The World of Postcards exhibition is our history. The exhibition of old Christmas cards in the regional library will help to feel the approach of the New Year holidays

In the 21st century, paper media are becoming less and less popular: we read e-books, write e-mails, send virtual postcards. Meanwhile, until quite recently, not a single holiday was complete without a kind congratulation by mail from friends and relatives, without postcards. Postcards were something more than an illustration for the holiday. They reflected the history of not only each family, but the country as a whole.

In December 2015, the Museum of Merchant Life announced a campaign to collect exhibits for an exhibition of postcards. The museum collection was replenished with thematic collections of postcards, which were provided by the residents of Kozmodemyansk. During the action, 2713 postcards were brought to the museum! We thank the Council of Veterans of Kozmodemyansk: K.A. Molodtsova, N.V. Ivanova, L.G. Mirgorod, N.I. Zakharov, G.I. Zakharov, G.E. Suryaninova, E.A. Krivorotova, L.P.Cherepanov, L.V.Mukhametshin, N.Ya.Ermakov, V.V.Agaryshev, T.I.Porfiriev; the staff of the MUK "Kozmodemyansk City Library": T.V. Zavyalov, T.A. Pavlov; employees of the MU "Kozmodemyansky Museum Complex"; V.Yu.Fedoseev, E.Polyansky.

On February 5, 2016, the opening of the exhibition "The World of Postcards" took place at the Museum of Merchant Life. The main objective of our exhibition is to preserve the outgoing postcard culture. Here are old pre-revolutionary open letters, postcards of the 50-90s of the XX century: drawn, photo postcards, stereo postcards. The older the postcard, the better its quality, the more interesting the plot and the style of execution.

It should be noted that one of the most interesting exhibits of the exhibition was pre-revolutionary greeting cards, photographic postcards with views of Kozmodemyansk at the beginning of the 20th century: Edition of the phototype "Scherer, Nabgolts and Co" (Moscow), Edition of the photographer M.P. Dmitriev (Nizhny Novgorod), Edition of the Seversky publishing house.

Visitors to the exhibition can make a trip to significant holidays: "Happy New Year!", "February 23 - the glory of the Soviet Army", "March 8 - International Women's Day", "April 12 - Cosmonautics Day", "May 1 - International Workers' Solidarity Day ”, “May 9 is the day of Victory over Nazi Germany”, “November 7 is the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution”.

The exposition has a "Military letter" - a postcard of 1941-1943, which was intended to be sent from military units to the rear. This is a single-sided postcard printed on thick unbleached paper, no stamp. On the front side of the inscription "MAIL" and the slogan "Death to the German invaders!", In the column "Sender's address" there is a line "Field mail".

The farther the Soviet era goes from us, the more closely we peer into the art of those years. Much has irrevocably gone into the past, but the memory remains, things that keep the feeling of a holiday. How much humanity and warmth are in these Soviet postcards...

As part of the exhibition for children and adults, master classes on making postcards for various holidays and events will be held. We invite residents and guests of the city to the bright and lively world of postcards!

Silvestrova N.V.

Head of structural division
Kozmodemyansky Museum of Merchant Life

continued below...

E.A. Krivorotova "World of postcards"

Museum of merchant life
He happily opened the door.
Today is an exhibition of postcards -
And the veterans are right there.

The pressure won't keep us at home
And ice does not scare.
The team has known us for a long time:
The collection is announced - and everything is forward.

We are very glad to meet again.
Well, to what all the good fellows!
Museum staff today
Particularly passionate.

Postcards that hang on stands
Gone, old, past years.
The topics are collected clearly,
And the old people send us greetings.

We stand, we look spellbound:
Here is our old Kozmodemyansk,
Here is cosmonautics, Gagarin
A smile illuminates us.

On the stand are children's postcards,
Here is a whole series of Santa Claus -
And all with bags, with gifts,
Everyone is happy with any postcard.

Here are the stands of cities and towns,
All were our cities...
The country is completely different now
We will never get them back.

But it's nice to remember
Look twice.
Flowers and even invitations
And about the war as in the war.

And rafting on the Volga and Belyany,
Huge as ships.
It's nice to look into the past -
You have saved for posterity.

Bravo to the museum staff.
For the exhibition, great work,
That veterans are not forgotten
And the youth are all around you.

Thank you for all the ideas
With which the house is saturated.
May good luck accompany you
You are all filled with goodness.

Thank you for a wonderful holiday
which was given to us.
May our joy return to you
With a hundredfold magnification!

Sincerely, members of the City Council of Veterans and citizens

New Year and Christmas are holidays beloved by everyone, and New Year's gizmos invariably resurrect the brightest and happiest childhood impressions in memory. The world's first greeting Christmas card was printed in London in 1843: two parties, in which there were a little more than 2 thousand cards, sold out completely, although the price at that time was considerable - a shilling. Since then, this way of congratulating on the holiday has become extremely popular. In the chamber exhibition "Childhood. Fairy tale. Christmas" in the hall of the Youth Center. Tendryakov, German and Estonian postcards from the first half of the 20th century and Christmas decorations from the personal collections of librarians are presented. There are not many postcards at the exhibition - 32 copies, but each of them is interesting in its own way, and together they create a unique atmosphere of approaching the holiday.

How did these foreign curiosities end up in Vologda? The librarian told their story: My grandfather brought an album of postcards from the war as a trophy: he found it on the ruins of a destroyed house in one of the German cities. There were postcards for various holidays, and it was a great pleasure to look at them. With these pictures, which were simply mesmerizing, all my childhood passed, and I still vividly remember the feeling of a miracle, immersion in a fairy tale, which is associated with them.».

