Solid perfumes from natural components - practical perfume with their own hands. How to make perfume with your own hands at home. What you need for the manufacture of spirits with your own hands at home

Female hand with bottle of spirits

For a long time, before the emergence of the developed industry, each fleece of spirits was created manually, and often and on a special order. Mass, impersonal production was then not known. In addition, the most famous beauties in history often themselves made up for themselves, strictly by selecting every note of the fragrance. And although the merits of the classics like "Chanel number 5" and "Estelauer" few people dare, there is no main thing in these famous bottles - your individuality. Meanwhile, having imagination, desire and a little taste, spirits can be created independently.

Rules of novice perfume

Before running to the store for new flavors, and then to our own kitchen - enthusiastically, it would be nice to master the theoretical part. At least the main rules. If fragrant creativity will capture you with your head, a little weather you find out the many subtleties and secrets. (And it is possible, open your own.) In the meantime, the basic rules.

If only you are not a master innovator, then your perfume composition you will build on "three whales":

  • Head of Spirit

The first note of the fragrance, which is kept on the skin from 5 minutes before half an hour. Bright and memorable, she seemed to declare himself and quickly evaporates, leaving a tart memories. Pick this note is correct very important. Usually it consists of lung volatile smells - fresh citrus, spicy herbs, lavender. Or more strict nutmeg and sandal.

  • Heart of Spirit

The main fragrance that binds and unites all the others. This is the most intimate, but an obvious train that will accompany you for several hours. It uses more resistant odors and compositions in which you can prove yourself, pick up 3-4 favorite flavor. Sweet floral or fresh wood smells, herbs, spice notes, fruits ... to solve you.

  • The basis of the spirits

The most resistant substances leaving your skin last. He will remind himself 12, or even 24 hours later, until the last traces of fragrance will be destroyed. They are usually attributed to vetiver, carnation, cypress, incense, musk, pink tree, cedar and juniper.

Strict distribution - what kind of smells should get into the "heart", "head" and "basis" is not. Many flavors are cautious from one group to another, obeying the idea of \u200b\u200bthe master. It is worth a little relief in the compilation of compositions, and you will learn to easily understand what the smell will have to be revealed first which will become the main note of the spirits, and which "closed" the march of flavors. And oils relate in the following proportions: one drop "Head notes" accounts for 2 drops of "heart notes" and 3 drops of "bases".

Necessary components

To create your own unique composition you need to purchase:

  • Essential oils. For high-quality perfumes, naturally, the components are good and expensive. But as long as you are developing "perfume production", it will be enough to purchase 4-5 fragrances you like from the nearest pharmacy or a cosmetic store - simple and cheaps.
  • Oil, wax or alcohol for the base, depending on what you are going to deal with. From the oils choose fat, without smell - coconut, almond, grape seeds, etc. Instead of alcohol, the usual vodka will suit, again, without smell.
  • The retainer required for the flavor does not evaporate too fast. Sprinkle in this role protrude sandals or vanilla: they quickly give their own smell, but retain others. Another cheap substitute is the usual castor oil. Or even ordinary pastry vanillin!
  • Glass bottles and pipettes for mixing and storing compositions.
  • Paper strips to test the aroma drop on them, trying to "sound" the one or another composition.

Compositions on alcohol and oil

Already by the name it is clear that for future fragrant mixtures you will need one of these foundations. What is preferable? It depends on what result you need.

  • Alcohol reveals the aromas more stronger, making them richer and brighter.
  • The oil is well holding smells, and therefore, the bottle with the oil mixture will be bolshing much longer.
  • Oil-based fragrances do not need time to stand - often they are ready to use immediately after you mix them. Sometimes the oil is better to give out 5-7 days, but alcohol compounds have to wait longer, standing for 2-3 weeks on a dark shelf in the closet.
  • But you can use alcohol spirits without feet, sprinkling clothes and hair. Oil better mix with daily or night cream or carefully apply on wrists.

Perfumes on an oil basis "First Bouquet":

Mix the essential oils: 8 drops of cinnamon, 3 - Bergamot, 1 - grapefruit, 1 drop of ginger and 2 drops of sweet vanilla. Connect the mixture with 50 ml of almond oil or jojoba oil.

Recipe "Flower Wind":

15 drops of essential oil Ylang-Ylang, 12 drops of geranium, 5 drops of jasmine and pink wood, 2 drops of roses and 1 drop of sweet vanilla. Connect the resulting bouquet with base oil (any odorless) and can immediately use.

Depending on how much to take the base oil, the fragrance will be weaker or more intense. The usual ratio requires from 75 to 95% of the foundation. Not more than 25% remain on the share of essential oils.

