The finest age of the phrase. Statuses about a woman's age

Women, don't hide your age. It is necessary to wear it so that men look after you with admiration !!!

The most beautiful age of a woman is the age of love.

The Balzac age is not a slightly older age than average, it is the age when a woman remains attractive.

It is stupid when they say that a woman blooms at a certain age. A woman blooms with a SPECIFIC man !!!

There is no difference in age, there is a difference in mind.

A woman is as old as she looks in the morning. And the age of a man is determined by what he can do in the morning.

A WOMAN is GOOD in flirting! He walks like a cat - gently, slowly. It will pass, without looking, a little rustling dress ... Yes, SPIT FOR YOU FOR YEARS, when the SOUL IS SINGING !!!

Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult for men to run after women - they have to drag.)))

A woman has two ages - before and after cosmetics.

No, well, that's why girls, when meeting, reduce their age ?! If you are 30, and you say that you are 25 ... then personally I immediately think: no * uyase, if you look like that at 25, then what will happen at 30! 0_o ...))

Women are divided into young, very young and still young. Either men who are completely old or who have not matured can think differently.

The soul sings enthusiastically, it is waiting for love and sun. Although ... where the hell is it in mine ... after forty!

The main disadvantage of women is that they are not both young and smart at the same time. They do it in turn.

The age of a woman is, firstly, her personal affair, and secondly, this is her state of mind, not passport data at all.

Thirty is the best age for a forty-year-old woman.

The years by which a woman decreases her age are never wasted: she adds them to the age of her friends.

The age of a woman, like that of a tree, can be determined by the rings.

In a normal female biography - chronology before thirty, mythology after thirty.

Young women probably won't understand me, but I'm sad when my husband prepares tea for himself, looks for what to wear, he warms up his own food. I have a feeling of uselessness. Love manifests itself in the little things.

A woman has no age since birth ... The older, the more mysterious she is ... And the colors of inspired passion are brighter, like the daring taste of a rare wine ...

God forbid me to become like everyone else ... Tired, sad, with dull eyes. And hide your ... still cheerful ... laughter, For ... just like that ... flowing tears ...

Unfortunately, you can be a woman of an indefinite age until a certain age.

Women never grow out of the age when they have to be worn.

By the age of thirty, a woman forms the image of a prince, which fits any asshole.

A woman always remains a woman! And at 5 years old, and at 95 !!!

The woman is seven years younger than her friends claim, and five years older than men give her.

They call me a woman in the queues ... Horror ...

What is 30 years old? This is a woman's heyday !!! The mind is clear, and the distance is bright!) And the soul is full of warmth !!!)))))

Young, slender, pretty women do not vote on the roads for a long time, and grannies can stand for hours. Oh, these are our male instincts. Guys, where is our respect for old age?


If a woman admits her age to you, it means that she has already left it.

Nothing ages like a face. It holds on, holds on, and then suddenly, overnight, like a landslide - bang! It's hard even for peasants to endure, and even for women ...

The true age of a woman is always displayed in her eyes.

The woman has no age. They are either young or old.

At forty-five, baba, a berry again ... But not everyone loves dried fruits.

Statuses about a woman's age

Our inner man does not depend on the number of years.

Look at your current years with gratitude. After all, you are younger now than you will be in ten years.

A woman would stop decreasing her age if she realized that wisdom, elegance, and grooming are much more attractive than inexperienced youth.

The age is coming when all young people seem beautiful.

Best status:
There is no age in love, there is only taste, smell, sensations. All this is recorded in memory, just like on a hard disk.

A wise, sophisticated, tasteful woman, by definition, cannot be old. Youth against such a background is a loser.

There are words that you can understand only at a respectable age. These are the parting words given to you by your parents in childhood and adolescence.

Both women and men tend to hide their age. The former subtract years to prolong the charm of youth. The latter add more years to themselves in order to bring the influence of maturity closer.

With age, everything that was in childhood acquires special value in your eyes.

A woman is obliged to do charming nonsense at any age.

Learn to think positively. Your years are not a bygone youth, not acquired diseases and misfires in sex. Your years are to love life even more, to rejoice in loved ones, this is an opportunity to share experiences, this is your contribution to the life of all mankind.

At all ages, their nasty things.

Nothing ages a woman like her age.

It seems to everyone that he reached his fortieth birthday too early.

We are sitting at the table, having dinner. Suddenly dad starts a conversation: - Tanechka, you are beginning to adolescence. You take offense at all sorts of little things ... - You know, dad, I am tempted to say that you are beginning to grow old, but I will not say anything, although I have already said it anyway. - One-one - Mom summed up.

Unfortunately, a woman of indefinite age can be up to a certain age.

A man is as young as a woman feels him.

It is not my age that horrifies me, but the age of my peers.

Middle age is when you still believe that tomorrow you will feel better.

A woman never stops talking about her age and never names him.

The only thing that a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

It would be very easy to get used to your age if it did not change so often.

Male age: 1. Grasped the breast and ... ate 2. Grasped the breast and ... finished 3. Grasped the breast and ... got excited 4. Grasped the breast and ... fell asleep.

Over thirty is a great age. Still young and beautiful, but no longer a fool!

Men do not hide their age, so there are many centenarians among them.

transitional age, this is when you stand at a stall and do not know whether to buy you beer or ice cream

I like my age, when everything is still possible ...

It's nonsense that a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says.

Thirty is the best age for a forty-year-old woman.

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

minute weakness with age is reduced to seconds.

A transitional age is when in the heat you don't understand what you want: ice cream or beer ..

Seeing miracles is an ability that dies with age ...

tell virgins not to find)) I'm 17 I'm a virgin .. now let's find a virgin at this age !!!

Love has no age, no nation, no religion ...! It is a pity that some do not understand this ...

Mom says that love at the age of 14 is early .. But what's the difference? Love at every age is love. After all, everyone on the planet loves sometime .. Let my mother .. Let in 5 years .. This is love (c)

Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.

You cannot trust a woman who does not hide her age. Such a woman does not hesitate to say anything.

He who constantly hides his years, he, at last, himself begins to think that he is as young as he wants to appear.

The transitional age is when there is a holiday, the family is at the table, and you are sitting sad and you begin to understand that you don’t want Coca-Cola, and the vodka hasn’t been poured yet.

Transitional age is when in the heat you do not understand what you want. Ice cream, or beer

I go to the city toilet, a woman of Balzac's age sits at the checkout, I give her money, and she with such a serious face is “the purpose of your visit”.

We enter different ages of our life, like newborns, with no experience behind us, no matter how old we are.

When your friends start to wonder how young you look, this is a sure sign that you have grown old.

I brought a person, twice my size, to tears. This has not happened to me since the age of four, when I washed my father's car with a wire brush ...

I have already outgrown the age when the word “love” is spoken to just about anyone ... and now, when I say this to that one person, you, you just think that I am mocking ...

You begin to understand old age after forty, and then you cease to understand youth.

Four human ages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging.

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santa Claus, when you do not believe in Santa Claus, and when you are already Santa Claus yourself.

Every woman has the age she deserves.

And all the guys aged 13 to 15, after listening to Guf, began to make a nickname in the ace Guf? 🙂

A woman ages one year every three years.

Middle age is when you can still do the same thing as before, but you prefer not to do it.

If a woman admits her age to you, it means that she has already left it.

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age.

Well, that age has come when it is too early to be with men, but it is unrealistically boring with peers.

Sadly, but in ten to fifteen years even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

If a man and a woman are the same age, the woman always looks a little older, because she is ten years older.

Scary thing "AGE" Sometimes because of him you can not be with your loved one ... ((

Age is a disgusting thing, and every year it gets worse.

Often, wisdom comes at the same age as insanity.

“Childhood is not at all a period from birth to a certain age, Just one day, the Child grows up, and forgets children's fun. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies. "

Three human ages: youth, middle age and "You look wonderful today!"

The main thing is not height, not age or weight, the main thing is not to piss! ©.

Please grow out of the age when you have to fuck in order to be friends with someone. (with)

Middle age is when you have already broken into open doors.

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman capable of this is capable of anything.

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older.

The transitional age is when there is a holiday, the family is at the table, and you are sitting sad and you begin to understand that you don’t want Coca-Cola, and the vodka hasn’t been poured yet

Do not hide your age, otherwise you will be given more.

with age, any excuses were replaced by a single one - I don't care.

To find out my age, you have to cut me and count the layers.

If you love someone, then age, distance, weight and height are just numbers ...

Childhood is not a period from birth to a certain age, Just one day, the Child grows up, and forgets childhood forgetfulness. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies. (Edna St. Vincent Millay)> ”Twilight. Saga. Dawn"

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks.

Not only don't say how old you are, but don't even say how much you look!

The goal of the first half of life is love, and life is just a means. Then they switch places.

A smart person uses old age to grow up and get rid of the disadvantages of youth: recklessness and hasty decisions.

Feelings do not die with age - they mature and become mature.

Childhood hastens life, adolescence tries on it, it intoxicates youth, it enjoys maturity, old age regrets it, decrepitude puts up with it.

The first thing a woman begins to forget after thirty is her own age. By forty, she doesn't remember him at all.

It's nice when, after your fortieth birthday, they still call you young, but it's a shame if you are treated like a green youth.

Of all the wrinkles assigned by God to a woman, let some be located on the soles of the feet.

A woman hides her age behind constant talk about him.

