Ballerina template without skirt. Beautiful and original paper cut ballerina templates. Ballerina from napkins and wire

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Ballerinas are always associated with tenderness and grace. Let's fill the house with delicate and graceful figures of little girls in tutus. An original window decoration for the New Year, a pendant or as a New Year's toy. It's not hard to do if you follow the instructions.

We will make two types of ballerinas:

  1. From napkins;
  2. From paper.

You will need:

Dancing paper ballerina

    You will need:

    A4 paper

We will print any template you like on the Internet. Can . Let's cut it out.

We apply the stencil to another sheet of paper, circle it again and cut it out. The body is ready.

The skirt is a snowflake. Take a sheet of paper and cut out a square from it like for a snowflake. Let's bend it into a triangle.

With respect to the large angle, we bend two small ones inward.

We cut off the excess. Take any picture you like for snowflakes and transfer it to the blank. Let's cut it out.

We unfold the skirt and make an incision in the center with the sharp side of the scissors or a clerical knife. We pass our girl through the incision and you're done! We got a very simple and elegant dancing ballerina. The skirt, by the way, can be made of tulle.

Ballerina from napkins and wire

    You will need:

    Several white napkins
    Medium wire
    white thread
    Hot glue

Making the body

Take a long enough piece of wire and bend it in half. We make a small oval and twist the wire under it.

The oval will be the head of the ballerina, and the twisted part will be the body. It is not worth twisting strongly, the legs should be long. Let's bend the oval. This will make the head voluminous. Now bend the ends of the wire on the legs.

Next - hands

Take another small piece of wire and attach it to the body. Scroll a few times around the torso and bend the tips, as you did with the legs. Finished with the base.

Wrapped in "leather"

Take ordinary napkins and tear into small strips. They need to be deployed.

Apply hot glue to the ballerina's hand and wrap it with a napkin. So we wrap each part of the body.

Don't forget to wrap your head. This is how the result should be.

Let's make a skirt

To do this, take a napkin and unfold it completely. The best fit is large and dense. Bend it into a triangle, and then another.

Hi all! Watch my video tutorial for you how to make

SNOWFLAKES BALLERINA OWN HANDS. Snowflake ballerina stencils for cutting download right here.

Did you like Snowflakes-Ballerinas from the video? Then let's get started. 😉

To make such beautiful Snowflakes you will need:

  • paper
  • stencils (download to print right here)
  • scissors
  • thin thread

I use graceful silhouettes of ballerinas and, at the same time, easy to cut out.

See for yourself.

If you like the silhouettes of these ballerinas and want to download and print them, CLICK DOWNLOAD .

Snowflakes Ballerinas
Stencils for cutting

For your convenience, download files are presented in different formats: .doc and .jpg.

I also want to clarify, as in the video, that stencils with one ballerina on the entire A4 sheet are suitable for LARGE ballerinas. I don't usually use these.
I like to cut out ballerinas from stencils with two silhouettes on an A4 sheet. You saw the result yourself in the video.

  1. Have you printed ballerinas?
    Then let's continue.

2. Cut out the silhouette of a ballerina.

3. Take a sheet of paper and cut out an ordinary snowflake.
Or unusual - it's up to you. 😉

Be sure to make a hole in the middle of the snowflake. Please note that this hole should fit your ballerina's waist in size. Approximately (by eye).

4. Carefully put the snowflake on the ballerina, as we put on the skirt.

5. Use a needle to draw a thin thread.
I do this at the top of the silhouette's head (middle).

That's all. Do-it-yourself ballerina snowflakes are ready. Decorate the space around you with them. And if your children are not as small as mine, running in the frames of the video, then they will help you with great pleasure. Or they will make such snowflakes of ballerinas on their own. 😉

I hope the snowflake ballerina cutout stencils downloaded from this site will help you create such a graceful beauty quickly and easily.

Leave comments. See you in new articles and video. 😉

Happy New Year to You and Your Beloved Children! 🎅🎄
Your Natalia May.

Looks very soft and elegant snowflake ballerina. And most importantly, you can do it both at home and at work. To do this, I will give you a stencil "ballerina with a snowflake".

It will take quite a bit of time to create this decoration. So:

We print ballerina stencils directly from my blog. The first stencil of a ballerina:

The second snowflake ballerina:

Third ballerina sketch:

With scissors or a stationery knife, cut out the ballerinas you like.