Spirit Recipe on Sandal Leaves Alcohol:

Mix 15 ml of alcohol (90%), 10 ml of distilled water. Connect with a mixture of essential oils: 12 drops - sandalwood, 5 drops - moss, 2 drops - iris, 2 drops - Muscat, 1 drop - Limgrance. Let it brew for 2-3 weeks in a dark place.

Recipe "Fresh Orange":

5 drops of cypress oil, 5 drops of myrth, 2 drops of lemon and mint and 6 drops of orange oil mix with an alcohol water base. Next - as in the previous recipe.

Solid spirits

The basis of solid perfumes - wax mixed with base oil in proportion 1 to 2. Melt the beeswax on the water bath (the best purified - it does not have its own smell) and taking oil for the base. Wait a bit and pour the bouquet of essential oils in the cooling mixture. Mix the glass stick and break into that container where you are going to store solid perfume. Let cool.

By composing the composition for solid spirits, you may not worry about the lock: wax and without it reliably hold the smell created by your fantasy.

Recipe for solid spirits "Forest rain":

3 drops of nutmess oil, 2 drops of juniper, cedar, and bergamot, 1 drop of pine and 1 drop of lemon grass. Connect with melted wax and base oil and let cool.

You can repeat any of the above recipes yourself. You can find a lot of interesting mixes on the Internet and forums of "home perfumers". Or create your spirits yourself. Arm yourself with your favorite smells, paper strips and necessary tools. Drip on a drop of aroma for each leaf. And now try to connect them, bringing two different sheets to the nose at the same time. Like the result? Too sharp? Lack of sweet notes or freshness? Search until you find the composition that you have to taste. And immediately, after that, you will be thrown over alcohol, butter or wax, so that they immediately create their own personal perfumes on their basis.

Yes, and of course, do not forget to record the results of your research so that if necessary, without difficulty repeat the composition.

Pheromones at home - True or myth?

Pheromones ... Since these volatile substances have been discovered, making us irresistible to representatives of the opposite sex, they excite the minds and worry the hearts. Alas, create perfume with pheromones at home is impossible! But there is no reason to despair about this.

To tell the truth, the action of Pheromones is not so indisputable as the manufacturers of spirits are truded. Someone they can attract someone to leave indifferent. Someone will not like it at all. The effect of smells with "spicy" additives is more on the confidence of their owner. If a woman knows that it fragrances the aroma with the magic "lovely potion" in the composition, it becomes greasy, bold and automatically attractive. And you in your homemade perfume can easily replace unknown faemons byadanisia. Believe me, the effect will be no worse: you will know the secret component of your fragrance.

Spirit Recipe with Aphrodisiacs:

5 drops of Bergamot oil, 5 - sandals, 1 drop vanilla and cinnamon drop. Mix with a teaspoon of grape seed oil and easily touch the wrists and neck in a mixture of your wrists and neck (if you do not have allergies to the specified oils). And do not think to doubt your irresistible!


Perfumery, like all creativity, requires freedom of fantasy and courage. And most importantly, you should have fun, enthusiastically tasuya and mixing flavors. Do not hesitate and do not be afraid to make another one, with such an aromatic, notch personality.

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Make perfume With her own dreams, it was probably like everyone, because the magical, sensual and mounted world of aromas cannot not attract a person. Sweet notes vanilla, passionate smell of roses, Patchouli's tart air - in all their preferences, commitment to certain smells is laid in human essence since a long time. More ancient people chose a couple of themselves, guided by a specific ambit, emanating from the opposite sex. At the level of the instincts, they read information about this person, learned everything about him, as they say, without words. It was at that time an idea to use various fragrant gifts of nature to aromatize their own body. And in our time, the perfumery industry is unusually widely developed, and in stores the range of spirits may affect the number of flavors and compositions of them.

But, most likely, many have come across the usual situation when, visiting a perfume shop, we cannot decide whether to choose exactly the tint, it is those notes that are obliged to play with the work of a selected image. In addition, it is pretty difficult in the store to find out how exactly the one or another brand of spirits will play in collaborating with the owner's own smell, and how it will be felt, for example, in an hour.

Why then, guided by the experience of our ancestors, not to create a fragrance for itself, ideally reflecting the individual inner world and its own addiction.

What is needed in order to cook homemade perfumes?

In order to make perfume with your own hands, you should learn to understand a little in the material. The basis of any perfume will be essential oils, which in various combinations will create your unique fragrance.

Therefore, spend one day to memorize the aromas of natural essential oils. In this you can help the ordinary photo paper, which should be cut into thin strips. Sign every strip, what kind of oil you do. Then apply one drop on the strip and arrange a mini exam. With closed eyes, inhale the aroma of oil, and then read the name. Bring your knowledge to automatism, follows only one smell, without opening the eye, guess what kind of butter you are going now.

