Make the effect of wet chemistry. Feature and differences in different procedures. Modern types and methods of perm

Women love simple yet long-lasting styling. One of these is light chemistry for medium hair.

Dry curls
curls curls

Let's find out more about the procedure.

Varieties of chemistry

There are many types of curling today. Women with medium length hair can choose a suitable option for different haircuts and then have beautiful hairstyles. Modern curling preparations are being improved every year.

The most common types are:

  • root perm. Provides luxurious volume. It can be done by women whose strands are weakened, or branches after previous chemistry. In addition, the root curling makes styling easier. The method involves winding only the roots of the hair;
  • vertical curl for medium hair. Compared to other varieties, it is a veteran. Thanks to the special shape of the curlers, straight strands turn into beautiful curls. Take a look at the photos before and after the procedure;
  • spiral curling. It is done using special shaped bobbins made like spirals. The technique is also unusual: first, the strand is twisted into a tourniquet, and only then - onto a bobbin;
  • Japanese technology. A popular procedure today that is suitable for all women with medium curls. For curling, a composition containing lipids and proteins is used, which is recommended for diseased hair. As you can see in the photo, the hair turns out to be shiny, elastic, in addition, the curls last for a long time;
  • wet chemistry. Allows you to create elastic small curls on shoulder-length hair, without splendor that interferes with many. The hair looks well-groomed, luxurious. Styling is carried out using foam, gel to create the effect of wet hair. The result lasts for 3 months;
  • light chemistry, or carving, for hair of medium length. It assumes minimal damage to the hair, unlike other methods, it allows you to achieve volume from the very roots. Lasts up to 2 months. A weak perm is done only by professional stylists;
  • large curls. Especially in demand among owners of medium hair. Depending on the exposure time of the product, you can control the stiffness of the curl. The result can be found in the photo.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many are afraid to make themselves a perm, believing that after it the strands deteriorate greatly, are difficult to restore, lose their former strength and shine. To some extent, this opinion is justified. However, if you do not take care of your hair, even conventional styling products and three-treatment treatments can lead to similar actions.

The advantages of perm are as follows:

  • beautiful curls will delight you for a long time (from 2 to 6 months, depending on the type of chemistry);
  • you get a fashionable styling at an affordable price, and you can also do different hairstyles quickly and effortlessly;
  • the hair gets the long-awaited volume.

The disadvantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • the funds penetrate into the structure of the curl, which cannot but affect the general condition of the hair. Therefore, after curling, you need to carefully look after it;
  • if the hair is too heavy, the effect of the procedure will be quickly lost;
  • if you do chemistry during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, the effect may generally be zero.

Chasing the coveted curl

Perm consists in applying a special composition to the hair, under the influence of which the molecular bonds of the curls disintegrate, the scales on the hair open. Subsequently, curls are formed in any way.

To complete the curling on medium strands and get the result, as in the photo, you need to fix the new shape of the strands. For this, a special fixing solution is used.

The degree of elasticity of the curl depends on various factors:

  • indoor air temperature;
  • structure and condition of curls;
  • the duration of exposure of the composition on the head of hair;
  • the type of chemical agent, its quality;
  • diameter of curlers or bobbins.

You can see how light chemistry looks on medium strands by examining the photo.

Light chemistry can be done at home as well. On the proposed photos you can see the results before and after the procedure. To do this, you need:

  • plastic curlers or bobbins (about 50-80 pieces);
  • gloves and rubber cap;
  • curling agent;
  • fixative and sponge for applying it;
  • a plastic or wooden comb with a thin end for highlighting curls;
  • plate (non-metallic).

Stages of execution:

  1. Wash your hair with regular shampoo, dry it slightly with a towel.
  2. Divide the hair into several parts.
  3. Select a strand, comb and roll on the bobbin. Twist it tight, otherwise it will fall apart.
  4. Wind all the strands in this way.
  5. Apply the curler evenly to the hair. Start at the back of the head and finish at the crown.
  6. Put on a rubber cap, wrap yourself in a towel.
  7. Leave for a certain time (10 minutes for light waves, about half an hour for elastic curls). We hope you have previously decided what result you want to get and compared the before and after photos. If you want to make large curls, use curlers instead of bobbins.
  8. Rinse off the product without removing the bobbins, remove excess moisture with a towel.
  9. Apply the fixative with a sponge. Soak it for 10 minutes.
  10. Remove bobbins, rinse, rinse with vinegar solution.

