Forty-five years of the wedding. Sapphire wedding (45 years old) - what a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS Wedding anniversary 45 years

Husband and wife go hand in hand for many years, overcome many difficulties in order to maintain their love. In society, wedding anniversaries have been given symbolic names that emphasize the value of happy years of family life. If 45 years of marriage are already behind, what kind of wedding is it? Its symbol is sapphire, a stone of wisdom and infinity.

What kind of wedding will the spouses celebrate if they have 45 years of marriage behind them? People who shared the cup of joys and sorrows for so many decades, thanks to their wisdom, did not allow the storms of life to destroy their family boat and thus made their love eternal, like the sky overhead. The calm color of the skies and the serene sea reflects the sapphire gem. In addition, it symbolizes good health that spouses will need so that future years of happiness are not overshadowed by anything.

In no case should we ignore such a significant wedding anniversary - 45 years. We have already learned what kind of wedding it is - sapphire, a day of rich memories and bright hopes. And how to mark it correctly?

How to please your soul mate?

When people have lived together for almost half a century, it is very difficult for them to surprise each other. But this must be done so that the wedding anniversary is not an ordinary date on the calendar. What to give your beloved wife on a sapphire anniversary of marriage? There are many options - you can choose from the list of a gift that is financially affordable and corresponds to the character and tastes of your spouse:

  • jewelry inlaid with sapphire (earrings, necklace, bracelet, brooch, pendant);
  • combined handbag with blue elements;
  • a frame for a commemorative photo with patterns of rhinestones of marine shades;
  • a love novel in an author's cover made of beautiful fabric with decorations;
  • perfume that imitates the smell of your wife's favorite flowers;
  • sconce lamp for reading, decorated in blue tones.

An item related to the profession or hobbies of the "lady of the heart", for example:

  • dishes;
  • kitchen appliances;
  • a collection of new recipes;
  • a book about plants;
  • exotic flower in a flowerpot;
  • karaoke;
  • tickets for a premiere in a theater or a concert of your favorite performer.

For a woman who wants to thank her beloved for the wonderful 45 years since the wedding, it is also important what gift to give him. Men do not wear jewelry, but stones - symbols of the anniversary - can be on:

  • lighter;
  • cigarette case;
  • flask;
  • keychain;
  • cufflinks;
  • tie clip;
  • notepad and pen;
  • wrist watch.

If your husband is a passionate hunter, fisherman, collector, or is fond of something else, you can give him:

  • modern fishing rods or hunting weapons;
  • comfortable camping tent;
  • warm tracksuit;
  • portable radio receiver;
  • antique thing;
  • musical instrument;
  • camera, etc.

There is a widespread tradition on the day of the 45th anniversary of marriage to exchange stones in wedding rings for sapphires. They will remind the loving couple and those around them of the great life experience and the inviolability of sincere feelings.

How to make your parents happy?

For people of mature age, there is nothing more precious than the attention of their children. They especially need the presence of their heirs on the 45th anniversary of their marriage. What kind of wedding it is and what to give to parents, everyone whose fathers and mothers are on the eve of such a holiday must know. The best surprise will be a gift that contains a bit of warmth and gratitude:

  • the icon of the patrons of the marriage of Saints Peter and Fevronia;
  • a portrait of parents, embroidered or painted with oil paints from their wedding photo;
  • a family photo album in a cover with inserts of blue pebbles (in this album you can make paper pages so that heroes of the occasion write down their memories, and guests - wishes);
  • Plasma TV or DVD-player complete with discs containing favorite films of parents and family videos;
  • cutlery with monograms of a specially created family coat of arms;
  • photographs designed in the form of a family tree;
  • vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • huge cake with a congratulatory inscription.

In addition to presenting a gift, we must not forget to help parents prepare for meeting guests.

Ideas for invitees to the anniversary

Undoubtedly, 45 years of the wedding is a significant date. Therefore, what kind of wedding it is and what to give are questions that invariably excite all those invited to the celebration. Having learned that the sapphire is the symbol of a solid anniversary, many guests want to decorate their gifts with an appropriate jewel. What objects can such a stone make more valuable? It:

  • painting;
  • glasses;
  • samovar;
  • box;
  • coasters for cups;
  • statuette.

