Ancient recipes for beauty. Simple ways to rejuvenate: recipes for folk remedies for wrinkles, which are easy to prepare at home Snow-white face skin tips from our grandmothers

If you think that the old recipes for the beauty of our grandmothers are outdated for a long time, then you are mistaken. Many of these secrets are still used today in cosmetics. However, they often contain artificial substitutes and harmful preservatives instead of natural ingredients. If you want to pamper yourself and your skin with natural nutrients, then anti-wrinkle masks from our grandmothers will help you.

1. Morning mask with oatmeal for wrinkles

An oatmeal mask will help to “wake up” the skin after a night's sleep. Mix a handful of oatmeal with curdled milk to make a gruel and apply to face and neck. After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a daytime moisturizer. The mask provides deep cleansing and nourishes the skin.

2. Instant refreshing tonic

Does your face look tired and faded? Take the juice of one lemon and mix it with the same amount of mineral water. Using a cotton pad, apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area. After 5 - 10 minutes, wash off with warm water. This tonic will help revitalize and visibly refresh the look.

3. Protein anti-wrinkle masks

Egg white is a wonderful remedy for wrinkles and premature skin aging.

  • Mix the white of one egg with a finely grated cucumber. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  • Or another recipe: beat the protein into a strong foam, add a teaspoon of cream or honey, mix and apply on the skin for a few minutes. Then rinse with water.
  • Also, protein is great for skin care around the eyes. Whenever you cook anything with eggs, apply a small amount of protein to the eye area and rinse with warm water after drying.

Follow this procedure consistently and the result will amaze you!

4. Apple mask

A fruit such as an apple is able to nourish the skin of the face with a hefty portion of vitamins and enzymes. Try refreshing your face once a week with an apple mask. To do this, grate the apple on a fine grater and add a tablespoon of honey to the resulting puree, mix well and apply the mixture to the skin of the face and neck. After half an hour, wash off the mask with cool water.

5. Radiant skin with milk and honey

Milk and honey are a true panacea for tired skin. Mix a tablespoon of milk or kefir with one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of ground sesame seeds. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

6. Almond oil anti-wrinkle face mask

One of the most popular anti-wrinkle mask recipes is an almond oil and honey mask.

Mix one tablespoon of almond oil with half a tablespoon of honey and apply to cleansed skin. Rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water. After just a few procedures, you will notice the difference, the skin will become more elastic and visibly rejuvenated.

7. Strawberries for mature or dry skin

Take five ripe strawberries, chop them into small pieces, put them in a bowl and add two tablespoons each of sour cream and honey. Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse off warm and dry gently.

8. Gentle peeling for oily and problem skin

Pour one tablespoon of oatmeal with the same amount of hot milk. Let the mixture sit and use it as a scrub.

9. Get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Good old potatoes will help with puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into thin slices. Apply the obtained plates to the area under the eyes for 15 to 20 minutes.

A mixture of olive oil and lemon juice can also cope with this problem.


Even natural remedies need to be used with caution, as they can cause allergic reactions in some people. Before using this or that remedy, do a small test by applying a small amount to the inside of the elbow. If no reaction appears after 24 hours, you can use this product without fear.

Do you have secret beauty recipes from grandmothers? Share with us!

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Face masks.

Youth lotion

As one of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, I cannot remain indifferent to female beauty.

  • To remove wrinkles, mix 200 g of cream, 1 raw chicken egg yolk, 20 ml of 70 ° alcohol, the juice of one lemon and wipe your face with this mixture.
  • This mask will help women improve their facial skin and get rid of wrinkles. You need 1 tbsp. Grind cream with one chicken yolk and 1 tsp. juice of carrots, apply the mixture on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm vegetable oil.

I offer readers recipes for wrinkle-smoothing products that make the skin smooth and silky.

  • Bake the onion in the oven, cool, peel and mash with a fork. Add 1 tbsp. oat flour and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a damp swab.
  • Mix thoroughly 1 tbsp. onion juice, 0.5 cups high-quality cream, 1 raw chicken egg yolk, 2 tbsp. vodka, freshly squeezed juice of one lemon, soak a tampon with the prepared lotion and wipe it well on the face and neck. After 30 minutes, wash off with boiled water. This lotion is recommended for people with dry, sensitive and normal skin.

