Dress washing. How to wash a wedding dress at home and not spoil it - a practical guide. How to hand wash a dress without a large bath

Nastya, one of our authors, was invited to become a witness at a friend's wedding. She took this role very seriously and offered to help the future bride in absolutely everything. And when the question arose whether it was worth washing the dress before the wedding and whether it could be done at all, she decided to understand this issue in as much detail as possible. And to help other brides, she wrote this article.

Is it possible to machine wash a wedding dress

Most modern dresses without rhinestones and beads are easy to machine wash if the fabric composition allows it. Before washing, a dress with rhinestones must be put in a special bag of a large enough size so as not to damage the trim elements.

The dress can be washed before the wedding. In the store, other girls could also measure it, so it would be useful to slightly refresh it before the celebration. But if there is no visible contamination on the product, it is better to abandon this venture in order to avoid unexpected shrinkage or damage to the material. But after the wedding, as the signs say, the dress should not be touched until the first child is born.

Let's start washing

For an effective and gentle machine wash, follow these guidelines.

We select the right product

In order to wash a wedding dress, purchase a special liquid detergent for delicate fabrics, ordinary detergent will not work in this case. Also, make sure that it matches the color: the composition with the inscription "Color" is not suitable for a snow-white product, but it is useful for an ivory-colored dress.

Choosing a mode and temperature

Most of the dresses are made of chiffon, satin, silk, lace or tulle. All of these fabrics are very delicate and require careful maintenance, so the washing method is the same for them.

Select a gentle program on the machine: "Delicate mode", "Silk" or "Hand wash", the spin should be turned off completely or set to the minimum number of revolutions, if possible.

It is best to take advantage of the shortened cycle. The washing temperature should be no more than 30 degrees. It will also be useful to apply the additional rinse mode to wash out the residues of the product from the fabric. If necessary, apply stain remover according to package directions. But you should not use bleach or whiteness, otherwise the dress may turn yellow.

To prevent the detergent from leaving streaks, it is better to buy a colorless gel or liquid detergent. Even special compositions for lace products are on sale. If you want to keep the skirt fluffy, you can add a little starch to the fabric softener tray.

In order not to damage the corset, which will then be impossible to restore, do not turn on too many revolutions and high water temperature.

Embroidery, beads or rhinestones

If there are such decorations on the dress, you should sew on top pieces of fabric for protection before washing and turn the product inside out or use a special cover. Before putting the item in the typewriter, inspect all the decorative elements. If the threads with which they are fastened are damaged, the beads can simply crumble in the machine. Sew on with threads by hand, if necessary.

How to dry

The appearance of the dress after washing will largely depend on how you dry it. In order not to spoil the elegant thing, there are several subtleties. Do not wring out the item under any circumstances, as it is easy to damage it. The structure of wedding dresses is such that it will be very difficult to regain their lost appearance. Some people advise to dry the product on a hanger, because the folds will be smoothed out by themselves as the water drips off.

Another method involves horizontal drying, it is considered more gentle. Place a clean grate on the bottom of the tub. Keep it free of dust and rust. Place the dress flat on top and wait for the water to drain completely. Then you can place it on a hanger, carefully smoothing each fold with your hands, and after a couple of hours hang it on the balcony.

You can also use a special electric horizontal dryer. On it, the fabric will not be able to stretch under its own weight and will not lose its shape.

If the product is cotton, then it can be dried only on a horizontal surface on a thick terry towel in a straightened state.

If you are afraid that the fabric may turn yellow, keep it during drying in a dark room so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. And in no case dry the product on or near heating appliances. It is also undesirable to use a hairdryer.

How to pet

First of all, make sure that the surface of the ironing board is absolutely clean, free of dust and grease. Place a clean white sheet on top of it. Then inspect the soleplate of the iron itself. If there is carbon deposits on it, it must be cleaned off, otherwise hard-to-remove stains will remain on the dress. Ironing should be started while the garment is still slightly damp, so it will be easier to straighten the wrinkles. This should be done from the seamy side of the dress.

The further ironing process will depend on the material from which the dress is sewn. Satin products can only be ironed from the wrong side. If there is lace on the dress, iron it as carefully as possible through gauze or a piece of natural light fabric, and set the mode as for silk. Tulle or chiffon can only be steamed. A steamer or iron with steam function will help here.

What to do if stains remain

After a wedding, stains of a different nature may remain on the dress. To get rid of them, use one of the following tips.