After that prepare the necessary inventory:

  • sliced \u200b\u200bpure strips of photographic paper;
  • one glass mixing tank;
  • set of essential oils;
  • glass pipette;
  • pure ethyl alcohol as the basis for liquid spirits;
  • jojoba oil odorless as the base for oil perfumes;
  • beeswax as the basis for dry spirits;
  • glass bottles for finished perfumes.

The process of manufacturing perfume

Any perfume consists of the action of three phases. Each phase is made up of aromas, depending on the resistance of essential oils:

  • The first phase is the initial note. It is these smells that are heard to us in the first 15-20 minutes after applying to the body. As a rule, these are citrus flavors, mimosa, basil, mint, anise, pink tree, lavender, lavender and many others.
  • The second phase is the main note. Perfume heart, reveals half an hour. Used to create basic notes Floral flavors, essential oils, musk, fennel, pine, cinnamon, tobacco, thyme, nutmeg, carnation and others.
  • The third phase is the basic note. "Aftertaste" of aroma. Leave a light, slightly noticeable fragrance, which is also called the loop. These include the essential oils of Mirra, incense, most of the wood fragrances, such as incense, patchouli, vetiver and woody moss.

Some aromas can also be used to create other phases, the main thing to maintain a single composition, the overall nature of the product.

How to make homemade perfume, creating exactly your fragrance? Quite simple. First of all, it is always necessary to compose the composition of the "hearts of spirits". Apply to the signed strips of photographic cases by drop of essential oils belonging to this group. After that, pick up various combinations of these smells to the nose, select exactly the combination that you like.

After that, add one scent of the basic note. Do not rush to combine several fragrances at once, so you cannot catch the necessary combination, and you can get confused which combination you could like.

Last but in the same way, add the initial notes oils in the same way. After you prepare the desired composition, apply it to a cotton handkerchief and leave for 1-2 hours. If, after this time, the fragrance will like you, it means that you made a right choice.

Do not chase immediately at the complex compositions. Make for yourself the first time a simple perfume, where two or three oils will be present in every note.

The proportion of used oils should be as follows - (1/2/3), depending on which odor should play in the first, second or third phase. But the rule is not strict, each itself determines the intensity of a particular ingredient depending on its own preferences.

After that, in a glass container with a pipette, mix the oils you choose in the proposed or proportion. Now you can proceed directly to the manufacture of perfume.

Decide which kind of look you would like to make. If spirits on the alcohol base, the concentration of oil composition in alcohol can be 20-30%. If oil perfumes, then essential oils in the base oil - 10%, and dry perfumes can prepare on the basis of the bee wax for a proportion of 50/50. Pouring prepared perfume in a sterile glass bottle. Remember that alcohol spirits after mixing must "mature" for no less than three weeks in a dark dry place, sometimes mix them carefully, but do not shake. For oil perfume, the ripening period is much shorter - no more than a week, and you can use dry immediately after cooking.

Thus, you can make yourself prepare the desired composition for each case. In addition, perfumes made up individually for a particular person can become a wonderful gift.

How vehicles from essential oils can affect a person?

Each fragrance carries a symbolism, and can play a certain role in a person's life, change its character or give will the feelings previously hidden deep in the subconscious. So, in the table that you should Next, we suggest to deal with the main flavors!