The pungent smell of onions completely disappears if, after using products based on it, you wipe the skin with any citrus juice, serum or water, adding a little citric acid to it.

  • To get rid of wrinkles and rejuvenate, pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tbsp. lime blossom, let it brew a little,
    add 1 tsp. honey and lubricate the face and neck. Rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water. Repeat the procedure the next day.
  • This mask refreshes and smoothes wrinkles. Mix well 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tsp each. honey and glycerin, and then apply the mixture to your face. Wash off after 2 hours. Repeat 2-3 times a week. You can apply various fruit and vegetable juices, milk, sour cream and butter on your face for a few minutes.

Fighting wrinkles

  • To smooth the face from wrinkles, it is necessary to stir until a homogeneous consistency 200 g of fresh raspberries, 4 tablespoons. milk and 1 tbsp. baby cream, and then moisten a cotton swab in this mixture and wipe it over your face
  • Green clay will help smooth out wrinkles. It should be diluted with kefir or sour milk to the state of gruel, applied as a mask on the face, held for 10 minutes, and then washed off with warm and cold water.
  • Thanks to this tool, I get rid of wrinkles. So, you need to put in a clay pot 30 g of white wax and bee honey, pour 30 ml of onion juice and a white lily tuber and put the container on low heat. Withstand, stirring constantly with a wooden stick, the contents until the wax melts, and then remove from heat and cool. Rub the face with the finished ointment in the morning and evening.

This procedure smoothes the skin and removes wrinkles.

So, generously lather your hands with plain soap, squeeze out some toothpaste, mix it with the lather and apply the mixture to your face, neck, décolleté and hands. Hold until it dries up and "stabs". Then rinse off with cold water. You will immediately feel how silky your skin will become. And after the bath, the body must be rinsed with water and apple cider vinegar.

Washing with "egg" water

Makes the skin smooth and beautiful, cleansing it of wrinkles, acne and blackheads, washing with water in which eggs were boiled. I usually do this when I cook eggs for the Olivier salad. Since I have a large family, I cook quite a lot of salad, using 20-25 eggs each time.

Rejuvenating & Smoothing Gelatin Facial Mask

Gelatin is diluted in a small amount of water and cooled. For oily skin, kefir or yogurt is added to gelatin, and milk for dry skin.

Add some wheat flour or oatmeal to thicken the mixture. Before applying the gelatin face mask, lubricate your face with moisturizer, and then apply the mask to your face.

Relax and wait for the mask to dry completely. While the mask is on the face, you cannot talk and smile. The face should be calm and motionless.

Remove the mask with warm water.

  • For aging, coarse skin, banana pulp is added to gelatin.
  • For dry skin, add the pulp of apricot, persimmon, tangerine.
  • For combination skin, a face mask made of gelatin with kiwi, orange, or peach works well.
  • For oily skin - cherries, grapefruit, raspberries.
  • For oily skin, mix diluted gelatin and whipped protein.

The mask perfectly cleanses the pores and tightens them.

Whitening gelatin face mask

Add the grated cucumber pulp to the diluted gelatin. Apply the cooled mass to your face. This mask is suitable for all skin types and provides a brightening effect.

Now you know how to make masks from gelatin at home yourself with your own hands.

Remedies for skin pigmentation and wrinkles

  • Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 2 tablespoons. crushed parsley leaves, strain after 10-20 minutes and in the morning wash your face with this infusion or wipe your face and neck with it, and also make lotions with it on your eyelids. This will remove age spots, wrinkles, and elasticity. It can be applied to previously cleansed skin of the face, except for the lower eyelids, for 20-30 minutes a mass of parsley passed through a meat grinder. Wash off with cold water and apply a nourishing cream to damp skin.
  • Pour a glass of hot water over 2 tablespoons. chopped roots and leaves of lovage, after an hour bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Cool, strain and with a cotton swab dipped in broth, wipe the age spots 2 times a day for two weeks.
  • For any type of skin prone to pigmentation, mix 1 tbsp. grated cucumber with 1 tsp. vegetable oil and wipe the skin with this mixture 2-3 times a day.
  • With oily and earthy skin, in order to get rid of wrinkles and pigmentation, it is necessary to apply slices of fresh tomato on the face for 20-30 minutes daily until a positive result is obtained. Wash off with warm water

Wrinkles, bags under the eyes

Everyone knows that bags under the eyes and wrinkles do not paint a woman's face. To get rid of them, you need 1 tbsp. sage herbs, brew 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and divide into two parts. Warm up one part, and then put 2 gauze swabs in a hot and cold infusion. Apply them alternately for eyelids. Keep for 10 minutes. Do the procedure every other day before bedtime. Soon, your face will be clean and attractive.

