Decorations with cinnamon and carnations: oranges, apples, candles, Christmas tree decorations, compositions. DIY orange decor, many ideas

I went to the store today, looked at the oranges and for the first time in a long time wanted to buy them. The fact is that I hardly buy citrus fruits as soon as seasonal berries appear, and then fruits. This does not in any way apply to orange juice or juice, which I can drink at any time of the year and at any time of the day. But as soon as it starts to get colder, there is a desire to break off one or two sunny orange juicy orange slice.

We do not grow oranges, unfortunately, but there are many other fruit trees, seedlings of which can be purchased without leaving the monitor here Florium is just a lush garden of a wide variety of plants and not only trees, flowers, berries, ornamental shrubs - a lot!

And oranges are already in every store. And the orange season begins, not only in the gastronomic theme, but also in the home, decorative and cosmetic. I myself use oranges for needlework. The truth is very modest in terms of how they can be applied. I dried orange slices, dried small cubes of orange peel and added to handmade soap, and made roses from the peel. In fact, there are a ton of ideas for using this popular citrus fruit.

How to dry orange slices

To use dried orange, lime, grapefruit or lemon circles in the decor, they must be properly dried. I once ruined the whole picture when I was drying in the oven over low heat. It is best to use a tricky and simple cardboard fixture. To do this, you will need two strips of cardboard about 10 by 30 cm in size.On the narrow edges of one strip you need to glue the sides of the same cardboard 2 cm wide.Now you need to pierce holes with an awl, without fear - more and all the tricks. Washed and dried fruits cut into plates three, four centimeters thick and put in an impromptu dryer (on a cardboard with sides and cover with the second one). Pinch the structure along the edges with binders (clerical clips) and place it on the battery or in the openings between its sections. Usually two to three days are enough for complete drying. Can be dried in the oven on low heat with the lid ajar. This will take several hours.

This is what the dryer looks like.

Photo from the site

Now is the time to admire the products that use dried slices.

In interior compositions.

For making wall wreaths.

And also for topiary.

For garlands.

For table wreaths, there are also candles in orange peel - beauty!

In the manufacture of candles.

And this is just the topic: gel candle in orange bark

and an ordinary candle-tablet.

Candlestick with orange peel roses.

Very beautiful handmade interior fir trees using dried oranges.

And Christmas trees, they can be used as Christmas toys.

And so this year I am planning to decorate the Christmas tree, plus my wickerwork.

Moms and dads know that the New Year must certainly smell like oranges, tangerines and ... cinnamon. Grandparents will definitely add Olivier with champagne to the list of New Year's aromas, but we will not use this for New Year's decor. We will create beautiful citrus Christmas decorations and create pleasant fragrant childhood memories.

Preparing for the New Year 2019 should not turn into an endless race to complete all the points that your child wrote in the letter to Santa Claus. Truth. There are many great ways to make your child happy. A gift is just one of these ways.

When all-all desires come true - well, but gradually the MIRACLES created by the hands of parents or Santa Claus still begin to be taken for granted, for granted. But if you teach your child to rejoice not only when he receives, but also when he creates and gives, then consider that you will give him more chances for happiness in the future.

So making wonderful New Year's decorations from citrus fruits can be such a step towards enjoying creativity and the opportunity to please loved ones with a handmade gift! And also ... this wonderful aroma!

Just imagine: it is a great pleasure for a child to do something with his parents, this wonderful evening smells of oranges, tangerines, cloves and cinnamon - 20 years and 30 years pass, but every time, inhaling the scent of citrus, your child (already grown up) will experience a rush positive emotions, return to childhood and draw strength from the source that the FAMILY once opened for him!

Gift Ideas

  1. A bag of different fruits and spices to decorate
  2. Books about the New Year: Andreas H. Schmachtl “The Adventures of Julius Dandelion. Save the New Year, Clement Clark Moore, New Year's Eve. A Mouse's Tale ”, E. T. Hoffman“ The Nutcracker and the Mouse King ”.
  3. A new set of children's dishes, cutlery or a bright sippy cup.

Assignment for parents

Have a scent evening. Show your child what cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg look like. Decide together what decorations you will make for the New Year. You can rehearse today: then, on the eve of the holiday, creating a decor for the New Year 2019 with your own hands will not take you much time.

Task for the child

Together with your mother read the poem "Orange" by L. V. Zubkov. Isn't sharing great?

We were sharing an orange.
There are many of us
And he is alone.

This slice is for a hedgehog.
This slice is for a swift.
This slice is for ducklings.
This slice is for kittens.
This slice is for beaver
And for the wolf - the peel.
He is angry with us - trouble;
Run away - who is where!

Which of the neighbors would you like to treat with a delicious orange or chocolate Santa Claus? How about a lonely grandma from the second floor?

Citrus Christmas tree decorations

To make Christmas decorations from orange slices, you first need to dry them.

Cut the oranges into slices 2 mm thick and place them in the oven on a baking sheet with a stainless steel mesh (not a regular one, otherwise they may burn). Dry citrus fruits in the oven at 120 ° C for 3 hours. Cool and use for New Year's decor!

To decorate you will need:

  • dried orange slices
  • Carnation
  • tape or elastic


After you've dried the orange slices, little is left to do. Take a clove and decorate the center of each citrus circle with it. Did you smell the scent? Soon he will delight you right up to the New Year!

Now you just need to stretch a beautiful ribbon through the small hole in the slice and hang it on the tree!


A citrus decor made of crusts will look no less beautiful on the Christmas tree!

To do this, you will need:

  • orange, lemon or tangerine
  • iron cookie cutter
  • stationery knife
  • thread

Source: instagram @happy ._. Pappy


  1. Peel the citrus so that the rind remains as intact as possible. Straighten and trim it so that it lies flat on the table.
  2. Using a cookie cutter, squeeze out the shape of the herringbone, stars, etc. in the peel
  3. Cut the area around the hole from the cutout with a clerical knife so that it is several centimeters larger in diameter from the cut out figure.
  4. Paste the cut shape into the picture with the back, soft side.
  5. Pull a string on top of the toy, hang it on the tree!

Citrus garland

For such a garland, you will need:

  • dried orange slices
  • whole dried oranges
  • cinnamon sticks
  • ribbons
  • thread


We have already told you how to dry citrus fruits for decoration (in circles) above, but in general, oranges are dried according to the same principle. Only on fresh fruit, you need to make many longitudinal cuts, as shown in the picture and put in the oven for 2-3 hours.

To create a garland, string alternately whole dried oranges and citrus circles, tie cinnamon sticks and ribbons in contrasting colors!


You can also create a simple yet cute orange peel garland. Using the cookie cutters, squeeze stars or Christmas trees out of it, dry it in the oven and string it on a string!

Source: instagram @mamavkurse

Together with your baby, make an eco-friendly garland for the home of citrus flowers!

For her you will need:

  • wooden stick
  • rain
  • thread
  • beads
  • bumps
  • orange peels



Herringbone orange

A small Christmas tree made of orange circles can be a wonderful decoration for the New Year's table!

For her you will need:

  • dried orange circles
  • wooden rods
  • orange peel
  • small pot or bucket

Source: Instagram @ all4mammy


  1. String the orange rings on a stick, and on top of the glue gun or super-glue put a star from the dried peel.
  2. How to strengthen a craft in a pot: there are many options - you can make salty dough or other modeling mass, tamp it into a pot and insert sticks. You can pour sand and stick the twigs in the same way. Well, the most durable way is to use alabaster (can be purchased at a hardware store).
  3. After you have strengthened the tree, add some wood shavings, cotton wool, or sprinkle the base with artificial snow.

Another very beautiful decoration for the festive table can be made from fresh oranges!

For the Christmas tree, you will need:

  • oranges
  • worm
  • foam cone
  • live spruce twigs
  • toothpicks

Usually, in order to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands from oranges, they must first be dried. You can read in more detail about how to properly dry oranges so that they can then be used to create a New Year's interior in an apartment.

And yes, don't forget. This way you can dry not only oranges, but also lemons.

Also remember that there are different colors of oranges in the world. Therefore, we dry not only ordinary orange fruits, but also red varieties.

So, we have dried citrus circles. The question arises, what to do with them next?

The most obvious solution to creating an orange New Year's toy for a Christmas tree with your own hands is to tie one single circle of citrus to the ribbon.

It will look like this.

However, when making such a decoration, it should be borne in mind that dried citrus slices are quite fragile objects. Therefore, punching holes in them for pulling the tapes can lead to their irreversible damage.

So, the more correct option is when a small paper clip or wire is inserted into the orange circle, and a string is already attached to it.

A very common option for homemade orange decorations is to combine several circles of citrus fruits together. You can see a photo of such a DIY Christmas tree toy below.

Cinnamon sticks can add additional variety to the orange decor of the New Year's tree.

By the way, using a combination of cinnamon and citrus to decorate a Christmas tree, you should remember that this is not only a toy, but also wonderful. Of course, citruses themselves have the ability to fill the air at home with pleasant aromas, but when combined with cinnamon, they work more efficiently.

The next option for how to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands is to use not dry, but fresh circles of orange. Such decorations are used less often, however they are used. Usually, before tying a circle of orange or lemon to the tree, clove buds are inserted into it. It also gives the Christmas tree decoration additional aromatic properties.

Quite often, not individual circles of citrus are used to decorate a Christmas tree, but whole pomanders.

A simple but very effective way to create an orange-based pomander can be found in.

Another thing to think about when creating an orange decoration is DIY Christmas toy on a street tree... Sometimes the same decor options are used to decorate trees on the street as for trees inside the house. This is not true. Since such toys turn out to be small, they are simply lost on the street. And their wonderful aroma dissipates into nowhere.

Therefore, it is customary to decorate street spruces with citrus bird feeders. In order to create such a feeder, you need to take half the peel of a large orange or grapefruit. Make holes on the sides for the rope and hang on the spruce. The toy must be stable and not topple over. As soon as this has been achieved, bird food is poured into it.

You can see a photo of such a large DIY outdoor Christmas tree toy below.

Juicy sweet oranges and spices make magical decorations that fill your home with the aromas of Christmas

It’s freezing outside the window, but we’ll settle down more comfortably and make something!

From juicy sweet oranges and spices, magical decorations are obtained that fill the house with the aromas of Christmas: balls, candles, candlesticks, garlands and even an orange tree.

Dried cloves are more than just a fragrant spice. Using a felt-tip pen and a toothpick, oranges can be easily decorated with a fancy carnation pattern. Oranges decorated with cloves, will make the whole house fragrant.

Poke holes in the orange peel with a kebab skewer or toothpick. Then insert the dried cloves into the holes. You can lay out patterns on the orange or just randomly decorate it. It is better to outline complex lines in advance on the fruit with a felt-tip pen.

The scent will be more intense, if you put the clove inflorescences in a jar, sprinkle with clove oil, tighten the lid and leave for a day. To make a dry allspice ball, put the stuffed fruit in a mixture of cinnamon, violet root powder, allspice and nutmeg for 3-4 weeks. It is necessary to turn over and sprinkle the oranges with spices daily until they are completely dry. Only then can they be hung or beautifully laid out in bowls.

During the holidays, the orange tree will be the cutest table decoration and will add its scent to the smells of Christmas cookies or gingerbread. Carnation-decorated fruits nestle in small clay pots on a moss bed.

Orange garlands

A variety of carnation patterns transform each orange into a small piece of art. Thread a piece of aluminum wire through the orange. Twist both ends in the shape of a snail. Attach decorative tape and hang the product. Such a garland will decorate the window and make it look even more elegant.

It smells incredible and the tongues of flame create a fabulous atmosphere. First, cut off the top of the orange with a sharp knife so that the diameter of the hole matches the diameter of the tablet candle. Remove the pulp with a spoon. It can be used for dessert. Then fill the peeled orange with sand and place a candle on top. Decorate the edge of the cut with a carnation.

Apply a pattern

The thread trimmer is the right tool to cut patterns on citrus fruits. Wood cutters will work as well. Ornaments, spirals, stars or hearts- use all your imagination. And with waste - thin strips of zest - flavor sauces and creams.

