family is what a family is: definition - pedagogy.nes. What is a family for? Distinctive features: the uniqueness of the unions of the new time

Every year at the beginning of July, our country celebrates a holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It is dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronier, who created a strong married couple. In search of an answer to the question "what is a family," many immediately recall the designation of this word, known since school: "family is a cell of society." Indeed, each person lives in society according to certain rules of his country, environment. But in any part of the world a person lives in a family.

Family Composition

The very word "family" implies a group of people, a "cell", which is created by a man and a woman who have entered into marriage. The family grows as children are born. It includes parents and children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters. They keep in touch with each other, observe the traditions adopted in the family.

Family Support

The answer to the question "what is a family" can sound like this: "It is such a" society in society ", where they support each other, protect, provide assistance when necessary, and experience good luck and trouble together." Strong ties between people create blood ties and kinship through marriage. Family affairs are subject to a certain order, which is the established norms and rules. This is necessary for people to form a personality and self-actualization, as well as to exist safely, thereby supporting the life of society and preserving the human race. Even a child is capable of understanding what a family is.

Family, love and children

Relations in it are built on mutual love, sympathy. A strong family takes care of its well-being, solves life problems that have arisen together. A small group of people, consisting of family members, together resist weaknesses and ailments, mistakes and transgressions. Family and children are inseparable concepts. Here they take care of their development, parents are the first educators of children, are responsible for their life and health. Children, in turn, pay attention to the older generation so that its representatives do not remain abandoned, lonely, useless.

Family value

It is necessary to appreciate those who are nearby, and not to forget that there are those who do not know what a family is. For children brought up in orphanages, the family is a ray of hope for love and mutual understanding, the joy of communicating with each other. It helps to get rid of fatigue, anxiety, rejoices in success, and is proud of its members who have achieved well-being in life. In the family, a person learns responsibility, learns patience, generosity, endurance, and reliability.

The family is one of the social institutions

The family and the school, just like the kindergarten, are part of society. Only the family, in contrast to these social institutions, is a miniature society. Living in her circle helps to adapt to life in the outside world. A person understands that he is a part of the vast Universe. The family becomes a single organism, its members show mercy, sympathy and love for each other, relatives work all together so that the life of society moves forward and becomes better. Such an "organism" protects against diseases, destructive crimes occurring around, strengthens the confidence of family members in their future. I want families in Russia to be large and prosperous. "Seven I" - this is sometimes called this cell of society, assuming that the number of people in the family was at least seven.

Based on marriage or consanguinity, a small social group of people whose members are connected by a common life, mutual help, moral responsibility and the upbringing of children. With the development of civilization and in various social communities, the functions of the family change.


family) The family in psychoanalysis is always what anthropologists call the nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father and children who consider themselves and are considered by society as a starting cell, and not a large family of a clan or tribe. As a result, phenomena such as the Oedipus Complex and rivalry between siblings (see SIBS) are always described in terms that would lose their meaning if applied to cultures where uncles and grandparents are no less important than fathers, and between cousins and siblings make no distinction. In addition, phenomena like the crisis of youthful IDENTIFICATION, which occur only in nuclear families, are defined as if they were inherent features of human nature. family therapy is PSYCHOTHERAPY, which considers as an object of treatment not an individual patient, as a "representative" of the family, but the whole family as a whole. In the USA, the journal "Family Process" is published, where studies are published based on the assumption that neuroses are family disorders. family romance - a child's fantasy that his parents are not real, and that in fact he is of noble, even royal origin.


Sems). "Socially formed conductive structures of ergs". Learned or acquired dynamic traits, intermediate goals, linking the attitude to the original erg. The semes take their energy from the ergs and give the attitudes some organization and stability.


1. In its strictest sense, the term "family" refers to the fundamental unit of kinship. In its minimal or nuclear form, the family consists of mother, father, and offspring. In broader usage, it may refer to the extended family, which may include grandparents, cousins, adopted children, etc., who collectively act as a distinct social unit. Sociologists and anthropologists have many other special classifications for different kinds of families, according to how they are presented in different cultures and societies. 2. A broader meaning is a group of people with close social or personal ties, even if there are no blood ties between them. 3. An even broader meaning is a term applicable to any set of closely or formally related objects or events; in mathematics it refers to the family of curves, in social psychology to the family of traits or relationships, in linguistics to the family of languages, and so on. 4. In biology, a level of classification of related species (or sometimes a single species) that are grouped in a particular order.


