Love spell “Black wedding. Black wedding: description and consequences Black wedding how it affects the victim

Let us consider in detail how long the black wedding love spell works - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The rite of the Black Wedding dates back to time immemorial and is the most powerful ritual in magic for those who want to link their fate with each other. The Black Wedding is sometimes called the Black Bunch, but that's not entirely true, and here's why. The fact is that the Black Wedding originally existed as a wedding ceremony between a black sorcerer and a witch. Naturally, religious rites that bind people together by marriage were not at all suitable for them, but the satanic ritual perfectly reflected the essence of their “sinful” connection. A magician and a witch, engaged in black magic, should never have left each other. They did not just agree to marriage, in the process of the Black Wedding love spell, they formed a special bond with each other, similar to the one that is formed between the mentor of black magic and the student, only much stronger. And she bound them as equals (despite the fact that in society for a long time there was a struggle for the rights of women, witches have long had the same rights as sorcerers).

Not always two magicians, combining the bonds of black marriage, loved each other. Sometimes two men or two women participated in the Black Wedding, and their goal was not a love union at all. The choice was stopped at the most worthy, the best, and after the ritual, the two were tightly attached to each other. They could not leave each other until their death, and they did not have such a need. The Black Wedding acted as if it were soldering two into a single whole, and it turned out that each of them felt twice as strong and twice as tall. He drew strength from his partner, as from his twin, and it was truly a diabolical tandem. This is what the Black Wedding was of old, and now sometimes magicians practice such marriages, but the ancient practice of perfect doubling has been lost, or is believed to be lost. In any case, what was recognized in antiquity as the norm is now a huge rarity, if at all.

How does the Black Wedding work?

The Black Wedding is still valid throughout life and this is how. It does not give additional strength, does not add union and pure love - this is its similarity with the desired ritual. But the Black Wedding has unique properties: now these two cannot live without each other and are released only when one of them dies. There is a false version that says that the second partner follows the first even to the grave. If you come across such an interpretation of the Black Wedding, do not believe him. The connection formed by the Black Wedding is energetic - and immediately breaks off at the death of any member of the union, because there is no one to bind. However, until death, both husband and wife can no longer live separately. Being so close, they no longer think about love or falling in love. For them, being close is an urgent need, and if you ask them if they love each other, they will answer “yes” without hesitation, without hesitation. In fact, it is more than love.

How long does the Black Wedding last

The fastest results of the Black Wedding are possible after three days, but these are the rarest cases. Usually, the action of the Black Wedding love spell is given for about a week, but sometimes the whole process drags on for up to two weeks. All terms are adjusted additionally when the energies of the bewitched are viewed.

Black wedding aftermath

Here is the most interesting. The consequences of the Black Wedding are often frightened, I myself came across such horror stories a couple of times, and clients came frightened more than once. But in fact, the Black Wedding, with all its enormous potential, with incredible power, has almost no consequences. frightening consequences. Why, you ask? Yes, because for centuries this rite was done by magicians who knew how to divert and eliminate the consequences, and did it for each other with ease, which in the end absorbed and consolidated this rite in themselves. The very course of the ritual is almost entirely devoted to the ransom, for this purpose it is always held at the Sabbath, both witches and witchers take part in it, and they all cleanse and remove the negative from the couple.

How to make a Black Wedding

To make a real Black Wedding, you need to contact a professional magician and give him your arguments: why did you choose this particular ritual, why do you need it. The black magician does not conduct the Black Wedding for everyone who applied, he studies the situation for each separately, often after the study a refusal may follow. After all, this is for life, but if you are completely different people, and doing a Black Wedding in your case is meaningless, because it will not be a Black Wedding, but black torment? Finally, you can overestimate and dramatize the current situation, and this is a love spell that requires enormous resources, the magician can simply dissuade you, offer an easier alternative. These are the Black Bunch and the Black Swat.

Love spell Black Bundle - this ritual has always existed in parallel with the Black Wedding and has been used in the same way for weddings since ancient times - only not to bind magicians together, but to marry ordinary people. Whether at the request of a mutual black magicians brought them together, or this was achieved by one of those who asked, but the Black Bunch securely fixed the two with the symbolic bonds of a black marriage. Over time, they ceased to be so symbolic and grew into a strong love spell, namely love and on both sides, that is, mutual, or binary. True, it does not last a lifetime, less, but for a long time - about 20-25 years.

The Black Swat is mistakenly confused with the Black Wedding, and sometimes the Black Bunch. In general, a terrible confusion reigns in black magic at the present time, which we owe mainly to a large number of profane and charlatans who have found themselves on the Internet and carry them to the masses - and they do it very convincingly! - sometimes completely contradictory information that has nothing to do with reality. The Black Swat came to us from the Russian Black Book, but is a ghostly analogue of the Voodoo Love Spell, since it also uses a bewitched doll that speaks of obedience and love. The difference is that the doll is hastily made, usually from paper or a photograph of the love object, sometimes it can be a drawing. Personally, I am not a big fan of this rite, since in my opinion there are more negative consequences from this love spell than positive achievements. But if the Black Swat works, then it lasts a very long time, and all this time you need to keep abreast, you can not leave this love spell without observations for longer than a year.