Fresh remnants of the peel It's a pity to throw it away. Small pendants can be cut out of them using a cookie cutter. Trim the edges to keep the skin flat, then press it against a cutting board and cut out a shape. Decorate with them, for example, gifts. Just tie a few orange peel stars and a few cinnamon sticks to the ribbon.

Orange peel candlesticks

Pill candle holders add warm light to the early winter twilight. Using small molds, cut holes in them in the shape of hearts or stars through which light will penetrate. On a coarse salt base, such flashlights will stand level.

Peel carving

Essential oils of orange and lime improve mood, refresh and inspire. By carving patterns on the peel of an orange, we release essential oil particles that have a beneficial effect on the body. Kumquats are also a great treat for the Christmas table. They are eaten without peeling.

The garland enchants with its simplicity. The patterns are cut with cookie cutters from the remnants of the rind. To string them onto the wire, first carefully poke the holes with a fine needle. The finished garland can be wrapped around the vase, fasten the ends of the wire together. A thick orange candle, which is placed in a pot between the spruce branches, is suitable here.

Golden wreath

On christmas eve dried orange slices- welcome guests in the house! They are good for decorating wreaths. In the product in the photo, orange slices are glued to a wreath of willow twigs. Or they are neatly secured with wire. In the middle is a place for candles. And around you can beautifully lay spruce branches.

To prepare orange slices for decoration, cut the fruit into 4 mm thick slices. Then place them on a wire rack and leave to dry in the oven for a few hours. at a temperature of 60 ° C... At the same time, leave the oven door ajar so that the moisture can evaporate freely. Secure the door with a regular wooden spoon. As an alternative to the oven battery or tiled stove can be used... The process, however, will take much longer. It is important to place something under the oranges, as the leaked juice will stain. Thus, you can prepare for decorative purposes and slices of lemon, tangerines, lime and apples.

Decorating the Christmas tree

A bunch of dried orange slices will be a decoration for the Christmas tree. Tie two or three slices with bast rope and secure them to a spruce branch. They will look organic when paired with cones, salted dough, nuts or straw.

Add colors

Fruit slices will light up a room with warm colors if they are placed in a transparent vase with a candle. To do this, you will need dried orange, apple, and lime slices. It is important to place them along the glass so that light seeps through the translucent fruit slices. Cinnamon sticks will decorate the composition and add flavor.

We decorate furniture

Decorates the back of a chair or a doorknob. To do this, you need dried orange slices, if possible the same size. Washers made from the middle of the fruit work best. To make the heart even, first cut the template out of cardboard. Place the slices on top of it. They should overlap each other by about a third. Then glue the wreath. Apply glue to the places where the peel touches. For this, a special cold glue for floristry is ideal.

Citrus decorations create a true New Year's Eve feeling at home. It is easy and accessible to everyone.

With the advent of cold weather, the soul asks for comfort and warmth. No wonder for many, the end of autumn and winter is the time associated with the aroma of oranges, cinnamon baked goods, mulled wine with cloves and gingerbread.

The explanation for this is very simple: warming spices help the body not to be afraid of the coming cold weather, however, in order to improve your mood, it is not at all necessary to use them internally. The aromas that spread throughout the house have a no less beneficial effect on the psyche.

Therefore, if you do not want to eat citrus fruits, or for some reason they do not like the taste of cloves or cinnamon, you should pay attention to decorations with their use. It is believed that natural spices have bactericidal properties, and also eliminate unpleasant odors in the house, so if you want to reduce the number of microbes, while preparing the house for the arrival of New Year's holidays, it's time to take care of creating decorations with cinnamon and cloves.

Christmas toys orange, cloves, cinnamon

The easiest way is to cut the orange into large rings, stick carnation inflorescences around the circumference of which, and use a bright braid in the form of fastening, on which that orange can be hung on the Christmas tree. To make such a decoration with cinnamon and cloves, a minimum of necessary parts is required, and the process itself is so simple that even a child can handle it.

An equally interesting option is when the orange is decorated with a fabric bow on top, on which it is attached, and several cinnamon sticks are fixed in the center with a thread or a masked piece of stiff wire. This cinnamon and carnation decoration is guaranteed to attract attention.

Cinnamon sticks along with buds can be used in orange with cinnamon and carnation decorations and in other formats. You can fix the orange rings according to the principle of a child's pyramid: in the center there are several slices of citrus, and around the edges as a fixator of the clove sticks on the braid. Or, exclude the orange completely and simply tie the cinnamon stalks together using the original fastener.

And an important advantage of the products is that such jewelry with cinnamon and carnation does not deteriorate, i.e. the orange will simply change slightly in color, but more radical changes during the series of New Year's holidays will not happen to it

Decorating oranges with cloves, cinnamon

Prior to this, it was said how to make cinnamon and clove decorations based on the individual elements of the orange. But you can also take a whole "piece of the sun". Decorations with cinnamon and carnation are made of it according to the principle of a Christmas tree ball: the fastener is made of a bow, and the carnation itself is attached to the orange either on the peel or on the pulp, when individual fragments of the skin are removed.

At the same time, a variety of cutting formats is only welcome: you can create a Christmas ball by cutting out the peel in slices, or you can remove its individual elements according to the principle of a grid or serpentine. Clove buds fill the gaps in the peel, bringing the bright orange to a deeper brown.

An even more original option for decorating with cinnamon and carnation is painting on an orange using carnation stars. There is also a use for cinnamon: if you cut a star-shaped compartment in the orange peel, then you can place a cinnamon inflorescence in it with a toothpick.

If there are no restrictions on raw materials, then the easiest way to create a decoration with cinnamon and cloves is to "stick" the orange with cloves, making it look like a hedgehog. Its color depends on how the decoration with cinnamon and carnation is created. You can simply place a clove around the perimeter of the peel, making it easier for the legs to hit the peel with a toothpick, or dip the orange in ground cinnamon first. Then it will turn out completely brown, in this form, the decoration with cinnamon and carnation is very similar to a real New Year's ball.

Decorating candles with cinnamon and cloves

Candlesticks using natural materials look no less impressive. To obtain the simplest sample, it is enough to wrap a regular plastic cup with twine. Attach several cinnamon sticks to the side of it on the same string. Another option for decorating with cinnamon and carnation is an orange peel candlestick. The most difficult thing in creating it is to make neat and symmetrical cuts in the skin.

For thick candles, a frame made of orange slices from cinnamon sticks will look original. This cinnamon and carnation decoration is shaped like a wreath. You can also place the candle in a transparent glass, and on the sides fill it with cinnamon stars, orange slices, viburnum or mountain ash berries.

Cinnamon sticks look great in their pure form. If you wrap a candle with them according to the principle of a picket fence, securing it with twine, you get another original decoration with cinnamon and cloves, which can also be used by sticking it into wax. However, in an orange peel candlestick, it will look more harmonious.

Decorating apples with cloves and cinnamon

It is very easy to work with apples. In them, the clove is attached even more easily than in the peel of an orange. Well, you can choose your own decoration format with cloves and cinnamon depending on your taste preferences. The minimum time is spent on creating an uncomplicated pattern. It takes longer to fill the entire surface of the apple with a carnation, leaving only one fragment clean, as in the photo of a collage with a heart.

You can also create a small box from an apple by filling it inside with cinnamon sticks, and decorating the outside with a ribbon and inflorescences of this spice. If you don't want to spoil the surface of the apple, then the simplest way to decorate with cloves and cinnamon is to attach the sticks to the fruit with a ribbon.

Whole compositions with cinnamon and cloves look the most multifaceted. You can put them in a glass fruit vase, combine them with pine cones, walnuts, oranges, or make a completely fruit collage, in which apples and citrus fruits coexist, decorated with carnations.

Another cinnamon and carnation jewelry format is. Apples and oranges are placed on them, framed with these spices, as well as other elements.

Compositions in which cinnamon and other gifts of autumn coexist in a tall glass goblet, a wicker basket, a tin bucket, a flat plate, a ceramic bowl, side by side with various decorative elements look no less interesting. This suggests that there are simply no restrictions in the form and you can create an original decoration with cinnamon and carnation from scrap materials and in a matter of minutes.