Transportation of pregnant women to the maternity hospital is an ambulance paid. How to get to the hospital. Rules for transporting pregnant women

Expecting a child is a wonderful state that makes a woman happy. In order to think only about the good for nine months, you should take care of qualified and prompt transportation to the maternity hospital or hospital. Every expectant mother should have an ambulance phone for pregnant women in Moscow and the Moscow region. Fast transportation will help to avoid serious health problems for both the woman and the child. The commercial ambulance for pregnant women of the medical service "Doctor 03" is safety, professionalism and maximum comfort during paid hospitalization.

When you may need a paid ambulance for pregnant women

During the nine months of pregnancy, situations repeatedly arise in which a woman needs the help of doctors. However, it is not always possible to figure out on your own whether it is worth calling an ambulance or visiting your doctor is enough. If you experience any of the symptoms listed below, immediately call an ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow:

  • bleeding during pregnancy or early labor;
  • severe cramping pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, genitals;
  • surgical pathologies (ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, etc.);
  • somatic diseases that can sharply worsen during pregnancy (urolithiasis, bronchial asthma);
  • the onset of labor, accompanied by regular contractions or the outflow of amniotic fluid.
  • It should be understood that in any of these situations, qualified medical care should be provided as quickly as possible. A taxi driver or even a loved one behind the wheel is not the best option, as they will not cope with the difficulties that have arisen. The most comfortable and safest way to transport pregnant women to the maternity hospital is a paid obstetric ambulance of the Doctor 03 medical service.

    If you have a birth certificate, a commercial contract, or in the case of a personal agreement with a doctor, our ambulance will take you to any maternity hospital.

Advantages of a paid ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow of the Doctor 03 service

Efficiency. Brigades of the private ambulance "Doctor 03" work around the clock. Our dispatchers will accept the application and make the best route to arrive on call as soon as possible. Paid ambulances to the Doctor 03 maternity hospital are equipped with special signals, which increases the speed of medical transport in dense city traffic.

Technical equipment. Each paid ambulance car for pregnant women is equipped with modern devices that allow maintaining a stable condition of the expectant mother and baby. If necessary, our doctors will take delivery or carry out resuscitation. For the transfer and transportation of pregnant women in our ambulance to the maternity hospital or clinic, comfortable stretchers are used, in which a woman can be lying or reclining.


About transportation to the hospital

I would like to clarify the issue of transportation to the hospital. I have a contract with the maternity hospital at the State Clinical Hospital..... for contract delivery. This contract does not provide for transportation to the maternity hospital. In this regard, I am interested in whether the obstetric team will take me to the maternity hospital at the State Clinical Hospital if I have contractions .... at my request upon presentation of the contract.
Will the availability of places in maternity hospitals affect the decision-making by the ambulance team, despite the existence of a contract with the maternity hospital at the State Clinical Hospital.....? Those. can I be taken to another maternity hospital if there are no places in the maternity hospital of the State Clinical Hospital ...., despite the fact that I have a contract with this maternity hospital?
Thank you in advance for your response.
P. Christina.

My wife and I entered into a contract for childbirth. In the event that we ourselves cannot go to the maternity hospital with which we have concluded a contract or she has contractions, will the called ambulance team be obliged to take us to the maternity hospital with which we entered into childbirth or will they take us to any nearest maternity hospital?
K. Andrey

Questions are answered by the chief physician of the Station of emergency and emergency medical care named after. A.S. Puchkova - N.F. Plavunov

The procedure for providing emergency medical care is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 06/20/2013 No. No. 388n "On approval of the Procedure for the provision of emergency, including emergency specialized, medical care."
In cases where emergency medical evacuation is necessary, which includes the transportation of women in labor for childbirth, ambulance teams deliver patients as soon as possible to the specialized hospitals closest to the place of call. The choice of a hospital is carried out taking into account the obstetric situation at the time of the examination, the patient's somatic pathology and the availability of the hospital to accept the patient. When a woman in labor is evacuated to a remote hospital, adverse consequences can occur for both the mother and the child.
The ambulance station is not a party to the contract concluded between you and the maternity hospital and cannot guarantee the delivery of a woman in labor to a hospital with which she has a contractual relationship.
At the same time, it should be noted that if the hospital with which the woman in labor has concluded an agreement is open for admission and is the closest to the place of call, the patient can be taken to it by an ambulance.

We congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! We wish happiness and health to you and your kids.

We will take women in labor to the maternity hospital, preliminary and urgently. We have been working since 2010. Urgent delivery of a car.

As soon as the pregnancy approaches completion, expectant mothers begin to worry: when will they go to the hospital? And most importantly - how to understand that it's time. Everything is simple: there are several main points that you need to focus on.

Are these contractions?

Contractions are the main sign of the onset of labor. Even before they start, you can feel that there is heaviness, a slight pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen, the uterus is tense and feels very dense to the touch. But it is important to recognize true contractions, and not "training" ones, which can occur as early as the second trimester of pregnancy. Real labor contractions are repeated at regular intervals, which are gradually shortened, and the duration of the contraction itself increases, training contractions are irregular in time, and their intensity is almost always the same. Real contractions, unlike training ones, are very painful, they do not go away after a change in body position or a warm shower.

We count the intervals between contractions

If the contractions have definitely begun, there is no need to panic. After all, the first stage of labor lasts long enough. Therefore, first calculate how often contractions occur and how long they last. It is usually recommended to go to the hospital if the interval between contractions is about 10 minutes. The second and subsequent births are faster than the first, so if you are expecting a second or third child, then the opening of the cervix will pass much faster and you need to urgently go to the hospital as soon as the contractions become regular and rhythmic.

How to recognize childbirth is a lesson for dad. Or when to call a baby taxi for women in labor.

Option number 1

Harbingers of childbirth and labor pains - how to recognize a lesson for dad cannot advise you.

The main clinical signs of harbingers of childbirth are:

pain in the lower abdomen in the period of 37-42 weeks;

pain does not violate the established regime of rest, work and sleep;

usually occur at night;

a woman practically does not feel them (but this depends on the threshold of pain sensitivity, individual for each woman).

In some cases, the harbingers of childbirth can become pathological when you have to go to the hospital. This condition is called the pathological preliminary period. It is characterized by the fact that there are no changes in the cervix (its maturation) in the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome. The lack of timely correction can lead to weakness of labor activity or to disruption of the normal distribution of the contraction wave through the uterus, which, as a result, is not always treatable. As a result, a situation may arise when caesarean section will be the only method of delivery.

Labor contractions have the following characteristics:

pain occurs at approximately the same time intervals;

at the beginning, the intervals are longer (4-6 grips per hour), gradually shortening;

the strength of the fight increases over time, as does its duration.

The role of harbingers and contractions in childbirth

With contractions that take place during childbirth, the cervical canal or uterine os opens with a flattened cervix. This is their physiological meaning, and pain is a “side effect” that modern medicine does well with. For this purpose, spinal or epidural analgesia of childbirth is used.

With each contraction, the length of the cervical canal decreases, which leads to a smoothing of the neck, and its opening is also observed in parallel. However, sometimes there may be complications of this period. In some situations, contractions retain their soreness, but this does not properly reflect on the condition of the cervix. This should suggest the weakness of labor pains or their discoordination. To remove these pathological conditions, an appropriate correction is carried out. If this is not done, then the birth is delayed, and sometimes even stops completely, which requires operative delivery.

In addition to labor pains, there are also preparatory ones. They are regarded as harbingers of childbirth. They prepare the cervix for the upcoming important event. At this time, it acquires a certain anatomical and functional maturity. The main characteristics of this process are:

its softening;


little opening;

location on the wire axis;

low location of the fetal head or pelvic end, depending on the nature of the presentation.

