, you learned how to make a robot out of boxes with your own hands and realized that such an activity can be turned into a hobby for you and your child. Show a little imagination and even ordinary material can make your child happy.

March 20th, 2013

In order to come up with a new toy with a child or make a simple craft, you don't need much. A little free time and our imagination are usually enough. And from what to make? - there is at hand. My son and I already have a whole flotilla of yogurt cans, and the best ships we have turned out from cans of viola and soft butter. We will devote this review to toys and crafts that can be made with a child from all kinds of "garbage" - boxes and boxes, cardboard, plastic bottles and much more.

1. Cardboard boxes and boxes

Let's start with crafts from boxes and smaller boxes. Each of us regularly has boxes of different sizes (especially during the holidays), but we usually try to get rid of this "happiness" as soon as possible, since it is completely inconvenient to store them. But you can immediately put them into action

Large boxes.

Oversized boxes make absolutely amazing toys for children.

Or a plane

House-mill. Detailed master class at the link

Pirate treasure chest. Description

Parking for cars.

how to do


Or a more complex option


And another version of the castle


From smaller boxes

Or such dinosaur feet


Monster storage boxes

Great storage idea out of box and cardboard rolls


Small stove


Catapult game


Train with trailers





More ideas from cardboard sheets



Or such


And here is the castle of the knight and the princess

If pasted over with decorative paper and decorated, then what is not a gift wrap for all kinds of sweets, for example




And you can also make such an aquarium with your children.


Boxes and cardboard are a real scope for creativity, if you wish, you can do whatever you want, I think we will return to this topic in the near future, we have something interesting in store

2. Cardboard rolls from toilet paper and paper towels

Simple crafts that you can do with your children







You can see a lot of different animals with patterns at the link


Binoculars for children or a telescope from a roll of towels


Or make princess crowns for a children's party


And here is an amazing idea of ​​how to make firecrackers for a holiday. Description


Racing cars


3. Disposable tableware - paper and plastic plates and glasses

Disposable tableware can also be used in an original way.

Paper plates are very convenient to paint

And from deep plates you can make such jellyfish


Or even make a garland decoration for a holiday


A plate and a glass make such a pretty house.


Spider glasses


Dragon from cups


It is very simple and fun to turn ordinary cups into freaks. Great idea for children's parties

And here is the idea for an advent calendar


And even a New Year's garland can be made from cups.


4. Plastic bottles and containers



For children for a holiday


From bottles and spoons

If it is raining outside or guests with children come to you and you need to keep them busy - home bowling


And in small bottles it is fun to germinate grass. Just relevant for Easter


And the bottles also turn into ... a rocket, or rather, into the main attribute

Airplanes and ships from shampoo containers

5. Wooden ice cream sticks and medical spatulas

These are very simple and cute crafts that can be made from ordinary wooden ice cream sticks.

People for the puppet theater



Raft ship


It's also easy to make an original puzzle game.

And you can make a whole house

Medical spatula chests. Description

6. Cocktail tubes

With the help of such tubes, you can draw very interestingly with mule bubbles.

And the tubes are also great as a mast for boats.

You can think of many different games with these pipes. For example, you can arrange "air" football. Roll a small ball of paper and use a tube to chase the "ball" By the same principle, you can play with whom the ball will fly farther or who will get to the finish line faster. This kind of games are very useful, it is a kind of breathing exercises.

7. Sponges

Even the most ordinary sponge can turn into ...

a garden bed (it is fun to germinate seeds in a large-porous sponge)

Or make drawing stamps or just paint with a sponge (rainbow is especially good)

And to make it more convenient to draw with such stamps, you can glue them, for example, on a wine cork, as here

And sponges can also be used to make, for example, heads for robots.

8. Wine corks

On the Internet you can find a huge variety of photographs on the topic of crafts from traffic jams, but we will limit ourselves only to stamps.

9. Tin cans

for flowers

By the way, if you have paint buckets in your country house, do not rush to throw it away.




game like old towns


here and

Jar with wishes or Smile box

it is such a jar or box filled with small pieces of paper with various wishes, pleasant phrases, anecdotes, encouraging slogans or declarations of love.
Start a similar jar at home. This is a real generator of daily good mood.


Snow blizzard or, as it is correct, snow globe, but in this case, rather a glitter jar. Description

And in summer, for street parties, cans can be used for drinks. They look very unusual and stylish

And finally, very original crafts from an old light bulb


In compiling this collection, including materials from the blog Kokokokids

Send us your interesting finds of handicrafts from what is at hand, and also share with us what you did! This topic is inexhaustible and I think we will return to it more than once.

