Dry or natural dog food, all the pros and cons. Can Natural and Dry Dog Foods Be Mixed?

No matter how promising and thoroughbred a pet is, a truly caring owner is not worried about his regalia, titles and his own benefit, but, above all, about the health of his pet. And when something is wrong with a four-legged friend, the question of proper nutrition arises by itself.

Today, all dog owners in the world are steadily divided into those who promote natural feeding and those who, for principled reasons, "put" their pet on dry food. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted right away that both the first and the second case have their own "pluses" and "minuses".

First, one clarification. Speaking about feeding a dog, experts mean its energy value. The principle of this redistribution is simple: the more the dog moves, the more food it should receive, and vice versa. Correct and, most importantly, balanced nutrition consists in meeting the daily needs of the animal not only in energy resources, but also in vitamins, minerals and easily digestible substances. If the dog does not receive something, it leads to exhaustion and decreased immunity. If the animal, on the other hand, consumes more food than it expends energy, one day it will end up obese. Both are dangerous.

So how to achieve perfect balance and correctness in feeding your dog ?! First, you need to know the basic criteria by which food is judged. It must be useful, that is, it must contain the entire range of essential substances. Further, good dog food is always perfectly absorbed in the animal's body, has a pleasant smell and is liked by the pet. It is not difficult to determine this. When the food is to your dog's taste, he will be happy to eat it and will never refuse the next portion of food. And if the dog has a shiny coat, there is no discharge from the nose, ears and eyes, the ribs are not felt, the animal is active and playful - these are the main signs that the dog is eating right.

The main tenet of feeding is that a natural diet and dry food should not be mixed under any circumstances. Therefore, even before the appearance of the puppy in the house, you need to clearly determine on what principle your pet will eat - whether he will use natural food or will gobble up dry food.

The natural diet should include all the basic foods that are vital for the dog: beef, chicken, boneless sea fish, offal that are pre-boiled or frozen. Non-fat fermented milk products are required - kefir and cottage cheese, cereals, bran, vegetables and fruits. However, veterinarians advise to think over the dog's diet so that two-thirds of it is meat, and one-third is porridge. But, a lot depends on the breed of the dog. It is strictly forbidden to give boiled bones, potatoes, sweets and especially chocolate, which is deadly for a dog. Exclude pork, tubular bones, smoked meats, spices, pasta, bread, rolls. Dried brown bread crusts can be given occasionally - good for the teeth.

The main advantage of natural feeding is that it is natural for the dog and does not contain chemicals or harmful preservatives. The owner of the dog himself can diversify the daily diet of his pet and combine different products at will.

But there are also disadvantages. The most important thing is that without special knowledge, the dog owner is unlikely to be able to competently compose a balanced dog menu. And this means that over time, a deficiency of vitamins or minerals may form in the pet's body, which are so necessary for the proper growth and harmonious development of the animal. In addition, the owner will take time to find and buy the right products in stores, and then also prepare the right dishes.

Dry food is much more convenient in this regard. In total, there are three classes of them. There are economy-class feeds that use cheap and, accordingly, not always high-quality raw materials, and the necessary balance of nutrients may not be met. All this together will only harm the dog.

Much better than premium food. They are more expensive and much better quality, as well as more balanced. And the best are professional feeds - super-premium class, made from high-quality products, and the balance of nutrients and nutrients in them is exactly observed. Another advantage is that these foods are perfectly digestible and are divided into subspecies, each of which is developed taking into account the age, health and activity of the dog. Perhaps the only drawback of high-quality feed is that such food is not natural for the animal. Therefore, you need to gradually transfer your beloved friend to dry breakfasts, lunches and dinners. But in any case, the last word rests with the dog itself, which can refuse to eat even the most expensive and high-quality dry food, choosing porridge with beef for lunch.

Consider the regularity and frequency of feeding when feeding your dog. We must not forget that pets are slaves to their habits and live according to their own special biological clock. So, puppies need to be fed more often than adult dogs - from 3 to 5 times a day, depending on age.

Personally, I am in favor of natural dog food. For clarity, I want to give a rough example of the diet of my dog ​​personally. Shih Tzu breed, 2 years old, weight - 7 kg, the dog is neutered, there are no signs of disease. Use our menu for health by decreasing or increasing the dose of the portion depending on the breed of your pet.

