Forty-five years of marriage. What to give for a sapphire anniversary (45 wedding anniversary) Gift for 45 wedding anniversary

Sapphire wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

No matter how expensive the gift is, it should be given with the most sincere wishes. The warm words that you say to spouses on this day will warm their hearts for a long time to come.

Today's 45th wedding anniversary is painted with precious sapphire color! A lot of different emotions and feelings have been passed, and this couple has yet to go through. May goodness and prosperity, love and understanding always dominate in your home! Happiness, health and sparkling eyes!

Sapphire - blue, transparent, like water. Water is the source of life, it refreshes, gives coolness on a hot summer day. We wish you purity and freshness in your relationship, to carry this purity and freshness through the next years of living together!

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the 45th anniversary of your life together, on the Sapphire wedding! Sapphire is the personification of wisdom, depth and peace - all that comes only with age. May your fruitful union, sealed with strong love, last as long! We wish you excellent health and simple human happiness!

Forty-five years! It's almost a lifetime. This is the life of a mature person. And you have been soul to soul for forty-five years, keep your feelings. To live together for so many years without losing love and tenderness... Sapphire, which symbolizes your wedding, is a truly precious thing. Just as precious as your relationship. Which you sealed once and for all! We wish you good health! Rejoice together every new day lived! May the Lord keep your marriage!

Today is a very important date for you! Anniversary of your life together, where you have been together for forty-five years. Where for you there is nothing more important than each other. And your love only flared up over the years! The symbol of this anniversary is sapphire, which is a stone of love that protects from evil. Like this stone, spouses should protect and protect each other. Sapphire is also a stone of renewal and kindness. Relations with him will become as if new, fresh. I wish you to protect each other! After all, forty-five years is a long time! Happy Anniversary!

I have the honor today to congratulate you on your sapphire wedding! You have been married for forty-five years, and you still love each other just as much! Sapphire is a stone of fidelity, it is a very noble stone of piercing blue color, bringing love, protecting from evil, refreshing feelings. Your anniversary suggests that you are close and know each other well, so you are unlikely to part, and no one doubts your love. So let today be the blessing of the Lord! May the Lord bless your marriage! Happy wedding anniversary!

45 years have passed since the moment when the phrase “I declare you husband and wife” sounded in your life. How many events have passed: joyful and sad, how many memories and experience you have... Your family life, having lived an entire era together, is a real treasure. That is why the symbol of the 45th anniversary of marriage is the "divine" stone - sapphire. Which means calmness and confidence! After all, having lived such a period together, you are confident in each other! And this is the main thing. I admire you. You were able to prove that true love exists! Happy Anniversary!

Your years of family life are your treasure and there is no price for them. Every year is worth a lot, we all know about it. We know your wisdom well, we appreciate your experience, and we respect you. Accept our bow and sincere words of respect. We wish you good health, happiness, joy and prosperity. May there be more ups and downs and pleasant surprises from children and grandchildren in your married life! Good luck in everything, all the best, eternal youth!
45 times you are bitter!

A sapphire wedding is the 45th anniversary of the couple's life together! For all forty-five years, the couple gave each other love and tenderness. After all, it is not for nothing that the symbol of this date is such a stone as sapphire, it symbolizes love and protection from evil. Throughout your life together, you protected and protected each other. Today, in the circle of children, friends and relatives, we congratulate you on this significant date! We wish you family happiness and long life!

The years of your married life have been painted in a noble blue color. Let the head of your family be just as noble, and his other half be just as refined and refined. On this day, we want to wish you only good, tenderness, joy and, of course, the most precious, health!

The sapphire wedding you are celebrating today only symbolizes that you are in love as before. After all, forty-five years have passed, and you are happy together! So your marriage was made in heaven. We wish you on this day to admire each other! After all, you must admit that you don’t often meet people whose love is so long and sincere that the lovers are bound by marriage for no less than forty-five years!!! This is your personal record. We are sincerely happy for you! Happy holiday to you!

A big and proud mark - together for 45 years! I congratulate you on your sapphire wedding and wish that, like sapphire, your memories are precious, your feelings remain as bright, and your love is strong! Well-being to your family and good health!

Congratulations on your 45th wedding anniversary! With the great date of joint happiness and love! Happy Sapphire Anniversary! I sincerely wish health to the family and well-being for many years, bright expectations and good hopes, unfading love and a major harmony in the house!

People say: "A woman loves with her ears." Probably, our dear hero of the day had to work hard and practice giving compliments, because after forty-five years of family life he is still dearly loved by his wife! Let's drink to the fact that the needs of the ears of the hero of the occasion will continue to be fully satisfied!

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding, may your relationship be as deep, bright and bewitching as these stones. May they be strong and, of course, happy! You are a wonderful couple and 45 years of your life together have proved this even to the most zealous skeptics!

Congratulations on a great and bright holiday! Happy 45th anniversary of your married life! On this sapphire anniversary, I wish you untold wealth in your home and unquenchable happiness, joyful meetings and good friends, eternal love and prosperity, sincere feelings and good luck!

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding! 45 married years lived together is a very solid time, not many can boast of this! We wish you to continue to love and respect each other in your future life together! Good luck to you and family well-being! Bitterly!

Forty-five years, this is a huge time that you spent together! For forty-five years you have done everything together! They made decisions, shared grief, multiplied joy, took away sorrows, and added happiness to each other's lives! This wedding is popularly called sapphire. After all, sapphire is a precious and very solid stone. Getting him is hard as well as maintaining such a long relationship! Therefore, this stone just perfectly symbolizes forty-five years of life together. So let your life be filled with happiness! Happy Anniversary!

Our dear anniversaries! You have lived nearly 45 years of a beautiful and meaningful life for joy and as an example to us. We sincerely congratulate you on an exciting event in your and our destiny. They say that good spouses: the husband is the head, and the woman is the heart he needs. Let it be so for our anniversaries.

We raise a glass so that our anniversaries do not know in the future life either headaches or heartaches. Bitterly!

Amazing couple: together for 45 years! Today, as before, you walk hand in hand along the alleys of the park. All children and grandchildren are proud of you! Thank you for being a worthy role model! Let all the newlyweds learn from you the mutual understanding and mutual respect that you were able to carry through the years!

May love grow in your hearts! After all, we all admire your relationship, your marriage, which is forty-five years old, makes you happy every day! True love exists and you are an example of this. So let all your wishes come true today! After all, from the first to the last day, you were faithful to each other! Good health and happiness to you! Happy anniversary to you!

Congratulations on your forty-fifth anniversary of marriage! I wish you happiness, joy! And no sadness. To please the children, not upset!

Dear anniversaries! 45 years of married life is a big celebration! We congratulate you on this joyful day! Fate generously rewarded you with happy years of family life. May sadness never come to you. Live with us for joy together for a hundred years! May fate continue to reward you with good health, joy, kindness, happiness! Let your heart and hands never hurt, let old age bypass you all the time. Let grandchildren bring joy and all people respect you! Bitterly!

Sapphire wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

A sapphire wedding is a miracle!

Great day, great celebration!

And we know that every minute

You loved each other like no one else.

Let the gem shine

Your home with the glow of care and love

You've been together for 45 years - it's amazing,

Live long my dears!

We congratulate you today

With this coming day!

On your wedding day we wish you:

Let fate burn with fire!

Let the sapphire from radiant skies

Protect your union!

This stone is eternally pure,

And love is a welcome burden!

45 wonderful years

Your hearth is family

Gives everyone warmth and light

Every moment!

Let the hearth burn stronger

And it doesn't fade away!

At your wedding anniversary

My congratulations!

Everything in the world is not accidental

Together you are forty-five!

Reveal your secret

How to keep happiness?

We wish you peace

And happiness is not to be scared away.

Let the bright color of sapphire

Lights the way for you!

I drink so that everyone sitting here

For a long time saved in his blood,

How are these real spouses,

The fire of hope, faith and love!

Sapphire wedding has come to you!

Bless for good deeds!

Let her bring happiness

To rest from worries together!

Confidence in your tomorrow,

And happiness is enough for two,

I want to wish you great luck

You love and respect each other!

It's your anniversary today!

Not just a date - forty-five!

What a wonderful picture

You are the bride and groom again.

You are this wedding of sapphire

Don't limit your age.

We sincerely wish you

Survive until the golden wedding!

The sun is shining bright

The sparkle of the sapphire rings adorned.

