Modern research in the field of environmental education of preschool children. Environmental education in kindergarten

The process of forming a preschooler's personality in general and environmental education in particular should be based on a knowledge system that includes basic information about the biosphere (wildlife: plants, animals, humans; inanimate nature). A special place in this system should be occupied by knowledge about man as a part of nature, as about the most intelligent being, on which the future of the biosphere largely depends ...



Problems of ecological education of preschoolers

In our time, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and they are given more and more attention. Why have these problems become urgent? The reason is human activity in nature, often illiterate, incorrect from an ecological point of view, wasteful, leading to a violation of the ecological balance.
Each of those who brought and brings harm to nature was once a child. That is why the role of preschool institutions in the environmental education of children, starting from an early age, is so great.

The process of forming a preschooler's personality in general and environmental education in particular should be based on a knowledge system that includes basic information about the biosphere (wildlife: plants, animals, humans; inanimate nature). A special place in this system should be occupied by knowledge about man as a part of nature, as about the most intelligent being, on which the future of the biosphere largely depends.

Environmental education is the education of morality, spirituality, intelligence. Man and Nature: Philosophers, poets, artists of all times and peoples have paid tribute to this eternal and always relevant topic. But, perhaps, it has never been so acute as in our days, when the threat of an ecological crisis, and perhaps even catastrophes, hung over mankind and the problem of ecologization of material and spiritual human activity has become a vital necessity, one of the conditions for preserving what is common to all.

Nature reacts in a peculiar way to the violent intrusion of man into its territory: various species of animals and plants are rapidly disappearing on the planet, and the vacated places are filled with harmful and dangerous organisms, including pathogens; the recent increase in allergic and neuropsychic diseases is characteristic, the number of children with congenital anomalies is growing.

For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts, without thinking about the consequences. And I had a desire to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbaric destruction and pollution, to educate people to respect it. And you need to start with the smallest. It was in before school age mastering the basics of ecological knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature very emotionally, as something alive. The influence of nature on the child is enormous: she meets the child with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes him stop, take a closer look, and think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of affection for the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.

"A fish - water, a bird - air, an animal - a forest, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland." This is what the Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin said.

Environmental education of preschool children involves:

- education of a humane attitude towards nature (moral education);
- formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development);
- the development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, to admire it, the desire to preserve it).
- participation of children in activities that are feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to preserve and protect nature.

All components of such an integrated approach to environmental education in a preschool institution do not exist in isolation, but are interconnected. So, a humane attitude towards nature arises in the process of realizing that the world around us is unique, unique, needs our care, and is consolidated in the process of practical activities for caring for indoor plants, inhabitants of a living corner, etc.

Revealing the beauty of nature to a child and teaching him to see it is a difficult task. For this, the teacher himself must be able to live in harmony with nature, and children must be ready to imitate his every movement. They are very observant and attentive to the words of the teacher, they are good at distinguishing between positive and negative in the actions of adults. Environmental education, sincere love for nature means not only a certain state of mind, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding and knowledge.

Thus, the most important condition for the successful implementation of an integrated approach is the creation of an environment in which adults, by personal example, demonstrate to children the correct attitude to nature and actively, to the best of their ability, participate in nature conservation activities with children.


To solve the problems of ecological education, we rely on the following programs: "Young ecologist" by S. N. Nikolaeva, "Open yourself" by E. V. Ryleeva, "Our home is nature"
N. A. Ryzhova, "We" N. N. Kondratyeva.

In our kindergarten, a lot of work is being done on the environmental education of preschoolers.

The methodical office has:

  • natural history literature;
  • benefits;
  • diagrams, tables;
  • didactic aids;
  • games of ecological content.


The groups have created corners of nature that introduce children to indoor plants, the conditions necessary for their growth and development, for observation and work in nature.
On the territory of the preschool educational institution there isecological trailwith a description of natural objects and speech material to them. The ecological trail has a cognitive, developmental, aesthetic and health-improving function. When creating the trail, we used as many interesting objects as possible. As viewpoints, we chose trees, shrubs of different species, different ages, and different shapes. There is also an old tree stump, moss-covered soil, mushrooms, ant paths and their passages, a congestion of "soldiers". A meadow with medicinal plants: coltsfoot, yarrow, chamomile and various insects living on it: butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars. There is a nest on one high birch.

Blooming plants in the flowerbed are very pleasing to the eye. And they are selected so that during the season, some flowers are replaced by others. The guys in the flowerbed took care of the flowers: they loosened, watered, watered, sprayed. On the example of weeds, many biological characteristics of plants, human influence on plant communities were explained. For the same purpose, small trampled areas were left on the path. Comparing them with those that were not trampled, we clearly showed the children how the vegetation cover changes under the influence of trampling, and explained about the rules of behavior during a walk, on vacation.

The ecological trail allows you to more productively use ordinary walks with children for ecological activities and at the same time for improving the health of children in the fresh air. The same sites were visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year.

On the trail, we carried out: observations, games, theatrical activities, excursions. It is very important to remember the integrated approach: on the trail, the children and I observed, examined, discussed, analyzed, etc. They expressed their impressions of what they saw in music lessons, visual arts, theatrical activities, and outdoor games.

Excursions - one of the main types of activities and a special form of organization of work on environmental education. One of the very time consuming and difficult forms of education. On excursions, children got acquainted with plants, animals and, at the same time, with the conditions of their habitation. Thanks to excursions, children develop observation skills and interest in nature. Being in the forest, on the bank of the river, the children collected a variety of natural material for subsequent observations and work in a group, in a corner of nature. With our children we tried
organize interesting excursions: "Walk in the spring forest", "Golden meadow", "Winter's tale". The beauty of nature surrounding them caused deep feelings, contributed to the development of aesthetic feelings.