Name Aroma Characteristic
Orange Aroma, giving audacity, fun. Increases optimism and faith in yourself, creating trust and serenity around his aura.
Bergamot Able to neutralize the aggressive and evil energy of the crowd, protect your aura from external stimuli. It can stimulate the identity for creative feats, revealing the artistic essence of man and suppressing a closure.
Basil The smell of Basilica is able to save a person from the complexes, increasing his self-esteem.
Vanilla Pushes on the creation of a family, creating aure of trust, heat. Harmonizes the already established relationships, helping to hear what the interlocutor says, take his place.
Verbena Spirits based on Verbena are extremely necessary for everyone to win in the lottery, increasing the successfulness of man. It will also help in solving complex issues. In ancient times, the aromas of sensual curtains, protecting their femininity and erotic attractiveness.
Heather The aroma of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Strengthens the flow of erotic sensuality, attached from the way infantility and sexual impotence.
Carnation Protects it from excessive emotionality. It may also be a powerful protection against energy vampirism and the surrounding malice.
Geranium It will help to cope with the consequences of negative situations or a little loss. Also capable of revealing the sensuality of a woman, giving it an erotic relationship with a note of sentimentality and dreaminess.
Grapefruit Opens the talents laid by nature, helping to achieve success in work.
Jasmine Female, wise and sophisticated oil. Fresh, reveals the way nature, eliminating all complexes.
Ylang-Ilang. The aroma of erotic games, allowing to understand the partner with a half-clow, strengthens the intuition, increases the sensuality of the woman and the potency of the man.
Ginger Add decisiveness and hardness to character. It can help weakened organism in the fight against the disease.
Cinnamon Add comfort and heat to your aura. To a person, in the aroma of which there is a none of cinnamon, people will always be stretching in search of council and consolation.
Lavender Lavender meditation motives will help to fully relax and realize themselves.
Lemon The aroma of the traveler, helping any atmosphere to feel comfortable and ease.
Mandarin It helps to gain peace and peace in the soul, restoring the aura damaged by someone else's angry. Gives a little naivety and children's immediacy wearer.
Muscat It will help to strengthen tolerance in the life of the family, achieving career goals. It is also often used to develop intuition in adolescents, helping them cope with the problems of the transition period.
Mint Enhances mutual understanding between people, removes the waiting for trouble, the feeling of tension in relations.
Patchouli Strengthens intuition, helps to feel a good start. It will help to cope with any situation.
rose flower Transforms the energy of the malice and sorrow to an objective assessment of the resulting situation. The aroma of shy and young natur, which gives the character ease, freshness and refinement.
Pine Leak among oils, allowing to restore and heal forces after a severe emotional strike.
Tea tree Protects against the aggressive impact of the surrounding world, creating a protective shell around a person.
Eucalyptus Restores the forces after a disease or an evil look, is able to give a longevity to it.

References perfumes made with their own hands

We offer for the first time to take advantage of the ready-made recipes of already proven combinations. Do not worry about the fact that the fragrance is not individual, on each person such a part will play in its own way, besides, you can not up to the milligram to recreate the recipe and take advantage of the same brands of oils that were in the original. In addition, it is possible to replace one, two ingredients more beloved by you.

Fresh summer spirits

Required ingredients:

  • 20 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 5 droplets of lemon oil;
  • 3 drops of oil Melissa;
  • 2 drops of neuro oil;
  • 2 drops of Bergamot oil.

Nail spirits

Required ingredients:

  • 20 ml. ethyl alcohol;
  • 4 drops of carnations oil;
  • 3 drops of violet oil;
  • 2 drops of roses oil;
  • 2 drops of Bergamot Oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender oil.

But a slightly more complex recipe. But bright tropical motifs It will not allow you to be disappointed in the efforts spent!

Required ingredients:

  • 50 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 tbsp. stars carnations;
  • 3 tbsp. orange zest;
  • 2 tbsp. Roma;
  • 4 laurel leaves.

Mix all the ingredients and put in a dark place. Daily slightly smudge the contents. After a week, strain and add:

  • 30 drops of orange oil;
  • 4 drops of lavender oil;
  • 3 drops of neuro oil.

After let me increase the aroma in a dark place for three weeks.

Production of perfume is a real magic!

Creating an aroma of your dreams, enjoy this process. Only in this way, you can like a fabulous magician who creates a magical drug by adding a droplet of temptation, passion and love. Modern sorcerers are creating miracles, armed with glass bottles and fragrant oils. But the spells in all centuries remain charms, and, giving the enjoyment from your enjoyment aura, you ourselves reveal your femininity and sexuality.

It would seem why to make perfume independently, because the production of high-quality perfumes has been established in France and Russia, in Italy, the UAE, in Holland and other countries? However, many exclusive lists are trying to create peculiar, unexpected fragrances. One of the reasons is the desire to receive a remedy from natural components, completely without preservatives and chemical additives.

What can do perfume

Before starting perfumery experiments with smells, you need to get different ingredients, devices and patience. How to make perfume with your own hands? You can use alcohol, wax, rose petals or other colors, essential aromatic oils.

To obtain a final bouquet of several smells take a strip by conventional thin paper and apply a pipette for each drop of essential oil. How to make perfume at home? Previous probes (stripes) need to be signed. Nyuhaya 2 or 3 strips, changing their combinations, make up a composition of flavors. Then the resulting combination is fixed in the selected basis:

  • liquid, lungs on alcohol;
  • solid wax;
  • resistant oils.

To get a saturated fragrance, the content of essential oils should be more than 30%. To obtain soft spirits, volatile oils are added only in an amount of about 10%. How to make perfume yourself? You need to perform simple advice of experienced perfumes and comply with simple rules.

Each aromatic bouquet affects the sense of smell in series in three stages:

  • high, headpread;
  • "Heart" of future spirits;
  • lower note or base, which is the basis of the future fragrance.

In the very first few minutes after applying, the evaporation of light essential oils occurs. Among them can be distinguished citrus, nutmeg oil, rosemary, lavender, basilica, lemon, Bergamot. This stage is called "head".

