The role of education in a person's life arguments. The role of the family (parents) in the formation of the child's personality - the problem of upbringing - ready-made arguments and theses. The main features of a well-bred person

  • Category: Arguments for writing the exam

A.S. Pushkin - the story "The Captain's Daughter". The problem of education is very important in the story of A.S. Pushkin. Petrusha Grinev's childhood was easy, carefree. From the age of five he was handed over to a stirrup, Savelich, then his father hired a Frenchman for Petrusha, Monsieur Beaupre. He was supposed to teach the boy "in French, in German and all sciences", but instead "preferred to hastily learn to chat a little in Russian", became addicted to Russian tincture and began to drag after the courtyard girls. In fact, Petrusha was given complete freedom in everything. He “lived undergrowth,” chased pigeons, feasted on froths from the jam made by his mother, made kites from a geographical map, played leapfrog with the courtyard boys. But at one point this "prosperity" was violated. His father decided to send him to military service in Orenburg, in the "deaf and distant side." Significant here is the parting word that Andrei Petrovich gives his son goodbye: "Take care of your dress again, but honor from a young age." And now Grinev falls into a whirlpool of major historical events, actually finding himself between life and death. And it is here that yesterday's ignoramus appears before us as a real man, with clear, definite concepts of honor, military duty, and nobility. Grinev does not abandon his bride in difficult times, does not leave Savelyich. He is completely honest in his relations with Pugachev, remaining faithful to the state oath.

In the texts for preparing for the exam in the Russian language, problems related to education are often encountered. We have combined them in this work, choosing literary arguments for each problematic issue. All these examples from books can be downloaded in table format (link at the end of the article).

  1. The problem of childhood and its role in the formation of a person's personality is vividly reflected in the novel I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov"... Reading about the childhood of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, we begin to understand why this hero behaves in this way in adult life. In their native Oblomovka, everyone did nothing but ate and lay, everything in their native estate breathed with serene laziness. Mother protected little Ilya, he grew like a delicate flower. So Ilya Oblomov grew up as an idle, completely unfit for life, a person who could not even dress on his own.
  2. The significance of the childhood period in the formation of a person's personality is shown in "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol... Throughout the entire work, the reader gradually recognizes Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. And the description of the hero's childhood and adolescence becomes a kind of completion of the disclosure of the image. The father teaches the boy to take care of a penny, to please the bosses. Young Paul listens to his father and puts his orders into practice. Chichikov, deprived of many benefits in childhood, seeks by all means to make up for lost time and get everything from life. It is in the character's childhood that we find the roots of his adventurous nature.

The problem of fathers and children

  1. The novel I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"... Arkady Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov represent the camp of "children", in contrast to them are the brothers Kirsanov (Nikolai and Pavel), who represent the camp of "fathers". Bazarov carries within himself the new sentiments of youth, nihilism. And old people, especially Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, do not understand the ideas of denial. The main problem is that the characters don't want to understand each other. And this is the main conflict of generations: the inability and unwillingness to accept and hear each other.
  2. The theme of intergenerational relations in the drama is tragically revealed A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm". The boar has long subdued everyone in her house to her will, she does not even know that her children are suffering. Daughter Varvara long ago learned to lie and hypocrite, she adapted to life in the house of Kabanikha. Tikhon wants to escape from the house where his mother runs everything. There is no understanding or respect between mother and children. They are in different opposing camps, only the struggle of the "children" does not come to the surface. Barbara's rebellion in her double life: she says one thing to her mother, thinks and does another. Tikhon decides to say his word after Katerina's suicide, and until that moment he will strive out of the house that suffocates him. The conflict between "fathers" and "children" leads to suffering on both sides.

