Cuticle removal with scissors. To delete or not to delete is the question. Cuticle removal by hardware

Well-groomed hands mean not only smooth and soft skin of the hands, but also a flawless manicure, which can only be done by observing all its main stages. One of them is the cuticle processing stage. This procedure can be done in several ways, including at home. The choice of method depends on the girl's skills and financial capabilities.

What is cuticle

It is a small skin growth at the base of the nail. It protects the body from infection with infectious and bacterial diseases. Blocking the matrix area, it does not give access to nonresident bodies to penetrate under the plate.

The upper layer of the cuticle dries and coarsens over time, which affects its condition. That is why a systematic removal of the exfoliating build-up, sometimes presented already in the form of burrs, should be carried out. This procedure must be done carefully so as not to damage healthy skin, which must be constantly looked after with nourishing creams and oils.

What are the ways to remove cuticles

To prevent the cuticle itself from becoming a source of inflammation due to damage to the burrs, it is necessary to remove it. There are several ways to do this:

  • pushing away;
  • circumcision;
  • dissolution.

Dead skin particles cling to the plate, which significantly slows down its growth and makes it bumpy and ugly.

There are two types of removal of the stratum corneum of the cuticle: "European" and "classic".

The first method is suitable for use at home, since certain skills are not required to complete it, you only need to stock up on patience and time. It is produced using special fluids that dissolve hardened skin particles.

The second method involves the use of manicure tools, with the help of which the peel is either cut out or pushed back. High-quality cuticle removal according to the "classical" method requires caution and skill from the master.

Features of the "classic" manicure

Trim the cuticle with scissors

The "classic" cuticle removal method involves the use of nail clippers and nail clippers. The procedure is performed according to the following plan:

  1. Prepare orange stick, tweezers and small nail scissors for use.
  2. Before the procedure, you need to treat the instruments with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly. It will not be superfluous to pre-use a bath based on sea salt, it is enough to hold your hands in it for 10-15 minutes. This will soften the cuticle and disinfect it.
  4. It is necessary to push back the cuticle with an orange stick, and then cut it off evenly with scissors or tweezers. It is necessary to remove cuticles from nails with scissors extremely carefully, slowly.
  5. Apply a nourishing cream to your hands.

How to remove cuticles with an orange stick

Removing the cuticle with an orange stick

Many craftsmen believe that removing the cuticle with scissors is harmful, since it subsequently begins to grow at an even greater rate. Also, the risks of contracting an infection are incomparable with the result obtained. Therefore, they give preference to removal methods based on special means.

In the event that the cuticle is subtle and thin, then you can use only an orange stick. To do this, you first need to hold your hands in the bath, then apply vegetable oil on the cuticle or a special little for the cuticle, which can be purchased at a cosmetic store and gently, with slow movements, starting from the middle of the line, make pushing movements in different directions alternately.

How to remove cuticles with a gel remover

Apply a cuticle remover

The remover is a liquid or gel product. It is intended to dissolve the cuticles. Its composition includes active substances, the action of which is aimed at corroding the upper stratum corneum of the skin. You can buy it in stores for nail service masters.

The main advantage of this gel (spray) is safety, it cannot be used to provoke a wound or cut, mechanical damage. Also, any girl who is numb to the skills of using it can use it.

The preparatory stage of the procedure is identical to the "classic" manicure, it consists in using a bath. After that, dry your hands and apply the gel on the skin at the base of the nail for a few seconds (the exact time is indicated on the package). You need to remove it with a paper towel. The remnants of the cuticle are pushed back with an orange stick. After that, it will become noticeable that it has completely peeled off the plate, so it is necessary to remove its remnants from the plate with a stick. Then wash your hands and apply a moisturizer or lotion.

Frequent use of the remover can lead to the destruction of the plate, its stratification and thinning, since during the procedure the agent gets not only on the cuticle, but also on the hole near the nail. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it more than once every one to two weeks.

The advantages of a remover:

  • security;
  • inability to bring in infection or bacteria;
  • minimization of mechanical damage;
  • ease of use.