It is believed that it is not accepted to give a watch, but on this day such a gift would be quite appropriate, because it symbolizes the years that the couple spent together. It's great if the watch is vintage, designed to remind lovers of their youth and acquaintance.

It is not necessary to inlay your gift with sapphires - you can simply wrap the box in sky blue foil and put in it:

  • cover;
  • linens;
  • pillowcases;
  • plaid;
  • tablecloth;
  • blanket;
  • a set of napkins;
  • wall panel.

The heroes of the day will be pleasantly surprised by the beautiful embroidery or hand-made appliqués on these things.

Warm words are the heart of the holiday

Even if you have already prepared for the celebration, taking into account what kind of wedding is being celebrated after 45 years of marriage, congratulations are not limited to presenting a gift. For people who have carried their love through the trials of time, have arranged a family nest long ago and raised children, kind words from the lips of those invited are very important. You can express your admiration for a happy couple in the form:

  • press announcements;
  • musical composition on radio or television;
  • a congratulatory film using photos from family history;
  • author's performance of the song.

What can you say to those who built their dream home not on the sand of frivolity, but on the solid stone of mutual feelings that have not faded for 45 years? Guests often put their wishes in a poetic form:

There was the best moment when

With excitement you said "yes!"

In the name of true love

They fulfilled their words:

Happier, there is no stronger family!

Let it shine on the whole world

An award winning wedding sapphire!

They say that at forty-five

Everything blooms again!

I want to wish you

Every day your fill

Happiness, joy, warmth,

And hope and good!

Let the bright light sparkle

Love that is so many years old!

45 years flew by

From the day the rings rang

For the first time on your hands.

You dreamed of happiness in your dreams

And it became a wonderful reality!

And faithfulness blossomed in hearts,

Despite the moments of adversity.

Let the sky shine above you

Pure and delicate sapphire

And your love protects again

The creator who rules the world!

You have not lost a drop of tenderness

Love of ardent and boundless fidelity,

You saved like jewelers,

Magic sapphires of wonderful feelings!

Let them become an example for everyone,

Let the hearts continue to sound

Words of support, joy and affection,

Let life last like a fairy tale!

45 happy years

Your hearth is family

Gives everyone rays and light

Every moment!

Let the fire burn stronger

And it never goes out!

On your wedding anniversary

You are even more beautiful!

If a guest would like to refer to a happy couple in prose, first you need to name the heroes of the occasion by name, and then say something like the following.

  1. The years lived together is a real treasure that is more valuable than the largest sapphire. Each year of family life is worth a lot, and we know it. Your ability to appreciate and understand each other is an example for all of us. Thank you for keeping an island of true feelings and hope in our not always sunny modern world. We will learn from you to take care of your happiness. With all our hearts we wish you eternal youth, excellent health, pleasant surprises from those closest to you, faith in a wonderful future and unshakable prosperity! 45 you are "bitter"!
  2. Sapphire is blue as heaven and pure as spring water. The cloudless sky is a symbol of pacification, water is the source of life, filling with strength in the most difficult sultry days. We wish you peace and purity in your relationship, so that you carry them through all the future years of your life together!
  3. Over the course of 45 years, you have endowed your other half with warmth and tenderness, protected, protected, supported each other. Love, tested for such a long time, can be considered eternal. Therefore, the symbol of this amazing date is sapphire, a stone that reminds of wisdom and endless fidelity! Let it illuminate your path to happiness, because there is no limit to perfection!
  4. Many trials fall to the lot of spouses. This is life, time, financial difficulties, sometimes misunderstanding of others. For 45 years you have been conquering such thorns, do not allow them to interfere with the magnificent flowering of your love! This is confirmed by the flowers of life, your children and grandchildren. Let your family hearth gather friends and loved ones for a very long time to warm up by the bright flame of happiness and prosperity!
  5. Let the same dazzling bonfire of love burn in your hearts today, on the day of the sapphire wedding, as it did years ago! Let the eyes of your beloved still resemble sapphires, and the voice of your beloved - the most beautiful music! Be happy! Bitterly!