Beauty bath

The skin will become silky, without wrinkles, if you, dear women, take such a bath once a week. Bring 1 liter of milk to a boil, dissolve 2-3 tbsp in it. honey and 2 tbsp. olive oil, corn oil or almond oil and pour the resulting balm into a bathtub filled with hot water. Immerse yourself in it and enjoy.

Will help to rejuvenate ... suede

  • Wrinkles will be smoothed by daily rubbing of the face in the morning and evening with a piece of suede. Each cheek with wide circular movements should be massaged 5-10 times from nose to neck.
  • To preserve youth after 40 years, you should switch from ordinary tea to tea from birch buds. In addition, every spring, drink 1 liter of milk whey every day for a month. Eliminate fatty foods from the diet, drink once a week 0.5 liters of "garlic" milk. To make it, boil regular milk and toss 2 cloves of minced garlic into it. Remove from heat immediately and let it brew for 10 minutes. Strain and drink in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast.
  • Improve complexion and remove wrinkles daily intake of 1 tsp. 3 times a day dry brewer's yeast. You can grate fresh beets, mix them with sour cream and apply to your face. After drying, wash off with warm water. The same effect will be if 1 tsp. mix lemon juice with 3 tsp. wheat bran until smooth and apply on face.
  • The skin will become smooth, without wrinkles, if you rub a little peeled potatoes and apply it on your face for 1 hour. In addition, tie a potato peel to your neck.

The reader writes

In Ukraine, a woman considers herself old at the age of fifty, but here only at 65 do you begin to live and only at 75 does old age gradually creep in. After our grandmothers, exhausted by work, I am amazed when I look at American old women: gray hair, but neat, white face, very well-groomed, full of energy. When will we have such grandmothers ?! The soul hurts for our women.

Maybe my story will help them believe in themselves and regain their youth at least a little.

One woman here wanted to remove wrinkles. I bought an expensive cream, and, of course, her face smoothed out, but one day, when the weather was fine and the hot sun was shining, she decided to sit in the park for a while. I sat for a little over an hour, and so that my face did not dry out from the sun, I smeared it with cream. The next day, it began to crust red, began to peel off and itch. The woman began to wipe her face with tinctures of calendula, chamomile, but she only made herself worse!

I didn't know what to do anymore and decided to go to the hospital. But then I met an old woman in the park, and she advised her to buy the freshest, snow-white and juicy cottage cheese and with its help try to heal her sore skin. For two weeks the woman daily made curd and sour cream masks, washed her face with serum and milk, and soon her face acquired extraordinary freshness and youth. Here's how and what she was treated with.

Cottage cheese mask with baking soda and oatmeal

Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal of the finest grinding, 2 tsp. fresh curd and on the tip of a baking soda knife. Rub everything with a wooden spoon, if the cottage cheese is dry - add milk, apply the mixture in a thick layer on the face, except for the skin around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm boiled water.

Morning wash

Dilute milk in half with warm boiled water, wash with this solution and dry without wiping. Then rinse with warm boiled water.

Evening wash

Prepare curdled milk in advance, putting the milk in a warm place, fold it onto cheesecloth and then use it for a mask - mix with a few drops of lemon juice and apply on the face for 10 minutes. Wipe the face skin several times with the serum.

Sour cream mask to nourish and soften the skin

Mix until smooth 1 tsp. sour cream, 1 egg yolk, 0.5 tsp. liquid honey and apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Cleansing (peeling) the skin of dead cells

Mix 1 tsp. cottage cheese with a pinch of fine salt and rub the mixture over your face. After 2 minutes, wash off with warm water.

All the best, dear fellow countrymen!

Best regards - Vera Belokon
Minneapolis, USA

Folk remedies for wrinkles are presented as various masks, scrubs, compresses, wraps, oils to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Their fundamental difference from ready-made cosmetics is that they are completely composed of natural ingredients, do not contain preservatives.

