Children's tricks at the New Year's party. Simple magic tricks for children. "Anecdote" with a beard"

At home, then a win-win option would be simple tricks that will surprise everyone.

For most of these tricks no special preparation required. You just have to learn a few rules and tricks.

Here are some interesting tricks that can be done at home and entertain your loved ones:

Home tricks for children

1. How to peel a banana so that it is already sliced?

Here's how to do it:

The banana can be sliced ​​without removing the peel. This is done using a pin or needle - insert it through the peel and turn it back and forth.

Video instruction:

2. How can you make a hole in a regular piece of paper large enough for you to fit through?

Here's how to do it:

Take a regular sheet of A4 paper, fold it in half lengthwise and start cutting the fringe.

After this, cut the folded parts, except for the first and last strip. When you straighten the sheet, it will “stretch” and you can fit through the resulting hole.

3. How to turn water into ice when you pour it?

Here's how to do it:

Place the water bottle in the freezer and check every few minutes to make sure the water does not freeze, but reaches freezing point (this takes about 2 hours).

Remove the bottle from the freezer and take out a piece of ice. Place ice and start pouring water on it - the water will begin to turn into ice right before your eyes.

Video instruction:

4. How to make the ring fly?

Here's how to do it:

The ring is placed on an elastic band, and when you pull it, it creates the illusion that the ring is flying up.


5. How to make a ketchup packet rise and fall in a water bottle?

Here's how to do it:

If you concentrate children's attention on your right hand, so that you are supposedly using it to control a packet of ketchup, then you can quietly squeeze and unclench the bottle with your left hand. As you do this, the bag inside the bottle will float up and down.


Tricks and their secrets for children at home

6. How to make a cup of coffee fly?

Here's how to do it:

Take a plastic, cardboard or Styrofoam cup and glue your thumb to it. When you raise your hand, it will appear as if you have telekinesis.

7. How to pierce a bag of water so that the water does not spill?

Here's how to do it:

There is no magic here, just science. When you push a pencil through a plastic bag, the molecular structure of the bag creates a seal that prevents water from seeping through the bag.

8. How to fly a few centimeters above the ground?

Here's how to do it:

Stand so that children cannot see the toe of your left foot. Then slowly rise up onto your toes, while lifting the leg that is closest to the audience (in this case, the right leg). You may need to practice in front of a mirror to make the trick more convincing.

After reading the article, you will be able to do simple but very funny magic tricks.

You can also download for free books about magic tricks

Where do we start?

It is especially useful for shy, insecure kids to learn a few tricks. After all, in order to show a prepared trick, you need to go, if not on stage, then at least to the center of the room, where the whole family or friends of the baby have gathered for the performance. And thunderous applause and surprise from friends will be the best cure for low self-esteem.

First of all, explain to your daughter or son that in order for the trick to work, you need to practice properly. Very often children want everything at once. They get upset if something doesn't work out after several attempts. Remind your child that you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. With your help, a novice magician will cope with inevitable difficulties, and this will help him in the future to bring the work he has begun to completion and develop determination.

Many tricks require making props. This would be a great creative activity for 5-6 year olds. And where the child cannot cope on his own, his mother or grandmother will help him. Here the most ordinary things will be used: strings, coins, cardboard boxes, plastic sour cream jars and of course colored paper, paints, pencils.

Where can I find descriptions of tricks? In children's magazines and books. There is not much such literature, but it is not difficult to find. After all, the door to magic is closed, but not locked. Try to interest the young magician in books on the history of the art of illusions, tell him about the great magicians of the past and present. This will give the child new knowledge and teach him to take a more serious, comprehensive approach to the topic of interest. Tell your child that, for example, David Copperfield since childhood read all the literature about magic that he could find, and this helped him become the greatest illusionist in the world.

Act according to the principle “from simple to complex.” If your child does well in his very first trick in life, he will feel more confident in the future. Choose a simple, well-understood trick, and analyze it with your child. When the child begins to succeed, let him rehearse in front of the mirror. This way he will be able to understand what the audience will see and correct possible mistakes.

Practice together what and how your magician will say while performing the trick. Explain to him that how he behaves on stage is very important for an artist. Even the most amazing “magic” will be boring if the “wizard” silently waves his wand. It’s a completely different matter when an artist smiles and jokes with the audience. So gradually the child will learn not only to speak casually during the performance, this will contribute to the development of a sense of humor. And also tell your child that it is very important never to reveal the secret of the trick, no matter how much his friends ask him to do so. Otherwise the feeling of magic will be destroyed.

The simplest tricks

Here are some simple tricks to get you started.

Spoon glued to nose

A trick spoon glued to your nose is suitable for when you drink sweet coffee or compote, stirring it with a light teaspoon. To demonstrate the trick, remove the spoon from the cup. Turn the spoon handle down and place the concave side towards your nose. Lightly press the outside of the spoon with your fingers. After you remove your hand, the spoon will hang on your nose as if it were glued. The secret of the trick is simple. You really glued the spoon with the help of the sweet drink that remains on it when stirring. Even with little acting ability, a few seconds are enough to convince the audience of this trick of the extraordinary properties of your spoon.

Coins in a book

We place six coins on the page of a large book. We close the book and say the magic words “crex-pex-fex”. Now we open the book, tilt it so that the coins slide into the hand of one of the spectators. We count them and find that there are ten coins! The secret of the trick is simple. Before the performance begins, you need to put four coins in the spine of an open book and check that they can slip out unnoticed when you tilt the book, but do not fall out with any movement.

The miraculous appearance of a tie

The next simple trick is a trick joke. The little magician comes out to the audience and asks what important detail is missing from his costume. Oops, he forgot to wear a tie! It's okay, because a wizard can do anything. The child waves his magic wand - and the bow tie appears in its right place! Where did he come from? And the whole point, of course, is in special training.

You need to take a thin round elastic band and attach one end to the tie. Then we hold the tie with an elastic band under the arm so that the audience cannot see it. We will thread the free end of the elastic into the loop on the collar of the shirt, lower it under the shirt to the waist and secure it there firmly. Now you need to take the magic wand in your hand. When your baby waves it, the elastic will pull the tie toward the collar.

Three bottle caps

Give three spectators a lemonade cap, two of which are regular white (colorless) and one is yellow. Offer to hide the lids in a box with three compartments so that you can’t see which is which, and try to guess which compartment the lid is in, for example the yellow one.

The box is made from four outer cases and three inner matchbox drawers. When the lids are laid out, turn to the audience, take the box from them and, after a second of reflection, confidently indicate where the hidden lid is hidden.