Family problem

  1. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in his novel "Lord Golovlevs" vividly showed how the specificity of upbringing within the family is reflected in the future life of already matured children. Arina Petrovna Golovleva is a mother, she divides children into hateful and pets, gives them nicknames, which eventually supplant their names. Children live from hand to mouth, although the estate is quite rich. None of the children of Arina Petrovna grew up in such conditions as a decent person: Stepan, the eldest son, squandered his fortune and returned to Golovlyovo at the age of forty, daughter Anna fled with a hussar, who soon disappeared, leaving the girl with two children, Pavel drinks, Porfiry (Judas) grows up to be a cruel, petty person. Nobody became happy, because there was no happiness and love since childhood.
  2. French writer Francois Mauriac in the story "The Monkey" shows how cruel family relationships can affect the life and worldview of a child. The heroine hates her husband, this feeling she passes on to the child because of her unfulfilled hopes. Little Guillou, whom his mother calls "Monkey", grows up in an atmosphere of constant scandals, hysterics, cruelty. He understands that he is interfering with his mother, he is not needed here. And the child commits suicide. In the family of the aristocratic family, de Sernet did not take care of the boy, he was a "bone of contention", the cause of conflicts, and therefore the ending of the story is so tragic.
  3. Right and wrong parenting

    1. L.N. Tolstoy in his epic novel "War and Peace" draws several families. The Rostov family can be considered one of the exemplary ones. Rostov's mother brings up feelings of kindness and justice in children. They grow up to be decent people, ready for feat, self-sacrifice. In the Kuragin family, completely different values ​​were invested in raising offspring, therefore both Helen and Anatole are immoral inhabitants of the high society. So, Helen marries Pierre just for the sake of his money. Thus, the kind of people they grow up depends on what values ​​are invested in the upbringing of children.
    2. In the novel "The Captain's Daughter" A.S. Pushkin father bequeaths to his son Peter Grinev to preserve honor from his youth. These words become a guideline for Peter. He checks his every step according to this main commandment of his father. That is why he gives a hare sheepskin coat to a stranger, does not kneel before Pugachev, remaining true to himself to the end, for which the rebel respects Grinev, leaving him alive. So, thanks to the correct upbringing, the hero was able to remain a highly moral and decent person during the terrible peasant revolt.
    3. The problem of parental responsibility for the fate of children

      1. DI. Fonvizin in the comedy "The Minor" showed how the parents themselves bring up stupid, ignorant, spoiled children on their estates. Mitrofanushka is used to the fact that everything in this life revolves around him: the caftan is the best, and the teachers were chosen so as not to tire the child, and the bride, whatever you wish. Mrs. Prostakova understands the mistake of her upbringing only at the end of the work, when her dear Mitrofanushka tells her: "Yes, get off, mother, how imposed ...".

Date of publication: 25.12.2016

Ready-made arguments for composing the exam, which emphasize:

The problem of the role of the family in the formation of the personality of the child

The problem of the influence of parents on the development of a person's personality

The problem of the continuity of generations

Upbringing problem

Possible theses:

More often than not, children grow up just like their parents.

It is in the family that moral values ​​and life principles are laid in the personality of the child.

Children adopt both positive and negative traits from their parents who serve as examples.

D. I. Fonvizin comedy "Minor"

A striking example of the influence of parents on the formation of a child's personality is Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor". Mrs. Prostakova invested considerable sums in the education of her only son. She loved Mitrofanushka with all her mother's heart and overly pampered him, pitied and cherished him for no reason, not noticing her son's shortcomings. The child, realizing his worth in the eyes of his mother, took advantage of his position. Excessive custody of Prostakova led to the fact that the young man grew up as a lazy, selfish and uneducated person, unable to love even his own mother.

Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor" can serve as proof that children learn a lot from their parents. Mrs. Prostakova hired teachers for her son, although she herself was illiterate. In front of Mitrofanushka, she beat the servants, insulted her husband, showed complete disrespect for others and behaved boorishly, or, on the contrary, flattered the rich guests. It is not surprising that the young man grew up the same and behaved rudely even towards his own mother. Seeing how his son repels the dearest person, Starodum summed up: "Here is evil worthy fruits!"