The second period of exposure (heart) can last from several hours to full day. The heart, the main aroma of perfumes can serve as juniper and lily, oregano, rose and jasmine, iris, ylang-ylang, geranium and other persistent incenses.

The particle base are the smells of the most stable essential oils, among which you can call vanilla and patchouli, spicy and fruit flavors, smells of cedar and musk, sandals and cinnamon. Getting acquainted with how to make perfume with your own hands, it is important to remember the traditional proportions of the components. Fragrances are combined traditionally in ratios 1: 2: 3 (head: heart: basic).

What to prepare

How to make homemade perfume? First of all, you need to prepare the necessary ingredients and fixtures in advance. What may be needed:

  • strips of fine paper to obtain probes;
  • several essential oils with light and more rich aromas;
  • a little natural coffee (for inhalation) to improve the sensitivity to smells;
  • several conventional pharmaceutical pipettes (separately for each oil);
  • wand - a stirrer of glass or ceramics;
  • notebook or notebook to record quantity (drops) components;
  • alcohol and a little distilled water for light spirits;
  • wax for solid variants of the fragrant mixture;
  • bottles and mini-jars with dense lids;
  • ceramic or glass container for mixing components.

Use dishes from metal or plastics is not recommended to avoid the reaction of essential oils with these materials.

Basis for the Spirit

The oils made of grape seeds, cocoa, almond and honey, clove and galbanum, benza and styrax can become a basic basis for their own spirits. Creating unique own aromas, many want to know exactly how to make perfume. At home, it is very important to record every drop of oil or the main substance added to the perfume bouquet.

The carrier substance for spirits can be made both oil, water and alcohol. Oil-based aromas are preserved longer, have a more muted aroma, alcohol is easier and fully revealed on the surface of the skin, but have less resistance and stronger odors. An excellent base is almond oil. It greatly dissolves any essential oils without changing their specific smells. If in one teaspoon of almond oil to dissolve 2-3 droplets of the selected aroma, there will be excellent oil-resistant perfumes, which are beneficial on the skin.

Do I need to take into account the intensity of odors

It is best to experiment with the process "How to make perfume at home", choose the components that cause only pleasant sensations. Otherwise, these smells can adversely affect overall well-being.

Base oils must have a weaker fragrance than the perfume "hearts" so as not to overlap the idea of \u200b\u200bthe main composition.

To obtain incense in the recipes "how from oil to make perfume" in one composition use two or three components. It is necessary to insist the resulting composition in an absolutely light refrigerant and a cool place.

Basic instruction for making exclusive spirits

Someone loves the smell of roses, someone prefers citrus or coniferous fragrances. Fresh or sharp, sweet or bitter, perfume is chosen in accordance with the image and appearance, with age and internal female worms. The creation of spirits is a unhurried, careful creative process, requiring patience, fantasy and accuracy.

By adding a drop of slowly several minutes to mix with each other to completely dissolve the oil in alcohol. Be sure to write down all the ratios of the composition. Then a small amount is applied to the paper strip and slowly, deeply inhale the fragrance. If everything in the bouquet suits, more mixtures are prepared. If some of the smells interrupts others, you need to carefully add the desired component and make a sample of the entire composition again. To simplify the process, each probion sign.

In the most persistent perfume, the oil content reaches 20-25%, alcohol - about 75% and about 5% water. It is not recommended to use brandy or brandy, since its own smells of these beverages can change the state of the main aromatic composition of oils. Alcohol should be used only by top quality, preferably with a content of 57% alcohol. The higher the concentration of oils in relation to alcohol and water, the more intense and persistent spirits can be obtained. For color, vegetable natural coloring substances are sometimes added.

Floral flavors

How to make perfume arts? Essential oils with smells of jasmine and pink wood, iris and geranium, ylang-yulang and lilies, lavender, souls and others are used to obtain gentle aromas. For excellent spirits with the name "Starfall" you need to connect 5 drops of chamomile, valerian and lavender oils. In 2 glasses of purified water dissolve 1 tablespoon of vodka. Add there Oil flavors and all pour into a dark glass bottle. Well mixed composition tightly close. After insisting in a dark place for 12 hours, the perfume can be used.

Pink water

How to make perfume from roses? The simplest recipe of such a composition is as follows:

  1. Take petals from several discontinued pink buds.
  2. Pour into a cup of any mineral water.
  3. Put petals into water and insist for several hours.
  4. Strain through gauze or sieve. Merge into a bottle of dark glass.

The resulting pink water can be used as a lightest aromatic agent to use instead of perfume. The only minus of such spirits is a small shelf life.