On the one hand, this is undoubtedly a plus, but on the other hand, it creates certain inconveniences, since it is not always “at hand” and some of them require immediate preparation right before use.

Although, if we are talking about oils or simple masks, which are possible from a single ingredient, then this is not a problem either.

For example, you drank a glass of yogurt or fermented baked milk in the morning. Lubricate the residues on the skin of the face, with light circular motions. And five minutes will be enough for a refreshing and nourishing effect.

If it is yogurt, its bacteria tend to activate the biological activity of the skin., causing natural renewal processes in the epidermis.

Fermented baked milk perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin... But these are options, so to speak, in a hurry. And it is better to approach this constructively and even creatively. Do not forget about the atmosphere of harmony and beauty, which would be wonderful to accompany all these manipulations.

Does traditional medicine help wrinkles?

Of course - yes! And do not be fooled by the skeptical remarks of ladies who have become the victim of advertising for expensive methods of rejuvenation.

The cost does not always guarantee the result, especially in the case of expensive cosmetics - the lion's share of their cost pays for the advertising necessary for their sale.

There is, however, one moment ...

In really effective cosmetics for wrinkles, it happens such textures of creams are used that allow very deep penetration into the layers of the epidermis, saturating and revitalizing the skin due to the peculiarity of their molecular structure, which is not achievable at home.

There are also ready-made anti-wrinkle products that have an extreme effect on the skin, which has a powerful, but short-term, wrinkle-smoothing effect.

For this short time, the effect is amazing - you can't argue. But if you look in the long term, the picture is different - the life potential, its reserve capacity for regeneration and renewal, is literally "knocked out" of the skin.

Excessive consumption of its potential for renewal over time brings the skin to a strong and almost irreversible depletion. Let's get acquainted with recipes for folk remedies that can help get rid of wrinkles.

Grandma's home remedies recipes


From cocoa butter

Cocoa butter will make the structure of the cream lighter. Add just enough to create enough air mass. This cream can be additionally enriched with geranium essential oil.

Perfect for smoothing deep wrinkles and eyelids. It will be effective against forehead wrinkles. Good for dry skin at any time of the day.

For normal to oily skin, it is best used as a night cream. Keep refrigerated. Storage time is 2-3 weeks.

Of cream

Perfectly nourishes and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes.

How to make an anti-wrinkle cream depending on your skin type, you will learn from this video:


Beeswax based

This ointment is especially good for restoring chapped skin on the lips, rough skin on the elbows.

With ghee

It nourishes the skin very well, makes it soft.

You will learn how to make an ointment from beeswax and cosmetic oils here:


From aloe vera

Perfectly rejuvenates!


After application, the skin becomes radiant and smooth. Suitable even for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Banana and kiwi

This mask improves skin metabolism, nourishes and moisturizes.

The complexion becomes even and beautiful.

The skin becomes smooth and elastic.

A mask with botox effect will have a positive effect on the skin. This remedy for wrinkles has a lot of positive reviews. Further, the recipe for this miracle mask:



This compress will cleanse the skin and activate its vitality.

The procedure takes 10 minutes.

After that, be sure to apply a nourishing cream or make a nourishing mask.


A very interesting and effective remedy for getting rid of wrinkles is lavender.

Namely - lavender flowers. They can be found on sale in tea shops.

If you are lucky enough to find it, be sure to try this miraculous compress.

  1. Make an infusion of lavender flowers (a tablespoon of dry raw materials in a glass of water).
  2. Saturate the gauze, folded in several layers, with a warm solution, at least 10 layers of gauze (!).
  3. Apply to face as a mask. Take 15-20 minutes.

The skin after such a compress is nourished, straightened, becomes fresh and youthful, which also helps to remove wrinkles.




You will get a scrub for delicate sensitive skin.

It not only cleanses the skin, but also perfectly relieves inflammation.

It can also be applied as a mask, and after 10-20 minutes, moisten with plenty of water and massage your face as usual when using a scrub.

In this video, we will tell you about what you can make a face scrub from at home:

Now, you have seen some of the folk beauty secrets that guard youthful skin. I have given here universal options that are suitable, perhaps, for everyone. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to the components.