Your happiness has not gone -

Your happiness has grown.

45 joint years -

As if the day had gone by.

Let smiles give light

Regardless of the gray hair!

You know that in this world

More important than diamonds and sapphires

That happiness that is not given to everyone,

It's called a big family!

And those who together are forty-five,

Let's congratulate today!

God forbid we save feelings like that,

How are you. special art,

understand each other too

And approve all habits.

Let the years rush after years

And the feelings stay with you!

With the wedding of Sapphire! Live in happiness!

Appreciate moments of light joy!

Why teach you, only waste time.

You are still together for 45 years!

And you already know how, you know yourself,

Everyone is very proud of such friends,

Relatives appreciate you, believe me, always.

Love and energy to you for years!

We congratulate you, beloved,

With a sapphire wedding!

And we wish from the bottom of our hearts

Great success in life!

Good luck, good health,

And days filled with love

Kindness, warmth,

And relationships of purity!

Forty-five years have passed...

And, without wasting words,

We want you to live

One hundred years! And be together!

Your love is like a sapphire

What saves you from adversity

And gives great strength

So that there is harmony in the house, peace in the heart!

I so want to wish you

Survive until the golden wedding

In half a century, a wedding is a feast with a mountain!

Only five years left to wait!

Sapphire wedding - very valuable,

Like this precious stone.

You have already lived together for so many years,

Love is not lost - saved!

So let your happiness continue

Behind the veil of years, let it not be lost.

And let comfort and happiness day after day

Only fills sincerely your house!

Forty five years!

You can call them a treasure!

And live in the same love

It won't be too hard to do the same!

We wish you good health,

We love and appreciate you very much!

No relatives, closer, more expensive,

No one in this world for us!

They say that at forty-five

Everything blooms again!

I want to wish you

Never lose heart!

May you always be lucky in everything

Let memory not fail

May good luck come to you

And great love awaits!

Happy holiday, you spouses -

You have been together for so many years!

And just like before each other,

Give light to your love!

Sapphire is your symbol today -

He is hard, but he is beautiful!

May he give you omnipotence

And happiness in a million!

You are together exactly forty-five

Beautiful, bright years!

And we want to wish you

Confident victories!

After all, life is big - ahead.

So let happiness await you!

We wish you happiness on the way

Let there be no hassle!

Be healthy, live richly!

Let the money add to your salary!

I wish you bought the Volga from it,

I would be more often on it brought up!

Love each other, live in harmony,

May life be full of happiness!

You protect each other from sorrows,

And let's drink to the bottom!

You are together exactly 45 -

It's not a joke, I want to understand!

Close embraces, gentle looks,

But no more words are needed.

Now that the calendars lie

We rightfully say

Worthy of the purity of a sapphire

Those who live in love and peace!

Forty-five have passed since the wedding,

And you celebrate your anniversary again!

Everyone calls her sapphire people,

Realizing the precious here.

From that jewel - a bright light!

We wish you many years of happiness!

With a bright event in the life of the family!

Your marriage is 45 years old!

You make us admire

There is no more beautiful and devoted couple!

We wish you to live only in abundance,

In happiness, beautiful and tender love!

Let everything go so measuredly, smoothly,

So that the nightingales would sing in the soul!

Love is like a breath and a mystery,

I came to visit you forty years ago,

And slipped into the heart and furtively,

Stayed there forever.

The sapphire date has come to you,

I wish everything that you can wish

So that feelings, as before, sparkle,

Love! She didn't dare fade away!

Sapphire wedding fun

Everyone is spinning in a clockwork whirlwind,

You are so inspired

You shine at the table!

45 years is not the limit

We wish you a wonderful dream

And hope for an invitation

For your emerald wedding!

The most important of the wishes -

More love confessions!

We want more attention

Mutual understanding!

Let love smile

Be happy again and again!

Let the deep sapphire color

The sky is watching you.

We wish you happiness and peace

You have forty-five behind you!

On such a beautiful date

Let the white birds chirp!

And very, believe me, we are glad

Look at happy faces!

If the wedding is 45,

She's a berry again!

Just not simple

And filled with sapphire!

Again we wish the "young"

Happiness, light as smoke!

Big bag of joy

And good luck with all your heart!

You can't get away from anniversaries in life,

The years are flying by. Only birds are faster.

But the main thing is to be able to carry

A cherished particle of ourselves.

This particle is tenderness and love,

You show it again and again!

Let the bad weather pass you by

And bad luck!

And let you next to your husband

All life will seem in the spring!

Over the years, let health not decrease,

Let only kindness multiply!

In moments of adversity, let it warm you

Mutual warmth!

Forty-five is a beautiful date!

The years have passed, but the love remains.

Like the wife is still happy with her husband,

As a husband wants to please his wife again!

It's cute, it's wonderful -

We wish you never get sick!

There's so much more you need to do

There is so much to do in life!

Don't leave for a minute

And never swear.

Such love is just like a miracle.

It will not dare to destroy the years!

Long marriages are characterized

When husband and wife are alike.

We look at you: it's true,

As if you were one blood!

Facial features, movements, gestures

It's easy to tell: you are family!

Sapphire groom, bride,

I heartily congratulate you!

Sapphire does not burn with fire - scarlet red,

Blue from the depths - he is festively dressed.

And such silence, and peace, and status,

Wisdom is contained in it and family prosperity.

Forty-five years have passed, turned into stone,

In precious glass, do not break with your hands.

Your marriage is the best example of a long bright life,

Health to all your family and joyful events!

Happy sapphire wedding, dear ones!

For almost half a century you have already been a husband and wife,

For this life, relatives became hearts,

The family of the most friendly and strong one!

Let love warm you tenderly and warmly

At any given day and hour for many more years,

Fate will be kinder to you from year to year

And happiness for you does not end the world!

beautiful and peaceful days

We wish you a Happy Anniversary!

Let the years flow slowly

And they bring you only joy!

And here is our main covenant -

Live together up to a hundred years!

You have lived together for 45 years!

We wish you victories in this field!

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding,

And we give you a bouquet of flowers!

Dear anniversaries!

Let the fanfare sound for you!

With a pure heart, congratulations

We wish you happiness, joy!

And we want to order you

Never lose heart!

Like others, I congratulate you

I wish you happiness, joy!

If you have lived together for so long,

That must have been well-loved!

Like a young man in love in a fairy tale,

Do not be deprived of love!

Sapphire wedding, forty-five family!

I want to wish you fifty more years!

So that feelings do not grow old and become younger in spirit,

And what is ripening in the plans, over the years you have managed!

More patience and more joy!

May you remain husband and wife!

Nothing has changed, love lives in the chest,

And the joy in your heart is still blooming!

Forty-five, trust us, not much

But only if it's not about the family,

After all, two people live together for so long

Not so easy, I think.

Live twice as long

And know that your example is invaluable to us!

We will continue to congratulate you in a year,

All because we love and appreciate you!

Anniversary is a wonderful holiday

All relatives are happy!

The wedding teases you with a sapphire -

This is the stone of the day!

flew by unnoticed

These forty-five

Only good times

Let's remember!

Years go by, but it doesn't matter -

Sedin you have nothing to fear!

No wonder there are words in the song:

"My years are my wealth."

For your longevity!

Sapphire wedding -

Life turn!

45 years together -

This is not your year!

you've been through a lot

And a lot is waiting for you

So let the sapphire shine

And luckily leads you!

Congratulations on this glorious

45th anniversary and I want to wish

So that meanness and deceit

Didn't meet on the road!

So that happiness and love

Never ended!

Sapphire wedding - an expensive stone shine,

There is nothing more precious in the world than the warmth of hearts,

Let congratulations pour from grandchildren and children,

Accept gifts from dear guests!

Love will fill the heart, sapphire will give fidelity,

And happiness will fill the house, and may health and love,

Always nest in it!

Wonderful sapphires shine in the sun,

They are beautiful and divinely beautiful,

They are again ordered to shine from the sky,

After all, your wedding is exactly 45!

For so many years, love has not been lost,

Problems, troubles you did not notice,

The eyes of love still shine

And you are happy as before again!

On this important anniversary

You do not spare sapphires:

Insert a sapphire into the ring of your beloved,

Pour a full cup!

On sapphire earrings

Let the lights shine

And the moon looks out the window

Like in the distant days

Nothing to worry about

And bestowing the former light,

Let love dictate the story

Your new faithful years!

