Comic wishes for kindergarten graduates. Parting words to kindergarten and school graduates - the best, beautiful and touching texts from educators, teachers and parents

Very soon, a series of graduation parties and evenings will break out ... And you probably already guessed that there is no single ideal template for a universal parting speech for preschoolers and schoolchildren. In drawing up a beautiful address to graduates, you need to individually take into account the age of the children, the general temperament of the team, the level of trust in the teacher, the first teacher or class teacher. Only then the best clever and touching parting word to the graduates of the kindergarten and school from the parents, director and teachers of grades 4, 9, 11 will produce the desired effect and more than once will play an important role in the adult life of still children.

Clever parting words to the head of kindergarten graduates

The first person to greet children and parents in kindergarten is the manager. She promptly accepts documents, distributes the kids into groups, organizes repairs, makes cleaning schedules, fills up with daily meals and other nuances that guarantee the smooth operation of the kindergarten. Solving dozens of important issues, the head creates the most comfortable and safe conditions for every child to stay within the walls of the institution. In gratitude for all the feats, parents and children must invite the head of the preschool educational institution to the graduation party, and during the holiday they express their sincere love and admiration, congratulate them with flowers and gifts. In response, young graduates hear important and clever parting words of the head of the kindergarten. And in most cases, the leader's speeches are not strict and pompous, but kind, bright, coming from the depths of the soul. Only such clever parting words of the head of the kindergarten graduates will be correctly interpreted and will bring positive results in the future.

Examples of the parting words of the head of the kindergarten to graduates

Our beloved pupils! I hope you have something to remember about your kindergarten, about your first team in your life. The first matinees and lessons, the first friendship - all this will stay with you forever. I wish you that you continue to grow in everything - in study and in creativity, in the ability to be friends, and you will definitely become happy!

Today is a significant day, today our children have their first graduation! Soon they will be replacing their toys with books, notebooks, pens and rulers. It is very sad to part with a carefree childhood. Here, in kindergarten, everyone loves you, here educators and nannies have put their love in you, taught you to sing, dance, recite poetry, make friends and show character. Thanks to them for this, and also for the fact that so many years have been devoted to this difficult, but very important task. I would like to wish the kids not to forget what they taught you in kindergarten, and I wish to study excellently and please their parents.

Congratulations to the kids with the completion of the kindergarten period and the transition to the category of future schoolchildren! May your childhood years be colored with happy moments, love and care from your parents, fun and joy. We wish you success in school life, the appearance of real friends, discoveries and achievements in sports and creativity.

The best parting word to kindergarten graduates from parents

The fate of moms and dads during the period of graduation matinees is completely unenviable. And it's not just about financial issues and complex organizational issues. It would seem that a small restless miracle that does not allow you to sleep at night has appeared quite recently. And today, parents already need to prepare the best parting words for kindergarten graduates, among whom is their matured and strengthened child. Of course, all the preparatory chores cause a lot of positive emotions and give rise to many reasons for pride in your child. But at the same time, such moments force us to look the truth in the eyes with sadness: time flies inexorably, and very soon little sons and daughters will become adults and fly out of the family nest.

But that’s all later! And now you need to compose or choose from ready-made options the best parting word for kindergarten graduates from parents, so that sincere wishes come to the minds of the children and are imprinted in their memory for a long and happy life.

Examples of the best parting words to kindergarten graduates from the parent committee

Our dear children! You go to first grade

And on such a day, of course, we are very happy for you!

Earlier we were very afraid to bring you to the garden.

What if your daughter starts crying there? Will the son suddenly become sad?

But then we realized: it's comfortable for the guys here,

A cheerful laugh will tell us that the child is happy to be here.

You go to school, we are worried. Oh oh!

Could you take your teacher and nanny with you?

What if the teacher is strict? Does the child not understand something?

And they will cook compote in the dining room, but he doesn't drink it?

But those torments are in vain, children go to first grade,

Let them gain knowledge there and grow healthy.

You guys try to be good

So that not only dad and mom, and not let down your garden.

Our children are growing up, this is, in general, the whole point.

Thanks to the educators, and the children - good luck!

Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -
Your last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious, -
After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

Sincerely, guys, we congratulate you!
You go to school to study, to be friends.
We wish you all success and health
And you will never forget your kindergarten.

You will always remember your kindergarten
After all, he gave you a lot of good!
You were taught to be a strong friend here
And the door was opened to a great life!
Now you have to study at school,
We will be proud of your successes!
Goodbye kindergarten is a safe haven.
Fair wind! Happy sailing!