How to make perfume from flowers, from roses? If the petals assembled and softened into the mortar of the layer and insist in a warm place, it will turn out to be real rose oil. To increase its concentration, it is possible to replace the tormented old petals with new ones. Cut from the container who gave their wonderful aroma of flower residues, pressed. And fresh, softened flowers are poured by the same oil. Petals necessarily take a bright red or dark pink. They must be dry, without dew and water.

Solid and fragrant

It is very convenient to use spirits on a solid basis. They can be worn in a medallion or a small jar with a screw lid. A solid spider substance can be used to create a special atmosphere indoors, simply losing them with their fingers. How to make solid perfume, and what is needed for this?

  1. Previously, as for other spirits, a mixture of essential oils is prepared.
  2. In a water bath in a separate dish, wax.
  3. Coconut or almond oil is added to the monster wax, gently stirring up to a homogeneous mass.
  4. In removed from the heat, the mixture is added ready fragrant composition of essential oils.
  5. The created perfumes are very quickly spilled in small tanks for frozen.

In the preparation of solid spirits, you need to act very quickly, but carefully, since the mixture has a high temperature.

On 2 parts of the wax, 1 part of the base oil is taken and about 45 drops of the essential mixture. Typically, the measurement is a tablespoon.

How to apply exclusive perfume

Perfumes made independently, as the usual, apply, inflicting on various parts of the body. The longest flavors are preserved if the wrist is "touched" with a fragrant mixture, a hole behind the ears. So how to make perfume at home is possible only with the use of aromatic oils, you should not apply them on clothes to avoid stains.

You can make solid spirits to use only at home. The mixture with the smell of lavender placed in the bedroom will make the dwelling dwellings calm.

The aromas of citrus fruits, fixed in solid perfume, are beautifully vigorous and maintained a common energy condition, improve performance.

On men perfectly affect the weak smells of needles, bergamot and orange, emanating from some parts of the bodies of the opposite sex representatives.

The fragrance of spirits may emphasize femininity and individuality, reveal the image, and maybe on the contrary.

It is important in this matter to independently explore all the little things or to trust a professional perfume.

Tell how to make perfume at home.

It turns out that the perfume composition is very easy to create. The most important component of this magical action are oils - sources of uniqueness. Oils are selected strictly better quality from good proven firms. It is better to acquire from the manufacturer. It is from this that most of the success in this perfume work depends.

What is needed for this

Aromatic essences by nature have volatile properties. If the body apply fragrant liquid on the body, then over time, the exhibit the smell changes. Knowing all the above-described terms of composition composition, it is easy to understand how to make perfume at home. Perfumes connect the components with different flavors - the "base" is obtained. It is divided into several "notes":

Basic note (loop);

Heart note;

Top note (head).

From the time of application, their period of active action begins: they evaporate and exuded the fragrance in turn - from top to bottom.

The basic note is considered the most resistant in the composition.. The fragrance keeps from twelve to 24-period hours after applying. The duration of the action is directly related to specific ephrine oils that are taken by perfume.

Note heart - This is the first element of the composition. When entering into interaction with other essential oils, reveals their shades and opens up new sensations.

Top nota - quickly evaporated essential oils. You can call such citrus.

In all fragrant liquids there are some of their listed additional elements: distilled water, alcohol, coconut butter, jojoba, sweet almond. It is believed - each woman should have its own special (genetic) fragrance, compilation of it is perhaps an extremely thinly sensitive master.

Step by step instructions

At the beginning it is necessary to put the following things to your desktop:

Distilled water, real spring;

The existence of a long fragrance provides glycerin in a small proportion;

Fresh coffee (applied to update smell feelings);

Essential oils themselves;

Be sure to: a notebook, handle, from 5 to15 pure pharmaceutical pipettes, paper strips 0.4NA10 cm., Blockers for future aromatic essence.

If you make perfume at home with a sharp aroma - in the combined liquid there should be 70% of essential oils. For tender smell - 20 percent.

To obtain spirits with the "long-playing" aroma, the resulting fluid must be inspected: first 48 hours in a dark and cold place (not in refrigeration) and after adding water (if the base is 80 milliliters - a pair of art. Spoons) and glycerin (several drops) - Another 48 hours. There are recommendations for insistence (before the addition of water and glycerin) within one month. Experts assure that spirits are required as good guilt, time for maturation.

Oils are applied to testers from paper 1 droplets and are made to the nose, the best most liked aromas are selected. Preferences are specified in the notebook.

It's believed that the best ratio in the composition is a 1: 2 ratio (head: heart: base).

After the composition of the essential oils is ready, the work ends with the addition of alcohol or jojoba oil, or olive oil, or distilled water, or pure spring water. In the case of cooking dry perfumes, a combination of oily oil and wax is added.