Sweat stains can be removed with a saline solution, just make sure that the salt crystals are completely dissolved in the water.

Wine stains are treated with hot soapy water using a soft sponge and then rinsed.

If you need to remove stains from the grass, dissolve a spoonful of ammonia in a glass of warm water. With the resulting composition, blot the dirt with a cotton pad, and when they dry, rub with laundry soap and wash.

The lipstick can be removed with baby powder. Spread it over the fabric, and wash the item after an hour.

The ink from the ballpoint pen will remove the hairspray. Spray problem areas with it, and wash the thing after an hour.

If you can't remove the dirt, use bleach. Just be extremely careful: formulations with chlorine can leave yellow streaks on white fabric, and colored products can simply discolor.

The main thing is to remember that any stain can be removed at home, but to do it as soon as possible after the end of the celebration, you have several days. But with old stains, significant problems can arise, because, for example, a trace of champagne or perfume that is not visible to the eye can appear much later in the form of yellowed stains.

You should also be careful with dirt from cakes or icing. The sugar and fat in these foods gradually oxidize and turn brown. Remember to remove any stains before washing the entire dress.

We contact dry cleaning

If your wedding dress was very cheap, you shouldn't have it dry cleaned for reasons of economy. And many representatives of cleaning services do not take on such products, because they can simply fall apart from exposure to chemicals.

If the dress is expensive, it is very valuable to you or you are going to sell it, it is better to use the services of professionals, and not to clean it at home.

It was decided not to wash the dress itself before the wedding. But the knowledge of how to quickly remove stains from it was very useful at the celebration.

The question of how to wash a dress becomes more relevant than ever if it is made of delicate fabrics. If everything is clear with cotton or chintz, then a detail of a wardrobe made of linen or openwork raises doubts. In addition, you need to take into account the decor on it.


Artificial silk gets rid of dirt in the automatic machine, after setting the "delicate mode". Prepare a special mesh bag. It can be purchased at any hardware store. As for the natural composition, it is necessary to process it only with your hands:

  • choose a temperature up to 35 degrees;
  • give preference to soft gels (marked on the package "for delicate items");
  • first soak the garment for about 20 minutes and then wash.

Do not twist or scrub parts of the evening dress, proceed very carefully.

Rinse in cold water with 1 tsp. vinegar. This will preserve the brightness of the colors. Remember that silk is not wrung out, but wrapped in terry cloth and twisted slightly.

Dry the silk product horizontally (on an absorbent sheet).

Iron the silk only through a dry cotton cloth or from the wrong side. Never use steam! Failure to do so will result in stains.


To get started, carefully study the label. If you can machine wash, then stock up on a mesh bag. Before doing this, turn the velvet wardrobe piece the other way around. Set the option without spinning, up to 800 rpm and no more than 30 degrees.

Wash velvet clothes in the same way as silk. It is not recommended to iron it, as you can crush the pile. Therefore, it is better to use the vertical steaming method.

Forget about soaking velvet in hot water. This can cause shrinkage and coarsening of the synthetic pile.

White wedding

If you need to bring back the shine of a white wedding dress, follow the rules below:

  • All manipulations are carried out in the bathroom, not in the basin. Do not use powdered or granular preparations. They will leave insoluble particles in the fibers, which will be difficult to get rid of.
  • Use liquid detergents. In addition, folk remedies will also help, for example, grated laundry soap, dissolved to a foam. For best results, add 3-5 drops of ammonia to the liquid. It will return the old whiteness.
  • Remove dirt from your wedding outfit by hanging it on a hanger. Let all excess moisture drain into the bathroom. Before starting the process, it is best to immediately eliminate problem spots. Among other things, dip the bottom of the skirt into a basin of soapy foam and wait 10 minutes (this is the place that always gets dirty first). During this time, the dirt will go away.
  • Rinse the dress with a large amount of conditioner and leave to dry upright (you can use a tumble dryer). To avoid a musty smell, open the bathroom door while drying.

The easiest way to rinse the bride's robe is in the shower. This process should continue until the water becomes clear.

Guipure, chiffon and openwork

Lace and guipure look very feminine and romantic. In order not to spoil it, remove dirt on clothes only in the basin. An exception will be dense guipure. In this case, use the delicate option. Be sure to place the textiles in a mesh bag to avoid damaging the textiles.