How to prepare positively for childbirth)))))))))) 9th month of pregnancy)))

The road to the maternity hospital

The maternity hospital may be located next to the house, or it may be located at the other end of the city. Therefore, calculate the time that you have to spend on the trip. If the maternity hospital is located nearby and you can get to it quickly, then you can safely wait for the recommended interval between contractions - 10 minutes. If you have to go through the whole city and traffic jams are possible on the streets, then it is better to leave the house early, for example, when the interval between contractions will be another 15-20 minutes.

specialized children's service taxi for pregnant women found many fans in the face of expectant mothers, their relatives and friends. To solve problems of any level of complexity, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. All children's taxi drivers undergo special courses and training. Only professional, friendly and caring people who are able to create a pleasant and comfortable environment during the trip will be able to engage in such work. Drivers have completed courses, during the transportation of the client they do not smoke and do not talk on the phone.

All cars are equipped with comfortable and comfortable seats, as well as reliable seat belts. A woman in a car can sit in the back seat sitting or lying down, that is, as it will be convenient for her. In addition, such a car is equipped with everything that may be needed in such a situation. A pregnant woman on the road may need drinking water, wet wipes, bags in case of an attack of toxicosis, a blood pressure monitor, a special first-aid kit "Mother and Child" and the best kit for the maternity hospital. Cars for the trip of pregnant women are equipped with air conditioning, their sanitary and technical condition is at the highest level.

Using the services of a taxi for pregnant women and women in childbirth, each client can be sure of high-quality and reliable service, as well as timely delivery to their destination.

Option No. 2

Harbingers of childbirth are symptoms that occur two weeks before childbirth.

These include: ….

1) Lowering of the abdomen due to pressing the presenting part of the fetus to the entrance to the small pelvis. The pregnant woman notes that it becomes easier for her to breathe;

2) Moving the center of gravity of the body of the pregnant woman forward, deviation when walking the head and shoulders back "Proud tread"

3) Precursor contractions begin (“false contractions”) In the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, irregular uterine contractions periodically occur, accompanied by painful sensations. Such uterine contractions are called false contractions, precursor contractions, preparatory (preliminary) contractions. False contractions are never regular and do not lead to changes in the cervix;

4) in the last days before childbirth, a pregnant woman periodically has mucous discharge from the genital tract, a mucous plug is released - the contents of the cervical canal, which also indicates the proximity of the onset of childbirth

5) Decreased body weight of a pregnant woman by 1-2 kg (2-3 days before the onset of childbirth)

6) Unusual sensations of a woman for the last months of pregnancy - increased excitability or, conversely, a state of apathy, which is explained by changes in the central and autonomic nervous system before childbirth.

7) Maturity of the cervix.

The course of labor activity largely depends on the readiness of the body for childbirth. Formation of readiness occurs 10-15 days before birth. The readiness of the body is determined by the degree of maturity of the cervix and the sensitivity of the myometrium to uterotonic drugs. These changes are easily recognized during vaginal examination and are expressed as follows: the mature cervix is ​​​​located in the center of the small pelvis, shortened (the length of the mature cervix does not exceed 2 cm) and softens; the cervical canal becomes passable for the finger.

We entered the "position"

Now it’s not scary to give birth even in traffic jams: special taxis for pregnant women will give birth

A special taxi for pregnant women has appeared in Moscow Baby-Taxi Baby Taxi Its director Alexei Karsakov says that he came up with this service because "there are a lot of pregnant women, but there is simply no normal service for them." His observation is confirmed by statistics: according to the city registry office, last year almost 124,000 Muscovites were in an "interesting situation."

27-year-old Muscovite Vera tried not to use a taxi at all during her first pregnancy. “The driver either smokes, or recklessly, or talks on a mobile phone while driving. I'm nervous. Why do I need extra stress in this position? Vera says. This year, during her second pregnancy, she learned about the existence of a special taxi for expectant mothers and decided to try it. Says he liked it. “And I went to the antenatal clinic with them, and they took me to the maternity hospital to Moscow from the Moscow region,” says Vera.

A pregnant woman can call a taxi to go to the city for any purpose, a trip to the maternity hospital is negotiated separately. “We try to provide drivers with a medical education to accompany them to the maternity hospital,” says the director of a children's taxi. There are 15% of such people in the company. “All our drivers undergo psychological testing. We guarantee that they are adequate, friendly, educated people. All of them can provide first aid. We do not provide medical services, but for the woman herself it is calmer if she knows that in an emergency they will definitely help her ..