Walking widely used for environmental education of children. We introduced children to the seasonal changes in nature (length of the day, weather, changes in the life of plants and animals, human labor). During walks, games were organized with natural materials (sand, water, snow, leaves, fruits). For such games, the following equipment was used on the site: a box of sand, a pool, scoops, molds, seals. It is during a walk that children can get acquainted with the properties of sand, earth, clay, snow, ice, water. In addition, we used a variety of game exercises "Find by description", "What grows where?" does it happen? "," Riddles about animals "to recognize trees, shrubs, flowers, animals (by sounds, footprints, etc.). The children really enjoyed playing games with toys set in motion by the wind "Sultans", "Colored ribbons". Through games, they learned to determine the strength and direction of the wind, its contrast.

Experiments were used to establish the causes of phenomena, connections and relationships between objects and phenomena. An experience should always be built on the basis of existing ideas that children received in the process of observation and labor. (Experiments are carried out most often in the older groups, and in the younger and middle groups, separate search actions are used). In each experiment, the reason for the observed phenomenon was revealed, the children tried to independently approach their judgments and conclusions. Refined their knowledge of the properties and qualities of natural objects (about the properties of snow, water, plants, about their changes, etc.). The experiments contributed to the formation of a cognitive interest in nature in children, developed observation, mental activity.

Often used in the classroomfiction.Fiction about nature deeply affects the feelings of children. (You must use the literature recommended by the kindergarten program). These are the works of A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, N. Nekrasov, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, M. Prishvin, V. Bianki, N. Sladkov and others. After reading, I had a conversation with the children and asked questions. You could see sympathy, empathy, or joy, delight in their eyes. It is very pleasant when the children asked questions, where they showed care and love for our little friends: "Will someone save him?", "And they will not freeze?" In these cases, it is important to convey the meaning of the work to the children.

During thematic sessionsfor drawing "Sun", "Firefly", applications "Apple tree", "Ladybug", modeling "Cherries", "Caterpillar" and others used the tape recording "Sounds of Nature". Children listened with affection to the "sounds of nature" and the work turned out much better. In the kindergarten, monthly competitions of children's drawings "How I spent my summer", "Seasons", "The world through the eyes of children", "Leaf fall", "Zimushka-winter", "The snow is melting, the meadow came to life" were held. We took part in various competitions "The best craft from natural material", the model "Nature of Bashkortostan" (Shikhan, Shulgantash cave). Children tried to involve parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters and brothers at home in making handicrafts.

In the fall, a competition was held on the theme: "Unusual Harvest of the Year", where children brought the most crooked potato or the longest cucumber or the largest sunflower. Fairs were held for the "Harvest Day". For joint work, children and parents received gratitude and surprises.

Children of senior and preparatory groups arequizzes, crosswords,Mind games"Connoisseurs of the nature of the native land", "Save nature", "Day of the birds", "Underwater kingdom". These methods of work are aimed at the intellectual development of children, since they require reproduction, actualization of ideas about the facts of nature, patterns known to children.

One of the forms of environmental education isholidays and entertainment.The role of holidays and entertainment is to have a strong impact on the emotional sphere
the personality of the child. It is important in such holidays not so much the reproduction of familiar pieces of music, poems, games, guessing riddles on themes of nature, but the involvement of children in the experience of events, in the awareness of environmental problems that children can understand. We held holidays dedicated to the day of protection of the Earth: "Our home is the Earth", "Green planet". In the course of the plot of a fairy tale played out by children, a separate episode, we tried to evoke in children the experience of humane feelings, sympathy, an acute desire to help the heroes or to solve a problem situation that arose.

The project "Natural World" has been developed for environmental education. (Annex 1 )

Lesson on caring for indoor plants on the topic "Let's Help Dunno". (Appendix 2 )


The work on environmental education with the family is being carried out very closely. Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can the main task be solved - the upbringing of a person with a capital letter, an environmentally literate person. In working with parents on the ecological education of children, both traditional forms (parent meetings, consultations, conversations) and non-traditional (business games, direct telephone, round table, discussions) were used. For example, when organizingparent meetingon the topic "Tasks of ecological education". We conducted a preliminary survey of parents in order to clarify their understanding of the problems associated with environmental education. An effective form of work with parents was, for example, round table "Education of kindness to nature". We started by listening to a tape recording of children's stories about their pets. (For parents whose children have shown cruelty to animals, the purpose of the conversation is not to harm. For parents whose children have shown indifference, the purpose is to interest). It is advisable to organize a separate conversation for each subgroup of parents.

Another form of family work ispedagogical screensin which parents need to be given clear, specific, practical advice on a narrow topic. Through the screens, you can acquaint children and parents with folk signs, but always with the task: why do they say so?

A form of work such as consultations , for example, "Using fiction in the environmental education of preschoolers in the family", you can start by watching an exhibition of books on nature for children. They showed their parents a scene, for example, "Forest Courtesy Lessons," in which fairy-tale characters talked about how to behave in nature. After watching, they talked with the parents, gave each of them specific advice, recommended that the children make sketches about nature at home, look at paintings and illustrations, get acquainted with the nature of their native land through the media, etc. Such forms of work make it possible to demonstrate to parents what knowledge about nature they have children, to show that this knowledge is necessary to form the foundations of ecological culture.

We believe that as a result of the work done, there are positive results:

- formed the beginnings of ecological culture in children;
- consciously correct attitude to objects and natural phenomena, ecological thinking was formed;
- children learn practical actions for nature conservation;
- the mental abilities of children develop, which are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;
- the children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities.

Modern research in the field of environmental education of preschool children

It is generally accepted that environmental education should begin from preschool childhood, where the foundations of the culture of communication and behavior of children in nature are laid.