A beautiful parting word from the first teacher to primary school graduates

The junior classes are behind, which means that the next stage in the life of the children has been passed. Ahead of the children are senior classes, for the years of stay in which many new discoveries, achievements, overcomes, etc. are planned. Today, elementary school graduates will have a fun holiday with performances, games, contests, honorary awards, a lot of wishes and, of course, beautiful parting words from the first teacher. If congratulations at the graduation ball are heard from everyone and everyone, then these lines are first of all pronounced by the teacher who led his students by the hand through all the difficulties. A beautiful parting word from the first teacher to primary school graduates is the most symbolic moment of the celebration, so we recommend that you carefully prepare for it.

Examples of beautiful parting words of the first teacher to primary school graduates

Our dear graduates! Now you can read, write and count. This is the first stage of knowledge that you have successfully passed. Climb higher and higher, grab new skills like air! The higher you can climb, the easier it will be in adulthood. Remember, we love you and look forward to your new successes.

Dear children, today is your 4th grade graduation, you leave the walls of elementary school and go in search of new knowledge and discoveries in senior management. Let your path be easy and simple, let the new subjects arouse your undoubted interest, let the school become a difficult place for you to gain knowledge and education, but also the center of fun leisure and exciting pastime.

Dear children, now it's time to congratulate you on your first high school graduation. And even if this is just a small victory, and not the end of the battle, I wish you strength and optimism for the further path of knowledge. I wish you health, perseverance, striving for the light and many joyful moments. I wish you to accumulate a bag of strong and necessary knowledge that will help you to fulfill your desires.

A touching parting word to grade 4 graduates from parents

The last of the elementary grades was left behind, filled with the excitement of the first tests, pride for the next praise, the chagrin of rare failures. All the students have grown older, learned something new, and on the day of farewell to elementary school, they recall their past fears with a smile. But at the same time, they are slightly afraid of future changes. That is why the main task of the graduation ceremony is not only to congratulate and amuse schoolchildren, but also to convince them that everything will be fine in the near and distant future! It is not difficult to achieve this: it is enough to prepare and say a touching parting word to the graduates of the 4th grade from their parents. It's not superfluous to say a few words about future training, warn about upcoming trials, give a couple of life tips from personal experience. Such a parting word from the parents will become a touching and at the same time useful instruction for the future to all graduates of the 4th grade.

Examples of touching parting words to primary school graduates from moms and dads

4 school years have passed.

You guys have matured.

a wonderful road awaits you,

Everything is just ahead of you.

Four years imperceptibly

Already passed, they cannot be returned,

But there is still more to come

Take a long, important path.

Your teacher is gratuitous

He taught the basics of science.

Don't forget these years.

A new stage has come for you!

Behind you is an elementary school

Great first teacher!

There are still years of study ahead,

A lot of knowledge and a lot of discoveries!

May success delight you more often

And there will be more pleasant minutes!

Friendship gives support and happiness

The childhood holiday will last longer!

The first graduation in school -

All the guys are happy

And the scores in the timesheets -

A reward for your work!

You have matured already,

Dear children.

we seem honest - you are for us

Best of all in the world!

You have passed to the fifth grade,

It will not be easy for you.

Know each of you

Dads, moms love!

The best parting word of the class teacher to the graduates of the 9th grade

The last call for 9th grade graduates is never complete without a parting word from the class teacher. This is a very touching and memorable moment, because the words spoken by a beloved teacher often have a striking effect on the entire independent life of students. This means that the solemn speech of the teacher should be smart, competent, filled with love and wise instructions. It is better to do without moralizing and reproaches, and you should not refuse a light joke. So the best parting word of the class teacher to the graduates of the 9th grade will be remembered for many years, however, as well as to parents and other guests of the holiday.

But what will you do if there is a desire to finally give your students a bright speech, but at the same time there is no writing talent? We recommend using ready-made versions of the parting word of the class teacher for 9th-graders from our next selection.

Examples of a funny parting word to grade 9 graduates from the class teacher

My dear guys! A lot of water has run away since the first time you crossed the school threshold. And today it seems that time has turned back: you again came to him in order to fly out of their native walls with stronger chicks into adulthood.
You will soon hear the music of the farewell waltz. The morning dawn will call you into an unknown distance, to new achievements.
Now I am experiencing both joyful and sad emotions. Having received a certificate, you will become such an adult, independent. I am filled with pride when I look at you - my students. But at this moment our school is like a tree, from which the wind tears off the leaves in autumn and ruthlessly carries them away.
Don't get lost in the restless whirlwind of everyday life. Make friends with each other, do not forget the native walls. Come to school. I, your homeroom teacher, will always be glad to meet you.
Remember yourself this way: young, beautiful, romantic, with a spark of trust in life. I want this light to never go out, and all hopes and expectations come true.
Each teacher gave you a piece of his heart by sharing his knowledge. This is an invaluable treasure that will become the key to significant achievements and help fulfill your dreams. Your victories are proof that our work is not in vain.