Hair care

Now that you've explored the many before and after photos of chemistry, it doesn't hurt to find out what trichologists and stylists recommend.

Keep in mind that you will have to spend more time on curled curls than usual. But the efforts will not be in vain: you can support the hair, weakened after chemical treatment.

  • buy all caring products marked "after a perm";
  • after washing, rinse the curls with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, nettle;
  • do moisturizing, nourishing masks twice a week;
  • when buying masks, choose products that contain silk proteins, keratin, collagen, amino acids;
  • comb the strands using aromatic oils, and lubricate the ends of the curls with argan oil;
  • use a special cream for the care of curls, enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • do not wash your hair with hot water, but use slightly acidified water (with lemon juice or vinegar) for rinsing;
  • use hot curlers and hair dryers less often. Weakened strands do not need additional stress.

In their quest to look stylish and fashionable, women are ready to use various technologies for styling their hair. And wet chemistry, which has returned to us from the end of the 20th century, is one of them. Women turn to salons to create hairstyles based on it. Many people strive to get curled curls in this way at home. Therefore, information about the features of wet chemistry and the types of styling with it is of interest to the vast majority of the female population.

What is

It requires funds that help the curls become springy and iridescent.

The hair gets extra volume, it goes down naturally and beautifully, and the hairstyle takes on the appearance of being caught in a warm rain.


The cost of wet chemistry done by a hairdresser-stylist varies and depends on the length of the hair. For example, for medium hair, it is approximately 1800 rubles.

For those looking to create a "wet" effect at home, you need to stock up on everything you need, and this is not entirely cheap. Especially if the technology is used with a textureizer, which has a rather high price.

Advice. Less costs will be required for wet curling with a hair dryer, foam (mousse).


This hairstyle is not suitable for all women. Hair with this chemistry experiences some stress.

  • American bobbins without rubber bands have a special shape that allows individual elements to be attached to each other.
  • Japanese bobbin sticks are characterized by the absence of a "waist".
  • spiral curlers are completed with removable plastic clips.
  • wager curlers have a thin plastic hairpin through which the strands are held.
  • creative shapers and fancy bobbins.

All curlers are designed to create curls on a variety of hair types.

Hair Length Dependence

The length of the strands and their structure affect the obtaining of the preferred curls. It is believed that women with long hair get the most spectacular look from wet chemistry. However, on short or medium strands, this kind of curl looks impressive too.

The elasticity of the curls depends on the predisposition to the chemistry of the particular woman, the type of mixture for curling and the time of its action on the hair, as well as the air temperature in the room (preferably above 20 ° C).

Wet curling procedure

Making wet chemistry at home will require appropriate drugs, tools, and supplies.

You will need:

  • cape made of water-repellent material;
  • curlers of the appropriate type;
  • a comb with thick teeth and a pointed tail;
  • a non-metal vessel for preparing a mixture;
  • fixer;
  • sponge;
  • towels;
  • rubber gloves;
  • vinegar with a strength of 9 or 6%;
  • a cap for insulation;
  • balm.

Wet chemistry is done in stages:

Important! The result will be impressive if the hair is not washed for 3 days.

How long does the effect last

Wet chemistry lasts within 6 months. The most durable perm is considered to be done for the first time. Experts give her a period of 8 months.

The duration is influenced by: the size and shape of the curlers, the structure and length of the strands, the holding time of the fixing solution. Mixes for curling also matter. Some hold curls longer, while lighter carving blends tend to fade faster.

Also, a curling with steep curls is kept longer than the one after which large curls are formed.

Consequences and hair care after

This chemistry dries out the hairline and curls can become tangled and difficult to comb. Will save the day competent hair care.

  1. To wash them, you will need a medicated shampoo, a moisturizing rinse balm and a mask with nourishing properties. This is especially needed for long strands, since the chemistry on them is done with a concentrated mixture, and the procedure takes a longer time.
  2. The shampoo is applied exclusively to the epidermis on the head and root zone.
  3. Hair is dried after washing in a natural way, beforehand they are only soaked with a towel.
  4. Only dried curls are combed.
  5. Creases will not occur if you go to bed with already dry curls.