Such an evening dress is dried on a hanger, waiting for it to become completely dry. This should be done with the bathroom door open to avoid the smell of musty. Chiffon and lace are looked after in exactly the same way. Be sure to smooth out any wrinkles so the fabric doesn't look wrinkled. If there are stains on the lace, remove them with laundry soap.

Such textiles are ironed with minimal heating, under damp gauze folded in several layers. At the same time, remember that you should not stay in one place for a long time.

Staple and linen

Staple and linen are capricious materials that, with proper care, will last a very long time and will not lose their color. To prevent them from shrinking, take care of them on a delicate mode or in a container in a warm soapy solution. A few more rules will help to preserve the attractive appearance of an outfit made from such textiles:

  • do not twist the thing, but slightly squeeze it in a sheet or towel;
  • dry in an upright position;
  • iron the flax and staple while still damp.

You need to know that when ironing the staple, you should pull the fabric tightly. This will allow him not to sit down and stay the same size. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations from the back side.


Quite practical, but it needs proper care. Before carrying out the destruction of stains and dirt, you should find out in which mode it needs to be done (for this, take a look at the label with information from the manufacturer). The optimal option would be 40 degrees. If the dirt is too strong, deviations of up to 60 are allowed.

Standard powders will do. You can use fabric softener. If the wardrobe item is not too dirty, use the "quick wash". You can update your viscose outfit in the same way.

Attention! Never process polyester at temperatures over 60 degrees. This leads to deformation of the fibers of the material. In addition, some types of polyester fabrics cannot be ironed, so check the manufacturer's information at. If there is a need to slightly increase the size of the polyester dress, rinse it in a mild vinegar solution. Then stretch and secure (e.g. on a mannequin). Be careful not to damage the material.

Dark with white collar

If your dark dress has a contrasting white collar, it can be very difficult to wash. Paint from the main product can get on the collar and ugly stains will remain. Therefore, stripping the collar off and washing it separately with bleach is the best option. After it is dry and ironed, it is sewn on with neat blind stitches.

If unsealing is not possible, give preference. With this option, the possibility of spoiling the fabric will be much lower. Do not add chlorine or oxygen bleach to the wardrobe item. Such drugs can damage the material. Use the following products to restore the whiteness of your collar:

  • peroxide;
  • an aspirin tablet with water in proportions 1 to 2;
  • ammonia and medical alcohol in equal proportions.

Soak a cotton swab in any of the listed mixtures and blot the part until the stains are completely gone. Then wash it in warm water.

When treating collar with peroxide or ammonia, use the utmost care. Be careful not to get the bleach on the rest.

Knitted, knitted and sequinned

Knitted items require gentle hand washing. As for the knitwear, you can use it. Give preference to detergents depending on which composition (for example, with the addition of synthetic or cotton fibers). If you don't know anything about it (for example, the label has not survived), take a mild product with a neutral effect from the store.

Do not dry the jersey on a hanger. This will lead to its stretching and loss of shape. It is best to place the washed item on the wire rack above the bathtub. After the item is almost dry, lay it out to dry on a clean towel.

A garment decorated with sequins or beads looks great, but such a spectacular apparel is very easy to damage. Therefore, they stretch it only on the hands. Choose a gel as the powder granules will clog between the decor. The exit algorithm is as follows:

  1. take a special bag with a mesh structure and put the product in it (you can use a pillowcase);
  2. place the bag in a previously prepared warm soapy solution;
  3. start washing after soaking for 5 minutes.

Do not apply significant effort, but just squeeze the fabric a little, being careful not to damage the decorative elements and accessories. Then rinse well and dry on the table, covered with a towel.

Ironing a garment decorated with sequins or rhinestones is not easy. Vertical steaming will come to the rescue. Just hang your item on a hanger and run a jet of steam next to it. Also, don't dry clean your sequin. After such treatment, paint can peel off on them.

Any woman wants to look great on her wedding day, so she chooses an outfit carefully. Sometimes it happens that before this exciting event it has to be cleaned or after the holiday various contaminants are found on the wedding dress. And a dilemma arises: wash, clean, steam it at home or go to dry cleaning.