No way. The Black Wedding, after it has fully gained strength and finally acted, can no longer be removed. As I already wrote, the only way to get rid of this love spell is the death of one of the couple. If some inexperienced (or insane) magician begins to make attempts to remove the Black Wedding, he can receive a terrible curse, and for his entire family. At the same time, he will not achieve anything, since it is impossible to remove the Black Wedding even at the cost of his own life.

black wedding

Linking two destinies

What is a black wedding, it is the fruit of black magic, a special technique of witchcraft. The ritual has the strongest effect and is effective in the most hopeless cases, when all other methods and methods have been tried.

A black wedding love spell is similar to a gypsy love spell, it connects two destinies, creates one of the strongest bonds between two people. Even in the most difficult and confusing conditions, it can really change the line of fate in your favor.

How does the Black Wedding ritual work?

The ritual is done only with full confidence

First of all, you must decide for yourself how much you need a person, make sure that this is the one who will become your life partner. This must be done in order to exclude an emotional short-term impulse and banal revenge. You must understand that jokes with fate are bad, and such love spells have a powerful energy charge and are often irreversible.

You need to understand the essence of the ceremony and the fact that only you are responsible for all the possible consequences of a love spell and carry it out at your own peril and risk, without any guarantees. The love spell has no expiration date, and will affect your destiny all the time.

The very name "Black Wedding" speaks of a certain similarity with a church wedding held according to all Christian canons. The church rite binds those who are married with higher bonds, makes their union stronger, fastening their souls with God's power.

What to expect from the ritual of a black wedding, and how harmful can the consequences be for a person? In the case of a magical ceremony, a black wedding, the situation is different, since other forces are involved, most often the Energy of the four elements, or the Element of Death, which will bind people who are getting married until the end of their days. An invisible bond is created between two people. It should be said about how the effect of a love spell manifests itself on a person. All areas of your life will be involved in the ritual, the ritual is not selective, that is, all emotions and feelings, the natural course of events, up to intimate relationships, will be turned in the direction you need. It is impossible to marry only one person, the love spell has an effect on both, as on a married couple.

Rite options

Together by any means

It should be understood that only a professional sorcerer with the power that is inherited from generation to generation can make a black wedding. However, he should not demand payment for his services in advance. Anyone who still demands money before the ritual most likely wants to fool you.

If you want to try your hand, then the negative results of the ceremony are likely, up to the death of the spouses. You must understand that powerful forces are involved in the love spell, which will never let you control your own destinies.

Consider what options for the rites of the Black wedding exist:

Classic graveyard

The classic rite of black magic is carried out according to all the canons of witchcraft necessarily after midnight in the cemetery. It is necessary to find the burial of a married couple, and the sorcerer must use magic to make sure that they lived peacefully during their lifetime. During the ritual, the sorcerer reads black prayers from the satanic bible, always from right to left. As a result, a hitherto unexplored demonic force awakens, which will forever seal your union. Danger during the ceremony lies in wait not only for future spouses, but also for the magician himself. It takes more than one year of diligent training to prevent the installation of cemetery spirits, but simply let them pass through you to carry out the wedding.

It is extremely important to realize that there is no turning back when holding a classic Black wedding. And for the desire to live with your chosen one all your life you will have to pay a high price.

You will need the following attributes:

  • Two photographs - the customer and the chosen one, always without strangers and in full growth;
  • Zirconia candles - 3 red and 3 black;
  • Chihibuha leaves (can be bought at the esoteric store)
  • lamp oil

Due to the large number of questions on this rite,

Love spell cemetery, safe. site http://blackmagic.uco

I'm talking about a black wedding and a little about Sodom

A love spell on a photo to return a loved one makes

I advise in the following areas: diagnostics

Help of the magician Love spell Money magic Protection

The ritual itself begins with the fact that both photographs are placed on the grave. Then candles are arranged in a special way: red candles on the left, black candles on the right of the photographs. First, the sorcerer lights red cubic zirconia candles and reads the first part of the plot. Then the remaining candles are set on fire, and the text of the spell is read to the end. It is important during the ritual not to be distracted, not to laugh and direct your thoughts in the right direction.

The final stage - photographs are filled with oil, sprinkled with chihibuha leaves and ignited by the flame of a red and black candle at the same time. To consolidate the result, the customer must go around the graves three times counterclockwise, and leave without looking back. In no case do not take candles and ashes from the grave and never return here again.

Reviews of those who have experienced a love spell claim that the black wedding ceremony can take someone else's husband out of the family, can force a married man to divorce, and the lover, on the contrary, wants to legitimize the relationship.

Magic wedding at home

This option for the ceremony is available to almost everyone, since it can be done at home.

Important! This option is the only one that involves the rite of debunking.

How to make a black wedding - you will need the same items that were described in the previous version, but the procedure is slightly different. To conduct a home ritual of a magical wedding, you need to get a small piece of the person to whom the love spell is directed. It could be a hair, a trimmed nail, or a drop of saliva. The crushed leaves of the chilibukha are mixed with the resulting biomaterial, the resulting mixture is sprinkled on the photo of the wedding couple.

Candles are also needed in the ceremony, but in this case wedding rings are put on them. Photos need to be wrapped in black paper and read the magic plot. For the ritual in the home walls, it is recommended to use the words of the church wedding ceremony. It is important to save the rings and put them on your fingers as soon as possible.