These postcards also seemed a miracle because they were completely different from Soviet New Year's postcards - also wonderful in their own way, but completely different. Among the New Year's characters on them - angels, gnomes carrying gifts through a snowy forest, Santa Claus with a bag of gifts in an old car, chimney sweeps with their working tools - meeting a chimney sweep on Christmas night was considered a good omen, fattened pigs - a symbol of prosperity and worldly well-being. There are monochrome photographic postcards at the exhibition, which depict children and elegant ladies. Among the real symbols of the new year are champagne, New Year's treats, a horseshoe "for good luck" and, oddly enough, fly agaric. This elegant mushroom, according to one version, is also a symbol of good luck and prosperity, and according to another, it attracts with its decorative effect, resembling Santa Claus's costume in color. There is also a postcard "with special effects" - with a coating depicting snow.

In addition to postcards, the exhibition presents New Year's toys of the 1940s - 1960s from the librarian's collection Elena Demidova. « They may not impress young people - compared to the current products of the New Year industry, these toys look quite modest., says the librarian, but older people will certainly remember their childhood". The main difference between old toys and modern ones is their fragility, because they were made of thin glass, easily beaten, and therefore they were treated with special trepidation. The exposition of postcards and toys is protected by a teddy bear bought in the late 1950s: after a thorough renovation, it is still in service. Like the old vinyl records with fairy tales, on which children grew up in the era of the USSR, they can be listened to on the Record-68-2 radiogram in the library hall.

Exhibition “Childhood. Fairy tale. Christmas” will be open at the Youth Center until January 31, and by Easter, librarians promise to prepare a new exposition of old postcards.

Svetlana Grishina

Needless to say, it is difficult to surprise Moscow with museums and exhibitions: the capital, it seems, has already seen everything. And yet sometimes it succeeds. So, in the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val, a unique project is being launched, which has not yet been equaled. Children and their parents will be able to visit "Children's WORLD (Museum of the History of Russian) Postcards".

Museum of Human Relations

Postcards have been around for almost a century and a half. Back in the nineteenth century, people began to send each other not only letters in envelopes, but also colorful postcards with congratulations, words of love or interesting news. Everything that people and the whole country lived with - everything was displayed on pieces of cardboard, which have now become museum exhibits.

More than 11,000 postcards from personal collections, issued in Russia from the end of the century before last until recently, are presented on stands, tablets, and screens in ten halls of the exposition. Visitors will get acquainted with Russian holidays and customs captured in postcard images, as well as a fascinating journey into space and even to Moscow of the future. Adults with kind smiles will remember the past, and children will find out what their fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers had like their childhood. For example, in the World of Fairy Tales hall, there are illustrations for the works of Pushkin, Russian fairy tales from other periods of Russian history, amazing in originality and variety of execution. Among the authors of the images are Ivan Bilibin, an elegant master of pictorial drawing of the pre-revolutionary years, Nikolai Matorin, a unique modernist artist little known today, specializing in Russian folklore, Yuri Vasnetsov, who continued the dynasty of great artists and also marked the area of ​​\u200b\u200bRussian fairy tales with his talent. Visitors to the museum will also see images familiar from cartoons beloved by all.

When we present postcards, we show not only their illustrated side, but also the reverse side. Both information and communication components of postcards are important. Thanks to them, people in a variety of life situations passed important news to each other, congratulated relatives, friends and acquaintances, or simply said hello, - the president of the Union of Philokartists of Russia, candidate of historical sciences Arsen Melitonyan shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Therefore, the "Children's Museum of the History of Russian Postcards" is not just a museum of images. It can be called a museum of human relations, which carries the connection of generations.

Participation in the formation of the exposition of the Museum of the Moscow Branch of the Russian Post will give visitors an exceptional chance to see the exhibits of the Museum of Postal Communication and the Moscow Post Office from its organization to the present day.

The authors of the exhibition are sure that in our time a postcard can give bright, sincere and joyful emotions that cannot be conveyed through an electronic message. Therefore, each visitor will be able to take part in the actions of the Life Line Charitable Foundation for Rescuing Seriously Ill Children, create or buy a ready-made charitable card and send it with words of support to a specific kid or teenager.

Today it is no secret to anyone that the postcard, which has become an object of collecting, is a means of preserving and creating history. She can also become a guide to the magical world of fine art. In the impromptu post office of the "Children's World (Museum of the History of Russian) Postcards", young and adult visitors will be able to create their own postcard and immediately send it to dear and close people, and even to their favorite fairy-tale character.

This project is really unique, but we are not going to stop there, - the general partner of the project Valery Krepostnov told us. - Already in August we are planning to open a similar museum in St. Petersburg. But that's not all: there are plans to organize traveling expositions with unique original postcards in all million-plus cities of our country. I am sure that this project is a wonderful gift for children and it will definitely be in demand.

A world that brings joy

The good old postcards are making a comeback these days. And this is understandable, because a postcard is not just a piece of colored cardboard. This is an amazing phenomenon that carries an aura of human warmth, kindness and good mood. With the help of a postcard, you can express your feelings and thoughts, send greetings to your loved ones, congratulate friends on an important event in their lives, or simply remind you of yourself.

The postcard is a stunning and unique example of the artistic, spiritual and everyday culture of our country for several centuries, says project manager Alexander Kologrivov. - This museum is an opportunity to touch the memory, history, the living soul of the country in which we live. We invite all interested persons in the regions to cooperate, my phone number can be found on the museum's website. And to all our young guests under 12 years old, we give a children's free admission ticket, which can be downloaded from the website and printed. Just as any postcard is created to unite people, cities, continents, so we hope that this exhibition will unite all of us, rallying through our common past, present and future that we are creating together right now.

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