Scenarios for March 8 in dhow. Video: jump-dolls dance dolls

The music “Path” sounds, the children enter the hall, at the end of the dance they become a semicircle
Child: There is a day like this in March
With a number like a pretzel
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?
Children in chorus will tell us:
Children (in chorus).
It's our mother's day!
Child: Today is not an easy day
Today is mom's day.
And lights a fire
Snowdrop here and there.
Child : The sun washed in the morning
Glittering above.
Gives smiles to children
To all mothers and spring.
Child: Let the cheerful spring
Carries our voices
We congratulate moms on Women's Day
And gently sing a song.
SONG about mom.
Our lovely women, believe -
we open spring for you.
Smile and warm up
the warmth of your tender eyes!

Look out the window
it got a little warmer.
The main holiday is coming
the sun greets him.

Congratulations to our moms
We honestly promise you:
We won't mess around
and forget about quarrels!

Good day March 8th
hello to our mothers helmet!
"Mom" is an expensive word,
in this word is life and light.

We prepared, we tried
learned a lot of songs
And we have a surprise
you will see now!

6 children
Everything is ready for the holiday
so what are we waiting for?
We are a fun dance
Let's start our holiday.

Dance (any dance)

Children sit down, Baba Yaga appears

BABA YAGA: Yes, yes, yes, yes!
I wasn't expected!
And they didn't call.
"Let the old woman sit on the stove,
And one dry rolls bursts.
What kind of injustice is this?
Now I will give you all a trepak!
Where has it been seen, where has it been heard,
To treat elders like this
And they were not invited to the holidays?
But they promised! Our last New Year's Eve!

Vedas: You, dear Yaga,
We all ask for forgiveness!
Please accept our apologies.
As a sign of the deepest respect for you.
After all, she brought us a magpie on the tail,
It's like you were on a business trip...

BABA YAGA (interrupting):
Here I will catch that magpie,
Yes, I’ll fry it, what’s the use in it !?
And don't you dare offend me!
There are many things I want to tell you...
I am an enviable woman
Beautiful, visionary!
Don't hurt grandma
And I still agree with you!
Can I sing and dance
Tales to tell, cross embroider,
I can do catch-ups, jump ropes, tags...
I can entertain all honest people,
Yes, build everyone in a round dance.
In general, who is with me,
He's just a superhero!

HOST: Well, that's great, stay Baba Yaga at the holiday and have fun with us (agrees) Become, guys, a fun song.

Song at the discretion of the music director

Baba Yaga: (noticing mothers)
What a miracle ladies
super moms,
Beauties of Kamengrad,
Look what you need!
But we won't talk
I will entertain you!
Oh, how it will find inspiration for me,
I'm all poems and poems ....
And just now I couldn’t sleep, so I just didn’t compose,
All sorts of tasks for you and tests!
Why not enough dads? Did Koschey eat them for breakfast?
(children's answers)
So, the first task: tell us how your dads play with you?
Vedas. : We will tell and show.
Children: 1. Dad congratulates mom,
He got up early in the morning
And cleans the apartment
I ran for flowers.
2. I keep up with him
I love my mother.
I'll cook for mommy
I'm a present now.
3. And when he returns.
We'll start a game with him
For dad to take us
Let's play popper!

Dance "Papovoz" (dance of your choice)

BABA YAGA: Well, it's not the first time I see that your dads are just awesome! But I know about something else, (conjures) I’ll show it now !!!

Scene without words. To the music, one child shows a calendar.
March 7 - girls clean, cook, wash, iron, etc.
March 8 - Boys take jobs from girls and do everything themselves...
March 9 - the boys waved their hand and left, and the girls again cleaned, washed, cooked, ironed, etc.

Ved.: It was still a joke!
Do not repeat this in life!
And my beloved mother
You always have to help!
BABA YAGA : Why are you guys sad? Perhaps you are jealous that you do not have a men's holiday?

Leading: There is no Baba Yaga and the boys have their own holiday - February 23.
Baba Yaga: How? And I think, why is Gorynych pouting at me, it turns out that I did not congratulate him. Well, okay, who doesn't. Gorynych will leave, this is while he does not communicate, he shows his masculine character. So what is this holiday? Enlighten me!
Children: 1. I told dad today:
If the enemy takes over the country,
If all of a sudden there's a war
I will fight my enemies!

2. Grandmother, mother, sister or aunt
They really need our care!
Women are the holy of holies!
We must protect them!

Dance "Heroes"»

BABA YAGA: There would be no price for all of you,
If instead of a poem,
Would you give me a treat.
So to speak, they would raise the grandmother's spirits.

Presenter: Wait, Baba Yaga. We have not given all the gifts to our mothers yet, there is one more interesting dance with maracas and bells left!

(The presenter comes up, but there are no tools in place)

Presenter: Oh! What it is?. Where are our tools?(thinks)
I have a magic flashlight somewhere. So he will help us find out the name of the one who did it.
The presenter walks around the hall, passing a flashlight over the faces of children and spectators.

Baba Yaga: Don't forget to check yourself!
(The presenter stops near Baba Yaga)

Presenter: So who stole the maracas with bells. Baba Yaga, well, you can’t live without your dirty tricks, shame on you. Get the tools back now.

Baba Yaga: Yes, okay, don't be angry! Is the dance interesting?(children answer) Then I'll be right back!(walks, returns and helps hand out tools)
Dance with maracas and bells
BABA YAGA: I got a little tired
I have a pain in my leg.
I'll go away a little
And I'll sit on a chair.

