30th wedding anniversary what is the name of what to give. What to give for a pearl anniversary (30th wedding anniversary)? What should be on the festive table

30 years of married life is called a pearl anniversary. This date is a jubilee in the family calendar of holidays, therefore it is traditionally celebrated with friends, children, acquaintances, relatives and close people. The party is going to be serious, and of course everyone needs to take care of the presentations for the "newlyweds". As part of this review, the site "Confetti.ru" intends to tell what to present for a pearl wedding.

The anniversary date of 30 years of marriage is significant for a married couple. The anniversary is called “pearl wedding”. Husband and wife deserve the best gifts and heartfelt congratulations. Few couple can boast of such a solid length of family life. Growing up children and other guests are carefully preparing for the celebration of the anniversary of the heroes of the occasion. It is advisable that the gifts correspond to the theme of the pearl wedding.

Gift wrapping paper should have a light pearlescent effect, the color range can range from blue to pale pink. It will be great if you manage to complement with half-beads in the form of pearls.

Pearl wedding traditions.

The 30th anniversary of married life is called pearl for a reason, because the formation of a wonderful pearl takes a serious time period, so is the birth and then maturity of family life - long and persistent.

According to age-old traditions, even on the eve of the holiday, the spouses should present each other with a pearl. Moreover, each of them should put these pearls before going to bed under an individual pillow. In the early morning, waking up, they should go to the nearest reservoir, and throw a coin into it, thinking at the same time - to live together happily ever after. Immediately after this, the husband and wife must attend church, where they must read a prayer and light three large candles. The first candle should be placed by the wife - the Mother of God for the health of her dear husband. The second candle is put by the husband of a certain icon - the Savior, with words of gratitude for protecting their family during all the years that have passed. Well, the third candle is put to the Holy Trinity, in order for the spouses to live together until the end of their days.

Preparing for the celebration, the spouses should take with them the previously donated pearls, and during the first toast, immerse each one in their own glass. Then you need to drink a drink, get the pearls, put them in a box and store them in such an inseparable form all your life.

Spouses need to exchange pearls.

A pearl wedding ... how many years have already been lived, and how many still have to live. All the past years need to be remembered with warmth, but to keep the memories fresh, we recommend keeping a family album with the ability to leave notes next to the photos.

How to celebrate the jubilee thirtieth anniversary.

According to centuries-old traditions, it is customary to celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary near water bodies, according to the marine theme of pearls. But it is quite possible to decorate the home space accordingly, placing shells, starfish, corals, corked bottles with sand or messages written on "papyrus" paper on the table. You can put a chest nearby, and for children it will be fun to organize a quest to find treasures at all. As for the general color scheme of the room design, it is better to take a closer look at the shades of aqua, mother-of-pearl, as well as the striped white and blue print.

The festive menu should be full of seafood - smoked, fried or baked fish, caviar, mussels, squid, scallops, seaweed salads, sushi and rolls, as well as shrimp.

As for the appearance of the spouses, they are advised to wear something white, gray, blue, light blue or cream. A lady can wear an elegant dress, for example, cream in color, which means that her gentleman should wear a beige shirt of the same tone. The spouse should wear pearl jewelry (ring, pendant, beads or earrings), and the spouse can wear cufflinks with decor from this sea miracle.

What do they give for a pearl wedding to relatives or friends.

Above, we have already mentioned more than once that pearls are considered the symbol of this anniversary. This mother-of-pearl stone is actively used in jewelry production. Pearls can have different shapes, colors, luster strengths. There is an opinion that it should not be given as a gift, because the owners are in for misfortune and tears. However, this is not the case, pearls bring peace of mind. In addition, it is a symbol of purity, so jewelry with a natural stone is often worn by brides. Well, business people can count on success in business if they have any product with pearls. Traditionally, for 30 years of the wedding, any jewelry with a mother-of-pearl stone is presented.

