Classes with a child 2 years old at home. Transport toy games. Musical finger game "There is a house in the forest made of logs"

Every mom wants the best for her child. So that he grows and develops on a par with his peers, and better - ahead of them in all respects. And many parents agree to make every effort for this.

In this case, the best assistant will be a set of developmental activities for children at 1, 2 or 3 years old, which is advisable for both healthy children and those lagging behind in development. What exercises are there, how to conduct such games with a small miracle - we will find out about everything.

Speech development

Psychologists consider speech to be one of the starting points in the development of a little man. By developing the baby's speech, you stimulate the development of almost all parts of the brain, which contributes to the high intellectual growth of the baby. Classes that develop speech for children 2-3 years old can be carried out anywhere - at home, in a minibus, on the street, in a park. We will list just a few of them:

  • Description of items. Describe the objects that are around you - trees, stones on the road, a closet in the room. Ask your baby to do the same - it is important to get him to assign appropriate adjectives to certain things. The tree is tall, the stone is gray, the wardrobe is large.
  • Songs and nursery rhymes. The kids love music and funny songs. If you sing along with the audio recordings, your child will eventually begin to do it with you. The same goes for funny rhymes - nursery rhymes.
  • Discussion of the plot. After reading your favorite story, discuss with the child the characters what they did, why, what results it led.
  • Questions. It is important that you fully answer the child's questions, explaining simple and complex things and phenomena at a level that is accessible to him. Do not forget to ask questions yourself. What color is the wood, is the closet big or small, where can the stones be found?
  • Speech breathing. You can issue a sentence in one go without losing your thought. Baby - no. In order to develop this type of breathing in the baby, you can blow out the candles, in the summer - blow bubbles on the street, play the pipe at home.
  • Speech games... A simple game of antonymic words, "finish the sentence" not only trains the pronunciation of words and sounds, but also teaches the baby's brain to connect different concepts. Black is white, big is small. Our dog usually sleeps ... by the door, growing on the trees ... a lot of leaves.

Development of logic and attention

Many teachers and psychologists recommend, even before kindergarten, to conduct classes with children that develop logic, attention and thinking. This helps the child learn to establish causal relationships, concentrate attention, draw logical conclusions and inferences based on known information and personal experience. Here are some examples of such games:

  • Search. It doesn't matter what and where you are looking - the main thing is that the subject is familiar to the baby. You can look out the window, ask the baby to show a red car in the parking lot, put toys on the floor in the apartment and invite the child to find his beloved. Over time, complicate the game - let him find all hard or all soft toys, a red ball, a green felt-tip pen, a large box.
  • Flora and fauna. Expand your baby's knowledge of animals. Look at the picture or in the zoo for new ones, let the baby remember what their cubs are called. Tell your baby about the birds, which ones winter with us, which ones fly to warmer regions, what their chicks are called. On a walk in the park, name the trees that grow there, tell us why some of the leaves turn yellow in the fall, while others are evergreen.

  • Weather and seasons. This exercise is important for logical thinking. If you regularly explain weather phenomena and talk about the seasons, your child will form logical chains like “it's wet outside because it was raining, it rains often because it's autumn”.
  • Food. Arrange different food items in front of the crumbs. First, tell us that banana, orange and apple are fruits, potatoes and zucchini are vegetables. Over time, invite the baby to sort the products on their own according to general criteria. Use origin, similarity of shape and color.
  • Colors and shapes. It is very important that by the age of 3 the baby can distinguish a circle from a triangle and a square, orientate himself in basic colors. Geometric shapes cut from cardboard or paper of different colors and sizes will help you. Introduce them to the baby, and then offer to combine them according to common characteristics.
  • Check. Starting with numbers is the wrong approach. Teach your baby to count fingers, steps, trees in front of the house, cars on the floor. Over time, the baby will master the count at least up to 5, then invite him to tell his age. Have you learned? Ask him to say how old he will be - this is how you begin to lay down the concept of oral counting.

Development of fine motor skills

It is not in vain that teachers and speech therapists focus on the fine motor skills of children - it is directly related to the center of speech in the child's cerebral cortex. To develop fine motor skills at this age are great help:

Of the activities that develop the tactile sensitivity of children, a lot can be done at home with mom:

  1. Definition of texture. Have the child touch different objects and name how they feel. Hard, soft, smooth, rough, cold, warm. In addition to developing sensations, you will also tighten up your speech.
  2. Determination of the shape. The cubes are square, the ball is round, the pyramid is triangular - the baby must learn to distinguish the shape of objects by touch.
  3. Determination of the size. Large - small, large - small. Everything is suitable for such workouts - pebbles, cereals, pasta. The kid must distinguish the size of the object not only visually, but also by touch.

Developmental activities for children with disabilities

Not all babies develop on schedule. There is generally a separate category of children - these are children with disabilities. Such crumbs need special attention and their own approach. The fact is that developmental activities for children with disabilities are not only informative, but also corrective in nature. When dealing with such children, it is important to take into account some aspects of their perception:

  • These babies feel inferior only when pointed out to them. Do not select those games that the child obviously cannot cope with.
  • Children with disabilities are usually more reserved than their healthy comrades, all classes should be played in a playful way and without pressure from their elders.
  • Watch the baby closely during the game, it may be difficult for the baby at some points, but he will not be able to tell you this. It is important to navigate in time and simplify the task for the child.

Modern manufacturers have created a lot of games and play sets aimed at the development of just such children. However, it is important to engage with them and regular games - the child will feel quite normal if you spend with him the lesson as if he is absolutely complete.

  • Children aged 2-3 years are full of energy and restless. Do not expect them to devote more than 4-5 minutes to one lesson.
  • Make the most of the play moment in the classroom - now it is the most effective form of perception of new information for the child.
  • Remember - up to 4 years old, each baby has its own development program, some skills and concepts the child will master before their peers, some later.
  • Do not be lazy to check the skills of your child with the generally accepted concepts of that. This will help you adjust your activities and fill in missing gaps in your baby's skills and knowledge.

Developmental activities for children 2-3 years old - video

This video clearly shows an example of developing Montessori classes at home.

This video demonstrates examples of activities for the development of a little fidget.

The development of a child is an important moment in his life and upbringing. His success in kindergarten, and then in school, depends on how often and productively you play these games with your baby. Pay enough attention to this issue, and the baby will easily overcome all subsequent learning difficulties!

Perhaps you should become familiar with early development techniques such as: or, or.

Do you play educational games with your baby? Does the child have a favorite game? If you have ideas for interesting and useful games - share them with us in the comments!

Developing imagination.

What can you do with cotton balls?
-Make one big ball out of several small balls.
-Recount them.
-Keep them on different parts of the body - head, shoulder or nose.
-Walk with balls between your toes.
-Laying them on the table, try to blow them away.

Studying colors.

Choose any color, such as red, and place several items of that color in a container. Name the color of the toy when you ask me to give you this or that thing. For example: "Please give me a red ball."
If a child hands you a red car, say: “Thank you very much for the red car, let's look for a red ball. And here he is. "
When the child learns to recognize one color, then put objects of two colors in the container. And keep playing.
This game allows your toddler to learn to recognize colors.

Learning to recognize sounds.

Help your little one learn to recognize sounds around him. Listen to the ticking clock, try to imitate it. Walk around the apartment and listen to different sounds. You yourself can become their source - open, close doors, knock on each other with wooden spoons, pour water into a glass. Play a game with your child: "What sound do you hear now?"
This game can also be played before bed. Various sounds can interfere with sleep. Help your baby get used to them. Birds, sirens, aircraft noise, cars, etc. Perhaps this game will make it easier for you to go to bed.

Help me please.

There are many household chores in which the baby can be directly involved.
Help you in the kitchen, collect spoons, while developing dexterity and dexterity of your fingers.
Fold the pots one into one, close them with suitable lids. Wash the table. Peel, banana, or place napkins near the appliances. Unfold a pack of margarine, etc. Whatever the child helps with, be sure to ask him "Help me, please."
Give your child a variety of jars and lids while you are preparing dinner. Let him pick up the right ones and roll them into jars.

Massage. Fun fun.

Rails, rails
(run your finger along the back as if you were drawing rails)
Sleepers, sleepers
(slide your finger as if you were drawing horizontal sleepers)
The train was late
(hold a fist along the baby's back, or shake the baby if he is sitting on his lap)
Suddenly peas poured out of the back window.
(lightly tap your back with your fingers)
Ducks came - ate, ate
(tap the back with three fingers)
Geese came - pinched, pinched
(pinch the baby's back)
An elephant came - trampled, trampled
(knock gently with your cams on the back)
The janitor came sweeping everything, sweeping everything.
(pat the back of the child).

Learning to distinguish between forms.

Walk around the apartment and look for only one shape. You can also open a magazine and search there, for example circles. This game can be played anywhere. Kids from such a game are indescribable delight.

Development of coordination. Finger gymnastics.

The benefits of such gymnastics are undeniable. By doing hand and finger massage, we stimulate the baby's internal organs and nervous system. Mother's touch, gentle stroking, a smile, a soft friendly voice bring great joy to the kids, and emotional attachment arises. The child's mood rises, he understands mom (dad) loves him. Neither TV nor listening to audio recordings will allow you to establish a close emotional connection between a child and mom, dad. In addition, finger gymnastics develops coordination of movements.

With the index finger of one hand, take turns touching the fingers of the other. Start with your little finger.

This little kitten has lost his sweater.
This warm little kitten has lost its sock.
This little kitten freezes in cold and cold weather.
This little kitten froze his nose.
This little kitten got sick: "akhchi", "akhchi".
"I'd rather sit at home and knit my socks."
(Hide your thumb in the cam.)
Encourage your toddler to repeat the same steps after you.
Let's remember Russian folk nursery rhymes, jokes:

One, two, three, four, five!
Get out your fingers for a walk!
Found this finger - a mushroom
This finger was cleaning the table,
This one cut
This one ate
Well, this one was just looking!
Magpie-crows cooked porridge ...
Okay, okay where were you? By Grandma…
Another exciting activity that develops coordination of movements.
Take the rope and place it on the floor. Take the child by the hand and walk with him along it, while singing this rhyme:
We go with you along a thread, along a thread
We go with you along the thread
Let's do it one more time.
We are jumping on a string ...
We crawl along the thread ...
On tiptoe on a string ...
You can also jump over the rope on a cotton, imagine that there is a trickle, etc.

Each year of a child's life is marked by the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities. Psychologists say that the period from 2 to 3 years is very important for the development of children. It is at this age that experience is accumulated that they will use throughout their lives. This is a kind of base on which the baby will rely in the future.

2-3 years of age is transitional. The kid has not yet got rid of the model of behavior of a child of an early age, but is already trying to show his “I”. He is emotional. It is still difficult for him to keep his attention on one subject for a long time. However, he already knows how to concentrate on one type of activity for 15-20 minutes, of course, if it is interesting to him.

Due to the peculiarities of the psychoemotional development of a two-year-old, his main activity is play. Through play activities and exercises, his mental, mental and social formation is carried out. On the other hand, the game shouldn't be aimless. In order for every minute of the game to be beneficial to the baby, it is necessary that the exercises are aimed at:

  • Development of logical thinking;
  • Oral speech;
  • Mindfulness;
  • Hand motor skills;
  • Intellectual ability;
  • Studying the properties of objects;
  • The surrounding world;
  • New concepts and phenomena.

This article proposes a home program of effective and interesting activities for organizing leisure time with a child 2-3 years old. If done regularly, he will learn to:

    • Orientate in space, determine the time;
    • Classify objects according to a common feature (for example, by color, shape, origin);
    • Give your age, count;
    • Folding puzzles;
    • Distinguish the properties of objects (for example, hardness, weight, size);
    • Better to talk;
    • Breathe correctly;
    • Pronounce new words, name objects;
  • Concentrate attention;
  • Make a conscious choice;
  • Manipulate small objects;
  • Understand the phenomena of nature.

Exercises for the development of logical and mathematical thinking

These simple play techniques lead to the formation of logical thinking in the child. One lesson can include any number of games listed below. You should focus on the emotional and physical state of the baby. If he is feeling well, long sessions are allowed. They consist of the following exercises:

  • We master space and time. Take any toy, hide it and invite the kid to find it. You should orient the child with tips, for example, "Let's look in the closet / under the table / bedspread, maybe there is a bear?"
  • We distinguish the time of day. The game is suitable for three-year-old children. The purpose of the exercise is to teach the child to distinguish between morning and day, evening and night, as well as concepts such as today, yesterday, tomorrow. It is better to talk about the time during the day, for example, at breakfast, tell your child what time of day it is, and before going to bed, ask what he did in the morning, in the afternoon and before going to bed.
  • Learning to sort. You can sort anything by similarity: buttons, cereals, colored paper blanks, vegetables, fruits. For example, you can seat 2 toys (a monkey and a rabbit) and "feed" them with suitable foods.
  • Learning to count. It is better to start mastering mathematics not with numbers, but things that the child understands. Count objects around you (stairs, steps, fingers, toys). Teach your toddler to show his current age and how old he will be.
  • Putting puzzles together. So far, this is a difficult task for a two-year-old. Here you cannot do without the help of your mother. Focus on the age of the baby and do not take multi-piece puzzles. Pictures from 2-6 parts will do. Of the two options “difficult puzzle - help from mom” and “simple puzzle, but on your own” - choose the second.
  • Learning to compare. Already at 2 years old, the child is ready for such a game as "a lot, a little". Lay out 2 piles of buttons in front of the baby, let him orient himself where there are more of them, and where there are fewer.
  • We compare objects. This exercise is easy to do by reading books. Ask the child the questions "who eats what", "where is whose tail", based on the pictures.
  • We are looking for shapes based on 2 features. Make paper blanks in two different colors and sizes. Ask your child to find similar pairs.

Speaking exercises

Classes for the development of speech do not require special knowledge and skills from adults. The main thing is to treat the baby with love and patience, and very soon its pronunciation will become clearer. It is important that in such classes the child is interested, otherwise it will not be possible to keep his attention and the information will not be perceived. The following are common exercises that can be done in one set or throughout the day:

  • Reading. Take an interesting book, designed for the age of 2-3 years. In such books, as a rule, large print and pictures. While reading a fairy tale or rhyme, it is imperative to discuss the plot of the story with the child. Ask your baby questions and praise if he answers correctly. Give hints if it's difficult for him.
  • Puppet show. Special dolls bought in a store or toys familiar to a child can become an attribute of the game. The first performance is put on by an adult as an example. Then the child is connected to the game. Entrust him with the most important role. Let him be the director of the play.
  • Speech breathing. Show your child how to hold their breath as they leave. To make the baby interesting, use candles, pipes, nozzles, soap bubbles. Dandelions can be blown away in summer. Such exercises, despite the apparent lightness, perfectly saturate the body with oxygen, improve the functioning of the heart and brain.
  • Game "Finish the sentence". Start saying the phrase and have the child finish it. You can take situations from life, for example, "There is a red ...", "Our dog loves to walk ...".

At 2-3 years old, the child already talks a little. It is possible that he uses distorted words. To correct pronunciation, consolidate and expand speech skills, the following exercises are used:

  • We describe the street. Ask your child simple and understandable questions: "What do you see under the window?", "What are passersby doing on the street?" Keep the answers short, the main thing is that the kid wants to answer.
  • We activate passive vocabulary. A 2-year-old child understands more words than he can pronounce. Try to talk to him about all the events of the day, up to the banal ones: “what he ate”, “how he slept”, “with whom he played”. The exercise will not only improve pronunciation, but also teach the child to share his life with his mother.
  • We retell the tale. By the age of 2-3, kids already know some fairy tales. Invite your little one to retell any story with you. Start, and let him continue. Remember to praise him for every correct answer. Moderate praise builds a positive attitude towards learning.
  • Learning adjectives. Ask the question “what?” More often. Let your toddler learn to describe an object. At first, he can repeat the words after you, and then use them on his own. It's good if the child himself, without prompting, can name at least one adjective.

It is important that parents monitor their own speech. The more literate and correct they speak, the more meaningful the child will speak. Set a good example for your children!

Exercises to develop attention

Attention can also be trained through games. The ability to concentrate, pay attention to details, and reflect will help the kid in the future when he goes to school. At the age of 2-3 years, a child can be interested in such games:

  • Find the thing. The search can be done in any convenient place: outdoors, at home. Ask your child to look for a white car or find the animal in the picture. The game is good because it does not require special training, but it develops attention perfectly. The main thing is to interest the baby, and he will play with pleasure.
  • Find a common feature. Lay out objects in front of the child that are united by one sign. For example, they all have the same pattern or some color, image, geometric figure. It is important that the items are diverse: a mitten, a saucer, a picture in a book.
  • We build according to the drawing. You need to prepare for this game. In children's stores there are a lot of games with drawings. Choose a set by age and let your child fold the tower or house on their own. The game can consist of 2-6 items.
  • We are looking for 2 signs. The child is asked to find things with two of the same characteristics, for example, large and round.

Exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills

It has been proven that fine motor skills are directly related to the level of intelligence and speech of children, therefore, a lot of attention should be paid to its strengthening along with exercises for the development of cognitive processes. A 2-3-year-old child can take:

  • Modeling. High-quality plasticine of different colors will do. Add color learning to the process.
  • Application. This activity will not only strengthen your fingers, but also develop creative thinking.
  • Drawing. One of the favorite activities of children. You can draw with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens.
  • Buttons. There are special play complexes with similar exercises, but you can also play with parental clothes.
  • Dressing and undressing. Let your child dress up the doll on their own or go outside.
  • Playing with water. Better to play with children's dishes. It is made of special plastic and is completely safe. Let your little one tinker in the water using a tiny teapot and cups.
  • Hand washing. Teach your child to wash hands unaided, after walking and before eating. At the same time, he will master the rules of hygiene.
  • The game "Fisherman". Balls or small toys will do. Throw them in the water and have your child fish them out with a spoon.

There are many more games that you can organize right at home: collect water with a washcloth, pipette, move cereals with tweezers, close bottles. These and other games are an effective way to strengthen hand motor skills.

Exercises to develop intellectual abilities

Here we will focus on art, because it is a powerful tool for personal development. 2-3 years is a good age for laying the intellectual abilities of a child, forming taste and creative perception of the world. Simple exercises will introduce him to:

  • Music. Be sure to include classical music in your daily routine. Use them as a background when reading fairy tales, during creative activities. Encourage the desire to dance.
  • Drawing. At 2 years old, the baby's drawings become more conscious. For the first time he tries to draw himself, loved ones. He uses circles, lines, squares. The child tries to paint over his drawing without crossing the lines. Draw with him. Draw on paper a diagram of the sun, an animal, and let the baby finish drawing it himself. It is good to use finger paints. They develop fine motor skills and help to learn colors.
  • Role-playing games. Let your child come up with a scenario for the game on their own. Dolls and you yourself can become her characters. It is better to take plots from life: go to the store, send the doll to the doctor, to school or kindergarten. It is important that the child is in charge of this game. If there are more children in the family, involve them in the activities. They will help the baby to master the role-playing games faster.

Arrange themed days and weeks for the kids. During this period, you can study a specific topic. You should take into account the preferences of the baby, focus on his mood. Gradually fill his life with creativity, music and painting. Talk to him about his experiences of how he feels when drawing or listening to a melody. Step by step, you will be able to interest the child, and he himself will offer you to do creative work.

Exercises to study the properties of objects

If a child knows the property of an object, he can easily find where and how to use it, so this is one of the most important skills of a toddler at the age of two. Skills activate abstract thinking, allow you to compare, compare objects, use the sense of smell and touch. It is important that the child remembers:

  • Size: large, small, narrow;
  • Weight: heavy, light;
  • State: warm or cold, hard or soft;
  • Similarity of objects: the same, different;
  • The color of the thing;
  • Shape: round, square.

The main technique of the game is to name and group items according to their properties. This also includes exercises for the development of sensing. The following toys are suitable:

  • Cloth bags with different fillers;
  • Constructors: large Lego bricks, sorters, pyramids;
  • Mosaics made of plastic, wood.

Acquaintance with the outside world

For the harmonious development of crumbs, some lessons on logic, mathematics and attention are not enough. It is necessary to gradually acquaint him with all the riches of the world around him, teach him to be a part of society and nature. The information that he will receive during the familiarization process should be simple and understandable, age appropriate. The following classes are offered:

  • We study animals. We will learn about new animals, what are the parts of their bodies, babies called, what they eat and where they live. We will tell you what role an animal plays in nature, in human life. For example, a cow gives milk and a chicken gives eggs.
  • We study birds. Explain to the baby the difference between domestic and wild birds, what benefits they bring to people, what they eat, how we can help them in winter.
  • Getting acquainted with insects. It's important to build the story in a positive way. Bugs and spiders also have children, they benefit the environment, because every living creature has its own place in nature.
  • Observing nature. It is necessary to explain where the rain, snow and other atmospheric phenomena come from.
  • We study the flora of the area. On walks, pay the baby's attention to flowers, plants, tell us what they are called.
  • We learn fruits and vegetables. Learn the names of your favorite foods with your child. Test his knowledge, for example, offer to pick an apple or a banana from a bowl.
  • We distinguish between materials. Explain what the things around us are made of. They are wooden, metal, paper.

The purpose of these conversations is to develop curiosity. Never refuse to tell your child something new if he asks. Encourage his desire to develop!

Learning new concepts

It is important to give the child general concepts. Don't overload it with details. Now he will not remember them. You can make a list of topics and analyze a new one every day. The following topics are suitable for classes:

  • Shop;
  • Polyclinic;
  • Sea world;
  • I and my family;
  • Transport;
  • Town.

At 2-3 years old, a child can already systematize the first knowledge about human life. Discuss with him:

  • Professions. Tell me who works in the clinic, on the railway, in the store.
  • Human labor. Explain that any work needs to be appreciated. Everyone has their own responsibilities: mom washes the dishes, and dad is fixing the faucet.
  • Body parts. When talking about the structure of a person, do not forget to mention personal hygiene.
  • Household appliances. Be sure to emphasize that it can be dangerous if used incorrectly.

Our site also contains a series of online games and exercises aimed at developing thinking, attention and memory. They are created taking into account well-known methods, so regular classes contribute to the effective development of cognitive processes.

It is not difficult to deal with a child on your own. Some exercises can be done while walking and traveling, others require preparation. However, such activities will become a powerful basis for the subsequent development of the child. He will better understand the world and feel safe in it.

The physical activity of a child at 2 years old pleases every parent. The kid is constantly on the move, he jumps, climbs, chases a ball around the house, dances to cheerful music, clearly demonstrating his excellent physical shape. The intellectual development of a 2-year-old man is moving at the same rapid pace. His vocabulary expands, logical thinking is formed, memory and attention are strengthened. The pace at which the baby will absorb new knowledge depends on the efforts of the parents.

At two years of age, the development of the child is aimed at knowing the world around him and his own capabilities.

How to develop logical and mathematical thinking?

Logical and mathematical developmental exercises lead to the formation of logical thinking. Classes consist of:

  • The concept of space and time. Invite your child to find the toy you have hidden. Help him directing the search: "let's look under the bed, into the closet drawer, behind the chair, maybe our bunny is hidden there."
  • Ability to navigate the time of day. Closer to 3 years old, the child should learn the difference between day and evening, morning and night, distinguish between concepts such as today, tomorrow, yesterday. When lulling your toddler before bed, talk to him about what he did in the morning and what he did in the evening.
  • Sorting games. Take different buttons or pasta, cut out circles and squares from colored paper (the main thing is that they are not the same in size, color and shape). We sort by similarity. You can take pictures with the image of vegetables and fruits, remind the baby that the rabbit loves vegetables, and the monkey loves fruits. We post pictures in front of the animals.
  • Simple account. Start learning not with numbers, but with concepts available to your baby. Count on your fingers, along the steps of the stairs. If the child is already showing his age on his fingers, offer to show him how old he will be.
  • Putting together puzzles and pictures. Choose simple 2-3-4-part games for the exercises. The process is difficult for a 2-year-old baby, it is formed slowly, so the mother should first help the baby.

Puzzles for toddlers should be very simple so that the baby can assemble them without assistance.
  • "A lot - a little" - at 2 years old the child is ready for such a concept (see also:).
  • Orientation in space. The child learns concepts such as right - left, above - below.
  • Comparison. Games with pictures in books or on special pictures, allowing the child to compare action and objects: "who eats what", "where is whose tail", "where is whose home" (we recommend reading :).
  • Finding a figure on two grounds. Place colored paper circles in front of the crumbs so that among them there are two yellow, large and small, or two red squares of different sizes. Ask your child to find each pair: two yellow circles or two red squares.

We study the properties of objects

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One of the most important skills for a child. A person is constantly surrounded by some objects. Knowing their properties, he easily finds use for them. The skill allows children to develop abstract thinking, teaches comparison, develops touch and smell. The learning process consists of memorizing:

  • concepts of objects: long - short, high - low, wide - narrow;
  • warm - cold, smooth - rough, hard - soft (develops the sense of touch);
  • heavy - light;
  • the same - different (for 3 years old);
  • taste and smell (helps to understand the sense of smell);
  • color characteristics of objects (helps to remember the names of colors and teaches to distinguish colors) (we recommend to read:);
  • geometric shapes and shapes (useful for spatial thinking) (we recommend reading :).

How to develop speech?

The first set of recommendations presents cognitive exercises that contribute to the general development of speech skills. Classes do not require special knowledge from adults, the main thing is your love and patience. Obviously, it is important for a 2-year-old to do something interesting, otherwise he will not perceive the information positively. When you start learning, remember that speech is at the heart of the full development of children. Parents should:

  1. Read children's books with a baby, look at the pictures in them. Be sure to discuss the events taking place in the fairy tale or story, conduct their detailed analysis. Ask the little listener leading questions, praise for the correct answers.
  2. Organize a puppet show. Attributes for family children's performances buy in the store or do it yourself. You stage the first performance, then connect the baby to the action. Show how to manage dolls, entrust the little treasure with the role of puppeteer.
  3. Develop speech breathing. Teach your child to hold their breath as they exhale. For training, soap bubbles, playing the pipe, blowing out a candle are suitable. In the summer, invite him to blow off the dandelions. Breathing exercises help to saturate the body with oxygen, activate the work of the heart, nervous system, and brain.
  4. Offer speech games. Complete phrase game: you tell the child the beginning of the phrase and the child finishes it. For example: "You have green in your room ...", "Our cat loves to sleep ...".

Reading and viewing pictures together contributes to the development of the child

Children at the age of 2, whose vocabulary already contains separate words, even if they are a little distorted, will benefit from games and entertainment aimed at consolidating and expanding speech skills. Proceed as follows:

  • Ask your daughter or son simple questions about what they see in the window or what is happening on the street. It doesn't matter that the answers are monosyllabic, the main thing is that the child wants to answer.
  • Try to discuss with your child all the events that occur in his life. Ask what he is playing, how he ate, what kind of toy he likes and why. Asking questions will help expand the passive vocabulary of the crumbs and teach you to share your thoughts with you - this is an excellent foundation for future mutual understanding.
  • As a rule, by the age of 2, babies are well aware of the fairy tales they often read. Invite your child to tell them together: you start - he continues. For example: “The mouse waved its tail and what did the egg do? It broke. Right!". Be sure to praise your treasure for every correct answer.
  • Replenish the vocabulary of crumbs with adjectives. Ask questions that start with the word "what" more often. Your task is to induce the child to come up with or remember the definition of an object or thing you said. It is very good if he can remember at least one adjective on his own.

How to develop attention?

We preserve the game content of the lessons, but direct them to training attention. The ability to concentrate, notice details, think about a task will help your treasure in a school setting. We offer to take the child:

  • Searching for some thing. The search can be carried out at home, on the street, from the window. Ask your child to show the blue car in the parking lot or to find the squirrel in the picture. The game does not require any additional attributes and can be played anywhere, all you need to do is to interest the baby. Helps develop concentration.

On a walk, you can ask your child to find and show some thing, object, car, flower
  • Lay out mittens, saucers, cups, hats with a pattern. Pick up items so that each set contains the same design elements. The child's task is to find a similar pattern on objects.
  • Building a house or tower according to the drawing. Buy the game from the store. Select the product with the simplest two-part drawing. The lesson is designed for a three-year-old child.
  • Find objects in the room or on the playground in the yard with one sign: soft, hard, white, round. You should not rush and prompt a crumb, let him consciously make a choice,
  • Expanding the search value of the previous game. The task for the child is to find things with two identical characteristics: large and round, small and soft.

We develop general and fine motor skills

Child psychologists strongly associate motor skills with the general development of the child. Every movement of the baby works on his intellectual and speech abilities. A child of two years old can take:

  • Finger gymnastics: modeling, applique, drawing.
  • A game with an inset frame.
  • Unbuttoning buttons, buttons, zippers. If there is a desire, let him learn how to fasten buttons and a zipper.
  • Learn to take off and put on clothes (hats, socks, mittens).
  • Pour water and pour the cereal using a funnel, kettle, jug, watering can (buy children's dishes).

Sensory boxes with cereals, pasta and legumes are an excellent assistant in the development of fine motor skills (for more details, see the article :). Games can also be played in a single color - to fix it
  • Hand washing. We teach the baby to wash the pens on their own. The training is gentle, without coercion. At the same time, we show you how to open and close the tap, squeeze liquid soap out of a bottle, and lather your hands with it.
  • Pour soapy water into a glass, give the baby a whisk so that he whips up the water.
  • We fill the saucer with water, put round balls (kinder containers) in it, give our son or daughter a spoon and ask them to catch the items. We put the removed item in a glass without water.
  • We use a pipette or an enema to collect water: we collect and pour out.
  • We collect water with a sponge and squeeze out the sponge.
  • We take paper and a bottle. The child should crumple the paper strongly and push the resulting lump into the neck of the bottle.
  • Games with clothespins and lacing.
  • We add patterns from pasta, sticks, beans.
  • We teach a child under 3 years old to connect dots on paper with lines. We use tasks in children's books and magazines.
  • We shift small objects (beads, peas) with tweezers.
  • Selection of caps for bottles and jars. We teach them to twist and twist.
  • We play pyramid folding, use sorters, insert frames.

We continue our acquaintance with the world around us

In addition to certain exercises that contribute to the intellectual development of the child, it is necessary to expand his knowledge of the world around him. Naturally, the information received should be available to the developing consciousness and be correlated with age-related capabilities. We talk more about familiar things, watch the video, start with animals:

  1. We study the details of the life of animals. Where do they live, what they eat, what are the parts of the body called (horns, tail, hooves). We will tell you what a person gets from a cow or a lamb (milk, wool). Let's find out what their cubs are called.
  2. Getting to know the life of birds. We will find out where they live, what they eat, what their chicks are called. We pass on knowledge through a conversation with a child, telling him that there are domestic and wild birds. What benefits do birds bring to humans, how they live in the forest.
  3. Expanding knowledge of insects. An ant builds an anthill, a bee flies over flowers and collects pollen to make honey, a caterpillar feeds on leaves. A story about insects should be structured in a positive way. Parents explain to the baby that all the insects are alive, that they have children, that they, like us, breathe, they have their own purpose in the world around them.
  4. We observe natural phenomena (snow, rain, rainbow) and explain their appearance. Why is it raining, where do the snowflakes come from.
  5. We study trees and flowers typical for the area where the family lives. When walking in the park, name the trees you see. When you see a flower bed, show your son or daughter some flowers and tell them what they are called.
  6. We memorize the names of fruits, mushrooms, vegetables, berries that we meet in everyday life. We check if the little one remembered the names, offering to choose a pear or an apple.
  7. We understand the concepts of material, explain what the objects around us are made of (wood, metal, paper, glass, stone).

It is necessary to encourage the curiosity of the crumbs, as far as possible, giving answers to his questions. If the parents cannot explain some phenomenon, it makes sense to promise the child to return to the question later, but just not to forget about it.

The child will be interested to know the names of plants that are found during a walk

Expanding the range of concepts

The time has come to expand on topics that are clear to children in a simple form. We give their simplest concepts without overloading the child's attention with details. Make up a synopsis of future activities for yourself each day, so that you can follow your plan exactly. What topics to take for classes:

  • shop;
  • doctor, hospital;
  • a family;
  • transport;
  • marine world (seas, oceans, ships);
  • railway (trains, rails, driver, carriage);
  • aquarium (fish, life of the underwater world, observation of the inhabitants of the aquarium);
  • town.

We supplement the knowledge of the world with information about a person and his activities, explore the world of household appliances, get acquainted with professions. Take these topics for discussion:

  • Human labor activity. We teach you to understand what a person is doing: mom sweeps the floor, washes the dishes, dad repairs the tap. We cultivate a respectful attitude towards other people's work.
  • We study a person. We teach body parts, talk about health and personal hygiene, explain its meaning.
  • We introduce you to home appliances, explaining their purpose. We tell you about the correct handling of it, with cutlery, we point out the dangers.
  • Getting to know the professions. We combine the topic with the study of other topics. For example, transport is a chauffeur, a hospital is a doctor.
  • Parents planning to take their baby to kindergarten should prepare him for new circumstances, in a playful way reproducing the situation of parting with his mother, sleeping in another house, meeting the teacher.

Days of acquaintance with professions are often held in kindergartens and schools, but nothing prevents parents from discussing this issue with their children even earlier.

What helps intellectual development?

Our world is multifaceted, it contains music and painting, theater and ballet. Art is an important developmental tool for the formation of the intellectual abilities of children. The child needs to know and feel.

Classes should be short with a change of activity

Children in 2-3 years get tired quickly, they are distracted, they cannot concentrate on one subject for a long time, therefore classes should be short with a change of activity.
There are many fun activities you can do at home for the benefit of your child. So, let's begin!

Developing imagination.
What can you do with cotton balls?
-Make one big ball out of several small balls.
-Recount them.
-Keep them on different parts of the body - head, shoulder or nose.
-Walk with balls between your toes.
-Laying them on the table, try to blow them away.

Studying colors.
Choose any color, such as red, and place several items of that color in a container. Name the color of the toy when you ask me to give you this or that thing. For example: "Please give me a red ball."
If a child hands you a red car, say: “Thank you very much for the red car, let's look for a red ball. And here he is. "
When the child learns to recognize one color, then put objects of two colors in the container. And keep playing.
This game allows your toddler to learn to recognize colors.

Learning to recognize sounds.
Help your little one learn to recognize sounds around him. Listen to the ticking clock, try to imitate it. Walk around the apartment and listen to different sounds. You yourself can become their source - open, close doors, knock on each other with wooden spoons, pour water into a glass. Play a game with your child: "What sound do you hear now?"
This game can also be played before bed. Various sounds can interfere with sleep. Help your baby get used to them. Birds, sirens, aircraft noise, cars, etc. Perhaps this game will make it easier for you to go to bed.

Help me please.
There are many household chores in which the baby can be directly involved.
Help you in the kitchen, collect spoons, while developing dexterity and dexterity of your fingers.
Fold the pots one into one, close them with suitable lids. Wash the table. Peel, banana, or place napkins near the appliances. Unfold a pack of margarine, etc. Whatever the child helps with, be sure to ask him "Help me, please."
Give your child a variety of jars and lids while you are preparing dinner. Let him pick up the right ones and roll them into jars.

Massage. Fun fun.
Rails, rails
(run your finger along the back as if you were drawing rails)
Sleepers, sleepers
(slide your finger as if you were drawing horizontal sleepers)
The train was late
(hold a fist along the baby's back, or shake the baby if he is sitting on his lap)
Suddenly peas poured out of the back window.
(lightly tap your back with your fingers)
Ducks came - ate, ate
(tap the back with three fingers)
Geese came - pinched, pinched
(pinch the baby's back)
An elephant came - trampled, trampled
(knock gently with your cams on the back)
The janitor came sweeping everything, sweeping everything.
(pat the back of the child).

Learning to distinguish between forms.
Walk around the apartment and look for only one shape. You can also open a magazine and search there, for example circles. This game can be played anywhere. Kids from such a game are indescribable delight.

Development of coordination. Finger gymnastics.
The benefits of such gymnastics are undeniable. By doing hand and finger massage, we stimulate the baby's internal organs and nervous system. Mother's touch, gentle stroking, a smile, a soft friendly voice bring great joy to the kids, and emotional attachment arises. The child's mood rises, he understands mom (dad) loves him. Neither TV nor listening to audio recordings will allow you to establish a close emotional connection between a child and mom, dad. In addition, finger gymnastics develops coordination of movements.

With the index finger of one hand, take turns touching the fingers of the other. Start with your little finger.
This little kitten has lost his sweater.
This warm little kitten has lost its sock.
This little kitten freezes in cold and cold weather.
This little kitten froze his nose.
This little kitten got sick: "akhchi", "akhchi".
"I'd rather sit at home and knit my socks."
(Hide your thumb in the cam.)
Encourage your toddler to repeat the same steps after you.

Let's remember the nursery rhymes, jokes:
One, two, three, four, five!
Get out your fingers for a walk!
Found this finger - a mushroom
This finger was cleaning the table,
This one cut
This one ate
Well, this one was just looking!

Magpie-crows cooked porridge ...

Okay, okay where were you? By Grandma…

Another exciting activity that develops coordination of movements.
Take the rope and place it on the floor. Take the child by the hand and walk with him along it, while singing this rhyme:

We go with you along a thread, along a thread
We go with you along the thread
Let's do it one more time.
We are jumping on a string ...
We crawl along the thread ...
On tiptoe on a string ...

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