The desire to change their appearance in women appears quite often. In this case, the easiest way is to change the hairstyle. There are methods of working with hair that do not radically change the appearance, but at the same time make the look unrecognizable. One of these methods is to create the effect of wet chemistry on the hair. Thanks to it, smooth curls are formed on the hair, and the hair looks more shiny, beautiful and healthy.
Real wet chemistry is done in hairdressers and salons with the help of various perming agents, using small-format curlers for this. Such a perm retains its durability for three months. However, not every woman dares to make such a long-term styling. Therefore, at home, you can experiment and try to create a similar effect yourself.

To do this, you will need a comb with a tip and a hair styler. The desired result is especially pronounced on medium hair lengths with moderate density. Wash your hair, but do not dry it before styling. Apply the hair gel to the strands while they are still wet. You can also use a special mousse to give your hair a damp effect. Then comb the hair with a comb, which has large and rather sparse teeth. As a result, separate curls will be formed from each other, which can be styled in any way you like. Curly hair can also be styled using this method. A short haircut allows you to style your hair in a minimum amount of time. Hair that is clean and still damp is treated with a styling product.
The same remedy should be applied to the hands. Then a medium-sized curl is separated on the hair and twisted along the entire length. All hair is "curled" in the same way. After that, the curls are clenched several times into a fist, and then released. The hair on the temples and bangs can also be twisted, or, on the contrary, smoothed, which looks very stylish.

It is most difficult to do this on your own on long and straight hair. This hair can be styled in several ways. Mousse or styling gel is applied to washed hair. In this case, the hair is divided into separate strands. After that, each strand is rolled up into a small bun and fixed with an elastic band. You can form flagella from the strands and also fix it.
Then the hair should get used to this position within an hour. After that, all the fixing elements are removed, and the hair itself must be loosened and shaken with your hands. They also need to be dried with a hairdryer. Another way to style long hair is as follows. Use a towel to dry slightly damp hair and apply a liquid styling product to the hair. After that, you need to tilt your head down and start squeezing and unclenching individual strands of hair with your hand. This must be continued until the hair has acquired the desired volume. The easiest way to achieve the effect of wet chemistry is to treat wet hair with a gel and then dry it with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment.

The idea of ​​wet chemistry for medium hair can be a great option for a busy modern woman: the hairstyle will turn out to be voluminous, the hair will acquire lushness and a great look for a long time. And what is important, it will become much easier to style your hair in the morning: a lot of time will be freed up for more useful activities. In the article, we will consider the features of wet chemistry for medium hair, find out who will benefit from this option for treating hair, how to care for the resulting hairstyle, how much this procedure costs today. But how chemistry is done for short large curls, you can see


Wet chemicals are a special kind of long-term styling, which is performed using special fixing compounds. After treatment, the hair looks like a woman just jumped out of the rain or out of the shower.

The hair gets not only additional volume, but also a beautiful shine, tenderness and silkiness. In general, the hair after the procedure looks much healthier and more well-groomed. And what is important, quite natural.

Special reagents used for wet chemistry have a direct effect on hair molecules. The solution has a destructive effect on the hair protein, revealing keratin scales. It is this effect that makes it possible to fix the strands for a long time in a certain curled position. The composition of the solution includes, among other things, hydrogen peroxide, so the concentration of the last component should be weak. Otherwise, wet chemistry can dry the hair. And here's how to take care of dry porous hair and what products should be used. will help to understand this

The video shows how wet chemistry is done for medium hair:

After the chemical solution has been washed off, the keratin scales return to their previous position, but the strands are already fixed in a new way.

Pros of the procedure

Let's find out what advantages wet chemistry has for medium hair.

First, the strands get a long-lasting volume and fluffiness effect without the unpleasant side effect of fluffiness.

Having done wet chemistry, a woman saves a lot of time on more important things. You do not need to spend more precious minutes in the morning styling: the hairstyle looks flawless even after a simple combing.

Since wet chemicals have a drying effect on the scalp and hair, this is a chance at the same time to get rid of excess oily hair.

Strands treated with a chemical composition look quite natural, natural. The procedure can be done not only for medium hair, but also for any other length. Modern chemical compositions have a gentle effect, and quite gently affect the hair.

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The procedure also has its drawbacks - we will consider them further.

Although, on average, the effect of the procedure lasts for six months, there are cases when wet chemicals disappeared from the hair after a few weeks or a couple of months. This fact is connected with the individual characteristics of the organism, insufficiently aggressive chemical composition, non-compliance with the processing technology.

Probably mechanical injury to the strands during the procedure.