Master class for classmates. The master class can be used for independent work of children on creative design from waste material. Designed for children 9-10 years old. A ready-made Spacebot made of matchboxes can decorate a nursery near a computer. And it can also be used for role-playing games.

Materials and tools

How to make a space robot from matchboxes with your own hands? Step by step instructions for children and adults.

Each matchbox must be wrapped in foil. To do this, you need to cut strips as wide as a matchbox. To prevent the foil from unfolding, attach it with hot glue.

We make robot arms. We connect two boxes with an insert from one box, placing it between them.

Cut the second insert in half and insert it on both sides of the robot arm, as if closing the end sides. The hand is ready. We do the second in the same way.

To make the legs of the robot, you also need to connect two glued boxes. And glue one additional box to the bottom of the leg.

This is what the finished leg part looks like. You need to make two of them.

The legs are connected by the lower part of the body. To make it, we glue glued boxes flat on top of one another. Fix the robot legs with hot glue on the resulting part.

We make the chest part of the craft from four glued boxes.

Then we connect the chest and lower parts.

Now we glue the robot arms. They can be lowered down, as in the picture below.

But we made them so that they are stretched forward, because the space robot must be ready to defend. And his weapon only in this position of his hands can be aimed at a space enemy. In order for our robot to create the impression of a full-fledged transformer, we decorate the details of the arms and legs with circles cut from a bottle cork. Glued in the center of the parts, they represent the hinges.

Let's move on to making the head.

To do this, we wrap the parts of the insert from the Kinder surprise egg with foil. Each half is separate.

We connect the halves by hiding the ends of the folded foil inward.

Here's what happened

And on the head, make antennas from handy material.

Space robot transforming for a star journey is ready!

To make this miniature suitcase in a retro style, you need thick brown paper (two shades), an empty matchbox and funny pictures (these will be "badges"). We glue the boxes with paper, make a handle, “belts” and decorate with retro “badges” - the suitcase is ready.

Miniature photo album

Do you want to surprise and delight your loved ones? Then give them such a miniature photo album as a gift. To do this, you will need: a matchbox, glue, paints, postcards or scrap paper, scissors, brushes and, of course, tiny photographs. Decorate the box and place a miniature photo screen in it. Such an album can always be worn near the heart - in a breast pocket.

Screen book

By the same principle, you can make a baby book. Print out short stories, come up with illustrations, make a screen and stick it in boxes. Perhaps such an unusual form will awaken an interest in reading in a child.

7 empty matchboxes can be used to make this cute giraffe. You just need to make a frame, glue it with paper and decorate. This is a great idea for co-creation with children.

Mini zoo

You can make not only a giraffe from matchboxes, but also a whole zoo. Take four boxes, paint them gray (hippo), orange (lion), light and dark brown (bear and donkey). Glue the corresponding muzzles on top. You will get a bright and original gift for your baby.

Declaration of love is possible (and necessary!) Not only on February 14, but all year round. Moreover, it is so simple: take a matchbox, glue it with beautiful paper, attach a couple of hearts - and you're done. In addition, you can (and should!) Put something tasty inside - you get a very sweet confession.

Garland surprise

For the New Year, as well as any other holiday, you can make such a bright garland with surprises. Cut stars out of glossy paper and glue matchboxes with sweets, nuts and other goodies to them.

Christmas calendar

In America and Europe, on the eve of the New Year holidays, it is customary to make the so-called Advent calendar. This is a kind of postcard, consisting of 24 "pockets" (according to the number of days before Christmas). Inside these cases are sweets, small gifts, notes with biblical quotes or just kind words. One surprise is opened a day, thus recharging the pre-holiday mood. You can also make a calendar like this. A simple but very beautiful way is a matchbox mosaic.

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations in the shape of Christmas deer and Santa Claus are matchboxes pasted over with paper and with felt faces. If you show your imagination, then the Snow Maiden, the Snowman and other New Year's characters may also appear on your Christmas tree.

Gift wrap

In such an original box, you can give a ring, earrings or other "little things". And it remains to be seen which will be more valuable - the box or its contents. After all, as you know, the best gift is a handmade one. To turn a matchbox into original packaging, you need scrap paper and other decorative elements, as well as your imagination.

The boys will surely love the idea of ​​making a plane with their own hands. This requires a matchbox and colored cardboard. Cut out blanks from cardboard: two wide strips, one long narrower and two narrow small ones. And then, as they say, it's a matter of technology.


Another "male" toy is matchbox robots. In this case, the boxes are used as parts of the constructor. To get a real Iron Man, the main thing is to glue and paint correctly.

For girls, you can make chic doll furniture. A little imagination, and gray matchboxes turn into exquisite nightstands and desks. You will find a detailed master class by clicking on the link below.