Cleaning a wedding dress at home

Numerous fittings of wedding dresses lead to the fact that they need to be freshened up or cleaned before the holiday. You can remove minor stains and steam the dress yourself, but the success of cleaning depends on the material. A dress made of organza, chiffon, silk, tulle is allowed to be cleaned only from simple dirt and stains. Trust a professional if your attempts are unsuccessful, as further efforts will lead to disastrous results. If the joyful chores are over, then the dress can be cleaned and even washed by hand or in the machine. It is advisable to start removing stains as quickly as possible. You can start washing the entire wedding dress right away in situations when:

  • you need to freshen up the outfit;
  • extensive contamination must be removed;
  • there are water-based stains, traces of food;
  • the dress is made of dense fabric, polyester;
  • the amount of decor on the item is minimal.

It is not advisable to subject dresses with glued decor to soaking and automatic washing.

When and how to clean a wedding dress

Cleaning should be done in the following cases:

  • slight dirt on a dress made of lightweight fabric;
  • few spots located mainly in one place (for example, the hem is soiled);
  • the presence of sewn or glued decorations on the product;
  • if the dress is separate, and the stain is found on one of the component parts: a corset or a skirt.

The purpose of cleaning is to remove dirt by partially processing the wedding dress. It is carried out in this way:

  1. Hang the dress on a hanger.
  2. Treat stains with the agent of your choice, using soft sponges or toothbrushes, and gently rub the decor with your hands.
  3. Rinse off the soap thoroughly with clean water.

Washing your wedding dress is inevitable if cleaning doesn't solve the problem.

The choice of cleaning agent according to the type of fabric and finish

When choosing a cleaning agent, consider the recommended care for the fabric. Examine the tag on the product: it usually contains information.

Types of fabrics for wedding dresses and how to care for them - table

Textile Cleaning method
Polyester without decorwash with powder hand or automatic on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C.
  • saturated soap solution;
  • using milk;
  • steamer.
White satin, silk
  • saline solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution 3%;
  • ammonia;
  • soaking for 10 minutes in cold water;
  • hand wash;
  • rinsing without mechanical friction, with the addition of vinegar and wringing in a towel;
  • drying on a hanger.
Combination of fabric typesprofessional dry cleaning is recommended, as there is a separate cleaning method for each fabric
  • warm soapy water;
  • do not use detergents for cleaning;
  • hand wash at 30 ° C;
  • dry cleaning recommended.
  • warm soapy water, sponge treatment.
  • water-based cleaning products;
  • milk;
  • steam and soapy water;
  • stain removers;
  • hand or machine wash at 30 ° C;
  • Do not: hard brushes and hot water, chlorine-containing powders, bleach.
White cotton fabric
  • hydrogen peroxide solution 3%;
  • ammonia;
  • saline solution;
  • milk.
  • hand or machine wash, gentle at 30 ° C;
  • only mild detergents;
  • no rubbing and brushes;
  • hand wash - hand squeezing the fabric on both sides.
  • steamer;
  • hand wash with mild detergent.
Tulle (tulle)
  • steamer;
  • hand or automatic wash at 30 ° C with mild detergent;
  • rinsing with the addition of starch.
Lace, guipure
  • warm soapy water;
  • hand wash at 30 ° C;
  • rinsing with the addition of starch;
  • professional dry cleaning recommended.
Plush, velvetsteamer.

The choice of cleaning methods depending on the color of the fabric and the complexity of the finish - table

Cleaning products for wedding dresses

Most popular cleaning products:

  • saline solution;
  • laundry soap;
  • steam and soapy water;
  • washing powder;
  • hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid;
  • baby powder;
  • milk;
  • ammonia;
  • gentle stain removers;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • steamer.

How to clean sweat marks with a saline solution

Remove traces of sweat on the bodice and armpits with a salt solution - add 1 tbsp. l. salt, stir until it is completely dissolved. The method is economical and quite effective.

  1. Hang the dress on a hanger.
  2. Apply the solution to the stains and let it sit for 10-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse treated areas with clean water.

How to wash the hem of a dress at home

Laundry soap will help remove dirt and wine stains from the hem of your dress.

  1. Grind some of the soap using a grater or knife.
  2. Dissolve small soap bars completely in hot water.
  3. Dip a soft sponge in the solution and gently wipe down the dress.
  4. Rinse thoroughly, then dry the dress.

Minor dirt on the bodice and skirt lining is also removed with soapy water.

  1. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, add stain remover if necessary.
  2. Sprinkle dirt on the outside and inside of the bodice, dress.
  3. Gently rub the fabric with a soft cloth or toothbrush, especially lace.
  4. Apply the product to other dirty areas in the same way, rub with a brush.
  5. If the stain persists, submerge the dress in whole or in part in the stain remover. Do not use chlorine bleach.
  6. Rinse the outfit thoroughly in clean water. We recommend a minimum of 3 rinses to completely rinse off the products.
  7. Dry the dress horizontally.