a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. As a stable association arises with the decomposition of the tribal system. The main historical forms of S. are: a steam room (with unstable ties between husband and wife and separate property), large (including several generations of relatives), polygamous, monogamous. The majority of modern S. consists of spouses and their children (nuclear S.). The sphere of origin and development of family conflicts.


a stable association based on marriage or consanguinity of people connected by common life and mutual responsibility. The most important function of S. is reproductive, that is, the birth and upbringing of children. S. provides the most adequate conditions for the sexual education of children and the formation of their sexual identity. Individuals brought up in S., especially those who have both a father and a mother, are less likely to encounter sexual perversions, and the process of sexual socialization proceeds more easily and naturally.


slavyansk. "seven" - worker, servant, household; lat seima - household) - 1. fundamental unit of kinship. In its minimal or nuclear, nuclear form, the family consists of a father, a mother, and their offspring. In a broader sense, the term refers to the "extended family", which may include grandparents, cousins, adopted children, etc., who collectively function as a separate social unit. There are many other special classifications for different types of families, according to how the latter are presented in different cultures and societies; 2. broader meaning - a group of people with close social or personal ties, even if there is no blood connection between them; 3. even broader meaning - a term that denotes any set of closely or formally related objects or events. For example, in social psychology - a family of traits or relationships, in mathematics - a family of curves, in linguistics - a family of languages, etc.; 4. in biology, the level of classification of related species (sometimes individual species), which are grouped in a certain order; 5. in psychoanalysis, what anthropologists call the nuclear family, consisting of a father, mother and their natural and / or adopted children, who consider themselves and are considered by society as a starting cell, and not a large family of a clan or tribe. As a result, phenomena such as the Oedipus complex and rivalry between siblings are always described in terms that lose their meaning when applied to cultures where uncles, grandparents, and other relatives are by no means less important to children than their fathers, and between cousins ​​and native siblings, no significant differences are made. In addition, phenomena like adolescence identity crisis (in psychopathology, "disidentification"), which usually occur only in nuclear families, are defined as if they represent inherent properties and always existing properties of human nature. There are studies based on the assumption that neuroses are predominantly intrafamilial disorders. The term family romance refers to the child's fantasies that his parents are not real, and that in fact he has a high, noble, even royal lineage.


a small social group consisting of people connected by ties of kinship and / or marriage. It is a dynamic system, the functioning of which is determined by the action of two laws: the law of homeostasis and the law of heterostasis. According to the law of homeostasis, each family strives to maintain its position, to remain at a given point in development. According to the law of heterostasis, each family system must go through its own life cycle: a certain sequence of stages. The family performs a number of functions, the most important of which are: the function of spiritual (cultural) communication, emotional, sexual and erotic, the function of primary social control, reproductive, educational, household.

The life of every person begins with the word "family". We are born, grow and develop in this unit of society. Every person in the world, sooner or later, thinks about creating his own. The concept of "surname" is very individual. For some, this is a life together in each other's society, while for others it is certainly children.

What is family? Definition

The concept of "family" has several features. It starts when young people get married. And also when people are connected by a common life and the desire for the birth of offspring. After marriage, the members of this unit of society become relatives.

For each person, the concept of "family" is individual, however, the older the person becomes, the more expressed the desire to create their own niche in society.

For a husband and wife, marriage is first of all confidence and stability. Spending time outside of each other's company after marriage is generally not very welcome. On holidays and other events, they usually go in pairs. Marriage binds people a number of responsibilities, which they must fulfill if they decide to link their destinies with each other. First of all, this union requires the loyalty of both halves. Honesty, frankness and mutual understanding are also integral factors in the development of a normal, healthy surname.

Although marriage implies a certain “bondage” from a single life, however, it gives you the right person next to you. family is source of satisfaction all human needs: from physical needs to cultural ones. People develop emotionally and intellectually in each other's company.

In addition to these two functions, the family has several more:

  • Household;
  • Educational;
  • Communicative;
  • Sexy.

Household function implies the satisfaction of material and biological needs, as well as the maintenance of normal psychological and physical health. During the work process, each of the family members spends strength and energy, and this function “discharges” the spouses.

educational function satisfies the needs of fatherhood and motherhood. After the birth of a child, the life and priorities of a husband and wife change, all attention is focused on children. The process of upbringing is the longest, as it takes time from birth to the independent life of the child. This activity produces the formation of a child not only in his family, but also in society.