Traditional gifts:

  • Jewelry. There is a huge selection of products: earrings, beads, pendants, bracelets, rings, brooches. It is better to present a set, it is believed that paired jewelry with pearls will bring good luck and happiness. Well, to make the gift generalized, we recommend that the hero of the day give cufflinks with pearls, and give earrings to the hero of the day.
  • Mother-of-pearl products. The shell of a clam is an excellent material for making decorative items. It is believed that mother of pearl has a beneficial effect on energy. In addition, items made from it have a beautiful appearance. You can donate a mother-of-pearl painting, mother-of-pearl frame for a painting or a mirror. The host of the celebration will appreciate the ashtray made of this durable material, and the hostess will be delighted with the flowerpot.
  • Decorative shell. Pearls are of natural origin and are formed in shells. On the day of the anniversary, it is perfectly acceptable to give a beautiful shell, it will remind of the anniversary. You can put a crisp banknote in a shell, the heroes of the day will be happy with such a present.
  • Interior items. The celebration should take place in a festively decorated room. Recommended colors: white, cream, blue, light pink. Gifts of similar color, in the form of items decorated with shells and faux pearls, will come in handy. These can be: candlesticks, framed photographs, figurines, vases, a dish, gift glasses.

Practical gifts.

In addition to gifts that correspond to the theme of the celebration, it is recommended to present something useful in everyday life. Over the past 30 years, many items needed in everyday life have failed or lost their appearance.

This could be:

  • Textile products. It is important to stick to light colors as pearls are the symbol of the anniversary. In addition, products in delicate colors in elegant packaging look especially luxurious. Possible gift options: a blanket, bed linen, decorative pillows, stylish towels.
  • Dishes. These can be single items or a service. Expensive dishes with a mother-of-pearl shine are perfect for a gift on the day of the 30th anniversary of family life. The best option is clam shell products. Mother-of-pearl dishes have many types: a bowl, a dish, a salad bowl, a vase.
  • Household and electronic appliances. For 30 years of marriage, his wife has become an excellent hostess. She loves and knows how to cook, it is quite appropriate to present any household appliances: mixer, blender, multicooker. The husband will be pleased with a new TV or laptop.

What to give to parents.

  1. Home theater.
  2. Washing machine.
  3. Refrigerators compartment.
  4. Fridge.
  5. Television.
  6. Video intercom.
  7. A computer.
  8. Dining group - dining table + chairs.
  9. Upholstered furniture in the living room.
  10. Air conditioning.
  11. Electric fireplace.
  12. Dishwasher.
  13. Gas hob or electric oven.
  14. Garden swing.
  15. Brazier with skewers.

Parents can be presented with furniture for the kitchen - a table and chairs.

How to please your husband.

  1. Caricature portrait.
  2. According to the hobby. Fishing rod, inflatable boat, night vision goggles, binoculars, tent.
  3. For cars. Recorder, rear view camera, trendy seat covers, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, home wash station.
  4. High quality comfortable computer chair.
  5. Rocking chair.
  6. Wrist watch or cufflinks.
  7. Construction tools - screwdriver, drill, jigsaw, welding machine, etc.
  8. Large diagonal TV.
  9. Laptop or tablet.
  10. Outdoor equipment: lawn mower, home snow blower.
  11. Tickets for a long-awaited football match.
  12. Screen for projector.
  13. Home exercise machine - treadmill or exercise bike.
  14. Rain shower in the bathroom.
  15. Action camera or photo camera.

You can compose a small poetic congratulation, and read it in the morning to your dear spouse.

What to present to my wife.

  1. Coat. Better yet, a certificate for the purchase of a fur coat, let her choose an exquisite product for herself.
  2. Decorations. Choose whatever your heart desires - earrings, bracelets, pendants, rings.
  3. Wrist watch on a pearl bracelet.
  4. Accessories: a set of hairpins decorated with natural pearls, a scarf with a special retaining ring.
  5. Perfumery. You can pay attention to the version of eau de toilette with a small pearl on the bottom.
  6. Smartphone, tablet, camera or laptop. Necessarily with a beautiful case or handbag.
  7. A set of paired lamps for bedside tables in the same style as the bedroom.
  8. Electronic kitchen assistants - multicooker, food processor, bread maker.
  9. Family portrait.
  10. Great genealogy book.
  11. Dressing table + ottoman.
  12. New kitchen set.
  13. Massage foot bath.
  14. Electric curlers.
  15. Steam generator for quick and comfortable cleaning of the house.

