Types of social relations. Examples of public relations. System and sphere of public relations

In society, special relationships develop between people. In science, it is customary to call them public relations. This is the air that we do not see, but with which we breathe, thanks to which we live human and not animal life.

Society is a kind of "collective of collectives". The various connections that arise between social groups, classes, nations, as well as within them in the process of economic, social, political, cultural life and activity, are called social relations.

V broad sense social relations are the whole system of social ties and dependencies of the activity and life of people in society.

V narrow sense- indirect connections between people. What are characteristics have public relations?

Characteristic features of public relations

Relatively stable ties Impersonal (formal) ties Affecting important aspects of life

There are several classifications of social relations depending on the different criteria used as the basis.

1. Social relations are heterogeneous, in their system there are primary and secondary levels.

TO primary level belong to the material, that is, social relations that develop independently of consciousness and will and that are formed in the sphere of material production. They provide society with material opportunities for existence and development. These include industrial relations, social and household relations, etc.

Secondary level form relationships that, unlike relationships of the first level, arise only when passing through consciousness, on the basis of certain ideas and views. These relations permeate the spiritual life of society (ideological, cultural, religious, moral, etc.), they are the result and condition of human interaction in the process of creating and disseminating spiritual and cultural values.

2. Social relations are subdivided into one-sided and reciprocal.

Unilateral characterized by the fact that their participants put different meanings into them: love on the part of an individual may stumble upon complete indifference on the part of another.

Mutual public relations imply the reciprocity of their manifestation.

3. All public organizations and enterprises serve three types of public relations: sociocultural, political and industrial.

As a special type of social relations, it should also be noted interpersonal relationships.

In the lessons of natural sciences, you learned that an objective, necessary, stable, repetitive relationship between phenomena is called a law or an objective pattern. What do you think, can social relations be considered a manifestation of such a connection, that is, an "objective law"?

How can such a statement be correlated with the conscious-volitional activity of people? Argument your answer.

Social relations are relations that arise between people in the course of their life. In fact, this is all the aggregate activity of people, forms of interaction between them. In a more concrete sense, it can be said that social relations are diverse connections that arise between social groups, classes, nations, as well as within them in the course of their economic, social, political, cultural life and activities. Individuals enter into social relations precisely as members or representatives of certain social communities or groups.

The structure of social relations can be viewed from different points of view. In accordance with the Marxist concept, all social relations are divided into material and spiritual. Material relations are interpreted as basic, arising without the direct participation of consciousness. Their character is determined by the productive forces of society. Spiritual relationships are understood as derivatives of material relationships. They belong to the superstructure, arise and function, passing through the consciousness of people. Spiritual relations include political, legal, moral, etc. From the point of view of the main types of practice, the structure of social relations will be represented by two types of relations. First, it is the relationship "people - nature" (industrial practice, human transformation of nature). Secondly, it is the relationship "person - person" (socio-historical practice). The structure of social relations can also be considered from the point of view of the subjects of social life. In this case, relations can be distinguished that arise between classes, socio-ethnic communities, confessions, social and age groups, individuals, etc.

3. Norms governing public relations

In every society there are norms that regulate social relations - social norms. Social norms are patterns, standards of activity, rules of conduct, the fulfillment of which is expected from a member of society or a social group and is supported by means of sanctions.

There are many types of social norms. The main ones are customs, traditions, legal and moral norms.

Customs are the rules of social behavior, passed down from generation to generation, reproduced in a certain society or social group, which have become a habit, life and consciousness of their members.

Traditions are elements of social and cultural heritage that persist in certain societies, social groups for a long time, the process of social inheritance, its methods.

Legal norms are generally binding rules of conduct established by the state, by law. They, as a rule, indicate the conditions for their implementation, the subjects of regulated relations, their mutual rights and obligations, as well as sanctions in case of their violation.

Moral norms are the requirements for certain behavior based on the ideas of good and evil, appropriate and impermissible, accepted in society. They rely solely on the support of the community.

Various authors propose to single out as independent and other norms regulating social relations: political, religious, aesthetic, etc. Social norms can be formed spontaneously or created consciously, consolidated and expressed in oral or written form. Despite the great differences among themselves, social norms have a number of common features: they are the rules of behavior of people in society, they are general in nature, that is, they are addressed to everyone and everyone.

English relations, social; German Verhaltnisse, gesellschaftliche. Multiple connections between social. groups and structures (classes, nations, etc.), as well as within them; the totality of relations polit., social-economic, etc. See SOCIETY.