Menu for dogs



2. Beef (after freezing) - a cube of about 4x4 cm.

2. Beef (after freezing) - a cube of about 4x4 cm;
3. Small raw grated carrots.


1. Oatmeal (porridge) - 4 tablespoons;

1. Kufir.
1. Oatmeal - 4 tablespoons;
2. Sea fish (after freezing) - a cube of about 4x4 cm.


1. Unpolished boiled rice - 2 tablespoons;
2. Boiled buckwheat (green, not fried) - 2 tbsp. spoons;

1. Boiled egg.
1. Unpolished boiled rice - 2 tablespoons;

3. Beef liver (after freezing) - a cube of about 4x4 cm.


1. Unpolished boiled rice - 2 tablespoons;
2. Boiled buckwheat - 2 tbsp. spoons;
3. Beef (after freezing) - a cube of about 4x4 cm.
1. Unpolished boiled rice - 1 tablespoon;
2. Boiled buckwheat - 1 tbsp. spoons;
3. Beef (after freezing) - a cube of about 4x4 cm;


1. Unpolished boiled rice - 4 tablespoons;

1. Unpolished boiled rice - 2 tablespoons;
2. Turkey (after freezing) - a cube of about 4x4 cm.
4. Small raw grated carrots.

As you can see, it is based on rice, buckwheat, beef and sea fish. All other products: kefir, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc. I give my dog ​​for lunch as a supplement to the main diet.

Rice should be given unpolished, or brown. White rice is useless (even for humans). When cooking, you can add a pinch of sea salt.

I cut the beef, beef liver and fish into portions and freeze so that you can take out and defrost a piece at a time.

It is advisable to feed after a walk. Judge for yourself, in nature it is customary that the animal first runs after prey, then eats satisfyingly and falls to rest in the shade.

It is better to serve food slightly warmed up. Warm foods are better absorbed. And if we look back into the wild, remember that a wolf or fox eat their caught bird, mouse or rabbit while still warm.

Sometimes I spoil the dog with wheat germ. I lightly break them with a hammer, or grind them. According to my observations, if this is not done, the seedlings come out whole, not digested along with the dog's toilet. Wheat sprouts are a huge source of vitamins and minerals, as well as energy for the body. The dog will delight you with its cheerfulness.

I would also like to note that nutrition provides not only energy value, which we are used to measuring in calories, but also the energy of life and health - that is why I chose natural products for my beloved dog.

In this article, I will provide a comparison of the diet for dogs, based on ready-made dry food and natural food (meat, cereals, vegetables). What are the advantages and disadvantages of such food. What is the best way to feed a pet for a novice dog breeder and why. Is it possible to mix feed at the same time, or to combine the opinion of the veterinarian.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to provide the pet with proper nutrition, balanced in all essential components. The easiest way to do this is to buy a ready-made one in a store.

Feed manufacturers assure that all vitamins and microelements are included in the dry feed, they are balanced and meet all the needs of the animal's body.

There are special formulations for puppies with a high protein content, for lactating bitches, dietary, canned food for castrated animals.

It is convenient to feed dry food - just pour the required amount into a bowl and put clean water next to it. However, there is a danger of erasing the tooth enamel in dogs if it is fed only with hard granules all the time. Veterinarians recommend that older animals soak the granules in water.

Often, pets are allergic to some components.


  • hen;
  • wheat;

In this case, the food is replaced with a hypoallergenic composition or the animal is transferred to a natural one.

I want to please my pet with something tasty, but at the same time give him the maximum amount of vitamins

Dry food

Dry granules can be divided into classes: economy, premium and super premium. They vary in price and composition.

Economy class feed

They are inexpensive (about 100 - 120 rubles per kg). As a rule, they are produced in feed factories or meat processing plants, as an accompanying line that utilizes waste from the main production. If you read the composition, most of it is occupied by cereals and vegetable fats.

The value of these foods is low and cannot be recommended for feeding puppies, pregnant bitches and older dogs.

Economy brands include Chappi, Pedigri.

Dry food economy class pedigree

Premium class

It implies a special production, with its own laboratories and developed recipes for different groups of animals. The likes of Royal Canin have been successfully used by dog ​​owners around the world. The pellets have a pleasant meaty smell, they are nutritious and are eaten with pleasure by animals.