Steam and soapy water

Drops of paraffin and stains remaining after washing can be easily removed with steam by ironing through white napkins at a low temperature. Clean greasy stains with steam and soapy water using a different technology.

  1. Hold the contaminated area of ​​the dress over steam or steamer.
  2. Brush the stain gently with a toothbrush, then apply a soapy solution.
  3. Rinse with clean water.

Washing powder

Laundry detergent can be used to clean a bridal outfit made from an unnatural fabric. It is important to thoroughly dissolve the powder in cool water and then gently wipe off the dirt with a soft brush. Due to its aggressiveness, the product is not suitable for most dresses, so choose more gentle methods.

Dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide

Dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide remove wine stains from a crisp white outfit. For colored fabric, it is recommended to choose a more suitable product. Processing is simple: moisten the necessary areas with dishwashing detergent, and then wipe with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide and rinse.

Baby powder

Baby powder removes grease and oil, traces of cosmetics.

  1. Powder the stain.
  2. Rub the fabric with your fingers, gently rubbing in the powder. If the stain is oily, do not rub, but blot it with a white cloth.
  3. Prepare a soapy solution and wash your dress in it.
  4. Rinse the outfit thoroughly in clean water.


Ammonia is a safe product that removes grass stains, pollen from flowers. For this, it is strictly not recommended to use conventional bleaches, as they discolor or leave yellow streaks on the dress.

  1. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. ammonia in 200 ml of warm water.
  2. Spray generously with a solution of contamination and let dry.
  3. Lather stains with laundry soap.
  4. Wash the treated area and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

You can clean grass stains with a solution of ammonia

Gentle stain removers

Switch to stain removers if you have been unsuccessful in trying to clean your dress with soapy water. Stain removers remove tough stains without damaging fabric structures. The choice of gentle stain removers is large: Paterra pencils; wipes, spray or L.O.C. liquid Amway; spray K2R; Vanish Oxi Action. Cleaning a wedding dress with a liquid stain remover using the example of Vanish Oxi Action:

  1. Soak the stain in the product.
  2. For tough stains, gently rub the dirt with your fingers.
  3. Soak the product on the dress for the recommended time, usually 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with water.

Hydrogen peroxide

A solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of warm water) is especially suitable for cleaning cotton wedding dresses.

  1. Treat stains and let sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Wash dirty areas in warm water, squeezing lightly.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

What stains can be cleaned with milk

Treat traces of a ballpoint pen, red wine with milk. To do this, immerse the contaminated area in milk for 20 minutes, and then rinse alternately in cold and hot water.


A steamer or steam generator is a multifunctional device, the principle of which is based on the cleaning properties of steam under pressure. The steam cleaning system effectively removes stains and unpleasant odors. With the help of the device, you can clean a wedding dress from coffee, juice, blood, wine and even gum stains. However, it is worth remembering that the device will not cope with stains of protein origin. In addition, steam should not be used to treat dirty spots with glued decor, otherwise it will fall off. Handle the steam generator with care to avoid scalding. The device is not cheap, but if you have it at home, it becomes a worthy tool in the fight against stains.

The steam generator removes the most difficult stains and odors

How to wash a dress at home

If cleaning does not remove the dirt, go to wash. This method is also recommended for removing water-based stains: sweat, traces of food.

How to hand wash a wedding dress

A gentle hand wash is preferable, especially if the dress is richly decorated. If it is separate, wash the skirt separately.

  1. Dilute detergent or soap in water at 20–30 ° C.
  2. Place the skirt in the liquid and let it sit for 2 hours.
  3. Gently rub the dirty areas with a sponge.
  4. Rinse the product thoroughly in cool water, adding a few drops of vinegar.
  5. Dry your skirt.

By the way, you can do the same with a corset, the only difference is that you shouldn't rub the fabric too much because of the decor, and if there are adornments on the bodice, then reduce the soaking time to 10 minutes.

Washing a wedding dress in the bath

A fluffy dress decorated with sewn-on decor is best washed in the bath.

Washing a wedding dress by weight

Wash the lace airy dress by hanging it over the bathtub.

Washing machine

Automatic washing will restore freshness to the dress.