B. L. Vasiliev novel "Don't Shoot White Swans"

The problem of the influence of the family on the personality of the child is also touched upon in Vasiliev's novel “Don't Shoot White Swans”. Yegor Polushkin, the main character, showed a reverent and careful attitude towards all living things. His son Kolka took over the love of nature from his father. When the boy found out that the flayer Vovka was going to torture the puppy to death, he, without hesitation, gave up his spinning rod to save the animal, although he understood that he would never be given such a gift again.

Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot White Swans" shows how similar children are to their parents. Buryanov, being a forester, abused his position. He cut down the forest, ripped off the lindens, did not keep order in the territory entrusted to him. Not far from his father went Vovka, who for money escorted tourists to places where hunting and fishing were prohibited.

In Vasiliev's novel Don't Shoot White Swans, it is shown that children adopt both positive and negative traits from their parents. Yegor Polushkin loved all living things, and his son was the same: he wrote poems about respect for nature, and for the sake of saving the puppy he gave his new spinning rod to the flayer. Forester Buryanov took advantage of his position, cut down the forest, stripped lindens, which was not the best example for his son Vovka. The boy grew up as a ruthless and greedy blackmailer.

A. Pushkin story "The Captain's Daughter"

The problem of the influence of the family on a person's personality is also touched upon in Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". Andrei Grinev paid great attention to raising his son, wanting the boy to become a real man. Seeing Petrusha off to the service, his father gave him an order: "Take care of your dress again, but honor from a young age." Perhaps it was thanks to this that the young man showed himself from his best sides during the rebellion, demonstrating courage, honesty and a thirst for justice.

L. N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

The values ​​of the family are passed from parents to children, and an example of this is Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. In the Rostov family, where moral values ​​played an important role, the children, Nikolai, Peter and Natasha, took over from their parents such qualities as openness, honesty and kindness. In the Kuragin family, where everything was decided by money, Helen and Anatole grew up as selfish and selfish as their father.

Arguments for the final essay and essay in the Russian language.
Education, teacher, upbringing, intelligence, good manners, mentor, etc.
The problem of education, intelligence, upbringing, training, teacher, his role in human life, vocation.

What is the role of a teacher in a person's life? Loyalty to the profession. An indifferent attitude to the profession.
Argument from Michael Gelprin's story "".
The role of a teacher in a person's life can hardly be overestimated. A teacher is someone who is able to discover the wonderful world, to reveal the potential of a person, to help determine the choice of a life path. The teacher is not only the one who conveys knowledge, he is, first of all, a moral guide. So, the main character of M. Gelprin's story "on the table" Andrey Petrovich is a teacher with a capital letter. This is a person who has remained faithful to his profession even in the most difficult times. In a world where spirituality faded into the background, Andrei Petrovich continued to defend eternal values. He did not agree to betray his ideals despite his poor financial situation. The reason for this behavior lies in the fact that for him the meaning of life is to share his knowledge with people, to pass it on to future generations. Andrei Petrovich was ready to teach anyone who knocked on his door. A caring attitude to the profession is a guarantee of happiness. Only such people can make the world a better place.

How is real good breeding manifested?

Real good manners are manifested first of all at home, in their family, in relations with their relatives.
If a man on the street lets an unfamiliar woman pass ahead of him, and at home does not help his tired wife wash the dishes, he is an ill-mannered person.
If he is polite with his acquaintances, but gets annoyed with his family, he is an ill-mannered person.
If, already in adulthood, he takes the help of his parents for granted and does not notice that they themselves already need help, he is an ill-mannered person.
If he likes to joke with his wife or children, not sparing their pride, especially in front of strangers, then he is already simply stupid.

Who can be called a well-mannered person?
D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
A well-mannered person is one who wants and knows how to reckon with others, this is the one to whom his own politeness is not only familiar and easy, but also pleasant. This is the one who is equally polite both with the elder and with the younger years and by position.
A well-mannered person fulfills promises made to others, does not put on airs and is always the same - at home, at school, at the institute, at work, in the store and on the bus.