A man is obsessed at any age. At ten years old - sweet, at twenty - with love, at thirty - pleasures, at forty - a career, at fifty - tightness.

A man is worried about how few years are left, and a woman is worried about how many of them have passed.

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

Sadly, but in ten to fifteen years even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks. - Mortimer Collins

If a man and a woman are the same age, the woman always looks a little older, because she is ten years older. - Sasha Guitri

Count your years into money, and you will see how little it is. - Magdalena the Pretender

Middle age is when you still believe that tomorrow you will feel better. - Lawrence Peter

You begin to understand old age after forty, and then you cease to understand youth. - Kazimierz Brandys

Thirty is the best age for a forty-year-old woman. - "Pshekruj"

A woman ages one year every three years. - Maurice Donne

A woman never stops talking about her age and never names him. - Jules Renard

He who constantly hides his years, he, at last, himself begins to think that he is as young as he wants to appear. - Jean La Bruyere

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older. - Yanina Ipohorskaya

It would be very easy to get used to your age if it did not change so often. - Zhanna Golonogova

He has already lived to that dangerous age when all women seem attractive.

Middle age - when you start repeating what a fool you were before.

It's nonsense that a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says. - Yanina Ipohorskaya

Excessive care is the same curse of old people, as carelessness is the grief of young people. - W. Shakespeare

If instead of “delicious” you say “nutritious”, then you are getting old. - V.M. Khochinsky

Age is the best medicine for love. - M. Genin

Youth, surging wave. Behind the wind, ahead of the rocks. - W. Wordsworth

What we sin in our youth has to be redeemed in old age. - Erasmus of Rotterdam

At all ages, their nasty things. - Henri Bataille

Age is a disgusting thing, and every year it gets worse. - Diana Cooper

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santaclaus, when you do not believe in Santaclaus, and when you are already Santaclaus yourself. - Bob Phillips

In youth, you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, in old age - longer. - E. Sevrus

If a woman admits her age to you, it means that she has already left it. - Yanina Ipohorskaya

Four human ages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging. - Art Linkletter

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Wayne Dyer

The years that a woman takes from her age are not lost: she adds them to the age of other women. - Diane de Poitiers

Inside ourselves, we are all the same age. - Gertrude Stein

I have already passed the age when you are worried about what others will think of you ... Now let others worry about what I will think of them ...

It is stupid when they say that a woman blooms at a certain age. A woman blooms with a SPECIFIC man !!!

You cannot trust a woman who does not hide her age. Such a woman does not hesitate to say anything. - Oscar Wilde

A person is young and old, depending on how he feels. - T. Mann

Another goes to the grave of a hundred years, died barely born. - J.-J. Russo

I am at an excellent age: and ... I can, and ... I want, and ... I know how! ...))

To find out my age, you have to cut me and count the layers. - "Pshekruj"

Middle age is when you are too young to retire and too old to get another job. - L. Peter

Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. - Victor Hugo

A man is as young as he feels
If you look like your passport photo, you probably need a vacation abroad. - Earl Wilson

And now, out of the blue, you become a middle-aged woman. You are anonymous. Nobody notices you. You gain amazing freedom - the freedom of the invisible man. - D. Lessing

The only thing that a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

Middle age is when you can still do the same thing as before, but you prefer not to do it. - Author unknown

Youth is the time to assimilate wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.

Sixty is the age when you finally have enough experience to get fired.

Middle age - when all you want to get on your birthday - so you don't get reminded of it.

It seems to everyone that he reached his fortieth birthday too early.

Middle age is when you stop criticizing the elders and start criticizing the young. - L. Peter

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age. - Lucille Ball

In essence, old age begins from the moment when a person has lost the ability to learn. - A. Graf

Middle age is when you can still do the same thing as before, but you prefer not to do it.

Look at the figures of most men after 30, but they did not even give birth! : - (((

All women are young, but some are younger than others. - Marcel Ashar

In youth, you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, and in old age - longer. - E.A. Sevrus

Do not hide your age, otherwise you will be given more. - Konstantin Melikhan

When your friends start to wonder how young you look, this is a sure sign that you have grown old. - Washington Irving

The most difficult thing for women to get a job! Everybody needs 18 year old girls with 30 years of work experience, two educations and adult children!

It is not my age that horrifies me, but the age of my peers.

Unfortunately, a woman of indefinite age can be up to a certain age. - Semyon Altov

I cannot understand women who write in the column 100 years old. After all, as the heroine of the film "Love and Doves" said - "so it is clear that not sixteen ...)))))

