What time they start to potty train. How to potty train a child? Komarovsky: advice to young mothers. The modern method of teaching

Due to physiological characteristics, potty training should not start too early, but also should not be late.

It is also necessary to remember about the factor of individuality: one toddler is already calmly landing on a night vase, and the other, even by the age of three, is not always able to cope with self-service.

Based on the above, you need to find out when and how to potty train your baby. There are many ways to master this skill, but it is better to learn more about the most effective and most natural ones.

About the child's readiness to get to know the potty

Probably, the question of when to potty train a child is the most common and burning question among most modern mothers who want to quickly instill in their baby hygiene skills.

The answer lies in infant physiology. Scientists have proven that from the first days of life and until about one year of age, the child does not control the processes of emptying the intestines and bladder.

That is, such processes are unconditional and do not require the participation of the cerebral cortex. Consequently, the baby does not feel the fullness of the rectal canal and bladder.

The main goal of teaching a child the skills of neatness, in a simple way, is to make a conditioned unconditioned reaction - that is, to make the processes of urination and defecation volitional and meaningful acts.

Successful transformation of an unconditioned reflex into meaningful action will be determined by three main factors:

These three conditions are interconnected and naturally complement each other. Analysis of these factors allows us to draw obvious and extremely important conclusions. Among them:

  • the sooner parents begin to potty out the child, the more time and effort it will take to learn this skill.
  • the more developed the baby is physiologically, the faster he will begin to write and poop into a night vase.

Can these factors and findings be ignored? Undoubtedly. However, in this case, teaching the child to potty business will be accompanied by various problems, which we will talk about below.

The Challenges of Early Learning

On the forums, there are often comments from patient and active mothers who declare that their children at 10 months (and sometimes almost at 5 months) can write after the cherished sounds of "pee-pee" and poop after the characteristic groaning "ah-ah -a".

Such "successes" are easy to explain. The characteristic sounds made by parents lead to the formation of a reflex in the child: the connection between the sounds "pee-pee" and urination. There is no need to talk about the emergence of an act of will.

It is not special sound signals that should induce the baby to go to the potty, but the physiological process, which is accompanied by overflow of the bladder or rectum.

Problems with seemingly formed skills can begin at two years old or a little earlier. The kid, already at 9 or 10 months old, has learned to sit on a night vase, suddenly refuses to write and poop in the same way, actively protesting against planting.

Experts associate such situations with the physiological maturation of the child. Natural control over the filling of internal organs begins to form, and the parents, with their pee-pee, force the baby to empty the still empty bladder.

Thus, parents' ignorance of how and when to potty train their child often leads to the development of very superficial and unstable neatness skills.

It is even worse when adults, frustrated by childhood failures in the form of puddles on the carpet, stained panties or fear of a pot, begin to “abuse” the baby: they force him to sit on a hygienic device, forbid him to get up early, etc. This cannot be done!

What time to potty train the child?

So, based on physiological norms, we can conclude that teaching babies the skills of neatness before 12 months is not justified by anything other than the parental desire to get rid of annoying diapers as soon as possible. Of course, this desire is understandable.

5 main stages:

  1. First of all, show your baby the pot and explain what it is for. Rubber toys with holes can help. In such a bear and baby doll, they collect water and release it into a night vase, telling that the toy is peeing.
  2. How to teach a child to potty? At first, the baby is planted after waking up, before and after eating, before falling asleep and during the day and after it, before and after a walk, before going to bed for a night's sleep.
  3. Now you should stop using diapers during the day. So the child will be able to study his body, find out what the genitals and the soft spot are for. And he will also establish the relationship between organs and urination and defecation.
  4. Whenever a child succeeds in asking for a potty and doing his "wet things", he should be praised. But rewards shouldn't be in the form of toys or treats. Enough of the usual words of approval.
  5. When the child begins to sit on the potty on his own, without reference to the time of day, it means that the final stage of training has come. It is necessary to consolidate the result obtained by monitoring the characteristic signs of readiness for the toilet - straining and redness of the face.

Little tricks

If you still have no idea how to potty train a one-year-old child, or an older baby has "misfires", a few tricks will come to the rescue:

  • the learning process will be simplified if the family has an older child who already knows how to use the potty. In this case, the firstborn will be able to show the younger how to use an unfamiliar device;
  • we teach the child to potty carefully, not too zealous. There is no need to keep your baby on the night vase for more than 5 or 7 minutes. If you force him, then he will begin to refuse to even come close to such an unpleasant subject;
  • it is necessary to dress the baby very easily and simply. That is why experts advise starting training in the summer, when children are wearing the minimum amount of clothing. And the things themselves should be without belts, buttons, ties and buckles;
  • it is necessary to put the night vase within the reach of the baby. Then he will be able to relieve himself on his own, and mom will have a reason to celebrate, albeit small, but a victory. The pot can be installed in the nursery, not far from the play area;
  • in order for the child to definitely like the hygienic device, it must be chosen together with the future owner. Go shopping or look at a pot in a chain store, focusing on the preferences of the crumbs (images of animals, favorite characters);
  • you can use various books when teaching the skills of neatness, which reveal the meaning of the purpose of the night vase. For example, such works as "Fedya the Bear and the Pot", "Max and the Pot" are very popular among mothers.

How long will the training take? Everything is purely individual. Some babies, especially if they are physiologically prepared for bladder and bowel control, can acquire the skill in 2 to 3 weeks. Others do it in a few months.

If the mother thinks that the process is being excessively delayed, and the result is needed right now, you can resort to quick methods.

How to potty train your child in 7 days: basic steps

The Volunteer Baby system, developed by Gina Ford, has helped many mothers who don't know how to quickly potty train their babies.

  • first day. After waking up, they get rid of the diaper, explaining this to the baby by the fact that he has already grown up, so he will now wear panties. Then the child needs to be seated for ten minutes so that he pee and poop. If the attempt fails, repeat the process every quarter of an hour. You can sit down next to and explain to the baby what the skill of neatness is needed for;
  • second day. Now you need to carefully monitor children's behavior so as not to miss a single sign of readiness to go to the toilet. With each such sign, a pot should be offered to consolidate yesterday's successes;
  • third day. Behavior tactics remain the same, but in addition, you need to get rid of diapers even while walking, so as not to confuse the child. Before a walk, you should do "wet things", and on the street often ask if the baby wants to write. You can take a pot with you so as not to go to the bushes;
  • fourth - seventh days... On the fourth day, both the child and you already approximately know at what intervals you should use the potty. And if the baby is carried away by toys and forgot about the need, you remind him. For each success of the child, you need to praise, because mom's encouragement is a wonderful incentive to acquire a skill.

In just a week, according to the author and the parents, it is possible to instill in the baby hygiene skills. But even if after 7 days "misfires" will be observed, you should not despair or, moreover, scold the baby. Everything will definitely work out very soon.