Of great interest in this direction are the scientific works of psychologists B.G. Ananyev, L.I.Bozhovich, L.S.Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, V.S. Mukhina, and others, which reveal the content of the mechanism of children's cognition of the world around them. and testify to the unclaimed potential of preschool age.

Studies of various aspects of the ecological education of children are reflected in a number of scientific works of pedagogical content. In particular, the content of knowledge about living and inanimate nature was determined by L.I. Ignatkina, N.N. Kondratyeva, S.N. Nikolaeva, P.G. Samorukova, L.F. Ushetskene, I.S. Fradkin; the education of an effective, careful, consciously correct attitude to nature in preschoolers was considered by V.G. Gretseva, M.K. Ibragimova, S.N. Nikolaeva, Z.P. Bad, P.G. Samorukova; the peculiarities of the organization of play activity in the ecological upbringing of children were studied by V.A. Dryazgunova, I.A. Komarova, S.N. Nikolaeva, A.A. Petrikevich; observation as one of the main methods of ecological education was considered by A.I. Vasilyeva, V.I. Loginova, P.G. Samorukova and others. Research aimed at studying the problem of training specialists for preschool educational institutions in a higher school for the ecological education of children was carried out by V.D. Ilyicheva, I.A. Komarova, S.N. Nikolaeva, T.G. Tabukashvili, V.G. Fokina, I.A. Sharapova, M.M. Yarmolinskaya, O.O. Prokofieva dr.

Control questions:

1. Define the basic concepts of ecological education of preschoolers and present them in the system.

2. What underlies the content of environmental knowledge for children from a scientific point of view?

3. What are the distinctive features of modern environmental programs for preschool educational institutions?

4. Where do you see the ecological meaning of the Praleska program?


1. Gradoboeva T. Ecological education of preschoolers // Preschool
new education - 1988. - № 7.

2. Kantseptsyya ekalapchnaga vyhavannya shkolzhkau from Belarus! / Adukatsya i
vyhavanne. - 1993. - No. 11.

3. Nikolaeva S.N. Methodology for environmental education of preschoolers. -
M., 1999.

4. Nikolaeva S.N. Environmental education program for preschoolers. -
M., 1993.

5. Nikolaeva S.N. Communication with nature begins from childhood. - Perm, 1992.

6. Selezneva M. Ecological education of preschoolers // Preschool education. - 1998. - No. 3.

7. Praleska / Pragram vyhavannya i navuchannya ud / s. - Mn., 2000.

8. Petrykev! H A.A. Vyhavanne pavazhshvykh adnos!
shykh dashkolzhkau. - Mn., 1993.

Topic: Methods of ecological education of preschoolers

1. Observation is a method of sensory cognition of nature. The role of cyclical observations in working with children.

2. Caring for living objects as a method of environmental education.

3. The role of modeling and visual aids in the ecological education of children.

"People, come to your senses!

See what you've done

and be horrified! "

We all owe our lives to our planet - the beautiful and only Mother Earth, blue from oceans, green from forests, yellow from sands, groaning today from pain, crying for help and, alas, remaining childishly defenseless in front of ... us, in front of a barbarian - Human. Having received unlimited power over nature and haughtily reveling in this power, he, who considers himself the "crown of nature," forgot that he himself is a modest part of it.

We still do not understand and do not want to understand, ”the modern Russian writer V. Astafiev exclaims sadly,“ that animals, birds, fish, plants will live without us, but we cannot live a single day without them. ”These are“ golden ” words, think about them.

Signs of impending disaster are visible throughout the world today. Humanity "face to face" is faced with a severe environmental crisis, the mortal danger of which has become especially obvious now, when the clouds of the military conflict have thinned out somewhat. The resources of the planet are not multiplying, but dwindling. Water and air become polluted catastrophically, and at the same time there is less and less potable water. Fertile lands turn into sands - the main source of our life. Before our eyes, the area of ​​forests is shrinking, providing the Earth with oxygen, stabilizing the climate and water circulation. Chemical pollution is making itself felt everywhere. As a result of the barbaric management of man, mountains of garbage literally "tumble out" onto the planet, suffocating all living things. Emissions of various gases into the atmosphere accelerate the "greenhouse effect" and deplete the ozone layer around the planet.

Environmental problems do not know national borders and natural boundaries - they are global. The ecological situation, for example, in the Urals, can affect the state of the environment in Florida, and the processes taking place, say, in California, can affect the state of wildlife in the Far East. The dust of the Sahara with the help of trade winds reaches the shores of South America, and the breath of Chernobyl, unfortunately, was felt in some countries of Western Europe.

Can anyone hide (on an island, in a bunker, in the mountains) from an environmental disaster? A naive question, you say - and rightly so. The remarkable French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery once remarked: "We are all passengers of the same ship named Earth", so there is simply nowhere to change from it. If mankind does not have the strength, means or reason to get along with nature, then on the dead, dusty, lifeless Earth it would be worth, perhaps, to install a tombstone with such a mournful inscription: "Everyone wanted the best for himself."

We are living through a painful time when many of our ideals, the foundations of human morality, are crumbling in the world; many believe that the very building of world culture is crumbling, with such difficulty, with such self-sacrifice, erected by the companions of the spirit, the titans of thought, the geniuses of our planet - the Earth. In any case, this process is very clearly manifested in our country.

Today in the world there is, one might say, a paradoxical situation, when mankind has reached amazing heights in the development of civilization and at the same time itself is on the verge of death, forced to start looking for an answer to the well-known question: "To be or not to be?"

Having worked in kindergarten for 12 years, I consider the ecological problem in the upbringing of preschoolers to be the most urgent.

The main goal of ecological education is the formation of the principles of ecological culture.