We enter different ages of our life, like newborns, with no experience behind us, no matter how old we are. - Francois La Rochefoucauld

Every woman has the age she deserves. - Coco Chanel

Nothing ages a woman like her age. - Don Aminado

The old man believes everything, the middle-aged man suspects everything, the young man knows everything. - O. Wilde

Not only don't say how old you are, but don't even say how much you look! - Yanina Ipohorskaya

Three human ages: youth, middle age and "You look wonderful today!" - Cardinal Francis Spellman

Excessive care is the same curse of old people, as carelessness is the grief of young people. - W. Shakespeare

There is a good side to everything: no matter how old you are, you are younger than you will ever be. - "Readers Digest"

At 15 I was good ... And at 30 I was twice as good!)

Even now I am no more jealous of the strength of the young than I used to envy the strength of a bull or an elephant. - M.T. Cicero

On the 26th of this month, I turn 56, and I am still not an adult. - D.B. Show

The sad thing is not that old age is approaching, but that youth is leaving. - A. Dumas-Son

Funny statuses and aphorisms about female age

Have throm sat down at the pier glass and asked him: "Am I the nicest in the world, all the blush and whiter?" And the mirror answered me: “FUCKED? AT 40 YEARS? "


WITH look at your age more fun,
We are getting juicier every year!


Have women are always three ages: apparent, real and ascribed to herself by her.


V the age of women depends on plans for the future.


A it's still great - when your reflection in the mirror suits you as a daughter!


TO Unfortunately, you can be a woman of indefinite age up to a certain age.

H The longer I live, the older the youth.


Have LET YOU age your immunity !!! And the passport label does not interfere !!! We feel ourselves FOR SO YEARS ... How much our OURSENCE ALLOWS !!


V every age has its own charms, but in youth they are also strangers.


V All women are young, but some are younger than others.


I AM I have already passed the age when you are worried about what others will think of you ... Let others now worry about what I will think of them ...


- D Oktor, I love women of Balzac age ... Tell me, is this normal?
- Yes, my friend, you are a gourmet ... Balzac is 214 this year! ...


NS Calculate your years for money, and you will see how little it is.


F At first you can't drive a woman at thirty, and then you’ll drive a woman out of thirty!


E the only thing that a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.


H and what does not warm the soul so much as a chance meeting with school “girlfriends” who look like your mother.


H what to say about my age ... I have an established opinion on vital issues and a lot of experience in interpersonal relationships ... But sometimes I still suffer from garbage!


T thirty is a wonderful age for a woman. Especially if she's forty.


E she's still thirty-five years old since she turned forty.


M oi years - my wealth! But I really want to become a little poorer ...


C the fate of a modern woman: before thirty you prove that you are already an adult, after thirty - that you are still young.


TO Every time ... again ... I am surprised to the depths of my soul ... when grown-up uncles like me ... I completely forget ... that auntie myself


TO What a strange question: how old am I? As many as winters!


Z She looked at the passport: oh god-28, went to the mirror: everything is fine-19:


M Between 35 and 36 I lived 10 happy years !!!


AND I have an interesting age, unpredictable - I want to fall in love, then I want to retire ...


TO The middle age recession comes when your favorite songs start playing on the "Retro" radio.


NS then nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says.


WITH there is a big difference between "looking younger than your age" and "looking great in your age"


H I don't know how old she is, but she looks older.


V The age of a woman, like that of a tree, can be determined by the rings.


I AM I will soon grow old and die, but Piggy and Stepashka are still young and they have new women ...


M yes ... Age takes its toll ... Previously, at 22.00 I was only painting, now I am going to wash.


T RIDTS is the same TWENTY, only more well-groomed, independent and self-confident !!!


M It is not my age that horrifies me, but the age of my peers.


H Don't ask a woman about her age.
Well, maybe just ask what music was played at her high school graduation ...


WITH at a certain age, we stop exchanging news and start exchanging symptoms.


F The woman is seven years younger than her friends claim and five years older than men give her.


R In a decade, a woman makes an amazing discovery - life after 30 (40, 50, etc.) exists!



H Do not hide your age, otherwise they will give more.


F Women don't count their age. Girlfriends do it for them.


WITH As you grow older, you realize that the years not only take their toll, but also try to take yours!


NS I looked at myself in the mirror ... THERE WERE MIRRORS BEFORE - this is yeah!


NS Einstein was right: with age, a person's energy turns into its mass.


A we are not old yet, and we are not nags yet! And what is already in retirement means nothing! I know many young people - everyone is “groaning” idle ... their souls have grown old ... we only have a body!


M We think we stop falling in love when we get old ... No! - we grow old when we stop loving ...


M adonna is 54 years old, her boyfriend is 21 years old. Pugacheva is 64 years old, Galkin is 36 years old. Don't worry if you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, they just haven't been born yet.


H yes, no longer a girl, but still a beauty. You can also believe in fairy tales, and throw yourself into the whirlpools. Nonsense rushes and nonsense is perfectly flogged. It's time to screw up, and I still get AMOR ...


V age of foolishness is not a hindrance.