How to potty train a child in 3 days: terms and conditions

In the event that it is necessary to introduce the baby to the pot as soon as possible (for example, the baby will go to kindergarten or go on a trip very soon), the methods of emergency training of children to a hygienic device will be useful to parents.

Of course, in such a short time, not a single child will be able to immediately switch from diapers to a potty, but babies will have a base for mastering toilet etiquette.

Methodology rules

The three-day method will only work if the child is older than one and a half, but less than two years old. In addition, the baby is able to explain in an accessible way that he wants to pee or poop, seeks to quickly get rid of the spoiled diaper.

How to potty train a child in 3 days? First of all, after making sure that the baby is ready for the process, you need to acquaint him with the upcoming changes. Such an acquaintance begins in advance - about two weeks before active steps.

Preparation consists of several steps:

  • get a pot (if you don't already have one), explain to your baby every day why this device is needed. You can also carry out instructions in an adult toilet, telling that the toilet is the same pot, but for adults;
  • tell 7 days before the event that you will soon have to get rid of the diapers, and instead of them panties and a pot will appear. Buy baby underwear for "adult" kids. Let the panties be with the image of your favorite characters;
  • Mom will need three days in a row to be with the baby all this time. Therefore, you should take a Friday or Monday day off so that the technique is not interrupted, and enlist the support of your spouse;
  • since you will have to constantly be with the baby for 3 days, you need to prepare in advance entertainment for him and yourself: cartoons, movies, games, books - everything that will allow you not to get bored and not get annoyed.

As soon as you manage to prepare everything, you should proceed to active actions, carefully following all the recommendations of specialists.

First day

In the morning, as soon as the baby wakes up, the diaper is removed from him. It is allowed to put on the child underpants or leave him to walk naked, if, of course, the temperature in the room and the season contribute to this.

The night vase is placed in the children's room, closer to the crumbs. By the way, he can be given more liquid: water, milk or juice.

This is necessary for the child to want to empty the bladder. Or just place a drinker with your favorite drink next to your baby.

Parents watch their child closely, monitoring every sign that he wants to use the toilet.

Ideally, the baby should notice a clear relationship between the urge to pee and planting on the pot. You can put your child on a night vase every 20 minutes.

It is for such painstaking work that at least two adults are needed. They will have a significant load, since you need to track every attempt to urinate so that the connection is fixed in the mind.

How to potty train very quickly? For any successful attempt, be sure to praise the baby.

And you need to say not faceless phrases like "well done", but specifically explain why you praise the child: "Clever, that he peed in the pot."

Failures, on the other hand, should be skipped without paying any attention to them. Moreover, you can not scold or blame the baby, so that he does not have negative associations associated with the pot.

Before falling asleep in the evening, it is allowed to put on a diaper. Let the baby sleep well before the next day.

Second day

Today you can take your child for a walk on the street without a diaper. Naturally, it is better not to go far from home, so that in case of an unpleasant "embarrassment" you can quickly return to your apartment. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period.

They go out into the street after the baby pees and poops. In the warmer months, you can take with you clothes for changing and a second pot for the administration of natural needs. After a successful attempt, be sure to praise the child.

Third day

On the last day, one more walk should be added so that the baby controls the process of emptying the bowels and bladder both at home and on the street.

Before any regime event (walk, daytime nap), it is necessary to put the child on a night vase. The same procedure is repeated upon returning home and upon waking up.

If you do not know how to potty train a child at 2 years old as soon as possible, a three-day course will come to the rescue. At the end of the technique, babies usually respond well to the pot, often even land on it on their own.

It is best to do without clothes, but if the room is cool, you need to choose the right things - without buttons, shoulder straps, zippers and other fasteners. Otherwise, the child will not be able to quickly take off the underwear and will do “wet or dirty business” right into the panties.

Potty training in 1 day: is it possible?

They use this method if the baby is already 2 years old, he understands the speech addressed to him and can be explained according to the age with the parents. You should also enlist the support of all household members, since the mother will have to be with the child all day.

Potty training in 1 day implies the provision of some necessary items, among them:

  • rubber doll with a hole to demonstrate urination;
  • the pot itself;
  • favorite children's drinks;
  • disposable underpants.

The more the child drinks, the more often he has the urge to empty his bladder. Therefore, the sooner the parents will be able to teach the baby to use the pot. Therefore, it is necessary to give your child more liquid.

So that nothing distracts the baby from the learning process, you need to retire with him in the room and limit contact with other household members. Then they show the baby where the night vase stands, teach him how to pull and pull his panties.

Since emptying the bladder presupposes complete relaxation, in simple words, they convey to the baby the idea that he needs to sit quietly on the potty and wait until "the water flows."

Demonstrate with the example of a rubber doll what you expect from your child. Show how to sit down, relax, and get up after writing to reinforce the instruction with gestures. Be sure to praise the baby for every successful action, using verbal approval, a hug.

How to potty train a child in 1 day? It is important to pay special attention to personal hygiene. After each urination, you need to help the baby to pour the contents of the night vase into the toilet and wash your hands with detergent.

Opinions about this technique are mixed. Some mothers recognize its effectiveness, while others note that it is almost impossible to teach a baby to write and poop in a pot in one day.

Potty training for a girl and a boy: are there any differences?

Often, even the gender of the child affects the speed and characteristics of teaching neatness skills. Many experts and parents point out that little ladies are more obedient and assiduous than little boys.

Girls try to imitate their mother in everything, so it is somewhat easier for them to understand the principle of the process. And due to natural perseverance, many babies spend more time on the potty, which significantly increases the likelihood of a safe ending of the event.

However, some girls are very shy - which is why they prefer to endure the urge to empty their bladder, which ultimately leads to wet panties.

Young gentlemen are more active, not as assiduous and observant as girls, and are more drawn to their fathers. And since dads spend a lot of time at work, the skill will come to boys a little later. Mom can't show you how to write while standing.

Experts advise taking into account the gender of the child when purchasing a useful device. For babies, a product with a rounded hole is more suitable, for a boy it is worth picking up a pot with a special notch and a roller that will prevent splashing.

How to potty train a girl? The baby's education is standard. But the process of teaching a boy is slightly different. A young gentleman should first be taught to use a night vase while sitting, since the emptying of the intestines and the bladder at such a young age occurs simultaneously.

Only after that do they switch to the “male” version. Let dad show it, and then mom will only have to follow the accuracy of the crumbs, which at first will be sure to spray everything around. The problem of how to potty train a boy is best solved in the game. This is the perfect way to learn.

You can understand how to properly teach your baby to use a night vase if you choose the most suitable hygiene device. Fortunately, in children's stores there are a variety of models of pots.

However, making a choice based solely on the color of the most important accessory is wrong. At such a young age, the child does not really care whether the pot is pink, blue or green.

When purchasing a night vase, parents need to pay attention to several important characteristics:

Of course, every mother thinks, they say, I can buy the best pot model for her beloved baby. However, you should not get too carried away, it is better to take a stable, plastic night vase without additional functions.

Modern manufacturers of hygiene products for children offer to purchase special panties or diapers for training in neatness skills. Such "training" means are characterized by a layer that remains wet and leads to perceptible inconvenience.

To get dry and clean, the child tries to remove the uncomfortable diaper and relieve himself in the pot. In this case, it becomes somewhat easier to accustom the baby.

Unfortunately, teaching children hygiene skills does not always go smoothly. There is both a regression of skill and all kinds of fears of the pot. In addition, some children, due to health problems, are not able to independently learn to write in a night vase.

Step forward - two steps back

Often, mothers note paradoxical situations when a child who knows how to use a potty suddenly refuses to sit on it. And if the parents insist, then they roll the real one. There are several probable reasons for this phenomenon:

To cope with the difficulties that have arisen, you need to find out the root cause of the reluctance to relieve yourself in a night vase. Once you've gotten rid of the source of the problem, you can move on to retraining.

Fear of the plastic "friend"

Another common situation is the irrational fear of the pot. Parents in such a situation simply cannot put the baby on it, because the child cries, breaks free, beats hysterically at the mere sight of a hygienic accessory.

There are several sources of this behavior:

  1. Too early potty training, when the baby is not ready in all respects.
  2. The stinginess of parents to praise the success of the child and harsh punishment for failure.
  3. Not a very good introduction to the night vase. For example, the baby was seated on a cold object, which, moreover, turned out to be unstable.
  4. Physiological or psychological, in which an association is formed in the baby: painful sensations when planting on a pot.
  5. The usual childish shyness or unwillingness to defecate and urinate in front of loved ones.

To change the situation, it is necessary to leave the child alone for a while, wait until his fears are forgotten. Those mothers who run after a crying baby with a pot at the ready are wrong. Such short-sighted behavior will only exacerbate childhood phobia.

Experts recommend replaying the disturbing situation in game plots. Let the baby plant dolls, robots, soft toys on the pot. The main task is to evoke positive emotions directly to the night vase and sitting on it.

Come up with fabulous potty-themed therapeutic stories. In such stories, a kind and sad pot waits for its owner to play with it, and then pee and poop into it. The plot is limited only by the parental fantasy.

The following technique may work as well. Eyes and a smiling mouth made of adhesive paper are glued to the plastic accessory. You can additionally decorate the pot with figures depicting your favorite characters of the baby.

Sometimes problems with instilling hygiene skills in a child are not associated with psychological, but medical factors. If daytime and nighttime involuntary urination is observed after five years, it is time to see a doctor.

Uncontrolled urination can be caused by several problems:

  • congenital pathologies of the genitourinary organs;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • imperfection of the nervous system;
  • heredity;
  • prolonged stressful situations.

Two specialists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of bedwetting: a urologist and a neurologist. First of all, parents should show the child exactly to the urologist, who will conduct an examination of the external genital organs (the girl may additionally be referred to a pediatric gynecologist).

In addition, the urologist can prescribe laboratory and instrumental studies such as a general urinalysis, ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder. If an anomaly of the urological nature is excluded, the child is sent for a consultation with a neurologist.

Several conclusions

The question of how to train a child to use the toilet is really relevant. At the end of the article, we have collected the most important recommendations and rules that can help adults facilitate and speed up the process of teaching a baby hygiene skills:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the physiological and psychological readiness of children to learn.
  2. The optimal age, according to experts, is from one and a half to two years. Better later than before.
  3. It is necessary to prepare for the inevitable "misfires" when teaching a child, it is worth praising him more often and not paying attention to failures.
  4. You should not insist on emptying the intestines and bladder, make the baby push "as hard as he can."
  5. Long-term diaper rejection and accelerated potty training can be selected. It all depends on your mood and the characteristics of the child.
  6. It is better to purchase a night vase with your baby. So you will show the significance of the event and will be able to quickly "make friends" the pot and the child.
  7. If it didn't work the first time, wait. Set aside the plastic "buddy" on the mezzanine, forget about the problem for a couple of months, and then unobtrusively try again to give up diapers.
  8. If the child is afraid of the pot, wait until the fears subside, and only then start again acquaintance with this useful hygiene accessory.
  9. In case of uncontrolled urination after 5 years, it is imperative to consult a neurologist and urologist.

It should be understood that all the terms presented are rather arbitrary, therefore, parents, first of all, should focus not on the average data, the opinions of acquaintances and girlfriends, but on the characteristics of their child.

It is they who will answer the question of how and when to potty train. Well, many pediatricians advise to remember that almost all healthy children 5 years of age can walk in a night vase or toilet. Therefore, you should not be too zealous trying to prove something to your girlfriends and acquaintances.

Absolutely any mother thinks about how and when to start potty training her baby. He asks about the experiences of mothers in the yard, studies the Internet, reads magazines and in the end is left with nothing. And all because there is a lot of information, and each is unique. In order not to waste time and energy looking for correct and verified information, we have considered the main points regarding this difficult, but delicate process.

The first thing to look at is the child's readiness to learn. If the child does not understand what the pot is for and what to do with all this, then how much time is not spent, everything is in vain. Some mothers begin to "plant" (initially over a bathtub with pouring water) babies almost immediately after birth, trying to avoid diapers that are harmful from their point of view. Experienced women can easily calculate how many times a day they will have to go to the toilet with a baby like that. But if there is a desire and complete self-confidence, then no one forbids. Better to spend this time relaxing though. A calm mother is better than the one who stands over the bathroom every twenty minutes with a baby in her arms.

Psychologists believe that the ideal age for a baby to get to know the pot ranges from eighteen to twenty-four months. Domestic pediatricians are of the same opinion. But it should be remembered that each child is unique, and the framework is conditional. A shift in age to a smaller or larger side is not a pathology, provided that the baby is developed in age and had the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills.

The difference between girls and boys should also be kept in mind. As a rule, the fair half of the sex learns to potty earlier and faster. Boys begin to potty a little later than their peers.

Until about a year and a half, they do not feel how their intestines and bladder work. The excretion of urine and feces occurs unconsciously. Therefore, frequent planting on a pot at an early age will help save only on diapers, but the nerves of the mother and the child will be wasted, right up to the child's complete disgust for the hated potty.

So what are the signs you should pay attention to in order to understand that the child is already ready? So, potty training is possible if the child:

  • understands speech and reacts to it;
  • can express their emotions and desires at least at the level of syllabic words or gestures;
  • feels discomfort from wet linen, diapers;
  • remains dry during (if during the daytime - this is the first bell, if it is dry at night - then it's time to act in full);
  • knows how to sit down, bend over and stand up confidently.

Parents should understand that in this delicate issue there is no place for aggression, pressure and glances at other children.

Children do not choose a pot, this is a parent's business!

Modern models of pots have the most incredible shapes, colors, even music and lanterns. It is not difficult to guess which pot the kid will choose. But is he needed, so bright and toy?

Don't waste your time on an expensive pot of multiple tunes just because a toddler pulled his hands to it in the store. Pediatricians say the pot should be simple and easy to use. This is not a toy, but a hygiene item with which a child should have only one association.

The correct pot should be stable, with a wide and sturdy base. It is better if it is made of plastic, since this material heats up from the baby's body much faster. Plus, it is cheaper and more practical than metal and ceramic options. It is only important to remember that plastic should be non-toxic and pleasant for the delicate skin of a child.

For a girl it is better to buy a round pot, and for a boy - an oval one with a frontal one with a ledge. This difference is due to the anatomical characteristics of children of different sexes. For travel, it is better to give preference to special models with a lid and handles.

Yes, it's easier with disposable diapers. But the time comes when this blessing of civilization must be renounced. Although parents will have to work a little and show patience, so that the business started goes as quickly and calmly as possible.

In potty training, many factors must be taken into account.

  • The pot is a new friend with whom the child needs to be introduced. Calmly and affectionately explain what this object is and why it is needed. The ideal option is when the family already has children: older brothers and sisters, by the example of which the baby will be able to understand what is required of him.
  • If the child has written in his pants, one should not scold him, but explain that it is pleasant to be dry, but not wet, along the way telling that the pot will always help to stay dry.
  • Potty training is impossible without a regimen. Therefore, you should make it a rule to put the child on the potty after eating, sleeping, a couple of hours after playing / being awake, even if the child does not talk about his urge to go to the toilet.
  • The pot should always be at hand. We hesitated a little, and that's it, the pants are damp.
  • Many children love to watch and listen to how the water is washed off in adult toilets. This trick can help. It's just that every time the kid has done his business in the toilet, give him the opportunity to flush the water in the toilet on his own.
  • No aggression and effort in mastering a new business! If the baby categorically does not want to sit on the pot, you should not force him to do it. Just remove this object for a while, and then gently and unobtrusively offer to pee on it again.

Potty training for a week

One of the most common ways to potty train children is a weekly method developed by an English female doctor and nanny with many years of experience. It is suitable for children from one and a half years old who are independent in their own dressing, know body parts, and also understand and follow the simplest instructions.

Day 1. Start of the day. We take off the diaper, saying: “I grew so big! Where are our panties? " or something like that. We plant it on a pot that can be placed in the toilet room. Task: keep the child on the pot for ten minutes. This time is enough for the baby to do all his business. If the kid doesn’t want to, we don’t force him. We show our imagination: we sing songs, we read books. But this is only at first.

Day 2. We repeat the actions of the first day, but there should be less games during these ten minutes.

Day 3. Morning is the same. We don’t put on a diaper for a walk, but we must write in the pot in front of her. On the street, it is necessary to periodically ask if the child wants to use the toilet. You can walk in the bushes or take the pot with you. A few of these days will be enough to develop the skill.

Day 4. On the assurances of the creator of the technique, by the fourth day, if you follow these four points, the kids will begin to go to the pot on their own. The only thing is that they need to be constantly reminded of the need to go to the toilet. And you should definitely praise and encourage the child, but not scold or shame in any way for the fact that the child did not manage to cope with the urge. Adhering to these tips, it will be quite possible to potty train your baby in seven days.

Take the test

Does the child show anxiety and complain about bad dreams? Can't concentrate on class, is anxious and often complains of a sore stomach? Our test will help determine the level of anxiety in a child and suggest further tactics of behavior.

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* How to teach a child to use a potty *

348. The readiness for this depends on the age and on the individual qualities of the child.

After listening to different people, you may find it hard work to teach your child to use the potty. In fact, everything is much simpler. As they age, children acquire the ability to control their bowels and bladder. The mother should only watch her baby closely for signs of readiness and encourage him to use the potty in a friendly manner.
First of all, you should remember that at different ages, the intestines and bladder function differently in different children. In addition, the attitude of children to this type of education is also not the same.

349. Some children have regular bowel movements, others do not.

During the first year of life, most babies barely feel the functioning of their intestines. Once the rectum is full, feces are pushed out so quickly that the mother does not have time to notice.
Some children have their first (or only) stool of the day regularly a few minutes after breakfast. A full stomach makes the bowels work, especially after a long night of rest. It's pretty easy to "catch" this moment. But what has been said does not mean that you have taught your child to potty. In the first year, he still hardly understands what is happening. So far, you have not taught the child, but yourself. The child is just getting used to the potty.
Other children have stools one or more times at different times of the day.
If a child defecates irregularly, it is useless to try to potty train him in the first year of life. You will have to potty him so often and for a long time that most likely he will only get angry and will purposely resist learning.

350. Second year.

In the second year of life, the child develops new traits that will greatly help the mother teach him to use the potty. At this age, the child realizes how much he loves his mother, and he likes to please her. If the mother in a friendly way explains to the child that she really wants him to use the pot, and praises him when he succeeds, then the child will have a strong desire to learn how to use the pot to please the mother. However, there are factors preventing this from happening.

351. A two-year-old is characterized by a sense of ownership and stubbornness.

At the beginning of the second year of life, the child feels the fullness of the rectum. He can deliberately restrain and expel feces. When he sees his feces in a pot or on the floor (if he was not wearing pants), he has a possessive attitude towards him. He is even a little proud of him. He can even bring his mother to admire his "work". He does not yet feel any disgust for him. He can play with his feces or even taste it like he does everything.
Many children who have been willing to use the potty for several months suddenly change their attitude towards it, which happens between 12 and 18 months. Such a child obediently sits on the potty, but does nothing. As soon as he gets up from the pot, he gets his pants dirty or does it right on the floor, as if he was never potty trained. This usually happens with stubborn children, more often with boys. Much depends here on the behavior of the mother: the child must be encouraged, not forced.

352. In the second half of the second year of life, children begin to ask for a potty.

They usually communicate this with a specific word or sound that only the mother understands. Some children begin to ask even earlier than one and a half years, while others - only after 2 years.
Different factors determine the age at which the child begins to tell the mother what he wants for the potty, but this starts differently for each child. If the mother regularly catches the moment when the child needs to be potted, he will gradually take over her concerns about this. If the mother tactfully encourages the child to inform her when he wants to go to the potty, he, wishing to please her, tries to notice in time that he has to go. But there are children who have never been potty trained, and nevertheless, they begin to inform their mothers when they need to potty. Some children at the end of the second year of life are uncomfortable when their pants are dirty or wet, or they begin to feel disgust at the sight and smell of feces. If the mother constantly instilled in the child that it was not good and unpleasant to do in pants, then the child also begins to think so. But in other cases, when the mother never showed aversion to feces, the child still had this feeling.