Royal Canin Rottweiler 26 dog food (Royal Canin) 12 kg for Rottweilers

Super premium class

Super premium is made up of the highest quality formulations of the Hills, Proplan, Akana brands. These granules are practically free of preservatives and non-natural additives, they rarely cause allergies.

Hill's l / d Liver Care dry food for dogs to support liver health

The price for 1 kg is 400 - 600 rubles, but it is justified by its high quality.

Pros and cons of ready-made dry food

  • ease of use;
  • ease of storage;
  • balanced composition.
  • high price;
  • the possibility of allergies.

Natural food

Natural feeding is called a diet consisting of the usual food: meat, boiled cereals, vegetables, dairy products. This is a natural diet for the animal, provided it is balanced. Some breeds (hunting, shepherd) need raw meat, they do not feel well on dry food.

The proportion of quality meat (not bones and fat!) Should be at least 60% of the daily food intake. Dairy products are not cheap, and you cannot feed an animal with cereals alone.

Meat must be present in the pet's diet.

The complexities of natural feeding include the need to prepare food for feeding: boil porridge, butcher meat, wash and peel vegetables, mix ingredients. Store foods and ready meals in the refrigerator.

You cannot feed your pet with rotten vegetables, dirty cereals, not fresh meat! It is forbidden to feed the animal waste from the human table.

Experienced dog breeders prepare their own pet food. They argue that this is the only way to be sure of the quality of the food consumed by the dog. For the correct compilation of the pet's diet, depending on its breed, sex and weight, there are special tables and calculators.

Pros and Cons of Natural Feeding

  • it is natural food for the animal;
  • the possibility of compiling an individual menu;
  • confidence in the freshness of products.
  • laborious preparation and storage;
  • high price for quality products.

It is strictly forbidden to use fragile and tubular bones, fragments will damage the stomach

Is it possible to feed dry and natural food at the same time

Veterinarians strongly oppose the combined, mixed type of feeding the dog.

To digest dry food, certain enzymes are produced in the dog's stomach, which are not suitable for digesting natural food.

For this reason, the transition from dry to wet (natural) feeding and vice versa should be gradual over two weeks. During this time, during one of the feedings, the usual food is changed to a new food. Gradually, food in other feedings is also replaced.

Some owners of their pets, practice giving fresh meat, kefir and vegetables in one feeding and dry food in another. They argue that such food does not harm the dog. Nevertheless, high-quality fresh meat on the dog's menu cannot be replaced by any expensive food.

It is not recommended to mix ready-made feed pellets and porridge, meat or vegetables in one bowl!

As a result, you can add - the choice of diet for your pet depends on the capabilities and preferences of the dog owner. Both options are suitable for feeding a pet, provided that the owner approaches the diet responsibly and does not save on the pet.

You are absolutely wrong.

There are feeds of the holistic class.

Place 4 dogs side by side.

It's funny that, according to the word Petvita in google, it gives out this page.

We also feed our dogs with this food and are very satisfied.

There were different problems, we tried a bunch of different feeds. What the breeder, the veterinarian advised, did not work. Allergies and unstable stools.

At the Petvita Lamb for Large Breeds, the dogs started pooping normally, stopped scratching and looked great. The coat shines, activity as if on a natural diet.

Labradors are always active, but here it is as if puppies eat with appetite.

To answer

Depends on the dog) how she perceives this or that food.

Personally, I am against dry food. It can only be given to the dog when the dog is still small, just a puppy, and even then not every time.

Because of this feed, the animal can have big health problems) and this is very bad.

It is better to buy all sorts of cereals + meat, cook porridge, and feed such food. It will also be useful.

And from dry food, well, the dog will eat these balls, wash it down with water, the stomach will swell up ... and there are no problems there ..

The dog needs normal food! That's why she is a dog.)

You are absolutely wrong.

Without studying the topic, give advice to those who are looking for an answer to a question of interest to everyone.

It is possible to feed with fodder, and often even necessary.

Can and should be different from how a person feeds a natural.

We will not talk about the need to get a dog of the size so that there is enough money to feed it properly (in our post space, this is useless). But back to the point.

Most people simply don't balance straight. Porridge is bad for dogs !!! This has been proven by doctors, nutritionists and other zoologists.