Your union is getting stronger and stronger,

Friendly, no doubt about that!

Though life doesn't get easier

Having passed 45 of these years.

You valued your family

Care for her tenderly.

You have been through a lot

And the sapphire became stronger!

Like the wings of a glorious eagle,

Husband and wife are in harmony.

But the stroke of only one wing

Can't keep it in flight!

I wish this toast

Have a good life together

So that on a joint lane

From now on there were no dark days!

Today is not an easy day

45 years, two hearts beat in time!

But your feelings are like sapphires

They play with colors and amuse the heart!

We wish you the same happy

Live another 50 years!

May fate keep and pamper you,

To be together for many years in a row!

Tell someone, no one will believe

That it's possible to love so much

That each of you will entrust life to another,

Almost half a century to live side by side!

Children were brought up, grown-up grandchildren,

You always remain an example for them,

Perhaps so long, without squabbles and boredom,

Lived together for forty-five years,

And there is simply no more beautiful couple in the world!

We want to congratulate you together

May your family only grow stronger!

We also want to wish you together,

Live together until the golden wedding!

There is little time left to wait.

We will throw you a feast like a mountain!

Accept congratulations

And gifts soon!

The family has a birthday

We celebrate the anniversary!

Your union is even more beautiful

Than a sapphire bracelet.

Everything will be said for you today

45 wonderful years!

45 years you are together! You are near

With the tenderness of the same and with a loving look!

Years have tested your love,

Loyalty and wisdom always saved!

We congratulate you, our beloved,

In the Scarlet wedding you are very beautiful,

Cheerfulness, health, we wish you

So that we all meet at the golden wedding!

We heartily congratulate you

Sapphire wedding, 45 years!

You are together so much and love has not faded away,

We wish you to live as long, and without troubles!

May the sun illuminate your path

Eyes shine with clarity

Soul burns with love

And there will be a native person nearby!

Today at the wedding

sapphire color,

Family anniversary - 45 years!

Sapphire is a symbol of fidelity,

Let it keep you

Feelings of the past

Refresh your hearts!

long life

You lived together

Built a house

The trees have grown.

Your love is a miracle!

Fairy dream!

And may never

It doesn't end!

Your precious union deserves only applause,

Silent admiration and great joy!

Because it smells like acacia flowers,

What is there - like meadows of flowers in a beautiful spring!

For forty-five years you live in the most tender care,

Giving each other caress and warmth of love!

We are ready to drink for you - just call us!

Sapphire wedding! We're forty-five again!

As the people say: we are berries again!

We are eternally young in soul, and age is not the limit.

The strings are still singing to us, there is still so much to do!

In the sapphire palette - the whole rainbow of tones:

And pink, and blue, and sunny colors.

For forty-five years of marriage, we realized one thing -

We can't live without each other. Long live love!

Noble sapphire has become a talisman for you

And painted your marriage blue.

And let your romance last forever -

Forty-five years the husband is next to his wife!

We want to wish you only the best!

Let joy not leave your home!

And health, of course, let it be forever,

It remains to live with the three of you!

sapphire wedding,

The stars hardly knew

Why have you been together for so long?

Stay now!

And on this bright holiday,

With delight and love,

We want to congratulate you

Say: "Life is good"!

Let only happiness

Always surrounds you

Doesn't know the way to you

No grief, no trouble.

You be patient

Good, life-loving!

And let prosperity come

For many years!

Wish you

In love, do not know the lack

And in the lake of love

To drown sorrows without a trace

And your sorrows!

Bathe in the rays of love

Smile more often

And your joy

Gift your friends!

With dignity approach the family limit,

When the family is not afraid, neither grief does not matter,

Today we wanted to tell you everything

Let the romance in life remain forever!

For 45 years you have learned to hear with your heart,

You understand each other without words,

There is no happier couple in the world, believe me

Do you remember the time when

They mutually said yes

Ready to be husband, wife -

Happy and friendly family?

Living by the laws of love

You kept your words!

Now it's time to congratulate you

Happy sapphire wedding, cheers!

We wish you an anniversary

More sunshine in the family!

And never get cold in winter

And think about love in a dream!

Don't forget your years

That they lived together and in love!

In any weather, rejoice

Cherish your feelings!

We want to think about the good

We wish you not to know about the bad.

And it gets better every year

Celebrate this holiday!

The color is blue - deep, like the Black Sea,

Richer than the sky above your head.

And feelings are stronger than the depths of the ocean.

On the day of your Sapphire anniversary!

Let your love be an example for your grandchildren!

And be loved without measure!

And while away the summer days in the country,

You catch the stars for your luck!

Live longer, love each other,

You are doing good in a gloomy world!

You have achieved a lot - raised children,

Over the years, they only became closer to each other!

The most valuable thing is care, participation,

And we wish you continued happiness!

Let everything you want come true

Be healthy and live long!

You've been together for so long

No troubles and no tantrums.

Live two hundred more

Without any loss there.

Happy forty-fifth birthday to you!

Let the house be strewn with flowers!

Smile now

Let your dreams come true!

No matter what the weather is

Your holiday cannot be overshadowed!

You are together year after year -

What could be more beautiful?

I congratulate you sincerely

Happy sapphire wedding now!

I wish you love and happiness!

Good luck and wonderful rewards!

Lived together forty-five

Not days, not months, but years!

There is simply no better couple!

And we hasten to congratulate you

With such a beautiful anniversary!

His name is sapphire.

People love sapphire, honor:

He makes feelings fresh,

He is a stone of loyalty

And the mercy of God attracts

Delivers from heavy thoughts,

Gives strength to tired people.

Your love is like a sapphire!

Protects you from all adversity

And gives great strength!

So that there is harmony in the house, peace in the heart!

And we want to wish you

Survive until the golden wedding!

In half a century, a wedding is a feast with a mountain!

Only five years left to wait.

Eyes shine like sapphires

And, by the way, how else can they shine?

After all, there is no happier couple in the whole world,

If the wedding anniversary is forty-five!

Sapphire wedding is great

Not everyone walks this path together!

I wish you just great happiness,

Love is such that you want to drown in it!

I always wish you to take care of each other,

So that you do not know sorrows, troubles, illnesses,

And the rest, believe me, is nonsense,

Unless, of course, you are with each other together!

Let love sparkle like sapphires

Let the fire burn in your hearts

Many years ago you fell in love

Well, we got to know mom and dad.

45, such a wedding date,

45, an example for the rest,

May love live in the family for centuries,

Well, let's raise a toast to the young!

If the wedding is forty-five,

Love is a berry again!

We want to wish you

Update your feelings!

To make your eyes burn

Flutes sang in the soul,

Your house was full of happiness

For a husband to love his wife!

Sapphire wedding day today!

Beautiful wife, handsome husband!

You have been living soul to soul for 45 years,

Don't stop loving each other!

May life be full of happiness

Rich, successful, not poor at all.

Health and peace to your family,

45 years together is a date

The flawless sky of beauty,

They called it sapphire once.

You have become so wise over the years!

Patience invested in your union,

Respect for each other and love

Cause only admiration!

So I wish you happiness again and again!

Like for the first time, to feel love,

Believe in the fulfillment of dreams!

Let youth be a feeling of the soul!

Years! And in your life - spring!

Again you are the bridegroom, the bride,

We can't find better!

Eternity flew by in pairs

Here is a family and 45!

Accept congratulations,

Low bow from me!

Your marriage is strong and reliable,

He is indicative of all.

I wish you health

May your days be happy!

Let in the circle of children and grandchildren

They just fly!

We congratulate you on your anniversary

And we want more warmth!

So that in the dreary and long winter

Love has protected you the best!

So that there is no adversity in the house,

To not know what sadness means.

So that the years lived in joy

You would never feel sorry!

Congratulations, we wish you good health,

And the attention of grandchildren always.

May you enjoy diversity

All year round your days are a succession!

What date is forty-five?

Like youth again

Rushed by violent wind

And in the eyes of the fire lit -

anniversary family,

Husband and wife next to him

Been through so much together

Already granddaughters are all brides,

Year after year passed by

Your marriage has become stronger

You live up to a hundred years -

This is an occasion for a toast!

Your feelings are an excellent sapphire!

This stone is beautiful and sensitive!

You lived together for 45 years

Cherish every minute.

More than life you love life,

So live for a few more years.

And when it's really bad - pray,

Tears have not been shed for a long time.

Take care of each other

And believe in good

You are husband and wife

You are in luck!