Remover belongs to the category of keratolics. It cannot be used for skin diseases or fungal infections. Application during pregnancy should be extremely cautious, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body, allergies are possible.

Types of removers

All removers are divided into three types:

  1. Acidic. They are intended for professional use. Dissolves the cuticle quickly and can severely damage the nail with frequent use. Itching and redness may occur.
  2. Alkaline. This less potent formula is suitable for home use. For the desired effect, it should be kept for about 20 minutes.
  3. Oil. They are considered the rarest, but the safest. Their function is not to dissolve the carousel, such agents only soften it, which contributes to the rapid removal and removal of the skin with the help of an orange stick. This method is suitable for those people whose cuticles are thin and inconspicuous.

other methods

Currently, keratolics are produced in the form of pencils. That allows you to use them more accurately, without touching the plate itself.

There are also laser cuticle files that remove pterygium. They gently remove dead cells. Their advantage is that you do not need to use a bath before the procedure.

Special trimmers have also been developed. Their working part resembles the letter V. The principle of their operation is similar to the mechanism of the nippers. The trimmer has a sharp edge and must be handled with care.

Sometimes europum is used, it is a mixture of aluminum and phosphorus.

The question of how to properly remove cuticles on the nails is still unresolved, since each method has its pros and cons. The method must be selected in accordance with the capabilities and skills of the master, as well as the structure of the cuticle itself.

Cuticle protects the nail growth zone (matrix) from infection and consists of a leathery roll with a keratinized layer of pterygium, which grows together with the nail plate and grows with it as a thin film. From this material, you will learn how to properly remove overgrown cuticles and get acquainted with the best modern means for safely performing this procedure at home.

Hygienic manicure is performed in one of two main ways, which differ in the technique of removing the keratinized layers of the cuticle. The classical method involves cutting off the hardened "lifeless" skin around the nail plate using special manicure tools. When performing European unedged manicure, cutting tools are not used at all, but special cosmetics are used to remove the keratinized layers of the periungual skin.

To remove the cuticle without cutting, you can use a special gel, a cuticle remover, a pencil with oil and other cosmetics that soften and dissolve the rough skin of the periungual roller with dead cells, as well as a film of pterygium on the nails.

There is a widespread belief that unedged manicure is one of the safest methods for removing overgrown cuticles. But if you correctly perform a classic manicure with suitable tools, follow the technique of correct cutting of keratinized skin around the nail plate, do not forget to treat your nails with softening and antiseptic agents, then the skin surrounding the plate will never be inflamed. It is also undesirable to remove the cuticle more than twice a month.


▪ Nails with an uneven line of the periungual ridge and protruding scales of pterygium will certainly spoil the appearance of well-groomed women's hands. In addition, it is very difficult to apply an even layer of varnish or gel varnish on the nail plate with scales of keratinized skin overlying it.

▪ The rough skin around the nail begins to dry out and soon burrs and cracks appear on it, which can turn into bleeding sores at the slightest damage. It is also known that a heavily overgrown cuticle slows down the growth of a new nail and can cause the appearance of grooves, uneven areas on the surface of the natural plate.


A set of these tools will greatly facilitate cuticle care at home. You can quickly treat the periungual skin areas and completely remove the pterygium that has grown on the surface of the plates.

Cuticle scissors.
A very handy tool with tapered, sharp blades, slightly curved at the end. The thickness of the blades is minimal, so you can easily cut off the keratinized areas of the skin without damaging the periungual roller. The "stroke" of these scissors begins at 1/3 of the distance from the tip (for professional - 2/3). The blades of these nail scissors converge easily and are distinguished by the absence of even the minimum backlash.

Cuticle file.
The effect of this tool can be compared to exfoliating with a scrub and other abrasive exfoliation products. The working surface of a laser-coated nail file looks like a small honeycomb. The movement of the tool can be carried out in all directions, resting the butt against the nail plate. As a result, the stratum corneum of the cuticle is erased into fine dust, and the "living" tissue is not injured.

Pusher with a manicure knife and spatula (or scraper).
It is a multifunctional tool for treating periungual skin. It is very convenient to use a spatula to push back the cuticle and carefully remove the pterygium without damaging the nail plate. With a short blade, it is convenient to walk along the nail sinus and remove the stratum corneum.

Trimmer for manicure.
This tool has a forked V-end and has a sharp-edged hollow. It is very convenient to use a trimmer to remove stratum corneum of the cuticle in just one movement.

With this tool, you can remove the protruding edge of the cuticle, which must be pushed back a little before the procedure.

The clipper blades come together very tightly, easily removing burrs and any protruding areas of the keratinized skin adjacent to the nail plate.


Before the procedure, it is useful to make a softening bath so that the cuticle and the entire periungual skin are more pliable for processing with instruments. Pour a glass of warm water into a hand bath or bowl and add 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 2-3 drops of essential oil (tea tree, patchouli, lemon or bergamot). Immerse your fingers in the tub and pat dry with a soft towel after 15 minutes.

We move aside the cuticle.
Take a pusher and use a spatula to push back the cuticle without pressing hard on the nail bed. In short back and forth movements, move from one edge of the nail fold to the other and back.

We remove the overgrown lateral edges of the nail plate.
We take the pliers and bite off the edges of the plate that rest against the side rollers. The tool blades should be parallel to the side rollers.

Nail shape.
At this stage, the shape of the free edge of the nail is usually corrected. Take a glass nail file and file the free edge, moving from the center to the side rollers (first on one side of the plate and then on the other).

Side bolster processing.
Now we take the nippers and carefully remove the stratum corneum from the side ridges. Keep the instrument level, do not lift the blades or grab too large pieces of skin, so as not to injure the nail bed. (If you have a special cuticle file, then it is more convenient and safer to process the side ridges with this tool).

Removal of overgrown cuticles.
We turn the marigolds over ourselves. The easiest way to get rid of the burrs and the keratinized cuticle edge with special scissors. But you can also perform the procedure with nippers, biting off dry skin in small pieces and moving from one edge of the base of the nail to the other. A thin film of pterygium can be pushed back with a spatula to the base of the nail and removed with a nail trimmer.

Cleans the back of the free edge.
After removing the keratinized areas around the nails, dirt can accumulate under the free edge. Use a spatula to brush over each nail.

After removing the keratinized layers of the periungual skin, it is advisable to treat the fingers with an antiseptic. Ideally, if after performing a trim manicure, no burrs and microtraumas remain. But if you accidentally injure "living tissue", then you can put a piece of cotton wool dipped in hydrogen peroxide on the cut site.

Softening and moisturizing.
It remains to rub a special emollient oil or moisturizing hand cream into the cuticle and side rollers.


This tool is rapidly gaining popularity today, since it not only easily separates the keratinized cuticle particles, but also quickly softens the skin around the nail plate. Steam your fingers before using the cuticle gel is optional. It is enough to apply the product on the periungual skin and on the nail with a thin layer, and then wait five minutes. After that, use an orange stick to push back the cuticle and cleanse the fingertips from the remnants of keratinized skin. Popular brands: Sally Hansen Gel Cuticle Remover, Aravia Professional "Cuticle remover", Alessandro Cuticle Remover Fluid, Severina, Novosvit

This remover is very convenient to use - just squeeze a few drops of liquid from the spout onto the nail and distribute it with a brush on the cuticle, side rollers and plate. After 3-4 minutes, keratinized particles and pterygium quickly exfoliate with an orange stick. Popular brands: INKI Cuticle remover liquid, Eveline SPA-manicure, Belita-Vitex PRO manicure with lavender oil, Prolinc Be Natural cuticle eliminator.

At the tip of the pencil there is a special dispenser through which the required amount of remover is squeezed out and the product is easily distributed over the surface of the cuticle, nail and lateral ridges. In just a few minutes, you can begin to remove the remnants of keratinized scales with an orange stick. Popular Brands: Nail Cuticle Softener, Amakawa Blue, Planet Nails, Orly "Cutique" cuticle & stain remover


This cosmetic product not only removes, but also softens, moisturizes the cuticle, makes the delicate periungual skin more resistant to damage. Therefore, after applying oil to nails and keratinized skin, wait 10-15 minutes, and then remove the remnants of exfoliated scales with a napkin. Popular Brands: Bohema Natural Cuticle Softener, Domix Green Professional.


First, we will perform the standard procedures of hygienic manicure: with a glass nail file we give the free edge of each nail the desired shape, then we will make a bath with dissolved sea salt in warm water. Hold your fingers in the bath for 10 minutes, wipe dry with a napkin and treat with an antiseptic.

Applying a remover.
We evenly distribute the product (gel, oil, liquid) to remove the cuticle on each nail plate and periungual area with keratinized layers of the skin. Then you need to wait about five minutes for dry skin to peel off properly.

Removal of remnants of keratinized scales.
With the rounded end of an orange stick, push back the cuticle and remove the remnants of the scales, moving from the base of the nail to the free edge. After that, with the sharp end of the stick, we clean the nail sinus and the plate from the remnants of the skin.

Rinsing your fingers in water.
Immerse your fingers in warm water and then dry your hands thoroughly with a towel.

Alcohol treatment.
Unpack an alcohol wipe and wipe down each nail.

Applying a strengthening agent.
It is useful after the procedure to apply a strengthening agent to the nail plates so that our nails grow strong, even and do not exfoliate. You can make a homemade mask based on oils, lemon juice and red pepper, or use a commercially available hardener (for example, Smart Enamel).

Applying olive oil.
To prevent burrs, cracks and bleeding damage to dry periungual skin, apply olive oil to the skin around the nail with a cotton swab.

After about 30 minutes, you can remove the remaining oil with a clean cloth.


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Neat and beautiful nails highlight the well-groomed hands and create an elegant look with the finishing touch. In many ways, the beauty of a manicure depends on the condition of the cuticle, which gives shape to the nail. Depending on the type of cuticle treatment, manicure is classic (edged) - when the cuticle is cut off and European - when the cuticle is softened and pushed back. The cuticle is also removed with a special machine with a replaceable diamond attachment.

What is better to cut the cuticle or just push it off the nail? How to do it yourself?

Cuticle cutting at home: Pros and Cons


By trimming the cuticle, you can very quickly put your hands in order, especially if it is heavily overgrown.


Cutting your cuticles yourself is not safe. First, through carelessness, you can push the growth zone at the base of the nail, because of which it will grow uneven and exfoliate. Secondly, for the manicure to be perfect, you need to cut the cuticle at a certain angle, which is extremely difficult to do on your own. Thirdly and most importantly, cutting the cuticle can damage the periungual roller (especially if you have very thin skin) and cause an infection.

Trim the cuticle at home

What do you need?

  • Cuticle scissors Staleks
  • Nail file Catherine Nail Collection Profifeile mini 240/240 Lila

Remember, everyone should have their own manicure tools. Yes, like a toothbrush.

  • A small bowl of hot water and a few drops of bath oil.
  • Moisturizing and emollient vitaminized cream butter with jojoba, shea butter and vitamin F Catherine Nail Collection Nailcare Butter or a softener with fruit acids and vitamins Ecrinal Gel Emollient Cuticules... They not only soften the cuticle, but also heal, soothe inflammation after cutting it.

How to do it?

Before use, be sure to wipe the instruments with alcohol or boil them for 10 minutes.

To steam out the cuticles, use a hot hand bath. More precisely, first - a bath for one hand (5 min), then cut the cuticles, file the nails. Add some hot water to the bowl and repeat the procedure for the other hand. After correct cutting of the cuticle, a thin edging should remain, protecting the growth area of ​​the nail from infection.

After trimming the cuticles, apply an oil cream or emollient to your nails and massage gently.

Classic (edged) manicure in the salon

Of course, the manicurist knows his business and will make your nails just perfect, carefully file them and cut the cuticles. But be careful!