Nowhere abroad dogs are fed with porridge. They are fed with Meat and vegetables. I will clarify (Tripe is not meat, it is a sub product).

A dog is a predator. Predators feed on animal fats and proteins. Carbohydrates are consumed, but not in the amount that you offer or give to dogs like Sheepdog.

Foods are also different. I am against Premium Foods, as they are based on grains that contain gluten and other harmful substances.

There are feeds of the holistic class.

Undoubtedly, a properly balanced natural food is the best option for feeding a dog, but if you do not have access to high-quality (without any nasty) meat and the availability of finances, time - Natural is not your option! When this is not possible, choose any feed of the holistic class, grain-free!

You can argue, argue, but I can answer this very simply.

Place 4 dogs side by side.

One is fed with Porridge over 25-30% of the diet, the second with a properly balanced natural food (in money for a dog of 30 kg - UAH 2000-2500 (4000-5000 rubles)), the third with holistic class food (correctly selected for this dog), the fourth with food class premium or economy (which you most likely opposed without having experience with others).

You will be surprised, only 2 dogs will look like from a movie, the other two will look like most shepherd dogs in our country and other dogs.

There are Central Asian breeds, relatively young dog breeds, they tolerate your "porridge diet" more easily, the rest simply do not live up to 12, do not live up to 8-9 or require a lot of money for treatment. Yes, a shepherd dog will digest nails, but how will it look on porridge and on meat or feed in which there are no grain crops and high-quality meat!

Therefore, do not be so critical in answering the question for Everyone, having experience only with some breeds of dogs.

I would advise those who cannot afford to devote a lot of time and money to a properly balanced natural girl to play with this, and choose the best food for their dog.

There are not so few Holistic manufacturers:

Acana, Orijen, Taste of the wild, WolfBluts, Petvita, AlphaSpirit.

For me, for example, Akita Inu (Akana is not suitable for them due to the high protein content and chicken products in all diets), we chose Petvita for ourselves - Large Lamb diet - lamb with turkey. The dog is doing great. Looks like?

You can enter akita.goro on Instagram and see for yourself.

For those who like to give advice, advise to get a dog according to your financial capabilities, and not buy a Mastiff or Boerboel and feed him economy class food or tell others how their dog exists on Kashka (with a couple of pieces of meat).

I am for the fact that the dogs eat right. Those who have the time and financial opportunity can find me on my nickname on Facebook, I will select the right diet for their dog for free.

To answer

Comment on

Here are some (oh, not all!) Considerations for feeding your dog:

1. Purely advertising "balance of substances" in the feed - MYTH! This balance, supposedly carefully designed by scientific institutions, meets the needs of LABORATORY dogs in cages. A dog living with you at home has a different type of vital activity, and therefore has other needs.

2. If you decide to feed the dog with ready-made food, then you will have to carefully watch how much your animal drinks during the day. True, he still will not be able to not just drink, but (even with the forced introduction of water) to assimilate all the liquid that is necessary for at least some approximation to the moisture content of natural food. The result (no matter how much you try to water the dog) - all the troubles associated with increased blood density and, as a result, with complications of the capillary blood supply to the brain. It is no coincidence that "expansion of the heart" (DCM) and chronic renal failure began to occur in dogs dozens of times more often than before.

3. Food must give the dog all the fullness of sensations, and this is not only taste, but also tactile sensations from the volume and consistency of food, the effort on the teeth when it is chewed and chewed. Moreover, these sensations should be associated with food, and not with a toy like a bone from an ox-vein. Otherwise, a situation arises in the nervous system that Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the father of the theory of higher nervous activity, called "a collision of reflexes."

3. Very serious and that concerns the so-called "attractors" (attractants) used in a number of commercial feed. They are added to feed so that the animal eats them with an increased appetite, and even better - it would refuse other food. However, not all attractants meet the taste of food, but have completely different aromas that contradict the very meaning of food.

4. Increased gluttony does not at all benefit the psyche of the animal. Probably, you have heard about such a disease as bulimia - a nervous gluttony associated with a state of fear and anxiety. There is also a feedback, due to which these very fears and anxieties are intensified in a constantly overeating animal or person.

Would you wish all these complications to your pet? Unlikely!