Presenter: Relax and look at our wonderful mothers who draw, sculpt, read books with their children and love to play with them very much. Shall we play guys?
The game "Fish and pebbles"(Homeland "Kuklyandiya")
The game "Neighbors" (Zheleznova E.)
Dance with mom (after the dance they can give gifts)
Baba Yaga: Well, okay, I see children love their mothers. And now it's my turn to give out gifts (treats children with sweets)
I sat with you.
Your moms are just awesome!
Cheerful, nimble, beautiful,
Well, not moms - just a miracle!
You keep up with moms
Imitate them well.
Bye bye I tell you all!
Your dear Yaga.
Baba Yaga leaves.
Presenter: Women's Day, Spring Day,
Coming in March.
We congratulate dear mothers,
We wish you happiness!
And let the sun always shine for them!
In the house to them boredom and trouble
Let them not wander.
And, of course, the whole year
Let the holiday last!
Let the whole world bloom like a garden
And the birds are chirping!
Children go into groups to try treats.

Our article presents a complete program for celebrating the March 8 matinee for the older group in kindergarten: a script, skits, songs, dances, poems, riddles, contests and games, as well as beautiful congratulatory words to parents and teachers.

Celebrating International Women's Day in Kindergarten is a great opportunity to show kids ways to show love and appreciation to their moms and grandmas. With the help of soulful rhymes, funny songs and dances, instructive scenes, interesting games and competitions, kids learn how to express their love correctly and pay attention to their relatives.

Scenario matinee for March 8 in kindergarten in the form of a fairy tale for the older group

The main task of the children's matinee dedicated to March 8 is to form in the children the correct understanding of love and respect for mother, grandmother, sister and other women.

Scenario matinee for March 8 for the senior group in kindergarten in the form of a fairy tale " Favorite TV show».

Hello dear guests,
We are glad to see all of you!
Let it fly by unnoticed
This is our holiday hour!
There is an eternal word in our world,
Short but heartfelt.
It is beautiful and kind
It is simple and convenient
It is soulful, beloved,
Incomparable to anything in the world: Mom!

Child 1:
Mom's heart does not know peace,
Mom's heart is burning like a torch.
Mom's heart will hide from grief,
It will be hard for him - he will remain silent.

Child 2:
Mom's heart holds so much
Caresses, cares of love and warmth,
Anyone protects us from adversity,
If only my own, lived longer.

child 3:
If sadness came to mom
And fatigue in the eyes
What can I do to make her
Did you smile more often?

Child 4:
For a mother's smile
I'm ready for a hundred things
I would play the violin for her
If only I could.

Child 5:
You know, mom, an ordinary day
We can't live without you!
The word mom is so familiar
From the first days we speak!

No one can replace mother's love for us,
Don't try, don't, friends.
Only mother's heart will warm with love,
And hug and caress you.

Children perform the dance "Mom, I can't see enough of you" with heart balloons.

Child 6:
We dressed up today
Let's sing and dance
Let's have fun together
Let's congratulate mom!

Child 7:
Let them sound today in the hall
Songs, music and laughter
We invited mothers to the party.

Together: Our mothers are the best!

Children sing the song "Beloved Mom".

Today is a spring and holiday day,
Drops play loudly outside the windows.
We continue mother's holiday
We offer you your favorite TV shows.

Hello dear viewers!
I hope you recognize me.
We are glad to welcome you
On our preschool channel.

The first program is dedicated to the military,
"Serving the Motherland" - the program is called.
The pride of grandmothers and mothers is defenders, soldiers.
Admire you on them - brave guys!

Boy 1:
Moms, grandmothers, now we want to congratulate you.
We are also happy to congratulate all the employees of the kindergarten.

boy 2:
And girlfriends, and sisters, and, of course, all the girls.
Let us be small in stature, but brave as soldiers!

Children sing the song "Soldiers - brave kids."

Boy 3:
Admire, our mothers, how we have matured.
Pulled up, grew up, pumped up the muscles.

Boy 4: We will defend our beloved homeland,
We will protect peace and happiness on earth.

The boys perform the dance "White Steamboat", (gr. Na-Na)

"Star Factory" on the "first" - you are probably waiting for the singers.
Our guests today are only the finalists.
The girls are all excellent - people's artists.

Girls perform the song "Oh, what a fashionista", Z. Root

TV channel "Domashniy" announces the competition -
Soup to cook and compote he offers you.

The attraction "Cook soup and compote" is held

We are starting the Smak program, and we are inviting culinary specialists.

Children perform "Culinary ditties". In the hands of spoons, ladles, lids, children play on them to lose.

We will sing ditties to you
Very tasty, too.
We will grow up and we will
The chefs are skilled.

I sowed, I sowed flour
Straight through the sieve.
“What, it snowed in the kitchen? —
Mom was surprised.

Mom made a salad
And I was surprised
What is the herring on the table
Dressed up in a fur coat.

And this is how I baked pancakes,
Let me tell you guys:
Lumpy first pancake, second,
Third... and twentieth!

I put in dumplings
Meat, beets and scrambled eggs,
Mom laughed merrily.
What is this vinaigrette?

My mom is on a diet
Doesn't eat anything.
I will sing these ditties
Let him listen to them!

We are fighting guys
We will sleep and sing for you.
Bring us candy
And we will pour you tea!

The new program "Our Garden" is called.
Today is dedicated to grandmothers and mothers.

Girl 1:
Women love flowers - everyone knows about it.
In kindergarten, flowers also grow.

Girl 2:
For our grandmothers and mothers
We will give you flowers now!

Attraction "Collect Flowers".

"School of repair" we included,
We will renovate everything in the apartment.
Moms, look, the masters are coming,
They will build a house, put it in order!

Attraction "Build a tall house."

So, my favorite show "Shop on the couch" begins! We bring to your attention advertising the best toy in the world!

There are many different toys -
Dolls, robots, animals!
I'll just tell you honestly:
I'm not interested in them
I love my car
Pump up tires fast
And I'm going to ride.
You can't keep up with me!

Well, drivers, don't sit!
Start your cars!

Game dance of boys with toy rudders "Bibika". At the end, girls are “rolled” in a circle.