Communicative function responsible for the spiritual development of the couple, cultural development and leisure. The higher the degree of family communication, the faster the personal growth of each goes.

satisfies the physical needs of the husband and wife, and is also responsible for the reproductive purpose. A normal sex life promotes biological reproduction and procreation. A family that performs all functions is called functional. Accordingly, a dysfunctional cell of society is one in which there are obvious violations.

Family structure

There is a complete and incomplete family. The triangle of the full surname implies the presence of two parents and one child. Incomplete is a child and one parent.

In addition to the structure, there are also forms of this cell of society:

  • extended;
  • big;
  • clan.

The first form implies joint living two generations in one living space. Often these are parents, children and grandparents.

big surname- this is a group of native people living in one place, not necessarily leading a common budget. In such surnames, as a rule, patriarchy reigns. This form of residence is typical for the outskirts of cities and towns, where it is possible to live in private houses.

Family-clan- these are blood relatives, not necessarily living together and having a leader. This is a large group of relatives, meaning parents, children, sisters, brothers, grandparents, and so on.

Every family, unfortunately, has its end. The end is the death of one of the spouses or divorce.

What is a family for children?

For a child, the understanding of the word "family" is he, mom and dad. Any kid feels more confident and calm in a full family, that is, with mom and dad. In the first years of life, the child receives all the necessary emotions in his “nest”. The future character of the child depends on the relationship between mom and dad. If he grows up in constant scandals and quarrels, then in the future he will be nervous. In the worst cases, it requires treatment by a neurologist.

in a healthy family baby develops harmoniously, receives the necessary emotional nourishment, and most importantly - draws love. Every adult, without hesitation, projects the relationships that he has seen for many years onto his other half and children. From an early age, the child needs to be explained that he is a necessary and important member of the family. The main thing is to be able to correctly explain to the baby what this cell of society means, to introduce the concept of tolerance, love and mutual assistance.

Communicating with a child, you can immediately understand what kind of relationship reigns between his parents. Children from prosperous and scandalous families differ already at a very young age. The desire for a quarrel, fights and obscene language is observed in children from the age of one and a half. They rarely make friends, play less with other peers and do not know how to communicate.

To create a normal and healthy family - you have to start with yourself. For harmony to reign between husband and wife, both need to learn compliance and patience. Never forget that you are the most important people for each other. It is on this that the future of the child, relationships in his own family depends. Love and be loved!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Have you ever thought about what a family is? What is its meaning, and what significance does it have in your life? From the school curriculum, we remember that "family is social unit of society».

Most are afraid of being alone in life and build close ties with people - this is due to the structure of our psyche at the level of instincts. It turns out that the family is one of the ways to “be with someone, someone else” in this world? Let's understand in more detail.

History of the concept

According to scientists, initially wild people, descended from monkeys, lived in communities. The instinct of procreation encouraged men (males) to fight among themselves for the right to possess a woman (female), i.e. for having sexual relations with her. The latter allowed only the strongest and most active in order to have healthy offspring.

Mental evolution allowed men to understand that if you bring your chosen one a “mammoth”, protect her from wild animals, then you can become her permanent partner. And while others measured their strength, the most cunning hunted.

Women have also changed their priorities: permanent partner gave stability, protection, provided food, shelter and protection in return for her favor. So the first families began to appear, which over time changed their appearance, organization, acquired new conditions of existence, internal responsibilities.

Definition of family - what is it

Different scientific currents have their own views on this issue: they interpret the definition of the family in different ways. Let's analyze some of them:

  1. Sociologists mean by this concept the union of several people related by blood relationship or legalized their relationship in the registry office.

    That is, a husband and wife are already a family. A married couple, their parents and children are collectively referred to as a family.

  2. In jurisprudence a family is people living together who are officially married.
  3. Psychologists A family is a group whose members are connected by personal relationships, common values, interests and traditions.

If we combine all these definitions, then:

a family is a separate unit of society, confirmed at the state level (not always), within which people are connected by a common life, similar goals, interests and worldview.

Among the features of the family the following can be distinguished:

  1. relations registered in the registry office;
  2. joint life and accommodation;
  3. the presence of jointly acquired material assets;
  4. relationships of a close, intimate nature;
  5. the presence of children (optional, because childless spouses are also considered a family).