Not a single modern lady can do without a computer, so a computer desk is a must in your daughter's dollhouse. Matchboxes will come to the rescue again. Glue them together to create a table with drawers, and decorate it to your liking. "Computer", by the way, can also be made out of a box.

Matchboxes can be used to make not only doll furniture, but also dolls themselves. To do this, you need to draw on the label or make a little girl using the scrapbooking technique, while the matches sticking out of the open box will play the role of her legs.

Confetti boxes

Arranging a party is easy. One recipe for a great party is matchboxes + confetti. Decorate the boxes brighter and pour confetti in them - it will be convenient to store and use.

If matchboxes (or rather their "sliding" part) are glued together, make cells of different sizes, paint them or make decoupage, stick inside a photo, decorate with flowers and other decorative elements, you will get a very original and beautiful panel. You will find a detailed master class below. But remember: the point of any tutorial is not to repeat it, but to be inspired by your own creativity.

Print out a nice picture, stick it on the "canvas" of matchboxes, and then carefully cut along the contour of each box to make the pieces of the puzzle. Thus, you can also make a photo puzzle - an excellent gift for loved ones.

Matchboxes can serve not only for entertainment but also for educational purposes. So, if instead of labels you stick images of various animals with their names, you get a kind of "cubes". Of course, the theme can be anything - fruits, colors, professions, etc.

Another game useful for the development of the child is called "Who lives where?" And it can also be made at home using matchboxes. To do this, you need to stick a picture on the label with the habitat of this or that animal (for example, an aquarium), and inside a box - with the animal itself (fish). Thanks to this, the baby will quickly and easily remember who lives where.

For your child to quickly learn numbers and the alphabet, try to offer him such "abacus" and "alphabet". On the matchboxes write 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and put as many matches inside as is written on the box; or write letters, and paste pictures inside with words starting with these letters.

Dutch illustrator Kim Velling is convinced that one kind word or smile is enough to cheer up a person. But what if no one is around? Make a "box of inspiration" - says Kim. This is an ordinary matchbox, inside which there is an encouraging or parting note and a cute picture. You can carry it with you and at any time, taking it out of your pocket, improve your mood.

With the help of matchboxes and beautiful paper, you can make original seating cards for guests at a wedding. All you need to do is print out the names of the invitees and paste over the boxes. Guests will be able to take the matches with them; such a souvenir will remind them of your celebration for a long time.

A bonbonniere is such a beautiful box in which souvenirs and small surprises are put for guests at weddings, anniversaries, name days or other celebrations. Initially, candies were used to fill such boxes (even the word "bonbonniere" comes from the French "bonbon" - "candy"). But now everything is put inside: from key rings to aromatic oils. As you can see, making a bonbonniere is simple, you can just decorate an ordinary matchbox.

Small items storage box

You can't tell right away that these elegant chests of drawers are made of banal matchboxes. However, this is the case. The technology of their creation, on the one hand, is simple, but on the other, it will require a lot of imagination and perseverance. But, you see, the result is worth it - beautiful and functional. These boxes can be used to store jewelry, paper clips and other little things.

All parents dream of giving their kids a happy and bright childhood full of unforgettable impressions. And it's very easy to do if you turn a child's life into a game and add a little fantasy.

You can create your own unique robot from ordinary things, for example, a cardboard box. In this case, the child himself, who climbed into the box, will become a robot. And only you will have such a robot, no one else will. You can't buy anything like this in Baby Toys

Renowned children's artist Vivienne Schwartz will help bring this idea to life. She created amazing book... This is a game book, a comic book, an instruction book with amazingly lively and funny illustrations.

A comic story about a boy who, together with his mother, assembles a robot from an empty cardboard box, will help make an interactive robot.

Invite your child to feel like a real construction set. Take the robot in a few steps.

Step 1. Take one small fidget and one large cardboard box.

Step 2. Have the child put the box on himself.

Step 3. Create a surveillance system.

Mark the slots for the eyes with a felt-tip pen. Cut the holes. Test the surveillance system. If necessary, glue the old holes and cut new ones elsewhere.

It can be whatever you want:

Step 4. Make a hole for receiving and dispensing.

You can make as many inlet and outlet holes as you like. The size and shape of the holes depends on their purpose. You can also add a hinged valve, an inclined gutter and a tray.

Step 5. Equip the robot with a display so that everyone knows what it is doing at this moment.

The display should show the operating mode of the robot. Think about what inscriptions your robot might need to interact with the outside world. To control the robot, place the command display on the outside.

And if you want to travel in time and space, then make such a display.

Step 6. Complete your robot with different details.

Look around and you will see many objects that can become parts of the robot. Replace parts frequently with other parts to keep your robot ready for any situation.