Cut out snowflake skirts. And we dress our beauties. If the hole in the skirt is large, then the ballerina will easily dress. Bend and slip her "native" dress into a skirt. If the hole in the skirt is very small, then make cuts on both sides with scissors and put on the skirt, and turn those places where there are cuts to the front and back sides (so that the skirt does not fly off).

Hang your dancers on white strings with tape.


The second ballerina is cut longer. Be very careful with her fingers, you're trying to cut them off. And also the place of transition of the head to the neck is very inconvenient for cutting.

The third model is cut easier than the second, but slightly more difficult than the first. The bent leg can be cut with scissors so as not to look for a clerical knife.

As for skirts. Skirts can be not only paper, but also fabric. Skirts cut with curly scissors look beautiful. But if those are not at hand, try to cut out the edge of the skirt in an original way.

I made skirts for a ballerina of various lengths, but, in my opinion, mini skirts look the most beautiful. Long skirts seem bulky. The ballerina turns into a dancer. And the miniskirt looks like a real tutu.

Paper for skirts can be taken in the usual A4 format, you can take napkins - the skirt will be lighter, more airy. Colored paper skirts look original. You can whip up a skirt from a bandage.

With the help of air ballerinas, you can not only decorate the room, but also create a special holiday mood. Such a decorative element as a paper ballerina is suitable for a little princess's room, for creating a New Year's mood or decorating a themed photo shoot.
To make a paper ballerina, you will need a stencil of the required size (you can take it on the Internet or use a stencil from photos for the master class), thick paper, several paper napkins, scissors, a stapler, thread.
1. Transfer the drawing of a ballerina onto thick paper using a stencil pencil;

2. Cut out the figure of a ballerina, the more detailed and accurate you cut the base, the more effective the final result will be.

The figure of a ballerina can be made in any color, painted or added with shiny details. For example, highlight pointe shoes or add sequins. Do not make the structure too heavy so that the thread can withstand the weight of the ballerina and not break.
3. To make one ballerina, you will need 6 paper napkins. Take 3 of them and put them on top of each other. Trace around the round stencil with a pencil, and cut out a circle from paper napkins.

4. Staple all layers of napkins in the center with a stapler.

5. To add volume to the ballet skirt, you need to straighten all the layers separately. You can bend the edge a little or make an incision along the circumference, then the skirt will turn out larger and more airy.

6. Bend the resulting ball in half and use a stapler to attach it to the ballerina's body. Straighten the layers again.

When graceful paper snowflakes-ballerinas are merrily spinning in the air, it seems that the magic is already very close, and the soul is filled with a joyful presentiment of the holiday. Such New Year's decorations are best hung where there is a lot of free space - in the center of the room, in the doorway. Then they will dance their unique dance. But you can decorate them with an elegant Christmas tree - there is also a place for snowflakes here.

Before you make ballerina snowflakes, you will need to cut out the silhouettes of the dancers themselves and their fluffy skirts from paper. It is convenient to use templates for this. If you want to quickly make cute ballerina snowflakes, you can print the stencil in advance on any printer.

The silhouette of a ballerina is one stencil. One figure is printed on one sheet of A4, but you can reduce the size. We cut out the silhouette of the ballerina from the printout, and the figure is ready.

It remains only to cut them out of paper. For greater strength, you can paste over it with adhesive tape or stick it on a cardboard base.

A stencil skirt is nothing more than contours for cutting paper. We use it like this:

cut out from a printed sheet;

take another white square sheet;

fold it into a triangle (first we bend it diagonally several times, and then we turn the edges towards the center);

put a stencil on this triangle;

carefully outline with a pencil;

cut out.

Only after that we expand the triangle and enjoy the result: we get a very beautiful openwork snowflake. Using different types of stencils, you will get the basis for creating different figures of ballerinas and skirts.

So we get a ballerina and her snow-white openwork tutu.

We put on a ballerina skirt. We fix it with a drop of clerical glue.

And at the base of the hands we tie thin threads that will keep our beautiful dancer on top.

This is how you can make wonderful ballerina snowflakes! The templates for creating them are quite simple, even a child can cut them out, especially with the help of an adult.

Arm yourself with sharp scissors, print stencils and decorate your home with a round dance of dancing ballerinas! The main thing is to find a suitable place for each ballerina. It could be a Christmas tree...

or window opening.