If a woman's hair has a coarse, thick structure, tough and unruly, wet chemistry is contraindicated in this case, since it will last only for a short time. There are hairs that are completely immune to the composition.

After a recent dyeing of hair, wet chemistry cannot be done: you must wait at least two weeks before doing a perm. Otherwise, the damage to the hair will be much greater than all the theoretically possible beauty and attractiveness of the hairstyle.

The ends must be trimmed before the procedure, so you need to be prepared for this. If you are categorically against hair shortening (even insignificant), the effect of wet chemistry will not be so beautiful and impressive.

The qualification of the master is very important for the success of this procedure. You should not go to the first hairdressing salon for wet chemistry. It is important to make inquiries and go to the salon where there is an experienced and recommended by many master. When carrying out this procedure, careful adherence to technology, accuracy and absolute knowledge of the process is very important - otherwise your hair may suffer.

Wet chemistry is undesirable for overweight women, as well as those with oily hair. In the first case, the hairstyle simply does not suit the external appearance and figure, and in the latter it will emphasize the carelessness of the hair.

But how to care for dry curly hair and what products should be used in the first place, this will help to understand


Today, beauty salons can offer the following options for wet chemistry:

  • vertical;
  • Japanese.

Vertical chemistry

This option is suitable for medium to long hair, but not for short hair. The procedure forms long, beautiful elastic curls, hanging down, giving a chic volume to the hairstyle. The procedure is performed using cone-shaped curlers, on which spiral-shaped strands are wound. It also happens

Looks very good on dark hair


This option is also suitable for medium hair, including those with problematic brittle structure. The procedure is carried out using a special plastic cap with holes. And the chemical composition affects only those strands that are stretched through the holes of the cap. Thus, the effect is as gentle as possible, and the scalp does not suffer at all.

This hairstyle is suitable for young girls.

In this case, a special protein-lipid complex is added to the solution, which increases the elasticity and elasticity of the strands, gives the curls a beautiful shine.

Note that, although the vertical version is more aggressive, it lasts longer, and the hair volume turns out to be more magnificent. Japanese wet chemistry has a gentle effect, but lasts less.

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What formulations are used

To make wet chemistry, you can use a variety of formulations with chemical reagents. Next, we will consider the features of such compositions.


Wet chemistry with an acidic solution will have the longest lasting effect possible. It is for this reason that she is in the greatest demand in hairdressing salons. However, such a composition cannot be called sparing, therefore acidic reagents are not suitable for owners of rare, weak and thin strands. You may also be interested in information about how it looks

A beautiful acid hairstyle is very easy to do at home.


They have a more gentle effect. After chemistry with the use of an alkaline solution, the curls will last about 4.5 months. The reagent is suitable for hair of any type and structure. You may also be interested in information about

A very beautiful hairstyle that can be done every day


Very gentle, but rather short-term effect. The result will only last for three months.

A hairstyle in this format can be done almost every day.


These solutions are considered safe and give your hair a healthy and shiny appearance. The composition contains natural ingredients, and there is no ammonia. But due to the fact that there is no peroxide, the result lasts for only 8 weeks.

One of the easiest ways to get your hair done

How do

Let's go through all the stages of the wet chemistry procedure step by step.

On the day of curling, the head is washed with laundry soap, which has a cleansing, antibacterial effect and does not contain silicone components harmful to the procedure. After washing, the hair must be dried.

An allergy test is required, which will show whether the woman has a sensitivity to the components of the chemical solution. After a negative test result, the main part of the work begins.

The hair is divided from the back of the head into approximately equal square sections, securing each section separately. The strands are wound on special papillote devices, fixed with clamps. The skin along the border of the hairline is lubricated with a greasy cream so that the chemical solution does not damage the epidermis.

The prepared reagent is applied with a sponge to the head: the master must evenly wet all the hair. After that, a special plastic cap is put on the head, which will help the solution to act faster and more efficiently.

And here is how chemistry is done for large curls of medium length. very detailed in this

The video shows how wet chemistry is done:

After the allotted time, the cap is removed, the composition is washed off. The fixing agent is applied for 10 minutes. After exposure to the fixative, the curlers are removed, but the hair is not touched for another 5 minutes. Then the head is washed with shampoo, rinsed with a special regenerating balm.

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The cost of this procedure largely depends on the volume of hair that will have to be processed. Accordingly, the longer the hair, the more expensive the price. As for the average hair length, the approximate cost of wet chemistry today will be about 1,800 rubles.