So, dear mothers and grandmothers! Your attention the program "Around the laughter!" Today, for the first time on tour in our city, the ensemble "Russian Matryoshka" with holiday congratulations!

Boys in dresses and headscarves enter to the music. Stop in the center.

Boy 1:
We dressed up in headscarves
And they turned into girls!

boy 2:
Aren't we good?
We'll make you laugh heartily.

Boy 3:
They called us sons
But now we are daughters.

Boy 4:
We will start to entertain you -
Let's go dancing in dresses!

To the song "Roly Dolls" they dance a dance. At the end, they bow and leave.
Shapoklyak runs into the hall.

Why didn't the kids invite me to the party? Ugliness!

Who always interferes with everyone? Gives legs to children?
And it does everything wrong. This …( old woman Shapoklyak )

Yes, I am old Shapoklyak!
What's the fun here?
Holiday or housewarming?

Today is Women's Day.

Are you too lazy to dance and sing?
Turn off the TV
And stop your concert!
Elders must be respected
Don't let them rest!
Give me a pillow, give me a blanket.
And in general - out of the way! Grandma is tired!

The host gives a pillow, a blanket

All! Don't bother grandma!
Here I will sleep soundly!

Shapoklyak makes himself comfortable, covers himself with a blanket, falls asleep.

Dear grandma, we have a surprise for you -
What gear would you like to turn on now?

I'm very careful with TV shows.
After all, TV is now impossible to watch!
(wakes up)
Then the horrors will show - I tremble with fear,
I, brrr, can't stand such shows!
I would have looked now "Parliamentary hour"!

Here, granny, - mothers, there are no deputies!
And we have a holiday here, not the City Council!
What show should we show now?
To make our grandmother stop sleeping?

“Old songs about the main thing” I love very much.
I tell you honestly, children!

These songs of yesteryear, we will not forget with you, no!
Children sing a song for all the grandmothers in the world!

Children sing the song "What delicious pancakes Grandma has"

Well, thank you, they made me feel better, my soul was torn apart!
And I'm ready right now to start dancing with you!

Children perform the dance "Chamomile, chamomile - field flower"

I congratulate everyone today!
May there be happiness, luck and success in life!
Shapoklyak says goodbye and leaves

Transfers are completed, our holiday ends.
Thank you for being with us today
On our festive preschool channel!

Leading: The hour of fun has come to an end, thanks for coming!
We were glad to see you, and we see that you are pleased!

Child 1:
For everything, we say thank you to our dear mothers.

Child 2:
And we promise to love you, and this holiday will not be forgotten.

The sun shines over the earth, dispersing the clouds.
We smile with you, the world will be better.
After all, in a smile all the beauty - buds swell,
Heaven will smile - flowers will bloom.
Let's smile at each other
And sing a sweet song

They perform "Tender Song", M. Mishakova

child 3:
Accept the flowers in the basket, they were made for you!
Let the winter frost outside the window, the flowers will warm at this hour!

Children give crafts to their mothers, the holiday is over

Poems for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the older group

Poems dedicated to the closest women, dedicated to the Day of March 8, will be pleasant to mothers and grandmothers.

Mom, Happy Holidays! Spring
Woke up from sleep.
Let the sun shine through the window
And you won't notice wrinkles.
Let there be a lot of health
Not touched so that anxiety
Let good people surround
And may it always be so!

With dad, we decided a long time ago
Surprise mom on holiday.
Washed, ironed, cooked
And, of course, surprised
What to say about it!
Mom praised us
And ... I took up cleaning.

I love my mommy
I'll help mommy.
To the shop for bread
I will run today.
Wash the dishes quickly
I will set the table for the guests,
Wipe the dust everywhere with a rag
Let the holiday come to us!
I will put flowers in a vase
And I'll write a postcard
About faults all at once
I'll tell mommy.
I kiss my mother
I'll hug my mom
Such a good mother
I won't give it to anyone!

I love my grandmother
She's busy all day.
Grandma sing a song
And I'll give you a flower.

And I'm for my grandmother
Blinded from plasticine
Small house on the grass
Dog and penguin.

I love grandma too
And you know guys
I will give a medal to grandma,
She received a reward from her grandson.

I am a grandmother
Kiss you very hard
After all, my grandmother
Very, very kind.

Today is the brightest holiday
Birds chirp in the yard.
All guests are festively dressed
March 8 is Mother's Day!

Mother! There is light in this word of the sun.
Mother! There is no better word in the world.
Mother! Who is dearer than her?
Mother! She has spring in her eyes.
Mother! The best on earth.
Mother! Gives stories, gives laughter.
Mother! Because of us sometimes sad.
Mother! Regret and forgive.

From the heart,
In simple words
Come on, friends, let's talk about mom.
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything together with her,
For what, when
We're having a hard time
We can cry
At the native shoulder.
We love her because sometimes
Are getting stricter
Wrinkled eyes.
But it is worth confessing
Come head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm is fading..

Today the sky is blue
Merry streams are more audible,
Today we are even stronger
We are trying to grow faster!

We congratulate mothers, sisters,
Beloved grandmothers,
And, of course, girls, -
Our dear friends.

A blizzard has blown up recently
Spring comes to every home
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day.

Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers!
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say "thank you" to you!

Songs for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the older group

A soulful song performed by a child is able to touch parents to the core. This is a wonderful congratulation on the Day of March 8.

  • Song " Mother»

I wake up early in the morning from your eyes.
They will replace the sun for me.
The world, believe me, exists only for the two of us.
The sun laughs at you.

Chorus: Mom, I love you crazy,
Mom, I adore you too
Mom, without your gaze, I'm like a bird without a wing,
A bird without a wing.
Mom, you know, you are not dearer,
Mom, hug me soon
Mom, let me warm up, mom,
Near your hands, as if by the fire.

May adversity and sorrow be far away,
And closer will be happiness.
You and I cannot live in sadness and longing,
And drive away the bad weather.

  • Song " Mother's day»

Winter-old woman hides in snowdrifts and in the forest
I don’t want to let Spring-Krasna into our land again
She will let in the cold with a burning breeze,
And we will sing our spring song to her

Small birds sang at the house outside the window
Spring is coming! Spring is coming! We praise her!
The days are getting longer, the haze and the night are getting shorter!
Grandfather and dad are preparing to help us with mom!

Cap-cap-cap! Icicles are ringing merrily!
Cap-cap-cap! Spring-Red is coming!
Cap-cap-cap! Celebrate the holiday with songs!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mother's Day is coming!

Stronger and brighter the Sun shines on Earth for us!
Rather, melt the snow and ice with your warmth!
So that the spring streams rang here and there!
And they sang a song for grandmothers and mothers with us!

Cap-cap-cap! Icicles are ringing merrily!
Cap-cap-cap! Spring-Red is coming!
Cap-cap-cap! Celebrate the holiday with songs!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mother's Day is coming!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mother's Day is coming!

  • Song about mom on March 8

You wake me up at dawn
Gently touch your hair
As always kiss loving
And a smile will warm me.

And calm and light.

And I sing about it, my mother.

My mom is the best in the world
She shines for me like the sun shines in my life.
Mom is the best friend in the world.
How I love the warmth of her hands.
Mom, mom, my mom.
Mom, mom, my mom.

You will always understand and forgive everything.
I know you don't sleep at night.
Because you love me.
Because I am your daughter.

When you are next to me, I feel warm
And calm and light.
In the whole world, only we - you and me
And I sing about it, my mother.

  • Song " Grandmother»

Together with the sun we rise
Let's have tea with grandma
With jam and honey
With a cheesecake, with a pie,

With jam and honey
With a cheesecake, with a pie,
And we never get bored together.

I love my grandmother very much,
So kind and mischievous.
Always be by your side
With me, grandma!
You are my reliable
The most faithful friend!

Can you play with me
Tell a good story.
And for any question
Ready for a simple answer
After all, you love
Chat with me!
And for any question
Ready for a simple answer
After all, you love
Chat with me!

I'll tell you a secret:
I value friendship with my grandmother!
After all, we will move mountains,
When we are together,
And we don't care about anything!
After all, we will move mountains,
When we are together,
And we don't care about anything!

  • Song " Oh what a mother»

I'll wake up my mom in the morning
"Hello, mommy!" - I'll say.

Oh what a mother!
Looking straight ahead!

I love you very much
My beloved!

You sing a song with me
After all, today is your holiday!

  • Lyrics of the song " Grandmother»

If mom and dad are not at home,
Then I won't worry.
Always warms up my lunch
Grandmother, my grandmother.

Grandma, grandma, grandma,
I love you so much!
Grandma, grandma, grandma,
I can't live without you.
Grandmother, granny, grandmother
My lovely.
Grandmother, granny, grandmother
Honey, honey.

Before my mother, a mountain for me.
Dad never argues with her.
If I upset her sometimes,
Then I burn with shame.

  • Lyrics of the song " Our grandmother»

Who tells stories?
Our grandmother.
Who gives us a lot of affection?
Our grandmother.
Who cultivates a garden
Who bakes pancakes
Who sings songs to us?
Our grandmother.

I'll thank her
my good grandmother,
I'll thank her
my good grandmother,

Who takes us to school?
Our grandmother.
Who is always happy to see us?
Our grandmother.
Who gives us candy
Cooks porridge and compote,
Who will always understand everything?
Our grandmother!

VIDEO: Song about mother. Kindergarten

Competitions for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the older group

Funny contests and attractions allow you to make a festive morning party more dynamic, mobile, and fun. Parents will be pleased to watch their nimble child participating in competitions from the outside.

Contest " sweep up»

  • Line up 2 teams of children and parents.
  • Opposite each team there is a chair (at a distance of 5-7 steps).
  • The first player in the team is given a broom and a balloon.
  • The player must "sweep" the ball to the chair, "sweep" around it and return back to the team.
  • Then he passes the broom to the next participant, and everything repeats.
  • The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Contest " Tender words».

  • One apple is given to the first team, and the other is given to the second. Matches (toothpicks) are stuck on each apple.
  • The task of the player is to pull out a match and name an affectionate word.
  • And so on until the first break. Pause means lost.

Contest " Let's help mom set the table»

  • Children are divided into two teams.
  • Everyone takes one children's dishes (saucers, cups, teapot, spoons, etc.).
  • On the opposite side, at a distance of 5-7 steps, there is a table.
  • On command, the children run one by one, put the dishes on the table, come back, pass the baton to the next one.

Contest " Cook soup and compote»

  • The children are divided into two teams, one will "cook" the soup, the other - compote.
  • Opposite each team, at a distance of 2-3 steps, tables with ingredients are placed.
  • Team members, in turn, run up to the table and put one product into the basket, run to the team and pass the basket to the second participant.
  • The task of each of the teams is to choose the right products for their dish.
  • The team that quickly and correctly indicates the ingredients of their dish wins.

Attraction " Gather flowers»

  • Children are divided into 4 teams, 5 people each, each of which is given a colored heart from a flower.
  • Colored petals are scattered on the floor.
  • The task of each team is to collect a flower of its color.
    Participants take turns looking for their petal.
  • The team that completes the task faster will win.

Attraction " Build a tall house»

  • Children are divided into several teams.
  • Teams are located opposite tables with cubes, located at a distance of 3-4 steps.
  • Each team member must run up to the table, take one cube, run to his team, put the cube on the floor and pass the baton to the second participant.
  • The task of the players is to build a tall house out of cubes while the music is playing.
  • The team with the highest house wins.

Scenes for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the older group

Funny or instructive scenes for March 8 Day can be a wonderful gift for mom and grandmother.

  • Scene " Two grandmothers»

grandmother 1: Soon Women's Day, Matryona,
How did you decide to do it?

grandmother 2: How? Do you know if you are Praskovya?
I will download my grandson.

The song "Dolce Cabana" sounds. Enter Lady in a hat and with a fashionable bag.

grandmother 1: Oh, I gathered for the holiday, dressed up, curled.

Follow the lady with a look. Towards her comes a lady with a stroller, in her hands she has bags, a scarf on her head. (The song "Women's happiness" sounds).

fashionable lady:
Zina! Honey, hello!
How many winters and how many years
We haven't seen you!
Don't rush, stay with me.
All in business, do not rest,
tell me how you live

lady with bags:
Here are the products I bring to the house -
Women's Day is right around the corner.
I'll cook cutlets for everyone,
Let me cut the vinaigrette
I'll wash, I'll clean up
I'm the last one to go to bed...

fashionable lady:
Darling, do you believe
At the top of things:
(points over head)
Need to grow nails
Go to a dance club
To keep the shape
Yes, visit the solarium!
I don't know how to be!

lady with bags:
And how are your kids doing?

fashionable lady:
And what are grandmothers for? Bye then.

Papa appears, loaded with bags.

grandmother 1:
And here comes my neighbor, carrying full bags.
(flashes hands)

grandmother 2:
Just don't let him drink beer - it's very ugly.

Oh, I'm tired, in fact, you need to buy groceries.
The shops inflated prices, how much you need to get.
(wipes sweat).

grandmother 1:
There are no such men.
Dads are all sitting in armchairs, watching TV.

grandmother 2:
It’s not too lazy for men to help mom only on Women’s Day!

grandmother 1:
That's for sure!

Children (together):
Dads and moms - live together,
And help whenever needed.

  • Scene for March 8 " spring bouquet»

On the stage are children in costumes of different colors: daisies, mimosa, carnations, roses, cornflowers and others.

I am a gentle daisy
In a light shirt.
Don't guess on me today
And don't cut the petals!
After all, soon I will be in a bouquet
The coolest in this world!

I am a yellow-golden flower,
Like a chicken, fluffy!
I'm not a peony, and not a rose,
I am a spring mimosa.
I'll look in the window in the morning
Let the sun shine in your eyes!

Lots of satin petals
Yellow, colorful, bright, red!
Look at me,
I am a beautiful carnation!

I blossomed at the fence
And I am called - the queen of the garden!
I'm very afraid of the cold
Such a delicate rose.
Shine with ruddy beauty,
Gift for mother dear.

I am cornflower, cornflower,
Delicate blue flower!
I will decorate my mother's bouquet,
Admire me!

Lush, round as a head of cabbage
I shook my head at you.
In the summer I will blossom like a dream
I am a wonderful peony.
Lots and lots of petals
I'm ready for the bouquet!

I'm at a big party
I say hello to everyone!
I am the most beautiful flower
I'm just called - aster!

Amazing flower!
I am like a bright light.
In front of you like a pan
The tulip is blooming.

We are a bouquet for mom
There is no better place than us.

As they say, children are the flowers of life! And today, on this wonderful spring holiday - March 8, accept from us, our dear mothers, the best bouquet in the world!
(children get into a small pile, depicting flowers in a bouquet).

VIDEO: One day in the life of a kindergarten (a parody of teachers)

VIDEO: Funny scene in kindergarten

VIDEO: Scene "Three mothers"

Games for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the older group

Cheerful, active games at festive matinees give dynamics to the festival. Not only children, but also parents can participate in these games.

  • A game " Know by touch»

The presenter asks one of the parents, for example, 5 mothers, or grandmothers, or fathers, to go to the center of the hall. The teacher in turn blindfolds the parents and puts several children in front of them. Mother or father, touching the baby, should recognize their child.

  • A game " My beloved grandmother».

Grandmothers sit on chairs with baskets in their hands. On the table away from them is a table and a plate of sweets (small caramels). 2 or 3 children play, they must bring one candy each and kiss their grandmother on the cheek for each candy. Whoever brings the most wins!

  • A game " Draw a portrait of mom»

In the middle of A3 paper, an oval is cut out from the face of an adult. Children are invited to finish the portrait, draw a neck, ears, hair, you can draw jewelry.

  • Raffle win-win lottery tickets.

Everyone at the celebration comes up and pulls out a ticket, unfolds it and reads: what he won:

1. Start repairs at home as soon as possible, get an automatic machine for painting the walls. (Brush)
2. To be always beautiful, get this soap.
3. To have peace and harmony in life, get chocolate.
4. To write things down, you will need a pen.
5. On a ticket, you accidentally fell out ... of course, tea!
6. To lure money, if you please, get a penny.
7. Paper clips fell out to you so that your husband's hugs were strong.
8. For you, a lover of writing, this notebook was intended.
9. To have children, here are three sweets for you.
10. There is no better win! Plastic bag.
11. To avoid trouble, get a piece of bread.
12. Here are two gifts for you: a postal envelope and a stamp.
13. To make it easy to look at yourself, I’ll give you, perhaps, this dressing table (mirror)
14. Reach out, get a bow.

Dances for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the older group

Dances in the senior group on March 8, dedicated to mothers and grandmothers, can be comic or serious. The staging of the dance itself can be very diverse.

VIDEO: Dance of boys with mothers. Preschool №8 "Baby"

VIDEO: SURPRISE children's dance flash mob

VIDEO: Jump-Dolls Dance of the dolls

Riddles for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the older group

Riddles at the matinee allow you to maintain a cheerful atmosphere in the hall, stir up the kids and their parents. If the children cannot guess the riddle, the presenter can ask the audience for a guess.