Do not forget to pick up a decent bouquet of flowers, we recommend taking a closer look at white roses, lilies, orchids. Instead of a bouquet, you can present a large wicker basket with gorgeous flowers.

How to make a cute postcard with your own hands, video (make an inscription for your holiday):

Well, we shared our ideas on what to give for a 30-year wedding. We really hope that you managed to choose among the abundance of presentations, the very one ... Pearl wedding is a great occasion to once again confirm your feelings. On this day, the spouses repeat the words of love and exchange gifts. The guests of the celebration express their sincere admiration and respect. They prepare the best gifts worthy of a wonderful married couple. Going to this event, do not forget to purchase a nice bouquet of flowers, mainly in white tones, and also be sure to attach a postcard with touching, good wishes to the main gift.

The wedding anniversary, which the spouses celebrate 30 years after the wedding ceremony, is called a pearl wedding. This is a pretty significant anniversary, celebrated with your children, family and friends.

The invited guests should approach with all responsibility the question of choosing a gift for a pearl wedding, because it should be an original, useful thing in the household or bringing back pleasant memories.

Why was this important event named after pearls? Since ancient times, this jewel has symbolized tenderness and purity, which for many years are patiently grown under the water column, regardless of storm or calm.

Likewise, in the union of two people after thirty years, strength, wisdom and harmony appear in relations with each other. And no matter how fleeting time is, it does not destroy, but on the contrary consolidates the union of two hearts that united three decades ago.

It turns out that a married couple who have spent so many years together is already becoming so strong that no problems and hardships are terrible for her. Therefore, the 30th wedding anniversary must be celebrated.

The best gift for a pearl wedding will be the organization of the celebration in compliance with all traditions, both old and modern.

For example, the "young" can be presented with a pearl, which they must throw into a pond, accompanying their actions with an oath of eternal love and respect.

According to beliefs, adherence to this tradition will bring endless love and happiness to this family union.

Also, it will not be superfluous for the heroes of the occasion and their guests to go to church, where three candles are placed:

  1. Theotokos - for health;
  2. at the Crucifixion - as gratitude for the years spent together;
  3. for the icon of the Holy Trinity - for a common future.

And after this tradition is observed, the celebration itself can begin. Celebrating a wedding anniversary with a large noisy team or a quiet family circle is up to the newlyweds to decide.

Celebration decoration

The room where the party will take place is recommended to be decorated in pastel and pearl shades,

you can also use beautiful congratulatory posters, joint photographs of anniversaries, fresh flowers for decoration, you should also take care of funny contests.

Pearls are used in the decor of the hall, festive table and cake (of course, not natural).

It will also be good to repeat some interesting moments that happened on the wedding day of the heroes of the occasion, because the pearl wedding anniversary is an important day for spouses, on which you want to remember how it all began.

What to give parents for a pearl wedding

Children choose presents to parents for a pearl wedding together, but do not forget that the main gift will be your love, care and sensitive attitude towards your loved ones.

As for material gifts, then, of course, these should not be just household items or souvenirs, but symbolic or useful items.

What are the gift options?

  • Jewelry with pearls

Since pearls are the symbol of thirty years of marriage together, various jewelry will become the most important gifts for parents.

You can give mom:

  1. ring decorated with a large pearl;
  2. beautiful bracelet;
  3. necklace or beads of delicate white, pink, mother-of-pearl shades;
  4. interesting brooch or earrings.

Cufflinks trimmed with small pearls, a tie clip or a cigarette case decorated with pearls will suit the father as a gift.

  • Appliances

At this age, children can already give their parents high-quality household appliances that will be useful in the household.

Such a present will confirm your love and care.

You can buy for a pearl wedding, for example, a new TV.

Such a gift, of course, is not cheap, but your loved ones, who have lived together for thirty years, are worthy of such a present.

  • Photo album

For a pearl wedding, parents can be presented with a photo album, beautifully designed with their own hands, trimmed with pearls and filled with the best pictures, or a portrait of the whole family in an original frame, which is decorated with this stone.