What are families

There are a great many types of families, so scientists have combined them into a classification:

What is it for (family functions)

The family performs a number of important functions:

Why does a person need a family

Answering this question in a broad sense, we can say that the family is what determines social status person.

If you think more narrowly - from the point of view of psychology, this is what gives people the feeling of someone near, support. Something that helps to cope with difficulties, for which you want to live and achieve high results.

A family is a place where you will always be understood, listened to and helped. This is human, spiritual warmth. Native people give us a sense of need and self-worth. Aspirations are embedded in our psyche as important needs, which, remaining unsatisfied, bring a lot of suffering and sadness to a person.

lonely man deprived of such privileges. He is in no hurry to go home, because no one is waiting for him there. No one will be happy about his arrival, ask how you are doing and treat you with delicious tea. No one will say “You are the best anyway” when they suffer some kind of defeat in life or make an unfortunate mistake. No one will say "I believe in you" when he is preparing to do something important.

No matter how strong people are, they will always want to lean on someone's shoulder.

Portrait of a happy family

One day, two people of different sexes (whoops, now there may be options), who fell in love with each other, decide to create their own separate cell and register their relationship in the wedding palace.

Their relationship is built on love and mutual respect. By putting on wedding rings, the partners implicitly undertake to be together under any circumstances, not to be interested in people of the opposite sex and to take care of each other.

They bear equal responsibility for their union and, in case of problems, do not shift it to another. Spouses behave honestly, openly and confidentially. They relax together, get impressions, enjoy life, and also decide to have children.

Also, in a normal family, everyone has the right to their own personal life - the opportunity to be alone, to have their own friends, hobbies and interests. The ability to have your desires and realize them.

Partners must understand that each person has their own characteristics - accept and respect them.

For example, if the husband turned out to be an avid football fan, then a normal wife will not insist that her husband give up this hobby. And vice versa. The personal hobbies of a woman should not be infringed upon by a man, even if he does not like them.

Common mistake- strive to be like each other in everything. This leads to the fact that the spouses become the same: they become bored with each other, more and more scandals arise based on mutual irritation. Paradox (?), but the more people differ, the higher the probability of a happy family life.

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Greetings dear readers. Today we will talk about the Family. This is the most important part of human life. The importance of the family in human life cannot be overestimated. Now I have a lot of thoughts spinning in my head, but I'll try to put everything in its place.

Actually, my wife pushed me to this topic. I looked at the life of our youth today, I was horrified. And then I remembered my generation, I remembered what my parents, grandparents said. In principle, not everything is as bad as it might seem.

Of course, before, the state placed a strong emphasis on the family, education as a family is a cell of society, and so on. Then a big failure, but today everything is reborn. Of course people have changed, their attitude to life has changed. The very pace of life has accelerated, children are growing up at an amazing rate. But children need to be taught, to let them understand what the Family means. Let's analyze the importance of the Family in human life.

What is a Family?

Big family

Let's start with the simplest - the definition. The importance of the family in human life cannot be overestimated. But trying to define not only the word, but also the meaning - Family, I got a little confused. The point is that with amo definition varies greatly nowadays. This is important to understand.

Let's say for an adult, not a family person, the Family is more associated with a marriage union, duties, material satisfaction, and so on. Those who already have a family will answer differently and in different ways. But many do not pay attention to the fact that the family is not only husband and wife, children, but also parents of grandparents and so on.

Here children see the Family differently. For them, this is the first social environment where they study, because their parents are an example for them. And this is important for parents to know. The child, while living with his parents, learns everything from them. And the skills that he acquired will remain with him forever and will influence his future life, his family.

If we take the state, any, then they have their own view of the family as a society. They relate differently to the family. But this is exactly what the state itself depends on. In fact, by improving the quality of life of the family as a society, one can also improve one's (state) state of "health". There are many subtleties, of course, but I think you understand me.

And if we take science, then there is also a different attitude and concept of the Family. Here, the psychological side is considered to a greater extent. Relations within the family and relations in society are studied, and so on.

In fact, no matter how you look at it, they are all right. I would just take and combine all the views together. And that may not be enough. Each family has its own zest. It can be said more simply. Family is the most important thing in a person's life. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the Family in human life.

Let's leave this question open and look at the meaning of the Family for a person.

The importance of the family in human life.

Game for the whole family

No matter how the fate of a person develops, no matter what hardships occur, a husband or wife, parents, brothers and sisters, and so on, will always support, understand and help. And the birth of a child, not even the first one, is always an event for all members of the Family. After all, a child is a continuation of life, including his own.