A correct attitude towards nature, towards yourself and other people as part of nature, towards things and materials of natural origin. The correct attitude is based on elementary knowledge of an ecological nature, which in the future determine the motives of actions and behavior. Environmental knowledge is information about the relationship of plants and animals with the habitat, their adaptability to it; about man as a part of nature; on the use of natural resources; environmental pollution, etc.

Knowledge is not an end in itself in environmental education, but a necessary condition for developing an attitude to the world around us, which should be emotionally effective and expressed in the form of cognitive interest, humanistic and aesthetic experiences, practical readiness to create, protect all living things, and treat things with care not only because it is someone's work, but also because materials of natural origin were used to make them.

Working with preschoolers, I try to use a variety of forms and methods: these are cycles of observation of plants and animals in a corner of nature and on a site; maintaining different calendars, classes (simple and complex), targeted walks, excursions, hikes, the use of game learning situations.

The specificity of my technology is the use throughout the school year of V. Bianchi's literary works, which are available to children of this age, reliably reflect the specifics of natural phenomena, teach to be observant, to treat all living things with love.

I devote a significant place to creative processes, the perception of works of art with a natural history, art activity, verbal and literary creativity (drawing illustrations for V. Bianchi's stories and tales, making homemade books), organizing exhibitions.

So, in September, I conduct observations of the behavior of children in a corner of nature, at the site of a kindergarten, their attitude to living things, things, playing games (I note cases of using natural materials, natural history subjects).

A cycle of observations of the flowering herbaceous plants of the site begins.

Observation 1.

"What blooms on the site in early September?"

Inspection of the site, search for flowering plants, determining their names, fixing the attention of children on the beauty of flowering plants.

Observation 2.

"What are they, flowering plants?"

Inspection of plants, their structure (stem, leaves, flowers, root). Comparison of plants by height, shape, color of leaves, flowers, stems, smell.

Observation 3.

"Who helped the flowers grow?"

The purpose of all parts of the plant is determined: the root - to absorb moisture, nutrients; stem - to carry them to leaves, flowers, seeds; leaves - to absorb light. Plants have grown because the site is a good "home" for them, in which there is nutritious soil, water, heat, light. The sun, rain, earth and people helped the flowers grow.

I continue to monitor children in order to determine the level of their ecological education. With the help of simple tasks, questions, tests, I reveal their knowledge of the needs of living beings, how to satisfy them, and their habitat.

I continue to observe the flowering herbaceous plants of the site.

Observation 4.

"What happened first, what will happen next?"

I ask the questions: what was the plant like before the flowers appeared on it? How did the plant begin? What will happen after the flowers? Will there be flowering plants on the site next year? What needs to be done for this?

Observation 5.

"Let's collect the seeds of garden flowers."

Inspection of flowers, identification of mature seeds, collecting them in boxes or bags (one flower - there are many seeds; this means that many flowering plants can be grown next year).

Observation 6

"Let's decorate the group, kindergarten with beautiful flowers."

Children admire the beauty of flowers, cut them for bouquets, decorate the group, changing rooms, bedrooms, stairs, and give them to kids.

My children and I visit the garden at the kindergarten site, inspect the plants, determine the readiness of the fruits for collection, and plan the work. I begin reading the book by V. Blanka "Mouse Peak" (one story every day). Before each reading, children recall the content of the previous story.

I take a targeted walk to a vegetable market or a store (what vegetables and fruits are sold in the store in September). I buy vegetables and in a group, together with the children, I prepare a salad, discuss with them the sequence and obligatory nature of all actions. In the evening I talk with children about health: I discuss how the salad is useful, I say that there are many vitamins in fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, from which the health of both adults and children becomes stronger; that health should be appreciated, because a healthy person is beautiful, always in a good mood, can do interesting things, you need to enjoy your health and take care of it.

Observation 7

"Where do garden flowers grow?"

Targeted walk outside the kindergarten (to school, park).

Observation 8

Do I need to collect wild plant seeds? "

Children find seeds (plantain, loach, etc.) on the site, make sure that they fall off themselves, then are carried by the wind, cling to clothes, animal hair; come to the idea that they can be collected for winter feeding of birds.

In my free time, I talk with children about "Which plants have seeds that fly?" (dandelion, coltsfoot, thistle, etc.).

The role of the teacher in the implementation of modern pedagogical problems is great. The teacher must be well prepared theoretically, read a lot and know, be able to transfer his knowledge in an accessible, entertaining form, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical age characteristics of the pupils.

Before conducting any lesson on ecology, I read a number of scientific and methodological literature, prepare interesting material: I select riddles, fairy tales, questions for quizzes.

The teacher must not only have a certain amount of knowledge himself, but also be able to interest children.

The educator is a role model. Each of his actions is an example for the pupil. I love animals very much and try not to miss the opportunity with the color of a flying bird, a running cat. I try to express my emotions out loud, because I am not ashamed of the pupils. After a certain period of time, I see a return: many children imitate me, and this makes me happy.

The pedagogical process with the participation of one teacher will turn out to be one-sided. It is important that both parents, a music worker, a psychologist and a speech therapist are involved in environmental education of preschoolers. When purposeful work is carried out by all participants in the pedagogical process, then good results can be expected. So at a music lesson the children learned the song "Don't tease the dogs", and a psychologist talked about caring for pets.

After this lesson, the children received assignments: together with their parents, compose a story - a description about our younger brothers. And as a result of all the preparatory work, I did a modeling lesson. "My best friend", where the children talked about their favorites, sang the song "Don't tease the dogs", talked about their relationship to them. I can say without a doubt that these guys will not offend a dog or cat running by, their stories were too touching and childishly naive, the ears and noses of the dogs were molded from plasticine with great love.