What is the duration of the spell

Love spell of very long duration

If everything is done correctly, and you clearly followed the instructions, the love spell will work, the effect comes on the ninth day and intensifies every day. A black love spell is done for a long period, but after 15 years its strength will fade. If during this time real sincere feelings did not appear, then without magical help, the union will still collapse. You must be 100 percent sure that you want to intervene in fate and turn the wheel of fortune in your favor.

Otherwise, if the rite was done thoughtlessly, there is nowhere to retreat, because you cannot get married on your own.

How to remove the action of the Black wedding

The magician will help remove the spell

If we compare it with the Christian wedding ceremony, which says that the union created in heaven will not be destroyed either on earth, or in heaven, or in the world of the living, not in the world of the dead, then with a black love spell everything is different - in most cases, to break the magic spell succeeds.

How to remove a black wedding, how to break the connection created with the help of witchcraft? To do this, you need to contact the master of your craft - a psychic, magician or sorcerer. Only a specially trained person can work on breaking the spell by picking up the necessary magic key created by the spell.

A black wedding is a ritual that you can turn to when all other methods fail, when you really feel that this is your person, your soulmate and soulmate. Only then is the risk justified.

how long does it take for a black wedding spell to work

There are a huge number of implausible legends around the black wedding ritual. Some argue that by conducting this ritual, a person almost sells his soul to the devil, that the performer ties himself up with a marriage made not in heaven, but in hell, and much more. But in addition to such negative information, there is also an erroneous opinion that a black wedding is done once and lasts throughout life. This is also not true.

The main feature of the black wedding is that magic acts not only on the beloved person of the performer of the ceremony, but also on himself. The rite works in both directions and both binds a loved one to you and binds you to him.

That is why you need to be extremely careful about the issue of conducting this love spell, it is worth remembering that there may not be a way back and after the ceremony you will be doomed to stay with your current lover.

In this article: What is love.

The moon is the feminine symbol of love.

Although the rite affects both the performer and the target, its effect will be noticeably stronger on the object of the love spell. If the ritual is carried out correctly, then the first signs of success can be considered the sudden interest in you of the object of the conspiracy, his not hidden sexual attraction and obvious signs of attention, which you never had to hope for before. An important part of the black wedding is also the fact that the target of influence has not only feelings for the performer, but also a strong desire to marry him, to tie his life to the end.

But in addition to such negative information, there is also an erroneous opinion that a black wedding is done once and lasts throughout life. This is also not true. A person who decides on this ritual takes on a huge responsibility, but not at all for life. Most often, the ritual lasts no longer than 10 years. And if real feelings did not arise during this time, then without additional magical influence, the marriage will fall apart.

Conducting the ceremony

This love spell must be performed at night in a cemetery.

  • If a man will marry a woman, then a dark red ribbon will be needed, a girl - a pink ribbon, if a woman crowns a man - a black ribbon.
  • Any item belonging to the purpose of the ritual. It can be part of his clothes, but biomaterial is best - hair, nails, blood, etc.
  • Chilibukha leaves consecrated in the church, which must be mixed with blood, hair or small parts of the object's thing.
  • You need to take your own photo and put on it a mixture of chilibuha leaves and objects belonging to the object.
  • Wrap the photo with the mixture in black opaque paper.
  • Tie the resulting bundle with a ribbon.
  • Put the tied bundle on a table covered with a black tablecloth, place 6 red candles around the bundle and set fire to them in turn, clockwise (you can start with an arbitrary candle).
  • Reading a conspiracy.

Further, there are several different options for actions and conspiracies. In one of them, the performer reads the full text of the Christian wedding, in the other, the same text is read backwards. But there are other options for continuing the ceremony. Here is one of them.

The plot is read on the old grave:

“The cross is mournful, church, people went to you with tears, so (the name of the target) will sob for me, shed their tears every day. Love will twist his heart, scorch the body with lust, as candles melt, burn, and (target name) will lose his head for me. What is said will come true."

The love spell, called the "black wedding", is effective, but dangerous. This conspiracy is able to forever bind a person to another, eliminating the chances of independent action. The “black wedding” is often resorted to by people who have experienced numerous troubles in the love field. Ritual does not always lead to well-being, but radically changes the fate of the participants. Before using this rite, you must remember that you will have to face dark forces, insidious demons and negative karmic signs.

The essence of the ritual

An experienced or novice mystic tries to bring people closer through energy connection. The results of the procedure amaze unprepared participants, since the rite is actually a marriage ceremony. The course of the ritual resembles the wedding procedure in the Orthodox tradition, but with distorted performance tools:

  • The rite is used to make two people husband and wife. Its action begins gradually: the first noticeable changes are observed only after two to three weeks.
  • A love spell is carried out even without the consent of both partners.
  • The ritual is meant to create love between future spouses. The magician inserts into the minds of people a feeling that did not exist before.
  • The rite is resorted to in order to preserve a disintegrating family or to create a new marriage union.
  • Husband and wife, under the influence of this powerful love spell, are not able to cheat on each other. If they happen to be separated, the separation period will not be long. Being in a state of quarrel, people experience many setbacks and realize that the breakup was a mistake.
  • Living together after the ceremony brings complete peace to the fate of the spouses, which levels out potential strong emotions.
  • The action cannot be dispelled using another love spell.

Desired the result is achieved in a short time, and a person who is affected by a dark conspiracy humbly accepts his own fate, without suffering the pangs of struggle. However, there were examples of subconscious denial of the ritual, and the person began to experience negative consequences in the form of apathy and craving for intoxicants. Some "guinea pigs" committed suicide.

Manifestation of the rite

In the practice of magic, there are several varieties of this rite. Using one of the methods, those who are getting married make an unbreakable vow to the very angel of death. Spirits are attached to them until the end of their lives, which will follow the continuity of the perfect ritual. These ethereal beings create with their own hands the necessary conditions for the calm course of life of the bewitched.

The rite has its roots in the tradition of Christian weddings, where the future spouses take an oath of allegiance and receive a guardian angel. The latter accepts the sacred words and brings them to the Almighty, which legitimizes the whole process. An angel accompanies a married couple until the death of one of the spouses. Divorce and the search for another partner does not bring happiness, since the vow before God is inviolable.

The ritual requires the performer to comply clear sequence in details. Only an experienced magician is able to correctly respond to unforeseen circumstances and stop an unsuccessful process in time. The negative consequences of an incorrectly performed rite can penetrate into various areas of the life of the sorcerer and his relatives. Taking such risks, a person must be clearly aware of the potential consequences and know that black magic has extraordinary power, the refusal of which is almost impossible.

Possible consequences

This ritual is most popular among women, but men also sometimes resort to it. Representatives of the better half of humanity believe more strongly in the effectiveness of black magic and are more prone to mysticism. Women seem attractive get the man you want through a dark ritual. However, the consequences can be shocking to someone who is trying to change the fate of another:

  • The rite unites the souls of two people who become whole. If one of the spouses dies, he pulls his soul mate into the grave.
  • Those who performed the ritual in a cemetery rarely live long. The union is constantly held back by death itself, which takes some victims for itself.
  • A spouse who has lost half feels emptiness and apathy, because the rite has a binary (double) effect and is applicable to both people.
  • A widow who has lost her husband is unable to find a replacement.
  • If new relationships are built, they will be short-lived and tragic.
  • Any way to conduct this ritual entails all of the above consequences.


To do this, they adhere to certain rules and stock up on specific attributes:

  • Purchase six wedding candles. Half (3 pieces) should be red, the rest should be black. They are bought in specialized stores of esoteric paraphernalia. Fionite crumb, located in the candles, plays a special role in the ceremony.
  • Leaves and several branches of the plant are needed, which is called black chilibuha. The ingredient is purchased in an esoteric shop. An alternative is lavender.
  • In temples or churches shop buy lamp oil. You will need a knife and matches.
  • For a love spell, you need photos of future spouses. In the picture, the person should be depicted in full growth. It is recommended that the image be new, this enhances the effect of the "black wedding" procedure.

The love spell is performed after 12 o'clock at night, one day before the onset of the full moon. Before the ritual, it is forbidden to consume food and alcohol. Before going to the cemetery, you must take a hot bath.

Important! In order to conduct the ceremony correctly, they find the grave of a person whose name and surname are completely identical to the name and surname of the chosen one. The dead spirit of this burial will be obliged to watch the bewitched until the end of their days.

Arriving at the place, you should mentally turn to the phantom and ask permission to conduct the ceremony. The ritual is performed in the absence of anxiety in the soul:

  1. Place wedding candles on both sides of the grave.
  2. Put a photo in the center (a picture of a lover is on the right).
  3. Cover the images with chilibuha leaves.
  4. Cut your finger with a knife. Sprinkling photographs with blood, pronounce a specific plot. You should start with the left (own) picture, and then repeat on the right, but with different magic words.
  5. After pronouncing conspiracies, pour lamp oil on the attributes that participated in the ceremony.
  6. Set fire to all objects and visualize your own desires, looking at the flame.
  7. At the end, thank the deceased spirit, and leave a ransom (water, coins, food) at the crossroads of the cemetery. These actions help reduce the negative effects of communicating with otherworldly magic.

Rite with two twisted candles

This method has been used for a long time and is popular. The ritual is in demand among women who want to find happiness in their personal lives. This method does not require special skills in the use of black magic. It generates positive emotions in the enchanted object towards the second half.

Wax, which passes from a solid to a liquid state under the influence of fire, transfers energy power to a person over various distances. A melting candle is able to invoke divine powers that provide answers to any questions. The ignition process continues for nine days in a row, and the spell begins to act very soon.

Getting rid of the spell

Removing the consequences is not easy. Professional sorcerers are not always up to the task, because black energy rarely accepts the termination of contracts. The universal method is an attempt to “untie” from their own personalities those spirits who are forced to guard the course of the process until the death of the bewitched:

  • Bake funeral pancakes, come to the venue and, uttering special words, place gifts on the grave.
  • Leave quickly and don't look back.
  • Book a memorial service for a deceased person.

The Black Wedding rite owes its appearance to the Christian tradition. It is no coincidence that it got its name from the name of one of the Christian rituals. Similar rites can be found among the pagans. However, they refer to late paganism, and not to pre-Christian traditions.

This rite is necessary in order to force two people to be husband and wife. You can make a love spell without the consent of not only one of the future spouses, but also both partners. The ritual is not intended to make people fall in love with each other, to impose on them a non-existent feeling. With the help of this rite, you can save a disintegrating couple or create an alliance in the case when a man and a woman are completely indifferent to each other. The otherworldly force will keep them from parting.

Husband and wife connected with this love spell will not be able to cheat on their partner. Even if for some time they manage to part, they will not be apart for long. A man and a woman begin to pursue numerous failures. This involuntarily makes them think that the separation was a mistake, that each is the fate and "soul mate" for the other, etc. The spouses are forced to reunite. There will be no more passion or love in their relationship, since the rite is not designed for this. However, living together will bring them peace, which will replace stronger and brighter feelings. No outsider will be able to break the induced spell by applying another love spell. The ritual may not work immediately. He gains strength gradually. The first results can be seen only a few weeks after its implementation.

There are several options for the ritual:
  • On the blood;
  • Forest;
  • vampiric;
  • Demonic and some others.

To understand how the "Black Wedding" works, you need to know the principle by which the usual Christian wedding in the church works. When two people pronounce an oath of allegiance, an angel descends to them, who is commonly called a wedding angel. The bride and groom vow to be together until the death of one of the spouses. The angel takes the oath and brings it to God. In addition, the duties of the angel include maintaining the union until one of the spouses dies. That is why a married husband and wife cannot consider themselves divorced simply by receiving the appropriate document from the registry office. Before God, they are still considered husband and wife, who, moreover, committed a great sin by breaking their oath. Often a man and a woman try to find happiness with other partners, but nothing works out for them.

When conducting one of the options for the “Black Wedding”, for example, a cemetery one, those who are getting married (or getting married) take an oath of allegiance to the angel of death itself, pronounce a vow over the graves of people who have the same names as the people performing the ceremony. The souls of those over whose graves the promises were uttered will always be near the married and control the fulfillment of the oath. The dead take on the same functions as the wedding angel. Souls will create all the necessary conditions in order to preserve the union. For example, they will help the husband get a well-paid job if the wife decided to leave for a richer lover. However, if the husband spends too much time at work, pursues a career, or gets carried away by his secretary, he may lose his place.

Despite the fact that men also resort to love spells, they are most popular with women. The fair sex more often believe in the action of otherworldly forces and are more prone to mysticism. To get a man at your full disposal and have a guarantee that he will never change seems especially attractive to women. However, choosing a relationship built on the Black Wedding love spell, you need to be prepared for many consequences.

You can consider the consequences of a love spell in its cemetery version. After the ritual, the energy of two people merges, and energetically they can be considered a single whole. If one of the couple dies, he "pulls" his spouse along with him. People who get married in a cemetery rarely live to a ripe old age. This is due to the fact that death is constantly present in their lives, which keeps their union. When the angel of death takes one of the spouses, the second can also consider himself dead. Despite desperate attempts to be happy, to enjoy life, a widower or widow increasingly feels that he is an extra person in this world. Nothing pleases or interests him.

A woman who has tied a man to herself will certainly want to remarry, becoming a widow. But she won't succeed. She will not have new partners. Men will bypass her and not notice, even if she is very beautiful. In some cases, a new relationship with the widow may appear. However, soon some tragedy happens to a loved one, he meets another, or another reason appears for which a woman is left alone again. The souls of the dead are responsible for the safety of the oath, who will do everything possible to ensure that the widow does not have a new man.

By choosing another version of the "Black Wedding", a person does not free himself from all the listed consequences. In other versions of the ritual, there will also be forces that will follow the fulfillment of the promise given by the married to each other.

It is strongly not recommended for non-professionals to perform such a love spell. You need not only to achieve the desired effect, but also to prevent the penetration of otherworldly forces into your body, which can lead to the appearance of a “settler”. If possible, you should contact an experienced magician.

If you still want to act on your own, take lamp oil, photographs (of yourself and a loved one), 3 red candles, 3 black candles and some chihibuha leaves. Photos should depict you and your loved one (beloved) in full growth. Photographs may not contain other people or objects. Chihibuha leaves can be bought at an esoteric store. All these attributes are necessary for the cemetery ceremony. For the implementation of other options for a love spell, the attributes may differ.

The main difficulty of the ritual is that you must find in advance the graves of the husband and wife in the cemetery, who during their lifetime bore the same names as the victim and the customer of the love spell. Husband and wife should be buried side by side and have a common monument. But these prerequisites are not limited. During life, the spouses should have been happy in family life. It is desirable that the husband be the only man for his wife, and the wife the only woman for her husband. It is difficult to verify all this information, but the success of the ritual will depend on how well the graves are chosen.

The ceremony should not be performed on church holidays. The ceremony starts after midnight. Put a photo on the grave. On the right you need to install black candles. The red ones are on the left. First of all, you need to light the red candles.

Read the first part of the spell:

“(Names of the deceased husband and wife), be witnesses of our union. We, (your names), take a solemn oath to be faithful spouses, as you yourself were during your lifetime.

Then you need to light the black candles and read the rest of the spell:

“(Names of the deceased husband and wife), do everything so that our union is not violated either by our or someone else's desire. Protect us from rivals and rivals, from unforeseen circumstances, from witchcraft spells.