Why cultivate good manners?
D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
There are many books on "good manners", but people, unfortunately, draw little from these books. This happens, I think, because books on good manners rarely explain why good manners are needed.
Yes, good manners can be very external, but they are created by the experience of many generations and mark the centuries-old desire of people to be better, to live more conveniently and beautifully.
At the heart of all good manners is the care that the person does not interfere with the person, so that everyone would feel good together. No need to make noise, no need to chomp, no need to loudly put a fork on a plate, noisily suck in soup, speak loudly at dinner or talk with a full mouth, no need to put your elbows on the table.
It is necessary to be neatly dressed because it reflects respect for others. Do not bore your neighbors with incessant jokes, witticisms and anecdotes. Manners, clothes, gait, all behavior should be restrained and ... beautiful. For any beauty does not tire. She is "social". And in so-called good manners there is always a deep meaning.
You need to cultivate in yourself not so much manners as what is expressed in manners, a respectful attitude towards the world: towards society, towards nature, towards animals and birds, towards plants, towards the beauty of the area, towards the past of the places where you live, etc. e. Be respectful of others. And if you have this and a little more resourcefulness, then manners will come to you on their own.
Why do you need to study?

D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
You should always learn. Until the end of life, not only taught, but studied all the major scientists. If you stop learning, you will not be able to teach, because knowledge is growing and becoming more complex. At the same time, it must be remembered that the most favorable time for learning is youth. It is in youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in youth that the mind of a person is most receptive. He is receptive to the study of languages, to mathematics, to the assimilation of knowledge and aesthetic development, which stands next to moral development and partly stimulates it.

How should you learn?
D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
The acquisition of skills and knowledge is the same sport. Teaching is hard when we cannot find joy in it. We must love to study and choose smart forms of recreation and entertainment, capable of also teaching something, developing in us some abilities that will be needed in life.
Know how not to waste time on trifles, on "rest", which sometimes tires more than the hardest work, do not fill your bright mind with muddy streams of stupid and aimless "information"

How to love learning?
D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
Getting joy from mastering new things largely depends on yourself. Do not promise: I do not like to study! And you try to love all the subjects that you go through in school. If other people liked them, why might you not like them! Read worthwhile books, not just reading. Study history and literature. They give a person a moral and aesthetic outlook, make the world around him large, interesting, radiating experience and joy. If you do not like something in any subject, strain and try to find in it a source of joy - the joy of acquiring something new.
Learn to love learning!

What is the role of play in raising a person?
D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
I am often asked why Russian games completely disappear in everyday life. Lapta, burners, towns or ruffles?
Not only Russian games are disappearing, games are disappearing altogether. They are replaced by dancing or what is called dancing. Meanwhile, games are very important in educational terms. The game fosters sociality, it fosters the ability to stick together, play together, feel a partner, feel the enemy. Games must be reborn in our lives. At home they are busy watching TV. This is where the TV turns out to be a serious competitor. Previously, there were various games in which the whole family took part. This is an important point, because play morally organizes the family, morally organizes society. How few people-to-people contacts we have now. They are very important, direct contacts, intuitive contacts of some kind, which were organized in games, in choral singing, in music. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to pedagogical organizations to this side of our life, to the fact that games are leaving our life. And maybe we should make the physical education lessons in our schools playable? This would give both physical and moral development, and would unite the class.

What is the role of the teacher in the lives of students?

Bel Kaufman "Up the Downstairs"
So, the main character of the book "Up the stairs leading down", a young teacher Sylvia Barrett, comes to school immediately after graduating from college. She hopes to interest students in her subject, but only faces indifference and indifference. Pupils are indifferent to her subject, and colleagues are not at all interested in the life of the school. Difficulties frighten her, but she finds the strength to interest students, to captivate them with the subject. This becomes possible only thanks to tremendous patience, building relationships based on trust and respect. People like Sylvia Barrett teach children the most important life lessons, helping them to become decent and kind.