Dear Guys! I congratulate you on the end of a serious stage in your life. For those of you who continue your studies, I would like to wish you a joyful and carefree vacation. And to those who say goodbye to school today, I want to say the following as a senior. We all want to be happy, but the trouble is that the image of happiness is imposed on us from the outside - an apartment, a car, a prestigious job. I want you to be able to see and choose what is right for you, because your heart desires so. Only this path will lead you to real happiness, follow it.

Nice guys! We have come a long way together, and you have forever become a part of my heart, which is sad to part with. I hope the school left as important a mark on your soul as you on mine. As much as you would like it to be different, in life you will meet obstacles. I want you to learn to perceive them not as problems, but as interesting problems, finding solutions to which is a fascinating business. Never lose sight of your dream, follow it and of course, do not forget the school and your teachers, come visit, we are always very glad to see you.

The main parting word to graduates from the school director at the Last Call

Graduates of 11 grades with no less hesitation await the main parting word from the headmaster on the Last Bell than graduates of 9 graders. After all, for them this holiday is not just a short seasonal break before the new school year at school, but a real step into adulthood, parting with their beloved class and all the carefree period of apprenticeship. What words would they like to hear on this day? Complaints with reproaches are unlikely. There are no moral teachings and semi-official formulations of the administration either. The main parting word to graduates from the school principal at the Last Call should be kind, positive, awakening healthy patriotism and respect for teachers, at the same time calming and inspiring for new victories and achievements in the future.

Examples of parting words of the school principal to high school graduates

Today is a solemn and exciting day. Yesterday's children have become completely adults, independent, ready to go on a big and exciting journey called life. May you have a loving and sensitive heart, a calm and faithful mind, an ardent and great dream as a guide on this path. Be brave and strong, daring and ambitious, wise and noble. Great happiness and good luck to you, our beloved graduates!

On such an important, joyful and at the same time a little sad holiday, I want to congratulate you. You are all great fellows already! You are smart, strong and purposeful guys, people who are not afraid to entrust the future of the country. Go boldly forward, and may good luck and happiness accompany you along the way.

At the graduation and last bell, parents traditionally hear a heartfelt parting word to 11-graders graduates. Since not every parent committee has a born orator, it is worth approaching the preparation of a solemn speech responsibly and in advance. Otherwise, some of the moms or dads will have to improvise on the go, and such experiments do not always end in luck. A sincere parting word from parents to grade 11 graduates on the Last Bell can be written in prose or you can find a poetic version. And the selected text should be imprinted on a beautiful sheet of paper in order to peep in case of strong excitement.

Examples of heartfelt parting words to eleventh graders from parents on the last call

Dear Guys! Today the last bell rings for you, as a signal of the beginning of a new life stage. Together with the teachers, we accompany you into adulthood. The road will not be easy, but we are sure that you will cope and will definitely become successful.

But what does it mean to be successful? Money and a career are not everything! A successful person does what he loves. We wish you to choose for yourself a profession that will bring you joy. Successful is the one who has time-tested friends. Your class is a close-knit, friendly team. Appreciate and keep it! Successful people always care about their health. Lead a sensible lifestyle and take care of yourself.

Successful people are not afraid to make difficult decisions. Be decisive - the courage of the city takes! A successful person knows how to say “No!” If asked about something that is at odds with his principles. Learn this! People who have achieved success are grateful to those who helped them on the way to the goal. Don't forget your educators. Keep in yourself the good that they taught you.

Good luck, our grown children!

Dear Guys! It seems that only yesterday we brought you to the first grade, and today the last bell rings for you. Time flew by quickly, but the path was not easy: it was filled with successes and failures, joys and sorrows. You did it and we are proud of you!

But the path continues - you have new heights and achievements ahead of you. Let faith, hope and love be your constant companions! Self-confidence is the key to success. Confidence in a bright future is an optimist's credo. Faith will help you achieve your goals and not deviate from your plans, and optimism will not allow you to become limp if something does not work out! Don't let go of hope. It inspires and gives strength. By walking hand in hand with hope, you can overcome any challenge. Cherish the love. It is in each of you. Don't let her light go out. Keep your love for teachers, for knowledge, for your small homeland. Love relatives, loved ones, friends, nature, music. Look at life with love, and it will reciprocate you!