Mixing options smells

Recipe number 1

How to make perfume at home for evening romantic mood:

First note - Rose (1 Cap.), Sandal (6 cap.);

Recipe number 2.

Fragrance lightness and summer:

First note - rose (1 cap.);

Second note - Melis (2 cap.);

Third note - Bergamot (2 Cap.), Lemon (4 Caps).

Recipe number 3.

Male fragrance:

First note - Sandal (2 cap.);

Second note - Lavender (2 cap.), Juniper (2 cap.);

The third note is lemon (1 CAP.), Bergamot (4 Caps).

Recipe number 4.

Aroma exciting:

First note - Rose (1 Cap.), Sandal (8 Cap.), Patchouli (3 Cap.), Jasmine (3 Caps);

Second note - Ylang-Ylang (3 Caps);

Third note - Verbena (3 cap.).

Recipe number 5.

Night gentle fragrance (insisted at least 15 hours):

The first note is sandals (5 cap.), Musk (5 cap.), Ladan (3 cap.);

The third note (the second - no) - jojoba (3 cap.).

The best flavors of spirits at home are obtained when mixing roses, lavender, chamomile, ylang-yulang, jasmine and iris. The smell of mint pepper is softened or lavender, or rosemary. Citrus is perfectly mixed with juniper. In no way, it is impossible to mix rosemary and lavender.

To keep long

With inattentive storage, the resulting composition may be poisoned, lose the exquisite fragrance and even disappear. However, the highest quality spirits have a shelf life of no more than 3 years.

First, the perfume is better stored in a dark place. It is better to keep the bottle in the box and do not expose direct sunlight.

Secondly, the tightness of the bottle is of great importance in the extension of the storage period. Best of all stored perfume with a sprayer.

Thirdly, when applying perfumes, do not use fingers in this process. This is superfluous and not necessary to contact the skin with spirits. It is necessary to use a disposable plastic wand or something similar.

And, in conclusion, nothing will endure the test of time, but the highest quality perfumes - on an oil basis - is stored longer than all. Therefore, natural spirits are much more expensive than their competitors. Perfume made at home, or purchased in a store with an alcohol basis, even from a sealed bottle, slowly evaporate under the influence of heat. They need to be stored only in the refrigerator in a closed packaging.

Which of us does not know how difficult it is sometimes it can find "your" fragrance. Why, given it, do not try to create perfume with your own hands, which would ideally display your inner world and personal preferences?

In this article we will spend a master class for you on how to make perfume at home. If you think that recipes that are described here are complex, and you will not handle at home, try to convince you. So, will answer the question if you can create your own and natural shades of fragrances in a short time? The answer is affirmative. If you use the fragrance for hair, the smell will remain throughout the day.

How to make perfume yourself?

First, to prepare perfume independently, you need to purchase materials:

  • essential oils are the most important component when creating spirits;
  • base carrier ilthic
  • photo paper in the form of strips for samples when connecting compositions;
  • capacity for mixing components;
  • pipettes for connecting oils;
  • capacities for finished spirits, preferably from dark glass.

Before the start of the work on a unique smell, it is necessary to study the aromas of essential oils to clearly navigate in their odors.

Also need to remember some features of working with they:

  1. Essential oil is vulnerable to light, because of this, it is recommended to store it in dark glass bottles.
  2. Essential oils both together and individually are very concentrated, so you should not apply them in pure form on the skin, it can cause a burn. Before applying, be sure to add basic oil to essential oil.
  3. The utensils used should be glass or ceramic, but in no case is not metallic, since substances can enter into a chemical reaction with a metal, which will affect the future smell of perfume.

The structure of the song compositions is three notes: the upper note or the head of spirits, the average note or the heart of the spirits and the lower note or the garden base.

The first phase or the head of spirits consists of fast-optic essential oils. It is their fragrance that we feel the first 5-30 minutes. This phase plays a very important role, as it creates the first impression of the spirits, in this fragrance we fall in love with the choice of our unique composition.

The second phase or the heart of spirits is the main fragrance of perfume. As a rule, consists of essential oils with a longer evaporation period from 12 to 24 hours, and begins to open 30 minutes after applying the fragrance.

The third phase or the dust of spirits is the so-called "aftertaste of aroma" or "perfume." Includes the fragrance of the most persistent and less volatile essential oils.

Perfume from essential oils do it yourself

If you decide to create perfume from essential oils with your own hands, recipes necessarily look at the Internet. Initially, it is necessary to determine the music of the heart of the spirits. If you want to surprise your loved ones, use the flavors from Egypt. To do this, apply to the cut strips of photo paper drops down the essential oils, sign the pencil strips, and in turn aligning different strips, decide which combination of flavors you are more pleasant to hear. From the aromamasel of this composition, by the way, you can make sedative procedures. Next, start mixing the essential oils in the glass container. Consider, they should not be on alcohol. Add them to a little bit and squeeze each time to the aroma so as not to add more or less required quantity.

