Magic bag. Game "Magic bag

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Firebird" r.p. Ust-Donetsk Rostov region

Abstract of physical education in the fresh air for older preschool children.


"Magic bag".

Prepared and conducted

physical education instructor I.V. Stovbur


Creating a positive mood in children, creating conditions for the development of moral and ethical values ​​in a child through the use of outdoor games.


1. Wellness:

· Contribute to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system;

· Develop mobility of the fingers.

2. Educational:

· Improve the technique of ball handling.

· To consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales, games.

Exercise walking on bent legs,

· Fix the rules of safe movement on the sports ground.

3. Developing:

· Develop physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility;

· Develop coordination of movements based on the experience already accumulated by children.

4. Educational:

· Foster a sense of empathy, mutual assistance, benevolence towards peers;

· To educate a conscious attitude to their health, to contribute to the formation of positive emotions.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales.

Equipment: A playground, hats for the heroes of the "Turnip" fairy tale, toys - a goose, a dwarf, a turnip, a wolf's hat, a ball, a bag.

(Children enter the playground and line up).

Hello guys! I have a magic bag in my hands, do you want to know what is there?

Yes (Answers of children)

The physical education instructor calls one of the children and he takes one of the objects out of the bag without looking. Tasks are performed depending on which object the child pulls out.

Turnip: Staging of the "Turnip" fairy tale.

Goose: Walking in a circle in a goose step.

Ball: Play with a ball of your choice.

Wolf hat: The game is being played: "The wolf in the moat"

Dwarf: physical education instructor reads a poem, and children show it with their hands .

Once upon a time there was a merry dwarf

With round ears (showing big ears with our hands).

It's under the sugar mountain

Slept under the gate (we represent a sleeping gnome).

Suddenly out of nowhere

The giant has appeared (we stand on our toes, make a helpless gesture, depicting a giant).

He wanted to eat the mountain, He just choked (we show how the dwarf eats).

Well, what about the cheerful gnome?

So he sleeps deeply (depicting a sleeping gnome).

Physical education instructor: So our entertainment is over, next time I will bring a bag with other items and we will play again.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract on mathematical development in the senior group "Magic bags"

Purpose: to show the level of formation of mathematical representations in older preschool children.Learning tasks: ØFix the numerical sequence within 10, ideas about the f ...

Game "Magic Bag"

With the help of this fun game, children receive various tasks. Performing the tasks of the magic bag, children show their individual musical and rhythmic abilities and creativity ...

Didactic game "Magic bag"

Abstract of a didactic game for the development of speech for younger preschool age. It uses health-preserving technologies ...

Purpose: to teach children to name the quality and attributes of objects (size, color). Correctly answer questions, compose a short descriptive story about a toy with the help of an adult. Develop an articulatory apparatus. To cultivate perseverance, love and respect for toys.

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"Summary of the GCD didactic game" Magic bag "2nd junior group."


Didactic game "Magic Bag".

Purpose: to teach children to name the quality and attributes of objects (size, color). Answer the questions correctly, compose a short descriptive story about the toy with the help of an adult. Develop an articulatory apparatus. To cultivate perseverance, love and respect for toys.

Vocabulary work: Polar bear.

Individual work: to activate Lena, Olesya, Vadim in the lesson.


    Bear (adult).

    Magic bag.

Toys: matryoshka, pyramid, car, horse, ball.

Children sit in front of the teacher

Gymnastics for the tongue.

A knock on the door. Polar Bear enters (he has a bag in his hands)

Bear: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, a Polar Bear came to us today. Look, the bear brought us a magic bag. How handsome he is.

What's in your bag?

Bear: I brought toys for the children.

The teacher offers to look at the toys. Children take turns taking toys out of the bag, examining and answering questions, and placing them on the table.

Educator: What is Vova?

Vova: Matryoshka.

Educator: How beautiful and smart she is. Do you like her?

Educator: What's inside the matryoshka?

Vova: Another matryoshka.

Educator: This is a matryoshka ... and this ...

Educator: Now Olesya will get a toy.

Olesya: Pyramid.

Educator: Show where the yellow ring of the pyramid is. What can you do with a pyramid?

Olesya: Disassemble, assemble.

Educator: Lena, look, what else is in the bag?

Lena: Machine

Educator: Lena, what color is the body of the car?

Lena: Blue.

Educator: What color is the cabin of the car?

Lena: Yellow.

Educator: What else did the bear bring us? Who is this?

Children: Horse.

Educator: Vadim, show the horse's tail, legs, mane.

The teacher takes a ball out of the bear. What is it?

Children: Ball.

Educator: What color is the ball?

Children: Blue.

Educator: What can you do with the ball?

Children: Roll, throw.

Educator: What toys did the bear bring?

Children: Matryoshka, pyramid, car, horse, ball.

Physical education.

The clubfoot bear walks through the group.

He collects toys,

And puts it in a bag.

Suddenly a bear stumbled

Yes, how it will roar.

The teacher says that the Bear has prepared an interesting game for the children and wants to play with you. The bear will hide the toys, and the children should tell them which toys are missing. All toys remain on the table.

    I remove the pyramid. Educator: What toy is gone?

    I clean the matryoshka. Educator: What toy is gone? Etc.

I put all toys away. What's gone?

Children: toys.

Educator: Which ones?

Children: Matryoshka dolls, pyramids, cars, horses, ball.

Educator: Who brought us toys?

Children: Polar bear.

Educator: Let's thank Mishka for an interesting game and for the toys he brought us.

Children: Thank you.

Bear: Goodbye guys.

The teacher recalls what they did in class. Guys, what a great job you are!

This game develops attention and memory, as well as tactile sensations. Forms elementary mathematical representations: counting from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order, ordinal counting. Teaches you to compose a description based on the characteristics of the subject: color, shape, material, texture.

1. We do not play a game with 5 items of different properties, later you can add up to 10.

2. One by one the teacher pulls out the object and asks the children: "What is this?"

3. We lay out in front of the children all the objects pulled out of the bag and together we count how many of them.

4. The teacher asks what the subject is.

5. Children close their eyes, and the teacher hides 1 or 2 objects and asks what is missing.

6. In a circle, children pass one object to each other, touch it and determine its properties (warm / cold, soft / hard, smooth / rough, etc.)

7. The teacher puts all the items in the bag and pronounces their names.

8. Shake the bag with the words: "I twist and twist, I want to confuse." Children one by one, without looking into the bag, pull out the given objects from it by touch. You can make hints (what it consists of).

9. If there are a couple of objects in the bag, then the children pull out both objects in a row. If the second item is taken from the other pair, then both items are returned to the bag.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract on ecology in the preparatory group. Composed by: Olga Gennadievna Minina Topic: Conversation "Wintering of forest animals" Didactic games: "Wonderful bag", "Collect a picture of the

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Didactic game "Guess what's in the bag"

Formation of grammatically correct speech. Didactic game "Wonderful bag"

The presentation is aimed at developing grammatically correct speech in children. The purpose of the presentation: to teach children to focus on the gender of words when defining a subject by its characteristics ...

Didactic game "Magic bag"

Abstract of a didactic game for the development of speech for younger preschool age. It uses health-preserving technologies ...

Kazeicheva Irina Nikolaevna, teacher-psychologist

MOU secondary school №18 with in-depth study of individual subjects g. Orekhovo-Zuevo

Lesson-game "Magic bag"

(summary of a lesson (extracurricular lesson) within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard using ICT)

Subject: psychology

Theme:"Magic bag"

Duration: 1 lesson - 45 minutes

Grade: 1-2

Technologies: information and communication technologies (with the use of multimedia presentation materials in Power Point), cooperation technology, game technology.

Targets and goals:

the development of cognitive motives, cognitive activity of students (the formation of the desire for new knowledge, information; the desire to master new skills; the skill to improve what is already there);

development of attention, thinking;

the formation of self-control, adequate self-esteem, an objective attitude of the child towards himself and his qualities;

fostering goodwill, tolerance in relationships with others, a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie;

rallying a classy team; formation of the ability to work in a group; development in children of a sense of the collective "We", responsibility for their deeds and actions.

The list of digital resources and software used in the lesson:

when preparing and conducting a lesson, information and illustrative materials on the Internet are used; to prepare materials for the lesson, the teacher uses Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word; when using an interactive whiteboard, it becomes possible to immediately record children's answers on it.

Equipment: nprojector, screen or interactive whiteboard. Prepare in advance paper strips with images of the emblems of the teams "Lions", "Tin Woodcutters", "Ellie and Totoshka, Kokoschka ..." (25-30 pieces: according to the number of students in the class); "Magic" bags (3 pieces according to the number of teams); sweets (caramels or chocolates - 55 pieces); bell; hourglass.

Board decoration:

theme "Magic Bag";

a table with the names of the teams, in which the earned points will be entered.

The use of multimedia in a lesson-game corresponds to the way of perceiving information that distinguishes a new generation of schoolchildren, who have a much greater need for rich visual information and visual stimulation, and also contributes to the embodiment of various psychological techniques for the development of students' cognitive abilities into a game multimedia shell.

Wherein dignity the proposed game scheme of the lesson is the possibility of using the presented template for conducting a developing, final lesson, an extracurricular activity in any school subject for students of different ages with appropriate information content.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the class, receiving paper badges with images of the emblems of the teams "Lions", "Tin Woodmen", "Ellie and Totoshka, Kokoschka ..." (appendix). They sit down at the tables on which the emblems corresponding to the names of the teams are installed.

2. Conversation (introduction to the lesson, the teacher's words are italicized). We continue to develop attention, memory, intellectual abilities, in a word, we develop wisdom, we go in search of a mind for our friend. This means that today we have an unusual, magical lesson ... (presentation).

We will make a journey, and where - try to guess (slide 2 - cartoon "The Wizard of the Emerald City").

Have you guessed what this cartoon is? That's right, "The Wizard of the Emerald City." Let me remind you that Ellie and Toto went to the wizard Goodwin. She hopes Goodwin will help her return home. On the way, Ellie finds friends, each of whom has his own cherished desire. And everyone understands that it is easier to walk together. Leo - for courage, the Tin Woodman - for the heart ... And we can help them too. Are we friendly? (the question should elicit an answer, repeat if necessary) - Friendly! Are we brave? - Brave! Are we kind? - Kind. And why does he go to the wise Goodwin Scarecrow? (student's answer). So let's all together help the Scarecrow to get to Goodwin and get a mind, and at the same time we will recruit him.

The teacher introduces the students to the rules that will be followed during the game lesson.


Each team chooses a captain. Only the captain will give the team's answer.

If the team captain gave an answer without consulting the whole team, or one of the players shouted out an answer instead of the captain, the leader accepts this answer as the only one, regardless of whether the answer is correct or incorrect.

If, due to incontinence, a member of the other team shouts out the answer to a question from one team, the team with the offending player loses 1 point (takes the caramel = 1 point).

The cell number corresponds to the points that you will receive if you correctly complete the proposed task. In this case, as many caramels (chocolates) as you earn will be added to the magic bag (given to the captain).

If the team captain gave the wrong answer, then the team, whose captain will raise his hand faster, gets the right to try their hand. Therefore, all teams should think about the task.

The following tests are performed in turn: "Lions", "Tin Woodmen" ... (the extraordinary answer to the question does not affect the order of the tests: all teams must try their hand).

In the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City", Ellie and Toto were the first to get into trouble. The team with this name will be the first to pass the test. Choose a test number (slide 3). The team collectively chooses a sector (if the captain, without consulting the whole team, aloud names the sector, the sector named by this player opens; the leader explains the reason for the decision).

The discussion is given 1-2 minutes (depending on the complexity of the test). The answer must be given after the bell rings. Think, discuss, do not rush to answer!

At the end of the lesson, the captains count the caramels (chocolates) in the "magic" bags. The team that collected the most sweets in the bags conveys the most intelligence to the Scarecrow.

Penalties for misconduct discipline teams and their representatives, and team success is a collective achievement that fosters student cohesion. There are no losers in this game. There are only those who scored more points (that is, mind) and who - less.

3. Tasks for the lesson game (slides 4 - 22).


2. How many pets does Professor Petrov have, if all of them, except two, are dogs, all of them, except two, are cats, and all of them, except two, are parrots? (The professor has a cat, a dog and a parrot).

3. Arrange punctuation marks

There is fish in the river on the hillock

cow hums in a kennel

the dog barks on the fence

the titmouse sings in the hallway

children are playing on the wall

the picture is hanging on the window

frost patterns in the stove

firewood is burning

(violin, sausage, bus, fly agaric)

5. Find all the vegetables inscribed in the rectangle.

(onion, cucumber, garlic, cabbage, turnip, carrot, radish)

6. Make sayings.

G_lo_ _n how ...(Wolf).

X_te_ how ...(Fox).

B_lt_and_ how ...(magpie).

_p_m how ...(a donkey).

T_y_l_v like ...(Hare).

_r_b_ like ...(a lion).

Sk_l_zk_y how ...(acne).

7. Look at the pictures for 10 seconds. Remember them.

Answer the questions:

How many petals does a flower have?

What is the item at number three?

Is there a handle on the door of the house?

Which way is the wind blowing?

Which way is the car going?

Is there water in the cup?

8. Decipher the name of the tale by the first letters of the pictures.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

4. The following buttons are used to control slides:

go to the slide with the answer

to home page

Continuation of work

5. Physical education.

After 4 assignments, to prevent fatigue of students, to activate attention and increase the ability of first graders to more effective activities in the lesson, spend a physical education minute "In Search of the Mind".

We've been looking for the mind for so long

That you are a little tired.

Exercise will help us.

(Turn on the music)

Slowly for order

We will sink with our feet

We'll clap the handles.

The Scarecrow hangs on a pole (arms to the sides)

And waving his hands cute (children waving their hands).

Into the fields from all sides

The darkness of the crows has flown (children drive the crows away).

The lumberjack chopped wood (imitates the movement of wood chopping,)

Dizzy (hands are pressed to the head, rotate the neck).

They sat down, got up. They sat down, got up.

And they stopped spinning.

After completing the physical education minute, the search for the mind for the Scarecrow continues (tasks).

6. Reflection (feedback)

At the end of the lesson, the teacher-psychologist always asks the students traditional questions: “What did you like, what exercises do you want to repeat? What didn't you like? What tasks seemed difficult? What rules of a game lesson would you change? "

Information sources

Vinokurova N.K. Let's think together. Developing tasks. Exercises. Tasks. Book 1. - M .: ROST, Screen, 1997 .-- 96 p.

Types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive research, motor, perception of fiction and folklore.

Goals: to teach attentively to listen and observe, to form the ability of children for dialogical speech; learn to answer questions with words and sentences consisting of 3-4 words; enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; foster a caring attitude towards animals.

He listens with interest to the teacher's story about the hedgehog, answers simple questions, can, at the request of an adult, tell about what is shown in the picture, owns the basic movements when performing the motor exercise "Hedgehog stomped along the path ...", takes part in the game "Magic bag".

Materials and equipment: flannelgraph, a picture of a hedgehog, a toy hedgehog, a bowl of milk.

Organizing time.

Educator . Do you guys want to visit the hedgehog? We will find out how a hedgehog lives.

Main part. Reading a poem.

Reading a poem, showing actions on a flannelgraph.

The teacher puts up a picture on the flannelgraph, which depicts a hedgehog, and sings:

Little hedgehog,

Four legs.

On the back, a leaf carries

(Attaches a leaf to the hedgehog)

Singing a song:

"Tuffs, tuffs, tuffs, tuff -

I carry a sheet on my back,

I am the strongest in the forest

I'm not afraid of the fox itself. "

Little hedgehog,

Four legs.

On the back, the fungus bears

(Attaches a fungus to the hedgehog),

Singing a song:

"Tuffs, tuffs, tuffs, tuff -

I carry a fungus on my back

I am the strongest in the forest

I'm not afraid of the fox itself. "

Little hedgehog,

Four legs.

He carries a fox on his back,

Singing a song:

"Tuffs, tuffs, tuffs, tuff -

I carry a fox on my back,

I am the strongest in the forest

Defeated the fox itself. "

A story about a hedgehog.

Children listen to the teacher's story. (Accompanied by displaying pictures.)

- A hedgehog lives in the forest under a tree. The prickly hedgehog. He has a lot of needles. He curls up into a ball and sleeps. No head or legs are visible. When it is quiet around and the hedgehog has no one to fear, it turns around, the head, legs appear, and the hedgehog goes to look for food for itself. He eats grass, berries, mice. Once a hedgehog entered the garden where the children were playing. He got scared of the guys, curled up into a ball. The children saw a hedgehog and shouted: "Mom, a hedgehog has come to us!" Mom brought out the milk in a bowl, put it in front of the hedgehog, the hedgehog carefully pulled out its head and began to drink milk from the bowl. What an interesting hedgehog!

- Guys, who is shown in the picture? (Hedgehog.) What kind of hedgehog? (Thorny. Small.) What does the hedgehog carry? (Leaf, fungus.) What does a hedgehog eat? (Grass, berries, mice, milk.) And who is the hedgehog afraid of? (To the fox.) And what does a hedgehog do when he is scared? (It curls up into a ball.)

The teacher reads verse lines to the children, and the children imitate movements.

Game "Magic Bag".

Purpose: to train children in the ability to identify a toy by touch, develop tactile sensations; help memorize the names of toys, teach to talk about the toy, building a sentence of 3-4 words.

The teacher shows the children small toys (hedgehog, fox, mouse, mushroom, leaf) and invites the children to touch each toy, to hold it with a palm. Then the teacher puts the toys in the bag and invites the children to take any toy from it and, without getting it, name it, and then show it to everyone.


Children can take toys (dolls, hedgehog, bowl, leaf, fungus) and feed the hedgehog.

Session 4

Poem by A. Barto "Elephant".
Multi-colored gate

Types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive research, visual, perception of fiction and folklore.

Goals: to acquaint with this work of art; improve the ability to listen to poetic works, provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when the teacher reads a poem; teach to play with toys; to consolidate the ability to draw with a pencil, teach how to draw arched lines, recognize their outlines, consider their work; to familiarize with the perception of classical music.

Target guidelines for preschool education: shows emotional responsiveness to a literary and artistic work that is accessible to age (A. Barto's poem "The Elephant"), examines the illustrations with interest, can, at the request of an adult, tell about what is depicted; takes an active part in productive activities (drawing the gate), owns the basic movements when performing the exercise "Frost".

Musical accompaniment: musical piece "Elephant" (from "Carnival of Animals" by C. Saint-Saens).

Materials and equipment: illustrations for the poem by A. Barto, toy elephant; flannelegraph, figurines for flannelegraph (house, gate), sheets of paper, pencils for each child, easel.

Organizing time.

The musical piece "Elephant" by C. Saint-Saens is played.

Educator. You hear? A guest is coming to us. Listen to music and guess who it might be. Yes, this is an elephant coming to visit us from the zoo! Here he waves his trunk at you. This is how the elephant says to you: "Hello!"