The secret of the trick: In the yellow lid, place a lead circle under the seal in advance, equal in diameter to the lid. Hand out the caps to the audience one at a time so that they do not have the opportunity to compare them. When you receive the box in your hand, discreetly grasp the middle of it with your fingertips. The advantage of one side will immediately indicate to you the desired compartment. If the box remains in balance, then the desired lid is in the center).

Mind Reading

The young magician can surprise viewers with his ability to read minds. The child takes a book from the shelf as if at random and asks the audience to name the number of any page. Then he leaves the room, and an assistant, for example mom, reads aloud the top line on the selected page.

The kid returns to the room and asks the audience to think about the line he heard. Then, pretending to read thoughts, he pronounces it. This trick can be easily done by a child who can read. The whole secret is that the exact same book is hidden behind the door. When the child leaves the room, he simply reads and remembers the top line on the correct page.

Balloon and knitting needle

A young magician holds an inflated balloon in his hands. Then he takes a long knitting needle and pierces the ball right through, but the magic ball remains intact. To demonstrate to the audience that the ball is an ordinary one, the child lightly pierces it with a needle. The ball bursts.

How is this possible? Help your son or daughter prepare a knitting needle for this trick. It should be long, thin, well pointed and carefully polished, without nicks. Now we stick a piece of tape on both sides of the ball - and the props are ready. Just first you need to practice piercing the ball exactly in the places “reinforced” with tape quickly and accurately. If you accidentally hit the thin, stretched rubber of the ball with a knitting needle, it will immediately burst. And it’s okay that the kid ruins more than a dozen balloons. But then he will be able to surprise guests at a birthday party or friends in kindergarten with a mysterious trick.

Magic rice

Now let’s show the audience the magic rice. Your magician fills a plastic margarine jar to the brim with dry rice. Then he covers it with exactly the same jar, bottom up, turns the jars on their sides, pressing them tightly against each other, and carries them to all four corners of the room, saying that by magic the rice is transferred to the north, south, west and east. Our rice has traveled around the world.

It may not have become twice as tasty, but there was twice as much of it. We put the jars on a tray, remove the top... The container is full of rice, but the extra one came from somewhere! It scattered all over the tray, it doubled in size! But before, rice easily fit into a jar, everyone saw it. For this trick, we need to work some magic on plastic jars in advance. We will need two completely identical containers.

Take the lid of the jar and carefully cut off the edge. Lubricate the edge of the lid with any universal glue and glue it inside one of the cans approximately in the middle. Now the volume of the can has been halved. Let your child decorate both jars so that they look exactly the same.

To do this, they can be covered with colored paper and shiny stars. To get the trick, pour the rice into a regular jar and cover it with the one we specially prepared by gluing the lid inside. Now all that remains is not to forget the important detail at the end of the trick: after “traveling the world”, the jar with the lid glued in should be at the bottom.

Hand tying

To successfully perform the next trick, the baby will have to practice a little.

We will need a rope about 1 m long, a thin metal (or plastic) bracelet in the form of a ring, into which a child’s hand can easily fit, and a large scarf. Two assistants tightly tie the ends of the rope around the “wizard’s” hands. The child takes the bracelet in one hand and hides both hands under a scarf, which is held by the ends by assistants. After a few seconds, the assistants remove the scarf, and the artist raises his hands up and shows the bracelet hanging on the rope. Of course, here too the solution is very simple. After all, there is a second, exactly the same bracelet. The child first puts it on his hand and covers it with the sleeve of his shirt or jacket. In the meantime, the assistants hold the handkerchief, quietly hide the bracelet in their pocket, and slide the one hidden under the sleeve down onto the rope. That's the whole secret!

Amazing pencil

Fold the banknote in half lengthwise and hold it horizontally. Place a pencil under it. Viewers will see how he, having pierced the paper, stuck out on the other side. Without pulling out the pencil, turn the bill vertically. Holding it on top with one hand, sharply lower the pencil down with the other. It will easily pass through the paper, and the paper... will be safe and sound!

The secret of the trick: make a 4 cm long cut in the middle part of the pencil. When demonstrating the trick, move the pencil from the side of the bill opposite to the audience so that half of the bill fits into the cut. Fold over the other half of the bill. When viewers see a tongue-like part of a pencil, they will mistake it for a whole pencil. All that remains is to sharply lower the pencil down and release the bill from the cut.

Instantly transform an orange into an apple

The young wizard shows everyone an orange, covers it with a bright scarf, casts magic spells, and pulls off the scarf. And there’s already an apple on your palm! The secret of focus. Carefully remove the peel from the orange in advance. Then place the apple (it should be slightly smaller than the orange) in this peel. When showing, the child, tightly holding an apple in an orange peel, shows everyone what he has in his hand. Then, with a deft movement, he removes the scarf from the apple along with the peel.

Confetti candies

Just imagine: a young magician covers a paper cup with confetti with a handkerchief, takes off the handkerchief, and instead of confetti there is candy in the cup. The most real, sweet and delicious. Help yourself, friends! And no matter how fantastic it may sound, with the necessary props it’s not difficult to perform such a trick. So, we will need a large opaque bowl or wide vase filled to the middle with confetti (we buy several bags and pour it into the bowl), two completely identical paper or plastic cups (one with a lid), candies in candy wrappers, and a scarf. Before we start training, let’s do a little magic with a glass.

Fill the one with the lid with candies, close the lid, thickly grease it with glue and cover it with confetti. It is better to stick the confetti in several layers so that they reliably disguise the lid. If there is no ready-made protrusion on the side of the lid, tape a piece of strong fishing line to it with tape so that it is not conspicuous, but at the same time it is easy to feel and grab with your fingers. Cups with your baby can be decorated with stickers. Just make sure that they look absolutely identical (to do this, use two sheets of identical stickers).

After all this, we bury the glass in the bowl of confetti so that it is not visible. The preparations are complete. Let's move on to the actual focus. The magician shows the audience a bowl of confetti and tells them that he can turn confetti into candy. Don't believe me? Now!

He takes an empty glass, shows it to the audience, scoops confetti from the vase with it and pours it back from a fairly large height, demonstrating to the audience that all these are ordinary things, there is no secret in them. You need to scoop up the confetti carefully so as not to “light up” the hidden glass. Then the young magician scoops up the confetti again, but at the same time quietly leaves an empty glass under a layer of colored circles, and pulls out a glass with a “secret”. This is the first moment that needs to be worked out properly. The audience should not suspect anything.

The “secret” glass is raised above the bowl and shown to the audience, the remains of confetti fall from it, and no one suspects the substitution. The magician shakes off the excess confetti (leaving only the glued one), covers the glass with a handkerchief and “conjures” over it, saying something like: One, two, three, Become a confetti candy!