What impact can a teacher have on students?
Ch. Aitmatov "The First Teacher"
The influence of the teacher on the formation of the personality of students is very great.
An example confirming my position is Ch. Aitmatov's story "The First Teacher". In the hero Duishen, the author creates the ideal image of the people's teacher - kind, selfless, honest. He teaches children whose parents do not even understand the value of education, gives them a chance to change their future, to choose their own path in life. Duishen builds the school himself, teaches the children, and takes them home after school. The influence that he has on the fate of his charges cannot be overemphasized. As adults, they remember with gratitude what he did for them, how he influenced their destinies, changed their lives.

How does parenting affect a person?
L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
Using the example of the Rostov family, Tolstoy describes his ideal of family life, good relations between family members. The Rostovs live "the life of the heart", not demanding a special mind from each other, easily and naturally referring to life's troubles. They are characterized by a truly Russian striving for breadth and scope (for example, the organization of the Rostov-senior reception of Muscovites in honor of Bagration). All members of the Rostov family are characterized by liveliness and spontaneity (Natasha's name day, Nikolai's behavior in the war, Christmastide). The turning point in the life of the family is the departure from Moscow, the decision to give the carts intended for the removal of property to the wounded, which means actual ruin. Old man Rostov dies with a sense of guilt for the ruin of children, but with a sense of accomplished patriotic duty.
Family members are connected only by external relations. Prince Vasily does not have a fatherly feeling for children, all the Kuragins are disunited. And in an independent life, the children of Prince Vasily are doomed to loneliness: Helene and Pierre have no family, despite their official marriage; Anatole, being married to a Polish woman, enters into new relationships, looking for a rich wife. Kuragins organically fit into the society of the regulars of the Sherer salon with its falseness, artificiality, false patriotism, intrigues. The true face of Prince Vasily appears during the period of the "dividing" of the inheritance of Kirila Bezukhov, which he does not intend to give up under any circumstances. He actually sells his daughter, passing her off as Pierre. The animal, immoral principle inherent in Anatol Kuragin is especially vividly manifested when his father brings him to the Bolkonskys' house in order to marry Princess Marya for him (an episode with Mademoiselle Burienne). Anatole is unusually ordinary and insane, which, however, does not force him to abandon his claims.
Does education always make a person good, serve for the good?

The problem of education and upbringing is relevant at all times of a person's life, regardless of the development of human society. Good breeding is an important prerequisite for mutual understanding between people and the guarantee of equal communication between people. The modern writer A. Dorokhov reflects on what a well-mannered person should be and what rules he should be guided by.

The hero of the story considered himself educated until a certain time (sentence 1-6). But having become an accidental witness to the conversation of the headman with the cook, he learns about himself not very pleasant details. Heard conversation completely overturns the conviction of the young man in his good breeding. This conversation served as an impetus for thinking about what qualities a well-mannered person possesses. Guy "On reflection, I realized that the cook is absolutely right in her own way"... It is not enough, for example, to say hello first, it is important to earn the respect of those around you. It is necessary to observe generally accepted rules of conduct, for that they exist. But they can manifest themselves in different ways: depending on the conditions in which a person finds himself.

The position of the author in the proposed text is formulated clearly: “ Respect others, reckon with them. Strictly follow the rules of conduct, you will be a good companion to everyone who communicates with you". One cannot but agree with the last lines of the story. If a person observes the rules and norms of behavior, shows respect for others, then the attitude towards him will be the same. Different social strata are characterized by different norms of behavior. But no matter what environment you find yourself in, it is important to follow the rules that take place in this society. Respecting others, you gain respect for yourself and you will be a truly educated person.

There are many examples of educated people. Even in the works of the great masters of the word, this quality is inherent in many heroes. For example, in the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy endows his Bolkonsky with nobility and honesty. He respects the people around him and does not allow anything bad in relation to them. He listens to the opinion of his father and tries to act to please him even when he himself does not want to.