Answer the question " Who is the most»

  • The most windy lady in the world ( Weather )
  • The most capricious lady in the world ( Fashion )
  • The best lady in the world! ( Mother )
  • The biggest roar in the world ( Princess Nesmeyana )
  • The most sensitive lady in the world Princess on the Pea )
  • The hottest lady in the world Snow Maiden )
  • The smallest lady in the world, the wife of an elf ( Thumbelina )
  • The most croaking lady in the world ( Princess Frog )

Riddles on the topic " Mom's professions»

At school, I'm the most scientist -
I was very lucky with my mother.
Children learn from her
Everything is in the classroom.
Get better and smarter
Fair and kind. ( Teacher )

Kindness, warmth, soul
Mom is not sorry.
Babies are waiting for mommy -
Vasya, Masha, Jackdaw,
Pasha, Senya and Marat -
The whole kindergarten is waiting for her! ( caregiver )

Mom has it on the counter
Dolls, balls, pins,
Shoes on the right, fabrics on the left,
Cups are on display.
Mom is like a queen
In our store! ( Salesman )

Mom cooks soup
Babies from different groups
Deftly fashion cutlets
And cut the vinaigrettes.
And with such a skillful mother
I am the most satiated! ( Cook )

Mom is the most important, believe me!
Mom walks with a thick bag.
Bring a letter in an envelope
Parcel and telegram.
People are waiting for their mother
Respect mother's work! ( Postman )

Mom needs for work
Put notes on the music stand.
Just ask mom
And he will play: “Mi, salt, si!”
I will tell the guys proudly:
“Mom knows all the chords!” ( Music teacher )

Mom - golden hands -
Sewing shirts, dresses, trousers,
Dad, me, sister of Light -
All dressed to the nines! ( Dressmaker )

Mama can put cans
To smear abrasions and wounds.
Mom gives injections
To all the kids in our school.
Mom caress, kind word
Helps you get healthy! ( Nurse )

Congratulatory words for the holiday of March 8 for kindergarten teachers and parents

Kind, tender words to parents and educators by March 8.

Women's Day, Spring Day,
Coming in March.
We congratulate dear mothers,
We wish you happiness!
And let the sun always shine for them!
In the house to them boredom and trouble
Let them not wander.
And, of course, the whole year
Let the holiday last!
Let the whole world bloom like a garden
And the birds are chirping!

There are many holidays in the country,
But Women's Day is given to Spring,
After all, only women are subject to
Create a spring holiday - caress.
So be kind, simple,
Always with a smile on your face!
Well, in a word, be you
How spring should be!

You work as a mother from morning to evening,
And with many children, and from the heart;
And we, as parents, have nothing to say -
Well, except that all the kids love you!
Let the semolina porridge, which is coolly mixed,
Does not spoil your holiday, but the heart sings!
You are kind, you are young! You are a woman!
May God bless you for everything!

dress tights,
Dressy hairstyles…
Good work
You have chosen for yourself!
The concert is over
And echoes in the heart:
Another one leaves
Another round of fate...
There will be many more!
But with every new start
The road is getting harder...
And we want to say:
Fate is not to be ruled!
Happy March 8th to you
We all want to congratulate
And wish you happiness!

You can set aside the semolina,
So as not to spoil our holiday now?
Allow the whole group to congratulate
On International Women's Day you!
Coming different aunts and uncles
We whisper softly in your ear
We are proud of our kindergarten
Since you work in it!
Very soon we will sit down at our desks,
Only we will not forget you;
In the meantime, Happy March 8th!
We won't stop loving you!

March 8, Women's Day,
We heartily congratulate you!
Let adversity go into the shadows!
We sincerely wish you warmth!
Thank you for the kids!
For all - obedient and capricious!
Health to you and many days!
Your contribution to their lives is invaluable!

Educators! Good people!
We all say thank you!
We will be grateful for the children,
For love, for patience with them!
On Women's Day, health and happiness to you,
Women's joys, in the heart of warmth!
And from close attention, affection,
May there be no disease and evil!

VIDEO: Congratulation of educators at the matinee on March 8 for parents

VIDEO: Congratulations to the teacher

Spring is knocking at the kindergarten
Pleases the guys
And with it comes the holiday of mothers,
We would like to congratulate them.

Let's read our poems for them,
We confess great love.
Let's give dances, ringing laughter,
To please you all.

Happy Women's Day in the world,
I congratulate my beloved mother.
Do not offend and do not upset
You, mommy, I promise!

The snow has melted, the sun is shining
And the snowdrop bloomed again
The happiest in the world
Women's Day has arrived!

Congratulations to everyone today
Bloom like flowers!
And we wish you gifts
Unparalleled beauty!

We congratulate women
With the first holiday of spring!
And we want to wish you:
Never lose heart
rejoice, smile,
Laugh more often
Be healthy, beautiful,
Definitely happy!

I'm gentle for mom
I will collect snowdrops.
On the eighth I will give
I love my mom very much!

Since March 8, our ladies -
Babysitters, grandmothers and mothers,
Teachers, friends
And funny girls!

Laugh, sing, smile,
Bathe in happiness, in joy.
All health and goodness,
In the eyes of brilliance and fire!

March 8, I'll wake up my mother
Hugs and deep kisses.
I will say a lot of good words to her,
So that my mother knows how much I love her.

She will always understand, always forgive
And play, and teach everything.
Mom will make all dreams come true
After all, there is no better mother in the world!

May flowers bloom for you
Let the sun shine
the happiest
Just be in the light.

March 8 is a wonderful day,
Great calendar day.
We celebrate the holiday with a sonorous song,
Bubbling fast stream.

May women all over the planet
Today they will find joy.
Let the children congratulate their mothers,
And mothers will press them to their hearts!

turmoil, confusion,
Mama, sit down here
We are performing today
Congratulations on Women's Day.

Songs, dances and poems
We taught as best we could.
We'll cheer you up
Let it be spring.

Today is a matinee for moms,
They have a holiday today.
Spring hastened to visit us
And here we are: hello!