And he himself feels the prepared loop of fishing line through the scarf and pulls the scarf off the cup along with the lid. This is the second point that requires training. You need to learn how to quickly grab the loop and remove the scarf so that the cover underneath is not visible. After this, the young magician puts the scarf aside and shows the surprised spectators a glass full of sweets. So, what do magic candies taste like?

Jumping Coin

This is a cute home trick that is simple and effective. Place a small coin on the table and have someone pick it up without touching the table or the coin. Of course, even if someone volunteers to do this, they still won’t be able to.

The secret of the trick: just hold your hand close to the coin and blow strongly on it from a distance of 5 centimeters. The air compressed by your breath will lift the coin and throw it into your hand. This is not possible right away, but after several exercises you can deftly perform this trick: you blow and there is a coin in your hand!

Endless thread

The magician notices a white thread on his jacket, near the lapel, and tries to brush it off several times. But the thread does not “blow away”. The magician takes the end and pulls it down. The thread begins to pull out of the jacket. The more she stretches out, the more surprised the magician is. And the length of the thread is several tens of meters! Mechanics of the trick: a white thread from a spool is wound onto a short colored pencil (as much as can be wound), placed in a side inner pocket and its tail (1-2 cm) is pulled with a needle through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The pencil is needed so that “there are no traces left in the pocket” if one of the spectators asks the magician to show his pocket; a pencil is not a reel; it will not help solve this trick.

Water is a deceiver

If you place a transparent glass on a large copper coin, the coin will be clearly visible through its walls. Pour water into a glass - the coin will “disappear” (of course, if you don’t look into the glass from above). Based on this optical effect, you can come up with a number. Take a coin and glue it to the bottom of the glass in advance. The child shows the audience a glass of water. There's nothing in it. Lower the glass down and hold it so that the audience looks at it from above - a coin appears in the glass!

Obedient button

Pour soda into a glass. The young magician takes a small button and drops it into a glass. The button will be at the bottom. Immediately or a little later, he moves his hand over the glass and says: “Button, come to me!” The button slowly rises up. He passes his hand over the glass again and says: “Button down!” She will obediently lower herself.
The secret of the trick: when the button is at the bottom of the glass, gas bubbles collect around it and when there are a lot of them, they will lift the button. Then the bubbles will disappear and the button will fall back down. This movement will continue as long as carbon dioxide is released. But practice first, calculate the time before commanding the button “up” or “down”.

Slipper trick

The magician brings out a paper package. Unties him. He takes out a clean rug from the package. He shows it to the audience from all sides: nothing is hidden in it. Spreads it on the floor. Still holding the rug with his hands by the edge, he pulls the slippers off with one foot and covers them with the rug.

Makes “magic passes” in the air with his hands.

He lifts the rug and points to the shoes that appeared “from nowhere.” Blows a kiss to the audience. He bows solemnly in all directions. And he doesn’t notice that his slippers “by themselves” (they are pulled by the threads) are quickly “leaving” from the stage. Having finished bowing, the clown looks for his slippers with his eyes. They are nowhere to be found! Covering his feet with a rug, he trotts off the stage in embarrassment. And at the same time he still tries to smile.

Blow out the candle

Place two glasses on the table at some distance from one another (the glasses should not be heavy). Give the audience a piece of paper and ask them to place a third glass on top of the paper placed on the glasses. No one will believe that a thin piece of paper can withstand the weight of a glass placed on it.

To do this trick, you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion, and the glass will stand.

Guessing the date of birth

The host of the holiday can perform this trick with the audience. He addresses the audience: “Do you want me to find out the date of birth of each of you? Have someone come to me... Please multiply by 2 the number when you were born. Add 5 to the result, and multiply this amount by 50. Now add the serial number of the month you were born and name the resulting number. Having learned this number, the presenter immediately names the day and month of birth. The secret of the trick: from the number named by the viewer you need to subtract 250. You will get a three-digit or four-digit number in which one or two first digits are the birthday, and the last two are the month.

Transformation of tea

In one glass - “milk” (potato starch shaken in water). In another glass - “tea” (a few drops of iodine in half a glass of water).

Liquid from one glass is poured into another and “ink” is obtained. You can even write on paper with them. Viewers can test their drawing skills by taking a brush and drawing something on a blank sheet of whatman paper or cardboard.
Living water

On a blank piece of paper, the child draws the outline of a flower with a simple pencil, then waters it with water. And then the plant gradually blooms (becomes colorful).

And you've probably seen this trick more than once. The magician takes a vessel with a narrow neck and lowers the end of a rope into it, first showing the audience that the rope “goes in and out” freely. He then turns the vessel upside down, and the rope continues to hang, held in the vessel by some mysterious force. The magician grabs the rope with his hands, turns the vase over to its normal position, lets go, and it swings on the rope like a pendulum. What kind of strange force tied the rope and the vase so tightly?

Finally, the magician casts a spell, the “force” releases the rope, and it freely, effortlessly comes out of the neck of the vessel. What? Is there some secret in the vase? Please look for yourself and see for yourself, turn it in your hands: just a vase and just a rope, nothing special!

And the secret of this trick is very simple. And the baby can handle it quite well. Only here he cannot do without the help of mom or dad, because our vessel must first be prepared. We, of course, deceived our viewers that there was no secret. It is there, as in any trick. So, it is convenient to use a glass ketchup bottle with a narrow neck or any other suitable container as a magic vessel. The rope needs to be thick and rigid, about half a meter or less long (the child should be able to handle it comfortably).

The diameter of the neck should be approximately twice the diameter of the rope. Make a glass bottle opaque by painting it with paint (for example, acrylic) and decorating it with magical patterns. Now comes the most important part. You will need a small rubber ball with a diameter slightly larger than half the inside diameter of the neck. The ball can also be cut from a bottle cap. It drops into the bottle and remains there throughout the entire trick. You may need to experiment with different ball sizes to get the focus to work perfectly.

So what happens during a magic trick? The young magician shows the audience a bottle and a rope, then shows that the rope fits freely into the neck of the bottle and comes out just as easily. After that, he lowers the rope into the bottle to the very bottom and slowly (this is important) turns the bottle upside down. The bottle should be held in one hand and the rope in the other. The ball rolls into the neck between the rope and the wall of the bottle. Now you need to slightly pull the rope to properly secure the structure, and then slowly release it.

Akhalay-makhalay! The rope doesn't fall. The magician then grabs the rope with his hand, slowly turns the bottle over and lets go. And now she is already swinging on a rope. The ball still prevents the rope from slipping out. To eliminate the “magic power”, you just need to push the rope deep into the bottle.

The ball will fall to the bottom, and the rope will easily come out. To enhance the effect, you can invite the audience to examine the rope and bottle for “magic” and try to repeat the trick themselves. Have one of the spectators pull the rope out of the neck. Then the magician turns the bottle over, as if showing the audience its bottom, and meanwhile he hides the ball that has rolled out of the neck in his hand. That's it, now the bottle can be given to the audience for scrupulous study. It is clear that no one can repeat the trick.

The show begins! Spectacular appearance

Once your young illusionist has a few tricks well rehearsed, you can think about a real home show. Write a script for the performance together with your child, think about the costume, lighting, and musical design. The costume will depend on the role the child chooses. If he wants to be a wizard, then a long, wide robe embroidered with stars will suit him. Or maybe he will represent a gnome or other fairy-tale character. Then you need to dress accordingly. And of course, don’t forget about the magic wand, which can be made from an ordinary wooden stick, wrapped in foil and decorated.

To impress the audience, arrange a spectacular start to your show: the Great Magician and Wizard appears in the room in the most mysterious way.

For this trick, you will need a large cardboard box (like a TV box) that your child can fit into.

The mother and the baby will make a house out of it. Cover the box with colored paper or paint it. On one side we will draw or glue windows and doors, and on the other we will carefully cut out a secret “door” through which the artist can crawl. Separately, we will make a removable roof for our house from cardboard. We will place a table in the room, covered with fabric to the floor, and at a short distance from it we will place our house “facing” the audience.

Between the table and the house we will temporarily place a roof from the house, blocking the gap. Your young Copperfield crawls under the table and quietly waits there for the right moment. All is ready. Spectators enter the “hall”. Mom, in the role of entertainer, reports that the famous illusionist will appear any minute, lifts the house, showing that it is empty, and puts it in place. After this, the “artist” very carefully crawls from under the table, under the roof, into the house.

Mom lifts the roof, showing that there is nothing between the house and the table, and puts the roof on the house. Now you need to say the magic words, remove the roof, and your little Magician and Sorcerer effectively appears from the house. Then he demonstrates his art to the audience, making sure to leave some interesting trick in case he is called for an encore.

Or maybe you will arrange a whole family performance for your guests? After all, mom or dad can also learn a few amusing tricks and perform together with their little one. Ready? So, eni-beni-raba! An incredible, magical performance begins!

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It’s good to visit, but it’s even better when the guests are fun: everyone dances, sings, play different games and, of course, they perform magic tricks. Do you want us to teach you how to perform magic tricks too?

What's a holiday without tricks!

To perform this trick, you need to take three glass jars with tight-fitting lids. A spot the size of a coin is applied to the inner surface of each lid using colored gouache. Let the paint dry, then pour water into the jars and close the lids.

The magician puts the jars on the table and asks the children what color to color the water. Then he covers the jar with the corresponding colored spot with a handkerchief and, saying the magic words, shakes the jar vigorously several times. Under the influence of water, the gouache dissolves and colors it.

The magician takes off his scarf and shows a jar of “magic” water.

One of the spectators places a coin on the table and covers it with an inverted cup. Then the magician approaches the table and accurately determines the value of the hidden coin. They put in a second coin, cover it - again the correct answer. Third, fourth, fifth - not a single mistake! How does he do this? He can’t see through the cup, it’s not transparent, right? Well, the fact that he didn’t peek is absolutely certain: he stood with his back to the table the entire time and even went out into the other room.

So what then? That's how.

Firstly, the magician cannot do without an assistant (assistant). And secondly, they both need to remember something well. An important role when performing a trick is played by the position of the cup on the table, or rather not even the position of the cup, but in which direction its handle is directed. For convenience of explanation, we will take the direction of movement clockwise as the main direction. And then everything is simple. If a 50-kopeck coin is hidden under the cup, the handle points to the right; if 1 rub. - back; 2 ruble coin under the cup - to the left; 5 rub. - forward. For some, it may be easier to remember by associating the denominations of coins and the directions of the cardinal points.

We have already witnessed how you can “see” through objects. Remember the trick with the magic cup? Now the role of a cup will be played by a box or box, and instead of coins we will take multi-colored handkerchiefs.

The box is on the table, and there are four handkerchiefs: blue, yellow, green and red. Viewers can see that the box is empty, there is nothing in it.

The magician explains to the audience that he will now leave, and at this time they must hide one of the handkerchiefs in the box. It doesn't matter which one, any one. The magician leaves the room, and the audience chooses a handkerchief and puts it in a box. The remaining scarves, of course, are removed from the table. The magician re-enters the room and unmistakably determines the color of the hidden scarf.

The secret is very simple, but the success of the trick depends entirely on the precise actions of your assistant. You must have a preliminary agreement with him. It is as follows. The surface of the table is mentally divided into four parts. Each of the resulting corners is assigned its own color: the upper left is red, the upper right is green, the lower left is yellow, the lower right is blue.

Both the magician and his assistant must clearly memorize the colors assigned to each part of the table, otherwise the performance of the trick will not produce the desired effect. Everything else is very simple.

The color of the scarf hidden in the box is determined by its location on the table. For example, the audience chooses a red scarf and places it in a box, and the assistant, having locked the box with a key, quietly moves it to the upper left corner of the table. But remember: it is necessary that the audience does not guess that the assistant is “working” for you. Otherwise they will be disappointed.

The magician goes on stage and absolutely accurately names the color of the scarf locked in the box.

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Enchanting tricks for the New Year

New Year is the most important holiday of the year. Therefore, everyone wants to make it special, to spend it in such a way that the festive night will be remembered by all friends and relatives. But how to do that? You can go with a noisy group to a cafe and spend it there. But it can be turned into an extravaganza and a home holiday. New Year's tricks will help you do this. It’s not at all difficult to learn a few tricks that will amaze the imagination and make you the center of everyone’s attention and admiration.

You need to be patient, persistent and have the necessary resources. There are many options for various simple and more complex tricks with which you can amaze, surprise and fascinate on New Year's Eve. We will look at the most basic and effective ones.

Features of choosing props for New Year tricks

They exist, and for greater effect and clarity, you should pay attention to them. There are several main ones:

  • all accessories should be bright and colorful, shiny, beautiful and intriguingly made;
  • if a set for magic tricks is ordered by mail, then you should do this in advance, because sometimes the goods do not arrive completely or are of poor quality;
  • try to use as much background as possible: music, streamers, firecrackers, fire effects, fireworks;
  • a matching wizard costume will come in very handy, especially if there are children in the audience.

A properly organized focus is already 50% successful. All of the listed features are fascinating, give a festive and interesting look to the trick, and make you especially intriguing and vibrant.

Before showing New Year's tricks, you should decide on each of them and rehearse well at least a month before the celebration. They should pass through you automatically so that on the night of the holiday you really look like a “Hurrah!”