In general, when you have your own family, especially a large one, children, then over time you begin to understand what it is and why it is. Already after this understanding, it becomes good and easy in the soul, realizing that you are the happiest person on the planet. And then it becomes very sorry for those people who do not have a family. After all, they grow up and live without family warmth, without love and care. You can't buy these qualities for any money, you won't exchange them for anything.

A family can be compared to a small island where you are always expected, loved, no matter what happens. On this island, you have your own worries, you take a break from everyday bustle, everyone morally supports each other. Yeah, I can't even put it into words. But this is not always the case. Sometimes families break up, and for nothing, in fact. Maintaining a family is a very responsible burden.

We need to understand this responsibility to find compromises, to solve unsolvable problems and questions and many many things. Say it's hard? It is difficult, but the result is much more pleasant when everything is fine in the family, there comes a feeling of satisfaction, calmness. No mountains of money will give you such happiness.

Family should come first. I feel very sorry for those who put their career or anything else first. It is not right. Most often, such people are lonely and unhappy. I don’t remember now, but some billionaires did not earn their capital because their career was in the first place. Just the opposite. It is thanks to the support of their Family, close people that they have the strength and confidence in what they do.

Family plays a huge role in everyone's life. Starting from infancy, you and anyone else acquires all the skills in the Family, in the circle of your loved ones. Learn to live, survive, eventually form another Family. Study again and then teach your children and so on.

Your personal condition, successes in life, at work, in your personal affairs, in everything you touch depend on what kind of relationships develop within the Family. Much depends on the Family and on you personally.

Real Family.

Happy family

We discussed the meaning of the Family in human life and its role. But how to make sure that the Family is real, and not just a word? First you need to understand that the Family must be strong and healthy, prosperous.

True, for many, well-being is associated with money. They say the more of them, the more prosperous and everything will be fine in the family. Yes, it's not like that. Well-being in the family - love, warmth of loved ones, understanding, trust, emotional closeness. Something like that.

If there is discord in the Family, one must not change the Family, not destroy it (this does not add up in the head at all), one must understand each other, children and understand what the Family lacks. We'll fix everything. There must be mutual respect and love, if it was, then it is, love does not go anywhere.

We need to maintain our relationship, take care of each other. Often the Family is compared to the Hearth. It is true. The hearth will go out and will not heat if no wood is thrown into the fire. The same is true with family relationships. And not just between husband and wife.

But if you reject a child, then over time he will simply stop sharing his impressions with you, and so on. The child will move away from the parents and the older the child is, the more difficult the relationship will be with him. So pay attention to the child, the more the better.

They live soul to soul.

40 years soul to soul, respect for such people

We often hear this expression. I think this is what everyone should strive for in family relationships. Each family needs to gain a bright and good experience through the constant manifestation of care, support and love. This is the task of man in this life.

There is such a commandment, honor your father and mother, because this is the basis of the family. If there is no respect, no care and no attention to your parents, all this will affect the family, and even children. And what is the basis of a healthy and strong family? And this is a relationship at the level of the Soul. Sometimes they say about people: “They live soul to soul” - this is a manifestation of respect, support and love for each other.

Any family that wants to be prosperous in every sense of the word must be built on love and mutual respect. When a person simply loves and takes care, without demanding anything in return, there is spiritual unity through such a manifestation of the Soul.

And such a family helps a person develop, gain positive experience and create spiritual matter of light in the Soul - this is exactly what a person was born on this Earth for.

Here is the answer to the question.

One of the best quotes in the world

Now I think you can answer the question: What is a Family. The meaning of the Family in human life is now clear. I'll say it in my own words. A family is a union of two people who love each other, capable of producing a new life, teaching.

Family, these are the people who can provide support in difficult times and provide love and understanding. The existence of families is inherent in our very human nature. And no matter how much the world around us changes, we will still reach out to each other to cope with these changes.

The family is both unique in terms of deep subjective intimacy and the most widespread phenomenon in the world. The family is the spiritual well-being not only of oneself, but of all members of the Family.

And a lot of things. I repeat once again that the importance of the family in a person's life cannot be overestimated.

I hope I was able to explain simple truths to you and show how important it is. And no matter how many words have been said above, everyone must decide for himself what is important for him and his Family, what to do and what he strives for.

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Updated: September 11, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel