The effect of ultrasound on the fetus during pregnancy. Is ultrasound dangerous during pregnancy: the effect of different types of ultrasound on the fetus

There is a strong opinion that ultrasound during pregnancy is harmful. Even the most obedient expectant mothers are very worried when it is necessary to make frequent checks, believing that this can harm the baby.

It is believed that if the expectant mother is often examined, this will inevitably affect the development of the child, make him almost predisposed to cancer, genetically defective and lagging behind in physical and mental development.

First, let's figure out what an ultrasound is?

This sound is so high that it is beyond human perception. These are ordinary sound waves, like conversation or music, for example, but the frequency of these waves is higher than the human ear can hear. Like any sound, it penetrates through obstacles, partly reflecting from them (shout in the mountains, they will return an echo to you, the same happens with ultrasound).

The ultrasound machine emits a signal, and it reflects (gives an echo) from different tissues with different strengths, it is this echo that is recorded, turning into a picture. The effect on the fetus is due to these sound waves. It is unlikely that the embryo can hear them, he is a future person, and his hearing will be human, not able to hear such high-pitched sounds.

I must say that up to 16-17 weeks, the organ of hearing is not at all developed enough to hear at least some sounds. Often during the examination, you can see how the baby turns away from the sensor, but this is more likely due to its pressure on the anterior abdominal wall than the effect of the ultrasound itself on the fetus.

Influence of ultrasound on pregnancy

The effect on the fetus is associated with the mechanical effect of ultrasound. Indeed, it is used in the treatment of various diseases during physiotherapy and even for cleaning teeth. Moreover, it is used by the military, for example, on submarines. Knowing this, you involuntarily think - is it worth the risk?

But by analogy with ordinary sound, imagine your feelings at a disco, or next to a plane taking off, where decibels are off scale, or in a quiet room where a loved one whispers sweet words in your ear ...

Approximately the same difference between the ultrasound that is used in the above situations and that emitted by the apparatus.

Thus, the harm of this apparatus is greatly exaggerated by people who do not understand the very essence of the study.

Influence of ultrasound on the fetus

However, the effect of ultrasound on the fetus is still there. The uterus is a very sensitive organ to external influences, and during the study it can tone up. With a normal, normally proceeding pregnancy, there is no danger in this, but if there is a threat of termination in the early stages, they often refrain from this study until the tone of the uterus is normalized.

Is ultrasound necessary during pregnancy

Frequent ultrasound during pregnancy is, of course, not desirable, although the story of one gynecologist and his wife is described, who did an examination every day throughout the pregnancy, in order to say good morning to the baby, and the baby was born healthy.

In the United States, ultrasound is not considered a mandatory research method, in Russia it is included in the mandatory screening of pregnant women and is carried out at least twice, but most often three times, at 11 weeks, 17-22 weeks and 32-33 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasound during pregnancy, yes or no?

It is worth remembering that this is a rather young research method, and we do not know the long-term consequences of how ultrasound can affect all pregnant women in a row and future generations. Perhaps these fears are unfounded, but you should not insist on 3D and 4D ultrasound, in which the ultrasound power is greater, just to see your baby, a simple examination is enough.

On the other hand, it was ultrasound that became the research method that opened the world of an unborn child to a stranger's eyes, and made it possible to notice serious abnormalities in the development of the fetus in time and take measures to prevent complications of both pregnancy itself and childbirth.

You can refuse ultrasound during pregnancy, there is no such law that would force a person to do this or that examination. But on the other hand, perhaps it is this ability that can save you and your child from serious complications, because how else to suspect, for example, incorrect fetal positions, placenta previa and other problems that can lead to real disasters in childbirth ...

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a widespread modern diagnostic method using ultrashort sound waves. Today, this method is widely used in medicine and is used not only to diagnose diseases in adults and children, but also in the perinatal period. Ultrasound examination is fast, informative and harmless to the patient.

The results from the study are obtained immediately, literally in the process of carrying out the procedure itself, which is completely painless.

What it is?

Ultrasound studies are carried out using a special apparatus, which includes electronic or mechanical sensors of various types and purposes, as well as a transforming and receiving device. The ultrasound diagnostic method is based on the passage of ultrashort waves through the human body, where all the tissues of his organs have an unequal density, or, as it is also called, echogenicity.

Reflecting from the investigated surface, ultrashort sound waves are taken into account by the receiving device of the apparatus and recorded in the form of echo signals. After computer analysis of the incoming signals, the examination results are displayed on a special monitor. The specialist deciphers them and issues a medical report.

Currently, ultrasound diagnostics is widely used in obstetrics and gynecology. In an antenatal clinic or a perinatal center, when a woman is registered for pregnancy, she will have to undergo three scheduled ultrasound examinations, called screenings, carried out in each trimester during the entire pregnancy. As long as there is an ultrasound method, the same amount of time around it, the debate about whether it is harmful to the fetus does not subside.

According to medical statistics, not a single case of a negative effect of ultrasound examination on the body of a mother or child has been recorded. Also, there is no evidence that ultrasound can provoke a miscarriage or slow down the development of the fetus.

Therefore, official medicine responsibly declares that ultrasound, with reasonable dosage use, cannot harm a person.

Indications for

During pregnancy, an ultrasound examination for a woman is carried out in a planned manner: for the first time at 11-14 weeks, the second time at 20-23 and for the third time at 33-36. If there is a need to clarify the diagnosis of the mother or child, unscheduled ultrasound examinations can be performed the required number of times, regardless of the gestational age. Any harm during diagnostics is excluded. For example, with multiple pregnancies, ultrasound monitoring of the development of embryos is performed every four weeks, and this is done for medical reasons.

Often pregnant women are interested in the answer to the question of why they need to do an ultrasound scan, if they feel fine, there are no complaints. The fact is that this type of examination is necessary not only for the mother, but also for the unborn child, and at different times of pregnancy, ultrasound screening is performed for different purposes.

  • The first ultrasound in the period of 11-14 weeks makes it possible to determine the exact presence of pregnancy, allows you to identify the presence of an ectopic attachment and the development of an embryo at an early stage, determines multiple pregnancies. This examination will help to identify developmental anomalies not only in the fetus, but also in the structure of the reproductive organs of the woman herself.

  • On the second ultrasound, which is carried out in a period of 20-23 weeks, assess the formation of internal organs for malformations, look at the work of the heart, determine the conductivity of blood flow in large blood vessels and arteries. In addition to the fetus, close attention is paid to the placenta - its thickness, uniformity and location are determined. Considerable importance in the examination is given to the presence of amniotic fluid - they look at their amount relative to the norm.
  • On the third ultrasound study, which is done in a period of 33-36 weeks diagnose fetal presentation in relation to the birth canal, and also look at the position of the placenta. The important thing in the examination is the fetus itself - its height, weight. Pay attention to whether the umbilical cord is entwined around the neck. The main goal of diagnostics is to plan in advance the management of the stage of labor, taking into account all the characteristics of the mother and child.

Taking into account the invaluable value of studies using ultrasound, they should be carried out only strictly for medical reasons. This also applies to the recently very popular 3-D study, where an image of an unborn child can be obtained in three-dimensional form.

Often, such a study is done without the presence of absolute indications for that at the insistence of the baby's parents, who are curious to look at the baby even before birth.

What kind of research is required?

An ultrasound examination for women during pregnancy is carried out of two types: transvaginal and transabdominal. It should be noted that none of them is dangerous and does not harm the development of the fetus.

  • Transvaginal examination- is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, in which the pregnant uterus has not yet left the small pelvis. Therefore, the examination is carried out through the vagina, by introducing a special sensor.
  • Transabdominal examination- is carried out after 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, by performing manipulations superficially through the abdominal wall using special sensors and a signal-conducting gel.

Both types of research are considered mandatory for all women, regardless of the presence or absence of health complaints. The performed diagnostic manipulation does not affect the further development of the fetus.

Arguments against"

Like any other diagnostic method, ultrasound screening has its pros and cons. Among experts, there is an opinion that ultrasound for pregnant women in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy should be carried out strictly on schedule, so as not to harm the child.