Several of the most interesting examples can be described. These are the New Year's tricks that are always very popular and go well with appropriate preparation.

  1. "Lord of Fire" A simple but very effective trick with candle fire. The point is this: in front of an astonished audience, you order a burning candle to go out, and it does so at the same instant, although you are at a great distance from it. What's the secret here? The point is that you drop ordinary stationery (silicate) glue into the recess of the candle under the wick, which blocks the paraffin and extinguishes the candle. You need to do this when you go to get the props. First, announce to the guests that you are the lord of fire, it will be more impressive. The wick should be shortened somewhat in advance and when you order the candle to go out, cast some spell to let it burn down to the glue. Of course, you should practice first.
  2. "The balloon won't burst." The bottom line: among the decorations in the house there will probably be balloons. You stick a needle into one of them in front of the public, but it doesn’t burst. We check on others - they all burst. Secret: mark the ball in advance with rectangles of tape. Only transparent and very neat, unnoticeable. Stick them more on top of each other and poke a needle into the intersection of the adhesive tape. The ball will be intact. Accompany everything with the right spells and effects.

A very interesting set of tricks that you can master and use for the holiday can be viewed here:

Most of the spectacular tricks can be classified as such. A good trick with this prop requires preparation in advance and quite a lot of training. After all, you should learn how to shuffle cards beautifully, perform false withdrawals, quietly replace one with another, and so on. The simplest and most effortless trick in this category is guessing the card.

The essence: the spectator guesses any card from the deck and places it on top, and you guess it correctly, despite removing the top part. Secret: quietly peek at the bottom picture of the deck in advance and, after choosing a viewer, remove the top part and place it below. Thus, the selected card will always be in front of the spied one.

Really surprise. Props for every taste in the largest Magic Store.

You can make it more complicated and, having learned the false shuffle, supposedly mix the cards after the viewer has chosen. This will add effect and confusion on the part of the public. If you purchase a Svengale deck in advance and learn how to use it, then you will win the hearts of your guests forever.

You shouldn’t immediately take on complex card tricks; it’s better to start with simple ones. The main thing in this matter is to practice a lot and study more videos and printed materials.

Here, in general, imagination is unlimited. Now there are many websites and regular stores where you can purchase real masterpieces from the world of magic tricks. Moreover, immediately with detailed instructions and training. Here are the most spectacular devices for New Year's Eve, that is, for performing close to the public.

  1. "Transformations of banknotes." A special device, passing through which changes the denomination and type of banknote. It requires no preparation, is effective and the audience is delighted. An example of the action can be seen in this video:
  2. "Electric Touch" This device will allow you to surprise everyone around you with your ability to charge surrounding objects with electricity. It’s as if you are filled with it, capable of radiating it.
  3. "Fire Wallet" Very spectacular. The spectator guesses any card and places it in the deck. However, when you scroll through it, it is not there. The magician takes out his wallet, opens it and a flame of fire bursts out of it. After fading, the card is found in the pocket of the wallet.
  4. "Chains and locks." A set containing props for the chain escape trick. The viewer himself can lock you up, and after your spectacular release, check everything - there is no catch!

Beware of counterfeits when ordering such products and be sure to train thoroughly before performing such tricks, keeping safety in mind.

Another version of the trick involving fire can be seen here:

New Year's tricks for children

Do you want to surprise your children at a New Year's party or matinee? Then our New Year's tricks are perfect. These simple tricks for children can be performed on New Year's Eve. Try including them in your entertainment program. These simple tricks can be performed by Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, or even the children themselves.

This trick is good for Santa Claus. He tells the guys that he is not just Frost, but also a wizard. And he shows tricks in which clear water turns different colors.

  • 3 bottles (beautiful jars) with lids),
  • 3 gouache colors: blue, red, green,
  • 3 small pieces of sponge.

We pour regular water into 3 identical bottles, but not to the very top! Glue 3 small pieces of sponge to the bottle caps. Apply a few drops of gouache to each sponge and carefully screw the cap onto the bottle. The sponge should not be visible from under the lid and should not touch the water!

Santa Claus takes the bottle and says:

You are water, water as clear as frost,

Become opaque, make the water blue!

shakes a bottle with a sponge on which blue paint was previously dripped. As you guessed, shaking the water washes the paint off the sponge and turns it blue.

Santa Claus takes out the second bottle and says:

You are water, water, my beautiful friend,

If you don't become transparent, the water will become red!

shakes the bottle again (the one with red paint on the sponge).

And last, our wizard takes out the third bottle and says:

You are water, water, my friend, you are my cold one,

Become not transparent, become green water!

repeats the trick with water.

Children really like these tricks. This is not just a spectacular trick, but also a little magical, because it is performed by Santa Claus himself.

It is better to practice this trick well before showing it to the audience. But I think it will also be good for New Year's celebrations. General delight, great faith in magic and fairy tales is produced by this trick if Santa Claus himself shows it. By the way, not all adults know this trick, so it usually makes a great impression.

  • freezer with an adjustable temperature of -18 degrees,
  • a bottle of Coca-Cola or Sprite,
  • plain water.

The most important thing is careful preparation for the focus and several successful experiments. You need to set the freezer temperature to minus 18 degrees. Fill the bottle with water and put it in the freezer. Let's mark the time! Next, you need to monitor the cooling process of the water in the bottle. As soon as ice crystals begin to form on the surface of the water, you need to calculate how long the process lasted and subtract 10 minutes. Take out the bottle, open the cap and show the trick.

So, if the water starts to freeze after 30 minutes, then you need to remove the bottle after 20 minutes.

How to hit a bottle to make water freeze?

You need to either forcefully place the bottle on the table, and then the water will begin to freeze from the bottom. Or hit sharply and quite hard (but not so hard that the glass cracks!) on the bottle with a magic metal wand or knife.

Before performing a trick, you need to practice several times. It is better to carry out the trick in your apartment (or with a tested refrigerator), because the freezing time in different freezers can vary significantly.

Santa Claus says that he is a real Frost, and can freeze the guys, and if they don’t believe him, he will show it on the water (grandfather is given a bottle prepared in advance). You can pour a little water into the glass - showing the audience that the water in the bottle is liquid.

Then place the bottle on the table with a knock and the water begins to quickly turn into ice.

This trick is also good for a New Year's party. For example, Santa Claus says that he is not just an old man, but a wizard and can even see through opaque objects. He says that he can guess which coin you will hide under the cup.

  • coins of different denominations,
  • tea cup with handle.

You need an assistant for this trick. In kindergarten, this could be a teacher or a teacher at school. The magician needs to agree in advance with the assistant on exactly how he will place the cup.

The trick is that the assistant places the cup with the handle in a certain direction. For example, if the handle of a cup is at 12 o'clock, then there is 1 ruble, if at 3 o'clock - 5 rubles, at 6 o'clock - 50 kopecks, at 9 o'clock - you can put not a coin but a paper bill.

Santa Claus tells the children that he will guess which coin they will hide under the cup. You can not just turn away, but even leave the room. The assistant puts a coin under the cup and grandfather easily guesses.

I hope these New Year's tricks will make your holiday brighter and more interesting.

Well, and finally, I want to offer you an interesting New Year’s video that can be very useful for you or your child!

Game "yes" and "no"

The host asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
- Yes.
- Do you like jokes and gags?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Will he eat all your chocolates?
- No.
- Will he light the children’s Christmas tree?
- Yes.
- Will he hide the threads and needles?
- No.
- Doesn’t his soul age?
- Yes.
- Will it warm us up outside?
- No.
- Is Joulupukki Frost's brother?
- Yes.
- Did a rose bloom under the snow?
- No.
- Is the New Year getting closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- No.
- Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
- Yes.
- Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day?
- Yes.

There is another version of this game. The presenter names the items, and the participants also quickly, without thinking, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Yes.
- Blankets and pillows?
- No.
- Folding beds and cribs?
- No.
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Yes.
- Glass balls?
- Yes.
- Are the chairs wooden?
- No.
- Teddy bears?
- Yes.
- Primers and books?
- No.
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Yes.
- And the garlands are light?
- Yes.
- Snow made of white wool?
- Yes.
- Good soldiers?
- No.
- Shoes and boots?
- No.
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- No.

"Snow Mission"

For this game, you can use a small ball or make a “snowball” out of cotton wool. The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass the “snowball” around the circle. At the same time they say:

We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” on the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: “And read poetry to you!”, “Let’s dance for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

"Anecdote" with a beard"

The contestants take turns telling jokes. If one of those present knows the continuation, the narrator is given a “beard”, which is replaced by a piece of cotton wool. The one who ends up with fewer pieces of cotton wool wins.

"Cooking Competition"

Within a certain time (for example, 5 minutes), the participants in the game must create a New Year's menu. All dishes in it must begin with the letter "N" (New Year). Dishes on the menu for Father Frost must begin with the letter "M", and for the Snow Maiden - with the letter "S". The one with the largest menu wins.

“I’ll sing now!”

On New Year's Day, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. But this activity can be diversified. For example, when the presenter claps, everyone begins to sing the famous song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”. At the second clap, singing aloud stops, but all participants in the game continue to sing to themselves. On the third clap, everyone starts singing out loud again. The one who enters incorrectly is eliminated.

"Fairy tale character"

Cards are laid out on the table with the names of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters written on them (with the inscriptions facing down). A participant in the game pulls out any card and, after reading what is written there, must, using facial expressions, gestures, and characteristic sounds, portray this character so that those present understand who they are talking about. The first person to guess pulls out the next card.


The game involves two people. Each participant is blindfolded and asked to disassemble his own slide, in which peas, beans, lentils, and dried rowan are mixed (the ingredients can be changed depending on what is in the house). Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups. The one who completes the task first wins.

"Mystery Prize"

A small gift (notepad, pen, etc.) is wrapped in paper, onto which a piece of paper with a riddle is glued. Once again they wrap it in paper and again glue the piece of paper with the riddle on it. There can be any number of such layers, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one layer of paper, reads the riddle to himself and says the answer out loud. Then he unfolds the next layer, reads the riddle again to himself and says the answer. If he doesn't know the answer, he reads the riddle out loud. The first one to solve this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. The winner is the one who, having solved the last riddle, gets to the gift.

"Mobile phone"

Participants in the game name the numbers in order. Those who get the number 5 or its multiples say “ding-ding.” Those who get the number 7 and its multiples say “ding-diling.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

"Choose a prize!"

Various gifts wrapped in little bags are attached to a long rope. The participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors. He must cut some gift, which he gets.

"Slipper for Cinderella"

Participants in the game put their shoes in a pile and blindfold themselves. The presenter mixes the shoes into a pile and gives the command: “Find your shoe!” Blindfolded participants need to find their pair of shoes and put on their shoes. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


For this competition you will need sweet jelly or, for example, halva. The winner is the one who eats the portion offered to him the fastest using a toothpick.

"The Harvesters"

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to move as many oranges or tangerines as possible to a certain place without using their hands in a certain time (for example, 10 minutes).


Each participant in the game has a piece of paper attached to their back with the name of an animal, object, etc. (for example, an elephant, a pen, a pear, an airplane), but so that the players do not know what is written on their pieces of paper. But they can read what is written on others' backs. Participants in the game must ask each other leading questions to find out what is written on their backs. The answers can only be “yes” or “no”. The one who guesses his “name” first is the winner. The game is played until the last person guesses correctly. Everyone receives incentive prizes.


This competition is best held outdoors. The presenter names a letter, and the competition participants must fashion any thing out of snow that begins with this letter. Whoever blinds faster and more reliably wins. You can conduct this competition at home using plasticine.


Learn these simple tricks, and on New Year's Eve you will become an unsurpassed magician in the eyes of your guests.

Thread on a jacket

You notice a white thread on your jacket and try to brush it off, but the thread remains on the jacket. Then you grab it by the tip and pull. To your surprise (and the surprise of other people), she continues on. You pull further and further until several meters of thread run out.

The secret of the trick: Before performing a trick, you put a small pencil in the inner pocket of your jacket, onto which you wind several meters of thread from a spool. Use a needle to push the tip of the thread through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The main thing is that there are no traces left in your pocket after the demonstration of the trick, if particularly vigilant spectators decide to inspect your pockets. That's why the thread is wound around the pencil.

Three glasses and paper

Place two glass glasses on the table at some distance from one another. Place a sheet of paper on top.

Take the third glass in your hands and invite the audience to place it between the two glasses on a sheet of paper so that the paper does not bend. Of course, no one succeeds. Then you demonstrate your “magical” abilities.

The secret of the trick: Fold a sheet of paper like an accordion along the long side, then it can easily support the weight of even a glass glass.

Magic rope

You sit down at a table in front of the audience, show them a rope, put it on the table and say: “I will tie a knot in this rope without using my hands.”

After this, cross your arms over your chest. Taking one end of the rope with your left hand and the other with your right, you spread your arms to the sides. There really was a knot in the rope!

Secret of the trick: There is no special secret here. You just need to take a rope at least 1 meter long. And, of course, carefully rehearse the act in order to be able to grab both ends of the rope from the table.