  • machine wash only thick fabrics with a minimum of decor;
  • do not machine wash the corset, as it deforms;
  • wash gauze or white cloth on the decor before work;
  • to avoid deformation and puffs, wash the outfit in a special bag;
  • soak the dress only in warm water;
  • instead of powder, use a liquid colorless product to avoid streaks on the dress;
  • to keep the product looking like new, add starch to the conditioner compartment;
  • choose a delicate wash mode without spinning, at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

Video: preparing a dress for washing

How to properly dry your wedding outfit after washing

It is important to dry the dress carefully, taking into account the type of fabric.

  1. Dry the dress in a warm room on a hanger, except for silk, satin and natural fabrics that lose their shape.
  2. Do not use a hanger made of untreated wood and rope to avoid creases in the material.
  3. Dry the outfit horizontally by placing it on the dryer and a white terry towel.
  4. The dress can be straightened without deformation by placing it on a conventional fold-out vinyl-covered dryer in the tub.
  5. Spread the product on a towel that has been draped over the shower stall in advance, if a stall is installed instead of a bath.
  6. It will be easier to iron later if you spread the tulle layers while drying.

Drying a wedding dress properly - gallery

Dry your wedding dress correctly by placing it horizontally on a special dryer Dry the dress on a conventional fold-out dryer Hang the dress on a hanger in a warm room and leave to dry

How to iron and steam a wedding dress

Be careful when steaming with an iron, steam generator and other methods that involve hot water and high temperatures to avoid scalding.

Table: type of fabric and method of steaming

Steaming methods

The dress can be steamed at home in a variety of ways.

  • iron;
  • over steam in the bathroom;
  • hold over a saucepan of boiling water;
  • steam with a steam generator.

How to iron a wedding dress

Here are some helpful tips for properly ironing your wedding dress:

Steam bath

Steam treatment is better than regular ironing in that it refreshes and preserves the presentable look of the outfit for a long time, eliminates washing marks. Do not iron a chiffon and tulle wedding dress with an iron, it is better to steam it while hanging. The method of steaming in the bathroom is laborious, and sometimes even risky: the glued decor comes off, and the outfit falls into the water.

  1. Pour hot water into the tub.
  2. Hang the dress over it, stepping back from the water at least 20 - 30 cm.
  3. Be careful not to let the dress fall into the water.

Steaming with a pot of boiling water

The popular way of steaming a dress is effective, but an assistant is required to hold the dress. Be careful to avoid burns. The disadvantages of this method are that the process is tedious and long. You may need to boil more than one pot of water in order to steam the entire dress. In addition, all this time the dress must be held in hands.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and boil it.
  2. Place on the floor with a sturdy thermal support.
  3. Take the dress in your hands and hold it over the boiling water, twisting as you smooth out the wrinkles.

Steaming with a steam generator

The modern steam generator smoothes creases without contact: just hang the dress on the hanger. With the device, the steaming process becomes quick and convenient. The principle of operation is the smoothing effect of steam on crumpled fabric. Read the instructions carefully before using the device and take safety measures. There are several advantages of this method:

  • no ironing board is needed for steaming;
  • the fabric takes shape and elasticity under the action of steam, without being damaged;
  • constant steam supply is provided;
  • creases even in hard-to-reach places straighten out.

Steam generator application method:

  1. Place the dress vertically.
  2. Fill the steam generator with water.
  3. Steam the large parts first, and after the sleeves, the corset, the skirt.
  4. Do not put on the dress immediately after steaming, but leave it hanging on the hanger.

How to wash and iron a veil

Aggressive detergents, high temperature water and automatic washing are contraindicated in tulle. Hand wash the veil and rinse with starch to maintain its shape. It is easier to smooth it out if you follow the tips:

  • sprinkle tulle with water from a spray bottle;
  • start ironing from the edge of the veil to make sure the temperature is correct;
  • iron it through the fabric at a low temperature;
  • if using a steamer, stretch the tulle slightly and hold the edges.

If you are afraid to burn a veil with an iron, use the proven folk method of smoothing tulle without an iron. The principle is based on the fact that water acts as a weighting agent, straightening the creases on the veil. The veil dries quickly in a natural way, as it is sewn from a thin material.

In some cases, you can clean and wash a wedding dress at home using improvised means. It is advisable to start cleaning as soon as possible and find out the type of fabric and the recommended cleaning agents and washing modes. Choose products that are gentle on the structure of the fabric. If you can't do it yourself, contact a dry cleaner.