If you need a scientifically grounded diet for a dog (St. Petersburg Vet. Academy), contact me on Skype - geena_rolf. I will send you a complete selection of materials.

On the topic of feeding a dog, quite a few copies have been broken lately. Supporters of natural and dry food are fighting serious battles on the net and in real life, figuring out what is still better for the health of the animal? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

This is why natural food is called that consists of familiar, familiar products, in the usefulness of which we have no doubt. Let's leave the heartbreaking option for now, in which crusts of bread soaked in a dubious kind of slop are given out as natural. Or "rich" broth from one small bone, sadly floating in a five-liter saucepan of pearl barley porridge.

Those who prefer natural products are ready to feed their dog with fresh meat, homemade cottage cheese and vegetables without nitrates and herbicides. Such a diet is certainly very healthy. But supporters of natural nutrition overlook that an animal is not a person. Both the requests and desires of the animal are completely different.

First of all, it should be said that most dogs do not need a varied diet. The peculiarities of canine digestion are such that the more monotonous and habitual the food consumed is, the easier and more fully it will be absorbed by the digestive tract. Therefore, a minimum set of vitamins and minerals supplied with food is more important for a pet.

Another difficulty arises here. Homo sapiens, endowed with the gift of speech, can always express their desires and preferences in food. It's no secret that the body, lacking a particular nutritional component, signals a deficiency by increased appetite, which manifests itself in relation to foods containing the missing ingredient.

Alas, the dog will not be able to tell us what it would like to eat, so the owner's task is to compose the most complete and balanced diet that meets the animal's need for basic nutrients. As practice shows, it is extremely difficult to do this.

At home it is impossible neither to know the chemical composition of the product, nor to accurately calculate the dose of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for a fulfilling life of a friend. Therefore, most owners try to determine by eye what the animal's body needs and how to satisfy this need.

Natural food lovers should also know that, due to their specific metabolism, dogs are unusually sensitive to all kinds of fertilizers, additives and gene modifiers. To keep your pet healthy, food must be truly natural. Ideally - grown and produced with your own hands. Then the benefits of them will really be obvious. If you are unable to determine the quality of the components of the diet, it is better to transfer your pet to dry food.

So, if you decide to give preference to natural food, try to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Food products must be of high quality and grown only with the use of natural fertilizers or dressings.
  • The dog should receive an additional vitamin complex daily to meet its needs for vital micronutrients.
  • Meals should be fractional, divided into 3-4 meals.
  • The food temperature should be 25-35 ° C.
  • Material opportunities and time should allow you to compose a balanced diet in accordance with all the rules of dietetics.

When feeding natural, the following products are prohibited:

  • Scraps from the human table. Salty, spicy, fried food is poison for dogs.
  • Tubular and any boiled bones. They can cause injury to the stomach walls or intestinal obstruction.

Today, most professional breeders and advanced dog owners prefer commercially produced dry food. There are several explanations for this. Most people are attracted by the convenience of such feeding and the balanced diet guaranteed by the manufacturer. Of course, all these requirements are met in the production of premium feed, the reputation of which is confirmed daily by the latest developments and modern innovations.

In addition, there are situations in which you simply cannot do without dry food in the diet.

If your dog has allergies or diseases of internal organs, with the help of a special dry food you can remove skin rashes or put the disease into remission.

Animals that are overweight or have metabolic disorders also need to be fed industrial feed. Otherwise, it is impossible to reduce the caloric content of the diet while preserving the nutrients.

During the growth period, pregnant bitches and puppies need a balanced diet. Each dry food line contains varieties that meet the needs of these two groups of animals.

If you are the owner of a show animal, you also need dry food. Well, firstly, most of the organizers of the exhibition reward the winners with just this kind of gifts. Do you need to put the bags of the food you won somewhere?

But seriously, it is very difficult to raise a real show dog on natural food. A large amount of food, which differs in natural, leads to an increase in the volume of the stomach and, accordingly, sagging of the abdomen. This spoils the appearance of the dog, which means that it reduces its chances of winning.

In addition, special additives present in the composition of dry food improve the appearance of the pet's coat, add brightness to the color and eliminate dandruff and brittle hair. Joint enhancers allow the dog to move freely and flexibly, allowing the animal to reach its full potential. And, finally, it is extremely convenient to take dry food with you on exhibition trips.