Red candles indicate the world of the living, black - the world of the dead. A spell can take many forms, but the general principles will generally be the same. The pronoun "we" is used in the text, which does not mean the presence of both partners. Cases where both parties agree to such a rite are very rare. Basically, only the customer is present during the ceremony. The victim does not even realize that she is being bewitched.

Your photos on the grave need to be filled with oil, sprinkled with leaves and set on fire from black and red candles at the same time. Then go around the burial counterclockwise 3 times. Leave without looking back. Do not take candles and ashes from the photo with you. Never return to this place.

It is not easy to remove the Black Wedding love spell. Even professional magicians do not always succeed. It takes years of practice to break the spell. Otherworldly forces may not obey. Try to remove the love spell with one of the universal remedies. An example would be the following ritual:

Since the dead were the witnesses of your oath, and the dead will also follow the fulfillment of the obligations that you undertook, you need to “unhook” them from yourself. Bake funeral pancakes and bring them to the grave on which the love spell was made.

Put the pancakes on the grave and say:

“I remember you, (names of the dead), and not us, (your names).
The first word is strong, the second is even stronger.
I release you, (names of the dead), to the world where you are supposed to be.

Leave without looking back. Order a memorial service for dead spouses. It is difficult to check the effectiveness of your actions. The rite may not work if the person you bewitched is already dead.

The temptation to appropriate a loved one (beloved) pushes lovers to conduct a black ritual. But before you take a rash step, try to imagine life with a person who will never love you and will be burdened by you all his life. You, in turn, will forever remain alone after his death.

A black wedding love spell is one of the most famous magical rituals. Despite its centuries-old history, the ceremony is still very popular among people who have decided to arrange their own happiness at any cost. Numerous, and sometimes conflicting reviews about the black wedding, gave rise to a lot of rumors and legends, some of which we will try to dispel.

The essence of the ritual

To begin with, let's figure out what a black wedding is, what are the timing of the result from its implementation, and how this ritual manifests itself in a person. A black wedding love spell is a fairly strong witchcraft ritual, the purpose of which is to establish an inextricable magical connection between the people to whom it is directed. It should be noted right away that the black wedding rite unambiguously refers to black magic and, in essence, is damage, breaking through the energy shell of a person. And this applies to both the customer and the victim of the love spell. Hence the rather sad consequences that can threaten both of them.

According to the technique of execution and the mechanism of influence, the rite of black wedding can be attributed to the so-called binary love spells, during which there is an equivalent effect on both the victim and the customer of the ritual. As a result, both sides, like a magnet, will be irresistibly drawn to each other, both spiritually and sexually. A black wedding love spell completely closes the victim and the customer from any relationship on the side. Each of them will be dominated by an irresistible desire to be together "day and night" with the subsequent entry into a traditional marriage.

Love spell black wedding is directly related to ceremonial black magic, enhanced by church egregor. By analogy with the church Christian wedding ceremony, in this ritual of black magic, two people are connected by means of an appeal to the Higher Powers. But in the "black" version of the wedding, the magician turns to the World of the Dead, using the energy of Death. The witnesses of the ceremony are the dead people, and not the friends invited by the future spouses.

According to the generally accepted canons of the Christian church, during the sacrament of the wedding, the Higher Powers send the future spouses an angel who will protect their marriage, guiding the lovers and protecting their souls from inevitable temptations. In black magical wedding rites, the magician assigns these functions to the energy of Death. It is she who, through the spirits, will monitor the relationship of the spouses, protecting the inseparability of marriage bonds and severely punishing disobedience.

The necessary conditions

Making a black wedding love spell at home on your own is quite difficult, although not impossible. The ritual itself takes very little time, but it will take several days to prepare for it. Therefore, so that the result does not disappoint you, correctly calculate the time, taking into account all possible obstacles.

The time of its implementation has a huge influence on how effectively the love spell will work. Like many love rituals, a black wedding should be done on the last days of lunar growth, or better, on a full moon. The cemetery will be the basis of the work, therefore it is not recommended for impressionable natures to carry out the ritual on their own at home.


Before you do a magical ritual, you need to collect all the ingredients necessary for its implementation. The first thing to take care of is candles. To make a black wedding love spell you will need six black candles. By analogy with the church rite, these candles will become wedding candles for the future husband and wife. If you do not have the opportunity to get black wedding candles, then you can use white ones - this will not affect the result of the ceremony.

In addition to candles, you will need to get two photographs, one of which should be of yourself, and the second of your loved one. Take pictures of the same size and the same format. Both you and your "soulmate" should be depicted alone, in full growth and with well-visible eyes. You should not use photographs older than one year - the more “fresh” they are, the better the love spell will “work”.

In addition to all of the above, prepare half a liter of real lamp oil, which is used in the church and ordinary matches. You will also need a few dried lavender sprigs. The last thing to take care of is the "presents" for the Master of the Cemetery and the Masters of the Graves. As such, you can take sweets, cookies or other sweets.

Preparatory work

In addition to collecting the ingredients needed for the love spell, you will need to do some preparatory work. A few days before the ritual, go to the cemetery and find the graves of the spouses buried next to each other. Of all the dead, it is important to choose such a married couple, whose representatives lived together "soul to soul." If you make a love spell on the graves of a husband and wife, whose family life was dominated by conflicts, betrayals and hatred, then you can attract all these troubles to your future family life.