You are forty-five today!

We dare to wish you:

Let your eyes shine too

Grandchildren add happiness!

We won't get tired of being proud

And we solemnly wish

Live longer than a hundred years

Happiness lasting forever!

Year after year no problem

For everyone as an example

An example of family life

Full of feelings and optimism!

You are as beautiful as many years ago,

And sapphires shine in your eyes,

Today is the wedding, the date is 45,

And I want to wish so much:

Love, health, happiness and kindness,

Good luck and fun for the year!

Cool and entertaining, cool days,

I wish for relatives, my people!

You have a sapphire wedding!

Another triumph of love!

There is very little left

Until your golden wedding!

Almost half a century the temple is family

You were able to protect.

We want to wish you today

Loss and poverty do not know!

May all sorrows pass you by

And happiness will not leave the house!

Let all relatives, friends, neighbors

It will always be comfortable in it!

In family life

Anniversary year!

You lived together

Forty-five years!

congratulating you,

We wish you happiness!

Marriage is stronger than yours

Not in the world!

How beautiful you are!

Together you are strong!

Be healthy,

One hundred years you live!

Bravo spouses!

Forever each other

Will you

Inspire and love!

Sapphire glows blue

A good stone and a sign of renewal!

special day bless

And love will warm you with warmth!

Forty-five years that lived together -

Isn't that a sign

That your union was heavenly.

So strong and tender feelings

You give us an example.

We congratulate you together today,

Let the sapphire sanctify this day!

Forty five! Forty five!

This is not twenty-five!

This is a serious time, folks.

A husband will love his wife

Will wear on hand

And the wife cooks dinner

Never argue.

Our children will live

Like dove birds

cooing to each other,

Do not let loose!

Today everything is for you - flowers and wishes!

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding!

We wish you smiles, kindness and prosperity!

So that the new day seems more beautiful than now!

Let the cherished dreams that did not have time come true!

Let the birds sing the beautiful hymn of love!

Let good health not let you get bored!

We wish you the main thing - to bloom with your soul!

Sapphire wedding celebration has come!

Let the sapphire bring you magic!

He is respected and loved by the people,

Among the people, he has a reputation for fidelity as a stone!

And it makes feelings cleaner, fresher!

Do you like him now?

Sapphire will save you from troubles and hardships!

It gives strength and energy to you!

So that there is harmony in the house, and peace in the heart -

All this will magically manifest sapphire!

You walked together for 45 years,

With your hands you created a house,

In which comfort has settled forever,

In which they dance and sing songs!

We congratulate you on Sapphire Day!

You always go through life together!

Any obstacles are not terrible for you,

After all, in life you always need each other!

At this wedding feast

We need to talk about sapphire!

This stone is almost magical,

Precious, wonderful, healing.

Forty-five years ago

They call it a sapphire wedding.

Those who have been together for so many years are given

Fate is real happiness!

Forty-five years have passed

From the day of your cheerful wedding,

So the grandchildren have grown up,

You then, they are older

Through worldly storms

You carried your tenderness,

There were sometimes adversities,

Now in the souls of serenity

And more transparent than sapphires

Your feelings, and more beautiful,

You are idols for us in everything,

You are a synonym for the word "happiness"!

You have lived together for many years

You protected each other from various troubles!

You tempered your love for years,

Therefore, boundless happiness deserved!

Let everything be fine in the future,

And all the events are not in vain

May your house be filled with love

And the heart will never touch with pain!

We wish your family to grow stronger,

Growing, growing, flourishing

After all, there is nothing more beautiful in life,

Than to live life only with those who give happiness!

Myths have already formed about your marriage,

They do not believe now in the truth of love,

And beautiful sapphires shine on you,

They settled on the path.

You proved to many by example,

How to protect your feelings

Settled under your love sphere

And happiness cannot be taken away from the family!

Sapphire wedding - how beautiful it sounds,

How stately, majestic is your 45th anniversary!

Such a couple is just a miracle, just a miracle!

We have never met a stronger, more beautiful family!

We congratulate you today, our dear ones,

With love, from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you so much.

So that all your dreams and ideas come true,

You only happiness, health gain!

May your children, grandchildren please you,

You have raised them really well!

We wish you to live long, joyfully, without boredom,

May your hearts flourish forever!

Sapphire is the stone of aristocrats!

We once met with you

And feelings for each other flared up,

We made a vow of love before God!

Forty-five years already together,

And we live together all our lives,

As an example to future generations,

We are proud of our family creation!

How much this date means!

Not for nothing is a holiday like a sapphire

The world paints with its edges.

And your wedding is like an idol.

We tie our lives

Even if this is not an easy job.

Let the vagaries of fate pass by!

Let your life not be cool to you.

Fortunately, our views are similar.

It is rainbow

It looks like an expensive stone -

And so many years again strong!

We visit you with an open heart,

We give you gifts and we broadcast toasts,

We congratulate you on a sapphire wedding,

To admire you without ceasing!

45 years devoted to each other,

Faithfully waited and passionately loved,

And passion and love are stronger to kindle!

We will celebrate the sapphire wedding,

And congratulations to the sweet couple.

From words too boring, formulaic, empty,

Let's save the lovers!

You have already learned so much in life,

We've been through a lot together.

But the groom is just as good and successful,

Beautiful now and the bride!

May your feelings never go away

May all hopes be alive.

Let the years fly by in harmony

Full of love and hope!

Today you have a blessed wedding,

Love lived exactly forty-five years!

Well, isn't it a reason to arrange a holiday for you,

Noisier and brighter than which there is?

What love - it's just magical!

Only many can dream of this.

You meet guests with salt and bread,

We want to congratulate you all day today!

Let there be stronger and stronger health,

To live a hundred years together and in happiness.

You managed to treat each other with love,

So don't stop loving each other!

You are as beautiful as a pair of sapphires

That can shine with their brilliance of the century.

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding today

We want your couple of verses slightly.

Your path is very long, thorny, hard

Together you call a happy fate.

After all, the main thing is that for so many years already together -

And it didn't become a problem, a struggle.

You also love with heart and soul

Like forty-five years, you loved back

And to each other, in your tender family,

Still devoted and completely happy!

Greetings from your great-grandchildren,

You radiate light

For our big family,

There is no better couple in the world!

We congratulate you very much

And we wish you health

Good luck and warmth

May your love blossom!

May love and advice be with you

To travel all over the world!

May your life last

Grandpa hold on to grandma!

Happy sapphire wedding, folks!

Keep greetings from grandchildren!

We congratulate you today

We wish you many years of life!

May happiness and comfort be in the house!

Let prosperity spoil you!

In the soul, let spring suddenly wake up

And your heart will flutter!

Parents, grandma and grandpa,

You will have a sapphire wedding today,

For 45 years they raised the family,

For this, dear ones, I sincerely love you!

Sapphire date, solemn moment,

I wish you good health and many wonderful years,

You raised children and grandchildren grew up,

And, of course, only you are involved in this!

Grandmother and grandfather relatives,

We want to congratulate you again!

You are so good with us

We make sure every hour!

Forty-five years you live together,

We hasten to congratulate you today!

We know that you expect happiness from life,

And health hurries to you again!

Parents, thank you for everything!

And on this day I wish you

See only goodness in life

Go forward without getting discouraged!

And congratulations from the bottom of my heart

Happy sapphire wedding!

I wish you happiness and love!

To be beautiful every hour!

I want to wish my parents

Good health now

To understand each other more often -

You are together every day and hour,

May all good things come

I wish you happiness with all my heart!

You are our dear parents!

How glad we are to congratulate you again!

You have lived together for 45 years

There was advice in the house, and love!

We thank you, folks!

Happiness to you and long, long years!

Good health, so that in thoughts

You wouldn't get sick!

We've been with you for forty-five years

And I believe - we are not happier!

I love you with all my heart

You know - I'm with you to the end.

May all good things await us

Love and joy flight!

Together forty-five

Your marriage is a berry again!

Yes, you are still beautiful

Wise and patient!

How much was in your life

You walked straight and fearlessly

And raised children, grandchildren,

It wasn't boring at all!

My beloved wife

One unique!

Our joint life is 45,

And from the bottom of my heart I want to tell you -

My husband, I have never regretted

That I managed to marry you.

With you, we are very happy together,

And our bright house is full of joy,

I want to wish you good health

And be so brave to continue!

You have overcome everything together

And we've been through a lot!

Dear friend, I wish

Love and awe of the soul!

Colors of the night sky stone -

Sapphire brightened this day!

And I'm with a sapphire wedding

I congratulate you - believe in happiness!

So that a man always stands ...

A glass of poured wine!

So that a woman always gives ...

He should drink his glass to the bottom!

So let's drink to what you thought for the first time

for by what you thought the first time,

heroes of the occasion

have been happily married for forty-five years!

Your family has become so precious

Brilliant, chic, like a passionate sapphire!

And by the power of your inspirational love

You have built a quiet cozy world!

For 45 years this world has been flourishing!

And, just like before, he is full of love!

All children and grandchildren have the same dream

Live your life selflessly like you!

You have lived in the world for many years,

Don't get discouraged by problems.

You always loved each other

Everyone helped each other!

Forgiving small mistakes

And the nerves were very guarded.

Giving warm smiles

Love is such a wonderful gift!

For this trembling hope

Nobody gets too old!

The sapphire date has arrived

Now the time has come

We remember together, as once

You shouted the word "bitterly".

When in front of everyone for the first time boldly

You kissed very hard.

When the ring is golden

In the arms concluded the finger,

And happiness was young

And the joy in the dance went in a circle!

We want you to return

On that holiday, infinitely often,

And meet eyes again

And freeze from the bliss of happiness!

45 years of marriage is a celebration of real feelings. This is the anniversary of sincere love, preserved, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, for many years. The preparation of such a celebration should be treated thoroughly, it is necessary to carefully consider everything to the smallest detail, including congratulations and gifts. And what to give - depends on what kind of wedding it is.

What is the name of the wedding

Forty-five years of marriage is traditionally called the Sapphire wedding.

The wedding anniversary got its name in honor of the sky-blue stone - sapphire. Since ancient times, this noble gem has personified devotion and love. The stone not only has the ability to refresh the senses, but also symbolizes wisdom.

How to celebrate

In order for all subsequent years of living together to be happy, it is necessary to celebrate the Sapphire wedding in accordance with all traditions.

Features of wedding anniversary celebration:

  1. Traditionally, before the anniversary, the "newlyweds" are required to go to the bathhouse to cleanse themselves of all troubles and insults.
  2. At the beginning of the celebration, the spouses ask forgiveness from each other for past omissions and disappointments.
  3. The celebration of the Sapphire wedding takes place in a small circle of people close and dear to the anniversaries.
  4. You can celebrate the anniversary both in the banquet hall and at home, the main thing is to adhere to the dress code in sky blue tones.
  5. The room is best decorated with contrasting colors, sunflowers or gerberas work well.
  6. The main feature of the celebration of the Sapphire wedding is the decoration of the rings with sapphires.

gift for wife

The best gift from her husband will be a bouquet of flowers, made in blue tones. Perfect for:

  • delphiniums,
  • cornflowers,
  • blue hyacinth,
  • orchid,
  • lilac.

Sapphire jewelry will be relevant:

  • earrings,
  • a bracelet,
  • suspension,
  • ring with sapphire.

You can give a box, a comb or a mirror inlaid with sapphires or other blue stones.

What to give your husband

Just like a wife, it is customary for a husband to give exquisite things with sapphires for forty-five years of marriage, in addition to tender congratulations. It can be:

  • cufflinks;
  • ring;
  • lighter;
  • seal;
  • handmade gift.

An excellent gift for the 45th wedding anniversary from the guests will be:

  • piece of art;
  • commissioned couple portrait;
  • bath accessories;
  • Frame;
  • a set of bed linen;
  • aquarium;
  • dishes;
  • vase.

The main requirement for gifts is the presence of blue. If it is not in the gift, complement it with a delicate blue bouquet or a sky-blue card.


Beautiful verses will be a harmonious addition to congratulations on your wedding anniversary:

Blue, shimmering sapphire -
Symbol of life, harmony, honor.
So may God bless you
And give love and hope.
May your strong union be indestructible,
Live for another thousand years!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you love and joint victories!

From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you,
Sapphire wedding - forty-five years!
You have been together for so many years, love has not faded away,
We wish you to live as long without troubles!
May the clear sun illuminate your path,
Let your eyes shine with heavenly purity,
And from the touch of the soul will not stop burning.
After all, 45 together is true love!

After 45 years from the date of the wedding, the time comes when the anniversary of this event is celebrated - the sapphire anniversary. This symbolizes a relationship carried through many years of marriage and which is as valuable as a stone. Comparing marriage with sapphire, one cannot fail to note the fact that it stands out for its sky-blue color.

Many connoisseurs of wedding traditions consider it significant that the sapphire is a symbol of 45 years from the date of the wedding. Sapphire is a very colorful gemstone. In addition, it is a talisman that helps to overcome the consequences of stress. To briefly summarize, then 45 years from the date of the wedding is a relationship that has all the virtues of a stone - the strength and “polished” union for so many years. A sapphire wedding is a confirmation that life is successful, even despite the impossibility of writing a life script in advance.

What to choose as a gift?

Traditionally, at the celebration of 45 years from the date of the wedding, the spouses necessarily exchange rings with sapphires. We did not come up with such a scenario of congratulations on the day when the sapphire wedding is celebrated and it is not for us to change. Although the main connoisseurs of stones (and especially sapphires) are women, men are also not alien to the desire to possess a jewel. In this regard, the tradition can be continued on the very celebration of the 45th anniversary - a sapphire wedding - a spouse can give his wife jewelry with sapphire, and she will give cufflinks or a ring to her strong half.

Invited guests can also choose as a gift a variety of jewelry with sapphires. These can be cufflinks, and rings, and bracelets, and pendants, etc. But do not forget that sapphire is not a cheap gift at all, because it may not be entirely appropriate (if spouses live modestly, for example). Also, as a gift, you can choose something with symbols for the day of 45 years from the date of the wedding in a blue gift box.

At the same time, do not forget that the scenario of celebrating a sapphire wedding and gifts are not as important as human relationships. Beautiful words and tender congratulations are those invisible sapphires that mean much more than brilliant stones processed by a jeweler. What is it, a sapphire anniversary? Yes, here is the answer: pleasing to the hearts of the heroes of the occasion!

Decoration in sapphire tones

For blue shades, a combination with white, gray, silver or gold tone is well suited. To focus on the theme of your anniversary, you should look at:

  • garlands and candlesticks;
  • sweets in blue wrappers;
  • blue glassware;
  • blue "sapphire" tablecloth;
  • ribbons and golden balls;
  • white dishes.

All of the above will easily emphasize the theme of the sapphire holiday.

People who have lived together for 45 years are usually given hyacinths or delphiniums, they come in charming blue hues. When you decorate the festive table and the hall, you should use gerberas, sunflower flowers and other yellow plants that will contrast with the overall color tone.

What to wear for an anniversary

Guests at this celebration do not necessarily appear in blue suits. You can make an accent with different accessories or jewelry - it can be pins, cufflinks or hair clips. Women are happy to wear jewelry in blue tones, and it is not necessary that it will be sapphires, jewelry is also allowed, only high-quality and beautiful.

If you still decide to wear an appropriate dress for the sapphire anniversary, then we advise you to complement it with a golden or silver cape, belt and shoes of the same color. The main advice: in no case do not try to outshine the hero of the occasion, this is unacceptable.

Men can opt for a sapphire shirt, tie, waistcoat or pocket square that goes well with a black or gray suit. All this will look great with gold or silver accessories.

Traditions of celebration and congratulations

According to existing traditions, the heroes of the occasion celebrate a sapphire wedding in the circle of only the closest and dearest people. But this should not limit you, and even more so, not allow you to invite everyone you want to see next to you on this solemn day to the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the sapphire wedding.

Be sure to invite witnesses from the wedding to the anniversary if they are still in good health and ready to voice their congratulations to you. It should be noted that they should be given honors no less than the spouses themselves. After all, the witnesses were direct eyewitnesses to the conclusion of a wonderful marriage, which has already turned 45 years from the date of the wedding. Almost all the toasts and wishes made at a sapphire wedding are a celebration of love, a tribute to understanding each other and the patience of the spouses.

It is very important to remember that no matter what wedding is celebrated, the script should be selected only in accordance with the wishes of those for whom this anniversary is very important - for the spouses themselves. When 45 years of marriage are behind us, the main gift will be the love of children and grandchildren, their attitude, their desire to be near. Give your love to those who carried the flame of love through so many years, because not even the most expensive gift can replace this.

Surprise for a couple

Every script for a good anniversary should have some kind of pleasant surprise in it. We propose to make a small video collection, with significant events of a married couple. You can come up with a small mix of photographs and video greetings from the closest people. And you can also use photographs from the childhood of your husband and wife, take pictures from their own wedding or interesting photos in the family circle, on vacation and mount a short video to the favorite music of the heroes of the occasion.


Unfortunately, the years that have passed cannot be returned,
But tonight it's fun
Generously life hangs on your chest
Sapphire necklace.

For forty-five years together,
Sapphire is a worthy reward,
He will protect you from diseases and from troubles,
So that you live next to each other for a long time!

Your anniversary is so majestic and stately,
You will not find a friendlier family even with fire,
Live together in joy, prosperity,
And enjoy every day!

Fanfares sound festively today:
Congratulations on your wedding, anniversaries!

You've been together for forty-five years
Your anniversary is colored blue.
That is the color of sapphire - a stone of kindness,
It will protect you from unnecessary fuss.

You keep a precious stone
And we will always rejoice with you,
The sparkle of sapphire in your eyes
Strong love preserved in years!

Sapphire - albeit expensive, but still - a stone
We spread our hands in surprise,
Have relationships turned into stones?
Petrified souls from patience?

Well no! It means love is strong
Not stone, but warm, gentle.
Sapphire deep blue
Love is given to you forever!

The bride has a sapphire ring on her finger
Adult children, adult grandchildren,
The house is filled with harmony and peace,
There is no place for anger and boredom in it.

Guess what's the anniversary?

And the bride is just as good
As was at her wedding,
And the groom is the company of the soul,
Amuses and delights guests.

I want to raise a glass to the anniversary:
45 years of marriage with my friends!

We came to congratulate you
With your!
"Bitterly!" for the forty-fifth time
Is there anything more beautiful?

They threw a feast again
As it used to be.
Gemstone sapphire -
Symbol of this date!

It sparkles with depth
Wisdom in blue
He fills hearts
Love with gentle light!

Take care of your sapphire stone
May it bring prosperity and peace!

Anniversary forty-five years
They call it a sapphire wedding.
Live without grief and troubles
Today we wish you peace!

Today we wish you happiness
And live without illness
Don't know what bad weather is
To live, not to grow old, but to love!

Sapphire, like the sky in Indian summer,
He brings you warmth of love,
We wish you on your forty-fifth birthday,
So that the feeling does not fade away, does not pass!

In honor of what is the feast today?
In honor of whom is the fun?
Fate gives you a sapphire
In life necklace.

So exactly forty-five
Years lived together
Time won't turn back
Yes, you need.

Your endless patience
Your flawless love
evoke admiration again
You deserve the best!

In a necklace from past years
You put a sapphire stone
Live on without troubles
And wait for the golden jubilee!

In prose

My beloved, dear, I congratulate you on your sapphire wedding! Sapphire is a stone of amazing beauty and deep blue color. Your family relationships are just as beautiful and deep. They are filled with love, which for many years now illuminates its light and your children, and your grandchildren, and relatives, and loved ones, and true friends. We all came today to touch the amazing sapphire light of your inexhaustible love and fidelity. Like 45 years ago, you are beautiful and radiant with happiness. And therefore, keep each other, because you are a single whole, a rare sapphire nugget that cannot be split by anything.

Today is a very important day in the lives of two wonderful people: your marriage is 45 years old. You lived these years with dignity, showed us all how to take care of each other in order to create and save a family. You have always loved and respected each other. Over the years, like fine wine, your love has only grown stronger. Sapphire is a stone that protects love from all evil. May he protect your marriage as well as you two protect and protect him. The same sapphire is a symbol of renewal and kindness. Therefore, I sincerely wish you that your feelings are renewed, that you accomplish what you have long dreamed of! Happy Anniversary!

The sapphire wedding that we are celebrating today is a symbol of your love that has not faded over the years. So many years have passed since your wedding: ten, another ten, again ten and again ten, and then another five. There are so many that it's hard to even count! And you are still happy together. This means that your marriage is, in fact, made in heaven! Today, people are rare who also know how to appreciate the one who is nearby, who is ready to share all the joys and sorrows of their soul mate. Congratulations!

From that very cherished moment when you were announced husband and wife, as many as 45 years have passed. Over such a long period in life, different things happened, but you got out of all the problematic situations with your head held high, your love, support and care withstood all the tests. You have gained experience and wisdom, and the current date has become a special feature that separates your former life from the upcoming one. Your family life is a real treasure, which is why the symbol of the 45th wedding anniversary is sapphire. In some cultures, it is identified with calmness and confidence. So let him bring them into your life. Let him fill her with affection and love. Happy holiday!

45 years is a full life for one person. Therefore, I admire you, because you were able to live together for such a long period, despite all the problems and contradictions. You are great, you are the standard of a real family that managed to save the flame of love until this date. The symbol of this day is sapphire - a precious stone. It is as valuable as your feelings, which have stood in the way of a lifetime. Health to you and joy! Smile more and live the way your soul desires! Rejoice in the new day, and may it bring only good news!

Each family is a small state where the president is the husband, and the minister of economy, health, order and economy is the wife. Your state of love, fidelity and kindness has existed for 45 years. I sincerely want to congratulate you two on his anniversary. Good for you! Happiness and many grandchildren, dear!

I am one of those who shouted "bitterly" at your wedding, and then shared with you the joy of almost every anniversary. Let me rejoice for you on this significant day. I am amazed that even after 45 years, you love each other just as much as on the distant day of your wedding. Sapphire - the symbol of this date - is called the stone of fidelity. It has a uniquely beautiful blue color, which is compared with the love of a married couple, it brings renewal to the family and protects it from all evil. The fact that you are celebrating today shows that you are not just husband and wife. You are close friends who are connected by strong love. Perhaps this is the secret of a successful marriage. Happy wedding anniversary!

45 years of marriage is a long time! And you spent that time together, hand in hand. All this time you have been faithful helpers for each other. You have gone through so many different life situations together. You have divided one life into two, and this is worthy of respect. The symbol of this day is considered to be sapphire - a precious stone that is hard to get and therefore very valuable. As is your marriage. Not everyone is able to live that long with the same person. Therefore, appreciate each other, and everything else will follow. After all, you already have the main thing - your love and mutual understanding.

Let today we do not give you sapphire necklaces and rings, but our congratulations, wishes and sincere joy that you are still together are as precious as this stone. Your eyes today sparkle with happiness cleaner than sapphire, and your eternal love is much more valuable than all the jewels in the world!

The article offers you ideas for celebrating a sapphire wedding and ideas for congratulating loved ones.

Not every married couple is able to live up to such an important marriage anniversary as 45 years old. This anniversary is called "sapphire" and this is far from accidental. The fact is that this stone, in addition to being precious and rare, is very hard. Sapphire symbolizes the firmness, honesty and fortitude with which the spouses go their life path.

INTERESTING: There is a legend saying that the ten main Christian commandments were written on tablets, which were also symbolically decorated with sapphires. On the other hand, Muslims since ancient times believed that the Earth is a huge sapphire that reflects the glare of the Sun and gives the sky a light blue hue.

The anniversary, which is called "sapphire" should say a lot about the spouses: they love each other very much, trust and trust their "soulmate". For more than 40 years, the couple has found not only children, but also grandchildren and even, maybe, great-grandchildren. This holiday is significant not only for spouses, but also for the whole family.

Organize this celebration should be on a special scale. It is best to rent a hall in a cafe or restaurant, ask a special service to decorate the room, according to the theme, hire a toastmaster or host. Guests come to this event with good gifts that they will like, be valuable or relevant.

What is a "sapphire" wedding and what is its significance?

What to give for a sapphire wedding 45 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

A gift for a "sapphire wedding" should definitely be chosen good or expensive. The significance of the gift should correspond to the date itself, because not all couples live to this age (60-70 years) and family "experience".

Gift ideas for friends and loved ones:

  • Furniture items. It is no secret that older people are thrifty and thrifty, and therefore for decades I can live with broken and damaged furniture. That is why it is simply necessary to update important pieces of furniture: a wardrobe, a table, a chest of drawers, a bed or any others.
  • Home decorations. The choice of such a gift depends only on the preferences of the couple and how much they love a cozy home. Paintings, panels, mirrors, wall figurines, clocks, shelves, pots are suitable as a gift.
  • Dishes. Dishes are always needed and always turn out to be a nice gift. Choose expensive and high-quality services, sets, pots and pans, festive service items: tureens, dishes, salad bowls, plates for serving.
  • Household and kitchen appliances. The choice of this gift depends on how modern your parents are, as well as whether they can learn how to use this equipment: electric meat grinders, multicookers, bread makers, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dishwashers.
  • Home textiles. A universal gift that will come in handy for anyone at any age. You can choose beautiful bedding sets, bedspreads and sofa bedspreads, sofa cushions, towel sets, curtains and tulle for windows, blankets, everyday and festive tablecloths.
  • Carpets. You can choose a carpet of any size, style, design and shape: compact, shaggy, with large or small pile, with patterns or drawings, interior, for the living room, bedside.
  • Money. This is the simplest and most, as it turns out, the right gift. The couple will decide for themselves how to spend the amount and what to invest in: home improvement, clothing, travel or treatment.
  • Garden supplies. In this case, we are talking about high-quality and expensive gardening items, which can be quite problematic for “aged” people: lawn mowers, leaf cleaners, saws, garden furniture, a hammock, a swing, and so on.
  • Vegetation. Such a gift is good if your friends live on their site. Having agreed with them, you can give them a planting with roses or fruit trees of the plot by the hands of a professional gardener.

What to give friends for the anniversary of the "sapphire wedding"?

What to give to parents for a sapphire wedding 45 years: gift ideas

Children, like no one else, should think over a gift for their parents in honor of the "sapphire wedding". They should make sure that the gift is not only pleasant, but also necessary.

Gift options:

  • A trip to a resort or abroad. This nice gift is sure to please elderly parents, who, most likely, could not afford such pleasure for a long time. Try to think through your parents' journey in detail: choose the route or country that your parents have always liked, book rooms in a good hotel with full meals, and pay only for high-class VIP-class transportation.
  • The course of treatment in a sanatorium. In any country, you can choose a sanatorium that will specialize in the treatment of certain diseases: the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal diseases, oncology, and so on.
  • Interior and comfort items. Make sure that your parents rest and stay at home in comfort. Perhaps they need a new bed or mattress, armchairs, pouffes, chairs, and so on.
  • Clothing. In this case, we are not talking about ordinary things, but about those that often become inaccessible to older people: a high-quality winter coat or leather shoes, fur hats or suits of famous brands.
  • Modern gadgets. Everyday items such as a tablet or laptop can help parents connect with extended family, children, and grandchildren through a plethora of apps like Skype. In addition, having learned how to use, parents will be able to read the latest news, listen to music and watch movies via the Internet.
  • Appliances. A gift is necessary, depending on what your parents lack: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a dryer, a hair dryer, and so on.
  • Kitchenware. The items are necessary and important, but before buying, you should definitely ask your parents about what exactly they lack: a meat grinder, a combine, a stove, and so on.
  • Camera. A modern device will allow older people to capture all the interesting and important life moments, children and grandchildren, relatives, and themselves as a keepsake.
  • Garden furniture. Older people often have a summer cottage or live on the ground. Garden chairs, tables, swings, chests and more.

Gifts for a sapphire wedding: ideas

What to give for a 45-year-old sapphire wedding to a dear wife from her husband: ideas

The tradition of every loving couple is to give each other a gift every wedding anniversary and always one that will be symbolic of the name of the date.

Gift options for wife:

  • Earrings with sapphire. The perfect gift for an older woman. They emphasize not only the subtlety of the soul, but also the elegance and taste of the lady. Blue stones go to any type and appearance, they always look “expensive” and festive. You can choose earrings in silver or gold, massive or small.
  • Pendant with sapphire. The pendant can be attached to a bracelet thread or chain. You can choose a pendant or ask a jeweler to make a symbolic shape to order: a letter, a heart, a zodiac sign, and so on. This pendant is perfect for a festive and everyday wardrobe.
  • Ring with sapphire. It looks very elegant and gentle on the hands of an "age" woman. The stone can be massive or miniature, like the ring, depending on the style of your wife, choose a classic, vintage or trendy ring.
  • Sapphire brooch. Almost every woman of “age” wears this accessory and jewelry, pinning it on clothes, a scarf or a coat. The brooch can be made in an original or classic style; you can purchase a pin or hairpin with a sapphire.
  • Jewelry box. A woman who has reached adulthood, by her age, certainly accumulates several jewelry that should be stored somewhere. For this, the box will come in handy. It can be made of wood, metal, ceramics, mother-of-pearl, stone and so on.
  • Bracelet or watch. Choosing such a gift should be sure to be elegant, feminine, decorated with precious metals, stones and engravings.
  • Bijouterie. If you do not have enough money for expensive jewelry, you can always purchase and give high-quality jewelry as a gift. A woman can always wear such an ornament to events when going out "in the light" or on a holiday.

A gift to his wife for a sapphire wedding: ideas

What to give for a sapphire wedding 45 years to a dear husband from his wife: ideas

In turn, the wife must surprise her husband with her gift, which should be chosen with tenderness and love.

Gift options for husband:

  • Blue tie. This gift is suitable for those men who often wear shirts and suits. A tie is an affordable gift and will always be associated with the blue color of sapphire.
  • Clock. All men love watches. You should choose a gift only of high quality and expensive, which can please a person at “age”. If desired, the metal case can be engraved.
  • Home clothes. An elderly man will be pleasantly surprised by gifts that will help him feel comfortable and warm at home: a bathrobe and a dressing gown, slippers, warm pajamas or a home suit.
  • Personal accessories. The choice of this type of gift is huge and it depends on what he is fond of and what your man lacks: a wallet, a purse, a briefcase, a belt, a flask, a cigarette case, and so on.
  • Decoration. The gift is unusual, but relevant for those men who love and wear rings, bracelets, chains, cufflinks, tie clips.
  • Books, albums, diaries. Such gifts are liked by men with a creative mindset or people involved in writing, collecting, numismatics, and so on.
How to please your “soulmate” for a sapphire wedding

Beautiful congratulations on a sapphire wedding of 45 years for friends in verse and prose

We wish you dear! Great and good health, which will strengthen the feelings and strength of your love, give loved ones moments of joy and joint evenings! Be still beautiful and light, fresh and devoted. We look at you and want to believe in a fairy tale!

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding! May your love be eternal and live not only on earth, but also in heaven. Let flowers bloom from your love and the sun shine, birds sing, fruits sing.

Compare your marriage to blue sapphire.
His love is strong, beautiful.
It grew every day, became stronger,
May God bless him further!

You have reached love as perfection,
Family, mutual bliss.
May your life be sweet and tolerant,
Let everyone be dearly loved by others!

The sapphire shimmers deep blue to you,
Warms you with a rainbow, happy light.
Let, like a precious jewelry stone,
Your marriage is only getting stronger every day!

How noble is this stone
This marriage is so noble.
He is warmed by happiness, affection and in some places
And he is just as hot as many years ago!

Your marriage is valued today
Like a rare sapphire.
Let harmony accompany you
May peace accompany you!

Sapphire this wedding
Heard by a ringing song and laughter,
Everyone is walking together today
And age is not a hindrance!

You have lived peacefully for 45 years,
Since the couple made their vow,
And we wish you great health,
So that your love is still a lot!

You are young at heart and soul
The love in your eyes allows everyone to bask,
Stay together for a few more dozen.
Happy years to you! Everything will be all right!

Your marriage is an example for all love unions!
May your relationship not leave the muse,
Let everything go well, everything will be fine
And nothing can stop you from being happy!

You have shown us the treasure of love,
You could prove your sincerity to everyone!
You have been together for 45 long years,

You are still the groom and still the bride!

Beautiful congratulations on a sapphire wedding

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a 45-year-old sapphire wedding for a husband from his wife

wife after so long
For a husband, beloved, first,
She's still the only one
What inspired his heart!

A woman with years of endurance
Always remains mysterious, fresh,
She inspires her beloved husband,
It is necessary for the soul and affection!

A beautiful wife and a wise friend,
You are the best faithful wife in the world!
Thank you for keeping our marriage for years,
For not allowing separation between us!

You are dear, valuable, you are like a sapphire!
You opened up a whole world for me.
Thank you dear for the wonderful
Married life as clear as the sun!