  • Family video

Parents will also like a gift in the form of the most unusual ones, accompanied by their favorite melody.

  • Rocking chair

This option will be a good present, it will not only cause delight and surprise, but will also be appreciated. It's so nice to spend an evening in it, reading the latest newspaper, watching TV or doing knitting.

  • Tree sapling

You can also make another surprise - a varietal seedling. After all, we all know that each of us in life needs to plant a tree, and it will be good if a married couple does it together, and maybe even with grandchildren. You can choose a fruit tree seedling, especially if you have a summer cottage, or you can also choose one that symbolizes the birth of their family.

Also, the following things will be great gifts for a pearl wedding for parents:

  • beautiful glasses with an inscription like "30 years together";
  • original figurines, souvenirs and figurines;
  • a set of handmade candles decorated with imitation pearls ..

As a gift for a pearl wedding, various pieces of furniture, kitchen sets and bedding will be appropriate. It is also recommended to order a cake with a congratulatory inscription; you can also bake it yourself.

A gift sewn or knitted with your own hand or a hand-made craft will also delight your parents - after all, the main thing is that the present is pleasant and made from the heart.

Having chosen a gift for your parents for a pearl wedding, do not forget about a bouquet of flowers. According to tradition, their number should be thirty pieces + 1 more bud.

What to give your wife for a pearl wedding

When choosing a gift for a pearl wedding for your spouse, remember the happy years spent together, which flew by like an instant, leaving the common home and children together. Of course, it was not without problems, but such a number of years lived together is a confirmation that everything was not in vain!

If you know your wife's preferences, then choosing a gift will be much easier.

Of course, the main present will be a piece of jewelry with pearls:

Also, great gifts for your wife for a pearl wedding will be:

  • Floor-standing beautiful vase with patterns;
  • A beautiful chandelier with pendants, shimmering in the sun;
  • Antique figurine or figurine;
  • Plaid in light shades;
  • Decorative pillows for the sofa;
  • New cream or white lamp shade;
  • High quality beautiful bed linen;
  • A bottle of elite perfume;
  • New handbag;
  • Indoor flower in a pot with cream or white buds;
  • Dishes with mother-of-pearl patterns;
  • Curtains in light colors or lace snow-white tulle;
  • Household appliances for the kitchen.

A great surprise for your spouse will be a festive dinner in a restaurant or a homemade version by candlelight. And, of course, do not forget about, preferably light shades.... Chrysanthemums, cream roses, lilies, white tulips or lilies of the valley, decorated with a beautiful light ribbon tied with a bow, are suitable for a pearl wedding.

The question of choosing a gift for a pearl wedding is very relevant for the wife of the hero of the day.
Of course, it is better to decide in advance what to present to your beloved husband for the thirtieth wedding anniversary.

Before making any choice, you need to decide what will delight him for sure, find out about his dreams and preferences. The present should be unusual, memorable and, of course, enjoyable. It is not at all necessary to buy something - you can prepare a gift with your own hands, decorating it, for example, with an embroidered inscription.

You can give your husband the following for your pearl wedding anniversary:

  • Photo collage in a beautiful frame decorated with pearls;
  • Photo album with wishes to keep the best family photos in it;
  • Painting with a seascape;
  • Pearl cufflinks;
  • Pearl tie barrette.

However, a gift to a husband for a pearl wedding from his wife can be anything.

It is not forbidden to give, for example, gifts such as:

  • Any car accessory;
  • A set of quality tools;
  • New spinning rod or, for example, multool;
  • Theater or cinema tickets.

If your spouse is fond of sports, buy for him a new tracksuit or a ticket to a football match, the gardener will be delighted with a walk-behind tractor or a set of garden tools - everything here will depend on your husband's hobbies and your financial capabilities. And most importantly - do not forget to tell your spouse how much you love him and how dear he is to you.

Fashionable gadgets will be good gifts for both husband and wife, and the best presentation option is a tourist trip for two to warm countries, such a gift will not be forgotten for a long time.

Gift for a pearl wedding to friends

Of course, gifts for pearl weddings from guests should be memorable. It is worth choosing them in advance, and not on the last day before the holiday. Together with the present, it is imperative to present a bouquet of flowers for the "young" and read the prepared congratulations.

Traditional gifts, such as bracelets, rings, etc., are usually bought by children for parents or spouses give them to each other, while guests should look for something more original than a pendant or necklace.

For a pearl wedding, friends can be presented with the following gifts:

Gifts from guests can be others, such as, for example, home textiles or something from household appliances, which will always be useful in the household and will be useful.

This could be, for example:

  • Beautiful sconce or floor lamp;
  • Linen bedding set;
  • Linen curtains or embroidered tablecloths;
  • Carpet or carpet;
  • Large wall panel or painting;
  • Cozy warm wool sweaters.

Or you can make a truly original gift... For example, presenting a gift certificate to a married couple for a pearl wedding for swimming with dolphins or a paratrike flight, a Creole massage, or a ticket to watch a movie in a private room.

It is important that the chosen present is not only appropriate, but also beautifully designed.

Wrapping paper should be in neutral soothing colors, preferably white and pale pink. You can tie a gift with a satin ribbon decorated with mother-of-pearl beads. You should choose a postcard with a beautiful congratulation and a bright inscription.

A must-have addition to the present will be a small bunch of white or pink flowers for the hero of the occasion. If you do not limit your imagination, then the gift will be interesting and unexpected, which will undoubtedly please the heroes of the occasion.

An original gift for a pearl wedding

You can find such an unusual gift for friends in an antique shop, for example, an antique floor vase or a beautiful candlestick.
You can also present a delicious cake decorated with pearl-shaped icing or invite your favorite artist to perform at the celebration (the star level will depend on the size of your finances). You can buy a houseplant of the "love flower" type as a gift, or you can simply limit yourself to an unusual caricature, which can cause no less feelings than jewelry.

If we talk about jewelry, then it would be appropriate to give the “newlyweds” bracelets in the same style with a pendant made in the form of a shell with a pearl inside (gold, silver, platinum - choose according to your capabilities) for a pearl wedding.

You can also pick up a whole set: the wife - a beautiful necklace consisting of thirty pearls, and the husband - a chain with the same pendant with a pearl.

Such a gift will not only be a beautiful expensive decoration, but will also emphasize the significance of the solemn event.

Still, the best gift option for a pearl wedding would be to purchase a general presentation for the spouses. For example, rings or rings with pearls for each of the heroes of the day will be very symbolic. After all, this is not only a decoration, but also your recognition that the donor wants to continue to be close to the couple, is ready to experience all their joys and sorrows with them.

Such a gift would be appropriate from someone from relatives, children or friends.

Presents such as:

  • mother-of-pearl shell;
  • souvenir shell with a real gem;
  • beautiful statuette, bowl, candlestick made of mother of pearl.

Such mother-of-pearl souvenirs will not only decorate the house of the “newlyweds”, but will also serve as a reminder of a wonderful pearl wedding day.

30 years lived together - how many are already behind. In the family during this time, as a rule, a lot has happened: the birth of children, and the acquisition of housing, cars, the marriage of children and possibly even the birth of grandchildren.

The 30th anniversary of living together means unconditional love, trust and respect of the spouses for each other. It is customary to congratulate the couple on this date, wishing even more happy days together. The anniversary is traditionally celebrated with close friends and relatives.

The meaning of a pearl wedding

Pearls are the symbol of the anniversary. Everyone knows that this is an expensive and beautiful piece of jewelry. Not everyone knows how it appears. One small grain of sand gets stronger from year to year, its walls are becoming thicker, and the appearance is more beautiful. As a result, from an ordinary nondescript pebble, a beautiful decoration is born, created for expensive accessories and gifts.

Love is like a pearl, it gets stronger every year and more beautiful. A lot of trials and difficulties often fall on the fate of a married couple. Overcoming them together, their love and faith in each other becomes stronger.

After 30 years of living, we can unequivocally say that the husband and wife were able to create an ideal relationship, learned to understand the soul mate, listen to her and make compromises. Now their love is like a precious stone that requires immediate setting.