When choosing a “suitable” married couple, rely on your own feelings. Standing at the graves and peering intently into the faces of the dead people, trust your heart and intuition, which will not let you down. Having found the necessary graves, put the brought treat and ask for permission to conduct the ritual.

If you feel warmth spreading through your body, pleasant vibrations or other positive emotions, then this means that you have been given a positive answer. When you feel that a chill begins to “creep” through your body, and a chilling horror fetters your heart, this is a sure sign that you have been denied the ceremony. In this case, continue your search until the desired graves are found by you.

The first stage of the ritual

According to the generally accepted canons of black magic, a black wedding love spell should be performed on the full moon night after twelve o'clock. The first thing to do, stepping behind the cemetery fence, is to present a gift to the Master of the Cemetery and ask him for permission to conduct the ritual. If after contacting him you did not notice any warning signs, then you can safely move on. Rely on your own instinct - it will show you where to put the gifts brought. You should not show your fear, but you also can’t behave arrogantly - be polite, but dignified.

Arriving at the pre-selected graves of the deceased spouses, put the brought treats on the tombstone of each of them and ask for permission to conduct the ritual. Then spread a black cloth on the grave of one of the spouses, on which put six black candles, arranging them in the form of a circle, in the center of which you need to put the photographs you brought, placing them “face up”. Scatter sprigs of lavender over the pictures. Next, start slowly lighting six wedding candles one after the other.

A few minutes later, when the candles flare up well, you can begin to read the words of the conspiracy, referring to the Owner of one of the graves:

“To you (name of the deceased), I am asking you. Show me great mercy, bind my fate with the fate of the Servant of God (the name of a loved one) forever. I call Death as a witness, I trust in its strength.

Then again pronounce the words of the conspiracy, asking for help from the Master of the second burial. If a few minutes after reading the magical conspiracy you did not see or feel bad omens, you can continue the ritual.

Next, you will need to conduct the wedding itself. To enhance the ritual of black magic, magicians and sorcerers often use church prayers. In the case of a black wedding, the text of an Orthodox prayer is suitable, which is usually read by a priest during a church wedding. At the end of the recitation, extinguish the candles and carefully, trying not to touch the objects with your bare hands, collect all the ingredients of the rite in the cloth. Put the bundle in a pre-prepared small box and proceed to the second stage of the love ritual.

The second stage of the ritual

Having cleaned everything after yourself, thank the Masters of the Graves for their help, turn around and leave quickly, without turning around, no matter who calls you. As you head towards the graveyard exit, toss some coins at any of the graveyard crossroads. Coming out of the cemetery gates, still in complete silence, continue on your way.

Next, you need to find a secluded place where you could pour lamp oil on a box with ritual things and burn it. “Having done the job”, leave immediately, without looking back, no matter who calls you. Before reaching home, go to some place for a few minutes - an ordinary convenience store will do. For the sake of your own protection from the binding of "bad" entities and other negative consequences, you need to go to the cemetery and from the cemetery by different roads. When you get home, be sure to remove and throw into the wash all the clothes that you were wearing during the ritual, and be sure to take a shower.

What to expect and what to fear

The main questions that people have in connection with a black wedding are: “How long does the love spell last?”, “How soon will the first results become noticeable?”, “Is it possible to remove the black wedding?” and finally “What are the possible consequences of the ceremony?”. Let's fix the timeline right now. With proper conduct, favorable conditions and sufficient strength of the performer, the first signs that the love spell has worked will be noticeable within a few days after its implementation.

Validity periods

As a rule, even the strongest version of a black wedding is not unlimited and is valid for no more than ten to twenty years. As for the weaker "versions" of the rite, their effect sometimes does not reach even up to five years. After a certain time, the ties between the "married" people begin to weaken, and feelings fade. But, in spite of everything, the influence of a wedding of this kind, and one and the other side will experience the rest of their lives.

How to withdraw

Before touching on the question of whether it is possible to remove a black wedding, it is worth explaining some of the features of its imposition. By analogy with the church wedding ceremony, in its “black” version, when the fates of two people are united, they take an oath to be together “both in sorrow and in joy.” And not the Divine Forces, but the Spirits of Death will monitor its implementation. But, as we know, there is a practice of church "debunking". Therefore, in the black love spell there are options for removing it.

It is quite logical that the easiest way to remove the imposed influence is to the one who actually imposed it, especially if during the ceremony the performer acted “according to his own scheme”. However, due to the fact that this is not always possible, it is better to seek the help of a professional. Sometimes it is quite difficult for even the most powerful magicians and sorcerers to “pick up the key” to the influence imposed by an outsider. The main thing is to understand exactly how the “deal with Death” was concluded and how to terminate it.

The black wedding ceremony is the strongest love spell. During the ritual, dark forces and the souls of the dead are called to help.

Who conducts

A black wedding love spell, like any other use of black magic, can be very dangerous. It is best to entrust this work to a professional. The magician must be hereditary - to receive his power by inheritance. While learning the magical craft, the sorcerer masters the black wedding only at the very end. Since it requires special training and knowledge.

A classic love spell can only be performed by an initiated magician, but there are types of rites that an ordinary person can perform. If you decide to do everything yourself, then you need to strictly follow all the instructions. You must understand the full responsibility that you place on yourself.

Types of ceremony

the site reminds: a love spell can be used provided that there is no other way out and you are one hundred percent sure that this is your soulmate. You can try to check this with the help of divination for the betrothed.

There are types of rites:

  1. Cemetery from a photograph.
  2. Classic graveyard.
  3. Church spell.
  4. Black wedding at home.

Graveyard love spell from a photo

For the ritual you need:

  • photograph of a lover;
  • own photo;
  • graves of spouses whose names match yours;
  • 3 black and 3 red cubic zirconia candles;
  • chilibuha leaves;
  • half a liter of lamp oil;
  • the text of the plot from a special source.

Chilibukha leaves and cubic zirconia candles are sold in an esoteric store.

The result will come in the shortest possible time only if you hold a black wedding, concentrating on your desire and following all the rules exactly.

You need to come to the cemetery on a full moon at midnight. Photographs are set in the center of the grave, red candles on the left, black candles on the right. Candles are lit from left to right.

After reading the plot, the pictures are sprinkled with chilibuha and poured with oil. Then you need to re-read the plot and set fire to the photographs, holding a red candle in your left hand and a black one in your right. It is necessary to return the candles to their place and read the plot again. This completes the ritual. Leave quickly without looking back. Not a single sound can be uttered until the house.

Classic ritual

The classical ceremony is held at the cemetery, at the grave of the spouses. The magician reads prayers from the black bible. This ritual is beyond the power of an ordinary person, since he will not be able to protect himself from otherworldly forces.

Before conducting a wedding, the sorcerer must thoroughly prepare, including choosing the right graves. You need to find a married couple who lived a happy family life.

A feature of an Orthodox wedding is that the priest turns to God with prayers, uniting souls in heaven. Such a marriage will be guarded by angels. During the black wedding, the magician asks for help from the forces of death. From the moment of the ritual, dark otherworldly forces will influence the life of the married.

Black wedding in the church

This version of the rite appeared during the formation of the Christian church. It was carried out by church priests. As a rule, the couple went for it consciously. In some sources, such a wedding is called Sufi.

To conduct the ceremony, you need to buy two candles in the church and wrap them with the hair of those you plan to unite. It is necessary to utter a conspiracy nine times and, having extinguished the candles with your fingers, complete the black wedding. After the ceremony, you can not linger in the temple and talk. At home, you need to let the candles burn out to the end.

A few nuances:

  • candles should be held in the left hand;
  • when casting a spell, you cannot stray and stumble;
  • before entering the temple, you need to read the opposite "Our Father" and wrap the cross on your back;
  • the ceremony is best performed in a convent during the wedding of a young couple;
  • the rules of wedding in the church imply the use of the ring as an energy channel through which you will be connected with your beloved.

Ritual at home

This is the simplest and safest type of black wedding, but it works just as effectively as the others.

Strangers should not be in the house. On a full moon, on a table covered with a black tablecloth, mix chilibuha leaves with any biological material of the object. Put your photo on the left, the betrothed on the right. Sprinkle the photos with the mixture and place two candles side by side with your new wedding rings.

Light the candles and say, thinking of your beloved:

“Together we are inseparable, like swans faithful to each other. We will do everything for each other, and we will not be able to disperse and scatter to different corners, like a cat with a dog. We will plunge into sincere love with you and share happiness for two!

Wrap the grass photos in black paper and tie a black ribbon. This bundle must be buried so that no one can find it.

It is necessary to wear rings in order for magic to work.

How are the results of a black wedding manifested?

It should be noted that the love spell works on both. Not only does the person become attached to you, but you also become attached to the person. This is exactly what distinguishes a black wedding love spell from an ordinary one.

The object of the love spell has warm feelings, sexual attraction and a desire to be always close to the one to whom he was bewitched.

If the married are at a great distance from each other, then fate will push them towards each other. Circumstances will develop in such a way that sooner or later the couple will converge.

In most cases, reviews of the black wedding are positive. But there are problems. A black wedding may not manifest itself on a person in the way you expect. With a strong magical influence, a negative effect can occur, because you influence the will of a person and all aspects of his life. You run the risk of turning your loved one into a "zombie", breaking his will. In this case, the object of witchcraft may experience:

  • depression;
  • apathy;
  • alcoholism.

The duration of the spell

Professional opinions differ on this issue. Some argue that the effect lasts a maximum of 10 years, while others - 15-20. Definitely, over time, the magic will weaken. And your marriage can collapse without magical help. Since bewitching a man does not mean falling in love with him. You run the risk of losing your lover if, during the spell, he does not have sincere feelings for you.

How to remove a spell

In rare cases, a black wedding can be removed, but you cannot do it yourself. You need to seek help from a witch or psychic. It is desirable that this be the same magician who performed the wedding ceremony.

If you yourself did a love spell, then only a very strong sorcerer will help you.

We have already discussed the seriousness and danger of magical action. Before you decide on this, you should think it over well. Weigh all the pros and cons. Is the result worth the risk that a black wedding implies? You can resort to a love spell only as a last resort. wishes you good luck and mutual love!