Whatever wish you like to taste - poetic or prosaic, you need to learn it by heart and pronounce it, putting your soul into every word. After all, congratulations matter only when they are sincere, and listeners always feel it.

The date that not every couple obeys is the 45th wedding anniversary. Especially nowadays, when people are too fixated on their own careers. We all know that for each anniversary there is a specific name associated with one or another material, which, in particular, is customary to give to the celebrants. If on a non-round date such traditions could still be neglected, then such a beautiful figure as 45 years of marriage deserves attention and proper design of the holiday.

What is the name of the anniversary?

To begin with, the 45th anniversary of marriage is the so-called sapphire wedding... As often happens, such a name was not given at random or even in search of interesting gift options that have accumulated over forty-five years of family life.

It is assumed that the couple's relationship over the years has acquired the characteristics of a sapphire, namely: hardness and durability, inseparable from sophistication and wealth.

In ancient times, precious stones were given special symbolic meaning, believing that each of them symbolizes something - supporters of this point of view still exist. In married life, sapphire means the strength of family ties., the well-being of subsequent generations (after so many years together, a couple usually manages to acquire not only children and grandchildren, but sometimes even great-grandchildren) and the purity of relationships that, being tainted by something, would not last so long. At the same time, sapphire is associated with the renewal of relationships, since such a long-term relationship does not end easily - they must remain constantly young, because there are still many other significant dates ahead.

Symbols and traditions

The main symbol of such an anniversary, of course, is the sapphire - in particular, this precious gift deserves to be presented on such a significant date. If we abstract from the purely family aspect of esotericism, then this stone symbolizes the wisdom of life and the ability to control oneself - of course, these traits must be possessed by people who have managed to find a compromise over such a long time. Among other things, sapphire indicates other positive traits of the wearer - for example, patience and perseverance in achieving goals, excellent fortitude and the same health.

Esoteric experts see a special meaning even in the color of the stone - here it symbolizes peaceful peace. Such symbolism in this case is very appropriate, because people of venerable age are no longer inherent in the passion of youth, but such a characteristic does not mean that love has faded away - it just went to a new level, becoming deeper and more conscious.

Theoretically, any gifts for such an anniversary can be given, and sapphire is not so necessary there, but there is a long tradition according to which a couple renews wedding rings, giving each other those that are decorated with this particular gem. Although the symbolism of a celebration lies in calmness and pacification, it is not customary to hold it in complete silence and away from others - on the contrary, such a vivid example of unquenchable love should become an example for young people. Since the anniversary marks a very long period of time spent together, the most correct guests will be those people who have walked a significant part of the journey with the couple - first of all, children and grandchildren, as well as other close relatives and old friends.

How to celebrate?

If people are really interested in the traditional name of such an anniversary and its symbolism, then they probably would like to give the celebration completely unique features, so that the celebration in memories, even after many years, stands out for its characteristic features that distinguish it from many other similar festivals. Fortunately, previous generations have left us detailed guidelines on how to organize a sapphire wedding.

First of all, such a date, while not being perfectly round, is still too large to be celebrated modestly., therefore, it is assumed that the holiday should be held on a grand scale. A couple who have lived together for so many years, by definition, can no longer be young, because the celebrants themselves do not always show the initiative in the proper amount, but they probably have adults and already established children who are able to take on at least some of the organizational issues. Actually, it is the descendants who have managed to become successful that usually symbolize the duration of such a relationship, therefore, in many ways, it is their activity that is a gift to the celebrant.

The financial situation does not always allow to celebrate the anniversary on a real scale, but this is not always required - a home celebration would also be a good option, as long as all loved ones are nearby, and the money saved can be left until the fiftieth anniversary. If the possibilities and desires of the organizers allow, you can think of something more unusual, but it is worth remembering that all this is done for the main heroes of the occasion, and at their current age they are not always able to appreciate active rest.