What to give your wife for an anniversary

What wedding is not complete without gifts, especially if the couple celebrates 30 years of marriage. On the day of the wedding anniversary, not only friends and relatives, but also spouses give each other presents. This is done as a sign of love and devotion to your other half. This tradition should not be neglected. Remind your spouse again how much she means to you.

It is quite difficult for men. Often they present money or certificates for certain services. It's best not to do this on your wedding anniversary. Spend time and energy getting a truly beautiful gift. You can give a symbol of the anniversary - pearls.

Fortunately, stores offer a wide range of jewelry made from this stone... The most popular options are beads, earrings and bracelets. If you focus on beads or bracelets, then prefer those samples that have exactly 30 stones. Each stone serves as a symbol of the passed stage in life.

In addition to the main presentation, on this day, a man should present his beloved with a bouquet of flowers. It is preferable to buy lilies, chrysanthemums, koalas, orchids or tulips. Choose a color white or pale pink. A large bouquet of flowers can melt the heart of your beloved.

What to give my husband for the anniversary of marriage

A woman should make a return move and give her beloved a gift. Actually, pearls are used not only for women's jewelry... Look at the store for pearl cufflinks or tie clips.

Of course, on the anniversary of the symbol of the anniversary is quite difficult. In this case, it is better to pay attention to gifts for the soul. For example, if your faithful avid fisherman, then get him a new fishing rod or spinning rod. In the event that your spouse loves cars, look for a new gadget in his car.

Of course, absolutely every man adores modern technology. A TV, a telephone, a laptop, a tablet computer, a smart watch - these are only a small part of those things that will please the faithful.

A married couple can exchange gifts both in a secluded setting and at a noisy table. In this case, it is better to accompany the presentation of presents with beautiful words, toasts and gratitude for the happy years together.

What to give to parents

A significant date requires the purchase of serious gifts. This does not mean that you will have to spend serious sums without fail, but it is definitely worth trying when choosing a presentation.

Before you buy an item, consider whether your family really needs it. Children know better than anyone what their parents already have and what they dream about.

Important! If you cannot decide on one and only, then you can buy two different options. For example, mom has a pearl ring, and dad a glass with mother-of-pearl.

Parents always expect special gifts from children, which will be presented with love and tenderness. Expressing recognition and respect for elders can be presented to them:

  1. Photo album with your favorite photos, and decorate each page with pearls. This option can be made by grandchildren, then grandfather and grandmother will be doubly pleased that the whole family tried hard for their holiday.
  2. A photo in a frame or a photo collage - pleasant memories are simply necessary on any holiday, especially when so many events have been passed together. You can place mother-of-pearls around the edges of the frame for a more festive look.
  3. Tea set - it's high time to update the old set that parents have had since ancient times. Let it be a good new tradition - to gather on weekends for a cup of tea and pie, which Grandma bakes so deliciously.
  4. Porcelain dishes - every family does not do without feasts. Unfortunately, dishes are very rarely updated on them. And it is simply necessary to do this periodically: to throw away everything old and acquire new things into the house that will bring only positive emotions to the family.
  5. Electric fireplace - you can look at the fire forever, as one of the old sayings says. And this is actually a fact. It is easy to give your parents pleasant and cozy evenings, even in the apartment you can arrange a fireplace that will be powered by electricity. Turning it on in the evenings, the house will be filled with a special light and atmosphere.
  6. The home fountain is an exclusive detail in the interior. This is a new word in design. Water by itself is capable of soothing, absorbing negativity and giving a feeling of peace. A large fountain can be placed on the floor by successfully hanging a TV over it. Such a gift will not only be useful, but also enjoyable.
  7. Garden swing - if your parents have a garden plot, you can think about purchasing a swing. Pay attention to their sizes. You can choose those that will be in the shape of a sofa. Then your beloved mom and dad will rest on them every evening, remembering their children with a kind word.
  8. Household appliances - a wide variety of appliances are on the shelves in stores. Do not be skeptical about it, it is really created in order to simplify our life. Think about what the parents would like to receive or what helped them in everyday life. This can be a double boiler that makes it easy to cook healthy food. Or a coffee machine that will brew an excellent drink at a predetermined time, the aroma of which will be fragrant for the whole house. The electric BBQ grill will help you to prepare a delicious dish, so beloved by the whole family, at any time and weather.
  9. Going to a restaurant is not at all necessary to hand over a thing or object as a pleasant gift. You can give new emotions and impressions, and even better the holiday itself. Take your parents to a restaurant for a delicious meal.
  10. Travel - Send your family on their honeymoon. And it doesn't have to be new countries or cities. Better to immerse them in the past and buy a ticket to the city where they visited together after the wedding. A married couple will be pleasantly surprised to see how much that place has changed, but the relationship has remained the same.

What NOT to give

The 30th wedding anniversary is full of superstitions, so it is better to know in advance how you can please a married couple, and what you should never give.

  1. Sharp objects - knives, needles, forks. All these things can only bring quarrels, resentments and grief into the house. Even if you know that the family needs these things, it is better to donate money to buy them.
  2. Mirror - is considered a symbol of misfortune that can overtake both the heroes of the day and the donor himself. In addition, the shards of the mirror are constant quarrels and swearing.
  3. Clock - symbolizes parting. It is no coincidence that they say that lovers do not watch the clock. Therefore, it is believed that a donated watch can quarrel a loving couple.
  4. Bed linen, kitchen towels, bathrobes - as a rule, for so many years lived together, a married couple has already had a large number of bedding sets. For many wives, they only lie in a neat pile.

Don't be banal about your gifts. Now there is a large assortment of various presents that will delight husband and wife. If you really do not know at all what to give, then present the money in a beautifully designed postcard. Decorate your card with pearls for your 30th wedding anniversary.

30 years family life is a serious date. Pearl wedding. This jubilee round, like a pearl, confidently confirms that 30 years ago this couple was united for a reason. The spouses spent many years together, they already understand each other not only from a half-word, but also from a half-glance, have learned to jointly overcome problems, resolve issues without conflicts, enjoy each other's joys.

By this time, children have probably already grown up and grandchildren have appeared, who, together with other relatives and close friends, will have to solve a difficult question: how best to celebrate such a solid anniversary? What to gift ?

Marriage gifts

The first gifts are presented to each other by the heroes of the occasion.

Usually this is where their morning begins. Such a traditional beginning will further strengthen family ties, help husband and wife look at each other with new eyes, because in the hectic everyday life it is so easy to forget about what a wonderful person is next to you.

Gifts to wife from husband

The spouse has a lot of options for a gift to his beloved half, it's only a matter of financial capabilities. After all, the symbol of celebration - pearls - is not cheap.

Big beautiful photo album, decorated with pearls, in which you can collect the most interesting photographs from the family archive.

The modern counterpart of the album is digital photo frame with flash drive, where you can upload many photos, replacing each other. Parents will surely like this innovation.

You can reshoot old photos, find videos, and rewrite them in DVD format, show them to family and guests a beautiful presentation from the past heroes of the occasion... It is very soulful and original gift that everyone will definitely like.

Family tree.

Souvenir in the form of a tree
, on which pictures of all ancestors are hung: from representatives of the oldest generation that can be found, to the youngest members of the family.

Beautifully decorated homemade medals, diplomas, certificates with the words "The most beautiful married couple" or "For the best and most patient parents" etc. The heroes of the occasion usually keep these funny gifts for a long time or display them in the most conspicuous place.

Children can take over completely organization of a banquet so that parents on their holiday can only relax and rejoice. You can prepare a festive menu, come up with an original scenario of the celebration, invite guests. It does not matter whether it is a restaurant banquet or a family celebration at home - the main thing is that the spouses-heroes of the day should be comfortable and good at it.

The wedding cake.

You can order a chic confection specially for a pearl wedding, decorated with edible pearls or made in the form of a shell.

If your parents love animals, you can give them pet, so as not to get bored in the absence of adult children and grandchildren at home. Of course, the gift is quite risky, and it is better to discuss it beforehand. But, as a rule, then such a “living gift”, which brings a lot of positiveness, becomes a real joy in the house.

Grandchildren usually do gift for grandparents do it yourself. It can be a drawing or some kind of craft. The Internet is simply replete with master classes on various applied techniques. A vase-bottle, decorated in the style of paper art, or a box in the style of decoupage, look great with imagination and diligence. You can decorate the item with artificial pearls. And the joy delivered to the heroes of the day with such a gift will be limitless.

Gifts from friends and relatives

Of course, pearl jewelry is the most popular gift option for a pearl wedding, but friends might want to give something different. Moreover, the pearls are probably already presented to each other by the spouses themselves.

Gift options can be:

... Things that are useful in everyday life and greatly facilitate it are relevant for almost any holiday. And for people who are no longer too young, such a present is just an ideal option. This may be all that spouses lack in the household: food processor, double boiler, multicooker, microwave oven, bread maker- there are a lot of options.

The couple, who have lived together for 30 years, celebrate a pearl wedding. Pearls have been formed in the sea for many years, and their tender and caring relationship has been preserved and multiplied over 3 decades of marriage.

By this time, the husband and wife had managed to raise children, have grandchildren, but they still have enough strength to travel and enjoy life.

How to Celebrate a Pearl Wedding?

In Russia, spouses for 30 years of wedding, the spouses in the early morning took one pearl each and went to the river or pond and threw the beads into the water in order to live together until the golden wedding. Then they went to the church, and each put three candles: the Mother of God, so that they would keep and protect their health, for the Crucifixion to Jesus Christ, so that prosperity and tranquility reigned in the house, and the Holy Trinity, to live together for many years.

Now, many do not observe these traditions; it is customary to celebrate the anniversary at home or in a restaurant among relatives and close friends. If the celebration takes place in the summer, then it is better to go to nature, so that there is always a body of water nearby. And if the financial capabilities allow, then you can go to the sea.

What gift to give your wife?

Traditionally, the husband gives a piece of jewelry of 30 pearls, which symbolizes 30 years of marriage. So he thanks his wife for her love and care.

After the celebration, the spouses exchange pearls, which can be used to check how much the husband and wife followed the vows given during the marriage. If the pearl has changed color, then something has been broken. But you shouldn't take it seriously, it's just a tradition. What kind of wedding and what to give - these two questions often haunt a man, because you want to please your beloved and present a gift that she will remember for many years. If you do not deviate from the traditions of the anniversary, then it is better to buy a pearl necklace, bracelet, choker, etc. You can find a cape made of natural fur decorated with pearls in stores.

What to present to my husband for the anniversary?

The wife will have to think a little to buy a gift with pearls for her husband, because this mineral has a female energy. But even here you can find a way out of their situation: pay attention to cigarette cases with mother-of-pearl, pins for ties, cufflinks, pocket watches, etc. Of course, you can buy what your husband really needs, but it is unlikely to be remembered.

Spouses who do not like pearls are not obliged to give them to each other on this holiday, because gifts should bring joy. Instead of jewelry, you can buy a trip to Cuba, Hawaii, Venice, Paris, etc.

Gift options from children and grandchildren

Undoubtedly, it is nice to receive a present from your beloved children. What can sons and daughters bring to a family holiday?

  • Necessary things for the house. Children know exactly what their parents lack. This can be household appliances, for example, a coffee machine, blender, yogurt maker, waffle maker, multicooker, double boiler, airfryer, etc. Home textiles and dishes will never be superfluous.
  • Everything related to photography. When deciding what to give your parents for a 30-year wedding, you can stop at photographs. For example, select pictures from different years and make a collage or video clip out of them. Another option is to order an original photo album or photo archive in the workshop, buy an electronic frame, transfer a photo to a canvas or make portraits of the spouses, wall murals or posters with their image.
  • Luxurious gifts for home and soul. By the age of 30, many families have almost everything, so it is better to give something unusual. For example, cutlery with mother-of-pearl, a bottle of expensive wine or champagne trimmed with pearls, jewelry boxes with this mineral, tea and coffee sets, etc.

Grandparents - role models - together for 30 years. What kind of wedding and what to give, grandchildren can learn from their parents and prepare their congratulations. This can be a learned poem, a handmade card, a set of candles or, drawings of a family and a family tree, sweets, pastries, etc.