Believe it! Hope! Love! And you will succeed!

You are now quite an adult and will soon fly out of the nest. From now on, you will go on your own path in life. Life will make you wise and strong, failures will temper you, and successes will push you to new achievements. But today we want to give you advice to always remain a little child!

All children are dreamers and dreamers. Don't stop building castles in the air and dreaming about what seems impossible today! He who does not dream of the impossible will not achieve even a little.

All children are curious. Stay that way: strive to learn and grasp as much as possible. Be greedy for knowledge! After all, knowledge is the power that will help you become successful.

All children are fidgets. Parents and teachers sometimes have a hard time! But restlessness develops. Be fidgety - move, travel, play sports, dance, indulge in hobbies and hobbies. Live interesting!

Our relatives! Your teachers, parents and grandparents tried to fill you with reasonable, kind and eternal. Remain a little childish, do not lose everything that is beautiful and pure, with which your young hearts and souls are full. Look at life with a smile - and it will smile back at you!

We hope that by looking at the best options for a smart and touching speech for the graduation in kindergarten and the Last bell at school, you will find the most beautiful parting word for graduates. From the headmaster and director, from educators and parents, from the class teacher and teachers of grades 4, 9, 11 - in our today's article there are suitable options for all participants in a grand event.

For many children, kindergarten is the first and important step into the big world, the opportunity to acquire communication skills with peers, new knowledge and skills. For the first time, crossing the threshold of a kindergarten, a child from his usual home conditions finds himself in a special world, interesting and mysterious.

As a rule, in a few preschool years the kindergarten becomes dear and beloved, and the educators become real “second mothers”. However, time passes, and the prom is just around the corner! With bated breath, grown-up girls and boys are preparing for the first "adult" holiday in their lives - they learn poems and songs for teachers and parents, try on elegant ball gowns and fashionable costumes. In turn, parents send their children beautiful congratulations at the graduation - in kindergarten - kind words of parting words and wishes for a new school life.

So, the staff of the kindergarten is best suited for official congratulations in prose, and funny rhymed lines with a touch of humor can be dedicated to the little "heroes" of the occasion. We are sure that among the congratulations for the graduation in kindergarten presented below, you will definitely pick up excellent options - to all participants in this wonderful event.

The best graduation greetings - in kindergarten from parents to staff

In the kindergarten, many employees take care of the well-being, health and development of children - educators, nannies, music director, nurse, cooks, caretaker. Each of them puts a particle of their soul into their work, contributing to the harmonious development of the child's personality. By tradition, the best congratulations at the graduation - in kindergarten, are heard from parents to the staff of the preschool. In connection with the upcoming graduation, we have made a selection of beautiful congratulations in prose - for all the staff of the kindergarten from grateful parents of future schoolchildren.

A selection of the best graduation year greetings from parents to kindergarten staff

We met for the last time today in this cozy hall together! Our children have finished kindergarten and the first lessons, the first textbooks and the first discoveries are waiting for them! I would like to especially note with words of gratitude to everyone who these years brought up our little tomboy, took care of them, helped them get to know this world and find new friends. I would also like to wish our little graduates to be brave, curious, responsible and diligent! Congratulations to everyone on the release!

On behalf of all parents, I want to say a big thank you to all the staff of the kindergarten. You helped our children grow up a little, and prepared them for future achievements at school. We wish you professional growth, prosperity and simple human happiness!

Thanks to everyone who works in the kindergarten! The guys were cozy, warm, interesting. You did everything to make our children friends and develop together, learn something new. They have grown up, school is waiting for them, but their beloved educator and nanny will always remain in their memory. All the best to you and remember us, because we will never forget you!

Today our children are graduates, today they say goodbye to their beloved kindergarten. Thank you very much to our wonderful educators and nannies, as well as to all the employees of the kindergarten, you are wonderful people and truly deserve the best wishes for happiness and health. And we wish our flowers of life an interesting study at school and fun hobbies in life.

Today is a great holiday for all of us, today is the first graduation for our children. We thank all the educators and staff of this wonderful kindergarten for the excellent education of our mischievous people, for their happy smiles and interesting hobbies. May this garden release many more talented and self-confident children, may a new road to the world of science and school knowledge open for our children, may a ray of happiness and good luck continue to shine for all of us.

Beautiful congratulations from children to the kindergarten staff at the graduation of the year

Every day, the children are surrounded by the attention and care of adults - not only educators, but also kindergarten staff. So, the most beautiful graduation greetings from children are traditionally dedicated to their beloved nanny, nurse, speech therapist. Many sincere and warm words of gratitude are also deserved by the workers of the kitchen, the laundry, the caretaker, the watchman - for them children learn poems and songs. Lovely and childishly touching, these lines best convey the whole gamut of feelings and emotions, emphasizing the solemn significance of the moment. We offer a choice of several beautiful congratulations in verses for the staff - from little kindergarten graduates. Undoubtedly, each employee will be pleased with such attention, and the poems performed by children will be remembered for a long time by everyone present at the holiday.

Examples of beautiful congratulations from children to graduation - in kindergarten for staff

For the first time I came to the kindergarten, like a fairy tale, -

And the tale turned out to be like this for a long time:

I found friends, beauty and goodness there,

And a fairy - there was a nanny for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands

Any job will seem like a miracle

She will also serve semolina

So that it is impossible to answer "I will not"!

In a beautiful and tender-affectionate tale.

Thank you from mothers to you and from babies

For your care, patience and affection!

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Porridge is ready for breakfast,

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked the scented soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked buns for us

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs

They have been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and children

They say thank you

Thank you from the bottom of your heart

For borscht, cutlets, porridge ...

We appreciate your work!

If the kindergarten roars, -

This means that everyone will be vaccinated.

Well, line up to the nurse,

And do not be afraid, as in the game.

They just put a "button"

Vitamin will sweeten

Tears dry quickly

And the kindergarten is happy!

Eh, you have a special talent

Calm down the guys

So that with a smile and health

Go to kindergarten for everyone!

And we are the watchman

Let's not pass by

Thank you for

Such a good man.

Decent, honest,

Doesn't sleep at work

And the fly will not fly by!

Congratulations at the graduation - in kindergarten from parents to children in poetry and prose

Growing up children always cause conflicting feelings in their parents. On the one hand, it is joyful to observe the successes and achievements of preschoolers - after all, it would seem, quite recently, these were tiny toddlers who first crossed the threshold of a kindergarten. However, at the same time, many parents feel anxiety, thinking about the upcoming life changes of their offspring. Traditional congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten of the year from parents contain touching words of parting words and wishes - excellent grades, new interesting discoveries and true friends. Reading out poems and congratulatory prose, representatives of the parent committee usually present each graduate with colorful kindergarten diplomas and gifts. On the eve of the graduation party, we have collected different versions of congratulations in verse and prose - to future first-graders from loving parents.

Options for how parents congratulate their children on the graduation year in kindergarten

So the guys have grown up,

First graduation in life.

Group, cots -

Our dear kindergarten!

And the eyes of mom and dad

Already glistening with tears.

It's very sad to part

But we are happy for the guys.

You, parents, - patience,

And the kids - only praise.

To keep your child at school

I only got “fives”.

Happy first graduation, kids!

You have become very big.

My lovely boys

And the girls are golden

There are roads ahead of you -

Only you walk boldly

Meet a lot of happiness

And good, faithful friends.

You will read a lot of books

And learn the sciences.

Growing out of my panties

Don't forget the kindergarten!

The first graduation in my life!

Whose is he? He is, of course, yours.

Congratulations to you,

We hug tightly.

We wish you joy at school

Only "fives" to receive,

So that mom is proud of you ...

And in the corner so as not to stand.

And friends to you, girlfriends,

More brand new toys

After all, you are a big child.

Graduation in the kindergarten!

Today is a very important event in the life of our kids. Our children have grown up and say goodbye to the kindergarten. On this day, we want to wish them happy days, joyful events, and carelessness. May your childhood last a little longer, and the school will welcome you with open arms!

Our dear children, the most touching hour has come. How amazing it is to know that you matured so quickly and are already on the doorstep to school. We hope that you will not lose your friendship, and also hand in hand you will conquer new heights at school. We are obliged to say a big thank you to the teaching staff for your work and great patience!

Touching congratulations to children for the graduation year from a kindergarten teacher

It is not at all easy for a kindergarten teacher to say goodbye to the pupils - in a few years these little fidgets have become so dear and beloved. But it was thanks to the educators that the children received their first lessons in kindness, respect for loved ones, and a caring attitude towards nature. And what beautiful crafts the kids have learned to create with their own hands - under the strict guidance of the "second mother"! Touching congratulations at the graduation - in kindergarten, children devote to a teacher who has invested so much mental strength in his difficult and important work. Each graduate beautifully and "with expression" recites poetry, touching goodbye to the kindergarten, younger friends, beloved teacher and other employees. In turn, the mentors sincerely wish the children happiness, good luck and inspiration on the new school path - in kind parting words.

The best examples of congratulations for graduation are in kindergarten for children from educators

You came to the garden as babies,
In September, already in the first grade.
Graduation you have today,
With which we congratulate you.

You learned a lot here:
Write letters and count a little.
Your pens have worked hard:
Glue, sculpt and make a bouquet ...

Study hard at school, guys,
Remember everything that we have gone through.
We wish you all health and happiness,
Find the right path in your life.

We wish all the best to the young kindergarten graduate. Let the school, which is ahead, not disappoint and extinguish the joyful, curious light in children's eyes, and let the world always present only the most pleasant and interesting surprises.

We are very happy for you
And we have a reason for that -
You graduated from kindergarten!
Congratulations, good fellow!

Before our eyes you grow up
You’ll go to first grade soon.
You will recognize the world around you.
And you will find more friends.

Dear children, dear, dear,
You are all so different - funny, funny,
Beautiful, smart at their first prom,
Let the holiday be bright, beautiful unearthly!
For us, you kids have become pride,
You tried with us, learned by playing.
Be more attentive at school
Do not forget us as educators.

Guys, we are all very happy for you!
You have your graduation from kindergarten today!
Although it was a happy time with you,
But we understand that it's time for you to go to school!

Now you have become quite big,
Boys are real men
Girls are all beauties and delight to the eyes!
Your success is a reward for educators!

Official congratulations at the graduation - in kindergarten from parents to educators

Parents of young graduates are rightfully proud of the success of their children. Indeed, today these are not just toddlers, but preschoolers who are on the verge of new exciting discoveries in the Land of Knowledge. Of course, such a wonderful result of upbringing was largely achieved thanks to the professionalism and personal qualities of the teachers, who were always with the children - they supported them, taught them, took care of them and took care of them. Therefore, at the graduation - in kindergarten, congratulations from parents to educators sound the most sincere, with words of gratitude for their everyday and difficult work. Traditionally, the most “active” mothers and fathers, most often representatives of the parent committee, deliver congratulatory speeches for kindergarten teachers and staff. The texts of official congratulations at the graduation are presented in our collection - a beautiful bouquet of flowers presented to the teacher of the group will be an excellent addition to the words.

Texts of official congratulations in prose for educators for the graduation year from parents

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of the kindergarten. Congratulations on your finish. Let the moments of parting be both joyful and sad, but still, time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and bright hobbies. You helped children overcome their fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Dear and dear educators, we congratulate you on the holiday - on your graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love, Wordyou writes. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years to come, happiness and unrestrained vitality. Thank you!

Dear educators, today say goodbye to our children. And we thank you that in the garden the guys were like at home. We wish you health, good luck, creative and professional success. Let your new pupils be as glorious as today's graduates!

Dear, beloved, warm, kind, lovely educators, we express to you our great gratitude for your work, for your care. Thank you for your understanding at any moment, for your help and your efforts. You are doing a great job, helping parents to raise and nurture children. Thank you very much. We wish you strong health and happiness, strength and good luck.

Dear educators, congratulations on your graduation! Let children's smiles, sincere clean eyes, gratitude of parents, endless respect be your reward. Let life give you only goodness, happiness, love, everything that you put into the souls of kids. Patience, understanding, health, fortitude, positive!

Congratulations from children to educators at graduation - in kindergarten

Every year, a huge number of children become graduates, leaving the walls of preschool institutions forever. On the day of farewell to their beloved educators, the children read poems with words of gratitude - for their boundless patience and care, motherly affection and love. In their congratulatory poems, the graduates express regret for their passing childhood, at the same time they look to their school future with hope and optimism. Listening to the performance of preschoolers, many educators can hardly hold back their tears - it is not easy to part with those in whom they have invested so much effort, work and warmth. Beautiful congratulations at the graduation - in kindergarten it is best to prepare in advance so that the child has time to properly learn and rehearse poetry. Each educator will be pleased to hear a touching children's "thank you" from their wards, who will soon have to conquer new heights. We are sure that among the children's congratulations offered by us in verse, you can pick up the most interesting options - for a kindergarten teacher for the graduation holiday.

Choosing a congratulation for a kindergarten teacher from graduates of the year

Today we say goodbye
With your favorite kindergarten,
We have grown, we have grown
We need to go to school.
Thanks to the educators,
Thanks to our nannies,
And the doctor and the cook,
We will say “thank you” to everyone.
This day is special -
Both sad and cheerful.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows everything and is able to:
How to settle the rumors

Laugh or console
Answer questions ...
The walls in the hall, snow attendants
And dress up the girls ...

Our teacher,
We will remember you forever!
And let everyone know that yours
The position is super! Upper class!

Thanks to the educators
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And it's light on a gloomy day.
You felt sorry for us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Wish we can get you
Take with you to first grade.

"Goodbye! Goodbye!" -
We tell you today
Only our favorite kindergarten
We don't want to forget.

You tried to do for us
The kindergarten is warm and dear.
For educators loved
We say thank you.

You taught us a lot:
Draw, sculpt, play.
We learned to dance with you,
Sing songs, read poems.

We have learned many fairy tales
And they grew wiser every day.
We are grateful for that.
The kindergarten was like a home.

You were like mom and dad for a long time,
And days, and weeks, and even years.
Many thanks to you for this,
We will always love and remember you.

You have more patience and more health,
Be satisfied with your work.
We wish you success in your work, so hard
And a lot of bright and juicy ideas.

Beautiful congratulations at the graduation - in kindergarten - a great opportunity to express the most sincere feelings of gratitude to the educators for their kindness and care for their little pupils. Here you will find a wide selection of congratulations from children and their parents to all the kindergarten staff, as well as touching poems and lines of prose for young graduates from loving mothers and fathers. Happy prom!

Thank you, educators,
For affection and love
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses,
Wiped tears
For fairy tales and walks
Classes and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today
Congratulations and sadness,
And in the fall with a portfolio
Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration
And the strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

The work of a teacher is not easy -
You need a whole cart of skills:
To read books to children,
Draw and play
Collect a bag of different toys
And know the plots of many fairy tales.
Digging in the sand on the street,
Run around in the tag, do not be lazy,
Feed and caress everyone
Do not even try to get tired.
All cases, of course, are innumerable.
You have a big heart.
Thank you for the days in the garden,
For your affection, kindness.
We wish you inspiration,
Creative success, patience,
Well-deserved big salaries.
Thank you for the kindergarten!

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of the kindergarten. Congratulations on your finish. Let the moments of parting be both joyful and sad, but still, time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and bright hobbies. You helped children overcome their fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Dear educators,
Our moms are second
Your chicks now
They go to the first grade.

We congratulate you on this,
We really appreciate and respect.
Let your pupils
They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,
For kindness, warmth, care
We sincerely want to say
Wish you happiness in life!

Thank you for teaching our children,
Help them always, you, like mothers, were in a hurry,
They fed and cherished all the preschool children ...
Every parent is glad to see you!

We will be sad, without your care,
But, we wish you a great job,
Happiness, health, success, good luck,
So that everything was so and not otherwise!

Recognition we dedicate to you our
For experience and wisdom, for your qualities,
After all, to make good people out of children -
Your profession is not more complicated in the world.

And we are grateful to those kind hands
The warmth that was given to both children and us.
And children grow up and they grow up,
After all, time flies, a string of days ...

Thank you also that with the help of books
You taught the numbers, the letters of the kids
And they gave them something that cannot be taken from books:
You left your light in their souls.

And in the fall, the children will go to school,
But they will bring you their gratitude
For work and patience, for that comfort,
In which their childhood lives forever.

Our beloved teacher,
Already graduation.
All year round you were there
And they did not know about peace.

We spent time with us
We were taught to draw
Songs sang and sculpted
We were put to bed.

We love you very much
For warmth and kindness,
For care, tenderness, affection
And of course beauty.

You raised them like family,
They were given care, affection.
Parents to you every moment
Thank you for them.

But now the children have grown up,
We have already set foot on the schoolyard.
Let them remember forever:
You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,
Love is huge, bright, pure,
Good health on the way,
Support from family and friends.

Today is a holiday and fun
And there are tears in my eyes.
We say goodbye, probably
With favorite paths.

They will play on the flower beds
Other kids
Playgrounds will be occupied by children
Boys and girls.

Thank you, educators,
That you loved us so much.
Like second mothers
For us, you have always been.

They treated us with scratches
Broken knees
They furtively took pity on us.
On the staircase.

Boots and sandals
Put it on rather
Today we are leaving
But don't forget us!

All our life we ​​will remember
How merrily they joked.
Thank you educators.
You are like family to us!

The guys grew up out of panties,
Today they are leaving the kindergarten.
With sadness for girls and boys
Our educators are watching.

We thank you for your concern,
For attention, warmth,
Daily work with the kids.
The children are very lucky with you!

We wish you strength and inspiration
New generations to grow.
May God give you health and patience,
And there are plenty of opportunities to live long!