Wiping instruments with antiseptics is powerless against AIDS viruses, hepatitis C and many other dangerous infections. Only sterilization will clear the instruments from any viruses. A manicurist should print out a package with a set of sterilized manicure tools with you, only in this case you can be calm about your health.

Pulling back the cuticle: "For" and "Against"


It is very easy to move the cuticle back on your own. Since cutting tools are not used when pushing back the cuticle, the procedure is completely painless and bloodless, and the possibility of infection is practically excluded. Therefore, unedged (European) manicure is preferable for very thin skin and close location of blood vessels.


Your manicure will become ideal only after 5-6 retraction of the cuticle, and to maintain it, it is necessary to push back the cuticle regularly, once every 5-7 days.

Moving the cuticle away

What do you need?

  • Cuticle pusher: orange wood stick or rubber tip. They are quite dense and lift the cuticle well and, unlike iron instruments, do not damage the skin.
  • Nourishing cuticle oil ORLY Cuticle Oil +... It contains extracts of orange blossom and wild cherry bark to nourish and moisturize cuticles, heal small wounds and refresh dried cuticles.
  • A gentle cuticle remover ORLY Cutique, or Mavala Cuticle Remouver... They soften and remove cuticles in just a few minutes.

How to do it?

Apply the product to the cuticle with a brush and after 2-3 minutes, gently push it back with a stick, separate the excess skin. Then apply nourishing oil to your nails and massage your hands gently.

Do you need to remove the cuticle?

Indeed, how can the leathery roller that surrounds the nail plate interfere? - The cuticle protects the nail, preventing infection from entering its growth zone. But by treating the cuticle, we prevent the appearance of burrs and inflammation of the nail folds. A thin cuticle film, tightly pressed against the nail, ends with dead cells along the edge. This edge dries and flakes off, causing a burr, opening the way for infections and causing inflammation of the nail folds. This is why it is important to push back or trim the cuticle carefully so that it does not flake off and form a burr.

The cuticle is the inconspicuous skin around the nail plate that plays a protective role. Depending on the shape of the nail and age, it can be almost invisible, or overgrown and wide.

If you do not deal with the processing of the cuticle, it coarsens and turns into a more noticeable problem, which becomes more difficult to get rid of. Even the most professional manicure cannot hide such a defect.

Many do not think why remove the cuticle or do not see the need for it.

Indeed, since it prevents injury to the nail plate and prevents the penetration of infection, then it is needed. But if you do not pay attention to it at all, this is fraught with the appearance of burrs and an unkempt appearance of the nails.

When applying gel polish, if the processing of the nails was of poor quality, the coating will not hold, chips will appear very quickly or the gel polish will simply come off.

The choice of cuticle removal method depends on the condition of the nails and adherence to the favorite manicure method.

As a rule, at home, only the coarse dead part of the cuticle is removed, which no longer carries any task and spoils the appearance of the marigold.

Some people like absolute cuticle removal - this option is ideal for lovers of gel polish. Most often, the option of processing nails and cuticles in this case remains at the disposal of the nail master.

The manicure procedure can be carried out independently at home, or you can trust the masters in beauty salons.

How to remove cuticles without cutting

This method is the safest and does not require any special skills. Recently, this method of processing the cuticle has become widespread. This is because the unedged cuticle grows more slowly over time and becomes less rough.

There are several types of cuticle removal without cutting:

  • No hands steaming.
  • With steaming.
  • Hot method.

In essence, they all boil down to the popular method - pushing back to the nail base. Only the execution conditions are different.

  • Without steaming hands- the procedure is carried out only with the use of special products for dry skin. For this, you can use any cuticle remover gel... It is enough to apply the product to the cuticle and print rollers for the time indicated on the package, and after that, remove the excess with an orange stick. The nail rollers can be processed with a 240 grit file.
  • Steaming is a kind of preparation of the hands in order to get the maximum result. To do this, you can pamper your hands with a special sea salt bath. The temperature should not be too hot and the salt should be completely dissolved. Essential oils can be used to relieve inflammation and improve the condition of the nails. Among the most effective are: lemon, almond and grapefruit. Soak your hands in this water for about 15 minutes.