When the long-awaited event is left behind, the newlyweds are left with hundreds of beautiful photographs, gifts from friends and family, as well as their magnificent outfits. What to do if the snow-white wedding dress gets dirty? This issue is especially relevant for those who take a luxurious outfit for rent, because you need to hand it over in perfect condition.

What is the right thing to do? It is very risky to dry-clean an expensive dress, since the results of an aggressive procedure can be very deplorable: the structure of the fabric will collapse, and the appearance of holes on it will be inevitable. How to wash a wedding dress at home and is it worth it at all?

Can i wash

You can freshen up a wedding dress both by hand washing and in a washing machine: it all depends on the material of the product, the presence of jewelry on the corset and hem, as well as the nature of the dirt. Some girls wash their outfit even before the wedding, because by renting it or purchasing it in a salon, you cannot be 100% sure that the dress will be clean. After the event, traces of dirt and dust, grass, sweat, lipstick, wine and food may appear. How to wash a wedding dress in the presence of such contamination is another question.


According to folk signs:

  1. The wedding dress cannot be washed or reused. This promises constant strife between spouses.
  2. It is worth waiting for the first date of marriage (after 1 year from the date of marriage) or the appearance of the first child before doing the laundry.
  3. You cannot give your outfit to third parties for wearing or cleaning it. This symbolizes an invasion of the couple's privacy and can lead to quarrels or even a break in the relationship.

It is believed that it is possible and even necessary to clean an outfit before the wedding, but this should be done by a woman who has been happily married for many years. This can be your mother, sister or any other person who wishes the bride well.

What detergents should be used

If you nevertheless decide to tidy up the appearance of the dress, take a serious approach to the choice of detergents. First of all, assess the damage to the outfit. Find all visible stains and stains, determine the causes of their appearance and select the appropriate product:

  • laundry soap - crushed on a fine grater and used to remove dirt with a soft sponge;
  • Concentrated saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water) or vinegar are ideal for treating sweat stains;
  • sparkling water - sprayed over "problem" areas with champagne stains;
  • boiled milk is an effective way to remove ink marks;
  • baby powder - will relieve the fabric of traces of cosmetics by gently rubbing it in.

When obvious stains have been removed, use a quality but delicate detergent. The safest option is to soak the dress in warm soapy water, rinse and squeeze out by hand. Satin or silk products can only be washed with a mild detergent, and the use of bleach is strictly prohibited: it can provoke a back reaction, and the dress will turn yellow.

How to clean the hem

If you need to clean the bottom of the dress from dust, then it is not at all necessary to wash the whole dress - just refresh the hem, and work on the corset separately. The detachable skirt can be unfastened and sent to the washing machine, but if this is not possible, it is enough to fasten the outfit on a trempel above the bathtub and soak the hem in a solution of water and liquid detergent. Soaking time is about half an hour, and the water temperature should not be too hot: 35–40 degrees is quite enough. After drying, the hem is washed very carefully by hand and rinsed with a shower.

Corset cleaning

Removing stains from the corset of a wedding dress is much easier if you do it right after the holiday. The most common contamination in this area is sweat marks. A solution of table salt will help to remove such contaminants:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 100 ml of water.
  2. Place a soft sponge in the solution.
  3. Saturate the dirtiest areas with it.
  4. Wait 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse off dirt with warm clean water.

Since a corset in most cases provides for many decorative elements, it should be washed exclusively by hand. Soaking the dress in warm water with liquid detergent and rinsing the dress in running water from the shower is enough to freshen the corset and preserve the jewelry. Just send your outfit to a warm bathroom for 30 minutes and the result will be on your face.

In some cases, washing the dress in a typewriter is acceptable. To do this, a special mode is set for delicate products without spinning with repeated rinsing. For your own comfort, you can place the dress in a special mesh bag before washing: this precaution will prevent unnecessary twisting of the product.

Machine wash

It is strictly forbidden to send a wedding dress with a voluminous skirt and rich decorative trim to the washing machine. Fragile decorative elements do not tolerate friction even in delicate mode. The product may stretch, deform and lose its original appearance if the water temperature is excessively high. However, most of these outfits are "afraid" of spinning, which is why girls often refuse automatic cleaning in favor of manual cleaning.