Only you yourself have the right to decide what to feed your pet. When choosing a diet, pay attention to the well-being of the animal, the condition of its fur, mucous membranes of the eyes, the volume and density of excrement excreted. If your dog's food meets his vital needs, the animal will live a long, happy and healthy life with you. And this, you see, is worth any money and trouble.

Natasha Sherwood

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If a dog appears in the house, you are responsible for its life and health. And this health largely depends on nutrition. Formulating the correct diet for an animal is the key to its normal functioning, long life and the absence of problems with the body. After all, a dog should receive with food the entire complex of minerals and vitamins that it needs.

Dry food is a real godsend for the owners. With the help of it, the person no longer needs to take care of the correct nutrition of the dog. Many dry foods are labeled "full-feed". This means that such food can completely replace other types of food, without compromising the health of the dog. But how to feed the animal correctly so that it feels good?

Benefits of dry food

Why have dry food firmly entered our lives and the lives of our pets? Why has dry food become so popular that today it is bought for almost every domestic dog?

Dry food has many benefits. Firstly, it is a balanced diet that can satisfy the dog's need for all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The owner does not need to worry about what else the animal may need - everything is in one package. Secondly, dry food is convenient for the owner - he poured it into a bowl and no problem. No need to waste time cooking, heating, cooling. Dry food does not require special storage conditions. This convenience facilitates the process of keeping the dog in the family, which is a definite plus.

If necessary, you can buy dry food for a dog that is in a certain moment of life. If the bitch is pregnant or feeding the puppies with milk, she needs more nutrients, which is taken into account by a special series of dry food for pregnant and lactating. There is also a line of foods for painful, agile and allergic or obese dogs. This allows you to adjust the nutrition of the animal at different periods of its life.

There is another advantage of dry food - the financial side of the issue. Yes, many do not bother and feed the dog from a common table - it does not spend a lot of money. However, on such a diet, the dog will not last long. For normal life, he needs vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, meat, fish every day. Dry food is much more beneficial than making a natural, full meal for your dog every day.

Dry food consists of small pieces of food that differ in calorie content, quality and taste. When choosing a brand of dry food, pay attention to its class. Premium dry food usually contains absolutely all the minerals and vitamins that an animal needs. However, in order for the dog to master them all, it is necessary to feed the animal with dry food according to the rules.

  1. First, you need to choose the food. If you constantly feed your dog the same food, do not change its appearance. There is a misconception that it is necessary to introduce variety in the diet and change the brand of feed. This is not true. If your pet's food suits him completely, his coat is silky and he feels good, do not change the type of food.
  2. It is possible to buy feed "by weight" only in large veterinary stores, in which there is a large turnover. If a large bag of food has been opened for more than a week ago, you should not take such a treat.
  3. Don't buy pet food that is too cheap. Often they do not contain the declared vitamins and minerals. In addition, they need to be supplemented with complementary foods - other essential minerals. Cheap food often does more harm than good.
  4. If the dog only eats dry food, there should always be a bowl of fresh water in his line of sight. Since the food swells in the stomach of the animal, this can cause thirst, in which case the dog drinks water in excess.
  5. You need to feed the dog with dry food strictly according to the schedule. Feed your pet at the same time, preferably twice a day. The serving size should also be the same.
  6. Some dogs are happy to crunch dry food, and then wash it down with water. This is correct, as the solid food removes the tartar from the animal. If your dog does not like to gnaw crackers, the food can be soaked - it swells perfectly, becomes soft and appetizing. Some foodies prefer to eat only wet food. For soaking, you can use not only water, but also kefir, yogurt, etc.
  7. Store dry food in a kitchen drawer, in a well-closed bag. Be careful and close the package tightly so that cockroaches and other animals do not get inside. In addition, if the package is left open, the contents quickly deteriorate, become rancid and lose their useful properties. Often, the owner does not even suspect that the pet continues to eat spoiled food.

These are the basic rules that must be followed when feeding an animal with dry food.

Is it possible to feed the dog exclusively dry food

It is not only possible, but also necessary! When developing a composition for the future dry food, manufacturers rely on the fact that the dog will eat this product constantly. But many owners do this - they feed the dog with regular food, and they give the food only as a treat or as a reward. This is fundamentally wrong. If you are going to feed your pet with dry food, everything else should be removed from its diet.

If you feed the dog with food and supplement with meat, an excess of protein may occur in the body, which leads to various problems in the functioning of the kidneys. If you feed your dog dry food and supplement it with fish, it leads to an excess of phosphorus. If there is a lot of phosphorus in the body, the dog will suffer from urolithiasis, the bones will become loose and brittle, and anemia appears. When feeding with porridge, there will be an excess of carbohydrates, which leads to excess weight and related problems.

In addition, the stomach of a dog with a mixed diet has to constantly rebuild itself either to dry food or to ordinary human food. Frequent adjustments can lead to gastritis.

The exception to this rule is small pieces of treats that can be used as rewards during training. You can pamper your dog with slices of cheese, dried fruit, croutons, or boiled meat.

All these arguments suggest that it is possible to feed the dog only dry food, and it will not need additional food. But how much food does a dog need to keep it from overeating and to feel good?

Puppies tend to eat more often, but in smaller portions. If this is your first time giving a small puppy dry food, you need to introduce it gradually, starting with a teaspoon per day. If the dog does not have an allergy (which can be manifested by redness of the skin, itching, anxiety), you can gradually increase the dose of dry food to the age norm. Give your dog only food that is appropriate for his age. After all, babies need other vitamins and minerals than adult dogs.

In general, each package indicates the amount of dry food that a dog needs per day. Puppies up to two months of age eat 5-6 times a day. At three months, the number of feedings is reduced by up to 4 times. At six months, the dog eats 3 times a day, and after a year it is transferred to two meals a day. You need to feed the dog at the same time, preferably at regular intervals, that is, at 8 am and 8 pm. The amount of dry food per day is calculated by the weight of the pet. If the dog weighs less than 2 kilograms, the amount of his food should not exceed 60 grams of food per day. A 5-kilogram dog is given 90 grams of feed, a 10-kilogram dog - 160 grams. If the dog weighs 20 kg, he needs 300 grams of dry food per day, and if the giant weighs 40 kg - almost a pound of food.

This is the norm for active dogs that play, jump and run for more than an hour a day. For couch couch potatoes, the amount of food must be reduced by 20-30%, otherwise they will begin to gain excess weight. Also, the dog's diet should be reduced by a third if it is elderly. But if the dog is working, feeding with milk or pregnant, its diet, on the contrary, increases by a third.

Types of feed

Just as human food may or may not be of good quality, dog food is also categorized.

  1. Economy class. Such foods are not very high in calories, they require more volume in order for the dog to receive a sufficient amount of food. Economy-class feeds are made from poor quality products, in fact, waste. If you feed your dog such a food, take care of additional vitamin and mineral complexes, since the economy class food does not meet the daily nutritional requirements of the dog.
  2. Premium class. The calorie content of such a product is 300-350 calories per 100 grams of product. Such a feed for their by-products is made, contains a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, and does not need additional enrichment.
  3. Super premium. This is a high quality product that contains all the vitamins necessary for a dog's body. This is a balanced diet that can be a complete diet for continuous feeding.
  4. Holistic class. This dog food is made from high quality food with great nutritional value. Designed for show dogs, pets that are in the rehabilitation period after an illness, as well as for pregnant and lactating bitches.

If you want to feed your dog only dry food, choose a brand that is at least premium. Otherwise, the dog may develop health problems over time.

Separately, I would like to say about fresh feed, which are also on sale. Most manufacturers have in their line of products wet food in the form of canned food with pieces of natural meat. It can be given to your dog as an additional source of protein, as a treat. Contrary to popular belief, wet food is not a substitute for dry food, it does not contain the entire palette of useful ingredients. However, this food is great for older dogs with bad teeth or gastrointestinal problems.

Dry dog ​​food is a real breakthrough in veterinary medicine. The presence of dry food greatly facilitates the life of both the dog itself and its owner. If you feed your dog constantly dry food, it gets less sick, its teeth remain strong for many years, and its coat is shiny. If you decide to have a pet in the house, take care of its diet and do not rely on yourself. It is quite difficult to find a balanced diet from natural products - this can only be done with the help of a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog. Take care of your pet's health, feed him dry food!

Video: how to feed a dog dry food