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Public relations

a historically developing set of forms of organizing the joint life of people, based on their activities (interaction) and giving this life social integrity, acting as its connecting principle. The classics of Marxism-Leninism emphasized that in society the activity and joint life of human individuals are impossible without and outside their relationship to each other, that relations "are the conditions for the initiative of these individuals, and they are created by this initiative" (K. Marx, F. Engels / / Works. 2nd ed. T. 3. S. 72). Hence, each person and all people together are the bearers of O.O., and these relations themselves represent those necessary forms of organization, within which (as their content) the activities of people in the production of their immediate life are realized and with the help of which this life is socially organized. Thanks to this, society as a whole, being a product of human interaction, expresses the entire amount of connections and relationships in which people are. Each O. about., As well as the relation in general, has two sides, because it presupposes the one who belongs, and the one to whom they relate. However, since it does not exist between things, but between people, it is always their relationship, which is also subjective. In this regard, the emergence, functioning and development of any O. about. (as well as its collapse, its destruction) presuppose a number of conditions, including: 1) a reason (necessity, need, interest) or a reason due to which it is formed, 2) a means (for example, a thing, sign, action, etc.). ), with the help of which it is realized, 3) the subject-bearer, through the activity of which the relation is instituted, 4) the object. There are the following most essential characteristics of O. o .: their organic unity with human activity; subject mediation; conditioning by the interaction of people; subjectivity; content (there are no "empty" relationships); institutionalization. Activity is a necessary condition for the folding, development and change of the o.o. and at the same time it cannot be carried out outside of them. Like activities, O. about. are also objectified in bodily (biosocial), institutional (organizations, institutions, etc.), sign (language, drawings, etc.) and material forms of social objectivity. By themselves, O. about. are a latent reality, but through objectification they receive an appearing side, due to which they can be fixed and discovered. Fixed O. about. appear as social, economic, moral, etc. n. fact. Depending on for what reason (reason) and by what means this or that O. is formed, how its subject and object interact with each other, in what sphere of social life it is institutionalized, what is its social content, its type and quality are determined. specificity. Basically, the same criteria are taken as the basis for the differentiation and classification of O. o. in different directions. So, for example, according to the criterion of the participation of consciousness in the formation of relations, according to their origin, the entire system of information about. divided into two main groups: material and ideological. The former are formed outside and independently of the consciousness of people, they are primary and decisive, the latter are formed under the condition of their preliminary awareness, they are secondary and determined by the former. Material O. o. is the relationship of people about the reproduction of their own (production, distribution, consumption) and someone else's (marriage, family, childbirth) life. They "form the basis of all their relations" (K. Marx, F. Engels // Works. 2nd ed. T. 27, p. 403). In the structure of these relations, the production relations that arise between people in the process of labor, production (relations of ownership, exchange, distribution and consumption, technological and organizational relations, etc.), which form the economic structure, the economic basis of society, are decisive. Ideological O. O. is the general name for a whole group of relations, which includes: political, legal, moral, aesthetic, artistic and other relations. Embodying in various organizations and institutions (state, court, church, etc.) and together with social ideas, moods, social feelings (i.e. ideology and social psychology), they form the superstructure of society. In this regard, they are called superstructural relationships. According to the criterion of the main sphere of implementation of O. about. are divided into economic, social, political, spiritual. Sociology studies primarily social relations, all other types of social relations. it is interested in insofar as they "include" the social or are mediated by it. This takes into account their statistical nature, mass manifestation.

Science has long been looking for an elementary "cell" of the social system, that is, such a "simple formation", from the analysis of which it would be legitimate to begin the study of society. In short, scientists are looking for something similar to an atom or biological cell.

The individual, social group, family acted as such a "cell". But to break through to the truth allowed the definition of society as a set of relations between people.

It is social connections and relationships that are represented in the theories K. Marx, P. Sorokin, M. Weber as significant social phenomena from which the study of society should begin.

The concept of "social relations" in modern literature is found in two senses: in the broad sense, when we mean everything, any relationship between people, since they are formed and implemented in society and in the narrow sense.

In a narrow sense, social relations are understood as diverse forms of interaction and relationships that arise in the process of activity between large groups of people, as well as within them.

Society is a super-complex system of versatile social relations. All the wealth of social relations can be subdivided into material and spiritual (ideal) relations.

Material relations arise and develop in the course of a person's practical activity. Spiritual relationships are formed in advance, passing through the consciousness of people. This mediation of relations by consciousness raises objections. What is the final product for spiritual production (ideas, spiritual values) is also present in material practical activity. But here it acts as a means of achieving the final result (goal-setting), as a moment of spirituality of material activity.

The division of social relations into material and ideal is extremely broad, each of these subdivisions includes many types.

The classification of material relations is usually based on the main spheres of social life, the basis of spiritual relations is the structure of social consciousness and its forms (moral, political, legal, artistic, religious relations).

Some social relationships combine traits of both material and spiritual relationships. For example, political relations, since they reflect the views of the subjects of political action, are spiritual, ideal, but their other side is formed in the course of practical activity, and in this aspect they are material. The same interweaving of different relationships is characteristic of family relationships.

Social relations are such interconnections between people that arise in the process of their social interaction. They take shape in one form or another, in specific conditions. Examples of social relations are well known to each of us. After all, we are all members of society and are in contact with other individuals in one way or another. However, it is worth paying a little more attention to this topic and considering it in detail.

About criteria

Before we should talk about what types they are distributed to.

The most common criterion is regulation. What in this case determines the legal position. And by regulation, relations are formal and unofficial. The first include those that are formed between individuals by virtue of their official position. Let's say between the boss and the subordinates. Or teacher and student. And unofficial are relationships that are also called personal. They have no legal basis, and they are not limited by formal rules. This could be a relationship between friends, for example. Or between a guy and a girl.


Also, relations can be class and estate, economic, religious, political, moral, mass, legal, cognitive, conative and communicative. They can also be long-term, short-term, functional, permanent, causal and subordinate.

Legal relationship

This is the type of connection based on legal obligations and subjective rights that are provided by the state. She is strong-willed. In order for the connection to begin to exist, one or another document must be signed. State will is reflected in these relations through certain norms, agreed upon, as a rule, on paper. And by the way, they are also protected by the authorities.

But the most important thing is that it is in legal relations that the power of legal norms and their effectiveness are manifested. An example can be given. Let's say a young man named Anton who graduated from a university received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. In this case, it is military service. The subjects are Anton himself and the state. What is The fact that Anton has a legal obligation - to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, then serve in the army. And the state, in turn, has to call Anton to serve. These are the norms of social relations regulated by the legal field.

Economic sphere

This topic should also be raised with attention. The system of social relations in the economic sphere is a certain connection, which is entered by people participating in the production process. However, here too there is a classification.

Widespread They appear due to the fact that production in the enterprise, as well as distribution and exchange are not possible if there is no defined system. There should be a certain organization of the process that accompanies the joint activities of employees of the enterprise. This also includes the division of labor. Examples of social relations of this classification existed many centuries ago. The first case was the separation of agriculture from livestock raising. What were the prerequisites? Naturally, the desire to use the available resources and labor more efficiently. Hence the emergence of such a concept as specialization, but that is another topic.

A family

Considering examples of social relations, this aspect cannot be ignored. The family is a small socio-psychological group, the connection in which is traditionally based on trust and love. It can consist of two people (husband and wife, for example) or twenty (grandmothers, grandfathers, children, etc.).

And it is not without reason that many sociologists, when talking about the spheres of public relations, pay special attention to the family. Since it is with her that a person spends most of his time allotted for rest. Family communication performs several functions at once. It is with its help that the focus and coordination of the efforts of both spouses is ensured to achieve a common goal that is important for their family. And only communication can satisfy the need for spiritual closeness with a dear person.

In addition, the family is a socio-economic unit. Within its framework, the household is carried out and a common budget is maintained, the consumption of certain services, goods is organized, as well as the satisfaction of various needs related to housing, clothing, food, etc. And how well and qualitatively the union, the marriage of two people depends on the interaction of the spouses. And all this is based on communication.


This topic should also be noted with attention, talking about the subject of public relations. Moral ties are not regulated by legal laws, like the notorious legal ones. They are fixed in a different way. Traditions, customs, rituals and other ethnocultural forms, which reflect the moral norms of behavior of a particular community of people. There are many cultural and historical conventions in moral relations. They all stem from the lifestyle of a small group of people. And the peculiarity of these relations lies in the fact that the central value of everything is a person.

And the examples are simple. In terms of moral relations, people are defined according to the principle of antonyms. That is, they can be good and bad, good and evil, merciful and aggressive, etc.


In our society, this area also has a certain weight and significance. There is even a legal regulation of public relations in the religious aspect. We are talking about the law concerning (Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Religious relations are a reflection of the interaction of people who are connected by common ideas about a person and his place in universal life processes, as well as about the soul, death, the meaning of existence. This is important because all of the above is related to the need for self-knowledge, self-improvement and finding oneself in this world.

An example of a religious relationship would be the connection between the congregation and the pastor, who can be said to be God's representative who brings the good news to people and helps them find the truth. In addition, it is the pastor who conducts such rituals as baptism, funeral (funeral service), wedding (wedding), and bread breaking.

Material relations

This is something that concerns all of us directly. Material relations are formed in the course of a person's life, sometimes even outside his consciousness. We enter into this kind of connection every day. By working, a person produces content and receives money in return. When he buys groceries, he gives his money. When receiving a gift, he thanks. There are actually many material needs. They concern not only food, water, clothing and housing, but also active and cultural recreation, which can be realized using material relations. How to understand this? It's very simple: if a person likes to go to the gym, he buys a subscription.

And the principle here is also simple. The more needs of this kind a person has, the more diverse are the material relations in society. After all, these two concepts are inseparable from each other.