“Personally, my drivers did not take birth, although it was close to it, but the guys from this taxi are able to keep up the conversation on all sorts of “pregnant” topics,” says a client of a children's taxi. The cars of this taxi service are equipped with special seat belts for pregnant women. “Women sit only in the back seat, they can change the position of the chair and take a reclining position. There are special packages for pregnant women in the car, in case of toxicosis. In addition, there is always drinking water in the car, a device for measuring pressure. “The most important thing is that they don’t drive, even if the roads are empty,” says Vera. The company has an iron rule: do not move at a speed of more than 70 km. “We already have many regular customers. The secret of the success of our business is just a normal human attitude.”

pregnancy, transport, Moscow

  1. How does a private ambulance for pregnant women differ from a public one?

    Our private ambulance specialists do not use time limits - doctors spend all the time with the patient to provide high-quality and qualified medical care. We can deliver the patient not only to the nearest hospital or maternity hospital (as the state ambulance often does), but to any medical institution that the patient himself has chosen. Our paid ambulance also has connections with a large number of hospitals and hospitals that meet high quality standards.

  2. During pregnancy, is it possible to go to the maternity hospital that I have chosen in advance?

    If desired, the doctors of our ambulance for pregnant women will carefully and carefully take you to the maternity hospital that you have chosen in advance (attached by contract or personal agreement), no matter in what part of the city it is located. Ambulances are equipped with special signals and the right to enter the territory of all maternity hospitals in Moscow. Unlike patients who arrived on their own or by taxi, ambulance patients are admitted to the maternity hospital outside the general queue.

  3. Warning signs for immediate medical attention or an ambulance during pregnancy

    Bleeding of varying intensity or the appearance of "liquid" discharge from the vagina;
    - pain in the abdomen of various localization and nature;
    - headache, increased blood pressure;
    - blurred vision: fuzziness and vagueness of objects, "flickering flies" before the eyes;
    - pronounced sudden swelling of the legs, arms, face or an increase in existing edema;
    - vomiting, nausea, fever.

  4. Warning signs and reasons for hospitalization of pregnant women

    If you identify any symptoms of a threatened abortion, you should immediately consult a doctor. If bleeding occurs at any stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

    Most often, the treatment of the threat of interruption is carried out in a hospital. Only if the pain in the lower abdomen is of low intensity, there is no bloody or spotting discharge, you can be treated at home. However, if it is not possible to get rid of the threat at home, hospitalization is required.

    Local hypertonicity, detected only by ultrasound, when a woman is not bothered by anything, does not require hospitalization. Such a symptom often appears from the fact that a woman has been sitting in line for an ultrasound scan for a long time.

    If pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear after physical exertion, you can take No-shpa tablets on your own, or you can put a candle with Papaverine, but if this situation recurs, you should consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

    With the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is important to be at rest as much as possible, lie down more, and have enough time to rest. Physical activity should be excluded, including homework. Also, when you can not have sex. Peace and the right regimen is 80% of success. That is why the threat of interruption is most often treated in a hospital.

  5. Specialized maternity hospitals in Moscow

    Maternity hospital №15- Sharikopodshipnikovskaya st., 3, (m. Proletarskaya) tel. 674-42-87 (preterm delivery)
    Maternity hospital №6- 2nd Miusskaya, 10/1, (m. Belorusskaya) tel. 8-499-978-51-64 (IVF, recurrent miscarriage)
    Maternity Hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 8- 4th Vyatsky lane, 39 tel. 213-43-79 (preterm delivery)
    Maternity Hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 29- Hospital Square, 2, (m. Baumanskaya) tel. 952-87-11 (kidney disease, neurodermatitis)

  6. What hospitals do you work with?

    We work with all hospitals in Moscow. Our main partners are: Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Hospital No. 1 (Starovolynskaya), Central Clinical Hospital of the UDP RF, Federal Medical Center Hospital No. 83, Hospital No. 38, NTsZD.

  7. Additional information about the company: