Knit a beautiful crochet scarf. Crochet warm scarf: diagram, photo description. Beautiful crochet scarf pattern

Women's neck accessories have always been out of fashion. After all, it is not only beautiful and stylish, but also warm and cozy in the cold season. Today's range of scarves is so great that one can talk about each model for more than one hour. But it also happens that from the proposed, it is sometimes difficult to choose something, you don’t like anything or simply doesn’t fit. Crocheting a scarf is an option that will help you get exactly the model and color that are so necessary to create a fashionable bow.

Every self-respecting young lady has a variety of shawls, scarves and scarves in the collection of accessories. With their help, unique and dissimilar images are created, with minimal special efforts, no need to apply. It is enough to choose the right accessory by color and complete the bow with it in an original way.

For a long time, scarves have been used not only as neck warmers, but in the form of a headdress and a cape on the shoulders. What types of knitted scarves do modern fashion designers use in their practice?


One of the most popular types, mainly the product has a triangular shape. The finished accessory, as a rule, is large, openwork, and at the same time has a rather dense structure.

They wear a shawl-scarf on the head, shoulders, and also use it as an elegant addition to a dress, suit or outerwear.


This species differs from the shawl only in its rectangular shape. It is quite long and wide, worn as a cape.


A fairly new model of the accessory, knitted in a circle or sewn into a ring. The accessory can replace two things at once - a scarf and a hat. Mainly intended for the cold season, made of woolen and thick threads.


The bactus scarf (kerchief) has a triangular shape and is very popular among young people. They wear it at the main angle in the front, with the ends crossed at the back of the head, brought out to the chest. The accessory will complement any outfit, and is also able to dilute the most boring costume.


A classic scarf can be of any length and width. Tied in convenient ways, worn all year round.

For needlewomen, who take their first steps in knitting, you need to know that first of all they "stuff" their hand on knitting simple products. A crocheted scarf will be considered a springboard into the world of beautiful things made by yourself.

The yarn for knitwear is selected according to the season or garment to be worn. Suitable for winter products: wool; wool mixture; mixed and acrylic threads. For the warm season, we recommend yarn from: cotton; bamboo; viscose.

Crochet simple scarf

In a detailed master class, we will tell you step by step how to crochet a scarf for beginners. It is recommended to knit the product loosely, but not weakly. Try to make the loops the same, then the finished thing will look beautiful.

We remind you that the finished product does not disappoint, after its completion, you must first knit a sample of the pattern. Only in this way it will be clear that the pattern is chosen or not.

Knit a pattern sample

What you need for this:

  • Yarn (75% acrylic; 25% wool);
  • Hook by yarn number.


Step 1

Dial a chain of 17 VP (air loops), of which 3 VP lifting.

Step 2

The scarf is knitted in rotary rows, for this, lifting loops are made.

To turn the product correctly, you need to grab the thread, skip three loops from the hook and insert the tool into the fourth (the last loop on the hook is considered working and does not count when counting the loops). We knit a CCH (double crochet).

Step 3

1 row: all loops are knitted with CCH in each loop of the previous row.

When the row is over, you need to make three VPs and turn the knitting. We continue to knit SSN. Thus, knit a sample to see how the finished item will look.

Our sample:

The finished product, connected with columns with one crochet, looks like this:

Beautiful patterns for a scarf crochet

We offer simple, but often used patterns of patterns with a detailed description, according to which it is quick and easy to knit a fashion accessory, even for novice needlewomen.

Crochet Scarf Technique (1)

A fairly common pattern for knitting dense, but at the same time, openwork products. For demi-season accessories, Maxi yarn is suitable. The hook number is selected according to the size of the yarn or indicated on the label. If you take a thicker hook, then the "holes" will be larger, thereby increasing the openwork of the canvas.

Pattern scheme and its description

We put on the knitting needles the required number of VP (air loops), do not forget about the loops for raising the row.

1 row: in the sixth loop from the hook * knit a CCH (double crochet), make a VP, and in the same base loop, knit a second CCH, skip two VP chains and knit from * to * to the end of the row. Finish a series of PRSs. Turn.

2 row: knit * CCH, VP, CCH into the arch of the spinning row, skip two loops and continue to knit from * to * until the row ends. Turn.

Thus, we continue to knit to the desired size of the accessory. The canvas can be both multi-colored and monochromatic.

Technical Pattern (2)

The second commonly used version of the pattern is quite simple to knit. It is very flexible and is great for combining with other patterns.

Pattern scheme and its description 2

1 row: knit 3 CCHs (4th three runways, make 2 VP skipping two loops of the initial chain, * 4 CCHs in each loop of the chain, two VP * - knit to the end of the chain. Finish 4 CCHs. Expand knitting.

2 row: 3 VP, 3 CCH, 2 VP over the VP of the previous row - knit to the end.

Thus, constantly turning the knitting, repeat 2 rows to the desired length of the accessory.

Granny square

"Grandma's Square" is a great option for knitting scarves, stoles, shawls and shawls. This technique allows the use of yarn leftovers, which accumulate in large quantities over time. At the same time, the quality and beauty of the product is not lost, but on the contrary, it becomes just fabulous. The yarn for this pattern is suitable: cotton / acrylic; wool / acrylic.

Shawl from motives

The motive "grandmother's square": scheme and description

The motive starts from the middle, knits in a circle, gradually increasing in volume due to additions. How this happens is clearly seen in the diagram of the figure.

We collect 8 VP and close them in a ring.

1 row: dial 3 runways (air lifting loop), and knit 2 CCHs in the ring. We form the first corner of the future square with three VPs. Then * 3ССН, 3ВП (second corner), repeat from * and to * two more times, finish the row with two VP and SS (connecting column) in the third VP of the beginning of the row. The result should be a motif with four arches (corners).

2nd row: dial 4 VP (last column of the row), * in the first arch, knit 3 SSN. 3 VP, that even 3 more SSN, VP * - repeat 2 times. Finish 3 CCHs in the fourth arch, VP, 2 CCHs, SS in the third VP of the beginning of the row.

Continue knitting gradually, increasing the square, until you get the size you want.

Openwork scarves: schemes and description

The advantage of a crochet over knitting needles in knitting is the ability to make a unique thing out of a simple accessory. Only a crochet hook can achieve such "openwork" of the finished product. For beginner knitters, a crochet hook is also a stored nerve. Here, when knitting a pattern, the loop will not slip and "run away". In the event of an error in the motive, the yarn is easily unrolled and needlework continues without problems. We offer to knit together with us simple openwork crochet scarves with diagrams and descriptions. Read how to knit in our last article.

Scarf "coffee with milk"

The presented model of an openwork women's scarf looks gentle and adds mystery and charm to the image. The product is knitted horizontally. Then it is tied with a shell pattern and decorated with a fringe.

What is required for work:

Yarn (100% wool; in 100gr / 338m) - only 200g (50 gr. Brown shades);

Crochet hook to fit the yarn.


The arrow on the diagram indicates the beginning of knitting.

1 row: in the fifth loop of the CCH chain (double crochet), then in each VP (air loop) knit to the end of the CCH row (double crochet).

2 row: 3 runways (air lifting loop), in the third column of the previous row we knit CCH, * VP, skip the loop of the previous row, CCH * - repeat from * to * to the end of the row.

3 row: runway and in each loop of the previous row, knit a sc (single crochet).

4th row: runway, sc, 2 VP and 3 loop before. row CC2H (column with two crochets), 2 VP, CC2H in the same loop, 2 VP, skip two loops before. row * RLS, picot, 2 VP and 3 loop before. series CC2N, 2 VP, CC2N, 2 VP * - repeat to the end.

5 row: 3 runways, in the arch of the PS (lush column), 2 VP, PS, 2 VP, PS, above the pico VP, * in the arch PS, 2 VP, PS, 2 VP, PS, above the pico VP8 - repeat until the end , complete a row of CLOs.

From 6 to 10 rows, knit as from 1 to 3.

Openwork scarf crocheted from thick yarn

With the onset of cold weather, you want to wrap yourself up in something soft and cozy. A thick yarn scarf, just the same option. Despite the "openwork", the accessory will fully fulfill its functions of heating and protection from cold.

To work you will need:

  • Thick gray yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic) in 100gr / 120m - 400gr;
  • Hook - 7-8mm.

Finished product size: height - 31 cm; length - 225 cm.

The product is knitted in rotary rows.

Sample: 8 stitches - 10 cm wide; 4 p - in height.


At the beginning, you need to dial 25 VP and make another loop for lifting. Starting from the first row, we knit, following the scheme:

1 rd: in the sixth loop from the hook, knit a fan of * 9 CCHs, in 4 loops from the pattern, make a CC, skip 4 VP * and knit from * to * two more times, finish the RLS row.

2 rd: 4VPP and CC2N in the first loop of the first row, * 3 VP, in 5 loop a fan of RLS, 3 VP, in RLS before. row CC2H, 2 VP, CC2H * - knit from * to * two times. At the end, there is one VP between CC2N.

3 rd: 3 runways and the same loop of the base to knit 4 more CCHs, * in sc before. knit a row of RLS, in an arch of 2 VP, knit 9 CCHs * - repeat 2 times, finish 5 CCHs.

Decorate the short edges of the product with a fringe.

Crochet snood scarf: diagram and description

Three variants of a snood scarf, knitted according to the same pattern. Depending on the chosen yarn, thicker or thinner, the product has a completely different look. So to knit this accessory, you need to decide what time of year it will be worn and what to combine with. Then pick up the matching yarn and crochet hook.

Work description:

The snood scarf will be knitted in a circle, that is, it is very convenient and then you will not need to sew the edges of the finished product.

To get started, knit a sample and determine how many loops you need to cast initially.

Make a chain from the VP and close it in a circle. Further, the product will be in a circle in a spiral, that is, there is no need to make connecting posts at the end of the row. At the beginning of each row, it is also not necessary to make lifting air loops. And we will knit as follows, looking at the diagram.

1 p: ​​5 VP and SSN in the last loop of the chain, VP, skip two loops of the SS chain (connecting column), * VP, in the third loop SSN, VP, CC2N, VP, SSN, SBN * - repeat from * and to * to end of the circle.

2 p: RLS, knit VP over VP, * in SS before. row to knit CC2N and CCH, VP, CC * - repeat to the end of the row.

The fashion accessory is ready.

Unusual models of women's crochet scarves

Crochet scarf from rings

Product in the form of intertwined multi-colored chains

Ruche scarf

Openwork scarf with buttons

Today we will teach you how to crochet a scarf - original in shape and bold in color - this is a characteristic of fashionable things this season.

This type of clothing is intended not only to save humanity from bad weather.

The special mission of a modern scarf is to complement and complete a female or male image.

The main requirement that all modern designers impose on these accessories is fun and brightness.

All the colors of the rainbow are in fashion, and chocolate, yellow, green shades are especially in demand. At the peak of fame are products with prints: zigzags, waves, ethnic motifs, stripes and a check. Long fringes and chunky knits are the highlight of a modern scarf.

This stylish and warm piece of clothing is simply obliged to settle not only on your shelf in your closet, but also in the wardrobe of your family and friends. Therefore, dear knitters, "prepare the sleigh in the summer" - take out the hook and strings and get to work. And to help you, this article provides information on how to crochet a scarf for women, men, children.

Variation on the theme of double crochets

In search of an idea for any product, we look at a wide variety of crochet patterns, patterns and descriptions for them. It often happens that it is rather difficult to fulfill the found options. Therefore, the next version is suitable for every craftswoman who knows how to make at least double crochets.
The pattern consists of alternating two types of column groups. In one row, we knit them 2 each with a chain of air loops between them, and in the next row we do 4 each and do not completely knit chains from a / p. Such crochet patterns for beginners are quite simple to knit. At the same time, they look original and create a canvas with a slight tracery. To make the product look as close as possible to a scarf, the edges must be tied in a circle with single crochet, and at the ends make long tassels or hang air pom-poms created from the remains of yarn spent on a scarf.

Beautiful crochet scarf pattern

Scarves are used not only as insulation in cold weather, but also as a stylish accessory. For these purposes, it is best to choose thin yarn and openwork crochet patterns for a scarf. Under such conditions, the accessory will not seem heavy and too noticeable in any outfit. This pattern uses air loops, double crochet and without it.

In the first row we knit 5 single crochets and a chain of 2 air loops between them. In the second row, we reduce the number of single crochets to 3, and under the arches from the top / bottom we knit 2 single crochets with 1 top / bottom on both sides of them. In the third row, the single crochet is reduced to 1, but the double crochet is made by 5. This will be the vertical pattern report. Then we knit in the same way, but the pattern will be staggered. We continue to work until the product becomes the length we need. We pay special attention to the places of transition from row to row so that the edges are neat.

Wide fans

There are different crochet patterns for a scarf. We have discussed the schemes of several simple options above. Now let's look at one more exceptional option. It is built on all the same double crochet, which together form large fans, and not as in the previous versions. The pattern report is designed for 3 rows. In each of them, a certain number of single crochets is added, due to which the fans in the pattern "open up". So that the product does not shrink, and the canvas keeps the same width, air loops are used in the pattern, the number of which in each row varies, depending on how large the number of double crochets is in this particular row. The pattern is staggered, due to which there are no large gaps and unnecessary holes, which are not at all appropriate in this particular product. It is better to knit a scarf with this pattern from thin but warm yarn, such as mohair or tiftik, but do not forget to add a thin synthetic thread to keep the product in shape.

Fillet scarf The above crochet patterns with patterns had a checkerboard construction order, but the next one has a clear geometry. It is based on sirloin knitting, but with a slight complication, due to which a beautiful openwork rhombus is obtained.

For one report, we need 9 fillet knitting cells. Already in the second row in the fifth of them we knit a fan of 3 double crochets. In the third row, on both sides of the fan, we knit 2 more of the same elements. We rise so 4 rows in a row. In the intervals between the fans, we make chains of air loops: first 3, then 7, and then 9. Starting the narrowing of the rhombus, we connect all free chains from the I / O with a single crochet, in the next row we also knit 1 single crochet here and close the rhombus ... These are the simplest crochet patterns. Many, even novice craftswomen, know their schemes and their description.

Cross knit

Before that, each pattern for a scarf was crocheted in length. But you can knit products in width. This is especially true for openwork products.

The pattern for such a scarf is selected as airy as possible. The first chain of air loops is typed in accordance with the desired length of the future product. The result is not very many rows, but they are all quite long. The pattern shown in the photo is built on the basis of all the same double crochets. Alternatively, wide fans can be used. They look a bit like this pattern. Here it is proposed to make an alternation of dense and openwork fans formed from double crochets and air loops.


The scarf model shown in the photo is very light in performance. Even the knitter who has practically just picked up the hook is able to knit it.

Such a product is knitted in two types of loops: a single crochet (1st row) and a single crochet (last row).
We need 100% fine wool yarn in four different colors, 50 g each, hooks No. 4 and No. 4.5.
Size: width - 17 cm, length - 182 cm without fringes.
Knitting density: 14 loops, 9 rows of st. s / n. = canvas 10x10 cm.
The sequence of work.
Tie a chain of air loops equal to the length of the scarf. 1st row knit with single crochet. Then knit the entire fabric with double crochets, changing the color of the thread in the right places to make stripes. Knit the last row with single crochets. Make tassels along the edges of the scarf (in width).

Knitting pattern:

This striped accessory will suit both women and men and children. It all depends on the color of the yarn you choose.


Such an elegant openwork scarf can be a wonderful gift for a beloved girlfriend, sister or mother. Be sure that they will be very grateful to you for such a fabulous gift.

To knit such a model, you will need a thin semi-wool yarn - 50 g, hook number 3.

Knitting is performed with such loops: air, single crochet and single crochet stitches.

Step-by-step master class with job description

Tie a chain of 37 vp. Next, knit 53 rows of fabric according to the pattern: 5 rapports, 10 rows each + 3 rows. Then, on one and the other side of the scarf, tie the border with the "Pineapple" pattern. The border is knitted from 14 rows: from the 1st to the 8th row completely, the 9-14th row is knitted with each "pineapple" separately.

Knitting pattern for an openwork scarf in the picture below.

The Pineapple pattern gives the product extra lightness and grace. Watch the video for the execution process.
To add color to the product, use decorative elements. Or, you can decorate the edges with decorative trims.


A stylish, lush and at the same time very warm scarf is exactly what should always be at hand, or rather on the neck of every woman in the cold season. The Vivienne model fully meets all these characteristics.

Look at the photo and see for yourself. A beautiful, original, warm knitted scarf Vivienne is able to warm your body and decorate your image.

The work takes place in two stages: first, the base of the scarf is knitted - a mesh, then a fluffy border is imposed on it.
We need semi-wool or wool yarn - 250 g (the border is knitted in two threads), hook number 4.
The sequence of work is presented below.


Dial 15 VP + 3 vp instead of Art. s / n. for the first row. Then knit 2 more vp, skip 2 vp. in a chain, and on the third loop knit st. s / n. To the end of the row, knit in this way: 2 vp, skip 2 loops, 1 tbsp. s / n. The next rows are repeated. The crochet stitches are knitted over the crochet stitches to create a mesh.
Expand knitting and knit a border along the fabric of the scarf:

1 row. Tie the edge of the product with single crochets so that in each "cage" there are 3 columns.

2 row. Knit in columns with 1 crochet, while from each 1 tbsp. b / n. the previous row, knit 2 tbsp. s / n. (due to this, the number of loops should be doubled).

3 row. Knit art. s / n., while again increasing the number of loops by 2 times (from each loop of the previous row we knit 2 tbsp. s / n.

4 row. Knit similarly to the third row, increasing the number of loops by 2 times.

5 row. Knit art. s / n. Increase the number of loops not 2, but 1.5 times: from 2 loops of the previous row, knit 3 loops. Finish knitting.

You should have a very elegant, neat product that should be worn with things "to match" it. Such a thing could be a trendy tunic in this style or a dark contrasting turtleneck.

Scheme "Vivienne"
Grid pattern

Mesh pattern
For knitting borders, you can use not just a pattern from Art. s / n. The following photo shows variations of patterns for the Vivienne scarf.

Pattern options

The originality of this scarf can be emphasized by combining different colors of yarn, as shown in the following photo.

Believe me, wearing such an accessory is a pleasure.

In boutiques, we are so often impressed by the fine thread lace dresses on display! But few people know that such dresses, and even better, are crocheted in one or two evenings even by an inexperienced craftswoman!


Think back to 80s fashion. Then almost the entire female half of the population wore a scarf-tube or, as it was also called, a "collar". This thing is universal, it can be worn as a scarf, or you can put it on your head instead of a hat. In the 2015-2016 season, this accessory is back in fashion. The clamp has a new name - "snood". A knitted tube scarf complete with mittens or mittens looks stylish, fashionable, versatile.
Let's start our master class. Look at the photo: you will immediately be tempted to add such an accessory to your collection of scarves.

Scarf dimensions: girth - 100 cm, height - 60 cm.

To knit this model of a tube scarf, you will need 100% wool yarn - 450 g, hook number 3.

The main pattern: the number of loops dialed for knitting should be a multiple of 6. Knit according to the pattern in circular rows. Start each row with 1 or 3 vp. instead of the 1st Art. b / n. or 1st Art. s / n. respectively, and from the loops in front of the rapport. Next, knit the loops of the rapport and end with loops after the rapport and connect with a connecting post in the third ch. lifting. Knit 1 time from the 1st to the 3rd circle, and then perform all the rows in the same way as the 3rd circular row.

Knitting density: 6 circular rows of 18 inlaid loops = 10x10 cm fabric.

Step by step MK

Dial a chain of 198 vp and close them in a ring. Next, knit 33 rapport with the main pattern. When the fabric reaches 60 cm, finish knitting. Carry out strapping "rachiy step" along the first and last circular row of the product.

Knitting pattern

Scarf - crocheted pipe. Wear it with pleasure! You are guaranteed a charming image and great mood!

For an example of work, see the video tutorial.


Another original product is a crocheted hooded scarf. This accessory is designed to protect your head and neck from the cold and wind. Its advantage is that it is both a scarf and a headdress at the same time. After reviewing the information for the next master class, you can knit such a cute scarf-hood with your own hands.

To knit this model, you will need yarn (50% mohair, 50% acrylic) - 300 g, hook number 3, elastic.

Density of knitting. 8 rows of 1.5 rapport = 10x10 cm.

Work sequence

Left half of the hood

Dial a chain of 39 vp. + 3 vp lifting. Then knit according to the pattern. After knitting 70 rows, add 1 rapport in 10 rows to expand on the right. Run 20 more rows and finish knitting.

Right half

The right half of the hood is knitted in the same way as the left, only the expansion is performed in a mirror image.

Assembling the product

Sew the hood. On the first row of the left half, tie the pattern according to the scheme. Then continue along the pattern, while making decreases on both sides in each 2nd row by 1/3 of the rapport. At the end, execute the chain from vp. - 15 cm, attach pom-poms to it. Perform the right half in the same way.

Crochet Hood Scarf Pattern:

Such a thing will not only warm you, but also become a stylish addition to a jacket or coat.


Scarves suit men too. They add elegance, rigor and attractiveness to the image. Take a look at the following scarf model. This classic men's crochet model can be worn under a coat or over a jacket, or it can also be wrapped around the throat.

To knit this model, you need 100% wool yarn - 50 g of dark gray (1) and 50 g of light gray (2), hook number 3.

Knitting density: 20 tbsp. s / n. X 9 rows = 10x10 cm.

  1. When changing color, it is necessary to knit the indicated art. s / n. until the last two loops. Then continue with a thread of a different color.
  2. While knitting a section of one color, keep the thread of a different color along the top of the last row of st. s / n.
  3. During knitting 5-8 rows of the pattern after the last st. s / n., first 2 vp. knit in the same color as the last st. s / n. 3rd vp knit in a different color.

Description of the knitting sequence. Run a chain of 37 vp. and then knit according to the pattern. Repeat rows 1-8 14 times. Then repeat rows 1-4 once. Finish knitting. Fring in the edges of the scarf.

Crochet pattern for a man's scarf:

Tie such a wonderful accessory to your beloved husband as a gift. The love you put into the product will warm your loved one both in rain and cold. Warm words of gratitude and a strong kiss from your beloved are guaranteed to you.


As you know, children are not very fond of wearing a scarf and strive to take it off all the time. Only very interesting and beautiful accessories can interest little fidgets. Take a look at the next photo.

Here is such a funny, cute crocheted baby scarf that your baby will surely like. This bright accessory will make your child's outfit irresistible. And this model will suit both girls and boys.

In order to make a scarf "Lion", you will need 100% wool or semi-wool orange and brown yarn, hook number 2.

Step-by-step master class for beginners

1 row. 10 vp, then 5 tbsp. s / n. over 6 -1 vp chains.

2 row and all subsequent rows knit according to the scheme: 5 vp, 5 tbsp. s / n. Knit to the length you need.

Then continue working according to the pattern with yarn of a different color according to the same principle: 5 vp. and 5 tbsp. s / n., but at the same time every 3rd century. on the left side knits, capturing the arch from vp. orange stripes. The progress of the work is shown in stages in the photo below.

The base of the scarf is knitted. It remains to complete the face of a lion cub. To do this, knit a circle of the diameter you need, the edges of which are framed with a fringe of tassels. This process is shown in the following photos.

Decorate the muzzle with embroidery.

Children's scarf scheme:

An original and affordable knitting accessory for the baby is ready. He will not only warm and decorate the child, but will also become the main character in children's role-playing games.
Knit things for yourself, your family and friends. Warm up and decorate your look. With a beautiful, unique, elegant and warm knitted scarf, no cold weather will scare you!


Scarves are not only a piece of clothing that helps to keep warm in the cold season. It is also a stylish accessory. They are made in different techniques using a variety of materials. For this reason, more than one pattern is created for each craftswoman always wants to stand out from the rest with the originality of her product.

A few words about materials and hooks

Every craftswoman knows how unrealistic it is to repeat a product based on its description. An exact copy will never work, because there are some points that significantly affect the size of the product, especially if the work is crocheted.

Before you start to disassemble crochet patterns with patterns, you need to say a few words about hooks. Each manufacturer actually has different sizes. For example, # 5 will have 5 mm for one and only 4 mm for the other. And this is already reflected in the future product.

The thickness of the threads of different brands is also different. At first glance, this is an insignificant factor, but it is noticeably reflected in the finished scarf or cardigan. And the needlewomen use the crochet in different ways, tightening the threads stronger and weaker. This changes the density of the canvas and its size.

So it turns out in the end that crochet patterns for a scarf, the schemes of which we will consider, have conditional size indicators. To get a really beautiful and unique product, you need to connect all your imagination and your own vision of the finished scarf.

Simple and no hassle

Let's start with the simplest product, for which the crochet pattern for a scarf is described literally in two or three words: a double crochet. Indeed, the easiest way to make a scarf is this basic element. Work begins with a chain of air loops, the length of which is equal to the width of the scarf. Next, each row is knitted until the desired length is reached.

There are several variations of this pattern. First, you can do not one, but two or three yarns. In this case, knitting will go faster, and the fabric will not turn out so dense. Secondly, the edges of the product may not seem entirely neat. To do this, it is better to tie the scarf with a single crochet.

Thirdly, such a slightly boring model can be revived with the help of melange thread, interesting appliqué or openwork edges tied at the ends of the product. It so happens that any crochet patterns for beginners turn well into a simple, but rather original scarf.

Variation on the theme of double crochets

In search of an idea for any product, we look at a wide variety of crochet patterns, patterns and descriptions for them. It often happens that it is rather difficult to fulfill the found options. Therefore, the next version is suitable for every craftswoman who knows how to make at least double crochets.

The pattern consists of alternating two types of column groups. In one row, we knit them 2 each with a chain of air loops between them, and in the next row we do 4 each and do not completely knit chains from a / p.

Such crochet patterns for beginners are quite simple to knit. At the same time, they look original and create a canvas with a slight tracery. To make the product look as close as possible to a scarf, the edges must be tied in a circle with single crochet, and at the ends make long tassels or hang air pom-poms created from the remains of yarn spent on a scarf.

Beautiful crochet scarf pattern

Scarves are used not only as insulation in cold weather, but also as a stylish accessory. For these purposes, it is best to choose thin yarn for a scarf. Under such conditions, the accessory will not seem heavy and too noticeable in any outfit.

This pattern uses air loops, double crochet and without it. In the first row we knit 5 single crochets and a chain of 2 air loops between them. In the second row, we reduce the number of single crochets to 3, and under the arches from the top / bottom we knit 2 single crochets with 1 top / bottom on both sides of them.

In the third row, the single crochet is reduced to 1, but the double crochet is made by 5. This will be the vertical pattern report.

Then we knit in the same way, but the pattern will be staggered. We continue to work until the product becomes the length we need. We pay special attention to the places of transition from row to row so that the edges are neat.

Wide fans

There are different crochet patterns for a scarf. We have discussed the schemes of several simple options above. Now let's look at one more exceptional option.

It is built on all the same double crochet, which together form large fans, and not as in the previous versions. The pattern report is designed for 3 rows. In each of them, a certain number of single crochets is added, due to which the fans in the pattern "open up".

So that the product does not shrink, and the canvas keeps the same width, air loops are used in the pattern, the number of which in each row varies, depending on how large the number of double crochets is in this particular row.

The pattern is obtained due to which there are no large gaps and unnecessary holes, which are not at all appropriate in this particular product. this pattern is better from thin, but warm yarn, such as mohair or tiftik, but do not forget to add a thin synthetic thread to keep the product in shape.

Fillet scarf

The above crochet patterns with patterns had a checkerboard construction order, but the next one has a clear geometry. It is based on sirloin knitting, but with a slight complication, due to which a beautiful openwork rhombus is obtained.

For one report, we need 9 fillet knitting cells. Already in the second row in the fifth of them we knit a fan of 3 double crochets. In the third row, on both sides of the fan, we knit 2 more of the same elements. We rise so 4 rows in a row. In the intervals between the fans, we make chains of air loops: first 3, then 7, and then 9.

Starting the narrowing of the rhombus, with a single crochet we connect all the free chains from the I / O, in the next row we also knit 1 more single crochet here and close the rhombus.

These are the simplest crochet patterns. Many, even novice craftswomen, know their schemes and their description.

Cross knit

Before that, each pattern for a scarf was crocheted in length. But you can knit products in width. This is especially true for openwork products.

The pattern for such a scarf is selected as airy as possible. The first chain of air loops is typed in accordance with the desired length of the future product. The result is not very many rows, but they are all quite long.

The pattern shown in the photo is built on the basis of all the same double crochets. Alternatively, wide fans can be used. They look a bit like this pattern. Here it is proposed to make an alternation of dense and openwork fans formed from double crochets and air loops.

Surprisingly, this digest contains more than 15 openwork scarves. What can say that such scarves are popular.

Ribbon lace scarf. Width 26cm, length 178cm. Crocheted number 2 from the thread "Narcis". First, we knit openwork ribbons. Then, in the process of knitting, she tied the lace ribbons to each other with a chain of air loops and columns without
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Scarf with a twist. Yes, yes, the zest depends only on you and on your imagination. Diagram from an oriental magazine (either China or Japan). Knitted from VITA "BRILLIANT" yarn. Composition: 45% wool (luster), 55% acrylic.
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Green openwork scarf crocheted No. 3 from Pekhorka Crossbred Brazilian yarn (500m / 100g). Scarf pattern: 1 row - we collect the required number of loops (I have 78). 2 row - 2 stsn; through three loops in the fourth loop we knit a "fan" -3 stsn, 2 ch, 3 stsn;
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Hello dear friends. Another set of beret + openwork scarf contacted. I share with you a description of a beret and a scarf scheme. The brooch is also made by me. Takes the description Viscose yarn from magic, hook number 3. On OG 56. Dial the chain
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I knitted an openwork scarf from cotton threads, it took about 50 grams. Schematic from Asian magazines, found it on the Internet. Knits quickly enough. I urgently needed a yellow scarf - I got in touch in a couple of evenings. Scarf knitting pattern: B
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A set for girls and women, consisting of a hat and an openwork scarf "The Snow Queen" is crocheted of "White Leopard" yarn with a very beautiful volumetric pattern "popcorn" crochet No. 3.5. The scarf is knitted with an openwork pattern of "fans". The kit is very
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Greetings to all crochet lovers! I found a knitting pattern for an openwork scarf on the Internet, which I really liked. The scheme is simple. Immediately caught fire to knit such a scarf. The product took 100 grams. thread. Composition: mohair 10%, the rest is acrylic. Hook number 3.
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Such is the child's openwork scarf. Tied with a crochet, crochet number 2.5. Schemes of leaves and flowers are attached. I fiddled with brushes a little ... But now I can do them correctly. Scarf knitting pattern basic pattern: 1 row - columns
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For knitting an openwork scarf, I used Baby Wool yarn: composition: 40% Wool - 20% Bamboo - 40% Acrylic, Weight of 1 skein 50 grams. Thread length: 175 m. Hook: 3.0. Scarf length 160cm, width 21cm. Knitting pattern
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Openwork scarf made of ribbon lace. Threads yarnart jeans (50gr. / 160m.) - 55% cotton, 45% polyacrylic, very delicate yarn. It took 3 skeins of each color. The top tape in the photo participated in the work, although the bottom one is very
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Openwork scarf crocheted No. 3, 5 from thin mohair. Size - 1m 50 cm.Scarf knitting pattern:
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Openwork scarf "Oseniny" can be knitted from the threads you like: mohair, wool, semi-wool, baby yarn, picking up a hook of the right size. The beginning of knitting is a chain of five air loops. Then we knit 18 rapport air loops and repeat them as desired
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Elena's work. The openwork scarf is crocheted No. 2 from semi-wool using the “ribbon lace” technique (knitting pattern is attached) and looks refined and intricate. It can be draped in various ways, using decorative pins or removable brooches
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1 skein of thread left on the scarf. Crocheted # 2. I knitted the pineapple pattern for my beloved sister on March 8th. I knit only for my children and sisters.
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Good day to all needlewomen! My name is Tatyana. I am from Veliky Novgorod. My next job is an openwork scarf. Used threads ALIZE REAL 40, hook number 3. Tied from three skeins. Tatyana's scarf consists of about 22
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Hello! The next openwork scarf is ready for the cold weather. Knitted from ALIZE REAL 40 yarn, hook number 3, openwork rhombus pattern. Scarf knitting pattern:
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Hello, my name is Daria. I live in Saint Petersburg. I know how to knit and crochet, but I love crocheting. I knitted this scarf as a present for a friend. The scarf-collar is crocheted number 2 (you can take 4, I just
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Knitted scarves are always in trend, especially with the onset of cold weather. Everyone wants to have a unique and beautiful warm scarf. Today we will look at different patterns and descriptions of knitting scarves for all occasions. In order to crochet an openwork scarf, we need: a hook, yarn, scissors.

How to crochet a scarf master class for beginners

An openwork scarf is a trendy accessory for any fashionista's wardrobe. In our lesson, a master class for creating an openwork scarf for beginners will be described in detail.

In order to knit this fashionable accessory, we need: yellow threads - 200 g (2 balls), a hook, a large gypsy needle and scissors. We have made very simple schemes for you especially for novice needlewomen. Under each photo there is a detailed description of the knitting process. First, let's take a look at the knitting pattern.

1 p.: In the 4th from the edge we knit a loop st.n, then in every 5 vp. we continue to do Art. to end

Then we knit 5 vp, 3 vp. skip and in the 4th we knit 1 st.b.n, then we knit a picot from 3 vp, then again we do 5 vp,

5 p .: 4 v.p. (3 vp + 1 vp according to the scheme), then we do st.b.n. on wednesday. senior n prev. r., 3 vp, st.b.n. on wednesday. n. next arches, 3 vp, st.b.n. on wednesday. senior n prev. R. 3 vp, art. bn on wednesday arches, 3 vp, st.b.n. on wednesday. senior n prev. R. - we repeat to the end of the river. At the end of the river. do 1 vp and 1 st.n in the last. etc.

On the long side we knit p. st.b.n to align the edge. We oblige the rest of the scarf in the same way. We pass to oblige the 2nd row.

We knit a chain of 28 vp, insert the hook 5 from the hook, and knit half-st.b.n, then we knit 20 v.p., then we knit st.b.n on Wednesday. n. next arches.

We knit 25 vp, insert the hook in the 5th st from the hook of the chain and knit, 20 vp. and senior biological sciences on Wednesdays. n. next arches - repeat to the end of the river. The last chain of p. we knit from 28 vp.

Before wearing an openwork scarf, wash it by hand and iron it with an iron. Wear it to your health!

Simple crochet scarf scheme and photo description

Let's look at another simple crochet scarf example. We'll be using a light sirloin pattern. We need: yarn - 190 gr., Hook, scissors. The size of our product is 30 cm * 145 cm, but you can choose the size that you like more. Let's move on to the description:

1. We collect 99 vp. + 3 points of rise and elm. pattern according to the scheme.

2.5 rapports (reps) + 19 sts for symmetry. We repeat from the second to the seventh p.

3. At the end, we connect the first p. and we finish.

Fillet pattern:

Scarf snood crochet clamp

Snood scarf or yoke scarf is still the fashion trend this year. In order to start knitting a scarf, we need: 800 g - acrylic yarn of brown and green color in 2 threads, a hook, scissors. We knit using volumetric puffs of 4 tbsp in 1 loop. We choose the length of our scarf, multiply by 2 and get the required amount of cp.

We follow the description:

1. So, for a length of 140 cm, we collect a chain of brown 280 vp. 1 p .: knit. 3 pp (lifting loops), 1 pouf in the fifth from the VP hook then we repeat to the end of the row - 1 ch, 1 pouf skipping 1 st of the chain,

2. Change to green and do 3 vp, knit 2 and 3 p. green threads.

4. Learning to make a pouf:

a. make a yarn over, skip 1 loop, and insert the hook into the loop, grab the main thread and get a st. On the hook, we should have got 3 sts.

b. Crochet, knit. in the same loop, and pull out another st. On the hook, 5 sts.

v. Crochet, take out another 1 point. There are already 7 points on the hook.

Mr. Nakid, we repeat the same action. On the hook 9 p.

We grab the thread and pull it through 8 sts, 2 sts should remain on the hook.

e. Provyaz. 2 p. There is still 1 p. Poof is done! Next, we do 1 vp. and continue to make puffs to the end.

5. When we have sewn all the rows to the length we need, close the row, sew on the buttons. Our trendy snood scarf is ready!

How to knit a scarf openwork crochet video tutorial

An openwork scarf is a fashionable addition to a winter or autumn look. How to make an openwork scarf is shown in great detail in the next video tutorial. After watching the video tutorial, you will learn how to make the basic elements of crocheting.

Crochet beautiful winter men's scarf step by step

Knitting a men's scarf will give you a lot of pleasure, because such a knitted product will be saturated with the energy of love and warmth. A handmade gift will warm your man's heart.
We have chosen an easy knitting pattern for a classic scarf model, so any novice needlewoman will be able to cope with the description. To knit a classic model of a men's scarf, we need: yarn - 50 g. Dark gray and 50 g. Light gray, hook number 3.

It's important to know!

1. When changing colors you need to knit. specified Art. until the last 2 sts. Then continue with the elm. in a different color.

2. While knitting a section of one color, hold the remaining thread of a different color along the top of the last p. senior n.

Let's look at the algorithm:

1. We make a chain of 37 vp. We look at the diagram.

2. We repeat the rapport from 1 to 8 p. * 14 times.

3. After rapport from 1 to 4 p. * 1 time.

4. Finish knitting, close the loops.

5. We decorate the scarf with a fringe.

Schematic of the classic model:

4. We make the second p. We collect the chain of vp. similar to the 1st p. We pass it through the windows of the 1st p. wave to the end.

5. We make p. similar to the 1st, given that the chain is threaded through the windows before. R. This means that 2 adjacent rows will cling to each other in a chain of 4 vp.

7. Decorate the scarf with tassels. We fold 6 - 7 threads of the same length and color (35 cm each) into a bundle. We fold the resulting bundle in half. We make an eyelet for a bundle in a scarf. Pull the free ends of the bundle out of the loop and tighten. Similarly, we make a brush for the entire edge of the scarf, then go to the opposite side.