Note that even if you decide to save money and do the procedure yourself at home, you still have to fork out for quite expensive consumables. A textureizer has a particularly high cost, without which the procedure cannot be carried out. However, this expensive component can be dispensed with by replacing it with technology using a hair dryer and mousse (foam).

Hair care after the procedure

To keep your hair smooth and shiny after wet chemistry, you must follow a few simple recommendations.

It is important to choose a quality shampoo for shampooing: preferably with medicinal and natural ingredients. In addition, a balm and a mask are also important - these cosmetics should have a nourishing and regenerating effect, suit your hair, and contain effective and useful components.

Since wet chemicals make the scalp and the hair itself drier, dry your hair naturally after shampooing. It is undesirable to do this with a hair dryer, as this method will make the strands even drier.

Do not brush wet curls immediately after washing, as this can easily damage the hair structure. Wait until the hair is dry, and then comb it.

You should not go to bed with your hair still wet. Thus, during sleep, ugly creases will form on the curls, and the hair itself will get tangled. The view in the morning will not be the most attractive.

So, we got acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of wet chemistry on medium hair. As you can see, the procedure can be a real solution if the hair is thin, does not have natural volume, and if there is not enough time for permanent styling. Wet chemistry solves several problems at once, giving the hair volume for a long time, provides a beautiful appearance for a woman at any time of the day, frees her from wasting time on styling.

Many ladies seek to diversify their hairstyle without seeking help from masters. The effect of "wet" hair is rightfully considered a simple and popular styling that does not require special skills. However, as in any other business, there are peculiarities here that must be taken into account. Stylish chaotic strands are always in trend, and to create them you only need the necessary styling tools, a hairdryer and a comb. The peculiarity of the stylish hairstyle is that it is suitable for all types of hair.

Choosing a product to create the effect of "wet" hair

Styling products differ in the degree of fixation, purpose and consistency. Depending on the type of hairline you have, you may be able to choose the right one.

  1. Gel. Applying the product requires attention to detail, it is important to distribute it evenly on each strand, so as not to overdo it with the amount. If you overdo it, the curls will look messy, greasy and heavy, creating the opposite effect. Hairdressing professionals have created a textured gel that is designed to create "wet" hair. The cosmetic product belongs to the professional series and costs about 400 rubles. The gel will help you create the desired effect without weighing down the curls and giving them a kind of randomness.
  2. Foam. Styling with this product is easy to use and quick to achieve results. The airy texture does not stick the strands together and holds its shape perfectly. In most cases, lather is used to give a "wet" effect to long, curly hair. Styling assumes natural drying, because with the help of a hairdryer, the product dries out and is absorbed into the hair, making it hard and unkempt.
  3. Wax. The product is usually used to create extravagant hairstyles on short hair. The wax has a viscous consistency and excessive density, which helps to fix the strands in the desired direction as quickly as possible. With the help of a product and a pair of hands, you will create beautiful chaos on the head and symmetrical disheveledness. The wax is evenly distributed along the entire length and brushed with a comb, after which it is dried with a hairdryer with a diffuser.
  4. Varnish. The fixation tool will allow you to maintain the original result for a long time. If you decide to attend a festive event, give preference to a strong fixation varnish, for everyday wear, a light or medium degree is enough. Manufacturers produce a series of glossy varnishes that are evenly distributed on the hair and do not leave marks. Also, the product will allow you to avoid the effect of a wig and make your hairstyle more natural.

The basic rule of styling is not to overdo it. If you use the products in large quantities, the opposite effect of greasy and dirty hair is possible.


  1. Wash your hair thoroughly using only shampoo. Do not put on masks or apply balm. Dry the curls a little with a towel or hairdryer.
  2. Apply the product to your hands and rub it between your palms, then start styling your hair. Distribute the composition along the entire length with careful, but light, barely touching movements. The product is selected individually for each hair type.
  3. Twist the strands on curlers or bundles, you can use only your hands. In the latter case, crease the hair, lifting it up at the roots.
  4. If you are using tourniquets or curlers, proceed with blow-drying. If the shape was given by hand, leave the curls to dry naturally. If you have curly hair you need to blow dry anyway without using a hairdryer.
  5. The final stage is fixing the hairstyle. Again, the varnish is chosen based on the circumstances. However, it is important to consider the fact that long and heavy hair is much easier to lose shape than short and curly.