When the skin is steamed, you can simply push back the cuticle with an orange stick. Alternatively, apply a cuticle remover gel for a better result.

  • As for the hot method, its use is rather difficult at home. To do this, you will need a special electric container with a heating function. A moisturizer is placed in it, which must be heated to 50 degrees. This method is used when the condition of the nails is neglected, or they have a brittle structure.


How to do a trim manicure

This method requires more experience and effort, so many people prefer to rely on specialists. At home, there is a possibility of injury.

  • When working with tweezers. Move the cuticle with a spatula and carefully trim it. The cut edge should be as flat as possible, otherwise burrs may form later. Grasp the skin only with the tip of the tweezers, otherwise, the cuticle may be difficult to cut, leading to injuries. Residual particles can be removed with an orange stick and a soothing agent applied.
  • In order to do the procedure with scissors, you must complete all the preparatory manipulations. Then, holding the scissors perpendicular to the nail, cut off the excess cuticle.

Hands must be disinfected before work. All instruments must be treated with an antiseptic to avoid infection.

There is no perfect tool for this procedure. Experts recommend trying both forceps and scissors, and get a feel for what is more convenient for you to work with.

It is necessary to ensure that the ends of the tool are sharpened as much as possible, without defects and chips.

Of the disadvantages of this method of removing the cuticle, it is possible to note the possibility of damage to the nail plate, which will lead to its delamination, as well as injury to the nail fold or cuticle. This is especially true for those who are little familiar with the features of this manicure. In some cases, cuticle growth is abnormal due to circumcision.

Hardware manicure at home

Hardware manicure is a type of European unedged manicure performed with a special device. This procedure combines ease of use and professional results.

For the processing of cuticles and nails, cutters of various shapes and materials are used: diamond, ceramic, silicon carbide. For cuticles, diamond tips are used, as they are most suitable for delicate areas of the skin.

The most common cuticle cutters are:

  • Cone - treats nails for French manicure and is indispensable for removing rough areas.
  • Ball - gently removes rough skin, copes well with cuticles.

Each nozzle has its own characteristics and subtleties in control. If you are practicing a home procedure, the need to have several attachments still does not disappear.

A professional device is a very expensive purchase, therefore, for such a manicure, you often go to beauty salons. An experienced nail master will cope with a manicure in no time without harming the nail plate.

It is hardware manicure that best prepares nails for coating with gel polish.

Carrying out the procedure at home can cause some difficulties when changing the sequence of nozzles. But, by far, this is the neat and safest manicure.

To always have a neat manicure and healthy nails, you need to know how to remove cuticles at home. The cuticle is an overgrown skin fold at the base of the nail. It is designed to protect the nail plate from the ingress of dangerous microorganisms. However, a thickened cuticle can lead to cracks that bacteria can easily penetrate, so it should be removed regularly.

Preparing for cuticle removal

It is important to properly prepare your hands before the procedure. Place your fingers or the entire brush in cups of hot water. The bath should be taken for about 20 minutes. After that, hands must be thoroughly dried with a well-absorbent towel and proceed to.

For a hot bath, you can use a sea salt solution: it will soften and disinfect the skin well. The addition of aromatic oils to the water will help to achieve additional effects. For example, lemon ether provides whitening of nails, grapefruit oil helps to restore a weakened nail plate.

Two proven ways to remove cuticles

The procedure can be performed in two ways, which depend on the type of manicure.

Traditional, or "classic", involves the use of manicure tools for cutting the cuticle. "European" allows you to do only with special chemicals that dissolve unnecessary areas of the skin. According to cosmetologists, it is just easier to remove the cuticle at home using the "European" method. It is versatile and does not require any special skills.

For the traditional method you will need:

  • sharp nail scissors;
  • nippers;
  • a special (preferably wooden) stick;
  • nourishing cream or oil.

Cuticles softened in water must be pushed back with a stick, and then cut very slowly and evenly. All instruments must be disinfected. After the end of the procedure, the area around the nails should be lubricated with cream (oil).