It is recommended after the end of work on the music of the heart of the spirits, briefly exit the room, and after returning once again to sniff the resulting composition and make sure that the choice is correct, then continue to continue the work.

This work must be carried out with the base notes, but when you combine them with each other, be sure to consider that they are not alcohol. To do this, in turn, combine strips with the components that you are going to add to the already existing.

Strips can be with aromas:

  • from flowers;
  • from roses;
  • from coffee;
  • from vanilina;
  • from petals.

At the very end, the oils of the upper note are added, while it is taken into account, as in the previous stage, their compatibility with the heart and the database of perfume.

Apply the finished composition to a cotton scarf and leave for 1-2 hours. If you will like the resulting fragrance, the composition is successful.

As a result, an unforgettable fragrance, which dear to your heart is obtained from perfumeful fragrance. Also from the fonders you can make whole floral compositions.

Depending on the foundation, the oil perfumes, alcohol and dryness are distinguished.

Oil-based perfume perfumes are easier in preparation, they are more durable, but their fragrance is not as pronounced as in spirits based on alcohol. With their help, you can add notes of the flavors that you like, in your shampoos, balms, and also to give the smell. Oil spirits without alcohol do not need to insist for a long time, but they cannot be applied to clothes, greasy traces can remain, and on the hair that will live faster.

Oil perfumes with daisy essential oil, lavender contribute to relaxation and immersion in a calm peaceful state. Also calming effects have perfumes with vanilla aroma, which contributes to improved mood, reducing insomnia and the fight against depression.

For alcohol spirits, you need alcohol with high concentration. This species of perfume is long insisted, at least a month, but they can be sprayed with hair and clothing that the fragrance retains longer.

Romantic mood give them to the owners of perfume without essential oils with flowers notes.

Very common among the flower spirits, those in which the fragrance of rose petals is a queen of flowers.

Perfume with lemongrass do it yourself

If you want to impress the person of stylish and fashionable, without domestic spirits with the smell of vanilla you can not do. Although any interesting fragrance consists of a huge number of ingredients. But sometimes to get a sophisticated smell you need only a few components.

Home perfume can transmit such notes:

  • floral;
  • vanilla;
  • sweet;
  • citrus tree.

It is important to remember that homemade perfume is the most perfect gift for a romantic person.

The components that we will use in the work are two cups of petals, a bowl, distilled water and a small capacity (pan). Pan sterilize and remove foreign smells.

  • my petals;
  • soak;
  • evaporate;
  • cool.

Dry perfume with your own hands

Dry or solid perfume is an excellent alternative to traditional spirits, they are very convenient in travel and characterized by a more resistant aroma than oil or alcohol.

The basis for their preparation is oil and wax. Solid perfumes will melt when contact with the skin and it is desirable that they do not get on clothes or hair.

Technology for creating solid spirits:

  1. We take oil and wax about equal parts.
  2. In the water bath, we calm the wax and oil, connect them, add a pre-prepared composition of essential oils.
  3. Mix the mixture and overflow into the cooked container with a comfortable neck to make it easier to get a solid mixture.
  4. Be sure to cook when preparing, we consider that the wax has its own smell, so the essential oils should be selected, which "will be traveled", for example, citrus.

Magic perfumes containing Aphrodisiacs whose composition remains a mystery for many fans of such aromas. These include essential oils patchouli, jasmine, ylang-ylang, neroli, sandalwood.

Recipes of perfume famous brands with their own hands

Of course, all original famous branded flavors are kept secret. But carefully studied the smell you can try to copy it. If you want to create an aroma of Gloria Kasharel or Bvlgari you will have to work hard. But the result will justify all expectations.

You decided to reproduce and repeat an unforgettable aroma of a molecule or molecule 02, then the feeling of uniqueness and unsurpasses will be chasing you. This monoarchomat is known for its simplicity and clearness, it can also be compared with the aroma of ambrushux. Delight, which will be obtained after cooking perfume, will leave an indelible impression in your heart.

Recipes for male spirits at home

If you do not know how to make male perfume at home we give you an example of several easiest and easy recipes. So, for a sensual male fragrance with Afrosis, we will need: Alcohol is not more than a hundred ml, lavender essential oil - about 11 drops, Coriander - 20 drops, sandals - about 21 drops, cedar no more than 24 drops, incense - 5-7 drops.

Mix listed essential oils and alcohol in a glass bottle and leave for 2-3 weeks.