Magic "patch"

You ask the audience for two coins in denominations of 1 and 5 rubles. Place a 1 ruble coin on a small piece of paper, draw a mark around it with a pencil and then carefully cut out a hole with a diameter equal to this 1 ruble coin. After this, invite the audience to insert a 5-ruble coin into this hole. Nobody has any idea how to do this. Then you can easily solve the proposed problem.

Secret of the trick: Of course, a 5-ruble coin will not fit into such a small hole. But if you bend a piece of paper in half so that the fold line runs through the center of the hole, the hole will turn into a gap. Stretch the paper a little - the diameter of the hole is enough for a coin to slip through it with ease.

Without getting your hands wet

Take a large flat plate, place a coin on it and pour in a small amount of water until it covers the coin. Then ask the audience to take the coin without getting their hands wet.

The secret of the trick: You set fire to a piece of paper and put it in a glass. Then quickly turn the glass over and place it on a plate near the coin. When the paper in the glass burns and goes out, the water from the plate will collect under it, and the coin will end up in a dry place.

Three layouts

Take any 21 cards and arrange them face up into three cards in seven rows. You should end up with three vertical columns of seven cards each. Invite one of the spectators to remember one card and say which column it is in. Carefully, one by one, place the cards in each column into piles, and then all the piles into one pile. In this case, a stack of cards from the column with the selected card must be placed in the middle between the other two. Then turn the stack face down, again arrange the cards in three columns of seven cards each, and again ask the spectator to indicate which column contains the chosen card. Fold the cards into columns and place the indicated column of cards in the middle again. And finally, lay out the cards for the third time and again place the column with the selected card between the other two. Count out ten cards. The eleventh card comes out.

The secret of the trick: the main thing is to always place the column with the hidden card between the other two.

Tricky trick

Take a deck of cards. Invite one of the spectators to choose and remember a card and put it on top of the deck without showing it to you. Then remove the deck and place its lower part on top. Lay out the cards face up and accurately indicate the hidden card.

The secret of the trick: To find the hidden card, we use a little trick. Before demonstrating the trick, we remember the lowest card of the deck. Now, when laying out the deck, the hidden card will lie in front of the card that we spied.

Guessed card

You invite four spectators to sit at the table with you. You deal five cards to everyone. After this, the spectators must remember one card each from those in their hands. You collect the cards and lay them out on the table in five piles. Spectators choose one of the piles. You take the cards and fan them out to the audience. Then you ask which of them sees their card. Having received the answer, you accurately indicate the card that they remember.

The secret of the trick: You start collecting cards from the spectator who sits to your left and then go clockwise. Moreover, you collect all five cards at once, and not one at a time. Your cards will be the last to be collected, and they will be at the top of the deck. When you then arrange the cards into five piles, any one of them contains the cards in the order in which the spectators sit at the table. If, for example, a third spectator identifies “his” card, it will be third, counting from the top of the pile, etc.

Kings and ladies

Kings and queens are selected from the deck. You place them in front of the audience in two rows - separately for kings and separately for queens. You stack the cards, placing a stack of kings on top of a stack of queens. The resulting deck of eight cards can be removed by spectators any number of times. Then you hide the cards behind your back, take out two cards and show them to the audience. They see that it is the king and queen of the same suit.

The secret of the trick: Initially, you stack the cards so that the sequence of suits in both decks is the same. Behind your back, you divide the deck into two four-card decks and take the top card from each mini-deck. It will always be the king and queen of the same suit.

Intended number

Invite one of the spectators to think of a number. After this, the spectator must multiply it by 2, then add 8, divide by 2 and subtract the number he has in mind. After a significant pause, you announce that the resulting number is 4.

The secret of the trick: There is no secret, pure mathematics!

New Year's games, competitions, tricks for children!!!

Game "yes" and "no"

The host asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

- Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
- Yes.
- Do you like jokes and gags?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Will he eat all your chocolates?
- No.
- Will he light the children’s Christmas tree?
- Yes.
- Will he hide the threads and needles?
- No.
- Doesn’t his soul age?
- Yes.
- Will it warm us up outside?
- No.
- Is Joulupukki Frost's brother?
- Yes.
- Did a rose bloom under the snow?
- No.
- Is the New Year getting closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- No.
- Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
- Yes.
- Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day?
- Yes.

There is another version of this game. The presenter names the items, and the participants also quickly, without thinking, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

- Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Yes.
- Blankets and pillows?
- No.
- Folding beds and cribs?
- No.
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Yes.
- Glass balls?
- Yes.
- Are the chairs wooden?
- No.
- Teddy bears?
- Yes.
- Primers and books?
- No.
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Yes.
- And the garlands are light?
- Yes.
- Snow made of white wool?
- Yes.
- Good soldiers?
- No.
- Shoes and boots?
- No.
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- No.

"Snow Mission"

For this game, you can use a small ball or make a “snowball” out of cotton wool. The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass the “snowball” around the circle. At the same time they say:

We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” on the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: “And read poetry to you!”, “Let’s dance for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

"Anecdote "with a beard""

The contestants take turns telling jokes. If one of those present knows the continuation, the narrator is given a “beard”, which is replaced by a piece of cotton wool. The one who ends up with fewer pieces of cotton wool wins.

"Cooking Competition"

Within a certain time (for example, 5 minutes), the participants in the game must create a New Year's menu. All dishes in it must begin with the letter "N" (New Year). Dishes on the menu for Father Frost must begin with the letter "M", and for the Snow Maiden - with the letter "S". The one with the largest menu wins.

“I’ll sing now!”

On New Year's Day, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. But this activity can be diversified. For example, when the presenter claps, everyone begins to sing the famous song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”. At the second clap, singing aloud stops, but all participants in the game continue to sing to themselves. On the third clap, everyone starts singing out loud again. The one who enters incorrectly is eliminated.

"Fairy tale character"

Cards are laid out on the table with the names of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters written on them (with the inscriptions facing down). A participant in the game pulls out any card and, after reading what is written there, must, using facial expressions, gestures, and characteristic sounds, portray this character so that those present understand who they are talking about. The first person to guess pulls out the next card.


The game involves two people. Each participant is blindfolded and asked to disassemble his own slide, in which peas, beans, lentils, and dried rowan are mixed (the ingredients can be changed depending on what is in the house). Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups. The one who completes the task first wins.

"Mystery Prize"

A small gift (notepad, pen, etc.) is wrapped in paper, onto which a piece of paper with a riddle is glued. Once again they wrap it in paper and again glue the piece of paper with the riddle on it. There can be any number of such layers, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one layer of paper, reads the riddle to himself and says the answer out loud. Then he unfolds the next layer, reads the riddle again to himself and says the answer. If he doesn't know the answer, he reads the riddle out loud. The first one to solve this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. The winner is the one who, having solved the last riddle, gets to the gift.