How to wet straight hair

Straight hair is difficult to style, as a result of which it is very difficult to achieve any effect. Also, too many styling products will contribute to the formation of "icicles", which looks extremely ugly. Make sure to purchase the maximum hold hairspray. Both foam and gel are suitable as the main product. The most successful and effective hairstyle on long hair is called a ponytail.

Gather the hair at the crown and secure it with a tight elastic band. Take some gel and spread it over your palms. Begin to eliminate the "roosters" sticking out around the perimeter of the head. Now proceed with the tailoring. For a “wet” effect, blow-dry your hair and apply the foam immediately. After that, collect the tail in a bun, pin with hairpins and leave for 1 hour. After the time has passed, loosen your hair and begin to gently parse it into individual curls. Fix your hairstyle with varnish and go to conquer heights!

Prepare a gel or wax for maximum hold in advance. Wash your hair and pat dry with a towel, collecting water. Apply the product to your palms, rub well and evenly, then gently begin to distribute through the hair. Place your hands on your head, fingers spread, and pull up. Your movements should resemble scissors. After you are convinced of the optimal amount of the product on your hair, leave it to dry naturally for 50 minutes, then dry it with a hairdryer for 3 minutes.

How to wet curly hair

Owners of curly hair are incredibly lucky because they can use absolutely any styling product. As mentioned earlier, it is best to get a textured gel that is 100% suitable for girls with curly hair. Many ladies apply the product only on individual strands, others prefer to cover the curls completely, it all depends on individual preferences.

Spread the composition over the entire length of the hair or on the strands that you will do "wet". Comb gently with a wide comb and let dry naturally. Don't use a hair dryer, it will only fluff up your hair, making you look like a dandelion. After 30 minutes after drying, start squeezing curls from roots to ends.

Beautiful curls to the shoulder blades look extremely elegant if the choice falls on a stylish hairstyle. The basic rule is to present in all details how "wet" the curls should be, otherwise there will be an overkill. Give preference to gel for styling, other products will make the curls look like rags.

Apply the foam to your hands and rub between your palms. Separate one strand with a comb, then work it from top to bottom. Twist into a small bun and secure with a hair clip. Perform some simple manipulations with each curl separately, then leave your hair to dry naturally for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, dry them with a hairdryer at low speed for another 10 minutes.

Features of the effect of "wet" hair

The hairstyle is designed for absolutely any hair texture and length. Styling looks elegant and stylish on both long and short haircuts. For owners of curly hair, the hairstyle will help emphasize the natural beauty, and ladies with short hair will find the long-awaited chaos on their heads. You do not need to use too much means, so as not to suffer later on correcting errors and not to start the procedure over again.

  1. If you work in an office or government office, use wax rather than foam. It fixes the curls better, and they do not begin to frizz 5 hours after styling.
  2. For a romantic candlelit dinner in a cozy cafe, a hairstyle with the imposition of foam on separate strands is suitable. In this way, you will achieve soft and graceful waves in 30 minutes.
  3. For those who like to hang out in nightclubs, we recommend resorting to a zigzag parting. With this hairstyle, you will conquer the entire dance floor!
  4. Please note that the "wet" effect looks different on hair of different shades. The strands, painted in different colors, look very beautiful and stylish - coloring. If you are brunette or brown-haired, do not skimp on styling products, but within reason. So, for example, wax or gel with a shimmery effect will deepen the color and add shine. Light-blond beauties and blondes should be more careful, your hair will not look so impressive in the case of an increased amount of funds. Also note that applying the product over the entire length of the hair will accentuate the yellowness (if any). For this reason, you are advised to apply the product locally to individual curls.
  5. The "wet" effect looks better in summer than in winter. Tanned skin and summer heat will emphasize the freshness and well-groomed look. In a beautiful dress or flowing sundress, you will look very graceful. In winter, styling will seem ridiculous to many, based on the weather conditions.

Breaking your head and not sure how to create the effect of "wet" hair? Choose the right styling product and make sure you have a large comb and hair clips. Start the procedure by washing your hair, apply the product only to clean hair. Do not forget to adhere to the drying time in order to maintain the effect for a long time. At the end of the procedure, always fix the hairstyle with varnish. In case of any difficulty, replace the used styling agent with a similar one. You will succeed, go for it!

Video: volumizing styling with wet hair