Native. Relatives and strangers Conflicts between relatives

See relative Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. relatives adj. 1. loved ones... Synonym dictionary

- “RELATED”, USSR, film studio IM. A. DOVZHENKO, 1977, color. Drama. From the life of a Ukrainian collective farm. Cast: Vitaly Shapovalov (see SHAPOVALOV Vitaly Vladimirovich), Victor Shulgin (see SHULGIN Viktor Sergeevich), Vera Kuznetsova (see KUZNETSOVA Vera... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

native- relatives, relatives, relatives Page. 0986 Page 0987 Page 0988 Page 0989… New explanatory dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

Relatives, relatives, relatives, relatives, relatives, relatives (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

Place someone with relatives. Novg. Bury someone Sergeeva 2004, 199 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

native- dear ones, oh... Russian spelling dictionary

native- pl., R. native/x... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

native- see native; s/x; pl. Relatives. Relatives live in Moscow. Visiting relatives... Dictionary of many expressions

native- noun gargara nah... Russian-Ingush dictionary

native- (plural only) baldihotal... Russian-Nanai dictionary


  • Native echoes. In 2 books, Maykov Apollo Nikolaevich, Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich, Shevchenko Taras Grigorovich. FAMILY Echoes The collection includes poems by Maykov, Tyutchev, Fet, Nikitin, Koltsov and many others on topics one way or another connected with Russian nature and peasant life. Every…
  • Native tales. Issue 10, Tulupov N.V.. Native fairy tales. Issue 10. Collection of Russian fairy tales for children from various sources with drawings. The book is a reprint edition (publishing house I. D. Sytin Publishing House). Despite…

Relatives are people of the same blood, the most necessary and closest to each other in this world. There may be many or few of them. Taking into account all grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters, etc. However, it is not only blood ties that make it possible for people to be called “relatives”. The definition also applies to spouses. And even more than that. To both their families. After all, it is in the newly created young family that new people appear.

Relatives are the closest

So, more details. Relatives are those people who literally feel even from a distance. These are the ones who always have something to talk about. And there is something to keep quiet about. And there is no need to fill the silence at all. Between loved ones, even silence takes on a special meaning, and pauses are not at all burdensome. Their relationship is based on understanding, trust and respect. They will always listen to each other, consult, and share problems. That's right, because relatives have them in common.

Conflicts between relatives

Such problems do not necessarily concern spouses specifically. has always been and will remain relevant. Two different generations cannot always understand each other. Therefore, they also move away from each other.

Both brothers and sisters and representatives of two different clans face problems. In a word, there are also difficulties that must be dealt with.

Problem solving

In fact, relatives are people who should be able to overcome any obstacles. And to do this, you just need to choose the right moment and talk to each other. Just as it was before the conflicts arose. That is, in the same atmosphere and mood that accompanied your previous conversations. Remind each other that you were family. Accordingly, you cannot become absolute strangers. Remember everything that was good between you, look through old photographs. Understand that time spent with loved ones is priceless. For this we need to be grateful to each other.

Appreciate your loved ones

And finally. Relatives are the people closest to you. And if you respect each other, love, understand, sympathize and empathize with each other - appreciate it. Unfortunately, the feeling of closeness is not given to every family. It would seem that everyone is happy, but this very feeling is not there... Everyone has their own life, their own friends, their own work, their own responsibilities. As a result, people intersect only when absolutely necessary. Agree, this is not the most ideal option. Such families lack kinship. Therefore, thank fate for the fact that there are such close, dear people in your life. Do everything so that they don’t have to be offended, upset and cry, but on the contrary, they glow with happiness and joy. Trust me, they will treat you the same way. Don't forget that these are the most precious people you have. They are the ones who will always come to the rescue and support you in difficult times!

NATIVE meaning

T.F. Efremova New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



dear Óy

1. m.

Usage as an affectionate address to father, brother, husband, man, boy, etc.

2. adj.

a) Related by blood in a direct line.

b) Used. in relation to brother and sister, uncle and aunt, nephew and niece (as opposed to cousins).

2) transfer

Your own, close in spirit and habits.

3) Close to place of birth.



Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Related by blood in a direct line.

Native father. Dear mother. Brother. Dear grandmother. Dear uncle.- Do you, my dear sisters, really want me, your brother, to be hit over the head or taken to the police?

Leskov, Robbery. When registering children, I distinguished between native and adopted.

Chekhov, Sakhalin Island.

Being a relative.(Famusov:) How do you begin to introduce yourself to a little cross, to a small town, Well, how can you not please your dear little one!

2. Griboedov, Woe from Wit. in meaning native noun , -s, pl.

Relatives. My relatives lived in Krasnoyarsk - mother, sister and brother-in-law.

Korolenko, History of my contemporary.

The one where you were born (about the city, country, etc.).- Or is nothing nice to you on your native side? Apparently, someone else's is cuter.

I. Goncharov, Ordinary history.(Irina:) Our hometown, we were born there.

Chekhov, Three Sisters.

Dear, close to the heart. If Doronin could not imagine his future life without serving in the army, then he could not imagine his military service outside the ranks of his native division.

|| (Chakovsky, It’s already morning here.).

in circulation

Dear, dear.- Stepanushka, dear, don’t give it away, dear! - From under the bear he prayed to the Farmhand.

I. Krylov, Peasant and Worker.- Ah! Nanny, do me a favor. - Please, dear, give orders.

Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin.

NATIVE synonyms


Dictionary of Russian synonyms


darling, blood; father's; related, relative, neighbor, close, half-uterine, half-blooded, flesh of flesh, bone of bones, close, domestic, native; one-uterine, bone from bone, blood from blood, dear, dearest, paternalistic, dear to the heart, kin, foreign, fatherly, dear, precious, one’s own, fashionable, kind, amiable, dear to the heart, dear, dear, high-quality, desired, dear, priceless, beloved, blood, beloved, dear, kinsman, kin, ancestral, relatives, dear to the heart, prestigious, relative, relative, light of the eyes, flesh and blood. Ant. stranger


Dictionary of Russian synonyms

Dictionary of Russian synonyms 2 adj the one who is loved 2. darling, blood 3. darling, father 4. relative, relatives, kinsman, kinsman, relative

Dictionary of Russian synonyms 4


Dictionary of Russian synonyms



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