I'll look into sapphire eyes
And I'll tell you how much I love you!
You gave me everything that is important in life
I'm not afraid to live my life with you!

Such a deep and rich shade -
Sapphire is your color of your favorite eyes,
He has been faithful to me for 45 years,
I will turn the world upside down from love more than once!

Thank you for the warmth, love and happiness,
All 45 years were not in vain.
You are my love, support, joy,
Let our life continue to be like sweetness!

Like the sun you lit up my life
You hold on tight to me.
We will live for many more years
And we will joyfully give each other light!

We have been together for almost 5 decades of happy years,
Our beautiful love has not lost its strength.
You are just as good and just as beautiful
Like 45 fabulous years ago, my love!

All these years you gave understanding
Care, affection, respect, attention.
And I appreciate all, all your efforts,
I hope it met all expectations!

Congratulations for your beloved woman in honor of the sapphire wedding

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a 45-year-old sapphire wedding for a wife from her husband

You went through your life with me
Let not all ... there are still years ahead.
Our hands, like branches, intertwined,
You and I are of the same breed.

You always protected me
Protected from trouble and not a good eye
And you never demanded in return
Nothing, not once!

You are more valuable than any sapphire
And other gems
My beloved and glorious man,
You are dear to the heart of everyone in the world!

I'm behind you, like behind a stone wall,
You have been protecting my life for 45 years,
I feel good and happy with you
You inspire me every day!

Not a few borschts were cooked, cups were broken, dishes were glued together,
We lived with you this figure - 45!
You know, I will not regret living with you
And if there was a chance, I would live my life with you again!

They say a successful marriage
It depends on the man
Here I am, 45 years in a row
I respect half.

He gave me warm smiles
Every day, even if it rained
Don't let me make mistakes
And always gave all the love!

Live to see the sapphire anniversary
The way is not every man in love,
But you managed to prove to me otherwise -
Discovered great unearthly happiness!

You and I have a reward for feelings -
Beautiful not only children, but also grandchildren.
And this is the main thing in the world of happiness,
We have not lived in vain for 45 years!

There is no greater happiness in the world
Than our love paints
We are bright, cheerful, strong,
Sapphire anniversary, after all!

Original congratulations on a sapphire wedding: ideas

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a 45-year-old sapphire wedding for parents in verse and prose

Today you are not dad and not mom,
Not grandfather, not grandmother today.
Today you became the bride and groom,
Your marriage is filled with peace and love!

We congratulate you, parents,
With a sapphire wedding date,
You keep your family hearth,
May everything be fine with you!

Great family happiness
Tranquility, tranquility.
Big loving heart
Family care and tenderness!

Let the stars shine bright for you
Another hundred fabulous years.
Let the kisses end the air
Let the light of your love not go out in your eyes!

You taught us great science
How to love and be faithful
Here are your children, grandchildren,
So that you can inspire us!

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a 45-year-old sapphire wedding from grandchildren in verse and prose

Dear grandparents! Even if we have not yet known this life, but looking at you, we know for sure that we want to live it! You allow us to believe in golden loyalty, devotion and mutual great feeling! Be healthy to inspire us for many more years!

Tell me how did you do it?
A true heart has never broken
45 years ago you fell in love
Until now, you continue to love!

The first wedding remained only in memories,
The shadow of youth has gone with her,
You made promises to each other
You keep them to this happy day!

You have reached the age of nobility,
Keeping your feelings warm
Proving the impossible to others
What is love on earth!

And today at a fabulous holiday
Everyone wants to raise a glass
To share with you the taste of this joy
And shout from happiness to the whole hall!

Do not be afraid of the years that are left to you,
You have eternity and the world ahead!
The years will be warm and affectionate,
Like everything 45 years ago!

Touching congratulations on a sapphire wedding: ideas

Funny congratulations for spouses on their wedding day 45 years

Many years have passed, and now what?
Well, do not close the door to the heart?
May you have big things
Only successes, the years are remote!

No, not grandma or grandpa
Just a boy and just a girl
Very cute, cute,
And those who have achieved personal happiness!

The age of love is far from a hindrance,
Age is just the endurance of a strong feeling,
May there always be a lot of laughter in the house,
May it never be empty!

We wish you to see the wedding of great-grandchildren!
We wish you not to know disturbing old age!
Pass another 100 years hand in hand,
Without sugar, drink tea with love sweets!

We wish the wife a tolerant husband,
In her old age, she hardly needs a nervous one,
We wish the spouse a quiet wife,
Anxiety, scandals he does not need!

Live life for each other
Great job, believe me!
Two seedlings grown into a trunk
and the tree became strong!

He did not give her sapphires
And did not give diamonds,
But the world opened in one apartment
And every day he said to her:

"You are brighter than the sun! Better than the sky!
Believe in everything I say!
After all, no matter what, no matter where...
You know - I always love you!

Wife, through age, has become only more beautiful,
And the husband has become even wiser over the years,
Today is the anniversary of the sapphire
Everyone wants to congratulate as soon as possible!
double decker cake

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Scenario of a sapphire wedding 45 years for a toastmaster

What is important to include in the script:

  • Greetings. In this part, it is important for the toastmaster or other presenter to fill the script with many beautiful poems and songs dedicated to love. After the greeting, everyone should be invited to the prepared banquet hall.
  • ceremonial part. The toastmaster should talk about the importance of the event, tell the audience about what a sapphire wedding is. It is imperative to praise the spouses for the endurance and patience that they have maintained and acquired for many years.
  • Love story. Include in your script a video film or clip about the acquaintance, first wedding and married life of the couple. Introduce guests to the families of the children of the spouses and their grandchildren, saturate the film with happy photographs of loved ones, travels, holidays.
  • congratulatory part. Here it is important to be able to find time and a reason to say nice words to the spouses to everyone who was able to come to the event. You can fill congratulations with background music and verses of the presenter.
  • Entertaining part for guests and dancing. The toastmaster prepares these entertainments for guests so that they cannot get bored. Dancing is also essential. Calm dances can be replaced by fast, active competitions, skits and competitions. It would not be superfluous to include the first mating dance in the script.

Video: "Sapphire Wedding"

So 45 years have passed, what kind of wedding should be celebrated? This anniversary is considered to be a sapphire wedding. The name of this anniversary is largely due to the fact that over the years lived together, the spouses were able to maintain their tenderness and love, which made their relationship so precious. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the name of the sapphire wedding was coined for a reason, but in order to emphasize the value of the years lived together.

So, forty years is a very significant date, 45 years is even more significant, as evidenced by the selected precious material. Relationships become associated with the purity of heaven, which is like a sapphire. Sincere relationships attract the admiring glances of others, just like a flawless gem.

Sapphire wedding traditions

The main wedding tradition that should be observed when celebrating this anniversary is rings that should be decorated with sapphire. As you know, sapphire is considered a stone with which you can get rid of the negative effects of stress. Naturally, such an acquisition would be very appropriate for the elderly. And importantly, star sapphire helps to attract good luck in any endeavor.

In the old days, people believed that sapphire helps to save a prisoner by opening the gates of dungeons. Most likely, this was due to the presence of a huge amount of positive energy in this stone. On this day, spouses must undergo a purification procedure. How this will happen, the anniversaries can figure out for themselves. For example, you can go to the bath, if health permits: Finnish, Turkish or Russian. Until that day, you can cleanse your body by sitting on a diet, curative fasting.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

To celebrate such a significant event, it is best to invite the closest and dearest people and relatives. This is due to the fact that most of all, having lived together for such a long period of time, a married couple manages to acquire children and even grandchildren.

You can invite really real friends who have been able to prove their friendship over the years. In their company, the anniversaries will feel most comfortable and will be able to feel the real atmosphere of the holiday.

If possible, you can invite witnesses who were next to you at the time of marriage. As congratulations, it is necessary to choose words of admiration for such a long union.

Of course, the list of invitees can be expanded. If the anniversaries are especially important people, then very important people will come to congratulate them and the celebration will be very magnificent. In the event that the anniversaries are still working, they can expand the list of invited guests and invite their work colleagues.

What to gift?

As gifts on this significant day, spouses should present each other with sapphires. By all means, the owners of the house should meet their guests in blue clothes.

Guests should also give gifts related to water or gifts in blue hues. As an option, you can give blue jewelry, blue linen, blue dishes and other useful things.

The celebration of this wedding anniversary should leave pleasant memories in your memory. After all, after 45 years, what wedding will take place without a memorable and bright holiday!