This is explained by the fact that in the first trimester, namely at 4-6 weeks of embryo development, all future organs are laid - the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, brain, so it makes no sense to disturb the embryo once again: it is best to give him the opportunity to properly gain a foothold in the body of the uterus.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is almost ripe, during this period it begins to respond to an ultrasound examination. There is evidence that the child begins to worry during the procedure - he turns away, squeezes his eyes shut, and covers himself with his hands. Therefore, they believe that it makes no sense to disturb him on the eve of childbirth without reason.

This method still has a number of disadvantages:

  • reading the results of ultrasound diagnostics requires a lot of experience and knowledge from the diagnostician, otherwise this method will not bring the proper information;
  • the higher the class of the device used for ultrasound, the higher its information content;
  • those changes that the doctor did not see during the examination remain undetected.

It should also be borne in mind that although there is no radiation exposure during ultrasound diagnostics, tissues and organs heat up somewhat during the procedure, especially rapidly dividing cells are exposed to such heating.

It happens that after an ultrasound screening, a woman has brown or bloody discharge from the vagina. In this case, there is no danger to the fetus, since this condition is not a threat of miscarriage or placental abruption. The appearance of such smearing secretions is explained by the fact that a woman has an increased sensitivity of the cervical tissues or their increased blood supply.

During the examination procedure, irritation of the cervix with a transvaginal probe is possible. In response to these actions, small microtrauma is obtained and, as a result, discharge appears. All these side effects disappear without any intervention in just a few days, so there is no reason for panic.

Arguments for"

The method of modern ultrasound diagnostics brings its undeniable benefits in monitoring the development of pregnancy. The positive arguments in its favor are as follows:

  • the simplicity of the survey and its low cost;
  • painless examination;
  • the ability to study objects in different planes;
  • obtaining data on the morphological properties of the object under study: its size, shape, location relative to other planes and objects, as well as its structure;

  • the ability to study cavity organs, including the heart, stomach, large arteries, blood vessels and others;
  • the method can determine even a small difference in the density of the object's structure, which makes it possible to identify cysts, tumors and other formations;
  • by conducting a vaginal examination already in the fifth week of a delay in a woman's regular cycle, you can get reliable information about the presence of pregnancy, which allows early detection of such a dangerous pathology as an ectopic pregnancy;
  • the method allows you to visually see and evaluate the state of tissues of any organ and pathology in it, which compares favorably with X-ray methods.

Ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology allows early detection of severe pathologies and abnormalities of the fetus, taking correct and timely measures for the management of pregnancy or termination of it, as well as planning the stage of delivery of a woman, taking into account any situation in the development of the fetus.

How often can you do it?

Normally, a pregnant woman undergoes ultrasound examinations three times in each trimester of pregnancy. If there are indications for clarifying some situations or there is a need to monitor the development of a process in dynamics, ultrasound diagnostics are done unscheduled. A sufficient reason for conducting an ultrasound examination is not the desire of parents to take another look at how their child is developing. The number of unscheduled examinations and the purposefulness of their conduct can be determined only by a doctor who observes a pregnant woman in an antenatal clinic or a perinatal center.

A standard examination plan is optimal from the point of view of the safety of the health of the mother and the developing fetus. Uncontrolled abuse of this diagnostic procedure does not guarantee the appearance of negative consequences, since there is no definitive and reliably obtained data on this.

There is no need to treat this method like a toy: each examination should have a clear justification and medical supervision.

The method of ultrasound diagnostics of pregnant women and an intrauterine developing fetus has existed for more than a dozen years. But even after decades, science does not have accurate data that can guarantee 100% safety of this procedure.

In the countries of the European Union, the Committee on the Safety of Medical Ultrasound (ECMUS) was created, where the question of the use of ultrasound for diagnostics and the effect on the human body is being closely studied. According to this Committee, there are no proven harmful effects of ultrasound diagnostics. But it is noted that in case of careless exposure, ultrasound can have a damaging effect.

Modern science is developing more and more advanced devices for medicine, increasing the acoustic power of ultrasonic waves. In this regard, a competent and careful approach to the use of modern powerful devices is required in order to ensure the safety of their use.

A diagnostician who has permission to carry out such diagnostic manipulations must be trained in the rules for using the power of the apparatus and use only equipment of a proper technical condition in operation. When contacting private ultrasound rooms, it is recommended to first find out what equipment is used for diagnostics and who will carry it out. In state clinics, this issue is controlled by specially authorized bodies and structures, so the choice: who to entrust diagnostics of yourself and the unborn child to, you need to make the right one.

Ultra-short sound waves are capable of heating the tissues they pass through. Considering this factor, you need to understand that ultrasound diagnostics at an early stage of pregnancy up to 10 weeks of embryo development should be excluded if possible, and it should be carried out only according to real indications, but not out of curiosity. Because it is in the period up to 10 weeks that the embryo is considered the most vulnerable to any influences.

Experts say that ultrasound diagnostics of the fetus, especially in the short term of pregnancy, should be carried out at the lowest possible ultrasound power.

If such indicators cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to shorten the examination time, reducing it to the maximum minimum.

Today, we can confidently say that there is no single point of view in the world on the issue of the safety of ultrasound diagnostics. There are cases when ultrasound literally saves someone's life, helping to diagnose difficult situations and diseases long before their critical development. But if you think about it, then it is quite possible to determine the presentation of the fetus relative to the birth canal with the help of the hands of a midwife, and a stethoscope will help to listen to the heartbeat. But without ultrasound diagnostics, there would be a high mortality rate from an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, which were noticed too late.

Ultrasound examination during pregnancy is one of the mandatory diagnostic procedures. With the normal course of gestation, it is prescribed 2-3 times for the entire period.

If there are any problems or suspicions of deviations, then an additional examination is prescribed. The frequency of the procedures is determined by the gynecologist, based on the state of health of the girl. How often can an ultrasound scan be done in early pregnancy and how does this diagnostic affect the condition of the fetus?

How the ultrasound machine works

Ultrasound is the most affordable way to diagnose the intrauterine development of a baby. In addition, this is the most significant prenatal test, which allows you to get detailed information about the development of the embryo in the womb in the early stages of gestation. It helps to notice abnormalities in the development of the fetus, even in the first weeks after conception.

Ultrasound examination is considered the most painless procedure. During the examination, a gel is applied to the girl's stomach, after which the gynecologist drives the sensor to those places where the heartbeat is best heard. The apparatus methodology is based on the sonar principle. The sensor emits special ultrasonic beams that pass through the skin, tissues and organs.

The sensor uses waves to collect all the detailed information about the placenta and the embryo, and then transmits it to the device itself. The equipment processes the information and displays detailed information visually on the PC screen. The whole procedure takes about 10-15 minutes.

Types of ultrasound examination during pregnancy

There are 4 main types of research.

These include:

  1. Transvaginal ultrasound (intravaginal). This diagnostic method is used in the first trimester of gestation (up to 11-12 weeks). The sensor penetrates into the pelvic cavity and displays a complete picture of the intrauterine development of the embryo. Helps to identify the abnormal structure of the placenta and cervix. The most effective way in the first months of pregnancy.
  2. Doppler ultrasound (ultrasound with blood flow). A special apparatus helps not only to identify the course of pregnancy, but also determines the quantity and quality of blood circulation inside a woman. Doppler is performed both vaginally and abdominally. It is done as part of prenatal screening and perinatal examination.
  3. Prenetal screening. Most often, it is carried out in a complex with a biochemical blood test. Identifies fetal chromosomal abnormalities. The procedure is performed by a sonologist. The difference between this method is that the doctor's examination is aimed at identifying precisely the pathological processes in the body that lead to abnormal deformations of the placenta and fetus.
  4. Cardiography. A type of diagnosis that allows, like Doppler, to timely identify fetal hypoxia. But its difference is that the device with the help of ultrasound beams records only the heartbeat of the embryo, the frequency of contraction of the uterus and intrauterine movement of the fetus.

Each type of diagnosis can be prescribed at any period of gestation. What type of diagnosis will be prescribed in a particular case is decided by the doctor, taking into account the patient's history.

Frequency of ultrasound procedures during pregnancy

With the normal development of the embryo and the absence of problems, the woman is assigned 3 ultrasound procedures for the entire period of gestation. Each event is held once a trimester.

All screening studies have a specific goal:

  1. The first ultrasound scan (from 11 to 13 weeks, sometimes appointed for 6 weeks). With it, you can see the very fact of fertilization. In addition, it helps determine how the placenta is fixed (uterine or ectopic pregnancy). In the early stages of gestation, the apparatus determines whether the baby has Down syndrome, whether the limbs and head are developing correctly;
  2. Second diagnostics (from 17 to 22 weeks). Determines the level of development of the child's internal organs and the brain. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the heart. The procedure helps to see heart defects. And also the location of the placenta and the amount of fluid are taken into account.
  3. Third ultrasound examination (from 30 to 36 weeks). The last tests before childbirth help to protect the woman from possible consequences during childbirth and to determine the baby's body weight, height and rate of development. The amount of amniotic fluid and the individual characteristics of the placenta are found out. The gynecologist checks if the baby is entangled in the umbilical cord. After the last examination, the method of delivery is established (natural or cesarean section).

If the fetus is not developing very well and during the diagnosis deviations from the norm are found, then the attending physician has the right to prescribe additional laboratory measures to confirm the diagnosis.

What is the basis for the appointment of additional examinations

Sometimes he prescribes more than 2-3 ultrasound examinations. How many procedures are required is determined by the duration of pregnancy and the woman's health.

Additional laboratory activities are prescribed if there are such indications:

  • ill health of the expectant mother - if the girl has feelings of discomfort, there are pains in the lower abdomen or abdominal cavity, dark profuse discharge appears, it is best to undergo an additional examination to identify the causes of poor health;
  • viral and infectious diseases - if a girl suffered this type of illness in the early stages of gestation, then the doctor prescribes additional tests to determine if there are any complications in the body;
  • if in the third trimester a woman ceases to feel the movement of the baby, then this is a reason to undergo an unscheduled examination, perhaps oxygen starvation, frozen pregnancy or fetal death will be revealed;
  • when the baby began to actively move before the planned 3 examinations, and the girl has premature contractions, an emergency 3D ultrasound is prescribed;
  • if the third diagnosis revealed fetal presentation or any other abnormalities, then a repeated ultrasound scan is prescribed to determine in what way the girl will give birth.

In case of any deviations from the norm or suspicions of abnormal processes, the attending doctor may prescribe additional medical measures that will help identify the problem and determine an accurate diagnosis.

Ultrasound diagnostic myths

Today there are many myths about ultrasound. After reading them, girls are afraid to go for examination or refuse it altogether, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

The most common myths are:

  1. Fetal research can cause gene mutations. Allegedly, the emitted waves change the structure of DNA and provoke a mutation in the embryo. No scientific evidence has been found for such anomalies. Scientists conducting experiments in this area argue that the hypothesis has not been confirmed.
  2. Ultrasound is harmful and painful to the baby. Some children can react actively to any external stimulus. Therefore, when diagnosing, it is not known exactly what the baby reacts to (stroking the stomach, the voice of the mother or the doctor, coolness from the gel, pressure, emotional excitement of the girl). Any movement of the baby in the womb does not mean that it is painful or unpleasant.
  3. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, an ultrasound scan does not make sense. This is also a myth. Even if the child develops calmly and the girl does not develop symptoms that cause anxiety, there may be latent abnormalities. When the doctor prescribes an additional procedure, you need to visit it. This will help identify hidden defects and anomalies that develop asymptomatically and protect the baby and mother from possible serious consequences.

There are quite a few opinions and myths about diagnostic measures during the period of bearing a baby. Don't listen to everyone. It is important to listen to and follow the recommendations and prescriptions of a qualified doctor. Only he knows when and why it is necessary to carry out laboratory activities, and whether it is necessary at all.

Is ultrasound harmful during pregnancy

Despite the fact that this method of examination is the safest, most effective and popular. It has its pros and cons.


The main advantage of the procedure is maximum information content and safety. Only ultrasound is able to determine in the first weeks of pregnancy how it develops and what is the timing of conception.

In addition, the examination does not hurt the expectant mother and baby. A woman does not need to prepare for a doctor's appointment for a long time. There are no special restrictions and rules, which greatly simplifies the procedure for passing the test.

The examination can be taken several times per trimester without any harm to the fetus. The test results allow you to see detailed information about his development and his state of health. And also a woman in the second trimester has the opportunity to see a child inside her body.


Why is the procedure dangerous, what effect does it have? Although the procedure is safe for a girl in position, doctors still do not recommend performing it too often. It is best if such an examination is done once every trimester.

Scientists have not proven any harm from the apparatus. According to doctors, with proper use and planned application, ultrasound will only bring positive results.

The unequivocal answer to the question whether ultrasound is harmful for pregnant women is no, not harmful. And the benefits of the procedure, on the contrary, are multiple.

Is it worth getting tested

According to experts, every girl in a position must undergo an ultrasound examination at least once during the entire period of bearing a baby. If no defects were found at the first examination and all analyzes are normal, then the gynecologist may no longer prescribe an ultrasound examination. But if there are any deviations, then it is worth going through and making sure that the child is developing correctly.

If the pregnancy was rather difficult, then the woman must be examined at a later date of gestation. This is necessary so that the obstetrician-gynecologist can clarify the weight, height and amount of amniotic fluid. This will help determine if the woman can give birth on her own or if she will need surgery. In any case, the girl herself decides whether to undergo the examination or not. But for the safety and preservation of the fetus, it is best not to give it up.

How safe is ultrasound and how often it can be done will be shown in the video.


Testing passing tests and examinations is an integral part of pregnancy. The girl should be prepared for the fact that during the gestation period she will have to pass a lot of tests and undergo an ultrasound scan several times.

All these procedures are needed in order to minimize the risks of problems forming during the gestation period. Ultrasound examination is a painless, fast and safe diagnostic method. It is recommended to spend it every trimester in order to constantly monitor the correct development of the fetus.

Everyone knows that ultrasound among all diagnostic studies is the safest and most informative. However, any woman always strives to reduce the risk of the influence of external factors on the unborn child and asks the question: is ultrasound not harmful during pregnancy?

The mechanism of operation of the device is based on the formation of high-frequency sounds that are not perceptible to the human auditory organ. They emanate from the sensor and propagate in the form of a wave into the thickness of the tissues of the investigated area.

As a result, organs and tissues reflect sound in different ways, depending on their transmission capacity. The sensor picks up and converts the received signals into electrical ones. The computer program analyzes the information provided and puts it in the form of snapshots on the screen.

If necessary, the frequency of the waves emitted by the device can be adjusted during the procedure.

Is ultrasound harmful?

And yet, the harmlessness of the effects of ultrasound on the fetus is not fully understood. Scientists are divided. Some argue that ultrasound scanning absolutely does not harm the body of the unborn baby. Others are of the opinion that the examination should be strictly according to the indications and, if necessary, should be avoided.

This is due to the fact that the use of ultrasound scanning for pregnant women has become relatively recent and the evidence base for its negative impact on the baby has not accumulated. Animal studies have shown the effect of ultrasound on the growth and development of the embryo. In humans, only an indirect effect on the formation of left-handedness in men was revealed, whose mothers were prescribed frequent ultrasound during pregnancy. However, to date, not a single confirmed case of negative consequences has been recorded.

Influence of ultrasound on the fetus

The uterus is a very sensitive organ that reacts not only to mechanical stimulation, but also to the action of ultrasound. During the study, she can become toned. In this sense, there is probably some effect of ultrasound on the uterus, and, therefore, indirectly on the child. From this position, the recommendation not to abuse is justified, but it is better not to conduct an examination in the early stages, since the increased tone creates a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Is it worth doing an ultrasound scan

Despite all the warnings, abandoning this method is completely impractical. In the early stages, it identifies deviations from the norm and allows you to avoid them in the future. Ultrasound scanning detects not only fetal abnormalities, but also certain conditions on the part of the mother. If they are not corrected in time, then they pose a threat to both. For example, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, ectopic localization of the embryo in the early stages can be detected only with the help of ultrasound.

When is the study done?

In the normal course of pregnancy, screening ultrasound is performed three times:

  • The 1st is performed for a period of 11-13 weeks. At this time, it allows you to identify a gross pathology of the fetus and mother, as well as establish the gestational age and the expected date of birth. This screening is combined with a biochemical blood test to identify risk groups for chromosomal pathologies.
  • The 2nd screening is carried out at 20-24 weeks. Identifies congenital anomalies. Based on the detected diseases, the need for their correction in the prenatal period or after the birth of the baby is determined. Such patients are registered in a highly specialized institution for further observation and delivery.
  • The 3rd screening at 30-34 weeks reveals pathology that was not detected in previous examinations. The method also shows the condition of the fetus, weight, its physical activity and position in the uterus. The readiness of the uterus and fetus for labor is assessed: the state of the placenta, the entanglement of the umbilical cord, the amount of amniotic fluid.

When is the examination unnecessary?

It should be understood that the effect of ultrasound performed on an adult is different from that performed on an unborn child. By themselves, ultrasonic waves change the physical properties of the tissues that are affected: the electromagnetic field is transformed, the examined area is heated, the permeability and speed of chemical processes at the cellular level change.

In a mature person, when examining a certain area, these phenomena are completely invisible and not perceptible for the whole organism. However, ultrasound waves act on the embryo not locally, but as a whole. What its effect on rapidly dividing cells during organ laying can only be hypothesized theoretically. Therefore, in the absence of pathology on the part of the mother and the child, it makes no sense to conduct a scan to monitor the child's vital functions in the early stages.

It is important to know that modern devices displaying three-dimensional images conduct ultrasonic waves with a higher frequency. Consequently, such an ultrasound affects the fetus with greater force. Therefore, it is not worth it to abuse the conduct of this study in the absence of indications.

How does a baby feel during an ultrasound scan?

About half of the women during the study feel the movement of the child. But how much this is connected with the influence of ultrasound can only be assumed. Perhaps this is how the uterine tone acts on the baby, which appears during the mechanical movement of the device's sensor. But the indisputable fact is that in most cases, the motor activity of the fetus increases during scanning. And the negative effects of ultrasonic waves have not yet been proven, but their painlessness for the baby cannot be completely denied.

Is ultrasound necessary during pregnancy?

All people are different with their own ideas about life and medicine. Some are ready to be examined every day to see an unborn child or to be sure of his gender. Others are so sure of the dangers of various kinds of research that they prefer to live in ignorance for all nine months, and not only know the sex of the child, but also his condition.

And yet you should not rush from one extreme to another. It is advisable to carry out all screening ultrasounds during the normal course of pregnancy and according to the doctor's indications as often as necessary. That is, for the examination, there must be medical indications, and not a motivated desire of the expectant mother or her relatives.

However, there is no such survey that cannot be refused. Therefore, in any case, the final decision is made by the expectant mother.

Absolute indications for an unscheduled ultrasound examination

Any examination should be referred by the attending physician. There are situations when, in addition to the mandatory, additional ultrasound scanning is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

Most often, ultrasound is indicated if there is:

  1. Suspicion of a frozen, ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Close relationship with the child's father.
  3. Rh-conflict between mother and child, less often with incompatibility by blood group.
  4. Frequent miscarriages, stillbirths in previous pregnancies.
  5. The threat of premature birth.
  6. Suspected placental abruption.
  7. Genetic, chromosomal diseases on the line of the father or mother.
  8. Pregnant women from risk groups (during treatment with hormones, cytostatics, antibiotics, if there is contact with chemicals at work).
  9. Multiple pregnancy.
  10. Bleeding from the genital tract.
  11. The size of the abdomen does not correspond to the actual gestational age.
  12. Pain in the lower abdomen of any nature.

In custody

Thus, without ultrasound, the identification of pathologies is not possible. Currently, of all existing diagnostic studies, ultrasound scanning is an informative and fairly accurate method.

Thanks to him, fetal malformations that are not compatible with life or are not subject to correction are revealed. Parents-to-be can independently decide whether to prolong such a pregnancy or interrupt it with medication.

In some cases, the method allows you to avoid or correct the development of life-threatening conditions for the mother (with ectopic localization of the ovum, placental abruption), makes it clear whether the woman is ready for natural delivery or needs surgical aid.

And while there are no facts refuting or proving the absolute safety of the method, it should still be carried out according to the indications.