You also need to remember that the creams and ointments offered by the folk school of beauty are not suitable for oily skin, not always suitable for normal skin, but will almost always be successful when applied to dry, depleted facial skin.

This is because gel bases with special thickeners are needed to create lightweight cream textures. However, their home craftsmen do it themselves, thickening herbal decoctions with xanth gum, for example, and using the resulting gel as a basis for a light cream. But these are no longer quite folk recipes, although they are certainly very interesting and effective.

Owners of oily skin should not overdo it with oils as well, so as not to clog the pores.

A fatty creams and ointments according to folk recipes can be used for example locally- lubricating especially deep grooves of wrinkles or on the skin around the eyes, there is usually no problem with oily content.

And of course, steam baths with herbal decoctions - nutritional or antiseptic - are suitable for everyone, except for those whose capillaries are close to the skin.

This is skin with a vascular mesh, it reacts negatively to such thermal effects.

But masks, scrubs, compresses - there are a lot of them and they are for all skin types. And finally, one more pleasant remedy, let's call it folk. Walks in the winter forest.

Frosty air has powerful anti-aging properties, as it has a very high ozone content. After such walks, the skin acquires freshness, regeneration processes are activated.

I must say - walks are moderate in time and not on the coldest days.

So it's not for nothing that you noticed after such events that the skin looks younger. This is not only the effect of an excellent mood, but also the beneficial effect of ozone.

By the way, there is a wonderful modern invention, devices for ozonization of premises. Get yourself one. Turn it on, audio with the sounds of the forest, lie down with a traditional medicine mask and for 20 minutes immerse yourself in the atmosphere of harmony, beauty and boundless relaxation ...

And now you are already a new you with radiant and beautiful smooth skin. And great mood!

You don't have to go to the salon regularly or visit a plastic surgeon to look good. It is enough to regularly take care of yourself, and use folk methods, or grandmother'sbeauty recipes, which will certainly give a good result after some time.

Coffee and coffee drinks spoil the complexion, make nails and hair very brittle. Try replacing coffee with green tea (or other herbal tea) for more powerful antioxidants that will not only bring back a healthy glow, but also prevent wrinkles and premature aging. You can also wipe your face with frozen green tea cubes, then the skin will be fresher and brighter, and more elastic.

Before going to bed, my grandmother advised making a face mask from eggs, you can use both white and yolk - separately, white and yolk masks have a different effect:

  • The protein mask is mixed with a small amount of honey and washed off when the feeling of tightness appears. The protein mask improves the oval of the face, tightening the skin.
  • The yolk mask is also prepared with honey, washed off after 15 minutes with warm water. This mask softens and nourishes the skin well.

After the masks, you need to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

The steam bath for the face perfectly cleans the skin of toxins and toxins: a mixture of medicinal herbs is added to the water boiling in a saucepan, after 2 minutes it is removed from the heat, it cools a little. Over this saucepan you need to "breathe" under a towel until the broth cools down. After that, the face is wiped with a napkin or towel and a mask is applied.

These simple recipes will help keep your skin clean and firm.


Herbal mask: mix equal parts of the herb - mint, thyme, lemon balm, mallow and coltsfoot. Take 4 teaspoons of the mixture and brew it with a glass of boiling water.

We will insist for 25 -35 minutes. Then strain the broth, but we will not wring out. Add oatmeal to the herbal mass until gruel is formed and apply on the face. Let's leave for 20 minutes.

Such a face mask will perfectly eliminate the flaking of dry skin. And besides, it has a tonic effect.

Dill mask: to prepare this mask, take 1 tablespoon of dill, grind and mix it with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, add oatmeal until you get a gruel.

The mask is applied in a thick layer on the face for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water. This mask will refresh and smooth your skin.

Nourishing oil mask: for this you need to stir the yolk of one egg with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of liquid honey. The mass must be homogeneous.

This mask should be applied with a cotton swab. When the first coat is dry, apply a second coat, then a third. After 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

The mask will soften the skin, eliminate flaking. To maximize the effect, do this mask 1-2 times a week for 1.5 months.

Yolk mask: squeeze juice from half a lemon and mix it with 1 yolk. Add the grated zest of one lemon and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with a cotton swab, which we moisten in milk at room temperature.