I believe that environmental education in kindergarten should have the following directions:

To form in children elementary ideas about plants and animals as living organisms in their relationship with the environment, about the value of nature and human responsibility for its preservation.

A long-term exercise of respect for nature should be carried out in play while performing work duties in everyday life.

Preschoolers need to be taught the skills of caring for plants and animals. Systematic labor in nature should form in them the habit of caring for living things.

However, this process largely depends on the motives that induce the child's labor activity. The motives can be different. Interest in joint activities with adults or peers can be a strong incentive to work. The formation of morally significant motives in children for caring for plants and animals requires special pedagogical work.

You need to remember the rule:

The more monotonous, the more familiar the process of labor for children, the more important is its motivation. For the implementation of environmental education, aesthetic perception is of great importance. Strengthening the aesthetic side, the widespread inclusion of works of art in this process is an important factor in environmental education.

In the modern world, it is customary to consider a person - a conqueror of nature, a lord, a lord, it was not by chance that I touched on the problem of ecology. Healthy planet Earth - healthy children. And I am not indifferent to the life and health of my pupils, I do not agree that we are gentlemen over nature.

Man over nature is neither the lord nor the king of nature. Admiring his mind, we must learn to admire doubly the harmony, the beauty of nature, the inexhaustibility of its secrets. It is eternal, while human life is just a moment, moments.


"My pedagogical philosophy"



Knowledge, experience, worldly wisdom - these are the seeds of an inspired sower. Not even a sower, but a gardener. Remember how stubborn, persistent striving with a thin, fragile blade of grass to break through rough soil, sometimes through asphalt, is striking. In the same way, human spirituality seeks to break through the rough scab of mercantile time, tough inhuman social priorities. As all living things feed on the sun, so the soul lives with love, mercy, compassion. It is difficult to raise an intellectual with a rich inner world and a wonderful soul.

An educator is a "connoisseur + artist + doctor". Knowledge is power, the teacher should have artistry in his blood.

I am working in a kindergarten for the thirteenth year, I am not bored working in it. All these years have been different. I am different, children are different, life is different. But despite this, the educator should not be weak. He must be strong and interesting, first of all, to himself (otherwise you will not be interesting to anyone), he must first "love himself", so that later he must also "love" his children. Without denying the power and significance of Reason, it is Love and Kindness that should be put at the foundation of everything, for life does not spoil most of our children, and “a decrease in love and kindness is always a decrease in life.” (I. Bunin). And God forbid that she would not break our children, so that their "experiences of a fast-flowing life" would not be too bitter and would not turn out to be stronger than all the good and beautiful that a kindergarten can and should put in the bottom.

The face of Russia for me is the face of a child. And in such cases, in my work, simply human things come to the fore: to help, to see the beautiful, to caress, to sympathize, to have a heart-to-heart talk. Because the greatest value on earth is children. What we live for. After all, if we plant a tree, build a house, but do not raise a son, then for whom is this house and tree?

Working for several years on the topic "Formation of a system of norms of behavior in nature in preschoolers," I did not accidentally touch on the problem of ecology. A healthy planet Earth - her children are healthy. And I am not indifferent to the life and health of my pupils.

And I sort of assigned the roles according to the script. The gardener - the master is me, and my children are the first students.

And I, as a gardener - master, try to instill a love not only for wildlife, but also to see the beauty in inanimate nature.

Encouraging children to find as many different stones as possible (differing in color, shape, size) during a walk. Imagining that we are looking for the remains of an old treasure, because any stone can become precious - you just need to push the child's imagination a little.

During the conversation, I tell the children that the Earth has stone clothes. And where these clothes are visible on the surface, where there are a lot of stones, mountains rise. We consider photographs, slides of mountain landscapes with children. And I lead the children to the fact that many stones from our collection are pieces of mountains. Let me remind you that stones and mountains are inanimate nature. I try to give children a picture of the world, knowledge about this world.

Continuing to work on this topic, I must instill a taste for intellectual work: teach to look and see, observe, think, conduct a dialogue ... And how he will fulfill this mission is very important.

Therefore, my main goal is to raise a healthy, independent, responsible, critical thinking, free and happy citizen of my country and the entire planet.

Yevtushenko has good words:

"Take care of these lands, these waters; loving even a small blade of grass,

Only kill the beasts within you. "

All of humanity and every person is a part of nature. Nature constitutes the constant environment of man, this natural environment in which he lives and which leaves a significant imprint on his life.

Constantly from year to year, the cycle in the vegetable kingdom of nature is being improved before the eyes of man; birth and flowering, maturity and fruiting, wilting and death until a new spring.

It should be remembered that nature conservation is one of the most important responsibilities of every person. That is why the formation of the child's personality includes, as a necessary component of the educator, the correct attitude to nature, the upbringing of correct ecological thinking in every person.

The first foundations of ecological culture are laid in the period of preschool childhood. In order for a child to understand nature, it is not enough to give specific tasks on it, it is necessary to teach him to rejoice, empathize with her, teach him to see the beautiful when it snows or the sun is shining, the wind is rustling or the drops are ringing. It is these skills that enrich the soul and inner world of the child, make him more deeply understand, learn about the environment, increase the intellect and culture of communication with nature. Combining the feelings that have arisen with environmental knowledge will give a positive result in raising children.

Certain material has been accumulated: reports, class notes, recommendations, consultations, an album of proverbs, sayings, riddles on topics, the herbarium "Plants of our site", "Meadow herbs", "Flowers", "Medicinal plants", "Red Book", albums : about spring, winter, autumn, summer, where the characteristic of the season is given.