353. At 2 years old, a child seeks to imitate.

The desire of a two-year-old to imitate everything sometimes plays a big role in potty training. It happens that a child who has never been put on a potty suddenly notices that his brother, sister or comrade is using the potty, and demands that he, too, be put on the potty. Often the child, realizing what the matter is, is full of enthusiasm and after 2 days he already urinates and defecates only in the potty. He can be so proud of his achievement that he even gets bored asking for a potty every few minutes.

354. The final stage is the ability to independently carry out this procedure from start to finish.

Even when a child constantly asks for a potty, he still waits for his mother to take off his pants and plant him. It can be assumed that he only really uses the pot when he learns to do everything himself from start to finish (usually between 2 and 2.5 years old). Much depends on the encouragement of the mother and how easily the pants come off. But until almost 3 years of age, unforeseen events are possible from time to time: on a walk, out of the house or during a stomach upset.

355. The attitude of parents to the problem of potty training.

It is just as important and as varied as the attitude of children. At one extreme are parents who do not attach much importance to potty training. They prefer to start it as late as possible. They are not disgusted with changing dirty diapers for up to 2 years, and sometimes longer. At the other extreme are parents who believe that cleanliness is very important for the development of a child and the formation of his character. They try to teach the child to go to the potty as early as possible. It is extremely unpleasant for them to clean up after the child, and they cannot suppress the irritation if their child gets their pants dirty after a year or a year and a half. All of us, parents, to a greater or lesser extent, belong to one of these types. Often the origins of our attitude to this problem must be sought in our childhood. Most people strive to raise their children the same way they were raised.

356. If the parents are afraid to help the child.

The problem of potty training has become particularly difficult in the light of recent work by psychiatrists, psychologists and pediatricians.
Studying the causes of increased nervousness in adults and children, doctors concluded that too early and strict potty training, which was previously very popular, led to the fact that the child became extremely stubborn or overly tidy "clean". Pediatricians say that some mothers, who for a long time and unsuccessfully taught their first child to ask for a potty, were scared to restart this struggle with the second. But what was their amazement when about 2 years old the second child himself began to ask for a potty. This gave hope to some psychiatrists, myself included, to believe that if parents could be persuaded not to exert too much effort in this direction, then perhaps the children themselves would be accustomed to asking for a potty. But, unfortunately, this method did not bring the desired results to those parents who were against it in their hearts and tried to implement it only by following the pediatrician's recommendations, as well as those who, fearing to "overdo it," did not encourage the child to use the potty at all.

357. Methods of training.

I think there cannot be the only correct method to teach a child to ask for a potty. What works for some parents may not work for others, and, of course, what works for one child may be harmful for another. Any method can fail. The main thing is to determine your own attitude to the problem, to know how differently children react to this or that method, to wait for signs of the child's readiness for this type of education and then use the method of encouragement, not censure.
Previously, parents used mainly one method: from the very first months, they substituted the pot when the child defecated. But this did not succeed in achieving much. It takes many months before the child realizes what is actually the matter, and begins to voluntarily participate in this procedure.
The main disadvantage of such early attempts is that the mother tends to attach too much importance to this problem and becomes more demanding, forgetting that the main thing is to enlist the cooperation of the child himself. I think it is wiser to give the child the right to decide for himself. Do not be angry with him, it is better to wait until he grows up and understands what is required of him, or at least until he at least begins to sit on his own.

358. Methods of potty training from the second half of the first year of life.

If the baby has regular bowel movements, parents usually start potting the baby between 7 and 12 months. This is a smart method for those parents who want to teach their child to ask for a potty as early as possible. At this age, the child is able to sit well and is able to partially control the lower part of his torso. If a child has stool every day 10 minutes after breakfast, then success is achieved quickly and without much effort. In this case, the child does not have to sit on the potty for too long, for which children rarely have the patience. Of course, this is only the very first stage of learning, since up to one year old the child still does not understand well what is required of him. He just gets used to sitting on the pot and associates with it the sensations caused by bowel movements. You will say that this will prepare him for further training. But the next chair in the afternoon is unlikely to be at the same time, therefore, it is not worth "catching".
If the child's first stool is irregular, then it is unreasonable to try to "catch" him at this age. You would have to potty too often and for too long, which would make the child impatient and stubborn.

359. The method of potty training in the first half of the second year.

A significant number of parents start potty training in the first half of the second year. The child grows up and begins to notice the different parts of his body and their functioning. If he is presented with the opportunity, he notices his urination and bowel movements. If the child has stool regularly at the same time, it can be planted on the pot for 5-10 minutes. When he does what is expected of him on the pot, it makes some impression on him. The mother can praise him to increase his satisfaction. After a few weeks, the child will be even more proud of his achievement. This is almost a success. The child understands that he is doing what is needed, and that it is necessary to defecate in the pot.

360. The method of patience.

Many parents prefer to wait until the second half of the year and encourage the child to ask for the potty, uttering either a word or a sound that the mother understands. It seems to me that this is the most appropriate age for potty training. It doesn't take too much effort on the part of the parents; the child takes the initiative and takes an interest in the potty himself. Some children at this age so clearly feel the fullness of the rectum and bladder that they begin to ask for a potty without any reminders or persuasion.
If the child has a regular stool, for example, immediately after breakfast, it can be planted in the pot for a short time, starting from one and a half years. The mother should show her pleasure and praise the child when he manages to do it on the potty, and ask him to tell her the next day when he wants to go to the potty. The fact is that at this age the child is more likely to understand what they want from him.
If dirty pants are unpleasant or even disgusting for the child, the mother can explain to him that if he asks for a potty, his pants will remain dry and clean just like adults.
If the child expresses neither interest nor aversion to dirty pants at the end of the second year, the mother can leave him without pants (but in a room where there is no carpet) so that he understands what is actually happening. Then the mother can invite him to ask for a pot next time.
Encourage your child to ask for the potty gradually and gently (do not do it too vigorously). It usually takes several weeks before the child realizes what is wanted from him. First he will be able to tell his mother after he gets his pants dirty. This is already significant progress, although the parents do not consider it. We need to praise the child and ask him to tell him again the next time so that he can be put on the pot on time and so that there is no need to change his pants.
The mother must at all costs remain calm and optimistic about "tomorrow." She can tell the child that she, and dad, and brothers and sisters, and friends, and acquaintances use the toilet, that he is growing up every day, that it is pleasant to walk in dry and clean pants. I do not want to say that you need to repeat this sermon from beginning to end every day, you just need to remind about it from time to time. All this takes a lot of patience. On some days, the mother will be irritated by the lack of visible progress. If you find that your efforts are in vain, leave them for a few days or weeks. Avoid irritation and despair. Try not to shame or punish your child for dirty pants. Remember that if the reward method does not work, then the punishment will only make matters worse.

361. If the child resists.

Section 351 already mentioned a mild form of unwillingness to use the potty: the child suddenly refuses to do it in the potty and stains his pants as soon as he gets up from it.
If the child refuses to use the potty for several weeks and if his resistance grows, he can hold back, not only sitting on the potty, but throughout the day, if he succeeds. This type of constipation is called psychological. It rarely harms the child's body, but shows the state of his nervous system.
Sometimes this resistance can be mitigated if the mother is near the child, talking to him affectionately and occasionally reminding him what he should do on the pea. In other words, with jokes and affection, you are more likely to break his stubbornness. If after 10 minutes the child still does not do anything, release him, do not aggravate the situation. If, after a few minutes, he stains your pants or the floor, you will, of course, be angry. But if you remind yourself that this is how the child is demonstrating his independence, you can probably be humorous about it. The best approach to a child in such a situation is to say to him: "Tomorrow you may perhaps do it in the pot, like a big boy." Don't be surprised if the child's resistance lasts for several weeks. Of course, there is no point in making the same speech every day. It is best to give up all attempts for a while, and then try again one fine day, when it seems to you that he has become more mature and agreeable.
With a stronger form of resistance, the child may refuse to sit on the potty altogether. If he is not very stubborn, you can distract his attention with jokes and friendly conversations and still put him on a pot. But, if he categorically refuses to sit on the pot, then he is really afraid to defecate, and it would be a mistake to force him. Leave him alone for a while, but after two weeks remind him in a friendly tone that someday he will also use the potty like all other children. Watch him, and one day he will be ready for it. On the other hand, if the mother does not dare to talk to the child about this topic at all, this can strengthen his opinion that what she wants from him is not good or dangerous. Reminders to the mother, made in a confident, affectionate tone, will help the child regain his attitude towards using the pot as an everyday matter, one of the achievements on the path of becoming an adult.
In some cases, the child can be "bribed": for example, to offer the girl beautiful panties with lace as a reward for not getting them dirty and wet, or a suit to a boy that he really likes. Many children benefit from watching other children proudly use the potty.

362. Fear of hard, painful stools.

Sometimes, the baby gradually or immediately begins to form unusually hard stools that come out, causing pain. Not all hard stools are painful. For example, with spastic constipation, when feces come out in small hard balls, pain usually does not occur. Hard stools painfully come out in a large piece with a wide diameter. Passing through a highly stretched anus, a hard piece of stool can tear the edge of the anus so that a tiny fissure forms, which can grow larger with each bowel movement. It is very painful, and if the stool remains hard, the crack will not heal for a long time. It is not difficult to understand why a child, who once experienced pain during a bowel movement, tries to avoid it with all his might. If the child manages to hold the stool for several days, then from this he becomes even stronger and, therefore, comes out even more painful. It turns out to be a vicious circle.
It is very important to consult a doctor immediately if the baby's stool becomes hard, especially in the second year of life, when the baby is especially sensitive. The doctor may recommend either a medication or a dietary change. Prunes or juice from it works well. If the child loves prunes, give them every day. Coarse bread and cereals, especially oatmeal, also help.
For a while, you will have to reassure the child that his stool will no longer hurt him like it used to because the medicine has helped. If the child continues to be afraid and resist, and it seems to you that the pain continues, you need to show the child to the doctor. Perhaps a crack has formed that does not heal in any way. Sometimes it is necessary to stretch the anus under anesthesia.

363. What should be avoided if a child stubbornly refuses to use the potty.

Although it is difficult for a mother to remain patient and not be angry with a child who does not give in to persuasion to go to the potty, she needs to know how to behave so as not to aggravate the situation. If the mother forces the child to sit on the potty more and more often, despite his categorical refusal to do anything in the potty, this will only increase his tenacity. The parent's anger, if it doesn't help right away, only makes the child feel guilty, but doesn't fix it. If you constantly shame your child for his actions or instill in him a feeling of disgust, then you will still achieve almost nothing. But in this way, you will eventually make him an unnecessarily fussy person who is afraid to enjoy life or start something new, who immediately becomes discouraged if something goes wrong.

* How to train your child to be dry *

364. Willingness to learn.

On the one hand, potty training for a child is much more difficult, or at least time consuming. At any age, it is easier for a person to hold on to stool than urine. While most children by the age of 2 are already defecating in the pot, many children at 2.5 years of age still urinate in their pants quite often, day and night. On the other hand, children rarely resist when they are taught to urinate in the pot during the day. When they are physically able to control the bladder, they willingly do so, i.e. do not refuse to sit on the pot and do not hold back urine while sitting on it.

365. The bladder is able to hold a large amount of urine between the 12th and 18th months.

In most children, in the first year and a half, the bladder empties automatically and quite often. Then he begins to retain more and more urine. Often at 15-16 months, the mother for the first time with surprise and pleasure notices that the pants are dry for 2 hours, usually during the daytime. Attempts to potty train the child have nothing to do with it. It's just that his bladder is stronger. Sometimes the baby stays dry all night as early as 12 months before the mother starts potty training. As a rule, girls are more likely to get into the habit of peeing in the potty and tend to stay dry earlier all night than boys. Some children, even at 2 years old, are forced to empty their bladder frequently, sometimes every half hour or hour. Although many babies at 15-18 months are able to hold urine for 2 hours, this does not mean that they are accustomed to urinate in a pot. If the mother remembers the time when the child urinated the last time, she can put him on the potty in time, but this must be done tactfully. It is unlikely that children at this age are able to remember that they need to urinate in the pot and ask in time, since they hardly feel how the bladder is functioning.

366. Often babies start begging between 18 and 24 months.

Some babies at this age begin to feel a full bladder and communicate with a word or sound that one mother can understand. Those children who were previously planted rather regularly on the potty begin to ask earlier, which in the end attracted their attention. In the first few weeks, the baby often asks when the pants are already wet. Some mothers find this pointless, while others think that the child is bullying them. Don't be so pessimistic. It's just that the sensation of wet pants is stronger than the sensation of a full bladder in the beginning. The child has the best intentions. He does everything in his power, and soon he will ask in time if you appreciate his efforts.
But even after the child began to beg, he will often wet his pants. At times he will be too busy to notice that he has a full bladder. The mother can notice at what hours the baby urinate and remind him. The child has yet to go to the last stage, when he will notice in time that it is time for him to urinate, and he will have enough skill and a sense of responsibility to go to his pot himself, take off his pants, etc., that is, do it himself. everything from start to finish. Observations on children show that even at 2.5 years old they often wet their pants. Many children are not able to bear full responsibility even by the age of 3.

367. A method in which from the beginning of the second year of life the mother notices the time of urination.

There are two basic principles for teaching a child to urinate in a potty. If the mother prefers to start learning as early as possible (as she probably began at the end of the first or early second year of teaching the child to defecate in the potty if his stool is regular), she can start potting the child when the child remains dry for a 2 hours. When this happens, you can be almost certain that: 1) The bladder is strong enough. Therefore, you do not have to train something completely unprepared for learning; 2) 2 hours after the last urination, the bladder should be full. Therefore, it should be emptied soon and you don't have to keep the baby on the potty for too long; 3) your attempts will not be unexpected, and the learning will be gradual, since it is quite rare for a child to remain dry for 2 hours in the beginning. But over the course of several weeks, this will happen more and more often.
Most babies stay dry for the first time within 2 hours of naps, some at other times of the day, and other babies surprise their mother by waking up dry in the morning.

368. The method when the mother is waiting for the child to start asking.

Parents, who generally prefer not to rush to potty training (they also wait for the child to start asking for a chair pot, usually at the end of the second year), are in no hurry to teach him and urinate in the potty. A child who, between 18 and 24 months, has learned to let his mother know about an upcoming stool, about a month later, begins to feel a full bladder and inform the mother if she encourages him.
If the mother is waiting for the child to take the initiative, then by the end of the second year he will probably begin to urinate and defecate in the potty almost simultaneously. As I mentioned, he can get bored with you in the first few days, asking for a potty every 10 minutes in the hope that he can urinate again to please you, and proud of his new achievement.
Once again, I want to emphasize this: parents who prefer to wait for the child to show interest in the potty should not think that any reminder on their part will spoil the whole method. Most children at the end of the second year are happy to fulfill the wishes of the mother, if she expresses them in a friendly way and takes into account the child's age, without demanding the impossible from him.

369. Some children cannot urinate outside the home.

It happens that a child gets so used to his potty that he cannot urinate anywhere else. Don't get angry and don't force him. If your child's bladder is so full that it hurts and still can't urinate, put him in a hot tub for half an hour. Maybe this will help. If you are going to travel with a child, be sure to bring his potty with you, so as not to get into such a "jam". But it is better to teach your child to urinate in different places and on a walk too.

370. The boy will start urinating while standing later.

Parents often worry that their son is unable to urinate while standing. There is no need to make this a problem. He will soon find that he will be more comfortable standing, especially if he sees other boys or his father doing it several times (see also section 511).

371. When the child stays dry all night.

Many experienced and inexperienced parents find it necessary to get their child out of bed at night to keep him dry until the morning. They ask the doctor: "Now that he relatively rarely gets his pants wet during the day, when do you need to wake him up and put him on the pot at night?" This is a misconception. It really doesn't take any effort on your part to keep the baby dry overnight. This happens as soon as the bladder is strong enough, if the child is not nervous and does not resist potty training. One child in a hundred begins to wake up dry in the morning from 12 months, although his mother never taught him to do this, and although he urinated in his pants during the day. Also, many babies in the late second or early third year of life remain dry overnight before they learn to manage their bladder well during the day. During sleep, the kidneys automatically produce less urine (but it is more concentrated), so the bladder can hold urine longer during the night than during the day.
Most children start waking up dry between 2 and 3 years old, a small number between 1 and 2 years old, and some only after 3 years old. Boys tend to wet bed longer at night than girls, and nervous children take longer than calm children. Sometimes it turns out to be a hereditary trait.

Potty training can be difficult, but both you and your son will find it easier when they start using it. But before you start learning, it is important to understand if your child is ready for this. If the child is ready, first teach him to sit on the potty. Then make a training schedule. If the child does everything right, praise and reward him so that he does not lose motivation.


How to understand that the child is ready

First, put your child on a potty with clothes on. This will allow him to get used to sitting on the potty. Let the pot be one of your home furnishings. Thanks to this, the child will not be afraid of him.

  • Give your child 1–2 weeks to get used to the pot before starting school.
  • Give your son toys when he is sitting on the potty so that the process is interesting for him. Find toys that your little one likes (for example, his favorite things or a secret set of toys to use in the toilet). You can even invite your child to choose the toys themselves. It is important that the child perceives the potty as a fun and not scary thing.

    • For example, you can turn a container of baby wipes into a small box for storing toys in the toilet. Fold in some special toys that you can play with while sitting on the pot (for example, a small book, a doll, a fire truck).
  • Let your son watch his parents or guardians sit down on the potty or toilet. This will help the child understand what the pot is for. Let your child ask questions and try to answer them honestly. If the child is interested in the pot, it will be much easier to teach him.

    • Children look up to adults, so this is the perfect way to help a child.
    • If your child is interested in the pot, let him try using it. But do not force your son, because otherwise he will be afraid of the pot.
  • Where to begin

    1. Choose a time when there will be no distractions. Do not try to potty train your child during difficult times (for example, during a move). Your son needs to know exactly what is wanted of him in the first few weeks, because otherwise it will be harder for him to get used to. Before starting your studies, make sure you can stick to your training schedule.

      Advice: To keep your activities on a regular basis, take the potty with you when you travel. So the child will be able to sit on the potty at the same time, even away from home.

      First, teach your child to use the potty while sitting. This will make it easier and more convenient to go to the toilet. Show or explain to your child where to place the penis so that it does not rest on the seat or partition, if you have one. The penis should be down when the baby is sitting on the potty.

    2. Potty potty for five minutes every two hours. Start classes in the morning after your child wakes up. Take your son to the bathroom every two hours and after sleeping. Sit next to your son so that he does not get bored. After five minutes, allow your child to get out of the pot if he still hasn't gone to the toilet.

      • While your child is sitting on the potty, entertain him with singing or games.
      • If the child does not go to the toilet, there will be nothing wrong with that.
    3. Let your child walk around without panties to encourage them to use the pot. Without pants, the child feels more vulnerable. He needs to choose where to go to the toilet: for himself or in the pot. Remind your child often to sit on the potty and take him to the potty if the child acts like he needs to go to the toilet (for example, hugging himself or jumping in place).

      • It is best to do this on a tile or plastic floor, as the child can go to the bathroom on the floor.
      • Place the pot in the room where your child is playing to make it easier for him to find it.
    4. Start teaching your child to get up on the potty at night, when he can walk with a dry diaper all day. But remember that children can wet the bed until they are 10 years old. To find out if your baby is ready to get up at night, check in the morning to see if the diaper got wet at night. If the diaper is usually dry in the morning, suggest changing the diaper to panties. If not, keep using diapers until the baby is ready.

      • If your son is wetting his bed, his bladder may not yet be strong enough to hold urine all night. This is completely normal, but if you are concerned about something, see your doctor.
      • If your son really wants to wear panties, but occasionally goes to the toilet in panties, try using special underwear (for example, Skippy Pull Up) to gradually move from diapers to underwear.
      • Give your child less fluids after 5 p.m. to avoid the urge to use the toilet at night. But do not deny your child water if he is thirsty.

    How to keep your child motivated

    1. Celebrate every little victory so your child doesn't lose motivation. Each step is important, from sitting on the potty to moving to the toilet. To help your child see that you are proud of him, and to cheer him up, praise him, hug him and give small gifts.

      • When your child learns to use the potty, throw a small party for him. Let him throw out the diapers. If you have younger children who need diapers, invite the child to “gift” them to their siblings. For example, a child might give their diapers to a younger sister or cousin to celebrate the fact that they are older.
    2. Buy beautiful underwear for your child to make them proud of becoming a big boy.
    3. Don't be discouraged if your son walks in his pants from time to time. This is a natural part of the learning process. Don't be angry with your child, otherwise they will lose motivation.
    4. Not all children learn to potty fast. Do not rush your son and do not think that something is wrong. Everything has its time.
    5. Warnings

    • Do not blame the child or say that he is already a big boy, with a reproach. You shouldn't tell your son that big boys don't pee in bed or that he is still small since he cannot learn to potty. This is very harmful to the child. Do not allow yourself such statements.
    • If you get angry with your child while he is learning to use the potty, he will become afraid of the pot. Be patient. The transition to using a pot is difficult for many children.

    Parents who are seriously concerned about the problem of potty training always surprise and amuse pediatricians. Indeed, by and large, the result is always known to everyone: there are no healthy children after 4-5 years of age who do not know how to independently relieve themselves of the need for a potty. And nevertheless, almost every mother whose child has passed the age of 9-10 months actively raises this question: how to wean the baby from and teach him to potty?

    When to potty train your baby

    Modern scientists have proven that a child's brain matures to such a level that it is able to steadily control the processes of urination and defecation, only by 22-30 months. Therefore, it makes no sense at all to strive to potty train your baby before this age. Thus, for the first two years, you have two options: to use diapers or to wash baby pants constantly.

    Occasionally, a newborn baby can also fall into the pot, if you have aimed it accurately and in time. But this is not a reason to brag to your girlfriends and doctors that your ingenious toddler has already learned how to use a pot. There is no reason to get the child to regularly and consciously "go" to the potty before he turns 2-2.5 years old and he will be able to consciously control the process of coping.

    So the question “When to start potty training” comes down to a question about your parental sanity: you can start potty training at 2 months and diligently train him to pee “on a regular basis” for the next couple of years.

    At the same time, you are almost guaranteed to encounter situations in which your little one will either go into hysterics at the sight of a pot, or vice versa - play with it like with a chair, or stubbornly sit on it for hours without result, and then instantly "do" in pants, as soon as you take it off this pot ...

    All these situations, which always disturb parents so strongly, arise only because the baby is not yet ready to consciously perceive the purpose of the pot, and also to control the processes of writing and pooping.

    On the other hand, you can start teaching at 20 months, when the child already clearly understands what is required of him, and in a couple of months, without nerves and hysterics, completely "make friends" between the child and the potty. So how much time to spend on potty training is up to you and your own choice. But do not expect real success from the kid if he is not yet 1.5-2 years old.

    The most convenient time to start potty training is in the summer after the baby is 18-20 months old.

    Signs when it's time

    It is reckless to focus only on age, realizing the fact that all children develop individually. There are several signs that will tell any mother that her baby is ready to learn pottery science:

    • The child's intestines are emptied more or less regularly and "by the hour".
    • A child is able to never write into a diaper for 2 - 2.5 hours.
    • The kid already knows body parts and clothing items. He does not have to be able to name them, but he must show them at your request with confidence.
    • The child is "eager" to dress and undress independently.
    • The child understands the meaning of the words "write", "poop".
    • In case of "opportunity" - if the child "pushed" or even "put on" pants - he expresses negative emotions from his being in a wet or dirty state. In other words, the baby must be aware of the discomfort.
    • The most important thing is that the baby should be able to demonstrate his desire to go out of necessity. Until he knows how to do this, any attempts to potty train him will be in vain.

    How to potty train a child: no problem!

    By and large, this topic is extremely complicated and "inflated" by the parents themselves. In previous years, perhaps, there was such a need - to teach the baby to relieve himself in the pot as soon as possible, until he ruined all the clothes and stained the whole apartment. But these days, thanks to the existence of diapers and washing machines, this problem does not exist at all.

    The fact that wearing diapers does not in any way affect how quickly a child learns to use the potty in the future has long been proven and obvious. Therefore, the overwhelming number of pediatricians is unanimous in the opinion that parents should not fool themselves by trying to make friends with a child with a pot ahead of time. Don't torture yourself, don't torture a child - put on diapers and have fun.

    When your baby is at the “toilet science” age (no earlier than 18 months old), you can start potty planting him from time to time - especially in the morning or after walking. And while he is sitting, calmly and cheerfully explain to him what should happen in general, why he was seated and what is expected of him.

    If it works out, be sure to praise it, it will not work out after 5-7 minutes, put it in a diaper, kiss and let go to play.

    In no case should you show dissatisfaction, irritation, anger or anger towards a baby who does not want to, or cannot yet go to the potty. Otherwise, your family "toilet saga" runs the risk of dragging on too long ...

    In the image and likeness

    Imagine that you are faced with the task of teaching a child to assemble a pyramid from rings. What will you intuitively do? Most likely - the first time 10-15 you yourself will assemble the pyramid in front of your little one, patiently saying to him while he watches you: “This is a blue ring, we put it first - because it is the largest ... then a yellow ring. .., and to the very top - the smallest ring ... ". When you teach something to a child (and a person in general), there is no better way - than a clear personal example.

    But in the case of potty training, illustrative examples from you are, to put it mildly, not very appropriate. Indeed, in modern society it is not justly accepted that parents relieve themselves in front of their children. In this situation, other children will help you out! When a child sees how his slightly older brother or sister uses the potty, or in a manger watches how all the children perform this "ritual" together, he learns this skill in a completely natural way and almost instantly.

    He simply repeats what other children are doing - for a child this is the simplest and most understandable way of communicating with the world around him. That is why, for example, in large families there is never a question of how to teach the youngest child to use the potty - he learns himself, looking at the others.

    Dr. E.O. Komarovsky: “Even if a child is not specifically taught to go to the potty at all, he practically independently adapts to it at the age of a maximum of 4-5 years. It is enough that this pot is just in your house. And for the kid to attend kindergarten for at least a couple of weeks, where his peers will be a constant visual example for him. "

    When exactly the baby adapts to the potty, there is absolutely no problem. He will definitely learn - this is a fact. And how to fool yourself with ridiculous questions - How to potty train? When to start teaching? What if he “hates” his pot? - just "put aside" this problem aside and engage in more pleasant and useful activities with your baby: go for a walk, etc. Everything will come in due time, including the ability to use a pot.