  1. Estimate the drum size. Make sure your washing machine has enough space. It is absolutely impossible to stuff it to the eyeballs, otherwise you not only run the risk of ruining the fabric, but you will not be able to fully clean the dress.
  2. Choose the right detergent before washing your dress. Loose powders with large crystals are definitely not suitable for you. Give preference to liquid products.
  3. The dress is turned inside out to preserve the beaded applique or other small embellishments, although alternatively, you can use special waterproof paper, gauze cloth or cotton napkin, which is attached over the decorative area.

To get rid of obvious dirt, work on the dress by hand, and only then send it to the washing machine.

How to dry an outfit

In the presence of sewn jewelry (beadwork, rhinestones, lace), the fabric cannot be wrung out: you should wait 5 minutes until all the water has drained off, and then lay the dress horizontally for final drying. If it is heavy and multi-layered, and also made of natural material, a grate dryer is installed in the bathroom, on which the skirt of the wedding dress is laid out. Synthetic fabric. Without embroidered decorations and appliqués, such a hem material is allowed to dry in an upright position on a hanger.

Additionally, the dress can be wrapped in a soft cotton fabric, which absorbs excess water, after which it is neatly laid out on a horizontal surface and dries naturally. You can put a terry sheet under the damp garment: this will speed up the drying process and rid the outfit of excess moisture.

After drying the dress, you can iron it (if necessary) in one of the following ways:

  1. Iron. Its sole must be absolutely clean, and the temperature regime must be set according to the requirements for a particular type of fabric. It is better to iron the dress through a light fabric, and if there is a voluminous decor, iron it only from the wrong side, placing a terry towel between it and the surface of the product. During ironing, the bodice and sleeves are straightened first, and then the skirt from bottom to top.
  2. Manual steamer. Its powerful jet of steam will easily smoothen even hard-to-reach or delicate elements of your outfit, without damaging delicate fabrics. The sequence of actions is completely different. First, the lower large parts of the outfit (skirt, train) are processed, then you can go to the corset, belt and sleeves, as well as other small details located on top.

Removing stains

You can try to clean the dress from the stain even during the celebration. To do this, you need to put a white napkin under the pollution, and blot the trail first with a dry napkin, and then soaked in carbonated water or vodka. The operation should be repeated several times, replacing the napkins with clean ones.

If the stain is found after the holiday, then it can be removed by partial washing with pre-treatment. Particularly dirty places on the hem and corset are well worked out with a soapy sponge, but you should first soak the dress and wait at least 30 minutes. Do not rush to scrub the stain with a brush, because after sodification in water, it is likely that you will not have to exert much effort, and the fabric will remain unharmed. Alternatively, use an oxygen-based stain remover, available at almost any household chemical store.

Remember that getting rid of pollution can and should be, despite the superstition and the complexity of the work ahead. Follow all the recommendations voiced, and your dress will be as good as new.

The celebration was over, there were pleasant memories and photos, and with them a dirty wedding dress. It is more convenient to have the outfit dry-cleaned, but the procedure is expensive. You can return the material to its previous state at home. The main thing is to know how and what to clean.

What materials are used to sew a wedding dress?

The material for sewing the bride's wedding dress is chosen based on the time of the year, the type of figure and style. When choosing fabrics, it is important to take into account that it is of high quality, strong and at the same time beautiful.

Modern materials give free rein to the unrestrained imagination of designers. Several types of fabrics can be combined in one dress.

The most popular materials used for sewing a wedding dress:

  • atlas;
  • brocade;
  • taffeta;
  • crepe;
  • silk;
  • organza;
  • chiffon;
  • tulle;
  • lace;
  • velvet;
  • cotton.

The texture of the fabric can be matte, shiny, reflective, structured, airy or mixed. By type - natural and synthetic.

Washing rules

Before washing the outfit by hand or in the washing machine, read the instructions on the tags. It indicates the temperature, the possibility of ironing and the method of removing dirt, whether the product can be taken to dry cleaning.

First of all, the fabric of the wedding dress is determined. Most often, synthetic materials are used, they can be placed in a typewriter or washed by hand. The type of fabric is indicated on the product label, usually in English.

The hem is the dirtiest place. Needs high-quality cleaning and pre-treatment. Clean the bottom only, keeping the rest dry.

Dresses decorated with decorative stones, embroidery and other elements should be washed with care. With a strong mechanical impact, they will come off, as a result, the store will not accept back the outfit rented.

The last rule of washing a wedding dress is that you cannot wash petticoats with rings in a typewriter. This accessory is made of tulle, which does not tolerate mechanical stress. And the rings in the petticoat are deformed during washing in an automatic machine.