Sour cream and yeast mask: rub 2 tbsp for it. spoons of yeast with milk (you can take sour cream) until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the mask with a thin layer. We keep it for no more than 10 minutes.

Apply for sagging and aging skin.


Protein-honey-oatmeal mask: mix the protein of one egg, 1 teaspoon of honey, 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix everything well, add oatmeal to make a gruel. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Apply to the face. Let us hold for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

This mask refreshes and tones the skin, tightens pores, and removes blackheads. Suitable not only for oily skin, but also for normal skin.

Herbal Mask: Take Chamomile, Linden Blossom, and Elderberry. Mix the herbs in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture of herbs with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool slightly, then strain. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and oatmeal to the warm broth until a gruel is obtained.

We keep such a mask on the face for 20-30 minutes, wash off with warm water.

The mask cleanses and tones the skin.

By the way, you can make ice from herbs. Ice washing brings wonderful results!

Sour milk mask: lubricate your face with curdled milk, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

This simple mask will help your skin acquire a delicate color.

Tomato mask: Apply tomato pulp to your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, rinse off with warm and then cool water.


Potato mask: Cook the mashed potatoes. Apply a warm mass to your face, rinse off after 20 minutes. The mask will whiten and refresh the skin.

Lemon-protein mask: we need - 1 protein, 1 teaspoon of cream, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Whip the protein into a strong foam, add cream and juice (you can replace lemon juice with 2 drops of lemon essential oil), apply the mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, wash it off with cool water.

The mask tightens pores, refreshes and cleanses the skin. If the skin is oily, then you do not need to add cream, if dry, add olive oil.

Curd mask with salt: 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of sour cream with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese. Add 1 teaspoon of table salt (for dry skin, add a little olive oil to the mixture). Mix the mixture thoroughly, apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water.

This mask perfectly refreshes and tones the skin.

Honey-lemon mask: 100 g of liquid honey, mix with the juice of one lemon. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Apply to face daily 10 minutes before washing.

Your skin will be refreshed, firmer and beautiful in color.

Refreshing mask: 2 tbsp. mix spoons of milk with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of brandy. Apply to face for 10 minutes.

Suitable for loose skin.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult here. All the recipes are quite simple, and the effect of them is simply amazing (provided that you make masks regularly).

Note: if you do not have olive oil on hand, then replace it with sunflower oil or use essential (base) oils, such as almond, peach, apricot, grape seed oil, in general, the oil that suits you.

Crushed oatmeal can be used in place of oatmeal.

Until a ripe old age, my grandmother had teeth like Sophia Loren's, and when she dyed her curls with henna and curled them on papillotes from my old school notebooks, our phone was torn off by calls from elderly gentlemen inviting my grandmother on a date. And I still use her recipe for exfoliating facial skin with a piece of suede and hope that at 85 years old I will look 20 years younger, like my beloved granny. Our grandmothers had to dodge to look like fresh roses, and, you must admit, they did it sometimes better than us, whose bathroom shelves are crammed with countless tubes and jars.

The most important recipe for youth, which I have kept from my grandmother, is the advice to always smile and always be in love. Well, as a bonus, all of the following!

1. "Curlers" of rags

Stripes from an old pillowcase - these were the best "curlers", thanks to which tight, elastic and persistent curls were obtained. Sleeping with such "curlers" is not a problem at all! When it was necessary to make the wave larger, my grandmother took notebook sheets, twisted them into a tube - "curlers-boomerangs" were obtained. So it is quite possible to adopt this budget option if, for some reason, you do not have the usual curlers in your house. This is the norm for me - the dog regularly eats these expensive accessories, so grandmother's advice always helps out.

2. Suede "massage"

We take a piece of natural suede and begin to rub the face, neck and décolleté along the massage lines. We do this procedure in the morning and in the evening for 5-7 minutes. Believe it or not, the face becomes just perfectly smooth! True, you need to try to find a suede that is not treated with chemicals. My grandmother used her old suede gloves for this purpose. Eh, to give up the flea market, or what?

3. Satin against electricity

Have you ever encountered such a phenomenon as electrified hair? I had this often, until my grandmother advised me to put on a satin pillowcase on the pillow. Not only did the static stress disappear by some miracle, the grandmother also argued that the smoothness of satin protects from the premature appearance of wrinkles. I believe her, remembering her rosy cheeks!

4. Glycerin hand cream

In those days, glycerin was almost a panacea, they were smeared with it and the face, and the doors so that they would not creak, and enemas were done. My grandmother took a pharmacy bottle of glycerin and dissolved a piece of brewer's yeast in it. With this mixture, she smeared her hands at night, putting on cotton gloves. Something I do not remember on the arms of my 85-year-old grandmother of age spots.

6. Peeling from calcium chloride

The disgusting-tasting liquid that I was stuffed with for health as a child, I managed not to hate only for one reason. Calcium Chloride is an incredibly luxurious skin peel that rivals expensive salon peels and French glycolic acid products. Moisten a cotton pad with calcium chloride (this is a liquid) and massage your face along the massage lines, rinse your face with water. You will really be surprised at the smoothness and softness effect with such a simple penny liquid (5 ampoules of 5 ml each cost about 8 hryvnia). Any rough or dry parts of the body can be treated - knees, elbows, heels.

7. Potatoes for circles under the eyes

Our grandmothers all went around with dimes of potatoes on their faces, I think you remember these wonderful shots from your childhood! I also remember the slices of cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries stuck on the face of my grandmother and mother. The starch in potatoes somehow affected the condition of the skin around the eyes. And later, when trendy tea bags appeared on sale, these same bags replaced potatoes and cucumbers.

8. Laundry soap for acne

When my brother started to grow up and he developed pimples on his forehead and cheeks, my mother bought a bunch of lotions. The poor fellow smeared-smeared, smeared-smeared, but all to no avail. And then one day my grandmother came to us and handed the package to my brother. The package contained a dark brown bar of soap with a pungent odor. The brother grimaced, and the grandmother said: "In a week your acne will be gone." Do not hesitate - it was all that way. Laundry soap has active alkaline properties, and, as you know, most microorganisms in an alkaline environment have a lid. By the way, doctors still advise: if you are bitten by a dog, you need to thoroughly wash the wound with copious foam from laundry soap. In general, any wounds can be treated with this natural antiseptic. Just keep in mind - all the newfangled white and yellow laundry soaps with a pleasant smell do not work. Only grandma's “black” soap!

9. Laundry soap for gorgeous hair

This super soap, the very one, almost black in color and with an unbearably "pleasant" smell, also served as a great shampoo. If you find just such an “old” soap, you will never want to spend money on expensive hair remedies again, especially if you have dandruff (dry or oily, in this case it does not matter).

The algorithm is as follows: wash your hair, as usual, with shampoo, then abundantly wash the hair roots with soap, rubbing the foam into the skin, then rinse thoroughly and apply either conditioner, or, if your hair is not prone to dryness, wash it with a decoction of herbs with the addition of lemon juice. Try what you need. My grandmother had curls - wow!

10. Miracle dishwashing detergent that doesn't ruin your hands

There were no fairies in those days, but grandmother's dishes always shone like new. And her hands were always soft and gentle. In a box on the kitchen sink, we always had a detergent in store: soda, mustard powder, shavings of that same household miracle soap, tooth powder. While washing, my grandmother added a little vinegar to this mixture - and the result was always impressive. I well remember how she carefully rubbed the back of her hands with the remnants of this "faerie". Probably, that's also why she didn't have any pigmentation.

11. A bunch of useful things from laundry soap

Concisely what I remembered from my grandmother: laundry soap is good ...

  • ... to make an intimate toilet for thrush and any inflammatory diseases of the vagina.
  • … Cleanse your face from makeup.
  • ... in case of a cold, insert tampons moistened with a solution of soap into the nose - this kills microorganisms and creates a protective film against the virus.
  • … In case of fungal diseases, wash the affected areas thoroughly.
  • … In case of a burn, lather the sore spot with foam and let it dry. There will be no blister!
  • … To process vegetables, fruits and even meat. Make a very weak soap solution and rinse the food thoroughly in it, then rinse with running water. Microorganisms, helminth eggs and other nasty things dissolve without a trace.

As you can see, there is so much new and unexpectedly useful information. You don't have to go into waste and do a bunch of exhausting procedures. Try grandma's recipes. And don't forget about the main one! Do you remember which one?