During any events, I teach children to protect and enhance the plant world. A corner of nature, where indoor flowers are kept, also helps me in this. When observing indoor plants, I draw the attention of children to the beauty of flowers and leaves, I tell them that indoor flowers not only decorate the room, but also that they heal the microclimate of the room, that each flower requires its own conditions (some love light, others do not, some love a lot of moisture, others not). In the group for the care of indoor flowers, a watch is established. In the process of various activities and experiments, children are convinced that water passes through loose soil faster, as well as light and air.

I consolidate all the knowledge gained in the games "Describe the flower", "Learn by description", "What has changed?" etc.

In acquainting children with the plant world, my own tasks for the development of logical thinking, schemes, didactic games, the use of illustrations about plants, artistic words, proverbs, riddles, reading stories, watching TV programs about plants, conducting drawing classes help me a lot. In general, systematic work to familiarize children with the plant world, a varied creative result in environmental education gives a positive approach to the formation of children's skills. In order to summarize my work, I, together with a music worker, organized final classes, holidays, entertainment, KVN, matinees.

Based on ideas about the relationships in nature and in the plant world, children develop an interest in nature, an interest in its knowledge, a real willingness to come to the aid of plants if they need it. The contact of children with nature, directly and constantly surrounding the child, a variety of techniques and methods (thoughtful organization of labor, observation, play, teaching) are the key to the correct formulation of environmental education. Only then will nature appear before a person kind, generous, giving people its riches and the joys of communicating with her, when a person treats her with attentive eyes, with love and respect for her.

The loss of human connection with nature, with plants can result in very serious consequences, because the earth, plants, communication with them are one of the main reservoirs from which humanity is drawn, humanity is built in a person. Gone is this relationship of love, kindness to plants, to the earth - no one knows how it will end.

"People, come to your senses!

Behold what you have done and be horrified! "

I believe that observation is the main means of knowing plant life. These activities contribute to the mental development of speech. The connection between plant life and natural phenomena develops artistic taste in children.

In the spring we planted shrubs, flowers in the flowerbed, beans and peas, onions in the garden bed, dug in trees, removed dry branches. Taking care of plants, we repeatedly observe their growth, flowering, fruiting, children see the result of their work and learn the conditions for plant growth and the rules for caring for them. At the same time, children understand that plants love caring hands and a sensitive human heart.


Abashkina Olga Yurievna , 5th year student at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow [email protected]

Annotation: the article examines the ecological situation at the present stage, highlights the main methods of ecological education of preschoolers, contributing to the harmonious interaction of man with nature.

Keywords: ecology, nature, ecological education, preschooler.

“We are talking about a child's love for everything that cannot live without a gentle human hand, without a sensitive human heart. It is about love for the living and defenseless, weak and tender. " - this is how the great teacher V.A.Sukhomlinsky wrote in his time.

Today, the problem of environmental education for preschoolers comes to the fore, gaining more and more relevance. Why it happens? Scientific and technological progress does not stand still, and that which until recently we did not even imagine, now already exists within the framework of modernity. It is undeniable that progress has brought many irreplaceable and very practical things to our planet, but what is behind the progress from an ecological point of view? Have you ever thought about how much a simple plastic bag rotates in the bowels of the earth? Cellophane decomposes 200 years, it turns out that while we are fighting for cleanliness in institutions, diligently putting shoe covers on our feet, we pollute our planet 200 years ahead. Did you know how many meters around one battery thrown to the ground contaminates the soil with heavy metals? 20 square meters, and in the forest it is the habitat of two trees, several moles, a hedgehog, thousands of insects and worms.

Why was this problem not so urgent 50 years ago? The point is not only in scientific and technological progress, but also in the person himself. We have become divorced from nature, we are “children of big cities and huge supermarkets”, we do not need to listen to Mother Nature to give us a harvest, we have learned to replace what is given by nature with what is created by human hands. We do not need to plant cotton and flax, we can pump oil from the bowels of the earth, creating beautiful synthetic fabrics from it. It is not important for us that snow falls on time and covers winter crops, we can bake bran and margarine bread. We are not worried that the sun bakes so strongly in summer that it has dried up the reservoirs and soil, we have water in the water supply system. We have no time to think about something global in the conditions of the high-speed rhythm of the city, not to mention how to somehow teach our children to value nature. Unfortunately, we can already observe how nature responds to us with "reciprocity". We are not surprised or shocked by ozone holes, global warming, acid rain, frequent earthquakes and floods. But deep down, we understand that this is a consequence of our consumerist and careless attitude to nature.

Our planet at this stage can only be changed by the activity of a person who will deeply understand the laws of nature and act, taking into account the fact that a person is the same unit of nature, which means that each of us must learn to competently and rationally interact with the world around us. And this is possible only if a person has a high level of ecological and moral culture, the development of which begins at an early age and continues throughout life.

Therefore, today the problem of ecological education of preschoolers is becoming more and more acute. It was during this period that the foundations of a person's worldview, his relationship to nature and the surrounding reality, took place.

A significant sign of a child's ecological upbringing is participation in environmentally-oriented activities, in the process of which love and a humane attitude towards nature are instilled. It is necessary to teach a preschooler to respect and care for insects, animals, birds, plants, making it clear that often the well-being of wildlife depends on direct human actions. Since for preschoolers, communication with adults is of particular emotional importance, it is the adult who must help the child to comprehend and understand the harmony in nature, for this it is very important to accompany the acquaintance with the world around him with emotional conversation.

Environmental education is a relatively new trend in preschool pedagogy. But already with full confidence we can say that it is in the preschool age, through targeted pedagogical influence, provided that the preschooler is systematically acquainted with the diversity of nature, as well as his involvement in practical activities, the child can lay the foundations of ecological culture as a whole. Since preschool childhood in this case is the most favorable age for solving the problems of environmental education, it is necessary, first of all, to organize the pedagogical process in preschool institutions based on the fundamental concepts of nature as a whole, as well as to appropriately organize the ecological-developing environment of children. The forms and methods of acquaintance of children with nature can be very different, they must be varied based on educational tasks, available material and directly on the basis of the natural environment surrounding the child.