"Mobile phone"

Participants in the game name the numbers in order. Those who get the number 5 or its multiples say “ding-ding.” Those who get the number 7 and its multiples say “ding-diling.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

"Choose a prize!"

Various gifts wrapped in little bags are attached to a long rope. The participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors. He must cut some gift, which he gets.

"Slipper for Cinderella"

Participants in the game put their shoes in a pile and blindfold themselves. The presenter mixes the shoes into a pile and gives the command: “Find your shoe!” Blindfolded participants need to find their pair of shoes and put on their shoes. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


For this competition you will need sweet jelly or, for example, halva. The winner is the one who eats the portion offered to him the fastest using a toothpick.

"The Harvesters"

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to move as many oranges or tangerines as possible to a certain place without using their hands in a certain time (for example, 10 minutes).


Each participant in the game has a piece of paper attached to their back with the name of an animal, object, etc. (for example, an elephant, a pen, a pear, an airplane), but so that the players do not know what is written on their pieces of paper. But they can read what is written on others' backs. Participants in the game must ask each other leading questions to find out what is written on their backs. The answers can only be “yes” or “no”. The one who guesses his “name” first is the winner. The game is played until the last person guesses correctly. Everyone receives incentive prizes.


This competition is best held outdoors. The presenter names a letter, and the competition participants must fashion any thing out of snow that begins with this letter. Whoever blinds faster and more reliably wins. You can conduct this competition at home using plasticine.


Learn these simple tricks, and on New Year's Eve you will become an unsurpassed magician in the eyes of your guests.

Thread on a jacket

You notice a white thread on your jacket and try to brush it off, but the thread remains on the jacket. Then you grab it by the tip and pull. To your surprise (and the surprise of other people), she continues on. You pull further and further until several meters of thread run out.

The secret of the trick: Before performing a trick, you put a small pencil in the inner pocket of your jacket, onto which several meters of thread are wound from a spool. Use a needle to push the tip of the thread through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The main thing is that there are no traces left in your pocket after the demonstration of the trick, if particularly vigilant spectators decide to inspect your pockets. That's why the thread is wound around the pencil.

Three glasses and paper

Place two glass glasses on the table at some distance from one another. Place a sheet of paper on top.

Take the third glass in your hands and invite the audience to place it between the two glasses on a sheet of paper so that the paper does not bend. Of course, no one succeeds. Then you demonstrate your “magical” abilities.

The secret of the trick: Fold a sheet of paper like an accordion along the long side, then it can easily support the weight of even a glass cup.

Magic rope

You sit down at a table in front of the audience, show them a rope, put it on the table and say: “I will tie a knot in this rope without using my hands.”

After this, cross your arms over your chest. Taking one end of the rope with your left hand and the other with your right, you spread your arms to the sides. There really was a knot in the rope!

The secret of the trick: There is no special secret here. You just need to take a rope at least 1 meter long. And, of course, carefully rehearse the act in order to be able to grab both ends of the rope from the table.

Magic "patch"

You ask the audience for two coins in denominations of 1 and 5 rubles. Place a 1 ruble coin on a small piece of paper, draw a mark around it with a pencil and then carefully cut out a hole with a diameter equal to this 1 ruble coin. After this, invite the audience to insert a 5-ruble coin into this hole. Nobody has any idea how to do this. Then you can easily solve the proposed problem.

The secret of the trick: Of course, a 5-ruble coin will not fit into such a small hole. But if you bend a piece of paper in half so that the fold line runs through the center of the hole, the hole will turn into a gap. Stretch the paper a little - the diameter of the hole is enough for a coin to slip through it with ease.

Without getting your hands wet

Take a large flat plate, place a coin on it and pour in a small amount of water until it covers the coin. Then ask the audience to take the coin without getting their hands wet.

The secret of the trick: You light a piece of paper and put it in a glass. Then quickly turn the glass over and place it on a plate near the coin. When the paper in the glass burns and goes out, the water from the plate will collect under it, and the coin will end up in a dry place.

Three layouts

Take any 21 cards and arrange them face up into three cards in seven rows. You should end up with three vertical columns of seven cards each. Invite one of the spectators to remember one card and say in which column it is located. Carefully, one by one, place the cards in each column into piles, and then all the piles into one pile. In this case, a stack of cards from the column with the selected card must be placed in the middle between the other two. Then turn the stack face down, again arrange the cards in three columns of seven cards each, and again ask the spectator to indicate which column contains the chosen card. Fold the cards into columns and place the indicated column of cards in the middle again. And finally, lay out the cards for the third time and again place the column with the selected card between the other two. Count out ten cards. The eleventh card comes out.

The secret of the trick: the main thing is to always place the column with the hidden card between the other two.

Tricky trick

Take a deck of cards. Invite one of the spectators to choose and remember a card and put it on top of the deck without showing it to you. Then remove the deck and place its lower part on top. Lay out the cards face up and accurately indicate the hidden card.

The secret of the trick: To find the hidden card, we'll use a little trick. Before demonstrating the trick, we remember the lowest card of the deck. Now, when laying out the deck, the hidden card will lie in front of the card that we spied.

Guessed card

You invite four spectators to sit at the table with you. You deal five cards to everyone. After this, the spectators must remember one card each from those in their hands. You collect the cards and lay them out on the table in five piles. Spectators choose one of the piles. You take the cards and fan them out to the audience. Then you ask which of them sees their card. Having received the answer, you accurately indicate the card that they remember.

The secret of the trick: You start collecting cards from the spectator who sits to your left and then go clockwise. Moreover, you collect all five cards at once, and not one at a time. Your cards will be the last to be collected, and they will be at the top of the deck. When you then arrange the cards into five piles, any one of them contains the cards in the order in which the spectators sit at the table. If, for example, a third spectator identifies “his” card, it will be third, counting from the top of the pile, etc.

Kings and ladies

Kings and queens are selected from the deck. You place them in front of the audience in two rows - separately for kings and separately for queens. You stack the cards, placing a stack of kings on top of a stack of queens. The resulting deck of eight cards can be removed by spectators any number of times. Then you hide the cards behind your back, take out two cards and show them to the audience. They see that it is the king and queen of the same suit.

The secret of the trick: Initially, you stack the cards so that the sequence of suits in both decks is the same. Behind your back, you divide the deck into two four-card decks and take the top card from each mini-deck. It will always be the king and queen of the same suit.

Intended number

Invite one of the spectators to think of a number. After this, the spectator must multiply it by 2, then add 8, divide by 2 and subtract the number he has in mind. After a significant pause, you announce that the resulting number is 4.

The secret of the trick: There is no secret, pure mathematics!