The problem of education is also raised by Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons". His Bazarov, preaching nihilism, denies the customary norms of behavior among the "fathers", and therefore there is no mutual understanding with the older generation.

In life, too, there are many examples of the manifestation of real upbringing. There is a known case with the artist Vasily Kachalov. Returning from rehearsal, he saw two women who tried to get on the tram, but since both were blind, nothing came of it. The actor changed the route he took and helped the blind people.

"Upbringing is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person"- this quote belongs to Belinsky. And you can't argue with the great Russian critic. Indeed, upbringing plays an important role in life, and our life largely depends on it. It is no coincidence that Dorokhov devoted his work to the problem of education. As long as at least one person lives, upbringing will also exist.

A person who has received a good upbringing and has mastered a respectful attitude towards people is a mature person who observes the norms of generally accepted behavior. To become educated, you need to grow and improve every day. Our daily deeds and actions are nothing more than the result of upbringing. The concept of "educated person" is, of course, relative, since everyone has their own idea of ​​the degree of upbringing. But the main criterion is respect for others and mutual politeness.

Material prepared by Dovgomelya Larisa Gennadievna

Source text:

(1) When I was young, I considered myself a well-mannered person. (2) When meeting with acquaintances, he knew how to say hello politely. (3) In the conversation, I listened attentively to the interlocutor, not allowing myself to interrupt his story, no matter how long it was. (4) In a dispute, even the most heated, he never shouted, and even more so did not use harsh words. (5) There was no case that I, inadvertently pushing someone, did not apologize or went through the door first, without giving way to a companion. (6) In a word, my upbringing seemed to me impeccable.

(7) But only it seemed. (8) And it turned out quite unexpectedly. (9) Once, during my student practice, I had to live two weeks with an artel of lumberjacks. (10) And then one evening I accidentally overheard a conversation that I remember forever.

(11) Sitting down on the threshold of our spacious dugout, the artisan headman quietly talked with the cook. (12) It was about me.

- (13) The guy is nothing, - said the cook, - literate, but it's too gray! (14) There is no upbringing.

- (15) What? - the headman became interested.

- (16) Yes, everything is not done in a human way. (17) He starts to wash - the whole floor will flood, then wipe after him. (18) He sits down to the table - no, so that at first he sips liquid, immediately, without a command, he begins to drag meat from the bottom. (19) It’s not difficult to bring a spoon to your mouth, and I’m not accustomed to it. (20) He won't put bread under the spoon, it will drip on the table. (21) And where only did he live until now? ..

(22) I listened and felt myself blush. (23) “Well, well! (24) So, then I am "gray"? "

(25) At first, of course, I was offended. (26) But then, on reflection, I realized that the cook, in her own way, was absolutely right.

(27) True, in the morning I did not forget to say hello to her, politely avoided when she brought a boiling samovar or a heavy pot of cabbage soup to the table, and getting up from the table, thanked her for dinner. (28) But this did not surprise her. (29) For her, all this was familiar and natural. (30) But those gaps in my upbringing that were discussed were very noticeable. (31) And she could not be reconciled with them.

(32) However, on my part there was no great fault here. (33) Since childhood, I lived in an apartment with running water, I ate from a separate plate. (34) I did not have to wash over a bucket from a ladle, I did not happen to eat from a common artel pot. (35) Therefore, I did not know the special rules of behavior that were obligatory for people living in other conditions. (36) And to fulfill them was no less important than those urban, to which I was used to obey.

(37) This incident made me think for the first time about what a well-bred person is. (38) What are actually the rules of conduct that we must obey?

(39) Subsequently, I was convinced more than once that these rules exist in any society, in every collective. (40) In some ways they differ. (41) It depends on the conditions in which people live.

(42) But no matter what rules of behavior you touch, in the main they are always the same: respect those around you, reckon with them. (43) By strictly observing the rules of conduct, you will be a good companion to everyone who communicates with you in the family, at school, on vacation.

(According to A. Dorokhov *)