The most common and easily accessible method of introducing children to the world around them is observation. Observation should be organized by the teacher not only as a direct educational activity, but also as a method used in the daily life of a preschooler. So observation of the surroundings should be included in other activities: games, walks, excursions.

Another means that forms the child's ecological outlook, as well as develops children's observation skills, is the work of children in nature. It enriches the spiritual world of the preschooler, fostering love for nature and all its components. So in the process of labor, children establish cause-and-effect relationships, for example, they begin to understand what the state of plants and animals depends on, get ideas about the needs of living nature, understand the power of man's influence on the world around him.

Excursions are also one of the forms of organizing activities for environmental education, where children in the most natural setting get acquainted with natural phenomena and objects. This type of activity also contributes to the formation of the child's observation. At the moment, an excursion, as a type of activity for preschoolers, is becoming increasingly important. Since before, an integral part of the children's acquaintance with nature was a corner of the nature of the preschool educational institution, where some animals and houseplants could be found. The child could observe these objects every day, which greatly facilitated the task of the educator in acquainting the child with wildlife, and also made it possible to form a respectful attitude towards it in children. Now there are no corners of nature in the preschool educational institution, but just such an activity as an excursion will help children get acquainted with natural objects and phenomena.

The excursion can be natural history, where the teacher acquaints children with natural objects, as well as with their distinctive features. On ecological excursions, the educator gives more in-depth knowledge about the connections in the natural world (the object - with the conditions of existence; conditions of existence - with the structural features of the object, etc.). aesthetic character, the teacher teaches to see the beauty of nature, trying to form the child's love for her.

Another important condition for the harmonious ecological development of a child is systematic training in the classroom. In modern conditions, an organized system of classes for the ecological education of children has been created. These classes are designed to form, systematize, expand and deepen the natural history knowledge of preschoolers. Each lesson may differ significantly from another, the concept of building a lesson will depend on the goals and objectives.

So tasks initial introductory type are solved mainly by verbal methods (conversation, viewing illustrations, reading children's fiction, etc.)

Tasks in-depth cognitive types are solved by an in-depth study of the relationship of plants and animals with the external environment.

Tasks generalizing types set themselves the goal of grouping objects based on a number of significant features.

Tasks an integrated type are solved to a greater extent with older preschoolers, they rely on the creative potential of the teacher and children and are based on different types of activities.

An important role in solving the problems of environmental education of preschoolers is given to various types of games.

Didactic games(desktop-printed, verbal, etc.) in them, children consolidate and deepen the existing knowledge about objects and phenomena of nature.

Object games("Tops and roots", "Magic bag", etc.) concretize the knowledge of preschoolers, give an idea of ​​individual signs of objects and natural phenomena.

Games with natural material(fruits, vegetables, cones, leaves, etc.) help the preschooler learn to group and classify objects and phenomena based on their characteristic features.

Outdoor games("Hares-wolves", "Owl-owl") through imitation give the child the opportunity to get acquainted with the habits of animals, as well as with their habitat.

Preschoolers are just beginning to get acquainted with the world around them: with the laws of nature, animals and plants. A huge responsibility for how the acquaintance of children with nature will be held today rests with kindergarten workers. It is the teacher who must make every effort to ensure that the environmental education of the child today forms a new environmental consciousness in humanity in the near future.


  1. Nikolaeva S.N. Complex classes in ecology for older preschoolers. "Pedagogical Society of Russia", Moscow: 2007
  2. Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methodology of environmental education for children. "Academy", Moscow: 2002
  3. Poddyakov N.N. Features of the mental development of preschool children. - M.: 1996
  4. V.A. Sukhomlinsky I give my heart to the children. The fourth edition, "Radianska school" Kiev: 1973

In our time, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and they are given more and more attention. Why have these problems become urgent? The reason is human activity in nature, often illiterate, incorrect from an ecological point of view, wasteful, leading to a violation of the ecological balance.

Each of those who brought and brings harm to nature was once a child. That is why the role of preschool institutions in the environmental education of children, starting from an early age, is so great.

Environmental education is the education of morality, spirituality, intelligence. Man and Nature: Philosophers, poets, artists of all times and peoples have paid tribute to this eternal and always relevant topic. But, perhaps, it has never been so acute as in our days, when the threat of an ecological crisis, and perhaps even catastrophes, hung over mankind and the problem of ecologization of material and spiritual human activity has become a vital necessity, one of the conditions for preserving what is common to all.

For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts, without thinking about the consequences. And I had a desire to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbaric destruction and pollution, to educate people to respect it. And you need to start with the smallest. It is in preschool age that the assimilation of the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature very emotionally, as something alive. The influence of nature on the child is enormous: she meets the child with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes him stop, take a closer look, and think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of affection for the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.

"A fish - water, a bird - air, an animal - a forest, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland." This is what the Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin said.

Environmental education of preschool children involves:

- education of a humane attitude towards nature (moral education);

- formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development);

- the development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, to admire it, the desire to preserve it).

- participation of children in activities that are feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to preserve and protect nature.

All components of such an integrated approach to environmental education in a preschool institution do not exist in isolation, but are interconnected. So, a humane attitude towards nature arises in the process of realizing that the world around us is unique, unique, needs our care, and is consolidated in the process of practical activities for caring for indoor plants, inhabitants of a living corner, etc.

Revealing the beauty of nature to a child and teaching him to see it is a difficult task. For this, the teacher himself must be able to live in harmony with nature, and children must be ready to imitate his every movement. They are very observant and attentive to the words of the teacher, they are good at distinguishing between positive and negative in the actions of adults. Environmental education, sincere love for nature means not only a certain state of mind, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding and knowledge.