The absolute majority of modern families will not be able to provide an interior decorated with real sapphires, but, as we already understood, it is not only the stone itself that matters, but also the color that it usually is.

The interior can be decorated without jewelry, but in the appropriate color shades - usually these are tones that occupy an intermediate position between the actual blue and green shades.

This design should be observed in everything, and special attention is paid to what is easiest to replace - woven design elements, which include curtains and a tablecloth. if it is possible to use cookware of the same shades, it should be used as well. Solemn decoration elements like candlesticks will also be very appropriate - it is difficult to find a more suitable occasion for such a setting. You can even use balls or garlands, but it should be remembered that the older generation does not always accept excessive pomp with approval.

To support the theme of the party, you can also take care of the color matching of the outfits of those present., although special attention to the scale, naturally, should be shown by the heroes of the occasion themselves. The more color matches, the more thematic the holiday will be, because even a cake can play up the theme of a sapphire wedding - it can be decorated with an appropriate edible decoration in the form of the same stone.

Choosing gifts for the anniversary

A forty-five year wedding anniversary is quite a weighty reason for presenting gifts, which you cannot do without at such a celebration, but the problem may lie in choosing a present. On the one hand, it should be quite valuable, on the other - symbolic, but at the same time, of course, the guests can afford it. In this regard, traditional gifts from loved ones in the form of jewelry using real sapphires are possible, but not so likely - you will have to look for alternative options.

What is noteworthy is that only spouses can give rings to each other on such a date - such a gift, even from children, is not considered happy.

It should be noted that at the age when they usually celebrate their own sapphire wedding, the couple usually no longer really cares about material things - they either already exist or are not too needed. At this moment, the intangible acquires special value, because relatives can further emphasize such an aspiration of the celebrants, for example, by buying a tourist ticket for them to a holiday home or to any resort. Where they have long dreamed of visiting.

Of course, the list of possible gifts is not limited to vouchers, so let's pay attention to the most common and appropriate gifts for just such a case:

  • any gifts of sapphire color - less valuable in terms of value, but no less symbolic;
  • home decorations in appropriate shades, from figurines to paintings, do not enrich the couple materially, but they enrich spiritually and remind of the anniversary;
  • flowers are a gift that is appropriate in any situation, and if they are also matched to the color of the holiday, then it is just an ideal option;
  • a photo collage will be a good gift for absolutely any anniversary, celebrating the duration of something, and photos of the best moments of a long life together often allow you to refresh and renew feelings;
  • tickets to any expensive cultural event, be it a theater or a concert, can remind the celebrants of how they spent their first dates in their youth;
  • beautiful textiles for home use will be an appropriate gift for any couple living together, because bed linen, bathrobes or towels can also be a great gift;
  • some experts draw parallels between sapphire color and water, therefore those presentations that are directly related to it are also called appropriate - so, bathroom items or even a full-fledged aquarium with live fish will do.

At such a moment, it is very important that everything is properly thought out and properly organized. Older people often remember small, seemingly insignificant details, so you should pay special attention to them. Beautiful words spoken at the right moment and once again emphasizing the importance of a couple for those around them often seem to old people more valuable than any material gifts, therefore a thorough approach to organizing a holiday will be the main key to success.

The idea of ​​congratulations from grandchildren to a sapphire wedding in the next video.

Parents have a wedding for 45 years, what an amazing date! An excellent example for the younger generation of how to build relationships. It is unlikely that during these years the life of the spouses was easy and serene. The anniversary only says that they were able to overcome everything, show steadfastness and wisdom, and as a result - come to this significant milestone together.

45 years of marriage: what is the name of such a wedding

Almost half a century anniversary of living together is called a sapphire wedding. It is preceded by another date - 40 years from the date of the wedding, called the ruby ​​wedding.

Ruby and corundum are two varieties of one noble mineral. The first, as you know red, personifies passion, ebullient blood, all-consuming love. Sapphire is a deep blue mineral. A symbol of calm water, serenity, wisdom, taming passions.

The names of the dates were given for a reason. The previous anniversary symbolizes the last outburst of passion before the transition to a new awareness of reality. 45 years of married life is the milestone beyond which everything is behind: hardships, storms and doubts. Ahead is quiet, like the surface of the sea, an easy life without storms and shocks, a sea of ​​friendship, mutual, deep respect and pure, unearthly love.

Symbols and traditions associated with the anniversary

The stone was chosen as a symbol of the date for a reason. Sapphire has an unusually strong crystal lattice. According to the beliefs of the ancient peoples of Persia, a huge piece of stone served as the basis for our entire Earth. The sky, in accordance with their views, received a blue tint due to the reflection of the sun's rays in this mineral.

The church version says that the tablets on which the same commandments appeared were carved from sapphire. This mineral has been revered by all cultures from the Mediterranean to the shores of Japan.

Its deep blue color symbolizes the mystery at the bottom of the sea. That which has long been forgotten and passed, will never return again. The spouses, who managed to go through such a long journey together, have drowned more than one problem in the blue surface. We gained wisdom over the years, learned to forgive and believe. Conquer anger, and remain calm in any situation.

On the 45th anniversary, there is a tradition of swapping rings. Husband and wife can give their half new wedding jewelry inlaid with sapphire, instead of those that they put on each other's ring fingers almost half a century ago. None of the guests should present such surprises to the heroes of the day. This is considered bad luck. Only the spouses themselves can give each other wedding rings.

What to give parents for a wedding anniversary

The venerable date of the parents' wedding is a reason for pride. It's nice to know that mom and dad managed to carry love and warmth to each other through so many years. Such an anniversary should certainly be celebrated in a wide circle, inviting all relatives and friends.

The best gift that children can give is to take over the organization of the holiday. Parents who have lived together for so many years are clearly not young. It will not be easy for them to plunge into the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, but they clearly will not refuse to participate in the organized action.

The life of aged people is stable. As a rule, by the time of the anniversary, the family acquires a certain income. The material issue fades into the background. And even if something failed, less and less importance is attached to it.

Grown people know how to appreciate what they have. They don't like changing their way of life and learning new things. Therefore, do not try to shower your parents with fashionable technology or gadgets they do not understand. Concentrate on something intangible.

  • Give your parents a cruise or boat trip. This will be very symbolic, since water is the element of sapphire.
  • You can send a couple on an exciting excursion in the immediate vicinity or on a trip to exotic countries.
  • Dinner at the restaurant will also be a pleasant surprise.
  • If a couple has a common hobby, for example, a bath, you can present paired terry dressing gowns.
  • For some, repairs in the house or in the country will be relevant.

From material gifts, anything related to the water element and blue is suitable:

  • commemorative Gzhel service;
  • glasses made of blue glass;
  • sapphire medallions and other inlaid jewelry;
  • dark blue cashmere blanket for two;
  • interior vases, boxes, photo frames;
  • bath towels and accessories;
  • a bouquet of 45 blue roses;
  • things that can be useful in everyday life: new curtains, bedding sets, bedspreads;
  • indoor fountain, painting with the image of the sea surface.

The main thing on this day is not gifts, but attention. You can show your true attitude in unusual surprises, things that are not prepared spontaneously, but in advance. This will show that you have approached the celebration responsibly.

Surprises for a significant date

A real surprise for the couple will be their portrait on canvas. Now many artists offer to paint a picture from photography. Your parents will be very surprised to receive such a gift. All preparations can be kept in the strictest confidence. Mom and Dad don't even have to pose.

The leather-bound personalized album looks very solid. In a printing bureau, you can make an imprint on the cover in the form of any drawing or inscription. Collect in this album photos of all the dear couple of people: children, grandchildren. The spouses, who are no longer so young, are mostly far from digital technologies. They like to store memories on tangible media, so they will revise the printed photos with special trepidation.

Reward your parents for such strong patience with souvenir medals. Congratulatory inscriptions can be engraved on medals. Tie blue ribbons on them, following the symbolism. In addition to medals, you can order a congratulatory certificate in a beautiful frame or an engraved goblet.

Try to decorate the finished item yourself. Get a coffee table with a double glass top and place blue decorative stones between the layers to represent the sapphires.

Try to play the original number 45. For example, collect an armful of 45 blue balls. And hand it along with a bag of blue wrapped chocolates.

Holiday decoration for a sapphire wedding

Do everything with the finest taste. Spruce up the room with details in cobalt and blue. Sapphire is very dark and deep in color. There should not be much of it in the interior. The main color can be white. Blue blotches need to be diluted with silver, gray and gold.

It is worth focusing on individual details: napkins, tablecloths, dishes, candlesticks. You can stretch beautiful garlands on the walls. The room is decorated with irises, violets, blue and purple hydrangeas.

Beautiful congratulations for 45 years of marriage

Spouses who have mastered such a wisdom in life can only wish the best health, so that it will last for many, many years. The most important words should be heard from children and grandchildren. Young people definitely need to thank the revered couple for their family longevity, for such a beautiful and valuable example.

Take the trouble to speak in your own words or memorize poetry. By being willing to act without prompting, you will demonstrate how important the event is to you.

You are having a sapphire wedding.

Another triumph of love!

Just a little bit left

Before your wedding is golden!

Family temple for almost half a century

You managed to protect.

We want to wish you today

Do not know loss and poverty!

May all sorrows pass you

And happiness will not leave the house!

May all relatives, friends, neighbors,

It will always be comfortable in it!

We sincerely congratulate you on the 45th anniversary of your life together, on the Sapphire wedding. Sapphire is the personification of wisdom, depth and serenity - everything that comes only over the years. May your fruitful union, sealed by strong love, last as long. We wish you excellent health and simple human happiness.

Today at the wedding

Sapphire color,

Family anniversary - 45 years old.

Sapphire is a symbol of loyalty

May it keep you

Feelings of the past

It will refresh your hearts.

Long life

You lived together

Built a house

The trees have grown.

Your love is a miracle

Fabulous dream

And may never

It does not end.

Tell someone, no one will believe

That it could be to love so much

That each of you will entrust your life to another,

Almost half a century to live side by side.

Children were raised, already grown-up grandchildren,

You always remain an example for them,

Perhaps for so long, without squabbling and boredom,

Big and proud mark - together 45 years. I congratulate you on your sapphire wedding and wish that like a sapphire your memories are precious, your feelings remain the same bright, and your love strong. Well-being to your family and good health!

An amazing couple: together for 45 years, today, as before, you walk hand in hand through the park alleys. All children and grandchildren are proud of you. Thank you for becoming a worthy role model. Let all newlyweds learn from you the understanding and mutual respect that you were able to carry through the years.

Congratulations on the 45th anniversary of your marriage. A sapphire wedding is a time of harmony, harmony and happiness in the family. And I wish you the heavenly color of good hopes, sapphire radiance of love and grace. Do not stop loving and appreciating each other, and let your children and grandchildren make you happy every day. All the best to you and, of course, good health!

Today's 45th wedding anniversary is painted with a precious sapphire color! A lot of different emotions and feelings have been passed, and this pair has yet to go through. May goodness and prosperity, love and understanding always prevail in your home. Happiness, health and sparkling eyes!

The years of your married life have been painted over in a noble blue. Let the head of your family be just as noble, and his other half as refined and refined. On this day, we want to wish you only goodness, tenderness, joy and, of course, the most precious, health.

Sapphire Wedding Celebration Scenario

A wedding anniversary is a joyful event for all those close to you, but the planned event should be primarily focused on the spouses. Due to their age, you should not persuade them to take action.

Most likely, there will be many elderly people among the guests, so the whole event should be held in a restrained, peaceful, but benevolent manner.

Warn guests about the symbolism of the celebration. They might want to match their outfits to the main color of the event. For all those who enter, you can prepare memorable surprises: for example, organza bags filled with decorative stones, lollipops or sweets in a blue wrapper.

In the first half of the evening, let as many eulogies as possible sound. Prepare congratulatory notes for guests. Place a piece of paper under each person's glass. Run the queue in a loop. Let everyone, raising their glass, read their wishes.

A real surprise for everyone will be a small video or slideshow about the history of the couple's family life. Find photographs from different years and show them to the whole audience on a projector.

The culmination of the evening will be the dance of the couple. Choose beautiful, calm music for him. Perhaps it will be a favorite song of the couple or some kind of song associated with good memories.

A ring exchange ceremony is to be scheduled at the end of the evening. Let the couple renew their vows of love and fidelity. You can prepare for them in advance any certificates or postcards on which beautiful expressions will be written. At the end of the speeches, the husband and wife will be able to give each other these memorable surprises.

The main event - the exchange of rings must be captured on video or photo.

A wedding anniversary is a significant date, not only for a couple, but for the whole family. This is an example to many generations of how relationships can and should be preserved. Give your parents a real holiday. Be sure to celebrate this event in a joyful and friendly atmosphere.

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A sapphire wedding is celebrated when a husband and wife have lived together for 45 years. This is a fairly large number of years of family life lived together, hence the name of a beautiful gem.

Anniversary sapphire wedding comes after the ruby, which I celebrate after forty years of family life. Over the next five years after the ruby ​​wedding, the relationship between the spouses grows even stronger and changes from a rich red to a calm blue.

Sapphire has been a stone of wisdom for a long time. It is believed that this stone helps the wearer to control emotions, have patience and courage, and strengthens health. This is exactly what the spouses who have celebrated their sapphire wedding anniversary need.

This does not mean that the relationship between husband and wife becomes less sensual and ardent, which means that the spouses are together forever, and nothing can separate. Since they went through most of their lives together.

Sapphire wedding: how to celebrate 45 years anniversary

Having lived together for so many years, the spouses already have their own circle of friends, so it is usually celebrated wedding anniversary 45 years in the circle of the closest friends of the family, who will definitely come to congratulate the heroes of the day on such a significant event.

It is necessary to celebrate the 45th wedding anniversary, you cannot just forget about it, or celebrate together, usually this event is celebrated magnificently. But everything, of course, depends on the finances of the family. Children and grandchildren help, and sometimes take all the worries about organizing such a holiday. And the heroes of the occasion themselves only enjoy and accept congratulations.

In order for everything to be kept in sapphire shades, because it is the sapphire anniversary that is celebrated for 45 years of marriage, it is necessary to decorate everything in blue and blue shades, tablecloths and napkins are also better in blue, and outfits should also be in such tones.

What to give your spouse for a sapphire wedding?

Since the sapphire wedding anniversary comes after the couple has lived together in harmony for most of their lives, you cannot leave your soul mate even without a small gift. What to give a husband or wife for their wedding anniversary?

Usually, on such an anniversary, called a sapphire wedding, you need to present each other with small gifts - products that contain sapphires. It can be jewelry, figurines and more.

What to give for a sapphire wedding if you are a guest

Children, grandchildren and friends also cannot ignore such a significant date and not present at least a small present. Children can draw a poster with wishes for a couple - it will be very nice.

For a sapphire wedding anniversary, guests can simply give a gift in blue, or, alternatively, wrap it in blue or light blue paper. Gifts for a sapphire wedding are given at will, the main thing is that the spouses do not disregard such a date and make a surprise for each other. Thus, the color of a sapphire wedding is blue and all its shades, therefore it should prevail in clothes for a holiday, in decorating the room and setting the table.

45 years of marriage is also called a sapphire wedding. This is a fairly long period lived together. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale, in the circle of relatives and friends.

Sapphire symbolizes wisdom, and the couple who have lived to this anniversary are at such an age that they have seen and know a lot.

A sapphire wedding once again allows the whole family to enjoy an amazing couple. Therefore, in order for everything to match the celebration, it is necessary not only to make the right gifts, but to decorate the room according to the theme of the holiday.

The meaning of a sapphire wedding

Each wedding anniversary plays an important role for the spouses and has its own meaning. The longer a couple has been in a relationship, the more meaning is attached to the anniversary. The 45th anniversary of living together is an event that has been tested and hardened over the years. That is why this date is called the sapphire wedding.

The anniversary suggests that the spouses have already developed a strong and trusting relationship. Husband and wife at a glance and at a glance understand the desires of the other partner. That's why 45th anniversary and is compared to sapphire, because it is a crystal clear and transparent stone.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding with the family.

  • friends;
  • colleagues;
  • relatives.

Employees at work can be called in the only case if both spouses work at the same enterprise. The celebration is best done in a restaurant or outdoors. After all, the 45th anniversary will be celebrated in a large circle and it is not a fact that your house will be able to accommodate such a number of guests.

Husband and wife on this day must exchange new wedding rings, decorated with sapphire. The general present will not only please the eye, but also improve health, because sapphire is credited with a bunch of healing properties.

A gift for a beloved woman for a sapphire wedding

What to give your spouse for a sapphire anniversary? Absolutely every man, based on the name of the wedding, will acquire jewelry with sapphire inserts... Such, but why limit yourself to obvious presents. Presenting a gift for 45 years of marriage to a spouse can be traditional and at the same time non-standard.

Today there are many decorative items and not only sapphire. For example, a box decorated with stones on top can really surprise your soul mate.

A 45th anniversary gift doesn't have to be traditional. These include items that your significant other has dreamed of for a long time. To match the anniversary, you can wrap a gift in a beautiful blue package. Be sure to complement the present with a bouquet of your wife's favorite flowers.

Presents to your beloved man for 45 years of marriage

When it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. The main ones are the date, in our case the sapphire wedding and the age of the stronger sex. Just like a woman, a spouse can be presented with jewelry with ruby ​​inserts. But this gift is likely to be primitive. Men love things that are practical and desirable.

If your spouse is an avid angler, then a fishing rod or spinning rod decorated with blue inserts will be a good present for him. Such a gift will not only please a man, but will also be remembered for a long time.

For connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages, an expensive cognac in a beautiful blue bottle will be a good present. Such a gift will be both traditional and desirable for a representative of the stronger sex.

How to please parents

The organization of the 45th anniversary is most often trusted by children or close friends. Therefore, the holiday itself will be a good present, but every child wants something that will be remembered for many years. Well, what could it be? There are a lot of options here, especially if the children know the preferences of their parents.

Household appliances will be a good and useful gift. After all, every day something new and necessary for the economy appears. Textiles will also be a great gift for a married couple on their 45th anniversary. New bed linen or a set of bath towels will complement the hostess's collection.

To simplify the process of choosing a present, you can talk with parents and find out what they would like to receive on such a significant day. Perhaps they would like to travel to Europe or another continent. It is also recommended to pamper parents with spa passes for two or a romantic dinner in some respectable restaurant.

In general, healthy and happy children will be the greatest gift for every parent.

What not to give for a sapphire wedding?

Any date, including a sapphire wedding, has its own characteristics. The same applies to gifts that spouses and guests give to each other. There are a number of gifts that are not worth a wedding.

These include primarily antiques. These items accumulate a wide variety of energies, which can then go on to the relationship of spouses. This will ultimately lead to disagreement and divorce.

Items that are very fragile and can easily break are also not recommended to give. After all, it is believed that the relationship between spouses will be just as fragile in the future. Mirrors are among those items that should not be gifted not only for a wedding, but also for its anniversaries.

A mirror is a window to another world, and, as you know, nothing good can be expected from it. Therefore, in order not to harm your loved ones, spouses, friends, try not to give the above items.

Useful video

Wedding anniversary - 45 years.

Sapphire wedding.


A sapphire wedding is a great achievement for absolutely any couple. Not everyone succeeds in living for 45 years together. Therefore, on this day, you need to thank your soul mate for the years passed together. After all, it is difficult for one person to go through life, but together you can move mountains.