Congratulate moms now
And we wish you happiness.
To love and pamper us all,
And in vain do not be upset!

Here is the holiday, and spring,
We can't sleep today
We are preparing gifts for everyone,
Of the brightest crafts.
And, also, for you - flowers,
Unparalleled beauty!

The birds sing merrily
The sun shines here and there.
All decorated with flowers
Everything - in honor of the holiday, for mom!

We dance merrily
Sing a song out loud
We will tell you poems
For our beloved mothers,
Because on such a day
Congratulations on spring!

Dear mother, the kindest,
We read all the fairy tales with mom,
We'll watch cartoons with her together,
Mommy and I live together!

Happy Women's Day, I congratulate my mother,
I will put a flower in a vase for my mother,
I will be an exemplary son to my mother,
I kiss her hard on the cheek!

This script is especially for holding a wonderful holiday on March 8 in a preschool institution (matinee in kindergarten, etc.) A children's script with a musical application that can be downloaded at the very bottom of the page. We wish you a successful celebration of March 8, for children and parents!

The hall is elegantly decorated with spring motifs. To the melody of the song "Mom" (see musical appendices at the bottom of the page), the children enter the hall in pairs. The boys escort the girls to their places, bow and line up side by side in a common semicircle.

1st child.

The drops are ringing merrily, they call themselves spring,
They are tapping out a song about my mother.

And the sparrows chirp, poems about grandmother,
And on this joyful holiday, we congratulate you too.

2nd child.

We want to say thank you
For kindness and patience
And raise this song
Up to the sky mood.

Children sing the song "Mama"
(see Attachment).

3rd child.

Don't forget that mom
has his own mother.

Why is it for me
is this my grandmother?

Grandma must lie down
drinking coffee and doing nothing.

Well, my grandmother
wastes time all not in vain:
She will wash the dishes
and rub the floors everywhere

And what kind of pies does she have -
well, just - in!
(Pulls out hand forward
raised thumb.)
To you, friends, I will tell you directly,
That her profession is a double mother!

Children sing "Song about Ba-
bush (see Appendix).

Four people go to the center of the hall
child in Russian folk costumes
tyumakh - Alenka, Matryonka, Za-
harka, Eroshka.


Attention attention,
we ask for great attention:
weight opens, the fairy tale begins.

Children sing the song "Story-
ka" (see Appendix).

4th child.

The most beloved, the most dear,
The best, dear.

We need more air
We need more sushi

For Anya, for Manechka,
For Katya and for Ksyusha.


Don't listen to her - It's all nonsense.
It's better to live on your own.

And mom is not required here:
You do that, you do that
Go to school before dawn.

I couldn't bear it for a long time
Left home - I am!
(He beats his chest.)

A le n k a.

There's nothing for you to brag about.
Offended my mother - to be in trouble.
And now we're going on a cruise,
We'll bring gifts for mom.


Quietly with them I will go -
How is it in Italy, I'll take a look,
And if I like it
I'd rather stay there.

Five go to the center of the semicircle
boys in sailor suits
and perform the song "Speakless

1st sailor.

We are young sailors
the sea is calling us

We fly like albatrosses
sail ahead.

2nd sailor.

Not afraid of storms and squalls,
We have been to the seas.
Mothers are waiting on the beach
Our sailor squad.

3rd sailor.

Today is Women's Day
Came to congratulate.
We want you before swimming
"Apple" to dance.

Sailors perform the dance "Yab-
lochko" (see Appendix).


Dear sailors, answer the question:
“If you go on a journey, will you take us with you?”

1st sailor.

Of course, run, take the cabins.

Children take their places in a fake steamboat and pass
one circle to the melody of the song "Apple".


Look, this is Italy -
Carnival country.
Castanets and gondolas
We are greeted in unison.

Children fade into the background
three girls go to the center -ita-
lianki and three Italian boys
with guitars.

1st boy.

Today is a holiday on the planet
His girls celebrate.
And eagerly at dawn
They accept gifts.

2nd boy.

For Italians there is a gift,
Melt the heart from ice.
There is nothing sweeter for a lady
Than serenade by the window

3rd boy.

Let the song fly lightly in the wind
He calls to come out to the balcony.
I pray: "Hear and give me an answer,
Dispel the alarm ringing of the soul.

Boys sing "Serena-
du "(see Appendix), depicting
playing the guitars, in the refrains
get down on one knee. girls in it
time they fan themselves with fans, embarrassed

Zakharka (referring to the Italian

Your congratulations are unusual
We have come with a personal bow.
They brought you spoons

knock a little
We brought you for a holiday
hundreds of two ditties different.

4th sailor.

Well, don't be shy
come out in a circle soon,

Legs - do not spare the hands
and sing like a nightingale.
Look, listen, don't yawn
and sing a ditty.

Children perform ditties (see.
Application), each performer
comes out in a circle. The boys hit
in spoons for each beat of the measure, during
losing time everyone clap.


We sailed from Russia
waited - did not expect guests?
They brought gifts with them -
ten hundred news.

5th sailor.
What are you standing on the sidelines
not see or hear?

Maybe it's hard for Italians
lift your feet off the ground?

1st Italian.
Scatter peas,

from garden to garden,
We'll go dancing on foot
And then squatting.

The fifth sailor picks up
the first Italian under their arms, and they
go around in a circle.

2nd Italian.
Your guys - no matter where,
whatever the guy, then a verst,
How to show strength
can't see because of the bump.

1st sailor.

We are strong - well done,
We do sports
And Schwarzenegger together
Let's break it down quickly.

3rd Italian.

Don't stand in my place
Legs dance on their own.
I'll dance for ten hours
Kohl from five I will not fall.

The first sailor picks up
under the arms of a third Italian, and they
walk in a circle together: sailor
squatting, and the Italian - circling.


We sang ditties together
Is it good, is it bad.
And we want for it
We were applauded loudly.


Ditties made us friends
But it's time for us to go home.
Come visit us
Whether in winter or in spring.

1st Italian.

You are our roses to Russia

And moms on holiday
donate them.
(Gives Zakharka a bouquet of roses.)


And you, so as not to forget your friends,
Take our spoons.
Good for porridge, for cabbage soup
And for the game a little. (Protya-
throws a basket full of spoons.)

E r o sh k a.

Oh look, darkness
It blurs in my eyes.
Offended my mother - to be in trouble,
The sickness is starting.

(Eroshka falls, picks him up-
Sailors are standing by, Alenka is feeling her forehead.)

A le nka.

He got sick, fever,
He needs medicine now.
(Gives medicine.)

Eroshka (delirious). Mom, ma-

Only his mother can heal him.
He will pity, he will regret.
Rather, on the road,

rather, rather.

The melody of the dance "Apple-
ko" in minor, the children are seated
into the steamer and move slowly
step. A girl runs up to the children
in my mother's costume.


Mommy, my mommy
Forgive me,

I feel so bad without you.
You are like the sun to me.


I'm angry with you, my son, I don't hold,
Of course, I will forgive you for this.

Remember life is very hard
Forgive, only mother will regret.

All heroes become in a semicircle
with everyone.

5th child.

We say "thank you" for everything
We are our dear mothers,

And we promise to love you
And don't forget this story

b-th child.

Accept you flowers in a basket,
They have been made for you.
Let winter frost outside the window,
Flowers will warm at the same time.

To the tune of the song "Mom" children
give gifts to mothers and together with
parents leave the room.


Download the script for the required musical compositions. —

Scenarios of festive mornings for preschoolers

Scenario for senior and preparatory to school group of kindergarten.

An interesting script for a festive concert on March 8 in kindergarten. Scenario of the musical cafe "Holiday of mothers and grandmothers"

The scenario of the show program for the senior and preparatory group of the kindergarten

The script of the holiday on March 8. Senior and preparatory group of kindergarten

Holiday for March 8 "Visiting Mukha-Tsokotukha"

Holiday for children of senior and preparatory groups

There are tables in the hall, parents are sitting at them.

Under the “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky, children with snowdrops enter the hall, run around, waltzing, a festive hall. Having made a circle, they squat in the center of the hall. She comes out, dancing, leading with a basket in her hands.


I flutter, I run

I breathe fresh air

Winter is tired of worries

And cheers! Spring has come!

The snow melted under the sun

He turned into streams

The sun warms the earth

And the snowdrop grows!

Children perform an exercise with snowdrops to the soundtrack of music by Enio Maricone.


I love snowdrops

I'll pick them up soon!

Collects in a basket.

1st child.

Children rejoice

Sun and plants

Good in the world

On this spring day!

2nd child.

Spring is knocking at the door again

Spring is everywhere: here and there,

Today we are celebrating...

All children. And it's our mother's day!

3rd child.

Dear educators,

grandmothers and mothers,

Congratulations on the holiday -

Gentle, kind, glorious!

The children sit down.


Get it together people

There are many interesting things waiting for you:

Lots of dances, songs, jokes

And funny jokes.

We are not too lazy to have fun -

Because today...

All. Women's Day!

4th child.

Moms smile -

The holiday begins.

Happy faces everywhere.

Let's have fun together!

1st child.

One two three four five -

Come out to play soon

Songs to sing and dance

Congratulations moms and grandmothers!


All spring sounds and colors

They will help us get into a good fairy tale.

2nd child.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about the Fly -

Beauty, Mukha-Tsokotukha.

We give from preschool children

This fairy tale in a new way!

3rd child.

Mukha has not a birthday,

And a new reason for fun:

Women's holiday is coming to us,

Fly is waiting for guests in the house.

A fly is spinning at the mirror, bringing beauty to the soundtrack “Hey, you are up there” by A. Pugacheva. (The role of the Fly is played by an adult.)


I dress up faster

After all, I'm waiting for my guests!

Come running from all around

All my friends, girlfriends!

cockroaches, fleas,

Butterflies and midges,

Dragonflies, moths

And solid bugs.

Let's throw a feast on Women's Day

We are all over the world today!

After all, the number eight

March is not easy!

I baked pies for the guests,

Yes, 92 more pancakes,

And in the morning I cooked

Two troughs of jelly.

I went to the market

I bought a samovar for tea!

A call rings out.


Here are the guests at the door,

I'll go and open it soon!

The soundtrack of A. Pugacheva's song "Song of Friends" sounds. Cockroaches, a beetle, midges, fleas, insects enter - children dressed in the named costumes.

1st cockroach.

Hello dear Fly,

Happy Women's Day, Tsokotuha!

2nd cockroach.

We are funny cockroaches

Drums were brought as a gift.

Drums beat loudly -

Everyone is invited to have fun!

They beat the drums.


And we, insects,

naughty cuties,

We love to play

Sing and dance.


And we, midges,

We took the spoons.

Invite us soon

We'll play better for you.

The fly invites everyone, seats them on the benches.


Well, funny goats,

Sit on the bench.


And we, fleas,

On Women's Day, we give Mukha boots.


Fly, dance!

Children (Insects, Moshki) play in the orchestra, and Fly dances to the Russian folk melody "Oh, canopy." Beetle comes out - a child dressed in a tailcoat.

Bug. Will you invite me?

Fly. Come on, come on!

I am a horned beetle

Solid, rich.

I give you, Light Fly,

Bouquet of spring flowers.

Well, how are you

My legs are torn to dance.

I twist my mustache -

I want to dance!


Come on, wider circle.

A cheerful beetle is dancing!

Everyone sings the round dance song “Kind Beetle”, music. A. Spadavecchia, sl. E. Schwartz.


And now, kids

Fun game.

Then the drum will drum -

Who will hit him first with a stick!

The game is played according to the type of game "Burn, burn brightly."