Dear educators!
Thank you for your hard work,
May dreams come true
Congratulations on your graduation.

I wish you patience,
And happy children's eyes
Live in a great mood
And go ahead laughing!



1. You guys are kids

Congratulations from the bottom of your heart!

2. We want to say goodbye to you

And come to wish you

Only fours and fives

Receive in the classroom.

3. Do not be naughty, do not be lazy, (shaking his finger)

Do not quarrel, do not fight!

4. In the new school we wish you

Learn a lot

But also a favorite kindergarten

We ask you not to forget!

5. Congratulations, congratulations,

Happy holiday!

Congratulations, congratulations

With the transition to school!


1. We have come to you today

To go to first grade.

This is one!

2. Two - we want to wish you

Become all excellent students!

3. Three - sigh very heavily

Chippolino with Cheburashka ...

Do not forget about them,

Come to kindergarten to us!

(We will play together,

4. And four - we promise,

What's in the native garden without you

We won't break the flowers

We will save all toys!

5. Five - we give gifts to you,

We made them ourselves,

Painted and glued.


1. You are in first grade today

Everybody get away from us.

2. You kids today

Congratulations from the bottom of your heart.

3. Do well at school,

Do not fight, do not be lazy (gestures with a finger)

4. We will grow up a little,

We will also go to the 1st grade.


1.You rarely played with us

They called babies

Sometimes we were offended

We were not given toys.

2. But now you are not like that

You are already quite big

We came to congratulate you

With the transition to grade 1.


1. Very joyful, cheerful

Celebration of the transition to school.

2. We will be at school too,

We won't grow long

We want to rather

Carry a briefcase in your hands.

3. We wish you to learn

4 and 5

And there is still a wish:

"We ask you not to forget!"

Kindergarten graduation greetings

Don't blow your lips,
Looking down on us:
You are also in the younger group.
Were before, but now
Move to different schools
Awakening the pain back
And leaving unhappy
Empty kindergarten ...
We admonish you boldly
In two simple lines:
We will continue your business!
Good luck, graduates!

From babies
We want to congratulate you,
Wish you good luck
After all, we will go to first grade,
To solve problems.

To be excellent students
And write in notebooks
To love teachers -
Listen without looking back!

Let them replace us
New guys
And they will give joy to you,
So that everything goes as it should!

The very first graduation in life -
Goodbye, kindergarten, dear!
We wave to the older group "Bye!"
Look forward to September!

You will soon become schoolchildren,
And go with a new satchel to school,
You will receive knowledge there,
Goodbye kids, goodbye!

So you graduated from kindergarten,
He is incredibly happy with the kids
But you have matured and it's time for school,
We wish you health and wellness, kids!
Here you played and studied together,
Friend and friend became close friends,
We loved each of you
You come to visit, and do not forget us!

Don't you worry guys
We stay with the elders.
Let's be as you once were,
Obey, eat porridge.
You study diligently
Read a lot of books.
To soon become an example
To all the girls and boys.

Dear children, dear, dear,
You are all so different - funny, funny,
Beautiful, smart at their first prom,
Let the holiday be bright, beautiful unearthly!
For us, you kids have become pride,
You tried with us, learned by playing.
Be more attentive at school
Do not forget us as educators.

It's time to part
In the fall, you will go to first grade.
You have become very big
Congratulations to all of you!
You played on the court
We ate at the tables,
Slept in a quiet hour in cribs,
Fairy tales were often listened to.
Time flew by quickly ...
Kindergarten - goodbye!
Let the school give you all
Both friends and knowledge!

Guys, we are all very happy for you!
You have your graduation from kindergarten today!
Although it was a happy time with you,
But we understand that it's time for you to go to school!

Now you have become quite big,
Boys are real men
Girls are all beauties and delight to the eyes!
Your success is a reward for educators!

From the teacher
My hardened eaglets, you have graduation today,
I love you guys so much, but you say goodbye to me.
So quickly the years flew by and it's time for you to go to school,
You will learn to know a lot there, but remember my words.

You are like a ray of light to me that looked through my window
I love you deeply, selflessly, as soon as this is given to me.
May your eyes and smiles always shine with only good
Make friends sincerely and cleanly, with a wonderful graduation day!

You're not a kid now, you're almost a student.
Although you are still not big in height.
We place you in the hands of the teachers.
Do not be sad, do not be shy, go boldly!
Kindergarten is just the beginning of the journey.
You have to go through the years of school science.
Goodbye, our little man!
We will never forget your ringing laugh.