Blooming plants in the flowerbed are very pleasing to the eye. And they are selected so that during the season, some flowers are replaced by others. The guys in the flowerbed took care of the flowers: they loosened, watered, watered, sprayed. On the example of weeds, many biological characteristics of plants, human influence on plant communities were explained. For the same purpose, small trampled areas were left on the path. Comparing them with those that were not trampled, we clearly showed the children how the vegetation cover changes under the influence of trampling, and explained about the rules of behavior during a walk, on vacation.

The ecological trail allows you to more productively use ordinary walks with children for ecological activities and at the same time for improving the health of children in the fresh air. The same sites were visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year.

Walking is widely used for the ecological education of children. We introduced children to the seasonal changes in nature (length of the day, weather, changes in the life of plants and animals, human labor). During walks, games were organized with natural materials (sand, water, snow, leaves, fruits). For such games, the following equipment was used on the site: a box of sand, a pool, scoops, molds, seals. It is during a walk that children can get acquainted with the properties of sand, earth, clay, snow, ice, water. In addition, we used a variety of game exercises "Find by description", "What grows where?" does it happen? "," Riddles about animals "to recognize trees, shrubs, flowers, animals (by sounds, footprints, etc.). The children really enjoyed playing games with toys set in motion by the wind "Sultans", "Colored ribbons". Through games, they learned to determine the strength and direction of the wind, its contrast.

During the academic year, the following observation cycles are carried out: for flowering plants of the site and sand in the sandbox (September); for aquarium fish (October - November); behind the spruce, the night sky (December); for wintering birds on the site and a bird in a cage (January - February); for the growth of onions on the windowsill, tree branches in a vase (February - March); for the awakening of the mother-stepmother and dandelions on the site (April - May); behind a ladybug (in spring and summer). The indicated observation cycles are typical for the overwhelming majority of preschool institutions in Russia, their implementation creates in children a solid foundation of concrete knowledge about the nature of the immediate environment, develops the ability to interact with it.

The weather is monitored systematically in everyday life - one week a month children look at the sky every day, clarify the nature of precipitation, the presence of wind or its absence, and determine the degree of warmth and cold by their clothes.

The surrounding nature is the source of the development of not only the mind, but also the moral feelings of the child. It is very important to arouse in the child a positive attitude towards objects and phenomena of nature. The most effective means for this will be frequent, direct observation.

With the correct guidance of the observation of the environment, the child begins to understand what is good and what is bad; experiences good and evil with all his heart; learns to feel the beautiful and the ugly, learns to "speak" with a bird and a flower, the sun and wind, and to love them.

Nature is the child's first aesthetic educator. Observing nature, the child will learn to see, understand and appreciate its beauty.

Filling out nature's calendar is another daily routine that goes hand in hand with observation. My children and I regularly record the weather and the state of wildlife when we are observing it. In junior and middle groups, with the help of a teacher, children, after a walk, look for pictures of natural phenomena that they observed on the street.

In the spring, we keep another type of calendar - drawings showing the sequential growth of a plant. This can be an onion in a jar, planted in water for germinating greens; tree branches, placed in a vase at the end of winter to observe budding, unfolding of young leaves; germination of seeds, growth and development of any garden or flower culture. In their drawings, children depict the process of plant growth and development. Great opportunities in fostering environmental feelings in relation to the world around are inherent in games, primarily didactic ones. For example, in our group there are games such as "Fold the picture", "Whether in the garden or in the garden", "Become a friend of nature", "Couples", "Wildlife and inanimate nature", "Who lives where", "Inseparable friends ".

Experiments were used to establish the causes of phenomena, connections and relationships between objects and phenomena. The experience should always be built on the basis of the existing ideas that the children received in the process of observation and labor. (Experiments are carried out most often in the older groups, and in the younger and middle groups, separate search actions are used). In each experiment, the reason for the observed phenomenon was revealed, the children tried to independently approach their judgments and conclusions. Refined their knowledge of the properties and qualities of natural objects (about the properties of snow, water, plants, about their changes, etc.). The experiments contributed to the formation of a cognitive interest in nature in children, developed observation, mental activity.

Fiction was often used in the classroom. Fiction about nature deeply affects the feelings of children. (You must use the literature recommended by the kindergarten program). These are the works of A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, N. Nekrasov, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, M. Prishvin, V. Bianki, N. Sladkov and others. After reading, I had a conversation with the children and asked questions. You could see sympathy, empathy, or joy, delight in their eyes. It is very pleasant when the children asked questions, where they showed care and love for our little friends: "Will someone save him?", "And they will not freeze?" In these cases, it is important to convey the meaning of the work to the children.

During the thematic drawing lessons "Sun", "Firefly", applications "Apple tree", "Ladybug", modeling "Cherries", "Caterpillar" and others, they used the tape recording "Sounds of nature". Children listened with affection to the "sounds of nature" and the work turned out much better. In the kindergarten, monthly competitions of children's drawings "How I spent my summer", "Seasons", "The world through the eyes of children", "Leaf fall", "Zimushka-winter", "The snow is melting, the meadow came to life" were held.

Thus, the most important condition for the successful implementation of an integrated approach is the creation of an environment in which adults, by personal example, demonstrate to children the correct attitude to nature and actively, to the best of their ability, participate in nature conservation activities with children.

We believe that as a result of the work done, there are positive results:

- formed the beginnings of ecological culture in children;

- consciously correct attitude to objects and natural phenomena, ecological thinking was formed;

- children learn practical actions for nature conservation;

- the mental abilities of children develop, which are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;

- the children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities.